Page created by William Quinn
PORTSTRATEGY                  MEDIA KIT 2021
Why Port Strategy?

Port Strategy is a multimedia platform for port executives in the port management industry. Senior
port executives from port authorities, terminal operators and equipment suppliers rely on Port Strategy
news and information to help them do their jobs and run their businesses better. Dedicated to the
international ports and terminals business, Port Strategy covers key investments, management and
business developments alongside regular features on cargo handling, security and navigation.

Port Strategy in Print
Port Strategy has been in print since 2003, published by Mercator Media. Read by the key decision-makers in the industry,
Port Strategy provides an exceptional reference point for the operations and maintenance of major ports and terminals.

Port Strategy Online
Portstrategy.com is a key source of the latest industry news with new content added every day. As a marketing platform, it
can help your business stay ‘front of mind’ for an average of over 15,300 visitors a month. It is an effective way to make an
impact and drive traffic to your website.

Port Strategy Email Marketing
Port Strategy e-Newsletter is a summary of the top news stories and is sent every week directly to the inboxes of over 15,100
key decision-makers. Each issue has one exclusive sponsorship opportunity. It is an extremely effective way for businesses to
reinforce written announcements, events and messages.

                Promote your business to the right audience,
                   in the right place and at the right time.

Port Strategy’s audience are presidents, CEOs, directors and senior port executives who are involved in the decision-making process
of buying, specifying and recommending products in commercial ports worldwide. They regularly digest content via Port Strategy’s
print magazine, online at portstrategy.com and via email newsletters and job bulletins – presenting clients with multiple channels to
offer business marketing messages to buyers.

              Port Strategy In Print                           Port Strategy Online                 Port Strategy Email Marketing

20,100 18,300                                             15,300                                    15,100
          Print                           Digital

         readers                   magazines circulated   Average web users per month               Inboxes weekly

5,900 16%
 copies posted per month                 open rate
                                                          Page views per month
                                                                                                    Opening rate

           of readers rate MJ ‘good to excellent'
                                                          Describe the contents as Good-Excellent
                                                                                                    Describe the contents as Good-Excellent

  What do readers think of Port Strategy?

    92%                       98%                   72% 94%
    ‘Influences                 'Finds it            'are decision            'Would recommend
    purchasing                 informative'         makers'                  to a colleague'

   Our Audience                               Adding value to your campaigns
                                              – Reach over 40,000 people across our social media channels
                                                       The Port Strategy LinkedIn group has nearly 21,000 members
                                                       and offers a great platform for sharing industry best practice
                                                       and updates with other businesses in the Port and Terminals

   Over 70%                                            The Port Strategy twitter account has over 16,400 engaged
                                                       followers who regularly boost our content, with a reach of over
   of our audience are
CEOs, Directors or Managers
                                                       50,000 impressions. Updated daily, the Port Strategy Twitter
                                                       account is a hub for those looking to keep up to date with the
                                                       latest and breaking news.
                                                        The Port Strategy Facebook account is updated weekly
                                                        and boasts an audience of over 1,500, with a reach
                                                        of over 3,900 unique impressions.

                              Tried | Tested | Trusted
Magazine Features
                 Port Strategy’s editorial programme for 2021 gives clients the opportunity to place their brand
                 and product messages alongside relevant, ground-breaking content increasing exposure to their
                 target audience.
                 Each issue contains: Regional and Country Surveys, Port Profiles, Trade and Commodity Analysis, Port Financing,
                 Civil Engineering Planning and Design, Terminal Development and Operations, Cargo Handling Equipment and Services.
                 Product News.

January/February                                                            July/ August
West Coast USA, Africa Bauxite exports, Marmara Sea Container Terminals     West South America: Peru, Ecuador & Colombia, Buenaventura, Global reefer
Container Terminals emission reduction, Cranes, Automation, Spreaders       trade, Terminal Operating Systems, Fender Systems, Crane Rails, Bollards,
•   Trans Middle East – 26-28 January – Bahrain                             Terminal Paving, Straddle Carriers, RFID, Mobile Pneumatic Unloaders
March                                                                       September
UK and Northern Europe, West Africa Container Trade, Lagos                  Australasia, China – Australasia Container Trade, India Port Capacity
Cold Ironing, E-Rubber Tyred Gantries, Automated Gantries,                  Expansion, Chennai Traffic Management, Container Tracking, Unmanned
Port Master Planning, The World’s Biggest Port Projects                     Terminals, Reach Stackers, AGVs, Alternative Fuels, Investment Partners
•   Multimodal – 23/25 March – Birmingham, UK                               •   TOC Europe – 7-9 September – Rotterdam
•   ASEAN Ports and Shipping – 23/25 March - Malaysia                       •   Baltic Ports and Shipping – 21-23 September – Germany
April                                                                       October
Italy, Genoa, Global Grain Trade                                            Spain & Portugal, Global Iron Trade Prospects, Valencia
Vessel Traffic Management Systems, Mobile Harbour Cranes,                     Environmental Audits, Terminal & Risk Insurance, Terminal Tractors & Trailers,
Heavy Lift Vessel Operations, Training, Ferry Ports Security                Planned Maintenance, Crane Refurbishment, Recruitment
•   StocExpo – 16-18 March – Antwerp                                        •   Greenport Congress – 20-22 October – Athens
•   TOC Asia – 20/21 April - Singapore                                      •   TOC Americas - TBC
•   Mediterranean Ports and Shipping – 27-29 April – Valencia               •   Intermodal Africa – 26/28 October – Ghana
                                                                            •   Intermodal Europe – 26-28 October - Amsterdam
May                                                                             TOC Americas – 26-28 October – Peru
South East Asia, Manila Asia coal imports
Port Environmental Management, Environmentally-friendly Tug Systems,        November
Asia Dredging Projects, Container Handling and Transfer                     East Coast North America, Trans-Atlantic Container Trade, Liverpool
•   Caspian Ports and Shipping – 18-20 May – Kazakhstan                     Lashing Systems, Linkspans, Empty Container Handling FLTs, Classification
•   ESPO Conference – 27-28 May – Oslo                                      Societies, Engineering Project Review
•   Breakbulk Europe – 18-20 May - Bremen                                   •   Philippine Ports and Shipping – 23/25 November - Philippines
June                                                                        December
Middle East, Container Transhipment, Abu Dhabi, Concession Agreements       East Coast of Africa, Mombasa, Africa – Europe Hub Development,
Dry Bulk Cargo Transfer, Terminal Operating Systems, Pneumatic              Ireland Ports Container Liner Investment Strategies, Risk Management
Unloaders, Rail Dumper Cars, Crane Control Systems                          Quick Erection Storage Buildings, Terminal Lighting Systems,
•   Seawork International – 15-17 June – Southampton, UK                    Handling Wind Turbines, Jib Cranes, Spreaders
•   Multimodal – 22-24 June – Birmingham, UK                                •   TOC Middle East - TBC
•   Mauritius Maritime Week – 5-9 July - Mauritius                          •   Trans Middle east – 2022

‘The news articles published in the            ‘Port Strategy was a great choice for us in   ‘Port Strategy’s extensive coverage and
magazine are very much useful for              order to promote our applications for the     relevant port updates makes it relevant
industry updates.’                             container handling industry to the right      to our international audience. Their
                                               readership. By using their multi-channel      comprehensive marketing platforms
Sudath De Silva,
                                               media options it helped us to                 reaches our target market and
General Manager,
                                               gain a higher brand awareness.’               complements our overall marketing
ZPMC Lanka Company (Pvt.) Limited
                                                                                             and communication strategy.’
                                               Sarah Pietz,
                                               Head of Marketing,                            Mairead McCrory,
                                               LASE Industrielle Lasertechnik GmbH           Telestack

‘I find Port Strategy essential in setting my   “Port Strategy consistently delivers value    As a leading provider of Terminal
reading and research agenda’                   against our marketing investments. With a     Operating Systems, Tideworks
                                               team that is focused on the best outcome      understands the importance of reaching
Joseph Hiney,                                  for my organization, not just selling me ad   the most relevant audience of Port and
Chairman, Drogheda Port Company                space, they’ve proven to be flexible and       Terminal professionals globaly. We have
                                               forward thinking in adapting their media      successfully leveraged Port Strategy’s
                                               offerings to drive maximum return on our       products over the past several years,
                                               investment.”                                  confident that their multi-platform
                                                                                             approach and targeted readership helps
                                               Matthew Wittemeier,                           us to fulfill this requirement.
                                               Senior Manager, International Marketing
                                               and Customer Relations,                       Michael Schwank,
                                               INFORM                                        President, Tideworks Technology, Inc.
Advertising Options

Online Display
                               Leaderboard                 The Port Strategy website is a top information resource
                                                           for the commercial ports and terminal industry, with the
                                                           relaunch of potstrategy.com providing a whole range of
                                                           new routes to market for clients.

                                                           The new design, delivering over 34,700 page views to over 15,300
                                                           unique visitors per month, provides advertisers the opportunity to serve
                                                           content directly in amongst the editorial via our new ‘tile’ website format.
                 Left MPU
                 - Double

                 Left MPU                           Jobs
                  - Single

                 Left MPU
                                                                     Left MPU          Home Page Only       £725pcm          370x340 px
                  - Single
                                                                  Advertising Tile     Home Page Only       £450pcm          370x370 px
                             Horizontal Banner                    Horizontal Banner       Run of Site       £600pcm          1500x180 px

                                                                   Leaderboard            Run of Site       £1375pcm         1680x180 px
                                         Tile                   Double Skyscraper         Run of Site       £1375pcm         120x800 px

                                                                    Right MPU          Run of Site          £700pcm          370x340 px
                                                                                       (excl. Home Page)
                                         Tile                    Dropdown Flyout                            £790pcm          1680x180 px

                                                                  Premium Jobs        Recruitment Section   £150pw/£460pcm   1120x437px
                             Horizontal Banner
                                                                 Sitewide Takeover                          £2850pcm
Advertising Options

Email Marketing eNewsletter
                                                  The Port Strategy eNewsletter
                               Sponsor Banner     is sent to over 15,100 port and
                                                  terminal professionals.

                                                  What’s Included
                                                  Solus sponsorship of a Port Strategy
                                                  e-Newsletter, including top banner,
                                                  hyperlinks to a URL of the client’s
                                                  choice and a sponsored message.

                                                  A free artwork service is available
                                                  upon request.
                               Sponsor Banner

                               Sponsor Message

                 eNewsletter                                 Specification on
                 Sponsorship                                    request
Advertising Options

Email Marketing eCast
                                          A Port Strategy eCast is a blank
                       Sponsor Banner     slate for your content. We can
                                          send a select number of client
                    Your Content          branded emails direct to the
                                          Port Strategy database of
                                          over 15,100 ports and terminal
                                          This enables your business to access
                                          a highly targeted audience using
                                          our email system and e-marketing
                   Our Audience           expertise.
                       Sponsor Banner
                                          We can help with design and
                       Sponsor Message    response testing.

                  eCast        Your content               Specification
                                to our list
                                              £2295        on request
Advertising Options

Native Advertising
                                             Native Advertising gives clients the opportunity to
                                             create and curate their own content to sit alongside
                                             Port Strategy’s editorial, ensuring it is effectively
                      Header with            distributed and seen by the widest audience.

                                             The Native Advertising article is signposted within the relevant
                                             editorial category on the home page of Port Strategy and links
                                             dynamically to a custom designed page built in collaboration with
                                             clients, which can include text, pictures and video. This ensures the
                  Images                     client’s message is delivered in a way that is in context, enduring
                                             and clear.
                                Web links

                                             The article is also listed under the relevant news tab and is
                       Banner Ad             archived and searchable on the website in perpetuity.

                                             If clients have a Premium Database presence
                                             then the article will also be displayed on their
                                             Premium Database listing.



                                                 Native                                     Specification
                                                             Front Page/     £2850 pcm
                                               Advertising                                      on
                                                 Article                                      request
                     Social Media Links
Advertising Options

Industry Database
                                            The Port Strategy Industry Database is a trusted reference source for buyers and
            Header Image          Company
                                            specifiers wanting to find commercial products and services within the ports and
                                            terminal industry.
            Company Info                    A listing on the industry Database provides opportunities for clients to demonstrate their
                                            business competencies. New features for premium entries include the ability to add the latest PR,
     Company Summary with Video             include marketing information, pictures and video illustrative of client’s competencies and latest
                                            achievements, as well as displaying social media links.

                                            Improved search functionality will ensure clients’ entries are an enduring investment that will help
                                            their business be seen.
                                            Our industry database receives an average of 5,540 pageviews a month, with an average time
                                            on the page of 01:40 minutes.

                                                                            TYPE                                                             RATE
                                                                    Industry Database Standard   Data listing online & Print for 12 months   £1590 pa

                                                                    Industry Database Premium    Data listing online & Print for 12 months   £2065 pa
                                                                    Industry Database            Industry Database Premium with              £2860 pa
                                                                    Premium Press Release        Press Release service
                                                                             ONLINE                    FREE              STANDARD            PREMIUM

                                                                   Address/contact information           l                    l                 l
                                                                        Category headings                l                    10                10

                                                                     Website and email links             l                     l                l

                                                                         Post latest news                l                     l                l

                                                                      Company description                                  30 words          200 words

                                                                       Your company logo                                      l                 l

                                                                       Sponsored keywords                                      1                3

              Map Link                                                   Video showreel                                                         2
                                                                          Image gallery                                                          5

                                                                       Downloadable PDF’s                                                           1

                                                                        Social media links                                                      l

                                                                            IN PRINT

                                                                        Category headings                                      1                1

                                                                      Company description                                  30 words          30 words

                                                                   Address/contact information                                 l                l
Advertising Options

Digital Cover Wraps
                                      Get your brand seen by 18,300
                                      industry professionals with our
               YOUR ADVERT WILL       new Digital Cover Wraps.
                 APPEAR HERE
                                      By using Digital Cover Wraps, you can get your brand’s
                                      message seen by 18,300 Port Strategy readers. The Digital

        PORTSTRATEGY                  Cover Wrap is a solus sponsored top and bottom banner and a
                                      40-word sponsored message, as well as a link to your website.

                                      Digital Cover Wraps offer everything you need to reach your
                                      audience, increase traffic to your website and generate leads.

                                      • Our digital copies land in over 18,300 inboxes
             READ YOUR COPY NOW         each month
                                      • Over 73% of our recipients are in senior
                                        management positions
                                      • Our digital copies receive an average
                                        open rate of 16%

                                        Digital Cover                          Specification on
                                            Wrap                                  request
Advertising Options

Sponsored Editorial
                                                                     Sponsored Editorial gives clients
                                                                     the opportunity for their brand to be
                                                                     directly associated with any of the Port
                                                                     Strategy online news categories.

                                                                     This allows clients to run a simple strapline
                                                                     and logo alongside the industry category of
                                                                     their choice, with direct links to their website
            OPERATIONS       SPONSORED BY YOUR COMPANY               when their logo is clicked.


                             Sponsored     Home Page                  Specification
                                                         £1100 pcm
                              Editorial      Only                      on request
Advertising Options

 Premium Jobs
                                                                                                               Let Port Strategy help you find the best
                                                                                                               candidate for your business with our
 JOBS                                                                                                          Premium Jobs package, helping you to
                                                                                                               place your role in front of our database
                                                                                                               of industry professionals.
                                                         GO TO MORE JOBS

                                                                                                               Delivered directly to the inboxes of over 10,300
                       LOGO                LOGO                LOGO                                            subscribed port and terminal professionals
          JOB TITLE           JOB TITLE           JOB TITLE
                                                                                                               via our Port Strategy Jobs Bulletin email, your
          xx/xx/xxxx          xx/xx/xxxx          xx/xx/xxxx

                                                                                                               position will also feature prominently on the
                                                                                                               Port Strategy website and will benefit from
                                                                                                               priority in-site search results, placing your
                                                                                                               vacancy in front of a further online audience
                       LOGO                LOGO                LOGO

          JOB TITLE
                              JOB TITLE
                                                  JOB TITLE
                                                                                                               of over 15,300 each month.

                                                                                                               Depending on the premium jobs package you
        MORE JOBS
                                                                                                               choose, your vacancy will be listed in either one
                                                                                                               or two of our jobs bulletin emails and will be
                                                                                                               featured online for either 2 or 4 weeks.

    Jobs                                                                             Specification    Jobs                                         Specification
                                           1 bulletin                      £150 pw                                  2 bulletins     £460 pcm
   Bulletin                                                                           on request    Bulletin                                       on request
Advertising Options

 Press Release
                                         As a premium service, Port Strategy are
                                         able to handle and promote all clients’
                                         press releases through the dedicated press
                                         release page featured prominently on Port
                                         Strategy’s home page.

                                         Clients simply need to send their press release
                                         through to a dedicated email address and Port
                                         Strategy will do the rest.

                                         A page will be dedicated to each press release, along
                                         with a carousel of up to 5 images and social media
                                         links. Each press release page links back to the
                                         client’s Industry Database listing.

                    Premium                   Specification
                  Press Release
                                  £1110 pcm    on request
Advertising Options

Reach the total audience
          Port Strategy has been in print since 2003 and is the leading voice in the commercial
          ports and terminal sector. Port Strategy incisive and up to the minute news and
          information, its valued content focusses on delivering this for clients.

          Port Strategy offers display advertising packages across both print and online to suit a range of budgets,
          allowing clients to maximise their message visibility across multiple channels.

                                    Print              Online          1 Month       3 Months      6 Months      10 Months

             Display Package    DPS            Leaderboard/             £4500         £4050          £3825            £3600
                                               Double Skyscraper
             Display Package    Full Page      Left/Right MPU           £3200         £3040          £2880            £2560

             Display Package    Half Page      Right MPU/Banner         £2600         £2470          £2340            £2080

             Display Package    Quarter Page   Tile (Any zone)          £1400         £1330          £1260            £1120

             Display Package    Covers         Article footer           £4215         £3795          £3565            £3375
Mechanical Data

Print Specifications                                                                                                         Online Specifications
                                                                                                                                                                                          Our site incorporates ‘responsive’ designs. It can detect
                                                        Vertical            Horizontal                                          Leaderboard                    1680x180px
                                                                                                                                                                                          the device on which it is being displayed, whether desktop
                                                                                                                                                                                          PC, tablet or mobile, and render with the size, layout and
                                                                                                                                                                                          resolution that makes it easiest-to-read.
                     Cover                             210 x 297*                                                                                                                         It is very important that the size of online advertisement
                                                                                                                             Wide Skyscraper                    120x800px                 files match industry standards. The accepted current
                                                                                                                                                                                          industry standard is set by the Interactive Advertising
                      DPS                                                   420 x 297*                                                                                                    Bureau. The IAB Ad Unit Guidelines are intended for
                                                                                                                                                                                          marketers, agencies and media companies for use in
                                                                                                                                   Left MPU                     370x340px                 the creating, planning, buying and selling of interactive
                  Full Page                            210 x 297*                                                                                                                         marketing and advertising. This standard is applied by
                                                                                                                                                                                          nearly every media company in the world. The following
                                                                                                                                                                                          guidelines apply to material created by Mercator or
                  Half Page                            90 x 272              186 x 132                                            Right MPU                     370x340px
                                                                                                                                                                                          supplied by clients or agencies.

               Quarter Page                             90 x 132
                                                                                                                                        Tile                    370x370px
           Industry Database                            40 x 58
                                                                        *3mm bleed on all edges
We wish to reproduce your images to the highest possible standard. When supplying scans or digital photography, we          GIF, animated GIF, JPEG, PNG
recommend that images are captured with a minimum resolution of 300dpi. These should be sent to us in jpeg or TIFF          Flash Files should be avoided as they do not render on Apple devices.
format. We cannot be held responsible for the quality of pictures that are supplied digitally.                              If a Flash File is the only format available, you must supply the file with an embedded tracking code &
                                                                                                                            a GIF or JPEG.
Most computer monitors only have an effective resolution of around 72dpi. A satisfactory display on screen does not          Flash Files will not be accepted for mobile usage, please supply a static image
mean satisfactory magazine reproduction as more than three times this resolution is needed when lithographic printing       An active website URL must be supplied for the advertisement to link to a Directory entry.
is used.                                                                                                                    Supplied rich media in advertisements is subject to our approval.

PREPARING FILES TO SEND                                                                                                     File size
We usually receive artwork by email if the file size doesn’t exceed 8MB. When files are too large to send view e-mail, we     Files that are too big slow website loading times for visitors to the site. Supplied material that exceeds the maximum file
can download your artwork directly from a link.                                                                             size indicated by more than 20% will be returned to the originator for revision.
                                                                                                                            The maximum file size is 40KB.
FILE TYPES                                                                                                                  The maximum animation length is 15 seconds.
Print ready PDFs should be made in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) using PDFx1a profile. The PDFx1a profile
can be found when exporting to PDF or when distilling a Postscript file using Acrobat Distiller.                             Production Lead Time
The PDFx1a profile contains a series of well defined subsets that protects the integrity of the fonts and colours contained   Client supplied material is required 3 business days in advance of being shown.
                                                                                                                            Company Industry Database add-ons
•   � Fonts will be properly embedded into the file                                                                          PDFs, 40KB per item. Max 10 sec loading time.
•    � All colour data must be greyscale, CMYK or named spot colours                                                        AV/Video content is served via YouTube. Recommended duration is max. 30 seconds. Max file size 250KB. Either:
•     � The file cannot contain RGB, LAB data                                                                                1. Via your own YouTube account - please supply us with the video code.
•      � Encryption cannot be used.                                                                                         2. Via Mercator Media’s YouTube account - please supply us with a video file (MPEG4 with MP3 audio for best results).

EPS files from Illustrator are acceptable CS2-CS5 (Creative Suite 5), with text save to outlines/paths
or supply all fonts and hi-resolution Photoshop files (300dpi) usually saved in JPG, TIFF, PSD or EPS formats.

While our production department will do everything they can to ensure that your advertising is processed as error-free
as possible, we cannot take responsibility for the colour reproduction of any PDFs containing
RGB pictures and logos.


 Tim Hills                              Hannah Bolland
 Media Manager                          Sales Executive
 Email                                  Email
 thills@mercatormedia.com               hbolland@mercatormedia.com

 Louise Clarke
 Head of Sales

 Rebecca Jeffrey                   Anne-Marie Causer
 News Reporter                    News Editor
 Email                            Email
 rjeffrey@mercatormedia.com        acauser@mercatormedia.com

                                                                 Port Strategy is produced by Mercator Media Limited, a B2B
                                                                 media company based in Fareham, Hampshire, UK. Established
                                                                 in 1989, Mercator Media Ltd is a niche publishing company that
                                                                 knows how to create and disseminate the vital content that
                                        Mercator Media Limited   moves markets.
                            Spinnaker House Waterside Gardens
                                 Fareham Hampshire PO16 8SD      Registered in England. Company Number 2427909
                                                            UK   Registered office address: Spinnaker House,
                                                                 Waterside Gardens, Fareham, United Kingdom. PO16 8SD
                                                                 Tel: +44 1329 825335
                                                                 Web: portstrategy.com
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