Page created by Philip Howell
2 0 2 0 E N V I R O N M E N TA L ,
   1   Mission, Vision & Values
   2   Letter From Steve Tritch - Chairman of the Board of Directors
   3   Letter From Scott Sewell - President and CEO
   5   ESG At A Glance

                                                                       23 Our People
                                                                       26 Diversity And Inclusion
                                                                       28 2021 Diversity And Inclusion Goals
                                                                       29 Health And Wellness
                                                                       30 Safety Leadership
                                                                       34 2021 Safety Goals
                                                                       35 Employee Experience Survey
                          9		 Environmental Sustainability Services
                                                                       36 Charah Solutions Is Career Forward       GOVERNANCE
                                                                       37 Our Communities                          43 Governance
                          11 Sustainability. It’s What We Do.
                                                                       38 Recognition                                 
                                                                                                                   47 Sustainability Accounting Standards
                          15 Efficiency-Driven Cost Savings                                                           Board (SASB) Index
                          17 The Future Of Our Business                                                            54 Appendix A: 2021 ESG Goals
                          19 Environmental Compliance                                                                  
                                                                                                                   57 Appendix B: UN Sustainable
                                                                                                                       Development Goals (SDGs)
                          20 2021 Environmental Goals
                          20 2021 Data Acquisition And Reporting
                              Capabilities Goals

CONTENTS           2                                                                                           3
LETTER from Stephen Tritch | Chairman of the Board of Directors

Charah Solutions is a total solutions company providing unparalleled                                    The Charah Solutions Board            We believe that our outstanding ESG track record is one
                                                                                                        is excited to present to you          of our greatest assets. As a leading provider of mission-
service and innovation.                                                                                 our first annual Environmental,       critical environmental services and byproduct sales to
                                                                              Social and Governance (ESG) Report to showcase                  the power generation industry for over 30 years, Charah
                                                                              our Company’s significant milestones in fulfilling our          Solutions is dedicated to preserving natural resources in an

VISION                                                                        ESG commitments and sustainably preserving our
                                                                              natural resources for the betterment of our planet, our
                                                                                                                                              environmentally-conscious manner. As a result, we want
                                                                                                                                              to make sure that our impressive story is told so that our
Charah Solutions is and will continue to be the leader in customer service,   communities, and our customers.                                 customers, partners, employees, and investors can clearly see
                                                                                                                                              all the data behind the highly positive environmental and social
safety and innovation. We do this by hiring and developing great talent and   Sustainability is what we do. It is who we are. Charah          impact that Charah Solutions and our people are delivering.
                                                                              Solutions is truly one of America’s best examples
working together to challenge and inspire each other to be the very best.     of resource conservation and recovery through the               As the Board Chair, I am delighted with the way our corporate
                                                                              beneficial recycling of coal ash, ash impoundment               leadership, led by President and CEO Scott Sewell and CFO and
                                                                              closure services, and the remediation and redevelopment         Treasurer Roger Shannon, has assembled a high-performance,

VALUES                                                                        of land for community and commercial use.                       cross-functional team to lead our formal sustainability program
                                                                                                                                              and ESG reporting effort. This reporting demonstrates our
                                                                              Today, the importance of sustainability has never been          commitment to environmental stewardship, employee wellbeing,
We focus daily on the following core values:                                  greater or more widely respected. ESG is increasingly           corporate diversity, and strong governance. With members
                                                                              a priority of both companies and institutional investors
Customer	     Exceed Expectations                                            driven by the growing interest of consumers, employees,
                                                                                                                                              from finance, HR, operations, IT, legal, communications, investor
                                                                                                                                              relations, environmental compliance, and safety, the ESG
                                                                              policymakers, and supply chain partners to assess the           Leadership Team brings a balanced perspective as it evaluates
Safety		       Never Compromise                                               commitment to ESG initiatives at the company with               key issues affecting both our Company performance and the
                                                                              which they work with and invest.                                unbiased reporting of our ESG data.
Innovation     Rethink Routine, Identify New Solutions                       Dedication to environmental responsibility, investing           Our ESG actions and goals are the blueprints for achieving a
                                                                              in our employees, and giving back to the community
Sustainability	Take Responsibility And Take Action                           have been key value drivers at Charah Solutions since
                                                                                                                                              cleaner environment and a more sustainable future. As this
                                                                                                                                              first annual ESG Report illustrates, we are committed to taking
                                                                              its founding. The arrival of COVID-19 has underscored
Teamwork	      Accountable To Each Other                                     the importance of our dedication to safety and taking
                                                                                                                                              a leadership stance that investors recognize for value creation,
                                                                                                                                              that our partners recognize for aligning with their sustainability
                                                                              every precaution necessary to ensure our employees'             goals, and that our employees recognize for creating a great
Integrity	     Always Do The Right Thing                                     continued wellbeing. These are the values that we live          place to work.
                                                                              every day, so we welcome the ever-growing significance
                                                                              of ESG values in measuring corporate performance
                                                                              throughout the industry.

                                                                                                                                              Stephen Tritch
                                                                                                                                              Chairman of the Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                              Charah Solutions, Inc.

                                                                               OVERVIEW                                                   2
LETTER from Scott Sewell | President and CEO

                           Sustainability has never           Our recovery of coal ash enables environmental recycling,           In this ESG Report, we focus on the real differences                 ur commitment to employees with a work environment
                           been more vitally important        as this coal ash is beneficially used in the production of          we are making, with key performance metrics that are                characterized by considerate treatment of others, open and
                           than it is today to both           concrete to satisfy the growing infrastructure demands that         relevant business drivers and value creators for our                honest communication, personal accountability, trust, and
                           companies and investors who        utilize millions of tons of coal ash every year, thus preserving    business while enhancing the environment. Our actions               mutual respect to provide superior service and sustainable
                           share a growing focus on           natural resources while dramatically reducing the need for          and efforts have produced ESG results that highlight this           solutions for our customers.
                           ESG in evaluating corporate        landfill space. The beneficial recycling of ash in concrete         value creation:
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ur commitment to diversity in the workforce has grown
performance. We are pleased to communicate the full           production replaces Portland cement, a significant contributor
                                                                                                                                     ur proven sustainability efforts conserve virgin
                                                                                                                                    O                                                                 even stronger, and we have implemented specific diversity
story of Charah Solutions’ outstanding environmental          to CO2 emissions, thus significantly decreasing CO2 and other
                                                                                                                                    resources and water, reduce greenhouse gases,                     initiatives and programs to accelerate this growth for
leadership in this inaugural ESG Report. Together,            greenhouse gases that would otherwise be emitted into
                                                                                                                                    and decrease landfill disposal, all while recycling and           minorities and women at all levels of the Company.
Charah Solutions’ management and employees are                the atmosphere. Substituting recycled ash to make “Green
                                                                                                                                    providing essential byproducts that contribute to the
united in our firm commitment to environmental                Concrete” also makes it a stronger product for use in bridges,                                                                           ur Safety Record is all about making sure that our people
                                                                                                                                    growth of our national economy.
responsibility, and we demonstrate that commitment            highways, and buildings.                                                                                                                get home in the same physical condition as they came to
daily. As a leading provider of mission-critical                                                                                     ur use of recycled ash in structural fill projects
                                                                                                                                    O                                                                 work in the morning. In 2020, we accomplished a remarkable
                                                              We are an industry leader in quality, safety, and compliance, and
environmental remediation and compliance services,                                                                                  in which we return the land to the community for                  0.36 Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) with no lost time
                                                              we are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
byproduct sales, fossil services and Environmental                                                                                  recreational or commercial use allows thousands of                or restricted time injuries in comparison to the most recent
                                                              preserving our environment for a cleaner energy future. This is
Risk Transfer (ERT) services to the power generation                                                                                acres of land to be reclaimed each year.                          Recordable Incident Rate industry average of 3.1.
                                                              what we do at Charah Solutions. We live it. We breathe it. And
industry, practicing environmental responsibility,                                                                                   ur beneficial use of 2.58 million tons of coal
                                                                                                                                    O                                                                  ur concern for the wellbeing of our communities is genuine,
                                                              the purpose of this ESG Report is to demonstrate just that. At
investing in employees, and serving our communities                                                                                 combustion residuals (CCRs), including fly ash and                as demonstrated by the number of community and charitable
                                                              Charah Solutions, we know that ESG matters.
are all part of our mission. ESG reporting gives us the                                                                             other supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)                 organizations that our Company and employees support.
opportunity to share our story and demonstrate the            Our cross-functional ESG Leadership Team has worked
                                                                                                                                    in concrete and other products not only eliminates the
                                                              intensively to gather the measurement data captured from our                                                                         Going forward, we will continue integrating ESG values into the
sustainability commitment that we practice daily on the                                                                             need to dispose of fly ash in landfills but also reduces
                                                              field activities to demonstrate our high level of commitment                                                                         Company’s strategy at every level, and we will continue to set
job to our customers, partners, and shareholders.                                                                                   the overall carbon footprint and conserves our virgin
                                                              to environmental and community responsibility and employee                                                                           trackable goals to keep improving.
For most companies, sustainability is a byproduct of                                                                                natural resources by substituting materials that would
                                                              wellbeing.                                                                                                                           This ESG Report presents an incredible track record that we are
what they do. At Charah Solutions, sustainability is                                                                                typically be mined.
                                                              We have chosen to structure our ESG Report using the                                                                                 justifiably proud of. And yet, we have only begun this journey.
integral to what we do and who we are. Our work,                                                                                     ur innovative industry-leading EnviroSource™
                                                              respected and accepted guidelines of the internationally                                                                             There is no finish line.
mission, and Company culture are directly aligned                                                                                   beneficiation technology (formerly MP618®) improves
with providing the powerful services and sustainable          recognized Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
                                                                                                                                    fly ash quality so that significantly more tons of fly
solutions to solve the power industry’s most complex          and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) due to continued
                                                                                                                                    ash can be recycled and marketed for reuse. This
environmental challenges.                                     investor focus on acquiring better ESG reporting and better
                                                                                                                                    technology significantly reduces the environmental
                                                              data. The importance of our ESG ranking, and the underlying
With the new administration kickstarting its tenure by                                                                              carbon footprint created by Portland cement and
                                                              ESG data, is meaningful as it provides our customers,                                                                                Scott Sewell
placing climate action at the top of its priority list with                                                                         provides a superior product at lower costs for ready
                                                              shareholders, and potential investors with additional information                                                                    President
multiple executive orders including rejoining the Paris                                                                             mix concrete producers.                                        Chief Executive Officer
                                                              that can impact decisions.                                                                                                           Charah Solutions, Inc.
Climate agreement, and by committing to 100% clean
electricity by 2035, we expect to see a steady change
in the American electric power sector in the immediate
future with increased focus on coal ash remediation
that provides significant business opportunities for our
core service offerings, including remediation services
and byproduct recycling, and will positively impact
future growth.

                                                                                                                  OVERVIEW                                                                     4
                                                                                                                 0.36 TOTAL
                                                                                                                    RATE                                           10%
                                                                                                                                                             DIVERSE WORKFORCE
        12.45 MILLION                                                 2.24 MILLION
                                                                                                                (INDUSTRY AVERAGE IS 3.1)

             TONS OF CCRs HANDLED
                                                                       TONS OF CO2 SAVED FROM
                                                                                                                 A THREE-YEAR AVERAGE                             3.8%
                                                                                                                EXPERIENCE MODIFICATION
                                                                      ENTERING THE ATMOSPHERE                                                            MILITARY VETERAN WORKFORCE
                                                                                                                     RATE (EMR) OF

         2.58 MILLION                                                                                         LESS THAN 0.7                                  49 EMPLOYEES WITH
               TONS OF CCRs                                          2.58 MILLION                                                                          10 OR MORE
         BENEFICIATED AND RECYCLED                                   TONS OF MATERIALS DIVERTED
                                                                       FROM LANDFILL DISPOSAL                      ZERO                                    YEARS OF
                                                                                                                  LOST TIME                                 SENIORITY
                                                                      34,215 TONS
                                                                                                               OR RESTRICTED TIME INJURIES

                                                                        OF GYPSUM RECYCLED
                                                                                                              10,400 SAFETY                             OVER $780,000
                                                                                                                                                        IN CHARITABLE DOLLARS DONATED
                                                                                                               INSPECTIONS                                   OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS

                                                                      12 PONDS                                 PERFORMED; 524,000 SAFETY

                                                                    CLEANED AND
                                                                                                              OBSERVATIONS PERFORMED; 261
                                                                                                             COMPLIANCE AUDITS; 344 FINDINGS                        12
                                                                                                                                                         CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS
                                                                    CLOSED AND 1                                    ZERO

                                                                   MINE RECLAIMED                                 INCIDENTS
                                                                     SINCE THE EPA 2015 CCR RULE                                                         17 EMPLOYEES
                                                                             TOOK EFFECT                           OF NON-COMPLIANCE
                                                                                                                    ASSOCIATED WITH

                                                                                                                  AIR EMISSIONS AND OF
                                                                                                                  NON-COMPLIANCE WITH                       GRANTS
                                                                                                                  OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL                  THROUGH CHARAH CARES PROGRAM
                                                                     300 ACRES                                         DISCIPLINES

                                                                   OF LAND RECLAIMED SINCE THE EPA                                                     AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES
                                                                      2015 CCR RULE TOOK EFFECT
                                                                                                                                                         60 DONORS
                                                                                                                                                           53 UNITS
*CO2 savings are generated for lifecycle GHG calculations
using the EPA WARM Model: MTCO2e = Metric Tonnes of CO2e
Greenhouse Gas (GHG); EPA WARM Model evaluates total
                                                                    42.34 MILLION                                                                         COLLECTED
                                                                   GALLONS OF WASTEWATER TREATED
                                                                                                                                                        159 POTENTIAL
lifecycle of GHG rather than site specific GHG calculations.
Lifecycle GHG values are typically greater than those of
site-specific activities; The EPA WARM model was ran using
default settings.
                                                                                                                                                         LIVES SAVED
                                                                                              OVERVIEW                                         6

7        8
E N V I R O N M E N TA L S U STA I N A B I L I T Y S E R V I C E S                                                                                                                                                                      ASH POND MANAGEMENT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Charah Solutions manages the design, construction, operation,
   Sustainability is central to everything we do at                                                                                                                                                                                                 and remediation of onsite ash ponds to enable the safe and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      compliant beneficial use of these byproduct materials.
  Charah Solutions. Our core business is centered                                                                                    Coal ash is generated by burning coal in the
                                                                                                                                    boiler furnace, which creates bottom ash. The
on coal ash byproduct management, the beneficial                                                                                   ash then goes into the electrostatic precipitator
    recycling of ash products, and environmental
remediation and compliance. We develop innovative                    POWER PLANT                                                    or fabric filter which creates fly ash; then into
                                                                                                                                      the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) creating
                                                                                                                                   gypsum - all byproducts which are managed by
  sustainable solutions to complex environmental
                                                                                                                                    Charah Solutions and can be beneficially used
  issues for the betterment of the planet and the                                                                                           creating a sustainable process.
         communities in which we operate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BENEFICIATED ASH – ENVIROSOURCE™                            CONDITIONED FLY ASH FOR STRUCTURAL FILL                       REMEDIATED POND LAND REUSE

                                                                       BENEFICIAL USE of CCPs                                Fly Ash Ready       Fly Ash        Ponded Ash      Bottom Ash
                                                                                                                              Mix Concrete    Structural Fill    Kiln Feed      Cinder Block
                       GREENHOUSE GAS
                          EMISSIONS                                  Charah Solutions manages the coal combustion
                                                                      products (CCPs) including fly ash, bottom ash,
                                                                        conditioned ash, ponded ash, and gypsum,
DECREASES LANDFILL                             CONSERVES AND            which are collected and beneficially used in                                                                                                                                                                                                       Upon ash pond closure by removal of the ash pond, the
     DISPOSAL                                  PROTECTS WATER        products for multiple industries. By beneficially         Conditioned      Gypsum             Oil           Gypsum                                                                                                                                    land is remediated and redeveloped for community use,
                                                                       using more than 2.58 million tons of ash and           Ash Kiln Feed     Drywall           Wells          Fertilizer                                                                                                                                  renewable energy, agricultural, commercial, or other
                                                                      supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    industrial redevelopment opportunities.
                                                                     each year, we dramatically reduce greenhouse                                                                                     Pond ash is beneficiated using Charah Solutions                    Charah Solutions manages the design,
                                                                      gas emissions and the amount of waste sent                                                                                       proprietary EnviroSource™ fly ash beneficiation                  construction, and operation of structural
                                                                                        to landfills.                                                                                                   technology which uses a thermal process to                     fill projects in which the land is reclaimed
                                                                                                                                                                                                    reduce the loss on ignition (LOI) of the ash making                and used for community or business use.
         CONSERVES VIRGIN            REMEDIATES LAND                                                                                                                                                   formerly unusable fly ash stored in ponds and
            RESOURCES                   FOR USE                                                WE BENEFICIALLY RECYCLED MORE THAN                                                                    landfills immediately marketable to be beneficially
                                                                                                2.58 MILLION TONS OF CCPs IN 2020                                                                             used in the production of concrete.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       POWER PLANT DECOMMISSIONING AND DEMOLITION
                  IN 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Through our Environmental Risk Transfer (ERT) services
                                                                      DRY FLY ASH FOR READY           CONDITIONED FLY ASH FOR                 GYPSUM FOR                     GYPSUM FOR
                                                                          MIX CONCRETE                   STRUCTURAL FILL                       DRY WALL                      AG FERTILIZER                                                        we take full ownership of decommissioned power plants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and land from the utility. We demolish the power plant                BUILD PARKS, GREEN SPACES, NATURAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and recycle the steel and other metals.                        HABITATS, AND COMMERCIAL SPACES.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The land is also fully remediated and redeveloped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     for use which includes community use, renewable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     energy, agricultural, commercial, or other industrial                   Since 2015, Charah Solutions has reclaimed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                redevelopment opportunities.                             approximately 300 acres of land for community use.

     Charah Solutions fly ash improves concrete durability,
  strength, mixability, and finish. This concrete is used to build
          infrastructure to keep the economy moving.                                                                                                                                                                   RECYCLED STEEL                                           LAND REMEDIATION/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FOR INDUSTRIAL USE                                          REDEVELOPMENT

                                                                        Class C and Class F                Charah Solutions             Raw gypsum byproduct                  Raw gypsum                                                                                                                                     IN 2020, CHARAH SOLUTIONS
                                                                       fly ash is transported            manages the design,               is sold to dry wall             byproduct is sold to                                                                                                                            DIVERTED 2.58 MILLION TONS OF
                                                                       via truck, barge, or rail           construction, and             manufacturing plants              growers where it is                                                                       Upon demolition of the power plant the land is           MATERIAL FROM LANDFILLS.
                                                                       to ready mix concrete           operation of structural           where it is beneficially          beneficially used as                                                                     remediated and redeveloped for community use,
                                                                       producers where it is          fill projects in which the          used in residential              agriculture fertilizer                                                                 renewable energy, agricultural, commercial, or other
                                                                     beneficially used by mixing        land is reclaimed and               and commercial                to enhance soil health                                                                        industrial redevelopment opportunities.
                                                                      with other ingredients to       used for community or              construction projects.             and improve plant
                                                                          produce concrete.                  business use.                                                       nutrition.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Steel from the demolished plant and other facilities is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     collected and recycled where it is then beneficially used
     FOR EVERY TON OF FLY ASH USED TO                                                                                                                                                                 to produce products for the automotive, construction,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  furniture, and other industries.
               THE ATMOSPHERE

                                                                                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                                                                                         10
S U STA I N A B I L I T Y. I T ' S W H AT W E D O .

Sustainability is central to everything we do at                  There are over 1,000 ash ponds and landfills in the U.S.
Charah Solutions. Our core business is centered                   requiring Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated
on coal ash byproduct management, the beneficial                  closures or remediation. Utilities across the country face
recycling of ash products, and environmental                      growing state legislation that is increasingly prescriptive in
remediation and compliance. We develop innovative                 regulation mandates with timing expectations that extend
sustainable solutions to complex environmental                    beyond the scope of EPA guidance. We see this as a clear                                                                                                 Increased investment in our
issues for the betterment of the planet and the                   opportunity to do the right thing for the environment and                                                                                                nation’s vital infrastructure
                                                                                                                                             On an annual basis, our
communities in which we operate. In fact, our                     our communities by fully remediating these impoundments                                                                    is driving increased demand for fly ash and other SCMs
purpose for being in business is to practice sound                and recycling as much of the ash as possible to reuse the
                                                                                                                                              beneficial use of ash                          critically needed to produce concrete. Concrete producers
Environmental, Social and Governance as we                        land and protect our waterways.                                              SAVES OVER                                    nationwide need the improved concrete performance
provide mission-critical environmental services
and byproduct sales to the power generation
                                                                  The fly ash that we manage and beneficially use on behalf                2.24 MILLION TONS                                 provided by adding recycled fly ash and other SCMs to
                                                                                                                                                                                             their cement mixes. In doing so, concrete not only lasts
industry. Our sustainability efforts conserve virgin
                                                                  of power companies would otherwise be a waste product
                                                                                                                                              OF CO2 FROM                                    longer, is more durable and better performing, but also is
                                                                  that would need to be disposed of, turning what could
resources and water, reduce greenhouse gases,
                                                                  become healthy lands into wastelands, and that would result
                                                                                                                                              ENTERING THE                                   more sustainable, eliminating ash that would otherwise be
and decrease landfill disposal, all while providing
                                                                  in continually adding tons of CO2 into the environment due                  ATMOSPHERE.                                    stored in landfills or ponds.
essential recycled-products that contribute to the
                                                                  to the manufacture of Portland cement. Fortunately, Charah
growth of our economy and land remediation for
                                                                  Solutions provides a sustainable solution.
the community.                                                                                                                     By recycling more than 2.58 million tons of ash and
                                                                                                                                   other supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)
                                                                                                                                   as well as over 34,000 tons of gypsum each year,
                                       The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals                                            we dramatically reduce the amount of waste sent to
                                       (SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more
                                                                                                                                   landfills. We beneficially recycle gypsum to produce
                                       sustainable future for all. These goals address global
                                       challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change,                                  drywall and recycle ash into environmentally-sound
                                       environmental degradation, peace and justice. The                                           structural fill projects where we return thousands of                Our reuse of CCR materials saves
                                       nature of our services, our core values, and our ESG
                                       commitments align with many of the UN SDGs. We
                                                                                                                                   acres of land to the community for recreational or                   enough landfill space annually to
                                                                                                                                   commercial use. Since the 2015 CCR Rule issued by
                                       are proud that our Company and our employees are
                                       making a daily impact in each of the UN SDGs outlined                                       the EPA took effect, we’ve reclaimed approximately                        OFFSET THE WASTE
                                       throughout this ESG Report.                                                                 300 acres of land.                                                          GENERATED BY
                                                                                                                                   America needs new infrastructure, but not at the                           NEW YORK CITY
                                                                                                                                   expense of the environment. Our efforts ensure that                          AND BOSTON
                                                                                                                                   infrastructure built with concrete will not tax the
                                                                                                                                   environment or the concrete producers but rather
                                                                                                                                                                                                               FOR 200 DAYS.
                                                                                                                                   enhance the environment by decreasing our carbon
          THERE ARE MORE THAN 1.5B TONS OF COAL ASH STORED                                                                         footprint and providing a higher standard product at
                   IN 1,000+ ASH PONDS & LANDFILLS                                                                                 a lower cost than using virgin materials. You will hear
                                                                                                                                   more and more about “Green Concrete,” which is
                 REQUIRING EPA-MANDATED REMEDIATION.                                                                               produced from recycled ash.

                                                                                                           ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                     12
Our MultiSource® Materials Network with over
                                                                                                                                         40 locations nationwide ensures quality fly
                                                                                                                                         ash supplies for beneficial use by concrete and
                                                                                                                                         cement producers.

Turning Carbon Into Cash

Per the EPA WARM model, for every ton of fly
ash used to replace traditional cement, 0.87 tons
of CO2 is saved from entering the atmosphere.
And when utilities think of contracting with
Charah Solutions to sell fly ash to concrete
producers instead of disposing of it, they think of
                                                      EnviroSource™ Ash Beneficiation Technology
savings for their customers. They can turn their
carbon byproducts into cash.                          What is even more impressive about our work in the
                                                      beneficial use of fly ash is the innovative ways we
Approximately 25 million tons of ash byproducts
                                                      are raising the quality of fly ash so that a far greater
are used annually in the U.S. These recycled,
                                                      percentage of it reaches the quality standards required for
beneficial use materials contribute to the long-
                                                      use in concrete and cement production. Our proprietary
term durability of concrete used in America’s                                                                       It is also important to note that better
                                                      EnviroSource (formerly MP618®) fly ash technology
network of roads, bridges, and infrastructure                                                                       access to quality fly ash is a significant
                                                      beneficiates ash – making formerly unusable fly ash
while also preserving virgin raw materials and                                                                      factor in its usage by concrete and cement
                                                      stored in ponds or landfills immediately marketable,
resources. In fact, more states are now requiring                                                                   producers. If they can’t get access to the fly ash
                                                      reducing the need for landfills, ponds, or other disposal                                                                   With a proven track record of performance, it is not
the substitution of fly ash as a replacement for                                                                    they need, they can’t use it in their production, and
                                                      methods. Through this proprietary technology, we will                                                                       surprising that Charah Solutions is the partner of choice
traditional cement.                                                                                                 the ash has to be placed into landfills. At Charah
                                                      significantly increase the tonnage of fly ash used in                                                                       for solving power generation industry customers’ most
                                                                                                                    Solutions, we have solved the problem of accessibility
                                                      concrete production while vastly decreasing the use of                                                                      complex environmental challenges and as an industry
                                                                                                                    through our MultiSource materials network, a unique
                                                      natural resources. This technology will                                                                                     leader in quality, safety, and compliance.
                                                                                                                    distribution system of nearly 40 nationwide locations
                                                      help our power industry customers
                                                                                                                    with international sourcing and distribution, serving
                                                      across the nation as they address the
                                                                                                                    ready mix concrete producers, cement producers,
                                                      more than 1,000 regulatorily-mandated
           Don’t just build a better                                                                                and other materials customers. The MultiSource
                                                      surface impoundment closures resulting
               infrastructure,                                                                                      network has grown to become an important strategic
                                                      from tightening federal and state
                                                                                                                    advantage of Charah Solutions and one that benefits
            BUILD A BETTER                            environmental regulations.
                                                                                                                    the environment. For utilities, it helps keep their fly
             ENVIRONMENT.                                                                                           ash moving more efficiently for faster sales and
                                                                                                                    marketing and keeps it out of landfills, and materials
                                                                                                                    customers count on it for a consistently reliable supply
                                                                                                                    of high-quality SCMs when and where they need it.

                                                                                             ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                        14

Environmental Risk Transfer Services                                                                          Big Synergies And Big Savings

Charah Solutions is also an industry leader in                                                                A recent example of our ERT services in action is        As part of this agreement, Charah Solutions,
providing Environmental Risk Transfer (ERT)                                                                   seen in our agreement with the Texas Municipal           through its subsidiary Gibbons Creek Environmental
services. Through our ERT services, we provide                                                                Power Agency (TMPA) for the acquisition, remediation     Redevelopment Group, LLC (GCERG), took ownership
innovative solutions to large-scale, complex                                                                  and redevelopment of Gibbons Creek Steam Electric        of the 6,166-acre area, including the closed power
environmental issues facing utilities. With the                                                               Station and Reservoir in Grimes County Texas.            station, the 3,500-acre reservoir, dam, and spillway.
growing shutdown of coal-fired power plants                                                                   Charah Solutions is providing turnkey ERT services       GCERG assumed responsibility for the demolition
around the country, many utilities have an increased                                                          to remediate existing ash ponds and landfills and        of the coal power plant as well as performing
need to retire and decommission older generating                                                              redevelop the property after the coal plant was shut     all environmental remediation work for the site
assets while minimizing their costs and improving                                                             down and decommissioned in 2018 after operating          landfills and ash ponds and providing redevelopment
the environment in the process. These large-                                                                  since 1982.                                              opportunities for renewable energy, agricultural,
scale projects typically involve shutting down,                                                                                                                        commercial, or industrial redevelopment while
decommissioning and demolishing the existing                                                                                                                           creating jobs.
coal-fired power plant, remediating onsite ash
ponds and landfills, and restoring the land.

Charah Solutions’ ERT services provide a custom,
environmentally-friendly approach to these large-
scale projects, which removes the liability from the
                                                               “Our Environmental Risk Transfer
utility through the acquisition of the property. Charah        services represent an innovative                      “The transaction will save member cities millions in
Solutions provides environmental remediation of
                                                               solution for many utilities that need                 expenses associated with decommissioning and
the ash ponds and landfills to meet all local, state
and federal regulations, recycles the steel and other          to retire and decommission older or                   environmentally remediating the plant site.”
metals through the demolition of the plant and
other facilities on the property, and redevelops the           less economically viable generating
property upon project completion for public use.               assets while minimizing costs,                                                               Bob Kahn
The redevelopment of the property typically includes                                                                                                        TMPA General Manager
natural habitat restoration for marine and other               maximizing the value of the assets,
wildlife. The ash from remediated ponds and landfills          and improving the environment.”
is also beneficially recycled in the production of
“Green Concrete.”

This ERT approach not only benefits the environment                              Scott Sewell
but also provides economic benefits as it creates                                Charah Solutions President
local professional and trade jobs, contributes to local                          and CEO
business activity, supports the tax base, and lowers
the costs for the utility and its ratepayers.

Few companies can combine the environmental
expertise and the financial scale to provide utilities
with Environmental Risk Transfer services, but
this turnkey service pays big dividends for the
environment as well as for the power companies
and the ratepayers who no longer have to support
these older, inefficient plants financially.

                                                                                       ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                   16

As we build our strategic 5-year and 10-year plans            Increased demand for our Environmental Risk Transfer       Under a scenario where the life of existing coal-fired           Increased demand for our proprietary EnviroSource fly
for the future of our business, we believe Charah              (ERT) services where we provide innovative turnkey         power plants in the U.S. remains on track with today’s           ash beneficiation technology as many state and local
Solutions is well-positioned to continue to thrive             solutions for these large-scale, complex environmental     estimates of steady shutdowns over the next 20 to                regulations are mandating that a percentage of the ash in
under multiple scenarios for the future of coal-               projects, including the acquisition of the property,       30 years or these lifecycles are extended beyond                 pond and landfill closure projects be recycled.
fired power plants. While the long-term future of              shutdown, decommissioning, and demolishing of the          current predictions, Charah Solutions is well-positioned
                                                                                                                                                                                            nder this scenario our strategic planning and the needs
coal-fired power plants remains to be seen, it will            coal-fired power plant, remediation of the onsite ash      for increased business and revenue opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                           for our services play out much like we have seen our
likely change with new government administrations              ponds and landfills, and restoration of the land. A        with a steady stream of large scale pond and landfill
                                                                                                                                                                                           business unfold in the last 12 to 18 months. Namely,
and state and local regulations as well as with a              typical ERT project is 2 to 5 years in duration.           remediation, ERT, and byproduct sales projects
                                                                                                                                                                                           increased demand for our broad platform of services
better understanding of how extreme weather                                                                               given regulatorily-mandated surface impoundment
                                                              Increased demand for remediation of the more than                                                                           due to the need for utilities to meet federal and state
affects a future “green grid” over the next 10 to 20                                                                      remediation needs as well as the ongoing need for our
                                                               1,000 regulatorily-mandated surface impoundments in                                                                         environmental regulations across the U.S. drives the needs
years. However, whether coal-fired power plants                                                                           ash management services. In this scenario, a larger
                                                               the U.S., accelerating our business growth vs. current                                                                      of electric utilities for larger and more complex remediation
are rapidly decommissioned or their lifecycles                                                                            portion of the overall services we provide to our utility
                                                               expectations.                                                                                                               solutions, with increased size and scope of projects.
are extended beyond current predictions, Charah                                                                           partners will be in play for a more extended period,
Solutions’ services will continue to be in high               A much-needed influx for the byproducts and fly ash        leading to increased business including:                    It is also important to note that there are over 6,000 coal-
demand and will most likely be needed even more                we market to concrete and cement producers around                                                                      fired power plants in operation outside of the U.S., over
                                                                                                                             n uptick in the need for our ERT services as
in the future than currently projected, serving our            the country today for beneficial use in the production                                                                 350 currently under construction outside of the U.S., and
                                                                                                                            plants will be decommissioned over this 20 to
utility partners for many years to come.                       of Portland cement and “Green Concrete,” as there is                                                                   another 1,000+ outside of the U.S. that have been permitted
                                                                                                                            30 year period.
                                                               currently a shortage in the market today.                                                                              for construction. Charah Solutions’ leadership and expertise
Under the scenario where the approximately 241
                                                                                                                             n ongoing stream of additional business in the
                                                                                                                            A                                                         as a provider of environmental remediation and compliance
currently existing coal-fired power plants in the U.S.        An increase in the amount of reclaimed ponded ash
                                                                                                                            marketing of byproduct and SCMs sales as plants           services and byproduct sales to the power generation
are decommissioned at a rapid rate over the next               that we could recycle and market to cement kiln feed
                                                                                                                            remain open for the predicted or longer time.             industry makes us well-positioned to expand our services
10 to 15 years for those that are planning to close,           producers.
                                                                                                                                                                                      outside of the U.S. and to take advantage of these markets
the shutdown of these plants and the remediation              An increase in the amount of gypsum that we                                                                            where coal-fired power plants are expanding.
required at the federal EPA and local and state                could handle and beneficially market to drywall
levels would mean a decrease in our overall routine            manufacturers.
ash management opportunities but would provide
                                                              An increase in the amount of conditioned ash that
for a significant increase in demand for many of
                                                               would be immediately available for use in large scale
our other services. Including:
                                                               structural fill projects where the land is reclaimed and
                                                               used for community or business use.

                                                              Immediate accelerated demand for our proprietary
                                                               EnviroSource fly ash beneficiation technology, which
                                                               makes unusable fly ash stored in ponds or landfills
                                                               immediately marketable. As many state and local
                                                               regulations are mandating that a percentage of the
                                                               ash in pond and landfill closure projects has to be
                                                               beneficially used, this would provide many years of
                                                               ongoing ash beneficiation projects and would create a
                                                               10 to 15 year supply of Class C and Class F fly ash we
                                                               would sell to concrete producers for “Green Concrete.”

                                                                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                    18
E N V I R O N M E N TA L C O M P L I A N C E                                                                                  2 0 2 1 E N V I R O N M E N TA L G OA L S A N D 2 0 2 1 DATA AC Q U I S I T I O N
                                                                                                                              A N D R E P O RT I N G CA PA B I L I T I E S G OA L S

As part of our Environmental, Engineering,               The Charah Solutions EEQ group has performed periodic                Being the best possible stewards to the environment is extremely important. We know that we must keep improving and
and Quality (EEQ) program, our continued                 and frequent site audits at each of our site operations, which       we set goals across the Company to make sure we are innovating and benefiting the environment at every step. We have
implementation of CCR-focused regulations,               provides a site-specific comprehensive review of environmental,      established short-term and long-term goals in the following areas:
including the Coal Ash Management Act in North           quality, and engineering compliance regarding a set standard of
Carolina and the requirements of the EPA’s CCR           compliance and methods of improvement.                               2021 Environmental Goals
rules, and regulatory agency involvement with
                                                         Our site operations' compliance trends in each business unit,
Charah Solutions site operations continue to                                                                                    1-YEAR GOALS                                                       5-YEAR GOALS
                                                         identifying both areas of improvement and need are evaluated
increase. We routinely engage with state and
                                                         throughout the year and reported annually. Charah Solutions
federal regulatory agencies, including MSHA, OSHA,                                                                              90% of land owned will be remediated and returned to its           Remediate and return over 1,000 acres of land for
                                                         successfully met expectations as no Notice of Violation (NOV)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as state                                                                                  natural habitat or redeveloped sustainably                         natural habitat or redevelopment
                                                         was received by Charah Solutions during the 2020 analysis
and federal environmental protection agencies.
                                                         period. Our EEQ group continues to expand the use of our online
We continue to meet regulatory monitoring and                                                                                                                                                      Increase the amount of CO2 saved from entering the
                                                         environmental and quality auditing program, VelocityEHS.
reporting requirements to comply with the Clean                                                                                                                                                    atmosphere by 10%
                                                                                                                                Maintain operations free of a Notice of Violation or Notice
                            Water Act, Clean Air Act,    VelocityEHS provides EEQ and site operational teams                    of Deficiency                                                      Increase the percentage of CCRs that are
                            RCRA, CERCLA, TSCA,          compliance tools to measure project compliance with
                                                                                                                                                                                                   beneficially used or recycled by 10%
                            ELG, and various state       environmental and quality requirements specified by Charah
                            regulations related to       Solutions’ environmental and quality programs. The VelocityEHS                                                                            Increase the amount of CCRs handled by 10%
                            CCR management.              program incorporates key components of our Corporate Quality           Improve the number and quality of site audits and
                                                         Program (CQP) and revised EEQ’s site auditing program. The             inspections through updates to the program                         Increase the volume of recycled water used in site
                             Charah Solutions
                                                         VelocityEHS auditing program provides a framework and                                                                                     operations by 10%
                             implemented an
                                                         tools for EEQ to support project teams to ensure a project
                                                                                                                                Evaluate water consumption for ways to reduce or                   Achieve ISO compliance for Charah Solutions
                                                         satisfies the customers’ expectations and requirements
                                                                                                                                replace with recycled water                                        Environmental & Quality Program
                                                         for environmental compliance as well as standardization of
                                                         CQP project management practices key to Charah Solution’s
                                                         continued growth and success.                                        2021 Data Acquisition And Reporting Capabilities Goals
                                                         The total number of EEQ findings at all of Charah Solutions’
                                                         sites decreased during the audit period of 2019-2020. We               1-YEAR GOALS                                                       5-YEAR GOALS
                                                         attribute the decrease in findings to our CQP strict controls,
                                                         completion of several significant projects, and impacts to site        Increase tracking of operational water usage to include            Implement resource tracking to report Scope 3
                                                         visitation due to COVID-19. Participation by site operations           recycled water                                                     emissions
                                                         improved in 2020 from 2019 and will continue to increase
internet-based environmental and quality auditing        in order to integrate better environmental compliance and              Develop a method to track actual electrical energy usage           Implement Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis for
program in late 2017 to promote the growth of            quality initiatives and documentation into the overall operational     by site to refine Scope 2 Emission estimates                       all Charah Solutions business units
our environmental compliance program to meet             program. We will continue to build on the success of the
                                                         environmental management program, corporate quality                                                                                       Leverage information provided by Business
the compliance needs of an increasing number                                                                                    Develop a method to track fuel usage by site to refine
                                                         program, continuing field training, and assistance to site                                                                                Intelligence (BI) initiative to optimize equipment idling
of project sites as well as provide tools to our site                                                                           and validate fuel consumption calculations with field data
                                                         operations as needed to maintain the highest level of service to                                                                          and reduce fuel usage
operations to manage better and take ownership
of site compliance at the site level. Our EEQ teams      our customers to ensure all site compliance as required.
                                                                                                                                Develop methods to track waste disposal, including
provide site training at each project site to interact
                                                                                                                                domestic waste, recycling, and industrial waste
and participate in site auditing on a monthly or
quarterly basis.

                                                                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                               20

21   22

Since our founding, we have operated under the Charah                                                                             Coming Together To Fight COVID-19
Way defined by our firm commitment to excellence,                                                                                 An excellent example of our team spirit is seen in our recent
safety, customers, and each other. Our customers                                                                                  company-wide response to COVID-19. As the COVID-19
expect the best from us, and we as an organization                                                                                pandemic became evident in March 2020, Charah Solutions
expect and demand the best from each other. We                                                                                    quickly stepped up to the challenge as our employees'
are accountable to each other. To understand our                                                                                  safety at our sites around the country remains our number
performance in following Environmental, Social and                                                                                one priority. Our mission-critical utility operations made it
Governance, one must examine how our Company, our                                                                                 imperative to immediately implement COVID-19-specific
culture, and our people follow our core values without                                                                            safety protocols across our entire organization and with our
compromise.                                                        Best Place to Work                                             customers to keep our teams safe and our projects moving.
Guided by core values of exceeding customer                        Even during the COVID-19 period, we were named to              We quickly established a dedicated Safety Response Team
expectations, safety, innovation, teamwork, sustainability,        Louisville Business First’s 2020 list of the “Best Places to   which implemented company-wide COVID-19 internal
and integrity, Charah Solutions is an industry leading             Work in Greater Louisville,” an annual program recognizing     reporting and safety procedures for all sites, prohibited
provider of mission-critical environmental services                Louisville-area companies who are creating positive work       all non-essential travel, and implemented a work from
and byproduct sales to the power generation industry.              environments for their employees. Charah Solutions was         home program. Social distancing measures and increased
With our proven team approach, we promote a work                   recognized as one of the top 16 companies in the category      sanitization practices were instituted across the Company.
environment characterized by considerate treatment                 of 25 – 150 local employees, representing employees at our
                                                                                                                                  Our ability to adapt as one team quickly has always made
of others, open and honest communication, personal                 corporate headquarters and those who work at the LG&E
                                                                                                                                  Charah Solutions successful, and our field and office units
accountability, trust, and mutual respect to provide               Mill Creek Generating Station site.
                                                                                                                                  have adapted exceptionally well during this challenging
superior service and sustainable solutions for our
                                                                                                                                  period. We believe our immediate safety response results
customers. Each day is filled with opportunities for our
                                                                                                                                  and our team’s commitment to safety and communication
employees to make an immediate contribution to the
                                                                                                                                  during this pandemic have been extremely successful in
thinking, planning, and execution of our business and                   “We are honored to be named one of the
                                                                                                                                  keeping our employees, customers, and communities safe.
the services we provide our customers. Our employees
                                                                        ‘Best Places to Work’ in Louisville and are
are not just empowered but expected to speak up and
participate. We are open to any and all ideas, thoughts,                pleased that our employees have voted us
or concerns that will help Charah Solutions continue                    a rewarding place to build their careers.
to be the Company that sets high standards in the                       Charah Solutions has built a unique culture
                                                                        over the past 30 years, and I join my
At Charah Solutions, we believe in:
                                                                        colleagues in celebrating our commitment
   workplace that is harassment free, safe, and
  A                                                                     to each other in delivering excellence and
  provides growth and development opportunities
                                                                        ‘Service Above All’ to our customers every
   n Open Door policy where all employees can speak
                                                                        day while having some fun while we do it.”
  to anyone across the business

   ccountability as we are each held accountable for
                                                                                                   Jeremy Sochol
  our actions and to each other                                                                    Senior Vice President of
   Rewards program with pay and benefits that meet
  A                                                                                                Human Resources
  the needs of our employees and their families

   Health and Wellness program that places the health
  and safety of our employees first

                                                                                                                      SOCIAL      24
Policies And Training

Our employees are critical to our success as well as the culture of our Company. We strive to establish fair policies and
provide annual training to all employees as well as new employee onboarding training so we can achieve success together.                                                                     Workforce Diversity

                                                                                                                                                                                             We have set clear goals as a company to increase the
                                                                                                                                   What makes Charah Solutions truly exceptional goes        diversity our workforce by 30% over the next three
                                                                                                                                   way beyond our response to exceptional times. It’s
    POLICIES                                                                                                                       what we do every day that sets us apart. We are
                                                                                                                                                                                             years, and we are also putting initiatives into place in
                                                                                                                                                                                             order to ensure that we meet or exceed these goals.
                                                                                                                                   committed to cultivating and preserving a culture of      We believe it is the responsibility of all companies to
    Equal Opportunity      Diversity    No             Discrimination           Commitment         Anti-Corruption     Open Door   diversity, equality and inclusion, and strive to ensure   set clear goals and action plans to increase diversity
    Employment and         Policy       Harassment     and Harassment           to Diversity,      Policy              Program     that all employees are treated fairly. We all have a      and we know it starts with us. The initiatives we have
    Anti-Discrimination                 Policy         Complaint                Equality and                           Policy
                                                                                                                                   responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect   put into place to increase our diverse hiring by 30%
    Policy                                             Reporting                Inclusion
                                                       Procedures                                                                  at all times.                                             over the next three years include:
                                                                                                                                   We know that diversity and inclusion are keys to                iversity Scholarship Program – We are
                                                                                                                                   our success, and we strive to hire a wide variety              instituting a scholarship program (or tuition
                                                                                                                                   of backgrounds, ethnicities, talents, and viewpoints           repayment program) at heavy equipment training
    ANNUAL TRAINING                                                                                                                while creating equal opportunities for females                 schools in which we will pay the tuition costs or
                                                                                                                                   and minorities. We are very proud that 10% of our              reimburse tuition costs for diverse candidates in
    Anti-Harassment        Safety      Environmental      Quality Training         New Hire                                        workforce is diverse and that this number continues            order to hire ten entry-level diverse equipment
    Training               Training    Training                                    Training                                        to grow, but we also understand that we have more              operators within the next year.
                                                                                                                                   work to do in order to provide increased opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                   iverse Apprenticeship Program - This
                                                                                                                                   for minorities and women at all levels of the Company.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  apprenticeship program will provide the opportunity
                                                                                                                                   We recognize that diversity, inclusion, and belonging
                                                                                                                                                                                                  for new diverse hires to train and acquire the skills
Open Door Program                                                                                                                  makes us a stronger team and more successful, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  needed for trade/craft careers at our sites around
                                                                                                                                   we are committed to continuing the development of
Our Open Door Program promotes a positive                     All of our sites and offices are required to display                                                                               the country. This program will include onsite skills
                                                                                                                                   an organizational culture that champions equality by
work environment by encouraging employees,                     our Open Door materials, including contact                                                                                         training and classroom learning and professional
                                                                                                                                   fostering a supportive work culture and business
site/field leaders, and management to work                     information for Human Resources, regional leader,                                                                                  development training and education to ensure a
                                                                                                                                   practices free from barriers and biases.
together collaboratively to address and resolve                and our Ethics Hotline.                                                                                                            successful career at Charah Solutions.
workplace matters. This program provides
                                                              Employees may anonymously contact our
options through which employees can go directly
                                                               Compliance Hotline to communicate issues and
to their site/field leader with work-related
                                                               concerns associated with allegedly inappropriate,
questions and seek resolutions to workplace
                                                               unethical, or illegal activities safely and honestly.
                                                         Our Open Door Program policy prohibits retaliation
   mployees are encouraged to have
                                                         against employees for reporting their work-related
  conversations with their site/field leader
                                                         questions, concerns, and suggestions
  at any time regarding their goals, work-
                                                         to management, including alleged
  related concerns, or constructive feedback                                                                                       We understand that this investment
                                                         discrimination or harassment complaints.
  professionally and respectfully.                                                                                                 will not only provide needed
                                                         We demonstrate our commitment to
   ite/field Leaders and management members
  S                                                      employees by responding effectively to                                    opportunities for minorities and
  are encouraged to have conversations with              all employee concerns.                                                    females but also make us a
  employees in a collaborative, constructive, and                                                                                  stronger team and more successful.
  respectful manner and to work together to
  reach the most appropriate resolution.

                                                                                                                       SOCIAL                                                                26
Service To Country, Service To Environment

                                                                                                                            We have a strong commitment to our nation’s service
                                                                                                                            men and women and believe in the leadership and
Board Diversity                                                                                                             values that experienced veterans bring to our teams
Our commitment to diversity and inclusion must                                                                              as they have unique skills and talents that thrive in our
go beyond our project sites - into our corporate                                                                            team environment. Currently, 3.8% of our workforce
offices and the Board Room. Our Board of Directors                                                                          is comprised of military veterans, and we continue to
represents 14.3% diversity with one minority female,                                                                        recruit veterans heavily.
and we have set a goal to better align our Board of                                                                         We have also established a 1-year goal to increase our         Charah Solutions is an active member of Hard Hat Heroes,
Directors diversity with our workforce diversity goal.                                                                      military veteran workforce by 30% as their military            a group of military-friendly companies committed to
By the end of 2021, our intention is to increase the                                                                                                    background is an excellent         supporting veterans seeking construction-related careers.
diversity membership of our Board of Directors.                                                                                                         fit with our teams of              Hard Hat Heroes is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education
                                                         The Charah Solutions Supplier Diversity Program uses
                                                                                                                                                        industry-leading experts,          foundation through the National Center for Construction
Supplier Diversity                                       the following diversity classifications:
                                                                                                                                                        given their discipline, work       Education and Research (NCCER), which provides
As a part of our diversity and inclusion initiatives,         Minority-Owned Businesses (African American, Asia                                        ethic, and expertise to plan       veterans free training to receive their NCCER construction
we strive to ensure the suppliers we do business               Pacific, Hispanic, Native American)                                                      and execute large projects.        credentials, so they are more qualified to find careers in
with represent a diverse group to assist with                                                                                                                                              the construction industry and earn higher wages.
                                                              Veteran-Owned Businesses
economic development among diverse companies
and within our communities. We are providing                  Woman-Owned Businesses
expanded opportunities for diverse businesses to
                                                              LGBTQ-Owned Businesses
bid on projects at both our existing and new sites
around the country as we develop a pool of diverse            Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses                    2 0 2 1 D I V E R S I T Y A N D I N C LU S I O N G OA L S
supplier partners who share our commitment to                 HubZone Businesses (Historically Underutilized               Being the best possible employer to our people and providing growth opportunities are essential values that we work to
provide industry-leading services to the power                 Business Zones as designated by the U.S. Small               accomplish every day. We know that we must keep improving, and we set goals across the Company to make sure we are always
generation industry.                                           Business Administration)                                     progressing, innovating, and providing our employees opportunities to grow.

                                                         Over the last 3 years, we have increased our average
                                                         supplier diversity spend to 6% of procurement managed                1-YEAR GOALS                                                      3-YEAR GOALS
                                                         expenditures. Through a new partnership with Avetta,
                                                         we are establishing greater visibility into our complete
                                                                                                                              Increase the diversity of our Board of Directors
                                                         supply chain. With this improved insight, we will be
                                                         implementing clear goals to increase the diversity spend             Create an apprenticeship program for new diverse                  Increase the diversity of our workforce by 30%
                                                         managed through our procurement process.                             employees in our trades/crafts jobs

                                                                                                                              Institute a Diversity Scholarship Program (tuition                Hire 40 diverse heavy equipment operators
                                                                                                                              repayment program) at heavy equipment training schools
                                                                                                                              to hire ten entry-level diverse equipment operators

                                                                                                                              Increase our military veteran workforce by 30%                    Increase diverse supplier spend to 15%

                                                                                                                              Finalize tracking for diverse supplier spend to categorize        Establish needed Employee Resource Group based upon
                                                                                                                              suppliers not currently tracked as a part of diverse              results of employee survey
                                                                                                                              supplier spend

                                                                                                                   SOCIAL                                                                  28
H E A LT H A N D W E L L N E S S                                                                                                SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

                                                         All employees are provided the following coverages,                                                                              How A True Safety Culture Responds to COVID-19
                                                         at no cost:
                                                                                                                                                                                          A real example of our culture of safety was seen in
                                                              Basic Life insurance coverage equal to their base salary                                                                   how our management and our teams responded to the
                                                                                                                                                                                          arrival of COVID-19.
                                                              Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)
                                                               protection equal to their Basic Life coverage amount;                                                                      As the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, Charah
                                                               Short-Term Disability coverage; Long-Term Disability                                                                       Solutions moved quickly to take steps to secure
                                                               coverage                                                                                                                   the safety of our employees and operations. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                          mission-critical utility operations made it imperative
                                                              401(k) Employee Savings Plan with Company contribution
                                                                                                                                                                                          to immediately implement COVID-19-specific safety
                                                              Employee Assistance Program, which provides access to                                                                      protocols across our entire organization and in concert
                                                               professional counseling, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year                                                                   with our customers to keep our teams safe, projects
We provide a robust health and wellness plan for all                                                                                                                                      moving, and employees working.
                                                         We also provide additional voluntary coverage options
of our 600+ employees, which we are very proud
                                                         that include:                                                                                                                    Beyond the guidance received from the Centers for
of as our employees’ health and safety will always
                                                              Supplemental Life and AD&D insurance options to all                                                                        Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other
be our number one priority. Our health and wellness
                                                               employees, spouses, and children                                                                                           federal and state-level guidance, a dedicated Safety
plan includes multiple medical, dental and vision plan
                                                                                                                                                                                          Response Team was established, which implemented
options, 100%-paid routine preventive health options          Critical Illness insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                          company-wide COVID-19 internal reporting procedures
for our employees, and their covered dependents,
                                                              Accident insurance                                                                                                         for our sites and our Environmental Health and
including screenings, annual preventive/wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                          Safety department. We conducted COVID-19 updates
exams, COVID-19 testing and immunizations.                    Legal assistance
                                                                                                                                Safety is one of our core values. We are dedicated to     company-wide daily. We prohibited all non-essential
We also provide paid time off for all employees                                                                                                                                           travel, implemented a work-from-home program, and
                                                                                                                                maintaining a safe working environment and training
to ensure they have the time needed to complete                                                                                                                                           instituted social distancing and increased sanitization
                                                                                                                                our employees and subcontractors to perform their
their annual preventive exam. To encourage                                                                                                                                                practices at every level.
                                                                                                                                jobs safely while proactively contributing to a safe
our employees in getting their 100% employer
                                                                                                                                workplace.                                                Managers were required to participate and report any
paid physical, we subsidize 85% of the cost of
                                                                                                                                A vital principle of the Charah Way involves actively     safety or COVID-19 related updates during an 8:00 am
our medical premiums. We provide discounted
                                                                                                                                caring for those around us and working together as        call every morning that included Regional Managers,
medicines for chronic conditions like asthma,
                                                                                                                                one team. Caring for our coworkers and acting as a        Site Managers and Department Heads, followed with a
cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease to our
                                                                                                                                team is a crucial part of working safely. It requires     brief to Executive Leadership. By 9:30 am, a full report
employees at a significant cost reduction, as well
                                                                           WE COVERED OVER                                      us to coach and be coached when unsafe behaviors          was sent to all sites where all COVID-19 safety items
as telehealth care. We covered over $374,000 in
costs for preventive care visits and maintenance                           $374,000 IN COSTS                                    are identified or observed. Safety is not one person’s    that need to be addressed were outlined for immediate
                                                                                                                                responsibility; safety is everyone’s responsibility as    action. These calls and reports took place seven
medicines for our employees and their family                          for preventive care visits and
                                                                                                                                well as being there for one another in times of crisis,   days a week from March through July, then moved
members in 2020.
                                                                maintenance medicines for our employees                         which was recently evidenced by our company-wide          to five days a week through the end of December
                                                                   and their family members in 2020.                            response to the COVID-19 pandemic.                        and starting in January 2021, are two days a week,
                                                                                                                                                                                          dependent upon the health and safety needs of the
                                                                                                                                                                                          sites and employees.

                                                                                                                       SOCIAL                                                             30
Safety Excellence Is A Must                                        With our employees compiling more than 100,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                   person-hours of work per month, we take a proactive
                                                                                                                                Charah Solutions recently passed a one-year safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                   approach to safety training and procedures. Our
                                                                                                                                milestone with 1.19 Million person-hours of work without
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in-house Safety Department is comprised of a team
                                                                                                                                an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of professionals who hold a multitude of advanced
                                                                                                                                recordable incident. This significant achievement is a
Specialized safety and health procedures                                                                                                                                                           degrees in their respective fields and have earned
                                                                                                                                result of the commitment of all personnel to put safety
communication materials were also created for our                                                                                                                                                  the highest and most highly respected professional
employees, which included:                                                                                                                                                                         certifications in the industry. These include Board of
                                                                                                                                Our record in safety excellence also includes the following        Certified Safety Professional designations of Certified
  COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan                                                                                               achievements:                                                      Safety Professional (CSP), Associate Safety Professional
  COVID-19 Employee Absence Flowchart                                                                                             In 2020 we accomplished a 0.36 Total Recordable                 (ASP), Occupational Safety and Hygiene Technologist
                                                                                                                                   Incident Rate (TRIR) with no lost time or restricted            (OSHT), Construction Health and Safety Technician
  COVID-19 Keeping The Workplace Safe Procedures
                                                                                                                                   time injuries in comparison to the most recent industry         (CHST), as well as several team members who are
  COVID-19 Keeping Your Home Safe Procedures                                                                                       Total Recordable Incident Rate industry average of 3.1          Authorized Outreach Trainers for the U.S. Department
  Equipment Cleaning Guidelines                                                                                                                                                                    of Labor in both Construction and General Industry. Our
                                                                                                                                   n impressive three-year average Experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in-house Safety Department also includes professionals
  Working Remotely Overview & IT Procedures                                                                                       Modification Rate (EMR) of less than 0.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                   who are accredited Occupational Safety and Health
  Work From Home Tips During COVID-19 Policies                                                                                  We know it’s imperative that we continuously assess                Administration (OSHA) trainers, along with full-time
                                                                Establishing A Safety Culture
                                                                                                                                our Safety performance and that quality of safety                  transportation specialists in both over-the-road (OTR)
  Tips to Improve Your Work From Home Routine
                                                                Our successful response to the challenge of COVID-19            performance is a behavior that can be regularly                    and rail operations.
We increased sanitization practices across the                  was made possible by our Culture of Safety. Our                 measured. Our Managers and Safety Specialists utilize
Company, provided disposable surgical masks to all              commitment to the safety of our team members                    an advanced predictive analytics tool to document,
job sites, and increased the number of hand sanitizing          and the environment will never waver. Simply stated,            monitor, and track behaviors and conditions. This tool
stations. We implemented screening procedures at                our work does not go forward unless our people can              utilizes observations, incidents, and historical event
the sites that include temperature check stations and           proceed safely. And we will not go forward with any             data to provide valuable information that we thoroughly
the stocking of all offices, conference rooms, heavy            project that puts the environment at risk. There is no          assess. We provide our site, regional, and executive
equipment, and trucks with disinfectant wipes/spray             room for compromise in any of these critical areas.             leadership “dashboards” that detail incident and
and hand sanitizer. All equipment is wiped down before                                                                          observation data from the previous week, month, and
                                                                We take a very comprehensive approach to ensure
                      the morning shift starts and after                                                                        year and identify particular trends in that data. We use
                                                                that all employees advance our Culture of Safety. We
                      the shift ends, and then again                                                                            this information to customize plans to mitigate hazards
                                                                stress that safety is not just the responsibility of the
                      before the afternoon shift starts                                                                         and reverse any negative trends aggressively.
                                                                Safety Department; in fact, it is each team member’s
                      and at the end of the day. We also
                                                                responsibility to deliver a Culture of Safety.                  We also use this data, along with other analytical data,
                      provided hand sanitizer and masks
                                                                We have made it the responsibility of every team                at the project level to compare statistical data across
                      to anyone who needed them
                                                                member, regardless of rank or position, to call “All            regions and job sites. Over the last four years, our team
                      at home.
                                                                Stop” and take preventive action when safety is at              has completed over 30,000 inspections and 1.3 million
Increased social distancing measures include                                                                                    observations, with more than 12,000 opportunities for
                                                                risk. Every team member has the right to challenge
staggered shift start/end times and break times with                                                                            improvement identified.
                                                                our leaders/management, whether they have been
additional break spaces established. Safety meetings
                                                                on our team for 30 years or 30 minutes. Our safety
are held outside of the site trailers so that the 6-foot
                                                                policy protects every team member from fear
social distancing requirement is never compromised,                                                                             Behavioral Based Observations
                                                                of repercussions, as it is non-punitive and non-
and employees are asked to eat lunch in their vehicles.
                                                                judgmental because safety is always our #1 priority.
Our ability to adapt as a team quickly has always been                                                                            YEAR          INSPECTIONS           OBSERVATIONS                 AVERAGE #/INSPECTION
a crucial part of Charah Solutions’ success, and our
field and office units have adapted exceptionally well
                                                                                                                                  2020          10,433                524,102                      50
during this challenging period.

                                                                                                                       SOCIAL                                                                 32
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