Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Menopause and Malignancy

Page created by Suzanne Kennedy
                                                              Volume 64, Number 1, 102–109
                                                              Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

                           Polycystic Ovary
                           Menopause and
                           KARINE MATEVOSSIAN, DO,*
                           and OLIVIA CARPINELLO, MD†
                           *Advocate Aurora Lutheran General Hospital, Chicago, Illinois;
                           and †Program in Reproductive Endocrinology and Gynecology,
                           Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD, National Institutes of Health,
                           Bethesda, Maryland

Abstract: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been              course of menopause and cardiovascular
extensively studied in reproductive-aged women. How-             health in perimenopausal and postmeno-
ever, accumulating research shows that PCOS can have
lifelong effects on multiple aspects of women’s health.          pausal patients. Moreover, PCOS may
PCOS can affect the onset and course of menopause and            increase a woman’s risk for both gyneco-
cardiovascular health in perimenopausal and postmeno-            logic and nongynecologic malignancies.
pausal patients. Moreover, PCOS may increase a wom-              When treating older PCOS patients, physi-
an’s risk for both gynecologic and nongynecologic                cians should be cognizant of the syndrome’s
malignancies. When treating older PCOS patients, physi-
cians should be cognizant of the syndrome’s long-term            long-term effects and consider the unique
effects and consider the unique needs of these women.            needs of these women.
Key words: PCOS, menopause, malignancy

                                                                 Age of Menopause in PCOS
Introduction                                                     Patients
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has                             A key component of PCOS is oligomenor-
been extensively studied in reproductive-                        rhea or amenorrhea, which is theorized to
aged women. However, accumulating re-                            lead to less follicular depletion from month
search shows that PCOS can have lifelong                         to month. This, in turn, may lead to a later
effects on multiple aspects of women’s                           age of menopause in PCOS women. Re-
health. PCOS can affect the onset and                            search in this area shows that, while the rate
Correspondence: Olivia Carpinello, MD, 38 Maryland
                                                                 of follicle attrition is actually the same for
Avenue, Unit 225, Rockville, MD. E-mail: olivia.                 PCOS patients and controls, PCOS patients
carpinello@nih.gov                                               may start their reproductive years with a
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose.          larger ovarian reserve due to either an

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Menopause and Malignancy         103

increased number of germ cells at birth or a   patients. Previous studies on menopausal
decrease in germ cell loss. Ultimately, this   women, not specifically those with
larger follicular pool may lead to a later     PCOS, have shown that higher FSH
onset of menopause in PCOS patients.1          levels, independent of estradiol levels,
While the exact age of menopause in these      are associated with increased prevalence
women has not been extensively studied,        and frequency of hot flashes.6 Therefore,
available studies suggest that PCOS women,     some theorize that PCOS women may
on average, undergo menopause 2 years          have decreased hot flashes because of
later than normo-ovulatory women.2 This        their lower FSH levels. Similarly, PCOS
finding correlates with the higher levels of   patients have higher circulating andro-
anti-Müllerian hormone seen in PCOS            gens which are ultimately aromatized to
women compared with age-matched and            estrogens, which may also help decrease
body mass index (BMI)-matched controls.2       vasomotor symptoms. However, studies
While it is not recommended to use follicle-   focusing specifically on PCOS patients
stimulating hormone (FSH) levels to deter-     have had conflicting results. One study
mine menopausal status due to significant      found that PCOS women self-reported
day-to-day fluctuation, lower FSH values       hot flushes and night sweats less fre-
are seen in menopausal PCOS patients           quently than controls,3 while another
compared with age-matched controls. Post-      study showed that PCOS did not affect
menopausal PCOS women have also been           the incidence, duration, or severity of hot
shown to have higher levels of free andro-     flashes.7 Postmenopausal PCOS women
gens and total testosterone, while sex         did self-report higher rates of vaginal
hormone–binding globulin levels are signifi-   dryness than non-PCOS postmenopausal
cantly lower in postmenopausal PCOS            controls. Perhaps this does not reflect a
patients.3                                     higher prevalence of vaginal dryness, but
   As PCOS patients approach meno-             instead, PCOS patients may be more
pause, their cycles tend to normalize and      aware of vaginal dryness because
become regular with overall shortened          of a potentially increased libido from
intermenstrual intervals.4 This most likely    higher levels of androgens versus control
occurs due to the decreased number of          patients.3
follicles in older PCOS women compared            Research on hirsutism in postmeno-
with reproductive-aged PCOS patients           pausal PCOS patients is limited. One
with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea.5            study did show that menopausal women
As the number of follicles decreases, so       with PCOS reported higher rates of
does the production of inhibin B. Lower        hirsutism than control patients. This
serum inhibin B levels prevent the             correlated with the higher androgen lev-
suppression of FSH and allow FSH levels        els of these patients.3 This finding is not
to return to normal. Normalized FSH            surprising due to the up to 70% incidence
levels promote follicular growth and           of hirsutism in premenopausal PCOS
spontaneous ovulation. Thus, older             patients.8
PCOS women are more likely to have
regular, ovulatory menstrual cycles.4
                                               Bone Health
                                               The relationship between bone density
                                               and PCOS in postmenopausal women is
Menopausal Symptoms in                         not well studied. It is theorized that the
PCOS Women                                     higher androgen levels in these patients
There is a limited amount of research          would be protective for bone health and
on menopausal symptoms in PCOS                 thus be associated with higher bone

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104    Matevossian and Carpinello

mass. Obese PCOS women with larger           Cardiovascular Disease
amounts of adipose tissue have increased     (CVD) in Perimenopausal
peripheral conversion of androgens to
estrogens that should have a protective      and Postmenopausal PCOS
effect.9 Low body weight of  35
ols.11 This study had a median BMI of        inches, elevated triglycerides ( ≥ 150 mg/
25.7 kg/m2 in controls versus 27.7 kg/m2     dL), high density lipoprotein (HDL)
Menopause and Malignancy        105

CHD compared with 123 of 3131 control         Malignancy and PCOS
patients. This increased risk was not
statistically significant but was seen even   ENDOMETRIAL CANCER
in lean PCOS patients, indicating that        There is extensive evidence that PCOS
PCOS, independent of BMI, plays a role        increases a woman’s likelihood of having
in CHD.17 Contrastingly, the Rotterdam        endometrial cancer. The extent of risk
study found higher levels of androgens        varies based on the study, but the risk of
were not associated with a higher inci-       endometrial cancer is between 2.7 to 4
dence of atherosclerosis and CVD. The         times higher in PCOS women than
authors compared postmenopausal PCOS          controls.21 The majority of endometrial
women to controls and found PCOS              cancers in PCOS women are type 1 (endo-
patients had larger waist/hip ratios, high-   metrioid) and most commonly present
er BMI, higher rates of type 2 diabetes       with postmenopausal bleeding.22
mellitus, higher triglyceride levels, and        Type 1 tumors are estrogen-dependent
lower HDL levels. Despite these findings,     and the risk of developing these malig-
PCOS women did not have an increased          nancies increases as unopposed estrogen
prevalence of atherosclerosis or risk for     exposure increases. Women who are
CVD. Notably, this study was limited by       obese, nulliparous, or on estrogen re-
the small subset of 272 PCOS patients and     placement therapy have a higher like-
a retrospective diagnosis of the syndrome     lihood of developing type 1 endometrial
using cycle irregularities at the age of 25   cancer. Of these, obesity is the strongest
as the criteria.18                            risk factor.23
   Perimenopausal and menopausal                 Age is another significant risk factor
women with PCOS have increased rates          for endometrial cancer. The median age
of obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hyperten-       of diagnosis for endometrial carcinoma is
sion, and hyperlipidemia. Clinicians          61 with most patients falling between 50
should be cognizant of these increased        and 59 years old. About 5% of cases will
risk factors and encourage conservative       be diagnosed before 40 years old and an
measures such as lifestyle modifications,     estimated 25% will be diagnosed before
weight management, and exercise. Per          menopause. The younger patients who
the American College of Obstetrics and        are diagnosed with endometrial cancer
Gynecology (ACOG), universal lipid            are commonly obese with anovulatory
screening with total cholesterol, LDL-        cycles.24
cholesterol, and HDL-cholesterol should          The increased rate of endometrial
occur once between the ages of 17 and         cancer in PCOS patients can be ex-
21. Routine screening is not necessary        plained by several mechanisms. First,
between 22 to 39 years old. Starting at       PCOS patients are more likely to be
40, ACOG recommends checking lipid            obese. Obese women have increased adi-
levels every 5 years. After 75 years old,     pocyte aromatization of androgens to
no routine screening is needed but it can     estrogens, which creates unopposed
be done based on clinical judgment.19         estrogen.25 Second, many PCOS patients
For PCOS patients ACOG recomm-                have increased insulin resistance. There
ends screening for cardiovascular risk        is some evidence that insulin increases
by determination of BMI, fasting lip-         luteinizing hormone (LH) production
oprotein levels, and metabolic syndrome       from the pituitary,26 which contributes
risk factors. This screening should be        to the already increased LH due to
repeated periodically as PCOS patients        abnormal gonadotropin-releasing hor-
have a higher risk for metabolic synd-        mone pulsatility. Insulin also directly
rome.20                                       increases ovarian androgen production

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106     Matevossian and Carpinello

by upregulating 17-alpha-hydroxylase,              Metformin and other pharmaceuticals
which promotes the conversion of pre-           can be used to decrease hyperinsulinemia,
gnenolone to androgens instead of pro-          which can help decrease androgen syn-
gesterone. In addition, hyperinsulinemia        thesis and promote the resumption of
leads to decreased insulin-like growth          ovulation and normal menses.27 How-
factor–binding protein I, which leads to        ever, studies investigating metformin’s
increased free insulin-like growth factor I     direct effects on endometrial carcinoma
(IGF-I). IGF-I further promotes andro-          have generally suggested no decreased
gen synthesis by theca cells.9,27 This          risk.29 One recent study, however, did
hyperandrogenic environment in the              find a protective effect against endome-
ovaries, as well as the increased LH:           trial cancer with the use of metformin in
FSH ratio, prevents normal follicular           women with type II diabetes mellitus.30
development which leads to anovulation,            PCOS patients do not require routine
and thus, unopposed estrogen. Further-          screening for endometrial hyperplasia or
more, androgens, IGF-I, and insulin all         carcinoma. However, premenopausal
decrease sex hormone–binding globulin,          PCOS patients who have prolonged ame-
which leads to increased free estrogens         norrhea, irregular bleeding, or unopposed
and, thus, increases the risk of endome-        estrogen exposure may require further
trial carcinoma.9,27                            evaluation with transvaginal ultrasound,
   Insulin and IGFs I and II bind to            endometrial biopsy, or both per the clini-
receptors in the endometrium and regu-          cian’s discretion.31 Any woman with post-
late endometrial proliferation through          menopausal vaginal bleeding should be
proliferative, differentiative, and meta-       evaluated with either a transvaginal ultra-
bolic effects.25 Moreover, hypersecretion       sound or endometrial biopsy.28
of LH in and of itself may be associated
with increased endometrial malignancy.          BREAST CANCER
Research has shown an increased expres-         Estrogen exposure is a well-established
sion of LH and human chorionic gonado-          risk factor for breast cancer. Factors
tropin receptors in human endometrial           which increase lifetime estrogen exposure
carcinoma and hyperplasia compared              include early menarche, late menopause,
with normal endometrium.25                      and nulliparity. While pregnancy de-
   Restoring the hormone balance of estro-      creases the overall risk of breast cancer,
gen and progesterone in PCOS patients can       there is a temporarily increased risk in the
reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.          immediate postpartum period with a peak
Treatment with oral contraceptives (OCPs)       at 5 years postpartum.32 One possible
can provide consistent exposure to proges-      explanation for this finding is increased
terone and regulate menses in younger           access to medical care during pregnancy
PCOS patients. For postmenopausal               and the postpartum period. Obesity seems
women or women who are poor candidates          to increase the risk of breast cancer in
for OCPs, progesterone-only regimens            postmenopausal women but potentially
including medroxyprogesterone acetate,          decreases the risk in premenopausal
megestrol acetate, and the levonorgestrel-      women.25 Infertility has also been associ-
releasing intrauterine device can be utilized   ated with increased breast cancer risk.26
to counteract unopposed estrogen and de-           Since PCOS patients struggle with obe-
crease the risk of malignancy.28 In women       sity, infertility, and increased estrogen
who already have a low-grade disease or         exposure from anovulation, there is a
who are poor surgical candidates, malig-        hypothetical increased risk of breast can-
nancy may be treated with progesterone-         cer among these patients. However, the
only options in select cases.                   available research to date has not shown

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Menopause and Malignancy            107

an association between PCOS and an               Conversely, a cross-sectional study by
increased incidence of breast cancer.22,25       Atiomo and colleagues, a Danish cohort
A study by Kim and colleagues focused            study, and a meta-analysis by Barry and
on women with newly diagnosed breast             colleagues showed no association between
cancer and compared them to age-                 PCOS and ovarian cancer.21,36,37 Interest-
matched controls. This study found that          ingly, when the meta-analysis excluded
women with breast cancer and PCOS                women older than 54 years old, PCOS
were more likely to have used OCPs, to           patients had a significantly increased risk of
have a history of infertility, and to have       ovarian cancer with an odds ratio of 2.52.37
irregular menstrual cycles, none of which           Two studies have focused on the asso-
are surprising. There was a 3-fold increase      ciation of PCOS with specific subtypes of
in the rate of breast cancer in premeno-         ovarian carcinoma. Both investigated the
pausal women with PCOS but a 33%                 association between PCOS and borderline
decrease in breast cancer incidence in           serous ovarian carcinoma and found an
postmenopausal PCOS patients.33 Over-            increased incidence in PCOS patients who
all, there is not enough data to confirm         were overweight or obese. This finding
that PCOS increases the risk of breast           may be due to the fact that serous border-
cancer, and larger, confirmatory studies         line ovarian tumors have higher androgen
are needed.                                      receptor levels than serous invasive tu-
                                                 mors. In addition, higher levels of andro-
OVARIAN CANCER                                   gens have been shown to increase the risk
The risk of epithelial ovarian cancer also       of low-grade tumors and decrease the risk
increases with nulliparity and infertility.25    of high-grade tumors. These studies are
Studies have found evidence that LH,             limited, and further research is needed to
estrogens, and androgens may all be part         confirm the relationship between PCOS
of the pathophysiology of ovarian cancer.        and serous borderline ovarian tumors.29
Progesterone may have a protective effect
against ovarian cancer by promoting              OTHER MALIGNANCIES
apoptosis of abnormal cells.                     There is some research suggesting uterine
   The association between obesity and           sarcomas, such as leiomyosarcoma, are hor-
ovarian cancer is not well understood.           mone-sensitive and there may be an increased
Some studies have shown increased risk           risk with prolonged unopposed estrogen.
with obesity, while others have shown            While most of these cancers occur in post-
that obesity is inversely associated with        menopausal women, there are a limited
ovarian carcinoma.25                             number of case reports of uterine sarcomas
   It is now widely recognized that the use of   occurring in premenopausal PCOS women.25
OCPs can decrease the risk of ovarian cancer.    Ultimately, more data is needed to conclu-
One potential explanation is that recurrent      sively say whether or not PCOS increases the
ovulatory events may lead to the malignant       risk of leiomyosarcoma.
transformation of the epithelium, and OCPs          There is currently insufficient data to
decrease the number of lifetime ovulations.34    make any conclusions about the associa-
Therefore, it can be expected that PCOS          tion of PCOS with vaginal, vulvar, or
would decrease the risk of ovarian cancer        cervical cancer.22
since it leads to anovulation. However, there       Limited data exists on the association
is minimal evidence addressing PCOS and          between PCOS and other nongynecologic
the risk of ovarian carcinoma. A study by        malignancies. However, a study that
Schildkraut et al35 showed a 2.5-fold in-        analyzed the Danish Cancer Registry
creased risk of ovarian cancer in PCOS           found that PCOS increases the risk for
patients but was limited by small sample size.   kidney, colon, and brain cancer by 2- to

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108      Matevossian and Carpinello

TABLE 1.         Summary of Conditions and Risk          as the relationship between this condition
                 in PCOS Patients                        and other cancers.
Condition           Risk for PCOS Patients
Osteoporosis        May have higher bone mineral
                      density, more data needed          References
CVD                 Perimenopausal—higher risk            1. Kalra SK, Ratcliffe SJ, Dokras A. Is the fertile
                    Postmenopausal—possibly                  window extended in women with polycystic ovary
                      higher risk, more data needed          syndrome? Utilizing the society for assisted re-
Stroke              Perimenopausal—higher risk               productive technology registry to assess the im-
                    Postmenopausal—possibly                  pact of reproductive aging on live-birth rate.
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Kidney, colon,      Limited research showing                 ometry in postmenopausal women with polycystic
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menstrual cycle disorders compared with                   8. Landay M, Huang A, Azziz R. Degree of hyper-
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These findings are all limited and need                      important determinant of the severity of hirsutism
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PCOS is a disorder with lifelong implica-                10. Schnatz PF, Marakovits KA, O’Sullivan DM.
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tions. PCOS affects the age of menopause                     cant risk factors for osteoporosis. Obstet Gynecol
and metabolic health in older women.                         Surv. 2010;65:591–596.
PCOS patients also have a higher like-                   11. Schmidt J, Dahlgren E, Brannstrom M, et al. Body
lihood of being diagnosed with endometrial                   composition, bone mineral density and fractures
cancer. However, as summarized in Table 1,                   in late postmenopausal women with polycystic
                                                             ovary syndrome—a long-term follow-up study.
further research is needed to elucidate the                  Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012;77:207–214.
effects of this syndrome during the perime-              12. Kassanos D, Trakakis E, Baltas CS, et al. Aug-
nopausal/postmenopausal period as well                       mentation of cortical bone mineral density in

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Menopause and Malignancy                   109

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