Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight

Page created by Cory Cole
Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
RECIPEDIA          /   BOOK      ONE


      Recipes compiled by the editors of FoodService Director and Restaurant Business
Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Plants Power
the Plate
Plant-based burgers may have generated a lot of
buzz on menus, but resourceful chefs and operators
are not stopping there. Vegetables, grains and
other plant foods have steadily been gaining more
attention, and our collection of inspiring plant-
forward and plant-based recipes keeps growing.
These are 10 of our favorites, hand-picked from a
variety of creative foodservice kitchens.

03 Tempeh with Curried                    08 Farro Salad with Grapes,
   Coconut Sauce                             Pistachios and Feta
04 Mung Bean Crepes Stuffed               09 Lemony Zucchini Noodles
   with Spicy Potatoes                       with Basil, Mint and Almonds
05 Veggie Chili                           10 Mushroom Pot Pie
06 Roasted Walnut and                        with Fresh Herbs
   Cauliflower Tacos                      11 Sweet Potato Wedges
07 Kale, Quinoa and Butternut                with Avocado Chimichurri
   Squash Bowl with                       12 Jamaican-Style Jerked
   Pomegranate Vinaigrette                   Jackfruit Sliders

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Tempeh with
Curried Coconut Sauce
                                                                                                              Recipe from
Plant-based cooking is an important part of the curriculum at                                               chef-instructor
the Institute of Culinary Education. This Indian-inspired recipe                                          Barbara Rich of the
                                                                                                         Institute of Culinary
uses tempeh as a base for curried vegetables in a coconut                                                      Education
milk sauce. Chef-instructor Barbara Rich, who teaches at the                                                    Serves 4
California campus of the school, created the recipe.

                                                                                                 PHOTO COURTESY OF INSTITUTE
                                                                                                      OF CULINARY EDUCATION
Ingredients                                                    Steps
1½ cups apple juice         3 tbsp. canola or                  01 In large saucepan, combine apple juice, curry powder,
1 tbsp. curry powder          coconut oil                         rice syrup, ginger, garlic and salt. Over medium heat,
                            1¼ cups pure coconut                  bring to a boil.
1 tbsp. rice syrup
                              milk                             02 Add tempeh to mixture; reduce heat to low. Cover pot
1 in. piece fresh ginger,
   peeled and cut in 3      1/3 cup reserved                      and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes.
   pieces                     marinade from
                              tempeh                           03 Remove tempeh from pot; pat dry and let cool. When
1 garlic clove, peeled                                            cool, cut diagonally into 12 slices, each 1/8-inch thick.
   and minced               3 tbsp. curry powder                  Reserve marinade.
1 tsp. sea salt             ¼ cup rice syrup
1 package (8 oz.)           1 tbsp. kuzu (Japanese             FOR CURRY SAUCE
   tempeh, cut diagonally     root starch) dissolved
                              in 2 tbsp. water                 01 Heat 10-inch saute pan over medium-high heat; add
   in half                                                        oil until heated through. Brown tempeh on both sides;
                            Pinch sea salt                        drain on paper towels.
                            2 tbsp. chopped cilantro           02 Into same pan over medium heat, pour coconut milk
                                                                  and 1/4 cup remaining marinade. Whisk in curry powder
                            1 cup black rice                      and rice syrup. Reduce heat to low. If coconut milk is
                                                                  too thin, add kuzu to mixture, stirring constantly until
                                                                  thickened. Season with sea salt to taste.
                                                               03 To serve, pour sauce over tempeh; garnish with cilantro
                                                                  and serve with black rice.

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Mung Bean Crepes
Stuffed with Spicy Potatoes
                                                                                                             Recipe from
Cooked potatoes spiked with Indian spices make a hearty                                                    Smitha Haneef,
filling for these mung bean crepes. This dish hits several                                                 assistant VP of
                                                                                                          university services
hot buttons for students at Princeton University: It’s vegan,                                               at Princeton
gluten-free and representative of a trendy global cuisine.                                                    Serves 6

                                                                                  PHOTO COURTESY OF IDAHO POTATO COMMISSION

Ingredients                 Steps
POTATO STUFFING             FOR POTATO STUFFING                                FOR CREPES
1 tbsp. olive oil           01 Place large skillet over medium heat.           01 Soak mung beans in water for 2 to
¼ tsp. mustard seeds           Add oil, mustard seeds and cumin                   4 hours; drain. In blender, combine
                               seeds. Once mustard and cumin                      drained mung beans, salt and cumin;
¼ tsp. cumin seeds
                               crackle, stir in onion, salt and turmeric.         blend until mixture forms a smooth
¼ cup diced red onion                                                             paste.
                            02 Reduce heat to low; saute mixture until
½ tsp. salt                    onions turn translucent. Add potatoes;          02 Heat a flattop or griddle until hot. Scoop
¼ tsp. ground turmeric         increase heat to medium. Saute 5 to 7              ¼ cup mung bean batter onto griddle,
2 cups peeled, boiled          minutes longer.                                    spreading to form a crepe. Drizzle with
  and diced russet          03 Remove potato mixture from heat and                olive oil and cook until crepe is light
  potatoes                     top with lime juice and cilantro. Adjust           brown and edges are crispy. Repeat with
½ tbsp. lime juice             salt to taste; keep warm.                          remaining batter.
1 tbsp. chopped fresh                                                          03 For service, place 4 ounces potato
  cilantro                                                                        stuffing on each crepe. Roll up and
1 cup mung beans
5 cups water
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground cumin
Olive oil, as needed

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Veggie Chili
At Whiskey Kitchen, the chef combines three types of
beans with winter squash to create a colorful and robust
                                                                                                            Recipe from
pot of vegan chili. Pasilla chile peppers and red bell                                                    Whiskey Kitchen in
peppers add sweet heat, and seasonings such as cumin,                                                      Raleigh, N.C.
oregano, cayenne and cilantro pump up the flavor.                                                             Serves 8

                                                                                             PHOTO COURTESY OF STACEY SPRENZ,
                                                                                                       TABLETOP MEDIA GROUP
Ingredients                                                    Steps
1/3 cup vegetable oil        ½ tsp. ground cumin               01 In large saucepot, heat oil. Add pasilla peppers, bell
1 lb. pasilla chiles,        ½ tsp. oregano                       peppers and onions; sweat over high heat. Add garlic
   seeded and diced                                               and salt to taste; saute for 5 minutes until tender.
                             ¼ tsp. cayenne
¾ lb. red bell peppers,      3 oz. vegetable stock             02 Stir in squash; saute 2 minutes. Reduce heat to medium
   diced                                                          and add remaining ingredients except cilantro and
                             1 can (15 oz.) black                 lime juice. Simmer 30 to 40 minutes or until vegetables
½ lb. yellow onions,           beans, drained
   diced                                                          are tender and flavors blend.
                             1 can (15 oz.) kidney
½ lb. red onions, diced        beans, drained                  03 Stir in cilantro and lime juice and serve.
1½ oz. garlic, minced        1 can (15 oz.) garbanzo
Salt, to taste                 beans, drained
11/3 lb. butternut squash,   ¼ cup chopped cilantro
   peeled and diced            leaves
1 can (8 oz.) diced          1½ oz. lime juice
2 tbsp. chili powder
1¼ tsp. paprika
1 tsp. ground black

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Roasted Walnut
and Cauliflower Tacos
Vegetarian customers should appreciate this different                                                    Recipe from caterer
take on meatless tacos. Roasted walnuts and                                                               Patty Mastracco
                                                                                                         of Patty Mastracco
cauliflower provide a hearty filling, while a topping                                                         Food Inc.
of cotija cheese boosts the protein and flavor.                                                               Serves 6

                                                                                       PHOTO COURTESY OF CALIFORNIA WALNUTS

Ingredients                                                    Steps
FILLING                      TACOS                             01 Preheat oven to 475 F. Coat cauliflower with
1 small head cauliflower,    12 small corn tortillas,             1 tablespoon olive oil. Place on baking sheet and
   chopped                      warmed                            roast for 25 to 30 minutes or until lightly browned.
2 tbsp. olive oil, divided   11/2 cups shredded green          02 Reduce oven temperature to 350 F and toast
1 cup walnut pieces,            cabbage                           walnuts for 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
   chopped                   3/4 cups crumbled cotija             Add to pan with cauliflower.
3/4 cup finely chopped          cheese                         03 In large skillet over medium-high heat, heat remaining
   onion                     1/2 cup walnuts, chopped             1 tablespoon olive oil. Add onion and saute
2 tsp. minced garlic            and toasted                       for 5 minutes or until lightly browned. Add garlic
                             Fresh cilantro leaves                and jalapeno; cook 2 minutes longer. Stir in water,
1 med. jalapeno, seeded                                           tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, oregano and salt.
   and minced                Lime wedges
                                                                  Cook until mixture is thick and excess water has
1/2 cup water                                                     cooked off. Stir in cauliflower mixture.
1/4 cup tomato paste                                           04 To assemble, spoon mixture into warmed tortillas
2 tsp. chili powder                                               and top with shredded cabbage, cheese, walnuts and
1 tsp. ground cumin                                               cilantro. Serve with lime wedges.
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. salt, or to taste

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Kale, Quinoa and Butternut Squash
Bowl with Pomegranate Vinaigrette
Roasted squash adds color, flavor and nutritional                                                          Recipe from
value to this recipe. Chef Suki Otsuki complements the                                                    Executive Chef
                                                                                                           Suki Otsuki
squash with kale, quinoa and a zesty pomegranate                                                       of Meddlesome Moth
vinaigrette for a plant-forward bowl that will brighten                                                     Serves 4
the menu.

                                                                                             PHOTO COURTESY OF THE PERFECT
                                                                                                     PUREE OF NAPA VALLEY
Ingredients                                                    Steps
VINAIGRETTE                 BOWL                               FOR VINAIGRETTE
¼ cup minced shallots       2 cups sliced butternut            01 In small bowl, combine shallots, vinegar and
½ cup sherry vinegar          squash, cut into half-              pomegranate concentrate; let stand for several minutes
                              moons and roasted                   to soften shallots. Whisk in olive oil, pomegranate
2 tbsp. frozen
  pomegranate               1 bunch kale, chopped                 seeds, parsley and salt and pepper to taste.
  concentrate, thawed       1 cup quinoa, cooked
¾ cup extra-virgin
  olive oil                                                    FOR BOWL
½ cup pomegranate                                              01 In large bowl, combine vinaigrette with chopped kale;
  seeds                                                           massage until kale becomes soft and marinated.
¼ cup parsley sprigs,                                          02 For service, toss kale mixture with quinoa and squash
  chopped                                                         and divide among four bowls.
Salt and pepper, to taste

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Farro Salad with Grapes,
Pistachios and Feta
                                                                                                              From chef
Chef Rebecca Peizer uses farro, a hearty ancient grain,                                                    Rebecca Peizer
as the base for the salad, then tosses in vibrant red                                                      of the Culinary
grapes, pistachios and feta cheese for contrast. A red                                                       of America
wine vinaigrette ties it all together. The plant-forward                                                       Serves 8
bowl can be made vegan by omitting the feta cheese.

                                                                                               PHOTO COURTESY OF CALIFORNIA
                                                                                                    TABLE GRAPE COMMISSION
Ingredients                                                   Steps
FARRO SALAD                VINAIGRETTE                        FOR FARRO
1 cup dry farro, rinsed    ½ cup red wine vinegar             01 In medium saucepan over high heat, bring the farro
  and drained              2 tbsp. Dijon mustard                 and water to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer; cover and
3 cups water                                                     cook 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tender, seasoning
                           1 tbsp. honey
2 cups red and green                                             with salt halfway through cooking. Drain farro; set
                           Salt and ground black                 aside to cool.
  grapes, halved             pepper, to taste
2 cups baby arugula        1½ cups extra virgin
¾ cup pistachios,            olive oil                        FOR VINAIGRETTE
  toasted and chopped                                         01 In medium bowl, combine all ingredients except olive
½ cup fresh mint leaves,   Cheese                                oil; whisk to blend. Slowly drizzle in olive oil, whisking
  chiffonade                                                     constantly to form an emulsified vinaigrette. Season
Salt and ground black                                            with salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  pepper, to taste                                            02 In large bowl, combine all ingredients for salad except
1 cup crumbled feta                                              feta cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix
                                                                 in vinaigrette; add cheese and toss gently to combine.
                                                                 Serve chilled or at room temperature.

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Lemony Zucchini Noodles
with Basil, Mint and Almonds
L’Amico in New York City showcases zucchini by slicing it into                                               Recipe from
long, thin “noodles”—a lower-carb version of pasta. Here, the                                            chef-owner Laurent
                                                                                                            Tourondel of
julienned green and gold zucchini is tossed with housemade                                               L’Amico restaurant
lemon-oregano vinaigrette along with slivered mint and basil                                                  Serves 4
leaves, crunchy almonds and Parmesan.

                                                                                                        SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTO

Ingredients                                                      Steps
ZUCCHINI NOODLES               LEMON-OREGANO                     01 In medium bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, Dijon
1 green zucchini, 1/4-inch     VINAIGRETTE                          and lemon juice. Drizzle in olive oil while whisking
  julienne lengthwise          4 tbsp. mayonnaise                   and season with salt and pepper. Stir in Parmesan and
1 goldbar zucchini, 1/4-inch   8 tbsp. Dijon mustard                oregano.
  julienne lengthwise          1 cup freshly squeezed            02 To serve, toss zucchini with lemon-oregano dressing,
Pecorino, grated                 lemon juice                        Parmesan and salt and pepper to taste. Add mint, basil,
                                                                    slivered almonds; use pasta fork to arrange zucchini on
Mint, chiffonade               1 cup olive oil
                                                                    plate like spaghetti.
Basil, chiffonade              8 tbsp. grated Parmesan
                                                                 03 Garnish salad with more slivered almonds and basil
5 basil leaves                 1 tbsp. dried oregano                leaves. Top with pinch of red chile flakes and garnish
Crushed red chile flakes                                            with slice of lemon finished with pink peppercorn dust.
1 tsp. grated Parmesan                                              Finish with drizzle of dressing around salad.
1 tbsp. toasted slivered
  almonds, plus more for
1 slice lemon,
  garnished with pink
  peppercorn dust

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Plant-based - RECIPEDIA / BOOK ONE - Winsight
Mushroom Pot Pie
with Fresh Herbs
As the weather cools, a hearty, flaky pot pie makes for
a comforting vegetarian entree. Chef Phillip Thomason                                                       Recipe from chef
                                                                                                           Phillip Thomason of
serves up a labor-saving deconstructed version,                                                              Vintage Kitchen
composed of a creamy mushroom filling topped with                                                                Serves 4
golden triangles of puff pastry and fresh herbs.

                                                                                       PHOTO COURTESY OF THE MUSHROOM COUNCIL

Ingredients                              Steps
1 sheet puff pastry                      01 Cut puff pastry into long triangles and refrigerate on
2 oz. unsalted butter                       parchment paper.
1 oz. extra virgin olive oil             02 Preheat oven to 400 F. Brush puff pastry with egg wash
1 large shallot, sliced                     and bake until golden and airy. Cool on rack.
1 lb. assorted varieties of              03 In large skillet, melt butter and heat until browned; add
   mushrooms, roughly                       oil. Stir in shallots and cook until caramelized.
   chopped                               04 Add mushrooms and continue cooking until mixture is
2 oz. Madeira wine                          golden brown.
12 oz. heavy whipping                    05 Add Madeira wine to deglaze pan; reduce over
   cream                                    medium-high heat until syrupy.
Sea salt, white pepper                   06 Add cream and continue to reduce until mixture coats
   and freshly grated                       back of spoon. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
   nutmeg, to taste
                                         07 To serve, transfer mixture to individual bowls or
Fresh chives, basil,
   tarragon, parsley and                    ramekins; garnish with fresh herbs and puff pastry
   dill, for garnish                        triangles.

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Sweet Potato Wedges
with Avocado Chimichurri
In Argentina, chimichurri is typically served with grilled meats and                                   Recipe from chef
fish, but at Cheeky’s restaurant in Palm Springs, Calif., the fresh                                      Tara Lazar
                                                                                                         of Cheeky’s
herb sauce accompanies baked sweet potato wedges. The addition                                           restaurant
of diced avocado to the mix of cilantro, parsley, garlic and jalapeno                                     Serves 8
makes for a chunkier chimichurri and a more substantial dish.

                                                                                                     SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTO

Ingredients                                                  Steps
AVOCADO                    SWEET POTATO                      01 In food processor, combine shallot, green onions, garlic
CHIMICHURRI                WEDGES                               and salt. Process until finely chopped. Add jalapeno
1 shallot, roughly         4 med. sweet potatoes                and pulse until chopped. Add remaining ingredients
   chopped                   (2 lbs.)                           except avocados; pulse until roughly combined.
2 green onions, roughly    2 tsp. smoked paprika             02 In separate bowl, roughly mash avocados.
   chopped                 ½ tsp. sea salt                      Gradually stir in spoonfuls of chimichurri; blend until
2 cloves garlic                                                 seasoned to taste. Set aside.
                           ½ tsp. pepper
1 jalapeno, stemmed,       2 tbsp. olive oil                 03 Preheat oven to 425 F. Wash and dry sweet potatoes
   seeded and roughly                                           and cut into 2-inch wedges.
   chopped                 1 oz. queso fresco,
                             crumbled fine                   04 Put wedges, paprika, salt and pepper in large plastic
½ cup cilantro, leaves                                          bag; toss to coat.
                           Salt, to taste                    05 Arrange sweet potatoes on large rimmed baking tray,
½ cup Italian parsley,                                          being careful not to overlap them. Drizzle olive oil on
   leaves only             3 large avocados, diced              each wedge. Bake for 30 minutes, or until edges are
1 tbsp. fresh oregano                                           brown.
                                                             06 Serve warm with avocado chimichurri for dipping.
1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
½ lemon, freshly
½ cup olive oil

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Jamaican-Style Jerked
Jackfruit Sliders
                                                                                                                Recipe from
There’s a big demand for vegan burgers in college dining.                                                    chef Josh Martin
Chef Josh Martin meets the demand with these jackfruit                                                        of University of
sliders spiced with a Jamaican jerk seasoning paste. A                                                          Santa Cruz
topping of pickled onions adds crunchy texture and tart                                                          Serves 12
flavor contrast.

                                                                                          PHOTO COURTESY OF KIKKOMAN SALES USA

Ingredients                                                      Steps
SLIDERS                       PICKLED ONIONS                     FOR SLIDERS
2 tbsp. ground thyme          10½ oz. red onion,                 01 Preheat oven to 400 F. In food processor,
1½ tbsp. ground allspice         julienned                          combine all ingredients except jackfruit for jerk paste.
                              1/3 cup plus ¾ tsp.                   Blend until smooth and a paste is formed.
1 tbsp. unrefined sugar
                                 red wine vinegar                02 In large bowl, combine paste with jackfruit;
2 tbsp. minced garlic
  cloves                      1/3 cup plus ¾ tsp.                   spread on greased baking sheets. Bake jackfruit
                                 distilled white vinegar            15 to 25 minutes or until crispy.
1¼ oz. jalapenos
                              1 tbsp. unrefined sugar
1¼ oz. green onions
                              1 tbsp. kosher salt                FOR PICKLED ONIONS
½ tsp. ground black
  pepper                                                         01 Into nonreactive bowl, measure julienned red onion.
½ tsp. kosher salt            Vegan mayonnaise                      In medium saucepan, bring 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons
                              12 slider rolls, sliced               water to a boil. Pour over onions and let stand
¼ tsp. ground cinnamon                                              30 seconds; drain. Return onions to nonreactive
¼ tsp. ground nutmeg                                                container; add vinegar, sugar, salt and 2/3 cup plus 2
2 tbsp. plus 2 tsp. rice                                            teaspoons water. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  bran oil                                                       02 To order, place 2 ounces jackfruit on each roll bottom;
1 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. gluten-                                         top with 1 ounce pickled onion. Dress top of roll with
  free tamari soy sauce                                             ½ ounce vegan mayonnaise.
24 oz. shredded jackfruit

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