POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?

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POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?

                            POLICY BRIEF
                            Jakarta Underwater:
                            Leave your home or fight to stay?

(Kimmelman & Haner, 2018)

                            Hnin Nu Nu Naing
                            Su Yadanar Myint
                            Anwar Luqman Hakim
POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?
Jakarta Underwater
                 :Leave your home or fight to stay?
                Hnin Nu Nu Naing, Su Yadanar Myint, Anwar Luqman Hakim
                            Supervisor: Dr.Warathida Chaiyapa
    Assistant Director of CMU-SPP and the instructor of the course Global Climate Policy

                                                                    (Kimmelman & Haner, 2018)

Key Messages
•   Relocation is not a viable option as it requires massive cost and comprehensive planning.
•   Comprehensive plans based on participatory decision-making are preferred as communi-
    ties' livelihoods rely on.
•   Find and develop feasible alternative solutions that are socially and environmentally sus-
    tainable development considering local concerns and pre-existing socio-economic prob-

POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?
Rising Sea Level is a Global Threat

Scientists and policy makers alike have              Bank report showing the threat faced by Mar-
warned that human security risks may spill-          shall Islands. The North Pacific country with
over into higher-order security risks. This          a population of 59,000 is at risk of disappear-
may lead to political instability, intra-state       ing due to sea level rise. The report stated that
conflict, major natural disasters involving          a 1-meter sea level rise will permanently
significant military responses, mass displace-       flood 40% of the buildings in the capital, and
ments of peoples, and threats to critical re-        frequent flooding for 96% of the 20,000 pop-
sources and infrastructure. Other key risks          ulated city.
that must be observed including geopolitical
                                                     The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
impact of climate change including regional
                                                     Change (2021) in its report stressed the need
and inter-state tensions and conflicts (The
                                                     for immediate, rapid and large-scale green-
Expert Group of the International Military
                                                     house gas emissions to avoid crossing the
Council on Climate and Security, 2020)
                                                     1.5oC global warming threshold. The report
Rising sea level is one of the consequences of       further stated that the changes to normal cli-
climate change. According to the WCRP                mate patterns will increase with additional
Global Sea Level Budget Group (2018), be-            warming, among others continued global av-
tween 1993 and 2018 thermal expansion of             erage sea level rise (15-30 cm) through the
the oceans contributed 42% to sea level rise.        middle of the century and extreme sea level
Sea level can increase the risk of flooding          events that previously occurred once in 100
which affects national security by threatening       years could happen every year by the end of
the country's infrastructure, economies, pub-        this century.
lic health, public property, and ecology.
                                                     The threat is real not only for Marshall Is-
Thereby imperative for countries and com-
                                                     lands and other island communities, but also
munities which have been encountering the
                                                     for many nation’s capitals and major mega-
threat of sea level rise to prepare mitigation
                                                     cities built on the shorelines. In 2021, New
and adaptation strategies.
                                                     York City and New Jersey faced an unprece-
Mcdonald (2021) reported on the World                dented    flash   flooding     and    tornadoes

POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?
(Levenson & Barnard, 2021). The recent dis-           Mega Cities throughout the world (Jakarta,
aster may be attributed to the storm Ida which        Bangkok, Shanghai, Mexico City, Lagos,
caused heavy rainfall, overloading the drain-         Dhaka) are facing the same threat of sea level
age system. However, it is without a doubt            rise and compounded with the threat of land
that the city itself is facing problems from          subsidence, mainly due to excessive ground-
groundwater extraction and its proximity to           water extraction (Erkens et al., 2015)
two large rivers.

The Jakarta Case

                                                               (Bandung Institute of Technology, n.d )

The notion that Jakarta, a mega city with a           rise of 2.5 feet (76.2 cm) in sea level it will
population of 10,562,088 (Jakarta Statistics          trigger mass migration and fight over arable
Agency, n.d.), is sinking is not new. The no-         land. If the projections are correct, Indonesia
tion resurfaced in Indonesia after the U.S.           will have to move the Capital since Jakarta
President Joe Biden made a reference to it in         will be underwater (The White House, 2021).
his July 27, 2021, remarks at the Office of the
                                                      It is worth noting that the current President of
Director of National Intelligence. Biden re-
                                                      Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, has not make
marked that the greatest threat facing Amer-
                                                      any comments regarding the projection that
ica is climate change, and if the world sees a
                                                      Jakarta is sinking since 2019. President

POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?
Widodo, previously the Governor of the Ja-          Widodo announced the government’s plan to
karta, last spoke about the issue in 2016 and       move the capital from Jakarta to East Kali-
2019, pushing for a speedy completion of the        mantan. The development of a new capital is
giant sea wall project (Laub, 2019; Deutsche        ongoing despite the complications brought by
Welle, 2016). In 2019, shortly after winning        the covid-19 global pandemic (Meiliana,
his second term in the office, President            2021).

                                                                Dutchwatersector.com in Saturi (2017)

The Giant Sea Wall, also known as the
Garuda Project, is the Indonesian govern-
ment’s answer to the sinking Jakarta. Octavi-
anti & Charles (2018) described that the In-
donesian Government, with cooperation from
the Government of the Netherlands, has
launched             the            National

POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?
Misdirected Policies?

                                                                                    (Earth.Org, 2020)

As instructed by President Widodo, the gov-           Jakarta’s residents (Reuters, 2018). The plan
ernment put a lot of focus in constructing the        was updated in 2017 to include the existing
giant sea wall. It is believed that this policy       man-made islands originally build independ-
formulated in association with the Dutch,             ent of the NCICD (Badan Pembangunan In-
known as the leading experts of coastal de-           frastruktur Wilayah, 2017).
velopment, is the answer of the many woes of

POLICY BRIEF Jakarta Underwater: Leave your home or fight to stay?
C. Phase C, optional phase, is the con-
                                                         struction of the east outer great seawall,
                                                         effectively closing off the Jakarta Bay
                                                         to further reduce the pressure of sea
                                                         water intrusion in the eastern part of Ja-
              NCICD Executive Summary (2017)

Based on the NCICD Executive Summary                NCICD is deemed a controversial project by
(2017), the project consisted of three phases       many. Academics (among others Erkens et.
based on urgency:                                   al, 2015; Deltares, 2015; and Abidin et al.,
                                                    2011), and the government, has acknowl-
 A. Phase A, a critical phase with no-regret        edged that Jakarta is threatened not only by
    approach consisted of building and re-          sea level rise, but also by the land subsidence.
    inforcing a 20.1 km long dike in North          The intensified flooding in Jakarta as well as
    Jakarta, as well as reinvigorating the          increased inland seawater intrusion has been
    many rivers crossing Jakarta. This              linked by academics to land subsidence
    phase has been scheduled to be finished         (Brinkman & Hartman, 2009, Onodera et. al,
    in 2020, however due to many compli-            2009; Soekardi et. al., 1986). NCICD, how-
    cations, the process has yet to be con-         ever, failed to address the issue of land sub-
    cluded.                                         sidence, and focusing only on the rise of sea
 B. Phase B, a mid-term phase, focused on
                                                    The closing of the bay area in Jakarta, as a
    construction of an offshore giant sea
                                                    result of the NCICD, faced a lot of resistance,
    wall for the Western part of Jakarta
                                                    including from the academics. The USD 40
    Bay. Although the Indonesian Govern-
                                                    billion project is using a top-down approach
    ment has secured support from the
                                                    and does not take into account the voices of
    Netherlands and the Republic of Korea,
                                                    the community it is claiming to protect. In the
    it appears this phase that was scheduled
                                                    NCICD Master Plan (The Coordinating Min-
    to start in 2018 and to be finished in
                                                    istry of Economic Affairs, 2014) the
    2022 has yet to be started.

considerable effects of the development to             sustainable livelihoods due to sudden change
the community in the coastal areas were not            in life.
adequately considered.
                                                       The same issues can be said with construction
There are many kampongs and residential                of the dike along the coastal area. It directly
neighbourhoods in the coastal area since it of-        affected the livelihood of the communities
fers employment opportunities from fishing             currently living in the area. The whole project
or in the nearby Tanjung Priok seaport. These          will surely need to resettle the slum areas in
areas are considered slum areas and some il-           North Jakarta to elsewhere (Sherwell, 2016).
legal housing. The Government is trying to
                                                       To alleviate the burden on Jakarta as the cap-
relocate the population of these communities
                                                       ital city, the Indonesian government has also
into low-rise low-cost apartments, however
                                                       started the construction of a new capital city
so far these efforts have been met with differ-
                                                       in East Kalimantan. The USD 33 billion pro-
ing results.
                                                       ject was initially scheduled to complete con-
The construction of the sea wall, and the 17           struction of government offices in 2024, but
man-made islands (originally not part of the           it must be put on hold due to the Covid-19
NCICD but then incorporated into it in 2016)           pandemic (The Jakarta Post, 2020). While the
has proven to be problematic to the livelihood         country is prioritizing its economic recovery,
of the fishing communities. Mauriend (2018)            it also serves as an opportunity to discuss re-
identified the following issues arising from           location plans with affected communities and
the reclamation: changes in sea pattern and            hear local voices and redevelop an inclusive
fishing locations; loss of access to livelihoods       policy.
for those who have to relocate; loss of

Fighting for a Sustainable Solution

In 2021, NCICD is still the chosen policy of           learned from their research on mitigation and
the Indonesian government to address the is-           adaptation efforts in low lying small island
sue of sea level rise vis-à-vis Jakarta. Jamero        communities in the Philippines. According to
et al. (2017, 2018, and 2019) and Esteban et           their research, successful adaptation efforts
al. (2019) shared the lessons                          need to be inclusive and address the needs of

the most vulnerable groups in the commu-                island-countries. The Government needs to
nity. In the research, communities viewed re-           look for alternative policies that will address
location as a last resort and will always work          the threat, while providing a better future for
on adaptation responses.                                the communities.

Eriksen et al. (2011) stated that successful ad-        While some residential areas in Jakarta
aptation measures must be socially and envi-            coastal areas inevitably needs to be relocated
ronmentally sustainable to allow develop-               due to health and sanitary concerns, most res-
ment pathways. Research by Mirza (2003)                 idents have insisted to remain and adapt to the
concluded that constant capacity building               rising of sea level as well as the effect of
through partnership between developed and               NCICD projects. This adaptation measures
developing countries with a focus on climate            includes changes in fishing ground and activ-
mitigation will provide a more sustainable fu-          ities, as well as raising their homes to reduce
ture for communities.                                   the effect of flooding.

The social and culture dimension of the threat          The government need to provide assistance in
of sea level rise and its mitigation effort must        the form of laying the legal framework and
not be sidelined. It is the responsibility of           building infrastructures and facilities that
each and any governments to protect the                 centered on the need of the vulnerable groups
basic rights of its people, including social jus-       of communities to preserve their culture and
tice. With this in mind, we are proposing the           livelihoods.
following policies and framework to mitigate
                                                        2. Communities’ involvement and avoiding
the effect of sea level rise in

                                                        Building a giant sea wall and affecting
1. Relocation as a last resort                          changes at the community level without con-
Relocation, although appears to be a sound              sulting the communities themselves will re-
policy, remains a complex issue, as it requires         sult in non-compliance. The government did
long term planning and massive resources,               not meaningfully involve the impacted com-
and it will put a heavy strain on the most vul-         munities on the Great Garuda Project, nor
nerable groups: women, children, and the el-            about the threat of sea level rise, thereby se-
derly. Especially true for mega-cities and              verely    reducing        ownership   of   the

communities.                                           The impacted community demanded the gov-
                                                       ernment to improve their living conditions
The USD 40 billion project is regarded as a
                                                       while maintaining their livelihood and cul-
top-down policy, the affected communities as
                                                       ture. Short term direct actions are needed,
well as academic communities panned the
                                                       aside from reinforcing the dikes, the commu-
project as lacking in transparency and inclu-
                                                       nity needed better sanitation, dredging and
sivity. It is viewed to benefit more to the pow-
                                                       draining of inundated areas, better and bigger
erful real estate developers, rather than the
                                                       water pumps, as well as access to clean water.
community which have been living under
poor conditions for the last decade.                   In the medium-term actions, communities
                                                       need proper support from the government as
Pursuing the cooperation of local communi-
                                                       well as the ability to maintain their liveli-
ties and facilitating local ownership of adap-
                                                       hood. This can be done through better adap-
tation responses between local communities
                                                       tation measures, such as introduction of sus-
is imperative for decision makers. Adaptation
                                                       tainable fisheries (farming), and more flood-
measures must be linked to sustainable devel-
                                                       resilient building construction techniques.
opment. Empirical evidence and impact anal-
ysis information dissemination are needed to           3. Long-term consistent mitigation policy is
show urgency in every level. Wise use of the           needed

power of social media is detrimental to reach          The rise of sea level is a problem of a global
and gain the support from the public.                  level, the way to recovery has to start some-
                                                       where. As stated in the Indonesian Nationally
Jakarta, being an old colonial city, has a basic
                                                       Determined Contribution to the United Na-
problem, restricted water access in the city
                                                       tions Framework Convention on Climate
causing most of its residents have to extract
                                                       Change, Indonesia is committed to reduce
groundwater to survive (Thornell, 2021).
                                                       GHG emissions by up to 41% below the 2030
This issue has been neglected by the govern-
                                                       business-as-usual scenario with international
ment in their mitigation plan and has proven
                                                       assistance, and 29% below the 2030 busi-
to compound the issue of sea water rise,
                                                       ness-as-usual scenario unconditionally.
which will cause the city to be one of the first
in the world to permanently fall victim to the         In the NDC, Indonesia has stated that it is an-
sea.                                                   ticipating long-term impacts from sea level

rise as a threat to the most vulnerable groups.
The way out proposed in the document is to
strengthen climate resilience through adapta-
tion and mitigation efforts, which has been
updated in the Annex 2 of the updated NDC.

As with all the other NDCs Indonesia’s NDC
is also under critiques by various organisa-
tions and researchers as being not enough to
make a difference. Nevertheless, the key pro-
grammes already outlined in the NDC should
act as a guidance and mainstreamed into all
policies and disseminated to all stakeholders.

It will take the cooperation and collaboration
of all nations and in every level to overcome
a challenge of this magnitude, as the sea level
rise poses not only a threat to one country or
community, but it is a clear and present dan-
ger to human security.


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