Planned Pupil Premium Expenditure for 2020-2021
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Planned Pupil Premium Expenditure for 2020-2021 September April 2020 – 2020 – March August 2020 2021 Total number of pupils eligible for PPG and total number of LAC pupils 26 15 Estimate amount of PPG to be received per period 28,210 Estimate total amount of PPG to be received Nexus Education Schools Trust (NEST) Principles: Educational, social and emotional outcomes for disadvantaged children are the responsibility of everyone. We agree to make a difference and be passionate about making a difference to the outcomes and life chances for our disadvantaged children. Our PPG strategy comes from the ground up - winning the hearts and minds of teachers and support staff. Disadvantaged children are entitled to a full curriculum which means we will think creatively about when and how we run interventions. We are committed to enhancing the cultural capital of disadvantaged pupils - filling up their ‘cultural bank account’ through experiences, engaging learning etc. Identification of barriers to learning must be very specific e.g. not just "improve reading" but "improve fluency or reading speed". We are committed to honest evaluative judgements about how effective our strategies and interventions have been. We are committed to being intentional about building positive relationships with disadvantaged children and their families.
Planned Expenditure for Pupil Premium Funding: 2020-2021 Estimated Barrier to learning Overall aims Actions Rationale Staff / lead Costs 1. Quality of Teaching and Learning Potential lack in PP children make at All staff to be clear about who the DA/PPG The DCSF booklet ‘Pockets AJ and CB Staff meetings – specific, targeted least good progress pupils are, what their prior attainment is and of Poverty’ suggests that in Nil focus on Pupil across maths, reading what the end of year targets are (PPG schools with comparatively Premium children and writing. Lead) low proportions of FSM Cover for PP can contribute to Staff to identify any impact of COVID-19 pupils, their needs are less Meetings – poor progress lockdown experience on achievement likely to be specifically £2,500 and achievement Use PiXL Primary intervention programmes identified and met, and that for these children. to help target any gaps within class and inadvertently their culture booster sessions and expectations are Use targeted grammar/maths in class to swamped by those of their help close any gaps more affluent peers (pg. 4). Ensure that PP achievement is tracked indi- The booklet indicates that in vidually (PP Lead) effective schools all staff know which children are in receipt of PPG. 2. Targeted Academic Support Lack of 90% of children to -All staff are confident in the teaching of Children should have a YM, RM, DM Targeted and knowledge in achieve the phonics phonics including all sounds and blends strong knowledge of phonics booster sessions phonics result -Focused daily teaching which targets groups to ensure they have a secure £850 of children to make at least good progress base for learning to read. Cover for -Staff to assess the children’s progress phonics tests - regularly and identify any gaps £340 -Booster sessions to be implemented where needed Literacy PP pupils continue to Introduce Lexia IT intervention (reading and Over the past two years, All staff led Lexia KS1 and KS2 achieve EXS and GDS writing) programme for targeted children. children’s writing, including by AJ and subscription - in line with national Teachers continue to model sentence struc PP children has improved CB £3850 Slow reading averages for reading ture and punctuation daily. but there are still gaps to be speed impacts on and writing. Continuation of high level vocabulary used targeted across the school TA dyslexia reading PP children are able to within the classroom especially regarding the course £120 confidence and write using cohesive Teachers to continue daily reading from clarity of sentence structure. comprehension. sentences and apply high level texts to classes correct punctuation. Pixl interventions to be used in classrooms and booster sessions
Limited Children’s writing To continue high focus and tracking of ‘bor- awareness of continues to show derline’ children, ensuring access to appro- sentence improvement in priate support such as writing frames, mod- structure and sentence structure and elled texts, targeted spellings, and word punctuation when the level of vocabulary banks (teachers and TAs). writing. used. Monitor all PP children in pupil progress meetings Maths KS1 and PP pupils continue to -Daily focused sessions using the basic skills Knowledge and confidence All staff led CPD - £1500 KS2 achieve EXS and GDS -Booster sessions for children in arithmetic and times tables by AJ, HM Staff meetings in line with national -Targeted focus sessions within class are key to the children and CB Children not able averages. -In Yrs 3 – 6, times tables are practised using accessing the rest of the to access and class activities and Pixl sheets at least 3 maths curriculum. apply the basic PP children are able to times a week. skills in maths use the basic skills with -PP children to have the chance of extra time confidence and have a on TTRS if they do not have access to IT at good knowledge of the home times tables -Continued implementation and application of PowerMaths, TTRS and White Rose Pre- mium Resources Children may not Children have the time Assess what pupils know and don’t know – We know that some children All staff led Additional be given enough they need to practice, low key regular mini diagnostics need more opportunities to by CB and interventions - time to embed or embed and extend their Develop a gaps analysis tool (or use one practice so that learning can AJ £1500 extend their learning. from Pixl) so that staff can identify gaps and be committed to long term learning within use them to inform planning. Larger scale memory. Sometimes time the lesson More disadvantaged gaps analysis e.g. the maths curriculum within the lesson is not children to achieve the taught so far, and small-scale gaps analysis enough, or the children need expected standard in e.g. for a block or lesson opportunities to come back Reading, Writing and Ensure that teachers invest time in helping to the learning after a break. Maths. learners to develop their self-regulation We know that “spaced skills (ongoing throughout steps). Ensure learning” works because that these are not be overlooked in favour forgetting is a key element of of getting through the curriculum the learning process - it -Ensure high challenge for those who need helps the brain sort important extending from trivial information. Access to home Children are able to -Ensure all PP children have IT requirements Children are able to make AJ, CB, BJ IPads – £6000 learning access learning from for learning, e.g access to IPads, reading the required progress. Work books - home books, maths resources, work books £1,500 -Regular (weekly) contact between the school and parents/carers to build up relationships and respond to any questions
3. Wider Strategies to Support Readiness to Learn Support parents Children are able to - Resource packs set up and kept centrally in Children with wider social AJ, BJ Resources for at home - access a wider range of the library. These will comprise of a series of and cultural experience the packs – Learning library resources at home interactive games and resources (Lego, potentially have more life £1,200 packs, access to board games, card games, craft packs) that experiences to bring to resources that the children may not have access to at home. learning situations; more may not be - Packs sent out to families on a rota and real-life experiences to available rotated so each family has a turn with each support abstract concepts. otherwise pack. Limited life PP children have ease Embed the creative curriculum, ensuring Children with wider social All staff led Subsidising experiences or of access to wider breadth and depth. and cultural experience by AJ school trips – opportunities and experiences within the Ensuring that children have access to high potentially have more life £800 encouragement curriculum and in quality activities, visits and visitors. Where experiences to bring to to access the addition to the this is not possible due to the pandemic, learning situations; more Subsidising wider curriculum curriculum. ensure children receive a wide range of real-life experiences to music lessons – fun learning opportunities throughout support abstract concepts. £200 the year within the classroom setting, e.g. treasure hunts, including forest In addition, some children school in activities may be less skilled in using Supporting families by subsidising the cost more formal language of school trips and residential visits. conventions and gauging Paying for music tuition for those learning when these are necessary. instruments with BYMT. Wider experiences can support this Emotional well- Try to ensure that Identifying the children identified as PP+ Children’s emotional, All staff led Online training – being, behaviour children are not (LAC, adopted) as an identified sub group physical and mental well- by AJ, CB, free or mental health disengaged because of often with specific needs. being can negatively affect BJ Place to Be that impact on anxiety, family Family Worker support, including Drawing & their ability to engage fully Counsellor – learning focus. challenges, lack of Talking as needed. with the learning process. £4500 sleep, lack of breakfast Introducing Counsellors from the Place to Some children’s learning Be to work with children and families may be limited by social and -Liaison meetings with Family Worker, senior emotional issues which they leaders and staff, have difficulty in resolving. -All staff to undergo training through Our children who are on ‘an introduction to identified as LAC or adopted adverse childhood experiences’ and learn are often in the lowest how trauma in early life can impact on a attaining groups, or very child’s development. ‘borderline expected standard’. Often, they have attachment difficulties, and
need to be supported in self- esteem as people and as learners. Attendance To monitor and improve -Attendance and punctuality are monitored Regular attendance is vital AJ and CB EWO visit if the attendance and half termly by attendance lead. for good progress to be required - £1000 punctuality of PP -Letters sent to parents informing them if made children attendance drops below 92% -Meetings between families and the school will be put in place if required -EWO input if required Sub total £25,860 Contingency for unexpected costs £2,350 TOTAL PLANNED EXPENDITURE: £28,210 Measuring the impact of PPG spending The progress of all pupils is tracked systematically and interventions evaluated and adapted accordingly. Pupil progress meetings include analysis of PP (Pupil Premium) children specifically. Progress of children receiving PPG is formally monitored termly. This analysis is used to adjust the provision for children as appropriate. The take-up of PP children in extra-curricular activities is monitored and the impact on all areas of child’s development assessed through lesson observations and evidence in books. The Local Committee scrutinise the progress of children receiving PPG termly. PPG expenditure, and, in particular, its impact is monitored termly by the Senior Leaders, and Local Committee. Pupils’ views will be sought in terms of attitude and enthusiasm to learning, strategies that support learning, and issues that hinder learning.
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