Plant Cell Cultures as a Tool to Study Programmed Cell Death - Semantic Scholar

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Plant Cell Cultures as a Tool to Study Programmed Cell Death - Semantic Scholar
International Journal of
               Molecular Sciences

Plant Cell Cultures as a Tool to Study Programmed Cell Death
Massimo Malerba 1 and Raffaella Cerana 2, *

                                          1   Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 20126 Milan, Italy;
                                          2   Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Terra, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca,
                                              20126 Milan, Italy
                                          *   Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-02-6448-2932

                                          Abstract: Programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically controlled suicide process present in all living
                                          beings with the scope of eliminating cells unnecessary or detrimental for the proper development of
                                          the organism. In plants, PCD plays a pivotal role in many developmental processes such as sex deter-
                                          mination, senescence, and aerenchyma formation and is involved in the defense responses against
                                          abiotic and biotic stresses. Thus, its study is a main goal for plant scientists. However, since PCD
                                          often occurs in a small group of inaccessible cells buried in a bulk of surrounding uninvolved cells,
                                          its study in whole plant or complex tissues is very difficult. Due to their uniformity, accessibility,
                                          and reproducibility of application of stress conditions, cultured cells appear a useful tool to investi-
                                          gate the different aspects of plant PCD. In this review, we summarize how plant cell cultures can be
                                          utilized to clarify the plant PCD process.

                                          Keywords: cell cultures; programmed cell death; reactive oxygen species; reactive nitrogen species


Citation: Malerba, M.; Cerana, R.
                                          1. Introduction
Plant Cell Cultures as a Tool to Study
Programmed Cell Death. Int. J. Mol.             Programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically controlled suicide process present in
Sci. 2021, 22, 2166.     all living beings with the scope of eliminating cells unnecessary or detrimental for the
10.3390/ijms22042166                      proper development of the organism. PCD plays a pivotal role in the plant lifestyle and it
                                          is involved in several developmental (senescence, formation of tracheary elements, sex de-
Academic Editors: Robert Hasterok         termination, aerenchyma formation, endosperm and aleuron maturation) and pathological
and Alexander Betekhtin                   contexts (response to stresses and to pathogen attack) [1,2]. Thus, its study is a main goal
                                          for plant scientists. PCD process is organized in three phases. The first one is the induction
Received: 21 January 2021                 phase, where the cells receive a wide range of extra- or intracellular signals (developmental
Accepted: 18 February 2021                input, pathogen attack, signals from neighboring cells, abiotic or biotic stresses). The second
Published: 22 February 2021               one is the effector phase, where the signals are elaborated to activate the death machinery.
                                          The third one is the degradation phase, where the activity of the death machinery causes
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral      the controlled destructuring of fundamental cell components [3]. The degradation phase
with regard to jurisdictional claims in   shows a set of hallmarks that can be used to identify cells undergoing PCD. These hall-
published maps and institutional affil-   marks include shrinkage of cellular and nuclear membrane, activation of specific cysteine
                                          proteases called caspases, and activation of specific endonucleases able to cleave DNA in
                                          controlled fragments (laddering) [3]. Unlike animals, where well-described forms of PCD
                                          (for example apoptosis) are reported, in plants, the PCD process is still poorly understood
                                          and the term PCD is widely used to describe cell death observed in different tissues and
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.         organs. At present, in plants, at least three forms of PCD have been described and cataloged
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.        on the basis of both cellular morphology and the main cellular compartment involved in
This article is an open access article    the process. The “nucleus first form” is observable during the hypersensitive response to
distributed under the terms and           pathogen attack and it is similar to animal apoptosis for the presence of specific hallmarks,
conditions of the Creative Commons
                                          involvement of mitochondria included. The “chloroplast first form” is observable during
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
                                          foliar senescence, while the “vacuole first form” is observable during the maturation of
                                          vascular elements and during aerenchyma formation [4].

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166.                                  
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                                                 first form”
                                                       form” is
                                                             is observable
                                                                observable during
                                                                           during foliar
                                                                                  foliar senescence,
                                                                                         senescence, while
                                                                                                     while the
                                                                                                           the “vacuole
                                                                                                               “vacuole first
                                                                                                                        first form”
                                                                                                                              form” is
                                                                                                                                    is observ-
                                                       during  the maturation of
                                                                Advantages       vascular
                                                                                 vascular elements
                                                                              of Studying    PCD inand
                                                                                           elements and during
                                                                                                      Plant        Cultures formation
                                                                                                                aerenchyma     formation [4].

                                                 2.           The in-depth Studying study of the mechanism                     of plant PCD can often be a hard work as this
                                                 2. Main
                                                    Main Advantages
                                                             Advantages of      of Studying PCD      PCD in in Plant
                                                                                                                Plant Cell
                                                                                                                         Cell Cultures
                                                     process generally occurs in a small group of cells surrounded by the large number of
                                                        The in-depth
                                                              in-depth studystudy of  of the
                                                                                          the mechanism
                                                                                               mechanism of      of plant
                                                                                                                    plant PCD  PCD can can often
                                                                                                                                              often be be aa hard
                                                                                                                                                             hard work
                                                                                                                                                                     work as  as this
                                                      uninvolved cells
                                                 process                          present       in whole plant           and in complex               tissues. number
                                                                                                                                                                  For a number            of reasons,
                                                 process generally
                                                             generally occurs
                                                                           occurs in  in aa small
                                                                                             small group
                                                                                                       group of of cells
                                                                                                                   cells surrounded
                                                                                                                            surrounded by       by the
                                                                                                                                                    the large
                                                                                                                                                         large number of       of un-
                                                 involved            cells   appeared         an    attractive     model         to  several       plant    biologists       to   face   this matter.
                                                 involved cellscells present
                                                                      present in   in whole
                                                                                       whole plant plant and
                                                                                                          and in in complex
                                                                                                                     complex tissues.tissues. ForFor aa number
                                                                                                                                                          number of   of reasons,
                                                 cultured   example,
                                                              cells         large
                                                                     appeared        quantities
                                                                                     an  attractive    of cell
                                                                                                        model    material
                                                                                                                  to  several    can   be
                                                                                                                                   plant    easily
                                                 cultured cells appeared an attractive model to several plant biologists to face this matter.          maintained
                                                                                                                                                            to face     or
                                                                                                                                                                     this     quickly
                                                                                                                                                                            matter.        generated
                                                 For   example,
                                                       example,stocks    toquantities
                                                                     large     furnish investigators
                                                                              quantities      of
                                                                                              of cell   materialwith
                                                                                                   cell material    can
                                                                                                                    can be   a great
                                                                                                                             be   easilynumber
                                                                                                                                  easily   maintained
                                                                                                                                           maintained    of fast-dividing
                                                                                                                                                             or quickly
                                                                                                                                                                 quickly gener-
                                                                                                                                                                              gener- and relatively
                                                 ated from stocks to furnish investigators with a great number of fast-dividing and rela-good system
                                                 ated homogeneous
                                                        from     stocks   to  cells.
                                                                               furnish In   addition,
                                                                                           investigators   the   greater
                                                                                                               with     a      accessibility
                                                                                                                           great    number       of makes      cell
                                                                                                                                                      fast-dividing  cultures
                                                                                                                                                                         and        a
                                                      to homogeneous
                                                 tively   which different
                                                          homogeneous           cells.
                                                                                cells.  In
                                                                                        In addition,
                                                                                            addition,or   the   greater
                                                                                                                greater      accessibility
                                                                                                                             accessibility  can makes     cell
                                                                                                                                                          cell cultures
                                                                                                                                                   be easily
                                                                                                                                                 makes            furnished
                                                                                                                                                                cultures     aa good
                                                                                                                                                                                goodto or removed
                                                 system to which different compounds or stress conditions can be easily furnished to or
                                                      from. to  which
                                                                              with       compounds
                                                                                      vital    dyes     suchor  stress
                                                                                                                 as  Evansconditions
                                                                                                                                   Blue     can
                                                                                                                                           or      be  easily
                                                                                                                                                fluorescein     furnished
                                                                                                                                                                   diacetate,   to   it
                                                                                                                                                                                     or is relatively
                                                      simple to follow the growth or death response of cells to different stressors is
                                                 removed       from.
                                                               from.   Finally,
                                                                        Finally,     with
                                                                                     with    vital
                                                                                             vital   dyes
                                                                                                      dyes   such
                                                                                                             such   as
                                                                                                                    as   Evans
                                                                                                                          Evans     Blue
                                                                                                                                     Blue   or
                                                                                                                                             or  fluorescein
                                                                                                                                                 fluorescein      diacetate,
                                                                                                                                                                  diacetate,      it
                                                                                                                                                                                  it  is
                                                                                                                                                                                       by removing
                                                 relatively     simple
                                                                simple    to
                                                                          to  follow
                                                                               follow    the
                                                                                         the   growth
                                                                                               growth     or
                                                                                                           or  death
                                                                                                               death     response
                                                                                                                         response       of
                                                                                                                                        of  cells
                                                      them at time intervals from the culture batches or by observing the fate of single cells in   to
                                                                                                                                                     to different
                                                                                                                                                        different    stressors
                                                                                                                                                                     stressors      by
                                                 removing       them
                                                                them Toat
                                                                       at time
                                                                            time   intervals
                                                                                   intervals      from
                                                                                                  from the
                                                                                                         the culture
                                                                                                              culture     batches
                                                                                                                          batches      or
                                                                                                                                       or by
                                                                                                                                           by observing
                                                                                                                                                observing      the
                                                                                                                                                               the fate
                                                                                                                                                                    fate  of
                                                                                                                                                                          of single
                                                      real time.             further      characterize          the PCD          process,       it is relatively       easy      to assess under
                                                 cells  in
                                                        in real
                                                 cellsthe   real   time.
                                                                   time.   To
                                                                            To   further
                                                                                 further     characterize
                                                                                             characterize       the
                                                                                                                the PCD
                                                                                                                     PCD       process,
                                                                                                                               process,     it
                                                                                                                                             it is
                                                                                                                                                is  relatively
                                                                                                                                                    relatively    easy
                                                                                                                                                                  easy   to
                                                                                                                                                                         to    assess
                                                            microscope any visible morphological changes that occur in cultured cells induced
                                                 under thethe microscope
                                                                 microscope any   any visible
                                                                                         visible morphological
                                                                                                     morphological changes               that
                                                                                                                                          that occur
                                                                                                                                                 occur in     cultured
                                                                                                                                                              cultured cells
                                                                                                                                                                           cells in-
                                                      to undergo
                                                          to  undergo
                                                                         PCD PCD
                                                                                                                                                        a in
                                                                                                                                                           modification             in-
                                                                                                                                                                                  often   occurring
                                                 duced to undergo PCD [5]. For example, nucleus                      0    0  condensation, a modification often oc-
                                                                                                                                                    a  modification      often      oc-
                                                 curring          PCD,     is  easily    observable        with    4   ,6   -diamidino-2-phenylindole                   (DAPI).        Thus,  a large
                                                 curring during
                                                             during PCD,PCD, is   is easily
                                                                                      easily observable
                                                                                                 observable with  with 4’,6’-diamidino-2-phenylindole
                                                                                                                           4’,6’-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI).          (DAPI).
                                                 Thus,set   of
                                                 Thus, aa large
                                                            large set
                                                                    set of
                                                                        of cell
                                                                             cell cultures,
                                                                                  cultures, in   in particular
                                                                                                     particular (but
                                                                                                                   (but not
                                                                                                                           not only)
                                                                                                                                  only) those
                                                                                                                                          those obtained
                                                                                                                                                   obtained from
                                                                                                                                                                from the
                                                                                                                                                                       the model
                                                                                                                                                                                     model     plants
                                                 plants   Arabidopsis
                                                          Arabidopsis   thaliana
                                                                           thaliana    and Nicotiana
                                                                                       and    Nicotiana       tabacum,
                                                                                               Nicotiana tabacum,
                                                                                                            tabacum,      hashas
                                                                                                                          has    been
                                                                                                                                 beenbeen      proposed
                                                                                                                                        proposed        and    and utilized
                                                                                                                                                        and utilized
                                                                                                                                                               utilized  to
                                                                                                                                                                          to inves-
                                                                                                                                                                               inves-to investigate
                                                 tigate   plant
                                                          plantPCD PCD[5].
                                                                   PCD    [5].After
                                                                          [5].   After some
                                                                                 After   some      earlyindications
                                                                                          some early
                                                                                                   early    indications
                                                                                                           indications           ([6]
                                                                                                                              ([6]  and
                                                                                                                                    andand      references
                                                                                                                                           references            therein),
                                                                                                                                                           therein),   in   theinlast
                                                                                                                                                                       in the        the last years,
                                                 years,   several
                                                          several  different
                                                                      different     conditions have
                                                                                    conditions       have     beenproven
                                                                                                      have been
                                                                                                             been     provenable
                                                                                                                    proven           able
                                                                                                                                  able   to to
                                                                                                                                         to      induce
                                                                                                                                              induce     PCD
                                                                                                                                                         PCD PCDin   in cell
                                                                                                                                                                in cell
                                                                                                                                                                    cell         cultures. In this
                                                 In this
                                                    this  review,
                                                           review, wewe
                                                                      we    summarize
                                                                            summarizethe      the   literature
                                                                                                    literature on
                                                                                              theliterature       onPCD
                                                                                                                  on    PCDinduced
                                                                                                                       PCD        induced
                                                                                                                                induced      by
                                                                                                                                             byby biotic   and
                                                                                                                                                  biotic   andandabiotic   stresses
                                                                                                                                                                 abiotic    stressesstresses useful
                                                 useful   to
                                                          to clarify
                                                      to clarify
                                                                        the   process
                                                                              processin    in  plants.

                                                 3. PCD  Induced
                                                     3. PCD
                                                    PCD             in
                                                                    in Cell
                                                         Induced          inCultures
                                                                       Cell           by
                                                                                      by Biotic
                                                                             Cell Cultures
                                                                            Cultures         byStress
                                                                                         Biotic  Biotic Stress
                                                      Several  toxins
                                                               toxins   and
                                                                        and metabolic
                                                                            metabolic  products
                                                          Several toxins and metabolic products  obtained  by
                                                                                                           by microorganisms
                                                                                                              microorganisms and
                                                                                                                             and fungi
                                                                                                                                 fungi can
                                                                                                                   by microorganisms   can
                                                                                                                                        and fungi can
                                                 induce PCD
                                                         PCD inin cell
                                                                  cell cultures,
                                                                       cultures, as
                                                                                 as summarized
                                                                                    summarized in
                                                                                                in Table
                                                                                                   Table 1.
                                                      induce PCD in cell cultures, as summarized in Table 1.
                                       Table 1.
                                             1. Biotic
                                          Table Biotic programmed
                                                 1. Biotic        cell
                                                                  cell death
                                                           programmed    cell (PCD)
                                                                       death   deathinducers
                                                                              (PCD) inducers in
                                                                                             in plant
                                                                                                plant cell
                                                                                     (PCD) inducers   cell cultures.
                                                                                                       in plant  cell cultures.
                                                                                                                           Main Characteristics
                                                                                                                                Characteristics of
                                                                                                                                                of Induced
           Plant Species
                 Species                                               PCD Induced
                                                                           Induced by
                                                                       PCDInduced  by                                                                Reference
           Plant  Species                                             PCD           by                                 Main Characteristics
                                                                                                                                   PCD      of Induced PCD Reference

                                                                                                                         H   O22 2accumulation,
                                                                                                                             O      accumulation,
                                                                                                                                  accumulation,     changes
                                                                                                                                                changes in cell in cell
                                                                                                                                                        in cell
      Acer pseudoplatanus
     Acer  pseudoplatanus
           pseudoplatanus L.
                          L. L.                                                                                           and
                                                                                                                          and and nucleus morphology,
                                                                                                                                  nucleus             DNA
                                                                                                                                          morphology,  DNA          [7]
                                                                                                                                                                    [7]                  [7]
                                                                                                                                     DNA    fragmentation


                                                                                                                         H   O22 2accumulation,
                                                                                                                             O      accumulation,
                                                                                                                                  accumulation,      changes
                                                                                                                                                changes  in cell in cell
                                                                                                                                                         in cell
      Acer pseudoplatanus
      Acer pseudoplatanus
           pseudoplatanus L. L.
                          L.                                                                                              and and
                                                                                                                          and          nucleus
                                                                                                                                  nucleus        morphology,
                                                                                                                                          morphology,  DNA
                                                                                                                                                       DNA           [7]
                                                                                                                                                                     [7]                 [7]
                                                                                                                                     DNA    fragmentation
              Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                      3 of 13

                                                                           Brefeldin AA
                                                                            Brefeldin A

                                                                                                                  H2O2 accumulation, changes in cell
               Acer pseudoplatanus
     Acer pseudoplatanus     L. L.                                                                                 andH  2 O2 morphology,
                                                                                                                       nucleus accumulation,
                                                                                                                                           DNA       changes
                                                                                                                                                       [8]   in cell and
                                                                                                                        nucleus     morphology, DNA laddering


                                                                                                                 Activation of gene transcription and
                Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                                       protein synthesis, DNA           [9]
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                                       3 of 13

                                                                                                                                             H2O2 accumulation, changes in cell
          Acer pseudoplatanus L.                                                                                                              and nucleus morphology, DNA                          [8]

                                                                                                                                        H2O2 accumulation, changes in cell
                   Acer pseudoplatanus L.                                                                                                and nucleus morphology, DNA                  [8]
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                                   laddering
                                                                                                                                                                                                               3 of 12

                                                                                                                                   H2O2 accumulation, changes in cell
                            Acer pseudoplatanus L.                                                                                  and nucleus morphology, DNA                [8]
                                                                                                        Table 1. Cont.

           Plant Species                                                      PCD Fusicoccin
                                                                                  Induced by                                                 Main Characteristics of Induced PCD                          Reference


                                                                                                                                           Activation of gene transcription and
    Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                                                                              protein synthesis, DNA         [9]
                                                                                                                                       Activation of gene transcription and
    Arabidopsis  thaliana                                                                                                                              fragmentation
          Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)
                               (L.) Heynh.                                                                                                   Activation       of gene transcription
                                                                                                                                              protein synthesis, DNA [9]    and
           Heynh.                                                                                                                            protein synthesis, DNA fragmentation
                                                                                                                                  Activation of gene transcription and
                       Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                                                 protein synthesis, DNA                 [9]

                                                                 Thaxtomin AA
    Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright                               Thaxtomin
                                          Metabolic products present           A
                                                                       in the Alternaria  alternata culture     Cytoplasm shrinkage, chromatin
    Nicotiana   tabacum                                                                                                                              [10]
               Yellow   2 L.
                      tabacum    cv.Bright Metabolic
                              L. cv.             Metabolic     products
                                                      products present         presentalternata
                                                                        in the Alternaria
                                                                     filtrate  A           in theculture          Cytoplasm
                                                                                                            Cytoplasm              shrinkage,
                                                                                                                      shrinkage, DNA
                                                                                                                 condensation,   chromatin       chromatin
                  Nicotiana    2
                            tabacum  L. cv. Bright            Metabolic products presentfiltrate
                                                                                          in the Alternaria alternata culture            condensation,
                                                                                                                                    Cytoplasm            DNA laddering
                                                                                                                                              shrinkage, chromatin                                          [10]
          Bright Yellow      2Yellow 2
                                                               Alternaria alternata culture filtrate
                                                                                                                                                    condensation, DNA laddering
                                                                                                                                     condensation, DNA laddering

                                                                                                                                            HH2OO2 accumulation,
                                                                                                                                                2 H  accumulation,
                                                                                                                                                    2 2O2 accumulation,
                                                                                                                                                                 lipid lipid peroxidation,
    Nicotiana     tabacum        L.L. cv.                                                                                                H2O2 accumulation,   lipid
               tabacum  tabacum
                          L. cv.
                      Nicotiana   NC89cv. L.
                                tabacum   NC89
                                             cv. NC89                                                                                            caspase-3-like protease activity,
                                                                                                                                       peroxidation,   caspase-3-like
                                                                                                                                  peroxidation,  caspase-3-like  proteaseprotease
                                                                                                                                                               caspase-3-like        [11]
                                                                                                                                                                            [11] protease
                                                                                                                                                                                 [11]                       [11]
                NC89                                                                                                                    activity,
                                                                                                                                   activity,      mitochondrial
                                                                                                                                              activity,             dysfunction
                                                                                                                                                        mitochondrial       dysfunction
                                                                                                                                                     mitochondrial dysfunction

                                                                                  Fusaric acid
                                                                                       Fusaric acid
                                                                                      Fusaric acid
                                                                                                                                       Changes in vacuole shape,
    Nicotiana tabacum          L. cv.L. cv. Bright
                    Nicotiana tabacum                                Fusaric acid                                                           Changes in vacuole shape, endoplasmic
                                                                                                                                           Changes     infilaments
                                                                                                                                                          vacuole shape, [12]
            Nicotiana tabacumYellow
                                L. cv. 2Bright     Culture filtrates
                                                          Culture filtratesof  Erwinia
                                                                            of Erwinia       carotovora
                                                                                       carotovora                                     endoplasmic  actin                                                    [12]
        Bright    Yellow
                       Yellow  2 2
    Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright
                                                        Culture filtrates of Erwinia carotovora                                                 actin filaments disassembly
                                                                                                                                             disassembly      in filaments
                                                                                                                                                           actin vacuole shape, [12]
                                                                    Culture filtrates of Erwinia carotovora                                         disassemblyactin filaments
                                                                                                                                                  endoplasmic                                  [12]
                  Yellow 2

                      Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright                                                                                           H O accumulation, activation of
                                                                                                                                   H2O2 accumulation, activation of
                                                                                                                                                   2 2
    Nicotiana tabacum            L.  cv.                                                                                           gene transcription, mitochondrial  [13]
                                 Yellow 2                                                                                               H2O2dysfunction    gene transcription,
                                                                                                                                              accumulation, activation of                                   [13]
          Bright    Yellow
              Nicotiana tabacum2L. cv. Bright
   Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                      gene transcription, mitochondrial dysfunction
                                                                                                                                                                              [13]     4 of 13
      Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021,     2
                              22, 2166                                                                                                               mitochondrial                 4 of 13
                                                                                                                                              H2O2 dysfunction
                                                                                                                                                    accumulation, activation of
     Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright
                                                                                                                                              gene transcription, mitochondrial                [13]
                 Yellow 2

                          Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                           4 of 13

                                                                                                                                            Generationof of
                                                                                                                                                                2+ transient, H2O2
    Arabidopsis    thaliana
      Arabidopsis        (L.)
                  thaliana      (L.)
                           (L.) Heynh.                                                                                                           Generation
                                                                                                                                           Generation                of Ca
                                                                                                                                                            2+ transient,    O2 transient,
                                                                                                                                                                                    [14] [14]
                                                                                                                                                    accumulation                                            [14]
             Heynh.                                                                                                                                           H2 O2 accumulation

                                                                                                                                Generation of Ca2+ transient, H2O2
                           Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                                                                          [14]
                                                                                                                                              ROS and
                                                                                                                                                          and      accumulation,
                                                                                                                                                           ethylene             accumulation,
                                                                                                                                                 protoplast shrinkage,
                                                                                                                                                               shrinkage, nucleus
                                                                                                                                                                            nucleus nucleus
         Solanum     lycopersicum
                  lycopersicum  L.L.                                             Phosphatidic
                                                                                     Ceramides acid
                                                                                 Phosphatidic  acid                                                 protoplast         shrinkage,        [15] [15]
   Solanum lycopersicum L.                                                   Phosphatidic acid                                  ROS and condensation,
                                                                                                                                        ethylene           caspase-3-like
                                                                                                                                                                                protease                    [15]
                                                                                                                                 protoplast shrinkage,condensation,
                                                                                                                                                       nucleus  activity
                               Solanum lycopersicum L.                              Phosphatidic acid                                                                [15]
                                                                                                                            condensation, caspase-3-like proteaseprotease activity

         Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright                                                                                                    ROS accumulation, caspase-3-like
     Nicotiana tabacum
    Nicotiana    tabacumL. cv. Bright                                                                                                        ROScaspase-3-like
                                                                                                                                                    accumulation, caspase-3-like
                   Yellow 2 L. Yellow
                                    cv. L. cv. Bright                                                                                            ROS accumulation, caspase-3-like
                        Nicotiana tabacum                                                                                       ROS accumulation,                         [16]
                                          2                                                                                            protease activity
                                                                                                                                                      protease activity        [16]                         [16]
                  Yellow 2
                               2                                                                                                                         protease activity
                                                                                                                                                        protease activity

                                                                                                                                                       Cell shrinkage, chromatin
                                                                                                                                   Cell shrinkage, chromatin
    Nicotiana tabacum     L.tabacum
                   Nicotiana  cv. L. cv. Bright                                                                                 condensation, and nuclear DNA     [17]
                             Yellow 2                                                                                                                  condensation,      and nuclear                       [17]
       Bright Yellow 2                                                                                                                    degradation
                                                                                                                                                            DNA      degradation
                                                                                                                                                 Cell shrinkage, chromatin
       Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright
                                                                                                                                             condensation, and nuclear
                                                                                                                                                  Cell shrinkage,      DNA
                                                                                                                                                                  chromatin                 [17]
     Nicotiana tabacum  L. 2cv. Bright
                                                                                                                                               condensation, and nuclear DNA                       [17]
                Yellow 2

                                                                                                                            ROS and RNS accumulation, changes
                                    Populus alba L.                                   Narciclasin                             in cell and nucleus morphology,        [18]
Cell shrinkage, chromatin
         Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright
                                                                                                                condensation, and nuclear DNA           [17]
                    Yellow 2
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                          degradation                                        4 of 12

                                                                                         Table 1. Cont.

          Plant Species                                           PCDNarciclasin
                                                                      Induced by                               Main Characteristics of Induced PCD                      Reference

                                                                                                             ROS  andand    RNS accumulation,
                                                                                                                        RNS accumulation, changes changes          in
          Populus albaalbaL.L.                                                                                 in cell cell
                                                                                                                       and nucleus morphology,
                                                                                                                            and nucleus           [18]
                                                                                                                                            morphology,                   [18]
                                                                                                                   chromatin condensation
                                                                                                                         chromatin condensation
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                                                                  Medicagenic acid
                                                                     Medicagenic acid

          Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright                                                                          ROS accumulation, DNA
    Nicotiana   tabacum
        Nicotiana tabacum
                    Yellow   2L.
                            L.      cv.
                                cv.L. cv. Bright
                                     Bright                                                                      ROSROS    ROSandaccumulation,
                                                                                                                     accumulation, DNA DNA
                                                                                                               fragmentation                   [19] DNA
            Nicotiana tabacum
                   Yellow Yellow
                                L. 2cv. Bright                                                                    ROS accumulation,
                                                                                                          fragmentation              DNA
                                                                                                                         and hypomethylation
                                                                                                               fragmentation  and  hypomethylation[19]
                                                                                                                                                       [19]               [19]
       Bright Yellow   Yellow 22                                                                                   fragmentation       and
                                                                                                            fragmentation and hypomethylationhypomethylation

                                                                           Juglone                         DNA fragmentation, expression of
                                                                                                               DNA fragmentation, expression of
                          Vitis labrusca L.                                Alanine                          DNA
                                                                                                          defense-related   fragmentation,
                                                                                                                  fragmentation, accumulation
                                                                                                                     fragmentation,expression      expression of
                                                                                                                                              of [20]
                                                                                                                                       expression of
                  Vitis labrusca L.                                       Alanine                             defense-related  genes,   accumulation      [20]
         Vitis   labrusca
                  VitisVitis    L.L. L.
                        labrusca                                         Alanine
                                                                          Alanine                              defense-related
                                                                                                                of phenolic genes,
                                                                                                             defense-relatedcompounds    genes, accumulation
                                                                                                                               genes,   accumulation
                                                                                                                    of phenolic compounds
                                                                                                                                                     [20] [20]   of       [20]
                                                                                                                 of phenolic compounds
                                                                                                                            phenolic compounds
                                                                                                                    of phenolic compounds

                                                                                                          Changes in nucleus morphology,
                 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                         DNAChanges
                                                                                                                           nucleus   of gene
                                                                                                                                     morphology, [21]
                                                                                                           Changes in nucleus   morphology,
       Arabidopsis  thaliana
          Arabidopsis        (L.)(L.)
                       thaliana    Heynh.
                                                                                                           DNA     laddering,
                                                                                                                             in activation
                                                                                                                       in nucleus
                                                                                                                   transcription nucleus
                                                                                                                            activation       ofmorphology,
                                                                                                                                        of genegene [21] [21]   DNA
       Arabidopsis thaliana
                   thaliana (L.)(L.)
                                  Heynh.                                                                    DNA laddering,      activation activation
                                                                                                                                            of gene      [21]
                                                                                                                     transcription                         of             [21]
            Heynh.                                                                                                       transcription
                                                                                                                              gene transcription


                                                                                                             Cell shrinkage, nuclear DNA
                                                                                                              degradation, mitochondrial
                 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                                                                    [22]
                                                                                                               Cell shrinkage,
                                                                                                           dysfunction, inductionnuclear   DNA
                                                                                                                                     of caspase-
                                                                                                                        Cell    shrinkage,
                                                                                                                  Cell shrinkage,     nuclear DNA nuclear DNA
                                                                                                                 Cell like     mitochondrial
                                                                                                                                      nuclear DNA [22]
          Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)
    Arabidopsis                (L.) Heynh.
       Arabidopsisthaliana                                                                                  dysfunction,degradation,            mitochondrial
                   thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                                                    induction of caspase-          [22]
                                                                                                               dysfunction,         mitochondrial
                                                                                                                               induction    of caspase-                   [22]
       Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.                                                                                    dysfunction,
                                                                                                                            induction            induction[22]of
                                                                                                                               activity of caspase-
                                                                                                                               activity         activity
                                                                      Acetylsalicilic acid

                                                                   Acetylsalicilic acid
                                                                 Acetylsalicilic     acid
                                                                     Acetylsalicilic acid
                                                                     Acetylsalicilic acid

                                                                                                          ROS and RNS accumulation, nuclear
                                                                                                           DNA degradation, caspase-3-like
                      Acer pseudoplatanus L.
                                                                                                           ROS and   RNSand      RNS accumulation,
                                                                                                                     activity, mitochondrial
                                                                                                                          accumulation,   nuclear
                                                                                                                                                   [23]       nuclear
                                                                                                          dysfunction, expression of defense-
                   Acer pseudoplatanus L.
                                                                                                            DNA degradation,
                                                                                                             ROS and
                                                                                                                                  caspase-3-like caspase-3-like
                                                                                                                               accumulation, nuclear
                                                                                                             protease  activity, mitochondrialnuclear[23]
    Acer pseudoplatanus L.                                                                                   ROS
                                                                                                               DNAandprotease       activity,
                                                                                                                        RNS accumulation,
                                                                                                                      degradation,               mitochondrial
                                                                                                                                      caspase-3-like                      [23]
              Acer pseudoplatanus L.                                                                       dysfunction,
                                                                                                               DNA       expression caspase-3-like
                                                                                                                      degradation,    of defense-
              Acer pseudoplatanus L.                                                                            protease  dysfunction,         expression
                                                                                                                           activity, mitochondrial
                                                                                                                       related genes
                                                                                                               protease activity,
                                                                                                              dysfunction,        mitochondrial
                                                                                                                           expression  of defense-    [23]
                                                                                                              dysfunction, defense-related
                                                                                                                           expression              genes
                                                                                                                         related  genesof defense-
                                                                                                                        related genes

                                                              For example, in Acer pseupdoplatanus L.-cultured cells, tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-
                                                        linked protein glycosylation
                                                                             Chitosan produced by Streptomyces lysosuperificus, and brefeldin A, an
                                                        inhibitor of protein trafficking from the Golgi apparatus produced by Eupenicillium bre-
                                                             For example, in Acer pseupdoplatanus L.-cultured cells, tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-
                                                        feldianum, induce a Chitosan
                                                                              PCD with apoptotic features such as reactive oxygen species (ROS)
                                                      linkedForprotein glycosylation
                                                                    example, Chitosan  produced
                                                                                  in Acer        by Streptomyces lysosuperificus,
                                                                                            pseupdoplatanus         L.-cultured   and  brefeldin
                                                                                                                                     cells,       A, an
                                                                                                                                              tunicamycin,     an inhibitor      of
                                                            For example,
                                                      inhibitor            intrafficking
                                                                  of protein  Acer pseupdoplatanus   L.-cultured
                                                                                         from the Golgi   apparatuscells, tunicamycin,
                                                                                                                       produced         an inhibitor
                                                                                                                                 by Eupenicillium   bre-of N-
                                                    linked Forprotein
                                                                example,   in   glycosylation
                                                                              Acer pseupdoplatanus
                                                                   induce  a PCD withproduced
                                                                                                                   by   Streptomyces
                                                                                                                   cells, tunicamycin,
                                                                                                             such aslysosuperificus,
                                                                                                                       reactive oxygen
                                                                                                                                                 (ROS)A, an
                                                                                                                                                           N- and brefeldin      A,
                                                    linked  protein
                                                    inhibitor       glycosylation
                                                              of protein           produced
                                                                          trafficking        byGolgi
                                                                                      from the  Streptomyces lysosuperificus,
                                                                                                      apparatus  produced by  and brefeldin A,bre-
                                                                                                                                Eupenicillium  an
                                                                        a trafficking from the Golgi
                                                                          PCD with apoptotic         apparatus
                                                                                               features such as produced    by Eupenicillium
                                                                                                                 reactive oxygen              bre-
                                                                                                                                   species (ROS)
                                                    feldianum, induce a PCD with apoptotic features such as reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                            5 of 12

                                   an inhibitor of protein trafficking from the Golgi apparatus produced by Eupenicillium
                                   brefeldianum, induce a PCD with apoptotic features such as reactive oxygen species (ROS)
                                   accumulation, changes in cell and nucleus morphology, and specific DNA fragmenta-
                                   tion [7]. In the same experimental material, fusicoccin a well-known activator of the plasma
                                   membrane H+ -ATPase produced by Phomopsis amygdali induces PCD with similar character-
                                   istics [8]. The well-identified target of these molecules permitted to test the role of specific
                                   cell compartments or physiological functions in the induction, development, and execution
                                   of plant PCD process. In particular, investigation conducted with fusicoccin showed that
                                   the phytotoxin-induced PCD involves changes in actin cytoskeleton [24] and utilizes the
                                   plant hormone ethylene as regulative molecule in addition to ROS and reactive nitrogen
                                   species (RNS) [25]. Interestingly, inhibition of cytochrome c release from the mitochondrion
                                   by cyclosporin A markedly prevents the fusicoccin-induced PCD [26], and recently a possi-
                                   ble role as signaling molecule for peroxynitrite has been proposed [27]. These results also
                                   sustain the fundamental role of cytochrome c and peroxynitrite in the induction of PCD
                                   process in plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana cultures, thaxtomin A, an inhibitor of cellulose
                                   biosynthesis produced by Streptomyces scabiei, induces a PCD dependent on active gene
                                   transcription and de novo protein synthesis and that displays apoptotic-like features such
                                   as specific DNA fragmentation [9]. Interestingly, addition of auxin to Arabidopsis cell cul-
                                   tures prevents thaxtomin-induced PCD possibly by stabilizing the plasma membrane–cell
                                   wall–cytoskeleton continuum [28]. In tobacco BY-2 (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow
                                   2) cell suspensions metabolic products present in the Alternaria alternata culture filtrate
                                   induce a PCD dependent on ROS generation that shows cytoplasm shrinkage, chromatin
                                   condensation, and DNA laddering [10]. Interestingly, the PCD induced in tobacco BY-2
                                   cells by Pectobacterium carotovorum and Pectobacterium atrosepticum is reduced by culture
                                   filtrate of non-pathogenic Streptomyces sp. OE7 that through cytosolic Ca2+ changes and
                                   generation of ROS induces defense responses [29]. This highlights the complexity of the
                                   interactions between microorganisms and plants and the need for further investigations.
                                   In tobacco cv. NC89-cultured cells, fusaric acid, a non-specific toxin produced mainly by
                                   Fusarium spp., causes PCD with mechanism that is not well understood that, however,
                                   involves ROS overproduction and mitochondrial dysfunction [11]. In fact, pre-treatment
                                   of tobacco cells with the antioxidant molecule ascorbic acid and with the nicotinamide
                                   adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase inhibitor diphenyl iodonium signifi-
                                   cantly reduces the fusaric acid-induced accumulation of dead cells as well as the increase
                                   in caspase-3-like protease activity. Moreover, oligomycin and cyclosporine A, inhibitors
                                   of the mitochondrial ATP synthase and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore,
                                   respectively, also reduce the rate of fusaric acid-induced cell death [11]. PCD induced in cell
                                   cycle-synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells by application of culture filtrates of Erwinia carotovora
                                   involves changes in vacuole shape and disassembly of endoplasmic actin filaments [12].
                                   In tobacco BY-2 cultures, deoxynivalenol, a mycotoxin synthesized by Fusarium culmorum
                                   and Fusarium graminearum, induces a PCD sustained by different cross-linked pathways
                                   involving ROS generation linked, at least partly, to a mitochondrial dysfunction and to tran-
                                   scriptional downregulation of the alternative oxidase (Aox1) gene and showing regulation
                                   of ion channel activities participating in cell shrinkage [13]. Interestingly, this mycotoxin
                                   is also able to induce PCD in animal cells, but with different characteristics. This sug-
                                   gests the presence of different ways to induce PCD between animals and plants (original
                                   articles cited in [13]). Some metabolites able to induce PCD in plant cultured cells can
                                   originate from the degradation of cellular components or are produced by the primary and
                                   secondary metabolism of microorganisms and plants. For example, ceramides, lipids de-
                                   rived from the membranes of eukaryotic cells, can induce PCD in Arabidopsis cultures in a
                                   Ca2+ -dependent manner. In fact, the calcium channel-blocker lanthanum chloride substan-
                                   tially reduces the amount of ceramide-induced cell death [14]. Interestingly, in the same
                                   material, sphingolipids can reduce apoptotic-like PCD induced by different treatments,
                                   ceramides and heat stress included [30]. Moreover, in tomato suspensions, cell death
                                   induced by camptothecin, fumonisin B1, and CdSO4 is regulated by phosphatidic acid.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                                             6 of 12

                                              This cell death involves ROS and ethylene, depends on caspase-like proteases, and ex-
                                              presses morphological features of apoptotic-like PCD such as protoplast shrinkage and
                                              nucleus condensation [15]. Reactive carbonyl species (namely, acrolein, shown in Table 1)
                                              derived from lipid peroxidation can activate caspase-3-like proteases to initiate PCD in
                                              tobacco BY-2 cultures [16]. In the same experimental material, narciclasine (NCS), a plant
                                              growth inhibitor isolated from the secreted mucilage of Narcissus tazetta bulbs, can induce
                                              typical PCD-associated morphological and biochemical changes, namely, cell shrinkage,
                     Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                      7 of 13
                                              chromatin condensation, and nuclear DNA degradation [17]. Among primary and sec-
                                              ondary metabolites, the triterpene saponins (namely, medicagenic acid, shown in Table 1)
                                              from alfalfaas(Medicago              applied
                                                                            shrinkage            Populuscondensation
                                                                                          and tonucleus    alba cell cultures      induce acarbonyl
                                                                                                                           [15]. Reactive       PCD dependent
                                              on RNS and      ROS acrolein,
                                                          (namely,   production shown and    showing
                                                                                        in Table         changes
                                                                                                  1) derived          in nucleus
                                                                                                             from lipid              morphology
                                                                                                                          peroxidation    can activate and     chro-
                                                          3-like proteases
                                              matin condensation             to initiate
                                                                       [18]. In  tobaccoPCD BY-2in cultures,
                                                                                                    tobacco BY-2    cultures
                                                                                                              juglone        [16]. In the same experimental
                                              causes cellmaterial,
                                                           death withnarciclasine   (NCS), a plant growth
                                                                            ROS overproduction               inhibitor isolated
                                                                                                         accompanied              from the secreted
                                                                                                                             by formation              mucilage
                                                                                                                                                 of apoptic-like
                                                          of Narcissus tazetta bulbs, can induce typical PCD-associated morphological and biochem-
                                              nuclear bodies (indication of DNA fragmentation) and DNA hypomethylation [19]. In Vitis
                                                          ical changes, namely, cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation, and nuclear DNA degrada-
                                              labrusca suspension      cultures, L-alanine is the only amino acid able to induce PCD accom-
                                                          tion [17]. Among primary and secondary metabolites, the triterpene saponins (namely,
                                              panied by medicagenic
                                                          DNA fragmentation,
                                                                          acid, shown in expression     of alfalfa
                                                                                            Table 1) from  defense-related        genes,
                                                                                                                    (Medicago sativa)       andtoaccumulation
                                                                                                                                       applied      Populus alba
                                              of phenoliccell
                                                            compounds        [20].
                                                               cultures induce       Plant
                                                                                 a PCD        phytoregulators
                                                                                          dependent    on RNS and ROScan also    activate
                                                                                                                           production    andPCD
                                                                                                                                              showingin plant
                                                                                                                                                        changes  cell
                                              cultures. For
                                                          in example,      high levelsand
                                                              nucleus morphology           of cytokinins    (namely, 6-benzylaminopurine,
                                                                                              chromatin condensation                                    shown in
                                                                                                                            [18]. In tobacco BY-2 cultures,
                                              Table 1) induce    PCD(5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone)         causes cell death
                                                                         in Arabidopsis cultures by accelerating                  with ROSprocess
                                                                                                                           a senescence         overproduction
                                              ized by DNA accompanied
                                                               ladderingby   andformation
                                                                                   expression  of ofapoptic-like   nuclear bodies
                                                                                                       specific senescence       markers(indication
                                                                                                                                               [21]. InoftheDNA
                                                          fragmentation) and DNA hypomethylation [19]. In Vitis labrusca suspension cultures, L-
                                              material acetylsalicylic acid, a derivative from the plant hormone salicylic acid induces typ-
                                                          alanine is the only amino acid able to induce PCD accompanied by DNA fragmentation,
                                              ical PCD-linked     morphological
                                                          expression                   and genes,
                                                                        of defense-related   biochemical      changes,of
                                                                                                     and accumulation     namely,
                                                                                                                             phenoliccell   shrinkage,
                                                                                                                                       compounds      [20].nuclear
                                              DNA degradation,                  mitochondrial        membrane       potential,   cytochrome       c
                                                          phytoregulators can also activate PCD in plant cell cultures. For example, high levelsfrom
                                                                      loss  of                                                                      release     of
                                              mitochondria,     and induction
                                                          cytokinins                 of caspase-like activity
                                                                        (namely, 6-benzylaminopurine,       shown[22].     Finally,
                                                                                                                      in Table        in Acer
                                                                                                                               1) induce    PCD pseudoplatanus
                                                                                                                                                  in Arabidopsis
                                              cultures, chitosan,
                                                          cultures bytheaccelerating
                                                                           non-toxic aand     inexpensive
                                                                                          senescence   processcompound
                                                                                                                characterized obtained
                                                                                                                                 by DNAby       deacetylation
                                                                                                                                             laddering   and ex- of
                                              chitin, the pression   of specific senescence
                                                          main component                        markers [21].
                                                                                   of the exoskeleton       ofIn   the same material
                                                                                                                arthropods      as well  acetylsalicylic
                                                                                                                                           as of the cell acid,  a
                                              of many fungi,           from the
                                                                 induces     a PCDplantmediated
                                                                                        hormone salicylic
                                                                                                      by ROS acidand
                                                                                                                        RNStypical   PCD-linkedand
                                                                                                                              accumulation          morpholog-
                                                          ical and biochemical changes, namely, cell shrinkage, nuclear DNA degradation, loss of
                                              changes in gene expression and specific DNA fragmentation [23].
                                                        mitochondrial membrane potential, cytochrome c release from mitochondria, and induc-
                                                        tion of caspase-like activity [22]. Finally, in Acer pseudoplatanus cultures, chitosan, the non-
                                            4. PCD Induced      in Cell Cultures by Abiotic Stress
                                                        toxic and inexpensive compound obtained by deacetylation of chitin, the main component
                                                 Severalof abiotic  stresses
                                                           the exoskeleton  of ranking
                                                                               arthropodsfrom     different
                                                                                            as well  as of thechemicals
                                                                                                               cell walls of such
                                                                                                                             many as heavy
                                                                                                                                  fungi,     metals
                                                                                                                                         induces  a PCDand
                                            dyes to ambient        by ROS
                                                                growth      and RNS accumulation
                                                                         conditions     can induce PCD  and showing
                                                                                                              in plantchanges   in gene expression
                                                                                                                         cell cultures,              and
                                                                                                                                         as summarized
                                            in Table 2. specific DNA fragmentation [23].

                                                   Table4.2.PCD Induced
                                                             Abiotic PCDin Cell Cultures
                                                                         inducers        bycell
                                                                                  in plant  Abiotic  Stress
                                                              Several abiotic stresses ranking from different chemicals such as heavy metals and
         Plant Species                                  dyes Induced
                                                        PCD  to ambient
                                                                      bygrowth conditions Main
                                                                                          can induce PCD in plant
                                                                                                Characteristics ofcell cultures,
                                                                                                                   Induced   PCD as summarized
                                                         in Table 2.
                                                                                                    Changes in cell and nucleus
    Nicotiana tabacum L. cv.
                                                          Cadmium   ions                            morphology, appearance of
                                                              Table 2. Abiotic PCD inducers in plant cell cultures.
       Bright Yellow 2
                                                                                                           autophagic bodies
                         Plant Species                    PCD Induced by                         Main Characteristics of Induced PCD            Reference
                                                                                                     Caspase-like protease activity,
    Nicotiana tabacum  L. cv.tabacum L.                 Cadmium ions
                                                                                         Changes in cell and nucleus morphology, appearance of
                   cv. Bright Yellow 2          Aluminium oxide nanoparticles                          mitochondrial      dysfunction,
                                                                                                            autophagic bodies                       [32]
       Bright Yellow   2
                      Nicotiana tabacum L.                                                                  DNA    fragmentation
                                                                                              Caspase-like protease activity, mitochondrial
                                                   Aluminium oxide nanoparticles                                                                   [32]
                      cv. Bright Yellow 2                                                          dysfunction,
                                                                                                       Changes DNA      fragmentation
                                                                                                                  in cell and nucleus
                                                                                             Changes  in cell and nucleus
                                                                                                   morphology,      DNA morphology,    DNA
         Viola tricolor L.
                        Viola tricolor L.               Zinc
                                                              and lead  ions
                                                                  lead ions               fragmentation,  caspase-like and papain-like cysteine     [33]
                                                                                                 caspase-like    and papain-like    cysteine
                                                                                                             protease activity
                                                                                                               protease activity

                                                                                                  ROS accumulation, lipid peroxidation,
    Nicotiana tabacum  L. cv.tabacum L.                                                    ROS accumulation, lipid peroxidation, caspase-3-like
                   cv. Bright Yellow 2                                                              caspase-3-like
                                                                                                 protease            protease
                                                                                                          activity, DNA         activity,
                                                                                                                         fragmentation                    [34]
       Bright Yellow   2
                                                                                                             DNA fragmentation

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                                                                               Table 2. Cont.

         Plant Species                                     PCD Induced by                                Main Characteristics of Induced PCD                        Reference

                     Arabidopsis thaliana                                                       ROS accumulation, lipid peroxidation, specific gene
                    Arabidopsis thaliana                                                         ROS accumulation,  lipid peroxidation, specific gene                [35]
    Arabidopsis thaliana
                           Heynh.                                                                      ROS accumulation,
                                                                                                                    activation lipid peroxidation,                     [35]
           Heynh. (L.) Heynh.                                                                                 specificactivation
                                                                                                                         gene activation

                                                               Rose Bengal

                       Glycine max (L.)
                                                                                                            Mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA
                                                                                                  Mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA fragmentation,
    Glycine max (L.) Glycine
                     Merr.   max (L.)                                                                       fragmentation,
                                                                                                   Mitochondrial dysfunction, caspase-3-like
                                                                                                                              DNA    fragmentation,                  [36]
                        Merr.                                                                            caspase-3-like protease activity                              [36]
                               Merr.                                                                               protease
                                                                                                           caspase-3-like     activity
                                                                                                                          protease activity

                  Populus euphratica                         Dinitro-o-cresol                                   Cell shrinkage,
                                                                                             Cell shrinkage, chromatin                  chromatin
                                                                                                                             condensation,       nuclear DNA
                    Populus euphratica                        1-Butanol                        Celldegradation,
                                                                                                     shrinkage,  chromatin      condensation,      nuclear DNA       [37]
                        Oliv.                                   1-Butanol                                          caspase-3-like
                                                                                                               condensation,          protease DNA
                                                                                                                                     nuclear      activity             [37]
    Populus euphratica Oliv.
                  Populus euphratica
                                                               1-Butanol                              degradation,
                                                                                              Elevation              caspase-3-like
                                                                                                          of cytosolic  Ca              protease
                                                                                                                            2+ levels, ROS          activity
                                                       ATP (externally added)                                  degradation, caspase-3-like                           [38]
                    Populus euphratica
                        Oliv.                                                                   Elevation ofmitochondrial         levels, ROS accumulation,
                                                                                                               cytosolic Ca2+dysfunction
                                                         ATP (externally added)                                        protease activity                               [38]
                          Oliv.                                                                                mitochondrial
                                                                                                 ROS accumulation,      cytoplasmicdysfunction
                                                                                                                                         shrinkage, DNA
                    Nicotiana tabacum L.                                                                   Elevation
                                                                                                   ROS accumulation,
                                                                                                  fragmentation,         of   cytosolic
                                                                                                                    caspase-3-like          Ca2+activity,
                                                                                                                                       protease          DNA
    Populus euphratica Oliv.Yellow
                  Nicotiana tabacum2 L.                      Heat stress added)
                                                       ATP (externally                              fragmentation,   ROS     accumulation,
                                                                                                                      caspase-3-like     protease    activity,       [39]
                 cv. Bright                                    Heat stress                  mitochondrial     dysfunction,    induction     of defense-related         [39]
                       cv. Bright Yellow 2                                                    mitochondrial mitochondrial
                                                                                                                          genes       dysfunction
                                                                                                                                 induction    of defense-related
                  Cakile maritime Scop.                                                        ROS accumulation,      lipid  genes
                                                                                                                             peroxidation,      specific gene
                                                                                                            ROS accumulation, cytoplasmic
                    Cakile maritime
                   Arabidopsis        Scop.
                                 thaliana                     Salt stress                        ROS accumulation,
                                                                                           activation,   caspase-3-likelipid    peroxidation,
                                                                                                                          protease                specific gene
                                                                                                                                      activity, mitochondrial        [40]
                                                                                                             shrinkage, protease
                                                                                                                            DNA fragmentation,
    Nicotiana tabacum        cv. thaliana
                         L. Heynh.
                       (L.)                                     Salt stress                  activation, caspase-3-like
                                                                                                                      dysfunction activity, mitochondrial              [40]
                                                              Heat stress                                    caspase-3-like        protease activity,                  [39]
       Bright Yellow     2(L.) Heynh.
                   Arabidopsis   thaliana                                                       ROS accumulation, Ca    dysfunction
                                                                                                                          2+ influx, changes in cell and

                     Arabidopsis   thaliana                     Ozone                                   mitochondrial
                                                                                                  ROS accumulation,           dysfunction,        induction          [41]
                                                                                                                             2+ influx, changes     in cell and
                       (L.) Heynh.                                Ozone                                                                                                [41]
                          (L.) Heynh.                                                                            ofnucleus
                                                                                                                     defense-related          genes
                                                                                                                              morphology caspase-3-like
                                                                                             ROS accumulation, DNA fragmentation,
                     Vitis vinifera L.             Darkness (in senescent cultures)            ROSprotease
                                                                                                     accumulation,    DNA     fragmentation,       caspase-3-like    [42]
                       Vitis vinifera L.             Darkness (in senescent cultures)                   ROSactivity,
                                                                                                                                             peroxidation,             [42]
     Cakile maritime Scop.                                                                            protease  activity, mitochondrial       dysfunction
                  Nicotiana tabacum L.                                                                  specific gene
                                                                                             ROS accumulation,      DNAactivation,
                                                                                                                           fragmentation,   caspase-3-like
    Arabidopsis thaliana    (L.)tabacum2 L.
                    Nicotiana                                  Salt
                                                                UV-Bstress                     ROS accumulation, DNA          fragmentation,                            [40]
                  cv. Bright Yellow                                UV-B                                               dysfunction
                                                                                                                       protease      activity, mitochondrial           [43]
   Bright Yellow 2                                                            Changes in cell    anddysfunction
                                                                                                                         nucleus morphology,          DNA
                   Pinus pinaster Ait.             Sugar and phosphate depletion
                                                                                                                mitochondrial         dysfunction                    [44]
                                                                                                    Changes   in cell and nucleus
                                                                                                           fragmentation,              morphology, DNA
                                                                                                                              DNA laddering
                     Pinus pinaster Ait.             Sugar and phosphate depletion                                                             2+                      [44]
                                                                                                 Changes in  ROS
                                                                                                               cell accumulation,
                                                                                                                    and nucleus  DNA      Ca influx,
                                                                                                                                     morphology,      DNA
    Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)
                  Arabidopsis thaliana                           Ozone
                                                 polyethylene glycol, mannose, H2O2,                Changes   in cellchanges
                                                                                                                      and  nucleus in
                                                                                              fragmentation, specific gene activation. cell  and
                                                                                                                                       morphology,      DNA
                                                                                                                                                * Cell plasma          [41]
           Heynh.                                                                                                                                                    [45]
                        (L.) Heynh.thaliana       polyethylene  glycol, *mannose, H2O2,
                                                              ethylene                          fragmentation,
                                                                                               membrane             nucleus
                                                                                                                  specific  gene
                                                                                                             permeabilization,   morphology
                                                                                                                                    activation.   * Cell plasma
                                                                                                                                    ROS overproduction,                [45]
                          (L.) Heynh.                           ethylene *                       membrane permeabilization,
                                                                                                                severe                ROS overproduction,
                                                                                                                        oxidative stress
                                                                                                                 ROS accumulation,             DNA
                                                                 * Main   characteristics of PCD    induced   by  severe oxidative stress
         Vitis vinifera L.                        Darkness (in senescent cultures)                      fragmentation, caspase-3-like protease                         [42]
                                                                   * Main characteristics of PCD induced by ethylene.
                                                               For example, cadmium is a potent       activity,
                                                                                                                    of PCD in plants  dysfunction
                                                                                                                                           and in tobacco BY-2-
                                                         cultured    example,    cadmium
                                                                          this process      is a potent
                                                                                        involves           inducer
                                                                                                    alterations   in  of PCD
                                                                                                                     cell  and   in plantsmorphology
                                                                                                                                 nucleus     and in tobaccoandBY-2-
                                                                                                                 ROS accumulation,
    Nicotiana tabacum L. cv.                               cultured
                                                         pearance    cells;
                                                                    of      this
                                                                                             [31]. In alterations
                                                                                                       the  same    in  cell and
                                                                                                                   experimental    nucleus   morphology
                                                                                                                                     material,  aluminum     and
                                                                 UV-B                                           DNA fragmentation,                             [43]
       Bright Yellow 2                                     pearance   of autophagic   bodies   [31]. In  the
                                                         nanoparticles induce a PCD form closely connected    same   experimental
                                                                                                                       to loss of      material,  aluminum
                                                                                                                                   mitochondrial potential, en- oxide
                                                                                                            mitochondrial       dysfunction
                                                         hancement         induce a PCD
                                                                       of caspase-like     form closely
                                                                                       activity,   and DNA connected     to loss of[32].
                                                                                                                fragmentation        mitochondrial    potential,
                                                                                                                                         In Viola tricolor  L.-cul-en-
                                                         tured           of caspase-like
                                                                cells, zinc  and lead ionsactivity,
                                                                                             stimulate     Changes
                                                                                                     and aDNA           in showing
                                                                                                                            cell and[32].
                                                                                                             PCD fragmentation
                                                                                                                   form               nucleus
                                                                                                                                               Viola tricolor L.-cul-
       Pinus pinaster Ait.                                 tured  cells,
                                                   Sugar activation
                                                         and         of zinc
                                                               phosphate      and leadand
                                                                         caspase-like    ionspapain-like
                                                                                               stimulate    acysteine
                                                                                                              PCD form
                                                                                                       morphology,       DNA showing
                                                                                                                        proteases       DNA    fragmentation
                                                                                                                                     [33]. Interestingly,         and
                                                           activation  of  caspase-like  and   papain-like     cysteine
                                                                                                                   DNA    proteases
                                                                                                                            laddering  [33]. Interestingly,
                                                         doleamine melatonin protects tobacco BY-2-cultured cells from lead stress by inhibiting              the  in-
                                                           doleamine melatonin protects tobacco BY-2-cultured cells from lead stress by inhibiting
                                                                                                               Changes in cell and nucleus
                                                                                                            morphology, DNA fragmentation,
    Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)                  polyethylene glycol, mannose, H2 O2 ,
                                                                                                          specific gene activation. * Cell plasma                      [45]
           Heynh.                                           ethylene *
                                                                                                            membrane permeabilization, ROS
                                                                                                         overproduction, severe oxidative stress
                                                          * Main characteristics of PCD induced by ethylene.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                            8 of 12

                                         For example, cadmium is a potent inducer of PCD in plants and in tobacco BY-
                                   2-cultured cells; this process involves alterations in cell and nucleus morphology and
                                   appearance of autophagic bodies [31]. In the same experimental material, aluminum oxide
                                   nanoparticles induce a PCD form closely connected to loss of mitochondrial potential, en-
                                   hancement of caspase-like activity, and DNA fragmentation [32]. In Viola tricolor L.-cultured
                                   cells, zinc and lead ions stimulate a PCD form showing DNA fragmentation and activation
                                   of caspase-like and papain-like cysteine proteases [33]. Interestingly, the indoleamine
                                   melatonin protects tobacco BY-2-cultured cells from lead stress by inhibiting cytochrome
                                   c release, thereby preventing the activation of the cascade of processes leading to cell
                                   death [46]. Other important environmental pollutants able to induce PCD in cultured plant
                                   cells are aromatic compounds. In fact, fluoranthene causes DNA fragmentation and oxida-
                                   tive stress in tobacco BY-2 suspension cultures [34]. Rose Bengal dye in Arabidopsis thaliana
                                   cell suspension cultures requires functional chloroplasts to activate a PCD process showing
                                   ROS accumulation and specific gene activation [35], and the herbicide dinitro-o-cresol in-
                                   duces DNA fragmentation, activation of caspase-3-like proteins, and release of cytochrome
                                   c from mitochondria in soybean (Glycine max) suspension cell cultures [36]. Other chemicals
                                   able to induce PCD are 1-butanol, which in Populus euphratica cell cultures causes shrinkage
                                   of the cytoplasm, DNA fragmentation, condensed or stretched chromatin, and the activa-
                                   tion of caspase-3-like proteases [37] and ATP, which when externally added to the same
                                   cell cultures causes elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ levels, ROS accumulation, and cytochrome c
                                   release [38]. As far as environmental conditions are concerned, heat stress (HS) is a potent
                                   inducer of PCD in plants, where it causes important yield losses. HS study in cultured cells
                                   has permitted to elucidate some aspects of its induction, thus helping in the reduction of
                                   losses. For example, in tobacco BY-2-cultured cells, HS induces PCD, showing apoptotic
                                   features such as cytoplasmic shrinkage, DNA fragmentation, ROS accumulation, activation
                                   of caspase-3-like proteases, and induction of defense-related genes [39,47]. Some of these ef-
                                   fects of HS are prevented by selenium [47] and depend on peroxynitrite accumulation [48],
                                   thus sustaining the fundamental role of oxidative stress in the induction of HS-dependent
                                   PCD. This view is also sustained by the analysis of the soluble proteome of tobacco cells
                                   subjected to HS and by custom microarray analysis of gene expression during PCD of
                                   Arabidopsis thaliana-cultured cells. Both these molecular investigations show the induction
                                   of genes related to oxidative stress resistance [49,50]. Another environmental condition
                                   that is able to induce PCD is salinity. Interestingly, the comparison of the responses to salt
                                   stress of suspension-cultured cells from the halophyte Cakile maritima and the glycophyte
                                   Arabidopsis thaliana shows that both species present similar dysfunction of mitochondria
                                   and caspase-3-like activation but the salt-tolerant C. maritima can better resist to stress due
                                   to a higher ascorbate pool able to mitigate the oxidative stress generated in response to
                                   NaCl [40]. O3 exposure also induces PCD dependent on ROS generation in cell suspensions
                                   of Arabidopsis thaliana [41]. Light also seems to be an important environmental factor able
                                   to regulate PCD. Darkness enhances cell death but flavonoids and darkness lower PCD
                                   during senescence of Vitis vinifera cell suspensions [42], pointing out the complexity of PCD
                                   regulation in plants. In tobacco BY 2-cultured cells, UV-B overexposure induces a PCD form
                                   showing typical apoptotic morphological features such as cell shrinkage, condensation of
                                   chromatin in perinuclear areas, and formation of micronuclei [43]. The nutritional aspect
                                   is also important. In fact, simultaneous depletion of sugar and phosphate is associated
                                   with PCD, showing nuclear DNA degradation in suspension cultures of maritime pine
                                   (Pinus pinaster Ait.) [44].
                                         Very interesting results have been obtained from experiments performed in a cell
                                   cycle-synchronized Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspension culture treated with four physiolog-
                                   ical stressors (polyethylene glycol, mannose, H2 O2 , ethylene) in the late G2 phase. In these
                                   cultures, depending on the cell death inducer, there are significant differences in the ap-
                                   pearance of specific PCD hallmarks. In fact, polyethylene glycol, mannose, and H2 O2 cause
                                   DNA fragmentation and cell permeability to vital stains, and produce corpse morphology
                                   corresponding to apoptotic-like PCD. Instead, ethylene (a plant hormone associated with
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                           9 of 12

                                   senescence) causes permeability of cells to vital stains without concomitant nuclear DNA
                                   fragmentation and cytoplasmic retraction but with very high ROS production, leading to
                                   severe oxidative stress [45]. Similarly, in tobacco BY 2-cultured cells, zinc oxide nanopar-
                                   ticles cause cell death depending on oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation [51], and in
                                   grapevine suspension cell cultures, different concentrations of silver ions cause cell death
                                   with different characteristics [52]. Thus, depending on the genotype/species and level of
                                   stress, the same factors may cause different responses. Low stress levels permit the repair
                                   of cell damage, moderate stress levels may induce PCD, and uncontrollable stress levels
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166   potentially lead to accidental cell death (necrosis, see also Section 5). This is particularly
                                                                                                                          10 of 13
                                   evident with abiotic stressors such as heavy metals and externally added compounds such
                                   as plant hormones and H2 O2 (original articles cited in [53]).
                                   5. Future Perspectives and Conclusions
                                   5. Future Perspectives and Conclusions
                                        The use of cultured cells, a simple and controllable system valuable for physiological
                                        The use of cultured cells, a simple and controllable system valuable for physiological
                                   studies because it minimizes variability and facilitates the analysis of cellular features,
                                   studies because it minimizes variability and facilitates the analysis of cellular features,
                                   permits   theinvestigation
                                   permits the     investigationofofsome
                                                                       some    aspects
                                                                            aspects       of the
                                                                                      of the       induction
                                                                                              induction    and and   progression
                                                                                                                progression         process
                                                                                                                              process          of
                                                                                                                                        of plant
                                   PCD. In particular, the possibility to evaluate the effects of different inducers in a stable anda
                                          PCD.    In  particular, the   possibility   to  evaluate   the  effects of different   inducers   in
                                   stable  and reproducible
                                   reproducible     manner made  manner     made it
                                                                      it possible   topossible    to investigate
                                                                                        investigate   the existencetheofexistence
                                   pathways     to  perform   PCD    in  plants.  For    example,    the  comparison
                                   to perform PCD in plants. For example, the comparison among the effect of tunicamycin,among    the  effect of
                                   brefeldin A and  brefeldin   A and
                                                        fusicoccin  andfusicoccin
                                                                           the lack ofand    the lackwhen
                                                                                         additivity     of additivity  when these
                                                                                                              these inducers          inducers
                                                                                                                                are furnished
                                   are furnished     in  combination     to  Acer  pseudoplatanus     cells, permitted    to
                                   in combination to Acer pseudoplatanus cells, permitted to hypothesize for these inducers   hypothesize     for
                                   these  inducers    the  existence   of the  same    or largely   coincident   pathways
                                   the existence of the same or largely coincident pathways involving mitochondria and        involving    mito-
                                   endoplasmicand reticulum
                                                    endoplasmic     reticulum
                                                                to induce    PCD to[54].
                                                                                     induceOnPCD     [54]. hand,
                                                                                               the other    On thethe
                                                                                                                    other  hand, thebetween
                                                                                                                       discrepancy     discrep-
                                   ancy  between     the  number    of  dead   cells  and   the  number     of cells showing
                                   the number of dead cells and the number of cells showing specific DNA fragmentation          specific   DNA
                                   fragmentation      suggestsofthe
                                   suggests the presence             presence
                                                                  different      of different
                                                                              types   of PCD types      of PCD
                                                                                                 in these        in these
                                                                                                            cultures  [54].cultures  [54]. This
                                                                                                                            This permits     the
                                   hypothesisthe of
                                                  hypothesis    of the
                                                     the existence   of existence
                                                                         at least twoof at leasttotwo
                                                                                         ways       die ways   to die plant
                                                                                                        in cultured   in cultured   plant cells
                                                                                                                             cells (Scheme     1):
                                   (Scheme    1): apoptotic-like
                                   apoptotic-like PCD and necrosis.PCD    and   necrosis.

                                         Scheme 1. Possible ways to die in plant-cultured cells.

                                         The apoptotic-like
                                         The   apoptotic-likePCD PCDisisprobably
                                                                           probably thethe most
                                                                                         most     present
                                                                                               present     in cultured
                                                                                                       in cultured   cellscells  and occurs
                                                                                                                           and occurs    dur-
                                   ing       developmental
                                        developmental            processes
                                                           processes    and and    in response
                                                                              in response        to pathogen
                                                                                            to pathogen    attackattack  (Tables
                                                                                                                   (Tables    1 and1 2).
                                   The  biotic  and  abiotic  cell death  inducers   stimulate  ROS  and  RNS    production
                                   biotic and abiotic cell death inducers stimulate ROS and RNS production and changes in       and  changes
                                   in cytosolic       2+ levels. These second messengers induce activation of specific genes,
                                   cytosolic   Ca2+Ca
                                                    levels. These second messengers induce activation of specific genes, leading
                                   to DNA to     DNA fragmentation
                                              fragmentation     as well as asmitochondrial
                                                                              well as mitochondrial     dysfunction
                                                                                               dysfunction             with activation
                                                                                                              with activation              of
                                                                                                                                 of caspase-
                                   caspase-like    proteases,  finally resulting   in apoptotic-like  PCD.   The  necrotic  death
                                   like proteases, finally resulting in apoptotic-like PCD. The necrotic death involves swell-      involves
                                   ing  of theof  the protoplast
                                                protoplast          andofloss
                                                             and loss      the of the integrity
                                                                               integrity         of the plasma
                                                                                          of the plasma  membrane membrane
                                                                                                                       and occursand during
                                   during   the  response   to severe  insults  that  cause  an oxidative   uncontrolled
                                   the response to severe insults that cause an oxidative uncontrolled shock.               shock.
                                         The absence
                                         The   absence ofof cellular
                                                                                                    suspension cultures
                                                                                                                  culturesis aismain
                                                                                                                                 a mainadvan-
                                   vantage when the basal responses of cells during the induction and execution of cell death
                                   tage  when    the  basal  responses   of  cells during   the induction    and  execution     of cell death
                                   programs are investigated. However, it is possible to obtain suspension cultures not totally
                                   programs are investigated. However, it is possible to obtain suspension cultures not to-
                                   tally undifferentiated to study some developmental processes. In fact, the developmental
                                   cell deaths that occur in culture are often more amenable to investigation than their in
                                   vivo counterparts. A classic example was the use of the xylogenic Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)
                                   cell culture as an efficient system for studies on xylogenesis, an example of the “vacuolar
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2166                                                                                                 10 of 12

                                   undifferentiated to study some developmental processes. In fact, the developmental cell
                                   deaths that occur in culture are often more amenable to investigation than their in vivo
                                   counterparts. A classic example was the use of the xylogenic Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) cell
                                   culture as an efficient system for studies on xylogenesis, an example of the “vacuolar first”
                                   form of PCD. The developmental program of xylem differentiation in planta is well pre-
                                   served in this in vitro experimental model. This allows for easy identification of signaling
                                   molecules and observations of the changes in the morphology of the cellular organelles [55].
                                   The background provided by the xylogenesis research in Zinnia makes it possible to uti-
                                   lize a similar approach to study, in a simplified model, cell cultures other fundamental
                                   processes for the plant lifestyle such as embryogenesis, sex determination, or senescence.
                                        In conclusion, the importance and complexity of the PCD process in plants needs
                                   further investigation, and in this perspective, cell cultures appear a very useful tool.

                                   Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.M. and R.C.; funding acquisition, R.C.; investigation,
                                   M.M.; writing—original draft, M.M.; writing—review and editing, R.C. All authors have read and
                                   agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
                                   Funding: This research is supported by the University of Milano-Bicocca, Fondo d’Ateneo per
                                   la Ricerca.
                                   Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


                                   HS      Heat stress
                                   PCD     Programmed cell death
                                   RNS     Reactive nitrogen species
                                   ROS     Reactive oxygen species

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