PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season

PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
PLAY BALL                      Mining City Tommyknockers
                                               prepare for inaugural season

Lights brighten 3 Legends Stadium, the home
of the Tommyknockers, Butte’s new summer
collegiate wood-bat baseball team as the sun
sets on the Mining City on May 18.
PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
2   | Tuesday, June 1, 2021                                                             The Montana Standard

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PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
The Montana Standard       2021 SEASON PREVIEW   Tuesday, June 1, 2021 |   3

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PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
4   | Tuesday, June 1, 2021                                                                 The Montana Standard

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PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
The Montana Standard                                                2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                                                            Tuesday, June 1, 2021 |   5

                                                                                                                                                                         GREEN BAY BOOYAH‌
Tom Carty, in blue, managed the Green Bay Booyah of the Northwoods League — a summer collegiate wood-bat league — for two years. In October 2020, he was hired as Butte’s first
manager in the Expedition League.

An experience for everyone
BLAKE FUSSELL                                  inaugural season would be at home,” said       one of the best coaches in college baseball,   the entire team, he is a pitching specialist
THE MONTANA STANDARD                           Tommyknockers general manager Dane             and he’s well-respected around the US.”        who coached three LIU-Brooklyn pitchers‌                 Wagner. “But with the way the schedule           Carty will coach the Tommyknockers this      to all-conference honors in 2019.
   ‌From the moment the team was an-           panned out, I worked to get us a preseason     summer and will return to Long Island Uni-       Brandon Cowan, former star pitcher at
nounced in October 2020, the Mining City       showcase series for the fans.”                 versity-Brooklyn (LIU-Brooklyn) where he       Lincoln Memorial University (Texas) and
Tommyknockers organization has made it           The roster for the inaugural season in-      coaches during the collegiate season. While
clear that the team’s presence will offer an   cludes athletes from around the country        Carty is the field manager watching over                        Please see EXPERIENCE, Page 6
experience for players, baseball fans and      and the world. Daiki Asaumi, of Kanagawa,
everyone in between.                           Japan, was the first international player to
   Part of the Expedition League, the Tom-
myknockers will compete against other
                                               sign a full-season contract with the Tom-
                                               myknockers. Ren Yokoyama, also from               Proud to SuPPort
                                                                                                 Butte’S BaSeBall
teams in the northwest, including one          Japan, will play temporarily for the Tom-
located in Manitoba, Canada. Teams are         myknockers.
formed by collegiate players during their        While recruiting efforts were extensive,
school’s off-season.                           multiple Montana athletes made the cut
   The Tommyknockers begin the sea-            for the inaugural season. Butte native Liam
son with a road series against the Canyon      Sommer and Missoula Sentinel graduate
County Spuds and their home-opener             Drew Leonard will pitch for the Tommyk-
will be June 1. In hopes to engage the en-     nockers, while infielder Matt Krieger, of
tire southwest Montana community and to        Helena, will play on a temporary basis.
give players a few extra reps, they competed     “The coach does the heavy lifting, they                                      406-565-5626
in a preseason showcase series in Helena on    use the contacts they’ve established over
May 21 and Anaconda on May 22.
   “My hope was that the first game in the
                                               the years and know how to recruit really
                                               good players,” Wagner said. “Tom Carty is
                                                                                                WelCoMe toMMYKNoCKerS!
PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
6   | Tuesday, June 1, 2021                             2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                                                   The Montana Standard

Mining City Tommyknockers 2021 roster                                                                                   Experience
                                                                                                                        From Page 5
POSITION PLAYERS                           Bats/
                                                		       PITCHING STAFF
‌Name          College           Position Throws Height ‌Name           College                  Throws      Height     current assistant coach at South Forks
                                                                                                                        High School (Florida) will train Mining
 David Melfi   Wagner                C      R/R   5’11” Liam Sommer 	University of Mary              R        6’3”      City pitchers, while South Carolina as-
 Luke Trainer  Millersville          C      L/R   6’0”                                                                  sistant coach Jacob Schubert will be the
                                                         Evan Reynolds	Northeastern                  L        6’2”      Tommyknockers’ hitting coach.
 Jake Mastillo Lock Haven          C/UT     R/R   6’1”
                                                                                                                           “Hiring Tom Carty as coach was crucial
 Pat Doran 	North Carolina Central 1B       L/L   6’4” Dylan Wilheim 	USC Aiken                      R        6’2”
                                                                                                                        for the recruiting of our team,” Wagner said.
 Elijah Buries Grand Canyon         IF      R/R   6’1” Jon Cordaway     Tarleton                     R        6’5”      “Starting to see our team get assembled, we
                                                                                                                        focused a lot on pitching and then filled in
Miles Hartsfield Georgia SW      IF      L/R     5’9”    Riley Powers     Georgia Southwestern       R        5’11”     with some really nice position players.”
Seth Lucero	Dawson               IF      L/R     6’2”                                                                      “When I look at our roster compared to
                                                         Kyle Wellman     Hendrix                    L        5’11”
Judah Wilbur	Southern            IF      R/R     6’0”                                                                   the rest of the Expedition League, we have
                                                         Zach Camp	Swarthmore                        R        6’2”      the best by far,” Wagner continued. “It’s an
Mathew Ivancich	Dixie	SS	                R/R     6’0”
                                                                                                                        impressive squad and it’s going to be fun
Justin Greene    Milligan      OF/UT     L/R     6’1”    Ryan Jacobs      Tarleton                   R         6’4”     to watch for sure.”
Jack Walker	Dixie               OF       R/R     5’11”                                                                     With eight Division I athletes on the
                                                         Drew Leonard	Sioux Falls                    L         6’1”
                                                                                                                        roster, the Tommyknockers are prepared
Hayden Brown     Grand Canyon   OF       L/R     6’3”
                                                         Jason Kramlich	Northeastern                 R        6’0”      for a competitive first season. Yet, the play
Steven Strachan  Hillsdale     OF/1B     R/R     6’5”                                                                   on the field is just one aspect of the team’s
Carter Dobrinski Tarleton	UTL            R/R     6’1”    Connor Phelan    Montevallo                 R        5’10”     presence in Butte.
                                                                                                                           The fan experience has been a prior-
Alec Burns       West Virginia OF/1B     R/R     6’4”    Marty Carnahan   McMurray                   R        6’2”
                                                                                                                        ity for the team since the day their arrival
                                                                                                                        was announced. One example of this was
                                                                          Matt Krieger of the Helena Senators jumps     the team name vote, which was left to the
                                                                          for a ball against the Spokane Cannons last   Butte community.
                                                                          summer at Kindrick Legion Field in Helena.       Over the course of a month, the Butte
                                                                          GARY MARSHALL, BMGPHOTOS.COM‌                 community was asked to submit team

                                                                          Good Luck
                                                                           Tommyknockers!                                       401 S. Main, Butte, MT
                                                                                                                          782-2224 •

                                                                                                                          1805 Meadowlark Lane, Butte, MT
                                                                             1200 E. Commercial, Anaconda, MT           723-3239 •
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                                                                                                                         Coldwell Banker-Markovich Real Estate
                                                                                  401 S. Main, Butte, MT
                                                                                                                               2827 Lexington, Butte, MT
                                                                             782-2224 •
                                                                                                                             593-2702 •
PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
The Montana Standard                                                  2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                                                           Tuesday, June 1, 2021 |   7

name ideas and votes narrowed down the
   “We had a domain name reserved for our
website, we were going to be the Butte Big
Horns,” Wagner said. “But then we looked
at the vote and turned it to the community,
and Big Horns was not even in the top five.”
   A tommyknocker is described as a myth-
ical beast that would warn mining workers
of falling rock and other dangers. The name
captures the history and vibe of Butte and
is not likely to be replicated.
   The in-person fan experience has been a
focus as well. The Tommyknockers worked
to bring a water element and party deck to
3 Legends Stadium, but the idea was struck
down by Butte-Silver Bow commissioners.
Despite the failed idea, Wagner said the team
will continue to find way to engage fans.
   “From year one to year 100, there will be
additions to the stadium and the fan ex-
perience,” Wagner said. “It all depends on                                                                                                                                  COURTESY PHOTO‌
construction and contractors and things                                                                                                      Liam Sommer follows through after throwing
                                                                                                               MCMURRY SPORTS INFORMATION‌
like that.”                                                                                                                                  a pitch earlier this season for the University
   Just as the team will bring new opportu-     Marty Carnahan waits for a pitch while batting for McMurry University.                       of Mary.
nities and experiences to Butte, the Butte
community has the opportunity to provide        support for players. Host families will be        Applications are available for those who     Single-game and season tickets are
an experience as well. As players begin         recognized on-field at a game during the       want to become a host family at mctom-        available on the team’s website. The Tom-
moving to the area from various places,         regular season, and will also be offered Those who are interested      myknockers are still finalizing radio and
host families are needed for the summer.        perks including tickets and merchandise        can also contact Dane Wagner with ques-       television contracts and will announce
   Host families provide housing, meals and     discounts.                                     tions at            their broadcast plan once it is official.

            Welcome to Butte, TOMMYKNOCKER Baseball!

                                                                                                   TROLLEY TOURS ARE AVAILABLE
                                                                                                   MAY - SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                   Monday - Saturday
                                                                                                   10:00 | 12:30| 3:00
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PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
8   | Tuesday, June 1, 2021   2021 SEASON PREVIEW   The Montana Standard
PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
The Montana Standard   2021 SEASON PREVIEW   Tuesday, June 1, 2021 |   9
PLAY BALL Mining City Tommyknockers prepare for inaugural season
10   | Tuesday, June 1, 2021                         2021 SEASON PREVIEW                             The Montana Standard

From the Peach State
to the Treasure State
                                 ‌Miles Hartsfield,
                                 right, and Riley
                                 Powers (30) play
                                 their college
                                 ball for Georgia
                                 University. They
                                 will remain
                                 teammates over
                                 the summer
                                 as Mining City
                                                                                                          COURTESY PHOTO‌S

                Go      ykn o ckers!

       120 W Broadway St., Butte • (406) 299-2710
                                                                   321 West
                                                                        est Park Street, Butte | 406-723-3043
THE MONTANA STANDARD                                                    2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                                             TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2021 |   11

   returns to
                                                                                                                                               PHOTO COURTESY OF DREW LEONARD
Drew Leonard pitching for Sioux Falls in a game this season.
THE MONTANA STANDARD                                                                                                WELCOME                                       grandpa                                      TOMMYKNOCKERS!
    After suffering multiple major injuries,                        was ‘Pork
there was a time Drew Leonard believed
his baseball career was over. Now the                               Chop
Missoula-Sentinel graduate has landed a
spot in the bullpen on Montana’s newest
                                                                    John’, the                                        E v E r E t t C o o k L aw
baseball team, the Mining City Tommyk-
nockers.                                                            behind                       • Personal Injury                   • Insurance Disputes &
   Leonard played for the Missoula Maver-                           that and
icks in high school, where he was a part of                                                      • Workers’ Compensation               Bad Faith
2017 state championship team.                                       with all                     • Car Accident & Motorcycle         • Consumer Protection
   “I grew up playing sports, my family is                          the family                     Accident Injuries                 • Wills, Trusts & Estates
a big football family,” Leonard said. “My
grandpa played football for the Griz and my      I have there, when I heard                      • Social Security Disability        • Wrongful Death
little brother just signed to go play. But I     Butte was getting a team I
chose baseball.”                                 had to do everything I could
   Leonard said he enjoyed playing Legion
baseball because of the unique opportuni-        to get on it.”
ties it presented. Leonard met many friends
from schools he was not involved in due to                                     Drew Leonard
   But his time with the Mavericks brought
challenges as well. Just before his first game     “Finally in my freshman year of college at
as a senior, Leonard tore the labrum in his      Sioux Falls I started feeling healthy,” Leon-
left hip which required season-ending sur-       ard said. “But then I retore the left one and            Bernard J. “Ben”   J. Ben Everett   Adam Cook
gery.                                            I missed 22 months of baseball.”                             Everett
   Leonard then found that his other la-           Despite multiple setbacks, Leonard
brum was torn as well. He had surgery on         continued to train and work hard to return             217 East Park strEEt • PO BOx 969
his right hip just six months after his left
hip surgery in June 2018.                                                 See LEONARD, PAGE 12
                                                                                                    tElEPhOnE (406) 563-5005 • Fax (406) 563-0380
12   | Tuesday, June 1, 2021                                         2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                                                             The Montana Standard

                                                                                                                                                               406MTSPORTS.COM FILE PHOTO‌
Former Missoula Maverick Drew Leonard delivers a pitch during the 2017 Class AA American Legion baseball state tournament in Bozeman. Leonard will pitch for the Mining City
Tommyknockers this summer.

Leonard                                          “It was always a determination thing,
                                              I’ve never been a guy to back down and I’ve
                                                                                               play at Sioux Falls in his junior year of high
                                                                                               school. His injuries came after the offer but
                                                                                                                                                since 2016. He said he feels healthy, with
                                                                                                                                                no worries about his hips.
Continued from Page 11                        never had anything handed to me,” Leon-          the school respected the deal, which has            Born in Montana and with family mem-
                                              ard said. “It always meant more to me to         meant a lot to Leonard.                          bers linked to John’s restaurant, playing
to the field. Leonard credited his family,    keep going.”                                       “I was committed before I got hurt and         in Butte is special for Leonard. While he
doctors and Sioux Falls support staff for        After the season in Butte, Leonard will       they never gave up on me. I’ll always be         is from Missoula, he described Butte as a
his recovery.                                 return to play Sioux Falls. Despite the dis-     thankful for that,” Leonard said. “We’ve         second home.
  This spring, Leonard played his first       tance, he did not travel to college alone. His   been able to turn this (Sioux Falls) program        “My grandpa was ‘Pork Chop John’, the
full season of baseball since 2017. Leon-     former pitching coach in Missoula took a         around. We ended up winning 11 of our last       legacy behind that and with all the family
ard said he is excited to continue gaining    position at Sioux Falls, and is a big reason     16 games.”                                       I have there, when I heard Butte was get-
experience once he joins the Tommyk-          why Leonard is there today.                        Leonard helped Sioux Falls make their          ting a team I had to do everything I could
nockers.                                         Leonard was offered a scholarship to          conference tournament for the first time         to get on it.”
The Montana Standard                            2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                     Tuesday, June 1, 2021 |   13

Butte’s backstops
J‌ ake Mastillo, below, and Luke Trainer will be joining David Melfi (not
 pictured) in putting on the tools of ignorance for the Tommyknockers.

                                                                COURTESY PHOTO‌   MARK PALCZEWSKI, MILLERSVILLE ATHLETICS PHOTO‌

                             Proud to Support
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14   | TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2021   2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                           THE MONTANA STANDARD

        Get to know pitcher
                                     BLAKE FUSSELL
                                     THE MONTANA STANDARD

                                       Pitcher Conner Phelan will make a cross-country trip to join the
                                     Tommyknockers as his collegiate season concludes at The University
                                     of Montevallo (Alabama). Phelan, originally from Naples, Florida,
                                     pitched 19 innings and sported one of the lowest ERAs at Montevallo
                                     this season.
                                       Phelan said he knew very little about Montana before he received
                                     an offer from the Tommyknockers, but now he is excited for the

                                     experience. He is a true freshman at Montevallo and graduated from
                                     Barron Collier High School in Naples.

                                                                                                  COURTESY PHOTO
The Montana Standard                                                                           2021 SEASON PREVIEW                                                                   Tuesday, June 1, 2021 |   15

                                                        Get to know pitcher Conner Phelan
      How did your first season go as a college baseball                                   Before being considered for a spot on the team,       If baseball didn’t exist, what’s an activity you
      player?                                                                              did you know much about Montana?                      would take up?
         Phelan: We kind of had a rough year this year,                                       Almost nothing besides my cousin who lives            Does golf count? If golf counts, definitely golf.
      we didn’t do as good as we wanted. But I got a                                       there. I knew it was an opportunity to play some
      little more playing time than I thought I was                                        more baseball, then I looked at some pictures and     What makes you excited to play summer ball?
      going to get going in, so that was good.                                             did some research. I thought it looked beautiful         It’s a chance to get better. The coach is good
                                                                                           so I looked into the city. I think it’s going to be   from what I’ve been hearing from everyone and I
      You’re pretty far from Montana. How did you                                          a cool place to live, and I’m also excited to play    think it’ll just be a cool place to live. I want to see
      hear about the Tommyknockers?                                                        with kids that I don’t know. It should be a good      all the landmarks.
         My coach came up to me after practice and told                                    time with all them.
      me about Tom Carty, said he’s a really good coach                                                                                          What’s your favorite food?
      and he wanted me to come up there and play this                                      How do you feel about being on the field with          Pizza. Yeah, probably pizza.
      summer. I knew it’d be a dedication to come out                                      players you don’t know?
      there, but I thought it was a good idea to play for                                    I’m very excited but also a little nervous to       Do you play MLB The Show? Are you a gamer at
      a good coach, go out west and have some fun.                                         meet everyone, I can be a little socially awkward     all?
                                                                                           at first.                                               Yeah I play The Show, I’ve got a good record in
                                                                                                                                                 Diamond Dynasty. I like to find ways to win, I’d
                                                                                                                                                 say I’m pretty decent.
             How did you fall in love with the game of baseball?
               Well, I played since I was five, that and golf. And then I realized I had more fun winning and I
             was better at baseball. I just like to win too much, golf is hard to come in first.

                                                                                                                                 WELCOME TO BUTTE!
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16   | Tuesday, June 1, 2021                                      The Montana Standard

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           Bring this section to a Tommyknocker’s baseball game
            this season and get your favorite players autograph!
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