Politics and Governance - Open Access Journal | ISSN: 2183-2463 Volume 8, Issue 3 (2020)

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Politics and Governance - Open Access Journal | ISSN: 2183-2463 Volume 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Politics and Governance
Open Access Journal | ISSN: 2183-2463

Volume 8, Issue 3 (2020)

Politics and (Self-)Organisation of
Electricity System Transitions in a
Global North–South Perspective

Eberhard Rothfuß and Festus Boamah
Politics and Governance - Open Access Journal | ISSN: 2183-2463 Volume 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3
Politics and (Self-)Organisation of Electricity System Transitions
in a Global North–South Perspective

Published by Cogitatio Press
Rua Fialho de Almeida 14, 2º Esq.,
1070-129 Lisbon

Academic Editors
Eberhard Rothfuß (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Festus Boamah (University of Bayreuth, Germany)

Available online at: www.cogitatiopress.com/politicsandgovernance

This issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY).
Articles may be reproduced provided that credit is given to the original and Politics and Governance
is acknowledged as the original venue of publication.
Politics and Governance - Open Access Journal | ISSN: 2183-2463 Volume 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Table of Contents

Politics and (Self)-Organisation of Electricity System Transitions in
a Global North–South Perspective
Eberhard Rothfuß and Festus Boamah                                          162–172

Centrally Decentralising? Analysing Key Policies and Pathways in Norway’s
Electricity Transitions
Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg                                                 173–184

Prioritizing the Chicken or Egg? Electric Vehicle Purchase and Charging
Infrastructure Subsidies in Germany
Roland Zink, Javier Valdes and Jane Wuth                                    185–198

Geostrategic Renewable Energy Transition in Turkey: Organizational Strategies
Towards an Energy Autonomous Future
Özge Dolunay                                                                  199–210

Cross-Scale Linkages of Centralized Electricity Generation: Geothermal
Development and Investor–Community Relations in Kenya
Britta Klagge, Clemens Greiner, David Greven and Chigozie Nweke-Eze         211–222
Politics and Governance - Open Access Journal | ISSN: 2183-2463 Volume 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183–2463)
                                                                                   2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172
                                                                                              DOI: 10.17645/pag.v8i3.3636

Politics and (Self)-Organisation of Electricity System Transitions in a
Global North–South Perspective
Eberhard Rothfuß and Festus Boamah *

Chair of Social and Population Geography, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany;
E-Mails: eberhard.rothfuss@uni-bayreuth.de (E.R.), festus.boamah@uni-bayreuth.de (F.B.)

* Corresponding author

Submitted: 7 September 2020 | Published: 11 September 2020

Dominant electricity systems are inevitably transitioning into new forms in terms of power generation mix, mode of en-
ergy system governance and vested interests, the extent of state and consumer/citizen participation in the energy system,
and energy justice expectations in different geographies in the Global North and Global South. In this editorial to the the-
matic issue entitled Politics and (Self-)Organisation of Electricity System Transitions in a Global North–South Perspective,
we discuss politics and (self)-organisation of (just) energy transitions to expose how messy, convoluted, and fluid future
electricity system transitions can be in both the Global North and Global South.

decarbonisation; energy transition; global north; global south; Paris climate agreement; solar photovoltaic systems

This editorial is part of the issue “Politics and (Self-)Organisation of Electricity System Transitions in a Global North–South
Perspective” edited by Eberhard Rothfuß (University of Bayreuth, Germany) and Festus Boamah (University of Bayreuth,

© 2020 by the authors; licensee Cogitatio (Lisbon, Portugal). This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 International License (CC BY).

1. Global Decarbonisation and the Role of the                      vided a timely inspiration and execution plan for future
Electricity Sector                                                 decarbonisation. Yet there clearly exist inconsistencies
                                                                   between the carbon emission trajectories, planned emis-
The destructive consequence of fossil fuel consumption             sion reductions, and required emission reduction targets
is now self-evident. Causal mechanisms and scientific re-          of all countries, not excluding the so-called “climate pro-
medial measures are well known and yet the proposed                gressive” nations (see Anderson, Broderick, & Stoddard,
decarbonisation initiatives seem either far-fetched or             2020). The energy industry alone contributes over 40%
run the risk of adventuring into an arena of obscurities,          of global carbon emissions (International Energy Agency,
uncertainties, and ambivalences. In cases where decar-             2020), and so the claim that the Paris-compliant global
bonisation initiatives are fairly straightforward and per-         carbon budget requires complete decarbonisation by
haps seamless, debates about the choice of pathways                2030–2045 (Anderson et al., 2020) suggests a radical
that would produce just outcomes raise more questions              transformation of the society, the economy and gov-
than answers. Carbon lock-ins are indisputable in critical         ernance of energy systems across the world in less
sectors such as the electricity and transport sector, heavy        than three decades. The backtracking of wealthy na-
industries, as well as the aviation and shipping industries.       tions from the Paris Climate Agreement (e.g., USA under
The consensus to keep the global average annual tem-               President D. Trump), display of carbon lock-in syndromes,
perature rise to well below 2°C and even aspire to re-             and/or structural contradictions in decarbonisation dec-
duce it further down to 1.5°C—as stipulated in the Paris           larations among champions of sustainable energy tran-
Climate Agreement reached in 2015—may have pro-                    sitions (Germany, UK, Sweden, and Norway) and obvi-

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                            162
ous reluctance of coal-dependent European countries               plement fossil fuel-dependent, centralised electricity sys-
(Germany, Czech Republic, and Poland) to honour coal              tems which are currently losing their appeal in favour of
phase-out pledges (Europe Beyond Coal, 2019; Osička               decentralised electricity options in both the Global North
et al., 2020) speak louder than the popular adage. In             and Global South (Boamah, 2020b; Bouffard & Kirschen,
other words, it is easier said than done. These wealthy           2008; Taylor, Turner, Willette, & Uawithya, 2015). Two is-
western countries may have failed to exhibit exemplary            sues are noteworthy in the discussion of the choice of
behaviours in the transition to decarbonised energy sys-          electricity transition pathways from among the count-
tems due to structural and circumstantial constraints             less available options. The first crucial issue is the direc-
over which they have limited or no control. What ap-              tion and nature of the transition process, which would
pears intriguing, however, is the continuous promotion            be more appealing in both the short- and the long-term.
of low-carbon energy solutions in Global South countries          Put differently, this is whether to maintain the status
where the technology is neither cost-effective nor eas-           quo or switch between decentralised, fully, or partly cen-
ily compatible with their politics, energy system, socio-         tralised systems, on the one hand; and the political and
economic conditions, and the energy visions of different          socio-economic impacts of the transition pathway cho-
social groups (Boamah, 2020b). This double-standard or            sen, on the other hand. The next and related crucial issue
perverse approach to sustainable energy transition has            is whether the decarbonisation process should be self-
been described as “energy bullying” (Monyei, Jenkins,             driven, state-driven, and/or context-driven. The ambiva-
Serestina, & Adewumi, 2018; see also Boamah, 2020b).              lence over the potential of (un)just energy transition cuts
The greater contribution of ‘climate progressive coun-            across both of these issues. In other words, which elec-
tries’ to global carbon emissions—compared to devel-              tricity system transition should be chosen, with regards
oping countries—places non-negotiable moral and politi-           to where, when, for whom, with what consequences for
cal responsibilities on them in global decarbonisation ini-       the economy and fossil fuel consumption, and in order
tiatives. In fact, many developing countries do not feel          to escape which kind of entanglements?
morally obliged to implement renewable energy tech-
nologies unless they are cost-effective and fit seamlessly        2. Highlights from the Four Articles and Our Argument
into their overarching socio-economic development mas-
ter plans (Boamah, 2020b). The term ‘energy bullying’             The four articles in this thematic issue sought to en-
could perhaps be an apt description to foreground jus-            gage with the aforementioned issues, and the conclu-
tice considerations in the transition to low-carbon en-           sions reached in all articles suggest electricity system
ergy technologies. However, although least-developed              transition pathways are rather less predictable, nested,
countries are the primary victims of climate change im-           and in a state of constant flux. As shown in the arti-
pacts, a number of them (e.g., Indonesia, Philippines) are        cles, the socio-economic and ecological impacts of the
equally guilty of heavy carbon emissions, and thus, can-          direction of electricity system transition would depend
not shun their contribution to global climate change mit-         on local circumstances and a complex set of conditions,
igation efforts solely on claims of ‘energy bullying’ by the      e.g., in Kenya and Turkey. And even in cases of obvious
Global North.                                                     transition towards decentralised electricity systems, the
     The pathways to decarbonisation remain convoluted            co-existence of both systems is still inevitable and de-
and debatable in both the Global North and Global South.          sirable. Furthermore, transitioning to energy efficiency
Climate scientists may have their say while politics and          technologies like electric vehicles (EVs) does not auto-
modes of energy governance drive decarbonisation ini-             matically guarantee desirable decarbonisation pathways
tiatives in opposite directions, especially in the shipping,      (e.g., in Germany) and decentralised electricity transition
aviation, and heavy industry sectors where further de-            is not always driven by defossilisation considerations, es-
carbonisation options are either limited or too expen-            pecially in Norway where the electricity sector is already
sive. Of course, there is no single ‘silver bullet’ solution      fully decarbonised. The issue of just energy transition
to this quandary of the Anthropocene and so the de-               becomes even more complicated when entitlement no-
bate should rather be focused on identifying the most             tions, development priorities, and aspirations of differ-
promising entry point for the discussion of trade-offs in         ent countries are compared and put in context. We dis-
decarbonisation pathways—of the menu of available op-             cuss in this editorial politics and (self)-organisation of
tions. Electricity reaches approximately 4.3 billion peo-         (just) energy transitions to expose how messy, convo-
ple, and the sector constitutes the single largest source         luted, and fluid future electricity system transitions can
of aggregate greenhouse gas emissions in most coun-               be in both the Global North and Global South.
tries, predictably the fastest growing energy sector of
the future. Moreover, the emergence of electric cars              3. Centralised–Decentralised Electricity System
makes the sector a promising decarbonisation pathway              Dichotomy, Self-Organisation, and Just Energy
(Sovacool & Walter, 2019). The electricity sector cer-            Transition
tainly has important roles to play in decarbonisation ini-
tiatives, especially given recent advancements in low-            Centralised electricity systems, which have dominated
carbon energy technologies and their capacity to com-             the electricity regime in most countries for decades,

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                           163
depend on fossil fuel-powered generation plants. The              Global North (e.g., Germany, UK, Switzerland, Australia,
governance mode of these systems limits the capacity              Norway, Spain, and some areas in the USA), primarily
of consumers to produce energy and proactively miti-              to encourage the transition to low-carbon energy solu-
gate power supply shortfalls and unreliable power sup-            tions (Bach, Hopkins, & Stephenson, 2020; Dharshing,
ply. The mainstream discourse of the Anthropocene and             2017; Inderberg, Tews, & Turner, 2018; Passey, Watt,
characteristic features of a centralised electricity sys-         Bruce, & MacGill, 2018; Schmid, Pechan, Mehnert, &
tem are rendering this dominant power supply paradigm             Eisenack, 2017). Particularly prominent is the emerging
less desirable mainly due to the fast depletion of fos-           phenomenon of electricity users simultaneously becom-
sil fuels and attendant negative climate change impacts.          ing consumers and producers of electricity—often re-
Furthermore, the desire of investors to minimise risks            ferred to as ‘prosumers’—using small-scale solar PV sys-
through the deployment of smaller-scale, modular gener-           tems as well as offset electricity tariffs usually with cen-
ation and transmission systems, as well as public reserva-        tralised grid connection. The deployment of these sys-
tions about system corruption, gross inefficiencies, and          tems facilitates effective involvement of users in electric-
other uncertainties play a role in this tendency (Boamah,         ity provision by sharing excess power—produced from
2020b; Bouffard & Kirschen, 2008). Small-scale decen-             renewable sources—with the grid and other electricity
tralised systems are emerging as suitable alternatives or         users, supports peak load demand management, energy
complements to centralised systems. They are mostly               system efficiency and plays a vital role in ensuring reliable
based on renewable energy technologies or on high-                and sustainable electricity supply in the future (Inderberg
efficiency fossil fuel-based technologies such as com-            et al., 2018; Razzaq, Zafar, Khan, Butt, & Mahmood, 2016;
bined heat and power or have the capacity to use di-              Zafar et al., 2018). While the potential contributions of
verse sources of energy simultaneously, thereby miti-             decentralised, self-organised electrification systems to
gating many power generation and supply uncertainties             decarbonisation and the empowerment of consumers
(Bouffard & Kirschen, 2008). The flexibility and oppor-           are pretty clear, the expectation that particular transi-
tunity to integrate renewable technologies to drive de-           tion pathways would ipso facto produce just outcomes
carbonisation initiatives add vitality to calls for a radical     for all groups, communities, and sectors of the economy
transition towards decentralised electricity systems par-         in different geographies is still debatable. The ‘just en-
ticularly in Global North countries generating high car-          ergy transition’ approach entails a critical discussion of
bon emissions and urgently seeking to mitigate their high         the social, economic, and political repercussions of de-
carbon footprints out of ‘ecological guilt’—primarily per         carbonised energy transition or decarbonisation strate-
moral considerations.                                             gies to avoid potential re-production of exploitation in
     Meanwhile in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, over           the quest to eschew carbon lock-in (Healy & Barry, 2017;
800 million people live without electricity access (World         Unruh, 2002; Newell & Mulvaney, 2013). Studies show
Bank, 2019). In these geographies, a single focus on state-       that decentralised systems grant consumers some auton-
led centralised electrical grid extension to territorially re-    omy, provide increases in the uptake of low-carbon en-
mote and lower-income locations is either unfeasible or           ergy technologies, alter the political power wielded by
costly. The transition to flexible, commercially viable, and      energy companies, and still have the tendency to create
scalable decentralised electricity systems seems to be the        social inequalities in favour of more affluent groups who
obvious option to move toward in the near future (Banal-          can afford and undermine the operation of conventional
Estañol, Calzada, & Jordana, 2017; Bisaga & Parikh, 2018;         energy players who may lose customers (Brisbois, 2019;
Taylor et al., 2015). Another important avenue for decar-         de Wildt, Chappin, van de Kaa, Herder, & van de Poel,
bonisation is the energy efficiency measures and/or prac-         2020; Sovacool, Lipson, & Chard, 2019). The transition
tices that result in reduction of energy demand as well           to prosuming will reconfigure the electric utility sector
as the transition to EVs or heat pumps (Geels, Sovacool,          towards low-carbon solutions with many unpredictable
& Sorell, 2018). It is worth clarifying that the term self-       risks, and so policymakers and planners are advised to
organised, decentralised system used here denotes a               proactively consider effective and efficient measures for
system of energy generation and distribution primar-              their entry into competitive electricity markets (Parag &
ily initiated, owned and/or predominantly financed by             Sovacool, 2016). As promising as this sounds, the implica-
users themselves rather than the state, parastatals or pri-       tions for just outcomes remain open to question. Another
vate companies and where electrical power is generated            conundrum is that most Global South countries are tran-
from (local) sources other than conventional centralised          sitioning towards a decentralised paradigm primarily to
grid systems. Self-organisation of energy therefore en-           complement centralised power supply systems and mit-
compasses embedded generation or net metering, pri-               igate the accompanying spatial inequalities. Accordingly,
vate sector-driven mini-grid electrification, and complete        decarbonisation is the least important consideration for
stand-alone solar photovoltaic (PV) systems where even            the transition. Whereas the wealthy carbon-dependent
regulatory frameworks and incentives are driven by the            Global North countries are compelled decarbonised their
state, parastatals, or by private companies.                      energy systems out of moral and political obligations.
     The transition to self-organised decentralised elec-              The most crucial motivating factors behind the tran-
tricity provision has gained much prominence in the               sition processes, entitlement notions, and other contex-

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                           164
tual conditions in specific geographies deserve attention         try and an increasing share of private vehicles, is also ex-
here since different transition pathways are possible. In         amined. The authors conclude that neither an increasing
Norway, for example, where electricity prices are rela-           electrical charging infrastructure nor EV subsidy policies
tively low, and centralised electricity generation is sig-        are sufficient in accelerating EVs transition per se. And
nificantly based on renewables, the transition to self-           even if the two conditions did facilitate the transition,
organised grid-connected solar PV systems may be less             they still do not warrant successful decarbonisation since
inspiring (in the future). At least out of ecological sus-        Germany generates approximately 30% of its electricity
tainability and financial concerns since the electricity sec-     from coal. The overall effect of the EV transition must be
tor is already cost-effectively “de-carbonised” compared          set in relation to the nature of the country’s power gen-
to that of Germany, and UK, for example (see Inderberg            eration mix and the fraction that may be constituted by
et al., 2018). This does not suggest a seamless transition        renewable energy sources in the future. Also, it should be
in Norway, as shown by Inderberg (2020) in this volume.           pointed out that the total carbon dioxide balance of EV
The grid companies and their interest organisations cer-          production (e.g., the battery system) can cast doubts on
tainly still hold key positions but their interests have be-      the proposed climate neutrality associated with the tran-
come increasingly less unified since 2011. Higher frag-           sition from fossil fuel-powered cars to the electric types.
mentation is likely to yield reduced political influence.              Socio-economic conditions and political systems in
On the other hand, the grid companies have endorsed               Turkey make the co-existence of centralised and decen-
the idea of nationally determined regulations. Although           tralised systems more desirable, as shown in Dolunay’s
depending on the details, the policies analysed either            article (2020). Instead of approaching centralised or de-
favour or discourage further developments toward de-              centralised transitions as two separate paths, in which
centralised electricity systems, Inderberg (2020) sug-            an entire energy system and/or institutional structure
gests that the centralisation–decentralisation dichotomy          need to be revised accordingly, partially managed mod-
obscures many nuances involved on three accounts. First,          els could provide faster transitions to renewable energy
decentralising initiatives in the energy system can go            and enable practical solutions for people. Indeed, from
hand in hand with centralised political steering. It is           a technical perspective, a centralised grid-connected en-
pretty clear that nationally mandated initiatives have de-        ergy system is a combination of many decentralised en-
veloped digitalisation and prosuming provisions that may          ergy systems into a grid. Depending on the particular
lead to increased decentralisation. Second, this complex-         sources of social power in a country, region, or govern-
ity underlines the fact that a rough categorisation of ac-        ment as discussed in this article, a different model of re-
tors into incumbents and new entrants is not sufficiently         newable transition with different layers of liberalisation,
fine-tuned: Analysis of decentralisation requires signifi-        privatisation, or self-organisation is also possible. This
cantly more refined categorisation and contextualisation          could in some cases facilitate a faster renewable tran-
to enable more precise predictions. Thirdly, transitioning        sition than purely centralised or decentralised options.
includes several development paths, which may lead to             The organisation of the (de)centralised electricity transi-
diverging interpretations. Even though Norwegian elec-            tions are dependent on the history, geography, and the
tricity sector is fully decarbonised, there are still several     overlapping relations of these sources of social power.
different transitions underway. This indicates that even          Nevertheless, the answer to the question of who is pre-
in countries where much of the policy drive is mandated           pared to take responsibility within a given country will
by a decarbonisation goal, subtler causal agents are likely       determine how social power will play out in renewable
to exist. It is, therefore, necessary to contextualise and        energy transitions.
make a nuanced analysis to clarify factors influencing on-             In the foregoing, analysis of geographies of self-
going energy transitions, paying a keen attention to path-        organisation and just energy transition notions are nec-
way directionality complexities as well as the energy jus-        essary to expose the nature and cause of conundrums
tice implications of the ongoing changes.                         and conflicting perspectives surrounding electricity sys-
     Developments in Germany are not straightforward ei-          tem transition in different geographies. Self-organisation
ther. Carbon emissions from the road transport sector             is seen as a way of institutionalising new social rela-
are still significant and so the transition from fossil fuel      tionships deriving from (or establishing) a variety of lo-
vehicles to EVs has been featured an as important de-             cal networks, which potentially offer new pathways for
carbonisation initiative. Since early 2010, the German            the emergence of ‘alternative forms of governance.’ It
government implemented a series of measures to pro-               is achieved through encounters—perhaps of a serendip-
mote the use of EVs, including purchase subsidies and             itous nature—that lead to the identification of mu-
the development of charging infrastructures. The article          tual interests, positions, and relations based on shared
by Zink, Valdes, and With (2020) discusses the impact of          space, knowledge, values, and norms (Atkinson, Dörfler,
an increasing share of EVs on the electricity grid and suit-      & Rothfuß, 2018, p. 2). Fundamentally, self-organisation
able locations for charging stations with examples from           is a way of representing processes that institutionalise
a case study in Lower Bavaria. The impact of purchase             the social relationships deriving from a variety of local
subsidies on EV purchases in Germany, a high-income               networks. These interactions initially generate trust de-
country characterised by an important automotive indus-           rived from individual relationships which, over time and

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                          165
through further interactions, become transformed into             projects by citizens and communities in local energy ini-
collective forms of trust and create practice(s) with ‘col-       tiatives to the resultant ‘transformative outcomes’ in the
lective intentionality’ (Hasanov & Beaumont, 2016). This          transition to new energy systems and how these cre-
does not imply that they operate in an ‘anarchical’ man-          ate promising avenues to facilitate energy transition to-
ner as they have to institutionalise some of their proce-         wards a low-carbon future (Hasanov & Zuidema, 2018).
dures, although they always try to uphold a certain ‘flu-         Self-organisation of distributed generation in the Global
idity’ and openness of social processes and internal in-          North, for example, ensures reliable energy supply and
novation. However, self-organisation can take on many             sustainable energy practices, grants some autonomy to
different forms as it develops within local and regional          energy users (Bulkeley, Powells, & Bell, 2016; Strengers,
contexts in response to locally experienced and defined           2013; Strengers, Pink, & Nicholls, 2019; Zafar et al., 2018),
‘problems.’ Given this, in attempting to identify a some-         not excluding availability of financial incentives, rele-
what general ‘definition’ of self-organisation, we need           vant technical information, as well as the existence of
to exercise caution. There are multiple ways of concep-           clear regulatory frameworks (Boamah, 2020b).The driv-
tualising self-organisation that are not necessarily mutu-        ing forces behind self-organisation of energy and their
ally exclusive. Two examples will suffice to illustrate this      consequent effects in the Global South vary markedly
(see Atkinson et al., 2018, p. 170). Nederhand, Bekkers,          not only from experiences in the Global North but also
and Voorberg (2016, p. 2) define self-organisation as a           even within and between countries. Major drivers of
“collective process of communication, choice, and mu-             the transition include unjust billing systems, inefficien-
tual adjustment of behaviour resulting in the emergence           cies in state-driven centralised electricity provision, and
of ordered structures”; while for Boonstra and Boelens            unreliable and unavailable grid power supply particu-
(2011) it is the absence of government involvement, and           larly in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa,
thus, of external control (see also Boonstra, 2015). We do        and many other African countries. Self-organisation of
not see these two approaches as necessarily contradic-            electricity towards decentralised electrification systems
tory. However, we should also acknowledge that some               seems like a promising approach to addressing energy
forms of self-organising may consciously choose not to            injustices, and thus, economic challenges in the Global
engage with established forms of governance, indeed               South. In Africa in particular, self-organised electrifica-
they may seek to demonstrate that there are alterna-              tion initiatives are expressions of despondency, aspira-
tive ways of organising society. Meerkerk, van Boonstra,          tion for autonomy in energy generation and consump-
& Edelenbos (2013) point out that self-organised initia-          tion, and thus, remediation responses to energy injus-
tives represent a challenge to existing governance struc-         tices considered realisable through limited or no depen-
tures yet evolve together within existing institutional set-      dency on state institutions (Boamah, 2020a, 2020b).
tings. We want to argue that the most fruitful way of                  Decentralised, self-organised models of electricity
doing this and of understanding self-organising is a dis-         production have thus been perceived as an opportunity
cursive approach that identifies particular ‘local issues,’       for countries in the Global South to leapfrog directly
‘frames of orientations,’ and which develops associated           into the future of electricity. That said, in the Global
narratives, visions and practices and then seeks to con-          South where decentralised electricity systems appear as
struct particular courses of action—appropriate to local          the better alternative, outcomes of the mode of gover-
contexts. Here self-organising is a dynamic process that          nance present yet additional dilemmas. Despite interest
emerges in response to the development of shared local            in self-organised decentralised electrification, states are
understandings and ways of addressing these (Rothfuß              still ambivalent due to potentially negative effects on
& Korff, 2015). Moreover, as the experience and knowl-            their monopolistic practices. States have strong vested
edge of such groups evolve, they themselves are likely to         interests in power generation and aspire to retain sub-
change and, perhaps, expand their horizons beyond local           stantial control in centralised electricity provision in or-
contexts, making connections with wider national and              der to directly drive their socio-economic development
global causal processes. Self-organisation as a means of          agenda throughout the country. This is particularly strik-
action ‘from below’ emphasises interaction and discus-            ing where centralised electricity distribution is struc-
sion between participants leading to the identification of        tured around state monopoly primarily for ‘developmen-
relevant local issues and the formation of an accompany-          tal state’ visions in order to secure revenue flows and/or
ing ‘discourse/narrative’ of problem definition that may          in response to a history of unsuccessful private sector-
challenge and subvert existing governance forms or en-            led development approaches (Boamah, 2020a, 2020b;
hance them. It provides alternative ways of doing things,         Van der Merwe, 2017). Central governmental structures
it potentially offers new ways of ‘governing from be-             and parastatals strategically organise decentralised elec-
low’ that reflect local contexts, understandings of prob-         tricity provisions in a way that keeps citizens perpetu-
lems, and solves them through innovative practices (see           ally within the bounds of patronising state-driven elec-
Joas, 1996).                                                      tricity services. Even in South Africa, a country that sup-
    In the energy transition literature, self-organisation        ports embedded electricity generation or net metering
encompasses a variety of topics ranging from active               through state-driven initiatives—such as tax incentives
participation of the population and local ownership of            and cost reductions to reduce its huge carbon foot-prints

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                           166
(Didiza et al., 2016; Van der Merwe, 2017)—regulations            governance in geothermal energy development in Kenya
on permissible power exports by net-metered customers             include institutional interplay, co-management, and the
are designed to prioritise the financial sustainability of        Geothermal Development Corporation as a bridging or-
state electricity distribution against the interests of cus-      ganization. Their study shows that centralised electricity
tomers who want to mitigate impacts of unjust electricity         generation can, as with decentralised electricity systems,
provision in ‘self-fulfilling’ ways (Boamah, 2020b).              have strong local impacts, with local communities play-
     Similar ambivalence occurs in Ghana and Kenya                ing an active part. The Baringo community in Kenya, for
where the centralised electricity sector also serves as           instance, is not a passive recipient of benefits but rather
the state’s cash-cow and any aberration from this tra-            an active participant in negotiations as well as acts of
dition spells financial doom for the state electricity dis-       resistance and sabotage when important demands are
tributors and the implementation of collectively bind-            not met or if Geothermal Development Corporation ac-
ing decisions by the state (Boamah, 2020b, in press).             tivities are regarded as unfair. Community action and re-
Kenya Power has reservations against self-organised, de-          sponses, therefore, have the potential to disrupt project
centralised electrification systems due to its cyclical fi-       advancement. The conclusion reached by the authors is
nancial challenges and financial obligations to numer-            that cross-scale links need to be considered to under-
ous power producers, sometimes with contracts extend-             stand how power relations impact the implementation
ing beyond 20 years (Boamah, 2020a). Unless decen-                and governance of large-scale electricity generation.
tralised electrification systems are organised within the              There are certain distinct motivating factors and fric-
state apparatus and tailored to specific rural electrifi-         tions in electricity system transitions which are exclu-
cation visions of the state, decarbonisation considera-           sive to particular countries in the Global South. Ghana
tions through self-organised mechanisms do not present            is a classic case in point. The strategic handling of tar-
any practically compelling motivation for the promotion           iffs and the quality of electricity supply present govern-
of self-organised, decentralised initiatives of the popu-         ments with the opportunity to shape the public’s impres-
lation. This is especially the case given that renewables         sion of the ruling government. Ghana experienced acute
constitute approximately 85% of power generation mix              power outages caused by power generation shortfalls,
(43.50% geothermal, 27.61% hydro, and 15.12% wind)                grand energy sector corruption, and controversial tariff
as of May 2019 (Boamah, 2020b) and given the exis-                increases between 2012 and 2016. Rampant power out-
tence of 3.2 million off-grid solar PV installations as of        ages were satirically represented in the Ghanaian media
December 2017—which are mostly private sector-driven.             as Dumsor whereas ‘hyper-speed’ recording of electric-
Furthermore, neither decentralised nor centralised sys-           ity units by alleged ‘faulty meters’ were termed ‘Usain-
tems provide precise instructions for socio-economic              Bolt Meters’ due to public perceptions of unfair billing
transformation especially for territorially remote areas.         systems (Boamah & Rothfuß, 2018; Pyman & Boamah,
     The spatial concentration of centralised electrical          2019). Dumsor is a word in the Ghanaian Twi language
grids in urban and higher-income locations of Kenya af-           which refers to frequent and unexpected power out-
fects the development of micro-business enterprises in            ages within a short period of time. The satirical term
remote areas (Boamah, 2020a). Well-to-do households               was invented by the frustrated Ghanaians to ridicule the
who invest in more efficient solar PV systems to serve            government’s poor management of energy crises, espe-
as power back-up systems are able to satisfy energy               cially prior to the general elections in December 2016.
needs for social and business activities even in areas            These developments made the incumbent government
noted for unreliable grid supply. Poorer households, on           unpopular in the run-up to the 2016 general elections.
the other hand, have to restrict dominant social and              The Ghanaian government introduced off-grid solar PV
economic practices according to the energy services of            subsidy program primarily to mitigate the energy crisis.
inefficient solar PV systems, which eventually hinders            Net metering policy which had been in existence was
the development of home-based and other rural busi-               given a more serious attention by the government be-
ness enterprises. The emergence of precautionary en-              fore the general elections. The net metering sub-code
ergy practices contributes to unintentional production of         was published by the Energy Commission in 2015 and
low-carbon landscapes in the periphery but reveals in-            on the 30 September 2016 the Public Utilities Regulatory
herent injustices associated with complete dependence             Commission of Ghana published the net metering rate
on decentralised systems too. This also exposes gover-            to guide the policy implementation. The Ghanaian gov-
nance challenges since decentralised systems are usu-             ernment and energy sector agencies, however, continue
ally organised with little or no adherence to state regu-         to express ambivalence on net metering system policy
lations and the desperate customers are often exploited           implementation due to cyclical financial indebtedness
by unscrupulous solar energy service providers (Boamah,           of its main electricity distributor, Electricity Company of
2020a). The governance mode of either centralised or              Ghana (ECG), and the state’s obsession with monopo-
decentralised electricity systems can play an important           lising the means of electricity generation and distribu-
mediating role in terms of impacts on rural livelihoods.          tion. The ECG has refused to offset monthly electric-
The article by Klagge, Greiner, Greven, and Nweke-Eze             ity bills of net-metered customers for over 5 years con-
(2020) sheds light on this issue. The types of multilevel         trary to tariff regulations published by the public reg-

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                          167
ulatory commission of Ghana (Afful, in press; Boamah,             clear case of frustration born out of relative deprivation;
2020b). Beside financial considerations, the obstinacy of         the disenchanted off-grid residents issued subtle threats
the ECG has been attributed to the fact that power gen-           to vote against the ruling government during 2020 elec-
eration shortfalls between 2012 and 2016 and related              tion upon failure to provide electrical grids (Boamah &
power supply instabilities—which reinforced the idea—             Rothfuß, 2020). Self-organisation and the politics of elec-
have been reversed with excess power generation capac-            tricity system transitions in contemporary Ghana shows
ity of approximately 2400 megawatts after 2017; hence,            a situation where the quality of electricity supply and
the policy has outlived its usefulness, at least in the           spatiality of electrical grid access has been a driver and
meantime (Boamah, 2020b). Players in the renewable en-            sometimes an outcome of elections. Therefore, the or-
ergy sector and state energy agencies argue that since            ganisation of energy infrastructure is intertwined with
the country does not feel morally obliged to promote              multiple interests at different geographical scales—from
low-carbon energy solutions and does not have any po-             local to national.
litical obligation to do so, decarbonisation of the sector             Again, in the Republic of South Africa, the state-
would be largely dependent upon the cost-effectiveness            sponsored Free Basic Electricity project increased en-
of the technology (Boamah, 2020b). Reference to excess            ergy access for lower-income groups and residents of
power supply—although Ghana currently produces al-                off-grid communities, and yet the energy output of de-
most 70% of its power from fossil fuels—and financial             centralised solar PV systems was way below energy
considerations, which are largely decisive of the electric-       needs of the population relative to the more privileged
ity system transition pathways, suggest that decarboni-           groups who had access to more efficient and lower-cost
sation cannot be on the radar of relevant agencies until          centralised electrical grids (Masekameni, Kasangana,
it coincides with certain desirable conditions and emer-          Makonese, & Mbonane, 2018; Monyei, Jenkins, et al.,
gency situations.                                                 2018; Monyei, Adewumi, & Jenkins, 2018). Both state-
     Moreover, in other circumstances, self-organised en-         driven centralised electricity systems and decentralised
ergy initiatives imply that there are citizens who are            ones do not guarantee just outcomes; and neither do
almost fully fending for themselves via self-financing            self-organised decentralised systems offer satisfactory
of power back-up systems, making direct negotiations              remedy due to the above-mentioned contested enti-
with private sector energy providers at exorbitant costs,         tlement notions. The transition to self-organised, de-
and/or depending on mini-grid electrification systems             centralised electrification systems in the Global South
(particularly in remote areas) with tariffs significantly         is driven by quite different motivations in rather am-
higher than that of conventional centralised electrical           biguous energy policy regulatory frameworks and pub-
grids while the state may have limited control over               lic ambivalence.
the matter (Boamah, 2020a, 2020b). Although self-                      The transition is not any less seamless in the Global
organisation of decentralised electricity systems may             North where regulatory mechanisms and clear incen-
mitigate energy injustices and satisfy energy needs of            tives exist. There are tensions in Germany as big energy
lower-class social groups in extreme areas of Kenya and           companies have been affected by state subsidies sup-
Namibia (Boamah, 2020b), it results in feelings of en-            porting small scale self-organised grid-connected solar
trenched energy injustices and misrecognition partic-             PV installations. Experiences in Australia are even more
ularly in countries like Ghana where individuals and              complex. The transition to net metering and battery en-
groups deem limited or no access to state-driven grid as          ergy storage systems in Australia have caused significant
characteristic denial of privileges of national citizenship,      reductions in grid electricity consumption (and hence re-
sometimes regardless of socio-economic status, class,             duced revenues of utilities) and yet the resultant peak
place of residence, and so on (Boamah & Rothfuß, 2020).           load demand reductions can, in certain situations, ad-
Even within Ghana, state-led decentralised solar PV elec-         equately offset grid network investment costs (Passey
trification produced conflicting responses regarding the          et al., 2018). Depending on the electricity regime, en-
issue of justice: The government-sponsored free dissem-           ergy politics and other local conditions, frequent power
ination of 500-Watt solar PV to off-grid communities cre-         supply interruptions, poor access to centralised electrical
ated a collective consciousness of misrecognition due             grids, and hikes in electricity tariffs present a comingling
to the social preference for centralised grids, whereas a         of opportunities and challenges in the transition to self-
50% subsidy of the same program for urban households              organised solar PV systems in Global South and Global
generated contrary feelings (Boamah & Rothfuß, 2018,              North countries.
2020). The off-grid community had voted for the incum-                 Self-organised decentralised electricity provision is
bent government in expectation for centralised electri-           decidedly reconfiguring the role of civil society organi-
cal grids and the offer of free solar PV systems was per-         sations and state actors in electricity regimes of Global
ceived as misrecognition of citizenship rights when com-          North and Global South countries. The conflicting view-
pared with fellow Ghanaians living in grid-connected lo-          points about what a ‘desirable energy future’ should
cations. This had been the case despite the widespread            look like and the governance structures to realise these
outcry of injustices around dependencies on centralised           revolve around a choice between self-organised decen-
electricity provision (Boamah & Rothfuß, 2020). This is a         tralised systems—inclined towards renewable energy

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                          168
promotion, energy efficiency, autonomous and ‘demo-               2020, but President Trump flouted the agreement out
cratic’ electricity provision by individuals/local entities—      of politics against de-fossilisation. Therefore, decarbon-
traditional centralised systems (Schmid et al., 2017), or         isation initiatives and the set timelines in the Global
the co-existence of both systems.                                 North can be nothing more than wishful thinking due
                                                                  to the obvious negative impacts they may have on the
4. Locked between the Scylla of ‘Energy Bullying’ and             economies of these wealthier nations and other vested
Charybdis of Decarbonisation Apathy                               interests around continuous burning of fossil fuels. Lock-
                                                                  in syndromes reinforce energy bullying behaviour in even
Concerns about a fair distribution of the benefits and bur-       wealthy and ‘ecologically guilty’ countries, as for coun-
dens of the energy system for all in society is certainly         tries in the Global South, it reinforces the stance in which
a necessary call within the just energy transition de-            they, understandably, do not feel morally obliged to
bate (see Jenkins, Sovacool, Błachowicz, & Lauer, 2020;           make strenuous commitments to low-carbon energy so-
Healy & Barry, 2017; Newell & Mulvaney, 2013; Sovacool,           lutions. The fact that many least-developed countries in
2014), but they are certainly bundled with some con-              vulnerable geographies (e.g., Indonesia, Bangladesh, and
straints too. The justice advocacy in the decarbonisa-            Sahelian countries) lack the wherewithal to make effec-
tion debate has placed huge political and moral obliga-           tive climate change adaptation—in contrast to wealthy
tions on the major emitters of carbon and this might              western countries—reveals the weaknesses of the just
have obscured necessary contributions from least emit-            transition framework. The skewed attention to the dis-
ters (predominantly in the Global South) who may suf-             tribution obligations of causative agents without analy-
fer from the brunt of climate extremes in the future.             sis of primary victims of climate extremes may mislead
According to Anderson et al. (2020), the planned car-             some Global South countries to sit aloof and continue
bon emission reductions of “climate progressive nations”          with business as usual. In fact, carbon emission statis-
such as the UK and Sweden, will still exceed their fair           tics of newly industrialising countries (e.g., Brazil, South
share of a Paris-compliant global carbon budget by at             Africa, Indonesia, China, and India) place them in the
least two times, and even in the UK where moderate                same league of ‘heavy emitters’ as the wealthy western
progress has been registered, emissions from interna-             countries or sometimes even higher (e.g., China). Hence,
tional aviation and shipping are excluded. Norway has             Global North’s energy bullying practices cannot justify ig-
fully decarbonised its electricity sector and great strides       noring the issue of decarbonisation. Of course, technical,
in the transition to electric cars suggest a big leap for-        financial, and other forms of support from the Global
ward, but these gains are still negated by huge carbon            North are required to equip climate mitigation efforts,
emissions from its cash-cow (oil and gas sectors, aviation        on just grounds, but the obsession with justice consid-
and shipping industries). Calculations by Anderson et al.         erations may stall decarbonisation initiatives in the elec-
(2020) show that an immediate 10–15% per year carbon              tricity sector. The just energy transition perspective can
emission reduction target is required for Norway to meet          thus be not only enabling and but also constraining.
its Paris-based temperature and equity commitments,
and this also requires a completely zero-carbon energy            5. Final Reflections and Unresolved Questions Needing
system in the shipping and aviation industry by 2035.             Attention
President Trump blatantly flouted the Paris Agreement,
repealed anti-fossil regulations to revive coal mining in-        The thematic issue has sought to explore emerging tech-
dustry in the USA—to honour electioneering promises               nological, geographical and political trends in different
in 2016—even in the face of evidence suggesting that              regions of the world as our electricity systems are clearly
the coal mining industry and coal jobs decline occurred           moving away from the centralized, utility-based, and
three decades earlier and that mining workers have be-            state-controlled power generation models. No matter
come accustomed to transitioning to alternative liveli-           how hard opponents may try, a paradigm shift in cen-
hoods (Sanya, Evans, & Konisky, 2018). President Trump            tralised electricity systems toward self-organised decen-
claims adherence to the Paris Climate Agreement could             tralised electricity systems is inevitable be it now or in
endanger the US economy which thrives on massive pro-             the future. The shift is a result of a combination of moti-
duction and consumption of fossil fuels, and that he              vations and the relevance of the driving forces shaped by
can backtrack this position on the condition that rene-           changing circumstances, which are both predictable and
gotiation of the terms of the agreement is deemed fair            unpredictable in specific geographies. The consequences
to the American economy and workers. The date of                  and drivers of electricity transitions are so variable and
formal withdrawal (4 November 2019) is in contraven-              mixed that attempts to provide blueprints may give rise
tion of the terms of agreement which prohibits termi-             to new lock-ins. Predicting the trajectory of the transi-
nation earlier than three years from the effective start          tion pathways and governing it towards desirable out-
date of the agreement by the signatory—which was                  comes are still complicated given the uniqueness of elec-
4 November 2016 for the USA under the administration              tricity regimes within specific countries, the varying lev-
of former President Obama. In other words, the earliest           els of national economic development, different state
permissible withdrawal date must be after 4 November              priorities, and ever-changing energy visions of electricity

Politics and Governance, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 162–172                                                           169
consumers. Even though the direction and governance               Anderson, K., Broderick, J. F., & Stoddard, I. (2020). A
mode of electricity transition systems necessary for the              factor of two: How the mitigation plans of ‘climate
realisation of decarbonisation targets are not far-fetched,           progressive’ nations fall far short of Paris-compliant
the pathways that offer just outcomes make electricity                pathways. Climate Policy. Advance online publication.
system transitions amorphous adventures. We cannot                    https://doi.org/10.1080/14693062.2020.1728209
pretend to have settled these issues, but our contribu-           Atkinson, R., Dörfler, T., & Rothfuß, E. (2018). Self-
tion could perhaps be enhanced by raising some refresh-               organisation and the co-production of governance:
ing questions in the hope of informing future research.               The challenge of local responses to climate change.
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Acknowledgments                                                       as a suitable pathway for researching just energy fu-
                                                                      tures: Seeing like a modern electricity user in Ghana.
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(University of Bergen) on an earlier version of this              Boonstra, B. (2015). Planning strategies in an age of ac-
proposal. Many thanks also to Editors of Politics and                 tive citizenship: A post-structuralist agenda for self-
Governance (Raquel Silva and Tiago Cardoso) for their                 organization in spatial planning. Groningen: Univer-
great support throughout the entire publication process.              sity of Groningen.
                                                                  Boonstra, B., & Boelens, L. (2011). Self-organisation in
Conflict of Interests                                                 urban development: Towards a new perspective on
                                                                      spatial planning. Urban Research and Practice, 4(2),
The authors declare no conflict of interests.                         99–122.
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