PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association

Page created by Louise Matthews
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association

                                                  Sun, sea and
                                                  ice cream
                                                  New homes come
                                                  to Portobello

+ Get to know our              + Customers making      + Enter our competition
  Maintenance Team               life-changing moves     to win a £25 voucher
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association
2   PORT NEWS                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS PORT    3
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                                                                                                                 Storing mobility scooters
                                                                  New faces and
                                                                  promotions                                                                                           New laws on
                           MESSAGE                                Everyone here at Port of Leith                                                                       personal
    I hope you enjoyed all the sunshine on Leith we
                                                                  Housing Association would like
                                                                  to say a big hello to our new
                                                                  colleagues Kirsty and Bradley,
    experienced over June and July. Let’s hope it stays with us   and congratulations to Rachel
    for the rest of the summer.                                   Gilburt who has moved from                                                                           The law has changed around
                                                                  the Customer Advice team to                                                                          how organisations protect
    I also hope you enjoy reading our latest issue of Portcall,   provide maternity cover as                                                                           the personal information they
    which brings news of us opening 52 new affordable homes       Facilities Admin Assistant.                                                                          hold about customers and
    for social and mid market rent in Baileyfield, Portobello.                                                                                                         staff. The new legislation,
      Another article gives you a chance to get to know our                                                                                                            which is called the General
    Maintenance Team better and to find out more about how                                                                                                             Data Protection Regulation
    we handle repairs to your home.                                                                                                                                    (GDPR), came into force on
                                                                                                                                                                       25 May this year, and requires
    You can also read all about how transferring to a more        Kirsty                              With fire safety in mind,        mobility scooters. For this     organisations to follow strict
    suitable property has made a big difference to two of our     Corporate                           we are asking customers          reason, we ask customers to     rules about how they collect
    customers, Ian and Faruk.                                     Business                            not to store their mobility      please avoid using mobility     personal information, when
                                                                  Co-ordinator                        scooters in communal             scooters in our lifts.          they collect it and how they
    Have a great summer!                                                                              areas and stairwells.              We are happy to discuss       use it.
                                                                                                        In the absence of              rehousing options with            You can read all about how
    Keith                                                                                             designated storage areas         anyone with a mobility          we handle our customers’
                                                                                                      for mobility scooters, they      scooter who lives above         personal information in the
                                                                                                      should be stored safely in       ground level or who does        enclosed notice, titled ‘How
                                                                                                      customers’ own flats.            not have space to store it.     we handle your personal
                                                                                                        Our lifts have been              Please contact your           information’. You can also
                                                                                                      breaking down because            housing officer to discuss      read all about our new data
                                       Multiple awards                                                they were not designed to        all the options available to    protection policy on our
                                                                                                      carry the extra weight of        you.                            website www.polha.co.uk
                                       for Leith Fort             Bradley
                                                                  ICT Service

                                                                                                               We can help you obtain accredited qualifications
      Our development at Leith Fort has attracted a string of
      awards, including winning the coveted Saltire Medal                                            Since the beginning of the                                        An accredited qualification
      and the Multiple Housing Development category at this                                          year Community Works has                                          means that instead of being
      year’s Saltire Housing Design Awards.                                                          been preparing to provide                                         able to simply say that, for
        It was also named as one of the winners in the 2018       We are also pleased to say         accredited training. Now it’s                                     example, you can provide
                                                                  that Christina (Tina) Bell will    pleased to share the news                                         great customer service, you
      Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS)                                           that it is accredited by both                                     have the qualification to prove
                                                                  be joining the team at Port
      Housing Development Awards and is now shortlisted                                              the Institute of Training and                                     it on your CV and during
                                                                  of Leith Housing Association
      for the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland        when she takes up the role of      Occupational Learning and                                         interviews.
      Award, to be presented in November.                                                            Qualsafe, one of the largest                                        If you would like to find out
                                                                  Customer Advice Manager on         awarding organisations in the    be accredited. We have and       more about the accredited
        We are thrilled that Leith Fort has received this         13 August.
      recognition and won such prestigious awards.                                                   UK.                              now we can deliver accredited    qualifications Community
                                                                                                       It was not just a question     Customer Service, Hospitality,   Works could help you achieve,
      The homes we have created along with the City of            We wish Lucy Whittaker, who        of signing up and paying the     First Aid and various other      please call 0131 554 0403
      Edinburgh Council have given the area a new lease of        has recently left this role, all   bill. We had to prove that our   courses to our tenants and       or email community.works@
      life, making it a great place for people to call home.      the best for the future.           courses were of a standard to    clients.                         polha.co.uk
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association
4   PORT TENANTS                                                                                                                                                                 TENANTS PORT   5
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    TENANCYFRAUD                                                       New
                                                                       community                    Are you                                                      Help us to make
                                                                                                                                                                 Portcall even better!
    Help us to tackle tenancy fraud                                    bank comes                   ready for
                                                                       to Leith                     Universal                                                    We would like to hear from
                                                                                                                                                                 anyone who has a story

    It’s very important that people
    living in the homes we
                                      How do I report tenancy
                                                                                                    Credit?                                                      idea for Portcall, or who
                                                                                                                                                                 would like to write a story,
                                                                                                                                                                 or share a photo in the
    provide are legally entitled                                                                                                                                 newsletter. If you would
    to do so. Given the shortage      If you think someone in                                                                                                    like to get involved, please
    of affordable homes, it’s a       your development may be                                                                                                    email wendy.chan@polha.
    serious issue if any of our       subletting their home or                                                                                                   co.uk or call 0131 554
    properties have been obtained     living elsewhere, please                                                                                                   0403 and ask to speak to
    fraudulently by someone           report this to us.                                                                                                         Wendy Chan.

                                                                                                    Universal Credit is
    who is not eligible for social
                                      Any information you give
    What does tenancy fraud
                                      us will be treated in the
                                      strictest confidence and your                                 on its way                                                   Come to us
                                                                                                                                                                 for council
                                      identity will be protected.
    • Not using the property as
      the sole or principal home      You can report the suspected

                                                                                                                                                                 tax advice
                                      fraud to us anonymously
    • Subletting without              but please give us as much
      permission, including for       information as possible to
      short-term holiday lets         help us investigate it. The
                                      more information that we
    • Giving the tenancy to           have, the better the chance
      someone else without            we have of stopping this type
      permission                      of fraud from taking place.     Castle Community Bank,
                                                                      which offers savings          Universal Credit (UC)        is here to help you with
    • Abandoning the property                                         accounts and loans to         is expected to be fully      this process.
                                      Please call us on 0131          people living or working in   rolled out to all benefit      Please call them on 0131
    • Trying to get a property        554 0403, if you think you      ‘EH’ postcodes, has opened    claimants in Edinburgh and   554 0403 if you would like
      using false statements, for     may know about a case of        a branch at 49 Great          Leith from this November     help with:
      example, falsely claiming to    tenancy fraud.                  Junction Street.              onwards.                                                     Changes are coming through
      be homeless                                                                                     The Department for         • Setting up an e-mail          Universal Credit which
                                                                      The bank was formed in        Work and Pensions (DWP)        address                       will have an impact on
    • Trying to get a property                                        2016 following the merger     will, in most cases, pay     • Opening a bank                deductions from benefits for
      using false documents a                                         of two Credit Unions          the housing element of         account                       council tax.
      forged passport or claiming                                     which had been operating      the benefit directly to      • Universal Credit or any
      to be someone else                                              in Craigmillar and north      claimants. This means          other welfare benefits        Remember that Fiona
                                                                      Edinburgh for over 30         claimants will need to                                       Neilson, our Money Adviser,
                                                                      years.                        budget accordingly and       If you have any concerns        can help and advise you
                                                                                                    make arrangements with       about the roll-out of           about your council tax, so
                                                                      To find out more              the Association to ensure    Universal Credit, and what      you don’t end up paying
                                                                      about how Castle              rent is paid on time.        it might mean for you, please   more than you need to.
                                                                      Community Bank could            The application process    do not hesitate to get in
                                                                      help you, call into the       for UC is done online and    touch with us.
                                                                      branch or visit www.          can take up to one hour.       We will be very happy to      Get in touch by calling
                                                                      castlecommunitybank.            Don’t worry though as      help customers in any way       0131 553 8745 or emailing
                                                                      co.uk                         our Tenancy Support Team     we can.                         fiona.neilson@polha.co.uk
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association
6   PORT FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                        FEATURES PORT    7
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     First homes for
     social rent in over
                                                                                                           Reuse show home
     a decade come to
     Portobello area                                                                                       popped up in Leith
     On 29 June we headed to
     the seaside to celebrate                                                                                                                       Pictured left:        of furniture, the show home
     the opening of the                                                                                                                             Visitors to the       featured artworks from local
     largest development of                                                                                                                         show home enjoy       up-cycling artists, such as
     affordable homes for                                                                                                                           a cup of tea          Vivienne Kelly, a taxidermist
     social and mid market                                                                                                                          Pictured bottom       who uses art to connect the
     rent in the Portobello                                                                                                                         right: Handmade       city with its relationship
     area in over a decade.                                                                                                                         upcycled &            with urban animals, and
                                                                                                                                                    recycled items by     Martina Salvi, a design
                                                                                                                                                    local artists         student at Napier University.

                                                                                                            Our subsidiary company         Initiatives Manager at Quay
                                                                                                            Quay Community                 Community Improvements,
                                                                                                            Improvements, along            said:
                                                                                                            with Changeworks, has             “Quay is thrilled that
                                                                                                            transformed a former           so many people visited
                                                                                                            Barratt show home in           the show home. It’s great
                                                                                                            Lochend using second-          to have been able to play
                                                                                                            hand furniture and soft        our part in creating this
                                                                                                            furnishings as part of the     opportunity both for reuse
                                                                                                            Zero Waste Leith project.      and repair organisations
                                                                                                              Members of the local         to generate business and
                                                                                                            community visited the          for widening the appeal of
                                                                                                            show home during the           second-hand furniture.”
     Ash Denham, MSP for                                                                                    first weekend of the             Quay Community
     Edinburgh Eastern                                                                                      Leith Festival in June to      Improvements and
     (pictured above with Keith                                                                             see for themselves just        Changeworks partnered
     Anderson), officially opened                                                                           how attractive, affordable     with a number of local
     our Fishwives Causeway           “This has given Ryan not only a beautiful new home                    and environmentally-           reuse organisations who
     development in Baileyfield,                                                                            friendly second-hand items     provided the furniture and
     which has brought 52 high-       but it has allowed him to have his own freedom and                    can be. Clare Halliday,        furnishings for the show
     quality, affordable homes        independence living in a great location.”                             Business and Community         home. As well as large items
     to the Portobello area. This
     includes 28 homes for social     new social housing was built       “We appreciate that Port of
     rent and 24 for mid market       in Portobello, Fishwives         Leith Housing Association has
     rent via our subsidiary
     Persevere Developments.
                                      Causeway is giving people the
                                      opportunity to live in a high-
                                                                       given our brother Ryan's care
                                                                       provider, Visualise, an amazing
                                                                                                           Sun and fun at Leith Gala Day
                                      quality, energy-efficient home   opportunity to take on a                                                                           Hundreds of people
     Although we already manage       in a fantastic location.”        stunning flat. This has given                                                                      gathered at Leith Links on
     both social and mid market                                        Ryan not only a beautiful new                                                                      Saturday 9 June to celebrate
     rent homes in the area, it has   One of the homes has been        home but it has allowed him                                                                        Leith Gala Day and to mark
     been at least 13 years since     fully adapted for Visualise      to have his own freedom and                                                                        the beginning of a week of
     new homes for social rent        Scotland, a charity which        independence living in a great                                                                     festivities in Leith.
     were created in Portobello.      provides residential support     location.
                                      to adults with physical and        “The flat itself is wonderfully                                                                  This is the 9th year we have
     Keith Anderson, our Chief        sensory impairments, learning    set up and gives all the                                                                           held a stall where we were
     Executive, said:                 difficulties and complex         disabled access needed. It                                                                         on hand to offer housing
       “We are extremely pleased      communication needs.             also offers an outdoor space                                                                       advice, showcase our latest
     to have completed these                                           to enjoy. All this combined is                                                                     developments and to share
     much needed, great new           Sinead McMillan, the sister of   giving Ryan the best quality                                                                       information on our latest
     homes. Given that it has         Ryan who has moved into the      of life and as a family, this is    Staff from PoLHA and Quay Community Improvements at this       community projects.
     been over a decade since         property, said:                  priceless to us.”                   year’s Leith Gala Day
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association
8   PORT FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                FEATURES PORT      9
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     Looking after                                                                                                                                               In terms of fire safety,
                                                                                                                                                                 customers can check that
                                                                                                                                                                 (where fitted) door closers are
                                                                                                                                                                 working and doors are closing

     your home
                                                                                                                                                                 properly. They can also make
                                                                                                                                                                 sure that they do not wedge
                                                                                                                                                                 open doors fitted with closers
                                                                                                                                                                 because if a fire breaks out,
                                                                                                                                                                 this will allow it to spread and
                                                                                                                                                                 put your safety at risk.
                                                                                                                                                                    Please also ensure that
     Our Maintenance                                                                                                                                             smoke alarms are working
     Team is here to ensure                                                                                                                                      correctly. They will give an
                                                                                                                                                                 early warning to allow you
     that repairs to your                                                                                                                                        to evacuate your property, so
     property and common                                                                                                                                         it’s important that you check
                                                                                                                                                                 and maintain them by doing
     areas are carried out                                                                                                                                       a weekly test. Press the test
     and that your home is                                                                                                                                       button for up to 10 seconds
                                                                                                                                                                 to set off the alarm, making
     kept in good condition                                                                                                                                      sure you can hear it. If there
                                                                                                                                                                 is more than one alarm in the
     Portcall spoke to Steven                                                                                                                                    property they will be linked
     Donoghue, Senior                                                                                                                                            and all the alarms will sound
                                                                                                                                                                 when being tested.
     Maintenance Officer, to                                                                                                                                        Customers can also help us
     find out more                                                                                                                                               with Legionella control. We
                                                                                                                                                                 carry out regular checks of
     How can customers report                                                                                                                                    the communal water tanks
     a repair?                                                                                                                                                   to ensure that they are clean
                                                                                                                                                                 and that the quality and
     Repairs can be reported                                                                                                                                     temperature of the water
     by calling our freephone                                                                                                                                    meets the required standards.
     number on 0808 100 0403 or                                                                                                                                  This means that the Legionella
     our office on 0131 554 0403.                                                                                                                                risk in your home is very low.
                                                                                                                                                                    However, customers can help
     Customers can also email us                                                                                                                                 to keep the risk even lower
     at PropertyAdmin@polha.                                                                                                                                     by disinfecting and de-scaling
     co.uk                          Pictured back left to                                                                                                        any shower heads fitted in
                                    right: Steph Scott, Nikki       will be completed in five                  Testing fire detectors                            your home every two months.
     What happens after a repair    Adamson, Sara Oliver.           working days.                                                                                If you don’t use the shower
     is reported?                   Front left to right: Kevin                                                                                                   regularly we recommend
                                    Armstrong and Steven            Immediate - For example,          Optical alarm                     New multi-sensor alarm   switching it on for at least two
     When a repair is reported      Donoghue                        broken windows, faulty toilets                                                               minutes once a week. When
     over the phone our team                                        or broken door locks – these                                                                 your home has been empty
     will arrange a suitable                                        will be completed in 24 hours.                                                               for a period of time (eg when
     appointment time for our       We use four categories                                                                                                       you’re on holiday), run the hot
     contractor to complete the     which help us to prioritise     Emergency - For example,                                                                     and cold taps for at least two
     repair or for one of the       how quickly we respond to       no heating (during winter                                                                    minutes when you return and
     maintenance team to visit to   a repair:                       months), major water leaks                                                                   keep your hot water hot and
     check what work is required.                                   and no power – these will be       Heat alarm                           New heat alarm       your cold water cold.
       When a repair is reported    Routine - For example,          attended to within two hours.
     by e-mail, our contractor      dripping taps, joinery
     will get in touch with         repairs and plaster repairs –   Is there anything customers
     the customer directly to       these will be completed in      can do to assist the
     arrange for the work to be     15 working days.                maintenance team?                                                                            Still have questions?
     completed.                                                                                                                                                  If you’d like to find out more
                                    Urgent - For example, faulty    There are checks customers                                                                   about how we handle repairs,
     How does the Association       smoke detectors, no heating     can do to ensure their home                                                                  call 0131 554 0403 or email
     decide how quickly it will     (during summer months)          is safe, especially around fire   If the fire detectors do not sound, contact us             PropertyAdmin@polha.
     complete a repair?             and blocked sinks – these       safety and Legionella control.    immediately to have them checked.                          co.uk
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association
10   PORT FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                    FEATURES PORT    11
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       Scrutinising                                                                                   Life-changing moves
       the day to                                                                                     Portcall met
       day repairs                                                                                    two of our
       service                                                                                        who have
       Find out how you                                                                               transferring
       can have your                                                                                  to a more
       say...                                                                                         suitable home
                          from TB

       The customers on the            Complete your
       service review panel have       satisfaction reply slips
       had their inspection hats on    and provide feedback on
       for the third time since the    your repair
       group was established three
       years ago.                        Thank you to those of       We would like to thank the                                                                      “Living on the
         As a group, they agreed       you who complete our          customers on the service
       to review the day-to-day        satisfaction surveys.         review panel for their                                                                          ground floor has
       repairs service and to assess     Currently, only 15% of      support in this key area                                       Ian                              made such a big
       whether tenants are getting     the satisfaction slips we     of our work. We greatly                                        Ian (pictured top right) has
       value for money.                send out following a repair   value their contribution and                                   been one of our tenants for      difference to my
         In the past few months,
       they analysed repairs
                                       are returned to us. It is
                                       important that you tell us
                                                                     dedication to improving
                                                                     services for all of our         Faruk
                                                                                                                                    two years and previously
                                                                                                                                    lived in Academy Street.
                                                                                                                                                                     life. I love having
       performance information,        how satisfied you are with    customers.                      Faruk (pictured top left)        However, following a           my confidence
       complaints data to help
       them identify any trends,
                                       repairs so that we can
                                       make improvements and
                                                                       We asked Ruth, a tenant
                                                                     who recently joined the
                                                                                                     has been living in one
                                                                                                     of our homes for the last
                                                                                                                                    heart attack and a stroke
                                                                                                                                    which left his left arm
                                                                                                                                                                     and freedom
       held discussions with staff     give positive feedback to     service review panel, what      three years.                   paralysed, Ian found it          back.”
       to find out more about their    our contractors where it      she thought of the process.       A former resident of         difficult to get in and out of
       role in the repairs process     is deserved. We run a free      Ruth said: “As a tenant, it   Salamander Street, Faruk’s     his flat.
       and met with tenants who        prize draw every month        is good to know that PoLHA      property was on the              He spoke to his housing
       had recently reported a         offering a lucky winner a     does listen and that our        Association’s disposal list,   officer who suggested a
       repair.                         £25 shopping voucher to       views are taken on board.       so in March he transferred     transfer and now Ian is
         With support from the         spend.                          “I would say to all tenants   to a one-bedroom home          enjoying living in a ground
       Tenant Information Service                                    that they should come along,    on Duke Street.                floor flat in our Couperfield
       (TIS), the tenants made 26      Keep your contact details     enjoy the company, have a         He said:                     development.                     moving to a new home that
       recommendations to include      up to date                    nice cuppa and a chat.”           “I am really enjoying my       Ian said: “Following a         would suit my needs.
       areas for improvement                                                                         new home. The transfer         stroke, I just couldn’t hold       “I jumped at the chance.
       as well as highlighting         Please let us know how you                                    process was very easy          onto the banister in the           “Even though I had lived
       areas of good practice. As      would like us to contact      For a copy of the scrutiny      and straightforward as         stairwell to get up and          in the flat for years, I didn’t
       part of their findings, the     you. You may wish to speak    report on the day-to-day        my housing officer, Paul,      down safely.                     want to end up being
       tenants believe that every      to us on the phone, or to     repairs service, or to find     helped me through each           “Getting out and               confined 24/7.
       opportunity should be           use email or Facebook to      out about how you can join      stage.                         about was becoming                 “Living on the ground
       given to all tenants to give    contact us.                   the service review panel,         “I am very happy living      more difficult, so when          floor has made such a big
       their feedback and would          Whatever your preference,   contact Wendy Chan by           here and I would like to       I mentioned this to my           difference to my life. I love
       encourage tenants to do the     we will do our best to meet   emailing wendy.chan@            thank Paul and Leo at          housing officer he asked         having my confidence and
       following:                      your needs.                   polha.co.uk                     PoLHA for all their help.”     if I would be interested in      freedom back.”
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association
                               Community hub                          DATES FOR
                               for Newhaven                           THE DIARY
                               Dr George Venters, Chair                  Our AGM
                               of Newhaven Heritage,
                               shares plans to save                 5 September 2018
                               Victoria Primary School             All members welcome.
                                                                      Look out for your
                               Victoria Primary School                   invitation!
                               is due to be replaced by
                               a bigger modern school.              Scottish Housing
                               This means that the present                 Day
                               building will then be up             19 September 2018
                               for sale. We are working             We have lots of plans
                               to make sure it is bought             for Housing Day.
                               for the community and we
                               need your help.                       Updates to follow.
                                 Newhaven Heritage wants
                               Victoria Primary School to
Summer treat!                  be reborn as the Newhaven
                               Heritage Centre and              send you a copy of our free
Rhubarb fool                   community hub, owned and         newsletter.
                               run by, and for, the people
                               of Newhaven.                     You can also visit
We asked staff to share          To follow the campaign,        newhavenonforth.org.uk
their favourite summer         email newhavenheritage@          to find out more about the
dessert that is both easy      gmail.com and we will            campaign.
and simple to make without
costing an arm and a leg.
  We have chosen a               COMPETITION Get creative!
favourite of Jane Whiting,
our Employability Officer.
We hope you will enjoy it                                               Pictured left: The
as much as we do!                                                       winning entry
                                                                        from our previous
Method:                                                                 competition.
                                                                        Judah, aged
• Cut rhubarb into small                                                8, sent us this
  pieces                                                                lovely picture
• Place a small knob of                                                 representing her
  butter in a pan and melt                                              home. Well done!
• Add some honey to taste                                               A £25 gift voucher
  and a spoon of water                                                  is on its way over
• Simmer the rhubarb for                                                to you.
  15 minutes until soft. Let
  it cool
• Mix in single or double        We are holding a front        Please send your entry in
  cream till creamy              cover competition. Please     high resolution to, info@
• Pop in fridge for 30           send in a drawing, painting   polha.co.uk or you can
  minutes. All done!             or a photograph taken         also post your submissions
                                 in and around Leith and       on our facebook page.
                                 the chosen favourite          We will be in touch to let
Alternative:                     will feature on the front     you know if your picture
• Use berries instead of         cover of the next edition     has been chosen. The
  rhubarb                        of Portcall. It can be as     winner will receive a £25
• Use sugar instead of           vibrant and colourful as      gift voucher – good luck
  honey.                         you would like it to be!      everyone!
PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association PORTCALL Sun, sea and ice cream - New homes come to Portobello - Port of Leith Housing Association
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