Potential threat of the international aquarium fish trade to silver arawana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum in the Peruvian Amazon

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Oryx Vol 40 No 2 April 2006

                      Potential threat of the international aquarium fish trade to silver
                      arawana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum in the Peruvian Amazon
                      Marie-Annick Moreau and Oliver T. Coomes

                      Abstract Silver arawana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum are                               and in urgent need of research, monitoring and man-
                      increasingly popular on the international aquarium fish                            agement. Outright bans on arawana fishing are likely
                      market, but the routine killing of mouth brooding adults                           to be ineffective and to destabilize an export fishery that
                      to collect juveniles for the trade may threaten wild popu-                         provides significant part-time employment for the rural
                      lations. We describe the aquarium trade and fishery for                            poor and substantial foreign earnings. Experimental
                      silver arawana in the Peruvian Amazon. This is the first                           studies are called for that compare the impacts on
                      such report on the species for South America, and is                               arawana yields of alternate fishing techniques, such as
                      based on field interviews with trade participants and                              catch and release of brooding males, as a basis for devel-
                      fishermen, and on a review of government statistics. The                           oping more effective management schemes in Amazonia.
                      regional trade is large, expanding and valuable (over
                      1 million juveniles worth USD 560,000 exported in 2001),                           Keywords Amazonia, aquatic conservation, arawana,
                      of considerable economic importance to the rural poor,                             ornamental fish, Osteoglossidae, Peru.

                      Introduction                                                                       found only in the Rio Negro, the South American
                                                                                                         osteoglossids are widespread, occurring in the Amazon
                      The global trade in aquarium fishes is a little studied yet
                                                                                                         basin, the western Orinoco and the Rupununi and
                      valuable wildlife industry, estimated to have generated 3
                                                                                                         Essequibo systems of the Guianas, although not above
                      billion USD in retail sales of fishes alone in 1999 (Olivier,
                                                                                                         cataracts (Goulding, 1980). Silver arawana (also called
                      2001). Collection of wild fishes for the trade is known to
                                                                                                         arowana or arowhana in English, arahuana in Spanish
                      have negative effects on certain species, as demonstrated
                                                                                                         and aruanã in Portuguese) are found primarily in flood-
                      by local population extinctions of freshwater aquarium
                                                                                                         plain lakes, where they are able to tolerate low oxygen
                      species in South-east Asia (Banister, 1989; Ng & Tan,
                                                                                                         levels (Val & de Almeida-Val, 1995). As water levels rise
                      1997) and declines in at least two South American species
                                                                                                         with the annual floods, arawana move laterally into the
                      (Chao & Prada-Pedreros, 1995; Crampton, 1999). The
                                                                                                         flooded forests (Lowe-McConnell, 1975). The fish is rela-
                      Asian arawana Scleropages formosus is one of only a few
                                                                                                         tively sedentary, however, not engaging in migrations
                      aquarium fishes whose international trade is restricted
                                                                                                         along the main river channels (Bayley & Petrere, 1989).
                      under CITES; it was listed on Appendix I in 1975 as a
                                                                                                         It is a long, laterally compressed fish (maximum length
                      response to over-collection of juveniles and adults. Since
                                                                                                         of c. 1 m) covered in large, iridescent, bony scales,
                      the CITES listing trade in its close relative, the silver
                                                                                                         and is distinguished by its two chin barbels and a
                      arawana of South America Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, has
                      increased steadily (Tello & Cánepa, 1991; Ministerio de                            large, upwardly angled mouth (Goulding, 1980). A slow-
                      Pesquería, 2001).                                                                  swimming predator, arawana stay in well lit surface
                         O. bicirrhosum is one of only seven extant species of                           waters along the shoreline, feeding primarily on insects
                      bony-tongue fishes (Family Osteoglossidae). Osteo-                                 and spiders that fall in the water (Goulding, 1980). The
                      glossids are restricted to tropical regions of Africa, Asia,                       species also eats crabs, fishes and snakes, and has earned
                      Australia and South America, with Arapaima gigas and                               the name water monkey for its habit of jumping out of the
                      O. ferreirai, in addition to O. bicirrhosum, from South                            water to catch insects, birds on low branches, and even
                      America (Moyle & Cech, 2004). Apart from O. ferreirai,                             bats (Goulding, 1980).
                                                                                                            Adult arawana spawn at low water, as flood waters
                                                                                                         are beginning to rise (Goulding, 1980). According to
                      Marie-Annick Moreau and Oliver T. Coomes (Corresponding author)
                                                                                                         fishermen, juveniles (alevinos) become available c. 2
                      Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke St. W.,                 months later. Fecundity is extremely low, with females
                      Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2K6, Canada. E-mail coomes@geog.mcgill.ca                    carrying relatively few, large eggs at spawning (180–210;
                      Received 2 November 2004. Revision requested 1 March 2005.                         Goulding, 1980; Val & de Almeida-Val, 1995). The male
                      Accepted 19 September 2005.                                                        arawana provides parental care to the eggs and young,

                        152                                              © 2006 FFI, Oryx, 40(2), 152–160 doi:10.1017/S0030605306000603               Printed in the United Kingdom

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Trade in silver arawana             153

                gathering the eggs in a special pouch in its mouth after                           Manaus in 2003; N.L. Chao, pers. comm), Colombia
                fertilization. After the eggs hatch, the male continues to                         and Guyana. Peru’s Amazonian fish trade is centered on
                keep the larvae entirely in its mouth for up to 3 weeks                            the city of Iquitos, capital of the Department of Loreto
                (Schaller & Dorn, 1971). Only once the alevinos are 25–                            (Fig. 1). With >300,000 inhabitants Iquitos is the largest
                40 mm long and have absorbed their yolk-sac are they                               urban area in the Peruvian Amazon and the main market
                released from the male’s mouth for occasional feeding,                             for most of the commodities produced or extracted in the
                returning at the first sign of danger (Schaller & Dorn,                            region (Barham et al., 1999; Kvist et al., 2001). Iquitos is at
                1971; Goulding, 1990). At 4–6 weeks young are left to                              the hub of an extensive river transportation network but
                fend for themselves (Goulding, 1990). Silver arawana are                           lacks roads to the rest of Peru and commercial flights
                thought to reach sexual maturity after 2 years (Lowe-                              to international destinations. In 2001, 28 aquarium fish
                McConnell, 1975), with hobbyist web sites reporting that                           firms were established, drawing in supplies from at least
                the fish can live for up to 20 years in captivity.                                 21 major rivers and exporting >9 million fishes (offi-
                   Silver arawana are seen as good luck symbols in Asian                           cially worth 2.5 million USD free-on-board, i.e. cost of
                households and businesses, a belief that stems from                                goods before freight, packing and duties) to national and
                the species’ resemblance to the Asian arawana. In the                              international clients in 24 countries, via Lima (Ministerio
                1970s Chinese and Japanese businessmen keeping the                                 de Pesquería, 2001). The local export industry was first
                Asian arawana began associating the red and deep                                   established in the 1950s, supplying small fishes (e.g.
                gold colouration of some specimens with the traditional                            the neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi) primarily to North
                colours of prosperity, sparking an Asian boom in the                               American markets, but declined precipitously in the
                species’ trade (Ng & Tan, 1997). International restrictions                        late 1970s as a result of increasing competition from
                on the sale of Asian arawana followed, leading traders                             captive-breeders abroad (Hanek, 1982). The industry has
                to develop captive breeding initiatives (Ng & Tan, 1997),                          experienced a resurgence since the early 1990s, due to
                to obtain wild specimens by illegal means (Matsumura &
                                                                                                   local firms re-orienting their exports towards larger,
                Milliken, 1984), and to shift to replacement species. The
                                                                                                   higher-value species (including silver arawana) for
                silver arawana serves this last purpose, having the same
                                                                                                   Asian clients.
                general shape as Asian arawana, a metallic colour associ-
                                                                                                      Few legislative controls are in place for the region’s
                ated with money, and the ability to eat prodigiously and
                                                                                                   ornamental fisheries, and none relate specifically to the
                grow rapidly in captivity, taken to symbolise wealth
                                                                                                   silver arawana. The main piece of national legislation
                accumulation. The fish is also appreciated outside Asia
                                                                                                   on Peruvian Amazon fisheries (Reglamento de
                for its size, graceful movements and prehistoric appear-
                                                                                                   Ordenamiento Pesquero en la Amazonía Peruana, Minis-
                ance. Juveniles are the preferred targets of trade, as they
                                                                                                   terial Resolution No. 147-2001-PE) requires all fishermen
                can be held and shipped at higher densities, and so at
                lower costs, than adults. In North America, based on an                            of ornamental fish to be licensed, calls on collectors and
                October 2005 internet search of aquarium fish retailer                             traders to minimize mortality in transport and holding,
                and hobbyist sites, silver arawana larvae with yolk sacs                           and bans collection from the wild and sale of the fry and
                retail for 10–20 USD, 10–20 cm juveniles for 25–65 USD,                            juveniles of 41 species also deemed to be important to the
                and adults for 100 USD or more, depending on size.                                 commercial food fishery. Silver arawana is not included
                   Although the silver arawana shares many of the life                             on this list.
                history characteristics that make the Asian arawana
                vulnerable to overexploitation, i.e. late maturity, low                            Methods
                fecundity and mouth-brooding, there is limited moni-
                toring of the species and few trade controls in place.                             Data came from fieldwork conducted by MAM and a
                Here we argue, based on observations from the Peruvian                             local research assistant in June–September 2002 as part
                Amazon, for the need to develop research and man-                                  of a study of the organization and livelihood role of the
                agement plans for the silver arawana because of its                                Peruvian Amazon aquarium fish trade. Semi-structured
                vulnerability and regional economic importance. To our                             interviews (consisting of a set of open ended questions)
                knowledge this is the first account of the conservation                            were held with 12 representatives of 10 Iquitos export
                status, trade and fishery of O. bicirrhosum.                                       firms selected to reflect the range, both in size (i.e. trade
                                                                                                   volume and value) and market orientation (i.e. selling
                                                                                                   to national clients only, North America only, or more
                Study area
                                                                                                   internationally) of export companies in the city. Initial
                The Peruvian Amazon is a key supply region of                                      information on firms’ trade volumes and shipping
                O. bicirrhosum to international aquarium markets, with                             destinations was obtained from the Ministry of Fisheries
                silver arawana also exported (probably in smaller                                  (Department of Loreto office). We also conducted
                quantities) from Brazil (64,750 individuals exported from                          fieldwork in and around the rural town of Requena, an

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154       M.-A. Moreau and O. T. Coomes



                                                                                                                      Peruvian Amazon

                                                                                       R. Putumayo
                                                                                         El Estrecho

                                                              R.                                                      R. Amazomas
                                                                       Nauta         1
                                   R. Marañón                                                                         BRAZIL
                                                                       Santa Elena
                                                                                                                   Key to Minor Rivers
                                                                                                                   1 R. Tahuayo
                                                                                                                   2 Canal de Puinahua
                                                 R. Ucayali

                                                                                                                   3 R. Tapiche
                                                                                                                   4 R. Blanco

                                                                                                       0                 170 km
                                                                                                                                                      Fig. 1 The Peruvian
                                            Pucallpa                                                                                                  Amazon showing key rivers
                                                                                                   Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve                    and towns in the silver
                                                                                                                                                      arawana trade.

                      important transit point on the Río Ucayali in ornamental                             constitution as a family (an adult couple with at least one
                      fish supply networks. We interviewed two intermediary                                child). The study sample included 21 arawana fishermen,
                      arawana traders established in Requena, one suggested                                with an additional five arawana fishermen interviewed
                      to us by export firm representatives in Iquitos as a major                           in the neighbouring village of San Miguel (Río Tapiche).
                      supplier, and the other encountered on site. Additional                                 Descriptions of fish catches, fishing techniques and
                      information on the arawana fishery was collected in                                  income earned are as reported to us by fishermen and
                      the course of a socioeconomic study of rural household                               traders, and could not be directly verified. Although
                      participation in the ornamental fish trade, involving                                interviews occurred 7–8 months after the start of the
                      residents from the villages of San Juan (Río Tapiche,                                2001–2002 arawana fishing season, recall bias is expected
                      n = 10) and Isla Verde (Río Ucayali, n = 26), both located                           to be minimal as quantitative information asked of infor-
                      within 50 km by river of Requena (village names have                                 mants was straightforward (arawana are caught and sold
                      been changed to preserve informants’ anonymity).                                     in precise numbers) and associated with a vivid, punc-
                      Households were selected for inclusion in the survey                                 tual experience (fish are sold at high prices over a short
                      based on their livelihood means (making their living                                 fishing period). While no direct evidence is available to
                      from natural resources and not salaried), length of                                  indicate whether 2001–2002 was a representative year for
                      establishment in the community (>6 months), and their                                the fishery, none of the respondents, including fishers,

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Trade in silver arawana             155

                traders and government officials, indicated that the flood                         exports was destined for Asia, compared to 19.8% in 2001
                regime, prices or other market conditions were aberrant                            (Hanek, 1982; Ministerio de Pesquería, 2001). Arawana
                for the study year.                                                                are a minor target of Peru’s commercial food fishery,
                   Documentary sources are used to complement the                                  unlike in Brazil where the species is targeted by both
                field data. Aquarium fish export figures compiled for the                          commercial and subsistence fishermen. Peruvian Minis-
                years 2000 and 2001 were obtained from the Ministry                                try of Fishery statistics indicated that arawana repre-
                of Fisheries (Loreto). Export companies in Iquitos                                 sented
156       M.-A. Moreau and O. T. Coomes


                       Log (Unit price)



                                                                                                                                Fig. 2 Export price vs export volume, on
                                          _2                                                                                    logarithmic scales, showing the position of
                                               _1   0   1         2          3          4           5           6          7    silver arawana relative to other aquarium fish
                                                                                                                                varieties exported from the Peruvian Amazon
                                                                 Log (Export volume)                                            in 2001 (n = 502).

                      Characteristics of the fishery                                                     Blanco rivers. Expeditions set arahuanera nets to trap
                                                                                                         adult fishes, but will shoot or spear adults caught in the
                      The principal fishing areas for silver arawana in the
                                                                                                         net before retrieving their juveniles, so as to ensure that
                      Peruvian Amazon are reported by informants to be the
                                                                                                         the powerful, high-jumping fish do not get away, or
                      Tapiche and Blanco rivers, and the Río Ucayali in the area
                                                                                                         swallow and kill their young in panic (see also Goulding,
                      of the Puinahua canal and the Pacaya-Samiria National
                                                                                                         1990, for a description of Brazilian fishermen killing male
                      Reserve Area (Fig. 1). The towns of Bretaña, Santa Elena
                                                                                                         arawana prior to collection of young). Where gillnets are
                      and Requena are key arawana trading outposts on these                              not available or cannot be used (e.g. in flooded forest)
                      rivers, with c. 50 intermediaries established in Requena                           fishermen seek out arawana from their canoes, or from
                      alone during the arawana season.                                                   the vantage point of overhanging tree branches, and
                         Reports of the organization of fishing trips and meth-                          shoot or spear them. Arawana fishermen in San Juan
                      ods differed significantly between our study communi-                              and San Miguel who do not join expeditions, but instead
                      ties. Community members in Isla Verde describe fishing                             collect small numbers of the fish independently, close to
                      for arawana in small, kin-based groups (typically with                             their village, also kill any adults encountered.
                      2–5 male members of the extended family), although                                    Such contrasts in arawana fishing practices probably
                      at least once per season there is a communal fishing trip                          reflect differences between property regimes on the
                      in which all willing male villagers participate. On com-                           fishing grounds of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve
                      munal trips villagers share in the boat and fishing gear                           and Tapiche/Blanco rivers. Although the Reserve is
                      provided by wealthier participants and split profits. To                           public property the regional government has a duty to
                      catch arawana, fishermen set large gill nets (arahuaneras,                         protect its natural resources and to promote the partici-
                      10–12 cm stretched mesh size, 50–115 m long, 3–4 m                                 pation of local communities in sustainable use activities
                      deep) at the surface, retrieving by hand any adult                                 (Curichimba, 1998; Durand & McCaffrey, 1999). In the
                      arawana caught as it tries to swim through the net.                                case of Isla Verde, villagers have the right to deny outsid-
                      Brooding adults are forced to release their young into                             ers access to 36 lakes of the Reserve located near their
                      plastic buckets, and are then released outside the net.                            community, and are allotted a harvest quota of arawana
                      Experienced fishermen reported that captured fish often                            from these lakes, reported by a community leader to
                      bear scars from previous encounters with the gill net,                             be 6,000 juveniles in 2001/2002, in exchange for partici-
                      suggesting that some released males survive to breed                               pation in monitoring and guarding duties. A formal
                      again.                                                                             system of guardposts and patrols is meant to further
                         Villagers living in San Juan and San Miguel, like many                          limit outsiders’ exploitation of the Reserve, with tres-
                      others in the area of Requena, regularly join expeditions                          passers risking confiscation of their fishing gear. Under
                      to reach fishing grounds further up the Tapiche and                                these conditions, arawana represent a defensible and

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Trade in silver arawana             157

                renewable resource to villagers, providing an incentive                            arawana as this coincides with the flood pulse. The first
                for using catch-and-release fishing methods. The reality                           arawana shipments of the year come from the upper
                may be less ideal than reported by fishermen because,                              Ucayali (near Pucallpa, c. 1,100 km up-river from Iquitos)
                in practice, the size of the Reserve, the limited staff and                        where waters begin to rise in September, peaking in
                financial resources, and corruption, makes enforcement                             February/March (C. Abizaid, pers. comm., based on
                of regulations and management plans difficult. How-                                data from the Dirección General de Transporte Acuático,
                ever, reports of fishing methods were consistent among                             Ministro de Transporte y Comunicaciones regional office
                interviews with different villagers and among repeat                               at Pucallpa) and the last supplies for the season from
                conversations with the same informants in Isla Verde,                              the Río Putumayo (along Peru’s border with Ecuador
                and corresponded to accounts of local arawana fishing                              and Colombia) (Fig. 1). According to one fisherman/
                methods given in a neighbouring village as part of an                              trader interviewed in Requena, his father is one of
                unrelated study (M. Manzi, pers. comm.). This would                                only two intermediaries permanently established on
                suggest that catch-and-release methods are in common                               the Putumayo, although others travel there during the
                (though perhaps not exclusive) use in Isla Verde.                                  arawana season, basing themselves in El Estrecho, and
                   In contrast to villagers living within or near the                              he typically brings in 30,000–40,000 arawana juveniles
                Reserve, fishermen established on the Río Tapiche                                  over the fishing season. Given the distances involved,
                compete for arawana resources on open-access fishing                               export firms with sufficient financial resources fly in the
                grounds. In addition to having no government presence,                             fish from these minor fishing zones, or send speedboats
                the upper reaches of the Tapiche and the Blanco rivers                             to collect them. International buyers also respond to the
                have few permanent settlements due to a lack of land                               differential timing of the flood pulse along the Amazon
                suitable for agriculture (Bennett et al., 2001), precluding                        River and its tributaries throughout the arawana’s range
                community controls on resources. Informants frequently                             in the basin, shifting their supply sources between Peru,
                remarked that there were ‘more fishermen than fish’ on                             Colombia and Brazil as juveniles become available in
                the fishing grounds, explaining that if they did not kill                          each country. Iquitos exporters generally do not keep
                adult arawana encountered, someone else would.                                     arawana in stock out of season, as they are expensive fish
                   According to informants the preferred season for                                to feed and because space in their facilities is limited.
                fishing arawana in the supply zone of the Ucayali/
                Tapiche-Blanco rivers and the Reserve begins in late
                                                                                                   Economic importance to rural households
                October or early November, as flood waters are rising
                and adult males have begun to brood hatched, viable                                The silver arawana fishery exerts a strong draw on rural
                young. Fishermen continue fishing arawana until early                              fishermen in our study communities. For most house-
                or mid-February, as waters approach peak levels (in                                holds (64% of surveyed households in Isla Verde, 69%
                March/April). Informants cited the increased difficulty                            in San Juan), participation in the aquarium trade is
                in finding brooding adults (because fishes disperse into                           restricted to the collection of arawana and juveniles of
                the greatly expanded flood zone) and falling prices (due                           the peje torre only, the latter a relatively high-value (and
                to increase of supply of fish from other fishing zones)                            easily caught) species whose preferred fishing season
                as reasons for stopping fishing. The first juveniles of the                        overlaps with that of arawana, and is readily bought by
                season are typically sold by independent fishermen to                              arawana traders. Households in our study villages are
                buyers in the fishing zone for 0.86–1.15 USD each, with                            poor (mean annual income of 2,395 and 4,780 USD in
                prices dropping to 0.14–0.29 USD by January. On a good                             the Isla Verde and San Juan samples, respectively), and
                night of fishing, informants reported catching 2–3 mouth                           arawana make a significant contribution to the income
                brooding males (known as madres), each having 90–200                               of many, though not all, households (Table 1). The
                juveniles. The reported maximum may be inflated, how-                              capture of a single mouth brooding male represents cash
                ever, given reports of females only carrying up to 210 ova                         earnings of 12–230 USD (depending on the market price
                at spawning (Goulding, 1980; Val & de Almeida-Val,                                 and size of brood), whereas the daily wage in Isla Verde
                1995). Intermediaries in Requena reported selling 3,000–                           and San Juan is only 2–3 USD, and the mean annual daily
                15,000 juveniles per season (i.e. over 4 months), noting                           household agricultural earnings are 2.80 and 4.20 USD,
                that supplies depended primarily on fishermen’s luck in                            respectively. Kvist et al. (2001) similarly note that collec-
                encountering brooders.                                                             tion of arawana for the aquarium trade brings high daily
                   Fishing for arawana also occurs outside the main                                incomes to villagers in their two study communities
                supply area. Closer to Iquitos, arawana are collected on                           of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, creating strong
                a small scale from floodplain lakes of the upper Tahuayo                           economic incentives for people to participate.
                river (J. Penn, pers. comm.). Exporters also seek supplies                            The attraction of arawana for rural villagers is due
                from further afield, following the spawning cycle of the                           not only to its high price but also to the circumstances

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158       M.-A. Moreau and O. T. Coomes

                      Table 1 Participation rates, catches, earnings and economic reliance on the silver arawana fishery for sample households in Isla Verde and
                      San Juan, Peruvian Amazon, 2001–2002. Catches and earnings are as reported by fishermen over a 1-year recall period (July 2001–July 2002),
                      and as such are approximate (see Methods).

                      Characteristic                                                                                Isla Verde                               San Juan

                      Village level
                        Participation rate in the arawana fishery                                                       90                                         48
                           (% of village sample households)
                        Participation rate in the peje torre fishery (%)                                                80                                         46
                        Participation rate in the fishery for other ornamental fish                                     10                                         35
                           (not including arawana or peje torre) (%)
                        Total annual village arawana catch (no. of juvenile fish)                                    9,230                                    27,950
                        Total annual village arawana earnings (USD)                                                  5,271                                    14,942
                        Total annual village earnings for all economic activities (USD)                             26,348                                   124,286
                      Household level
                        Mean annual arawana earnings per participating                                                 586 P 575                               1,149 P 959
                           household (USD) P SD (range)                                                                (3–1,816)                               (43–2,738)
                        Mean household economic reliance on arawana                                                     20.7 P 16                                 13.2 P 8.6
                           (% of annual income) P SD (range)                                                            (1–47)                                    (2–32)
                        No. of village sample households                                                                10                                        26

                      surrounding the fishery. Firstly, the arrival of large                             the usual fishing zone may be insufficient to meet current
                      numbers of traders to arawana fishing grounds gives                                demand. The practice of killing reproductive adults
                      fishermen easier access to the aquarium fish market                                and taking all their juveniles for the trade, as reported
                      and competitive pricing among buyers that favour fish-                             by informants on the Río Tapiche, is probably more
                      ermen. Capital and financial inputs associated with the                            common in the Peruvian Amazon than the catch-and-
                      trade also increase opportunities for fishermen, as more                           release method described by informants living within
                      expeditions are organized by intermediaries. Secondly,                             the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve. Over most of their
                      the arawana season coincides with the time of year when                            range in Peru silver arawana represent an essentially
                      rural people are largely freed from other livelihood tasks                         open-access resource, limiting the incentive to preserve
                      (most agricultural lands are submerged, and food fish                              reproductive males. The 20,600 km2 Reserve is one of the
                      are too widely dispersed in the flooded forest to allow                            largest protected areas in the Peruvian tropical lowlands,
                      efficient fishing) and so have household labour to spare.                          but represents only 3.7% of the region’s area (based
                      Finally, the promise of receiving cash for the household                           on figures in Kvist & Nebel, 2001), and is inadequately
                                                                                                         protected. The major trading centres for the species are
                      is a major draw. Expedition fishermen commonly
                                                                                                         located outside protected areas, and each season receive
                      described arawana fishing as ‘thrilling’, and said that
                                                                                                         an influx of fishermen and buyers that compete intensely
                      the fish ‘smells of money’.
                                                                                                         for arawana.
                                                                                                            The killing of reproductive males for the aquarium
                      Discussion                                                                         trade may threaten the fishery’s long-term sustainability.
                                                                                                         The species’ life-history characteristics (including unusu-
                      The Peruvian Amazon’s trade in silver arawana is large
                                                                                                         ally low fecundity) make it unsuited to heavy exploita-
                      and growing, with local exporters confident that demand
                                                                                                         tion, with a minimum population doubling time of 4.5–14
                      for the species will continue to increase as connections to
                                                                                                         years (Froese & Pauly, 2004), and as a predatory species
                      the Asian market develop further. Firms in Iquitos are                             high in the food web population size is limited in com-
                      becoming more adept at directly marketing their fish to                            parison to other fish species. Two osteoglossid species
                      Asian clients, with at least five companies employing                              with similar biological traits are already listed on CITES
                      Asians in management positions, and some reportedly                                to protect wild populations from collection for the
                      attracting direct investment from Japan and Taiwan.                                aquarium and food fish trades, i.e. the Asian arawana
                      High demand for the species can be met by a large pool                             and the paiche or pirarucu of Amazonia A. gigas (on
                      of potential fishermen as the rural poor are attracted to                          Appendix II since 1975). No similar international trade
                      silver arawana not only for its economic value but also                            restrictions are in place for the silver arawana, and little
                      for the ease with which buyers can be found and the                                information is available on the status of wild populations
                      convenient timing of the fishery with respect to other                             in Peru or elsewhere in South America. A. gigas is cate-
                      livelihood activities. The trade has expanded to areas                             gorized as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List (IUCN,
                      distant from Iquitos, an indication that supplies within                           2004), but O. bicirrhosum has yet to be evaluated.

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Trade in silver arawana             159

                   Determining whether the aquarium fish trade poses                               (through better training of officials) and obtaining
                a threat to Peru’s wild silver arawana is a challenge,                             exporters’ cooperation in supporting sustainably man-
                particularly in the context of the region’s limited human                          aged fisheries. Any management initiatives must, how-
                and financial resources. Research to determine whether                             ever, be based on a firmer understanding of the nature
                stocks are declining, as seems likely given the current                            of the fishery and of the long-term consequences of the
                levels of offtake, would need to be conducted over                                 trade in silver arawana for both the resource and the
                several years and in different fishing areas, and would                            resource users.
                need to determine whether exploitation for the aquarium
                trade is the primary cause of any decline or whether                               Acknowledgements
                other factors (e.g. direct fishing for food fish, bycatch
                capture by other fisheries and habitat degradation/                                We are grateful to the villagers, fishermen, traders and
                destruction) also act singly or jointly to reduce fishing                          exporters who shared information with us, and to Violeta
                yields (see Gerstner et al., 2006, for an example from                             Peña Flores for her excellent assistance in the field. Many
                Peru). A more general approach, and one that could be                              thanks to Julia Baum, Sanna-Kaisa Juvonen and Jim Penn
                more immediately applied to management, would be to                                for their valuable comments on a previous draft, to
                determine experimentally the effect on arawana yields                              Gerardo Bertiz, Javier del Aguila Chávez, Ning Labbish
                of different fishing techniques (e.g. with and without the                         Chao, Cesar Correa and Victor Montreuil for information
                killing of reproductive males) within selected fisheries                           on the arawana trade, to Christian Abizaid and Maya
                that have a degree of resource ownership. Potential                                Manzi for additional data, and to Wolfram Dressler for
                research sites include the Pacaya-Samiria National                                 German translation. The manuscript benefited from the
                Reserve and the lakes of the upper Tahuayo river, where                            very helpful suggestions of two anonymous reviewers.
                community-based initiatives to manage arawana stocks                               This work was funded by awards from the Natural
                (through taxing catches) are already in place (J. Penn,                            Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,
                pers. comm.). If results show that yields improve under                            and the Canadian International Development Agency
                certain fishing regimes, the next step would be to                                 to MAM, and by a grant from the Social Sciences and
                disseminate good practices to other communities.                                   Humanities Research Council of Canada to OTC.
                   Sustainable use of silver arawana populations should
                be the guiding management principle for this species.                              References
                To ban the trade outright (particularly in the absence of
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                would deny an important source of income to the rural                                livelihoods: income generation, household wealth and forest
                poor, destabilize an export industry that is estimated                               use. Unasylva, 50, 34–42.
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                                                                                                     assessment methods, current status and management
                Moreau, unpubl. data) and that provides important
                                                                                                     options. In Proceedings of the International Large River
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                probably shift exploitation pressure to other vulnerable                             Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 106.
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                difficult in any case: representatives of firms reported                             Primatology, 54, 119–126.
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160       M.-A. Moreau and O. T. Coomes

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                        Agriculture Organisation, Rome, Italy.                                             Biographical sketches
                      IUCN (2004) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN,
                        Gland, Switzerland [http://www.redlist.org, accessed
                                                                                                           Oliver T. Coomes has conducted research on rural liveli-
                        19 June 2004].
                                                                                                           hood, poverty and environment issues among riverine
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                                                                                                           people of the Peruvian Amazon for the past 15 years, and is
                        the Peruvian Amazon. Fisheries, 29, 10–16.
                                                                                                           the Editor-in-Chief of World Development. He has worked as
                      Kvist, L.P., Gram, S., Cacares, C.A. & Ore, B.I. (2001)
                                                                                                           a consultant with conservation-development NGOs and
                        Socio-economy of flood plain households in the Peruvian
                                                                                                           development agencies elsewhere in Latin America, and is
                        Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management, 150, 175–186.
                                                                                                           a member of the Center for International Forestry Research’s
                      Kvist, L.P. & Nebel, G. (2001) A review of Peruvian flood plain
                                                                                                           Poverty and Environment Network.
                        forests: ecosystems, inhabitants and resource use. Forest
                        Ecology and Management, 150, 3–26.                                                 Marie-Annick Moreau has worked on aquatic conservation
                      Lowe-McConnell, R.H. (1975) Fish Communities in Tropical                             issues since 1997, including investigating the Indonesian
                        Freshwaters. Longman, London, UK.                                                  trade in a rare marine aquarium fish. Recently her research
                      Matsumura, S. & Milliken, T. (1984) The Japanese trade in                            has been on understanding household participation patterns
                        bonytongue and CITES-listed fish. Traffic Bulletin, 6, 42–50.                      in natural resource extraction, focusing on the activity
                      Mendonça, F. (2005) Notícias de Tráfico: Pesca do Tambaqui já está                   of aquarium fish collection in the Peruvian Amazon.
                        proibida. Http://www.renctas.org.br/pt/informese/                                  She currently works at the Secretariat of the Convention on
                        noticias_nacional_detail.asp?id=829,                                               Biological Diversity.
                        accessed 12 October 2005.

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