PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga

Page created by Alvin Goodwin
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga
          2018 PROGRAM

PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga

Introduction                        7

Arts Centre                         9
   Matinee performances            10
   Evening performances            14
   Exhibitions                     28

Sauerbier House culture exchange   35
   Artists in Residence            36
   [GRAFTd] Exhibitions            43

Public art trail map               49

Art shop                           50
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga
Core Values Totem
Poles Terry Beaston
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga

I’m proud to welcome you                            The event will feature live entertainment,
                                                    performing arts, children’s activities, art
to the 2018 Program for the
                                                    installations, workshops, food trucks, bars
Port Noarlunga Arts Precinct.                       and artisan markets each Friday, Saturday
Port Noarlunga is a popular family and tourism      and Sunday from 16 – 25 February.
destination, with local attractions including the
                                                    For the remaining weeks of the Fringe Festival,
jetty and reef, boutique style cafés and shops
                                                    the Arts Team will be working with local artists
in the township and a great range of public
                                                    to develop and present a series of Friday
art and open spaces.
                                                    evening events focused on Aboriginal art
Port Noarlunga has been home to the city’s          and culture, music, poetry, song and dance.
Arts Centre since it opened in 1993.
                                                    Throughout the year, the Arts Centre will
The Arts Centre is located in the old Institute     continue to host monthly matinee performances,
Building on Gawler Street and provides an           presenting high quality arts and entertainment
accessible space for events and activities.         experiences by South Australian performers.

The centre offers a fantastic program of art        Evening performances in 2018 will begin with
exhibitions and performances, along with a          a concert presented by the Onkaparinga City
range of classes delivered by local artists.        Concert Band and continue with such events as
                                                    the world renowned Grigoryan Brothers, A Boy
With the opening of Sauerbier House Culture
                                                    Named Cash, Rogue Romantic featuring Anya
Exchange in September 2015, Port Noarlunga’s
                                                    Anastasia, Which Way Home, an Ilbijerri Theatre
reputation as a vital arts hub for our community
                                                    production to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2018,
and visitors to the area has been further
                                                    and 39 Forever featuring Amity Dry.
                                                    I warmly welcome you all to visit and enjoy
Located on the banks of the Onkaparinga
                                                    Port Noarlunga and experience our diverse
River, the state heritage listed building has
                                                    and rich arts program.
been transformed from a residence into a
centre for developing and promoting arts
practices, and supporting and strengthening         Lorraine Rosenberg
the creative cultural expression of the region.     Mayor
                                                    City of Onkaparinga
In 2018, Sauerbier House will again become
Adelaide’s southern outdoor Fringe Festival
hub, with the staging of Fleurieu Fringe.
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga
The Goggles
Anna Small and Warren Pickering
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga

The City of Onkaparinga                            Public art plays an important role
                                                   in representing community identity
is committed to building
                                                   and the culture of the region and
strong vibrant communities                         continues to be a significant feature
and one of the ways we do                          throughout the City in 2018.
this is through the provision                      The year will again conclude with the annual
of a high quality arts and                         Surf Art Exhibition, one of the pivotal features
cultural program.                                  of the annual program at the Arts Centre Port
                                                   Noarlunga. Carving a place in the hearts and
Not only does the arts contribute to local         souls of the southern arts calendar, the exhibition
vibrancy, it also benefits our city and its        celebrates not only surfing culture, but our
local businesses economically.                     region’s history, stunning coastal environment
Major music and arts festivals and our mix         and lifestyle.
of community-based arts groups and activities      I encourage you all to engage with artists
draw local and interstate visitors to our region   and the arts and cultural events presented
who stay, spend and learn more about what          in Port Noarlunga and throughout the
makes our region special.                          City of Onkaparinga in 2018.
Guided by the City’s Arts and Cultural
Development Strategic Management Plan              Jason Haskett
the council’s arts team focuses on supporting      Team Leader, Arts and Culture
and providing opportunities for local artists.     City of Onkaparinga
The team also integrates art into the design
of public spaces and finds new ways to bring
people together to participate in arts projects.

In 2018, one of our key events will be the
Shimmer Photographic Biennale, the only
South Australian arts festival dedicated to
celebrating the culture of the camera and
the art of photography.
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga

The Arts Centre is a flexible arts space which       Performances
comprises three galleries, an art shop, a
                                                     The centre blends support for local artists
performance space, rehearsal studios and a
                                                     with a mix of performers and performances
visual art studio. It is home to a number of
                                                     from outside the region. This provides the
local arts, craft and theatrical groups and is
                                                     community with access to shows they may not
very much a part of the local community.
                                                     otherwise have an opportunity to experience.
To support local artists and the community, the
                                                     The Arts Centre is part of the Out of the Square
centre delivers an annual program of exhibitions,
                                                     consortium, a metropolitan entertainment
events and performances. Events and activities
                                                     circuit which provides the best South Australian
reflect local history, character and culture and
                                                     performers and talent to entertain audiences.
positively contribute to the identity and vibrancy
of our community.                                    Out of the Square presents a monthly matinee
                                                     program from February to December.
Located within the beautiful seaside area of Port
Noarlunga, a visit to the Arts Centre can be
combined with a short walk to the beach and a        Hire
visit to the many cafés and shops in the township.   The gallery and performance spaces are
                                                     available for hire, for the presentation of
                                                     performances, events and functions. Technical
                                                     and event management support is available.
The Arts Centre is located in the old Institute
Building on Gawler Street. The institute opened
in 1924, and has since played an important
role in the creative and cultural life of the
region; for many years as a performance
space and previously as one of the only movie
theatres in the Fleurieu Peninsula. This role is
continued today through the centre, as a hub
for the arts in the south.

22 Gawler Street, Port Noarlunga | 8326 5577 | www.onkaparingacity.com/artscentre
Mon to Fri 10am–4pm | Sat 12noon–4pm | Public holidays closed
PORT NOARLUNGA ARTS PRECINCT - 2018 PROGRAM - www.onkaparingacity.com/arts - City of Onkaparinga

Matinee Performances
Matinee performances are presented in            setting, with chairs and tables. Tables generally
association with Out of the Square, a network    seat up to 10 people each. Bookings can
of Adelaide suburban arts centres that plan,     be made in advance, with a subscription
package, programme and present the best          to each half year season available.
possible arts and entertainment to audiences
                                                 Matinee performances are programmed
outside Adelaide’s CBD.
                                                 from February to December each year,
At the Arts Centre, Port Noarlunga, matinee      with the February to June program listed
performances are presented monthly, generally    in this booklet. The program of performances
on the second Wednesday of each month,           for July to December will be available prior
starting at 11am. Morning tea is provided,       to July 2018.
with performances presented in a cabaret-style
                                                 For further information on Out of the
                                                 Square, go to: www.outofthesquare.net.au

UB4T                                                 String Fever
Wednesday 14 February, 11am                          Wednesday 14 March, 11am

UB4T was formed as a tribute to the original         Wife and husband team, Jacqui and Brenton
UB40 and follows the original UB40 line-up, a        Edgecombe, bring you strings like you’ve never
strong eight-piece band. UB4T is made up of          heard them before. Brenton hammers his fiddle
members from the popular One Planet band with        like a rockstar, while Jacqui plays her cello with
a collection of other musicians with a wide range    the depth and grace you’d expect from a former
of experience both nationally and internationally.   Symphony Orchestra member.

UB4T’s repertoire covers the 80s era of UB40         Their musical rollercoaster will take you from
and you can expect to hear such iconic songs         Bluegrass to The Beatles to the Blue Danube
as: Food For Thought, King, Red Red Wine, Rat        and their virtuosity will leave you spellbound.
In Mi Kitchen, One In Ten, Kingston Town, Cherry     They’ll also keep you smiling with a cheeky
Oh Baby, Johnny Too Bad, Stick By Me, Groovin’,      dose of husband-wife humour.
Here I Am, I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight, I Got You
                                                     String Fever has received 11 national awards
Babe, Can’t Help Falling In Love and many more.
                                                     for its services to showbiz, including five ‘MO’
                                                     awards, and the ‘Qantas Peter Allen Variety
Tickets $18
                                                     Performers of the Year’.

                                                     Their repertoire includes Flight of the Bumblebee,
                                                     The Blue Danube waltz, Fiddler on the Roof, The
                                                     Barber of Seville and many more.

                                                     Tickets $18

John Lennon                                            A Boy Named Cash
                                                       Wednesday 16 May, 11am
Featuring Greg Hart
                                                       Monty Cotton, a seasoned performer and
Wednesday 18 April, 11am                               musician, woke up one day and realised
                                                       he could imitate Johnny Cash.
This is a very special show for Greg Hart, as
John Lennon was his childhood hero. Performing         From this point on, Monty has performed as
the first act in a replica Ed Sullivan Beatles suit,   Johnny Cash all around Australia and the UK
tailor made in the USA, Greg uses exact replica        including pubs, clubs, arts festivals, mine sites,
guitars to faithfully reproduce the sound and look     corporate functions, breakfast radio, morning
of John Lennon. The Jus-Fa-Fun band, one of            television and ‘The Voice’ Australia.
Adelaide’s finest bands, faithfully replicates that    A Boy Named Cash - the Johnny Cash Tribute
Beatles sound. This show will have you rocking in      Show showcases the greatest hits of The Man
your seats with classic Beatles hits, including Love   In Black as performed by Monty Cotton as a
Me Do, Please Please Me, She Loves You, A Hard         one-man-band alongside a variety of pedals
Days Night, Strawberry Fields, I Am The Walrus,        and instruments, is no ordinary solo show.
Revolution, Come Together, Across the Universe         See it to believe it!
and many, many more.
                                                       Tickets $18
Tickets $18

The Sensationals                 A 60s AND 70s MUSIC

Wednesday 13 June, 11am

The 60s were a time when rock music came of age and dominated
the music charts. There was the British invasion headed by The
Beatles. Elvis continued to score many hits while a wave of amazing
artists such as Buddy Holly, Tina Turner and Neil Diamond came
to prominence. Groups such as The Rolling Stones, The Doors,
The Shadows and Creedence Clearwater Revival made their mark.
Blended in was the unique sounds of Motown and Country while
music festivals sprouted everywhere. In the early 70s a variety of
new rock styles began to emerge. Who could forget the disco
domination with artists such as Jackson 5, The Village People
and ABBA? Alternative rock emerged from groups such as
The Cars and The Ramones and soulful music continued
from Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin and The Carpenters.
Relive the era with this amazing show.

Tickets $18

Shanghai Jazz Club
Presented by the Onkaparinga City Concert Band

Friday 23 March, 7.30pm

Join the Onkaparinga City Concert Band for a Shanghai Jazz Club evening. Hear this
high quality community band play jazz and swing from the big band era and get into
the spirit with the ladies encouraged to wear Cheongsam dresses and men to wear
Zoot suits. Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed.
Contact Rob at treasurer@onkaparingaband.com.au to secure your booking.

Tickets $12.00, tables of 10 $100.00, BYO food.

A Solitary Man
Featuring Greg Hart as Neil Diamond

Saturday 14 April, 8pm

Greg Hart’s first-class performance as Neil         As always, Hart’s audience is treated to a
Diamond will have you dancing from the inside       quality show that sizzles from start to finish.
out. With such a huge repertoire written by         With outstanding hits such as I Am, I Said,
Diamond, this show just jumps from one hit to the   Sweet Caroline and Cracklin’ Rosie, A Solitary
next, leaving audiences enthralled. The talented    Man is yet another great night of entertainment
performers of the Jus-Fa-Fun band ably support      crafted by Greg Hart.
Hart by reproducing the authentic sound of
Diamond’s recordings, for this phenomenal show.     Tickets $35, $30 concession

Anya Anastasia                 ROGUE ROMANTIC

Saturday 28 April, 8pm

Australia’s international queen of cabaret,         Anastasia is a sassy cabaret chanteuse with a
diva of dramatic and chanteuse of festival          vivid and somewhat twisted imagination. She has
glamour is embarking on a regional tour and is      traversed the globe with her original songs and
coming to Port Noarlunga with her sensational       bold performance pieces appearing at festivals
sell-out show. This is a glorious show that will    in Europe, around Australia and New Zealand.
have crowds hysterical, and will leave audiences    Anastasia is a fresh force on the international
mystified with admiration by the sensational        cabaret scene, and has recorded two albums,
spectacle that is Anya Anastasia.                   and written seven original cabaret shows
                                                    which have been presented at festivals such
Winner of the Best of the Fringe Adelaide
                                                    as Edinburgh Fringe, Fringeworld Perth,
Advertiser 2017 Award, Edinburgh Award
                                                    Melbourne Cabaret Festival, FEAST, Adelaide
recipient in Adelaide Fringe 2017, The Voice Pick
                                                    Fringe, Prague Fringe, and at venues around
of the Edinburgh Fringe Award and The 2016
                                                    Australia and New Zealand.
Adelaide Fringe Weekly Award for Best Cabaret.
                                                    Tickets $35, $30 concession

The Grigoryian Brothers
Friday 4 May, 8pm

Although regarded as Australia’s finest guitar        De Falla and Ponce all masterfully arranged
duo performing much of the instrument’s standard      for them by their father, Edward. This familial
classical repertoire, the Grigoryian Brothers’        collaboration is not new, with Grigoryian senior
passion is to expand their horizons through new       arranging the music of Tchaikovsky’s suite
arrangements and their own compositions and           for piano The Seasons, for his sons’ critically
commissions. This ambition can be heard as            acclaimed 2012 release. The program will also
the brothers take the classical guitars into genres   include other works highlighting Slava and
such as jazz, folk and contemporary music.            Leonard’s diverse skills. Their deep appreciation
There are no boundaries, only new frontiers           of a broad spectrum of musical styles has resulted
to cross. In concert, mix it all together and you     in many collaborations involving music, both
have a dimension to guitar-playing rarely seen        written and improvised. Combine this with their
in the musical world.
                                                      classical training and the result is a unique
For this performance, the Grigoryian Brothers         sound incorporating all these influences.
will be performing works from their latest release,   It is not classical, not jazz, not world music…
which sees a return to their classical repertoire.    it is the Grigoryian Brothers.
The album will include songs by composers such
as Bach, Elgar, Dvorak, Rachmaninoff, Faure,          Tickets $35, $30 concession

Reggae Explosion Down South
Presented by Allsorts of Entertainment

Saturday 5 May, 8pm

Presenting a night of your favourite reggae            a collection of other musicians with a wide range
memories with two of Adelaide’s iconic                 of experience both nationally and internationally.
reggae bands, One Planet and UB4T.                     UB4T’s repertoire covers the 80s era of UB40
                                                       and you can expect to hear such iconic songs as:
One Planet is a trio that has in excess of 20 years’   Food For Thought, King, My Way Of Thinking, Red
experience in the music industry, featuring Ravie      Red Wine, Rat In Mi Kitchen, One In Ten, Kingston
Varmaan on vocals/timbales, Matthew Peters             Town, Cherry Oh Baby, Johnny Too Bad, Stick By
on guitar/vocals, Pari “RASTA” Fari on djembe          Me, Groovin’, ‘Here I Am, Dance With The Devil,
and congas/vocals and guest Phil Allen on              Watchdog and many more.
saxophones. One Planet performs covers
from Bob Marley, UB40, Inner Circle, Toots             Tickets $38, $33 concession, table of ten $28
and the Maytals, Paul Simon and The Specials.

UB4T has been formed as a tribute to the original
UB40 and follows the original UB40 line up, a
strong eight-piece band. UB4T is made up of
members from the popular One Planet band with

A Boy Named Cash
Saturday 19 May, 8pm

Monty Cotton, a seasoned performer and musician, woke
up one day and realised he could imitate Johnny Cash.

From this point on, Cotton has performed as Johnny Cash
all around Australia and the UK including pubs, clubs, arts
festivals, mine sites, corporate functions, breakfast radio,
morning television and ‘The Voice’, Australia.

A Boy Named Cash - the Johnny Cash Tribute Show showcases
the greatest hits of The Man In Black as performed by Monty
Cotton as a one-man-band alongside a variety of pedals and
instruments, is no ordinary solo show. See it to believe it!

Tickets $35, $30 concession

Which Way Home
An Ilbijerri Theatre production

Friday 6 July, 8pm

Tash and her dad are going on a road trip.          Ilbijerri Theatre Company tells stories about
Home to country, where the sky is higher,           what it means to be Indigenous in Australia
and the world goes on forever.                      today. Infused with humour and heart, Which
                                                    Way Home draws on writer, Katie Beckett’s,
It’s a long way from the wide streets and big
                                                    own memories of growing up with her single
old houses of Tash’s childhood. Two black faces
                                                    Aboriginal father.
in a very white suburb. Dad still thinks he’s the
king of cool but he’s an old fella now. It’s time
                                                    Tickets $30, $25 concession
for Tash to take him home.

Friday 13 and Saturday
14 July, 8pm

This exciting new flamenco
production, Flamenco Adentro,
meaning ‘Flamenco Within’ is
inspired by traditional soulful
flamenco from the South
of Spain. This strong and
passionate ensemble, including
Aloysius Leeson (Guitar) and
Kristy Manuel (Dance), will
bring to the stage authentic
flamenco music, dance and
song. Some of Australia’s
finest flamenco talent will join
the ensemble and express,
through their performances, the
deep heartfelt nature of pure
flamenco. If you want to be
carried away by the emotional
and intensely beautiful nature
of flamenco, you will love this
evening. Cabaret seating,
licensed bar and BYO supper.
Doors and bar open 7.30pm.

Tickets $30, $25 concession

                       Fizzy Pop          LET’S TALK ABOUT POP MUSIC
                       Presented by Allsorts of Entertainment

                       Saturday 28 July, 8pm

                       Fizzy Pop performs many of your favourite hits, including retro
                       dance songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s; songs you will know
                       and love, and possibly know every word of - even if you are too
                       embarrassed to admit it. Originally formed in Canberra in 1998,
                       Fizzy Pop was reborn in 2007. During the band’s time in Adelaide,
                       they have performed to people at public, private and corporate
                       events, including Carols by Candlelight at Elder Park.

                       Tickets $38 Adults, $33 Concession, table of ten $28

Three Little Sisters                              Hell Over Freezes
AN ANDREWS SISTERS TRIBUTE                        Presented by Allsorts of Entertainment

Saturday 18 August, 8pm                           Saturday 1 September, 8pm
Where vintage swing meets musical theatre         The Bald Eagles celebrate the songs
and pop…Melanie, Tania and Katharine’s            that marked the Eagles’ reunion in 1994,
love for close harmony singing and performing     14 years after saying the band would only
brought them together to create the Three         play again when hell freezes over.
Little Sisters. All three performers have come
                                                  With the Bald Eagles consisting of strings,
from a combined contemporary, jazz and
                                                  brass and vocals, they are the consummate
musical theatre background. Their love for
                                                  musicians with heavenly harmonies.
The Andrews Sisters combined with their
extensive performance experience make for a       Sold out on every Fringe show since 2010,
unique show with a few surprises along the way.   and with a brand new show fresh from their
                                                  Fringe Festival success, the Bald Eagles are
Tickets $35, $30 concession                       both unstoppable and unmissable.

                                                  Tickets $38, $33 concession, table of ten $28

It’s a Man’s World … or is it ?
Featuring Trish Hart
Saturday 13 October, 8pm

It’s a Man’s World is a vibrant and exciting show that features
Trish Hart, along with her two gorgeous female back-up vocalists.
Trish is backed by the Jus-Fa-Fun band, which includes Greg Hart
on guitar and vocals. The show features big hits from the 60s, 70s
and 80s guaranteed to satisfy young and old alike in this fun and
zany production! The show includes songs from artists such as
Dusty Springfield, Cilla Black, ABBA, Madonna, Donna Summer
and many more. This unique and fun-packed show consists of
two 50 minute sets complete with costume changes and wigs.

Tickets $35, $30 concession
Aurelia Carbone

39 Forever
Friday 16 November, 8pm

A laugh-out-loud cabaret about the quest to stay young forever!

In 39 Forever, Amity Dry focuses on ageing in this comedic
and poignant exploration on the pressure women face to
stay forever young.

Do you still feel like you’re 25 even though your birth date
stubbornly insists you’re not? Are you enquiring about Botox
‘for a friend?’ Do you wonder how adults were born in the
1990s?! This hilariously honest new show looks at ageing in
an image-obsessed world, where 40 is the new 30 - but only
with the right Instagram filter.

Amity Dry is an Australian singer, actress, writer and composer
who is best known from the hit TV show ‘The Block,’ her top
10 album ‘The Lighthouse’ and critically acclaimed musical
‘Mother, Wife and the Complicated Life.’

Tickets $35, $30 concession
Anzac Centenary mural
Ryan Williams

Noarlunga and Southern                                Broderick Dyke                FLEURIEU BY
District Camera Club                                  DAY, FLUORO BY NIGHT

February – December                                   9 February – 12 March

Throughout 2018, the Red Rover Gallery in the         Vincent Van Gogh once said, “I believe
Arts Centre will feature a changing exhibition        night is more alive and more richly
of photographic work from members of the              coloured than the day”.
Noarlunga and Southern District Camera Club.
                                                      Fleurieu by Day, Fluoro by Night is a
​ mbracing all types, including black and white,
E                                                     photographic exhibition illuminating the
prints, slides and digital photography and recently   Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island
adding phoneography to their repertoire, the          at hours many of us are remiss to explore,
Camera Club aims to build an environment of           the golden hour of sunset through to the
friendship, mutual learning and support, and          magical hour of sunrise.
a place where all come to enjoy the world of
photography and all its aspects.
The Camera Club meets at the Arts Centre
on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month,
holding regular workshops, competitions and
exhibitions for the benefit of our members
and the wider community.

Charlotte Rollinson                  SKIN

16 March – 16 April

The photographic body of work, Skin, explores
the male nude and voyeurism from the aspect      Shirley Morgan                   SONGLINES
of the female gaze. Skin aims to explore the
interaction between the natural and unnatural,   OF A KAMILAROI WOMAN
the paradox of voyeurism and motion, lucid
dreaming and the similarity between the tonal    20 April – 21 May
ranges of the human body and the earth.
                                                 Shirley Morgan is a Kamilaroi woman
                                                 whose family comes from Coonabarabran
                                                 in North West NSW. Shirley is retired and
                                                 now lives permanently in Aldinga.
                                                 For 15 years, Shirley worked as the
                                                 Director of the Aboriginal Centres at
                                                 University of Western Sydney and the
                                                 University of Ballarat, and as an academic.
                                                 Shirley has been an artist for over 20 years,
                                                 working with many mediums including paint,
                                                 glass, pottery and basket weaving.
                                                 Her exhibition tells of her life’s experiences.

Recent Acquisitions                                   Beanies to Berets
PERMANENT ART COLLECTION                              WEEKEND

25 May – 25 June                                      29 June – 30 July

Artworks making up the City of Onkaparinga’s          Celebrate creative, wearable head wear, from
Permanent Art collection have been regularly          the traditional to the sculptural, the playful, wild
acquired through gifts, commissions, purchases        and wonderful to the bizarre. Enter your creative
and acquisitive prizes. The collection is generally   handiwork or visit and enjoy the experience.
housed in council buildings throughout the city.
Many of the collection’s works have been
acquired from regular events, exhibitions and         Creative Textile Weekend
festivals, such as the annual Surf Art Exhibition
and biennial Shimmer Photography Festival,            Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July
along with community exhibitions such as the
Flagstaff Hill Rotary Club Art Show.                  10am – 4pm
The importance of having a permanent art              A weekend of craft demonstrations and market
collection cannot be undervalued. Art is a            stalls in association with the exhibition. Watch one
form of storytelling, a snapshot in time              of the many textile demonstrations, or join in on a
rendered in countless mediums                         short, free workshop over the weekend and learn
This exhibition features new acquisitions             the basics of knitting, french knitting, crochet,
made during 2017 and 2018.                            weaving, spinning, felting, fabric painting,
                                                      embroidery and many more textile crafts.
Driftseed furniture
                                                   Aurelia Carbone

Kings of Canvas
3 August – 27 August

The Kings of Canvas Aerosol Art Competition
and Exhibition is open to all South Australian
artists and provides new and emerging
aerosol artists and old school legends with the
opportunity to showcase their art work, win
prizes and receive recognition for their skills.
Prizes include:
• King of Stencil $2,500
• King of Freehand $2,500
• People’s Choice Award $500.
The finalist’s artworks are displayed at the
Arts Centre Port Noarlunga.
Bringing aerosol art into the gallery setting
through the Kings of Canvas greatly assists in
supporting aerosol artists and their art form.

Self Portraits              FRIEDA CORPE            Printaholics  PRINTMAKERS
KINDERGARTEN                                        FROM ARTWORKS INC.

31 August – 10 September                            2 November – 10 December

An exhibition of self portraits by four and five    Discover the beauty, quirkiness and endless
year old children that explore their identity and   possibilities with the linocut image as students
understanding of the world, while celebrating       and staff from the printmaking class of
creativity and a sense of community.                Artworks Inc. present their first ever exhibition.
                                                    Artworks Inc. is a community art studio,
                                                    providing art making workshops for local
                                                    community members with innovative values
                                                    combining integrity, possibility, creativity and
                                                    social inclusions. The studio is located at
                                                    Holly Cottage, Gates Road, Hackham.
                                                    Artists featured in the exhibition will include
                                                    Mary Pulford, Brian Hibben, Anthea Agius
                                                    and Barb Stott Harris.
Wave Wall
                                                      Nicholas Watson


Surf 2018
14 December – 28 January 2019

The Surf Art exhibition marks the beginning of
summer and has become one of the pivotal
features of the annual program at the Arts
Centre, Port Noarlunga. Carving a place in the
hearts and souls of the southern arts calendar,
the exhibition celebrates not only surfing culture,
but our region’s history, stunning coastal
environment and lifestyle.

SAUERBIER HOUSE culture exchange
Sauerbier House culture exchange is a                  Resilient South Climate Change Partnership.
contemporary art space that hosts a range of
                                                       In 2018, through the Sauerbier House AiR
programs which both support and promote
                                                       program, Onkaparinga Arts is collaborating
contemporary arts practice and creative
                                                       on an exciting new climate change partnership
cultural expression. Situated on the bank of
                                                       with City of Onkaparinga’s Sustainability Team
the Onkaparinga River or Ngangkiparingga
                                                       and Resilient South.
(‘Women’s River’; Kaurna), the colonial villa
is a state heritage community asset purposely          This opportunity offers two of the eight artists
transformed from a domestic residence                  in residence the opportunity to engage in-house
(originally George Sauerbier c.1897) into              with the Sustainability Team to access climate
visual art studios and exhibition spaces.              change data such as; 3D coastal modelling,
                                                       tree tags, urban heat maps, tree canopy
Sauerbier House offers established and
                                                       mapping, flood maps, sea wall coastal
emerging contemporary artists and writers
                                                       engineering, erosion mapping and
(non-residential) artist in residence (AiR) and
                                                       biodiversity studies.
exhibition opportunities: [GRAFTd]. The three
month residencies allow time for artists to
authentically respond to the complex and
culturally significant coastal location. Interaction
between resident artists and visitors is facilitated
through open studio sessions, artist talks,
workshops and exhibitions.

Quarterly [GRAFTd] exhibitions offer visual artists
or arts collectives the supported opportunity to
exhibit new or previously unseen bodies of work
within the gallery spaces. Associated workshops
and events accompany [GRAFTd] exhibitions.

21 Wearing Street, Port Noarlunga | 8186 1393 | www.onkaparingacity.com/sauerbierhouse
Wed to Fri 10am–4pm | Sat 12noon–4pm

HENRY JOCK WALKER and FRIENDS                            Locals only, 2017. Image courtesy of artist.   TABLE ROCK
Residency dates:          3 January – 30 March 2018

Exhibition launch: Saturday 24 March 5.30–9pm
Exhibition dates: 16 February – 28 April

Henry Jock Walker’s (HJW) practice commonly        TABLE ROCK.
explores the possibilities of surfing, painting    An un-comprehensive exhibition of real
and performance through collaborative, and         and imagined South Australian wave
socially inclusive events. HJW has developed a     riding history. Table Rock will host
national nomadic practice, utilising his Toyota    something in the form of a surf shop,
HiAce van as an ever-changing exhibition/studio/   board swap meet, outdoor film screenings,
performance site and mobile core of operations.    a tarp surfing competition and live music.

Sauerbier House is the base for a next level       The main resident artists are HJW, Scott
community surf art project! Surfing; a catalyst    Pyle, Kurt Bosecke, Aaron Fell-Fracasso
for creative action and connected learning.        and Barbary O’Brien with contributions
                                                   from many other rad artists.

Residency dates: 3 April – 30 June

Exhibition launch:
Saturday 23 June 1.30 – 4pm
Exhibition dates:
23 June – 28 July 2018

Laura Wills is an Adelaide-based visual artist
with an expanded approach to her practice.
She employs contemporary art to explore
social and environmental themes through
found materials, collaborative processes
and community-based projects.

Wills is the inaugural artist in residence
linked to the Resilient South Climate Change
Partnership. This project involves collaborating
with the City of Onkaparinga Sustainability Team
in the creation of new artworks. As part of her
residency, the artist will use the council’s mapping
data such as urban heat mapping, flood mapping
and 3D coastal modelling to explore ideas of
ritual, travel and mapping to create new drawing       Treeburst, 2017, pigment ink on rag paper, 28cm x 45cm.
and site specific ephemeral installation works.        Image courtesy of artist.

                                                                               L: Pollen, 2016,
                                                                               pollen tempera, ink, oil,
                                                                               encaustic wax, 20cm x 20cm.
                                                                               Image courtesy of artist.

                                                                               R: Their wings contain
                                                                               their stories, 2016,
                                                                               mixed media.
                                                                               Photo courtesy of artist.

Residency dates: 3 April – 30 June

Exhibition launch: Saturday 23 June 2018, 1.30 – 4pm
Exhibition dates: 23 June – 28 July 2018

Throughout history, humans have held a strong      Through her mixed media practice and the
connection with bees. Once regarded with           support of a concurrent Guildhouse LimberUp
awe and reverence, it is only now that we are      mentorship at the State Herbarium, McEwan
beginning to truly understand the role the bee     seeks to explore the physical and emotional
plays in maintaining the delicate balance in our   connection humans have created with bees by
ecosystem. Bees and bee-keeping share a long       creating a visual narrative of the stories of bee-
and rich history with the Onkaparinga region       keeping and pollination within the southern vales.
through landmarks such as Old Honeypot Road,
the pollination of almond blossoms and the
connection of bee-keeping with viticulture.

A line has been drawn (detail), 2016, pigment print on cotton rag, 28cm x 42cm. Image courtesy of artist.

NEVILLE CICHON                                  FILTER
Residency dates: 3 July – 28 September

Exhibition launch: Saturday 22 September, 1.30 – 4pm
Exhibition dates: 22 September – 27 October

Climate change is a slow moving disaster that                           both engaging and capable of sparking
struggles to compete for our attention. Iconic                          dialogue on locally relevant issues
imagery of polar bears or hurricanes in faraway                         concerning climate change.
places do little to connect our day-to-day lives with
                                                                        Inspired by the residency location, flooding
the climatic changes occurring slowly around us.
                                                                        and erosion will be key focal areas. This
Collaborating with the City of Onkaparinga’s                            residency exhibition will be on display as part
Sustainability Team, through the primary medium                         of the Shimmer Photographic Biennale, 2018.
of photography, Cichon explores the ways to
translate knowledge into a body of work that is

                                                      Between sunrises #11, 2015,
                                                      photograph, 50cm x 50cm.
                                                      Image courtesy of artist.

ALICE BLANCH                   LANDS EDGE
Residency dates:          3 July – 28 September

Exhibition launch: Saturday 22 September, 1.30 – 4pm
Exhibition dates: 22 September – 27 October

This exhibition explores the land’s edge; where    and the pulling, the giving and the taking
earth meets the ocean and the river - both         that needs to occur for these two elements
physically and conceptually, as photographic       to both survive and function.
subject and as a basis for research.
                                                   This residence exhibition will be on display
Lands Edge is a consideration of this meeting      as part of the Shimmer Photographic
point, between the two elements of earth and       Biennale, 2018.
water, examining the fine balance of the pushing

                                                         Painting No.1 (After Jones),
                                                         2016, oil on board,
                                                         38cm x 70cm.
                                                         Image courtesy of artist.

Residency dates: 2 October – 21 December

Exhibition launch: Saturday 15 December
Exhibition dates: 15 December – 26 January 2019

For Smith, painting is about colour, composition
and above all, the limitless possibility of light.
In interpreting the Port Noarlunga landscape,
through a variety of mediums, this studio based
painter, examines the estuary/river location of the
Ngangkiparingga, while reflecting on the contrast
he experiences between the coastal location of
Sauerbier House and Harlech, where his home
studio is situated in North Wales.

                                                                    Untitled, 2017, telephone wire,
                                                                    twigs, loudspeaker, monophonic
                                                                    sound (short loop).
                                                                    Image courtesy of artist.

Residency dates: 2 October – 21 December

Exhibition launch: Saturday 15 December
Exhibition dates: 15 December – 26 January 2019

Louth-Robins is an Adelaide artist working            The Sauerbier House residency provides a
predominantly with sound art and sound                platform to extend the survey to encompass
recording. His practice is primarily concerned        the sonic environment around Port Noarlunga,
with the signification of sound sourced from within   documenting sites considered of acoustic,
urban, natural and virtual spaces. Drawing from       environmental, aesthetic and historical
personal experiences associated with growing          significance.
up on the Fleurieu Peninsula, Louth-Robins has
generated the Fleurieu Sound Map; a diverse           www.tristanlouthrobins.com,
catalogue of aural observations of this region.       www.tristanlouthrobins.com/fleurieu_soundmap

The Fox, 2017, MDF woodcut with oil-based relief ink on Hosho paper, 2000mm x 800mm. Image courtesy of artist.

TIMOTHY CASIERO                              WELCOME WONDERMENT

Exhibition launch: Saturday 3 February 1.30 – 4pm
Exhibition dates: 3 February – 3 March

Through a series of woodcut prints, Welcome Wonderment aims to
reignite a viewer’s enchantment with the physical world via an excursion
through the invisible realms of myth and the supernatural. The gallery
will be transported to an otherworldly plane, hosting large prints of
uncanny creatures (some originally exhibited on Adelaide streets),
designed to promote a sense of magic and wonder.

                                                            EWA SKOCZYNSKA
                                                            A CLEAN SWEEP

                                                            Exhibition launch:
                                                            Saturday 5 May 1.30 – 4pm
                                                            Exhibition dates:
                                                            5 May – 10 June

                                                            Skoczynska returns to the ordinary and the
                                                            banal, examining what is often overlooked and
                                                            within the world around us, living a secret life.

                                                            Sweeping is a universal activity; it may
                                                            be vigorous or gentle, depending on
                                                            where the cleaning takes place. A treasure
                                                            might be unearthed; the lost button or
                                                            foreign coin, a souvenir of a forgotten
                                                            moment. A Clean Sweep explores, both
                                                            literally and metaphorically, the ‘dust and
                                                            fluff’ which inhabits the corners of our lives.

A Brush (with fame); ongoing project, 2017, found object,
approx. 33cm x 3cm. Image courtesy of Keith Giles.

                                                  Hypothetical diprotodont dung beetle
                                                  (taken from current Large African Dung
                                                  Beetle), 2017, Ink/Conté, 30 x 30cm.
                                                  Image courtesy of artist.

                                                                         SOUTH AUSTRALIA’S

                                                                              MAY 2018

SIMONE KENNEDY                       BACK TO LIFE
Re-imagining extinct insect species of the Onkaparinga River

Exhibition launch: Saturday 5 May 1.30 – 4pm
Exhibition dates: 5 May – 10 June

Back to Life traces the perilous nature of       The paintings will reflect ‘tiny lives lost’, informing
the near-invisible world of insects. Through     the reason for extinction in relation to the ecology
re-imagining, research and factual evidence,     of the river. The wider public will be invited to
(in communication with Dr Bernard Doube –        attend a small workshop each week (for the
Director of Dung Beetle Solutions Australia),    duration of the exhibition), with the opportunity
Kennedy will present 26 alphabetised paintings   to re-imagine and ‘bring back’, through drawing
that, in combination with Australian fauna,      or collage, the lost insect or a whole new species.
aim to re-interpret specific insects extinct
                                                 Upon completion of the exhibition and
(or near-to) from the Onkaparinga River
                                                 workshops, a small publication of 26
and surrounding area.
                                                 postcards will be available.

Matthew Fortrose                   GAS AND MATCHES

Exhibition dates:        4 August – 8 September

South Australian artist Matthew Fortrose will
present a body of work exploring our convenient
dependence on destructive material.

Instagram: @_fortrose

Alone in the Crystal Palace, 2017, archival digital image, 95cm x 75cm.

Dr Emiko Artemis                               ENTER THE CRYSTAL PALACE

Exhibition dates:                   Saturday 3 November – 8 December

The crystal palace represents an almost mythical                          notion of self, symbolically placed where dreams,
place where dreams and reality meet. Through                              magic and reality collide.
the medium of photography, Artemise captures
                                                                          A place where time pauses, and something
the interaction between dreamer and the surreal
                                                                          unusual slips through the gaps.
landscape and seeks to explore a contemporary



Shimmer Photographic
Biennale is the only South
Australian arts festival
dedicated to celebrating
the culture of the camera
and the art of photography.

Over the past decade the
City of Onkaparinga has
hosted this biennial festival
throughout the McLaren Vale
wine region, adding to the
areas well established
reputation as a premium
destination for the arts,
food and wine.

Visit www.shimmer.org
for information on
exhibitions, workshops
and associated events.
TJIRBRUKI/TJILBRUKE DREAMING TRACK MARKER                                                                    PUBLIC ART
                                                                                                                             TRAIL MAP

                                                                                                                         1   Anzac Centenary mural
                                                                                                                             Ryan Williams, 2015
                                                                                                                             Port Noarlunga RSL, corner

                                                 Ga                                                                          Esplanade and Castleton Avenues

    2                                                   wle
                                                             r St

                                                                     reet                                            t
                                                                                                 wler S
          3     T       3     3
                                                                          A 5                 Ga                         2   The Goggles
                                                                     4                                                       Anna Small and Warren Pickering,
                              Clarke Street

                                                                         Gra                                             3   Core Values Totem Poles
                                                                                                                             (3 clusters), Terry Beaston, 2014

                                                                                                                             Saltfleet Street, towards Esplanade

                                              ng S

                                                         6       T
                                                                                                                             Drift Seeds (two murals),



                                                                                                                             bike racks and water fountain
                                                                                                                             Aurelia Carbone, 2016

                                                                                                                             Ward Street, rear of Arts Centre

                                                                                               JUBILEE PARK                  and Becks Bakehouse


                                                                                                                         5   Wave Wall

                                                                                                                             Nicholas Watson, 2001
                                                                                                              7              corner Gawler and Gray Streets

                                                                                                                         6   Mural (amenities block),
                                              A RIV

                                                                                                              8              Paul Alexander, 2011

                                                                                                                             Wearing Street carpark
                                                   / NG


A       Arts Centre                                                                                                      7   Geronimo, giraffe statue, 2015

                                                                                                                             Jubilee Park Adventure

S       Sauerbier House                                                                                                      Playground, Saltfleet street

T       Public toilet
                                                                                                                         8   Fish Movement
                                                                                                                             Aspect Studios, 2016
                                                                                                                             Weatherald Terrace/Commerical
                                                                                                                             Road roundabout, Port Noarlunga

               SOUTH PORT                                                                                                9   Big Puffy Love
                 SURF LIFE                                                                                                   Christian Lock, 2004

               SAVING CLUB

                                                                                                                             Weatherald Terrace


                                                                                                                             (opposite Port Noarlunga south


                                                                         Marlborough St                                      foot bridge)

The Art Shop, in the Arts Centre,
displays and sells original and
affordable works by local artists.
The range of artworks generally
include jewellery, textiles, ceramics,
mosaics, small paintings and cards.

This year, the Art Shop has expanded into
the Foyer Gallery, providing local artists
with greater opportunities to display their
works, and for visitors to purchase a
wider range of artworks by local artists.

22 Gawler Street, Port Noarlunga | 8326 5577
Monday to Friday 10am–4pm | Saturday 12noon–4pm
Public holidays closed
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