Pixel detector R&D for CLIC - VCI2019 - The 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation - CERN TWiki
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Pixel detector R&D for CLIC VCI2019 – The 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation Dominik Dannheim (CERN) on behalf of the CLICdp collaboration February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 1
Outline • CLIC accelerator and detector, requirements • Sensor and readout technologies for vertex/tracker • Simulation Framework • Detector Integration • Conclusions February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 2
CLIC accelerator and detector Possible staged CLIC implementation • CLIC (Compact LInear Collider): linear e+e- collider concept for post HL-LHC phase • √s from few hundred GeV up to 3 TeV (two-beam acceleration with ~100 MV/m) • Precision and discovery physics at the TeV scale • Detector and physics studies within the CLICdp collaboration of 30 institutes CLIC detector model CLICdp collaboration institutes CLICdp collaboration 12.8 m February 19, 2018 Silicon Pixel R&D for CLIC 3
Experimental conditions at CLIC • CLIC operates with bunch trains, 50 Hz repetition rate Not to scale ! 20 ms à Low duty cycle à Trigger-less readout between trains à Allows for power-pulsed operation of detector, CLIC to reduce average power consumption bunch structure 156 ns • Collisions within 156 ns bunch trains Very small bunches: • High E-fields lead to Beamstrahlung 40 nm (x) x 1 nm (y) x 44 μm (z) à High rates of beam-induced background particles (at 3 TeV) à Drives detector design (layout, granularity, timing) Main backgrounds in detector: • Incoherent e+e- pairs • 19k particles / bunch train at 3 TeV • Constrains beam pipe radius, granularity • ! ! àhadrons events • 17k particles / bunch train at 3 TeV • Constrains granularity, layout, impacts physics CLICdp-Note-2018-005 February 19, 2018 Silicon Pixel R&D for CLIC 4
CLIC vertex- and tracking detector requirements Vertex detector: Vertex-detector simulation geometry • efficient tagging of heavy quarks through precise determination of displaced vertices: à good single point resolution: σSP~3 μm à small pixels ⪅ 25x25 μm2, analog readout à low material budget: ⪅ 0.2% X0 / layer à low-power ASICs + air cooling (~50 mW/cm2) 260 mm 0.84 m2 Tracker: • Good momentum resolution: σ(pT) / pT2 ~ 2 x 10-5 GeV-1 à 7 μm single-point resolution (~25-50 μm pitch in Rφ) Tracker simulation geometry à many layers, large outer radius à ~1-2% X0 per layer à low-mass supports + services Both: • 20 ms gaps between CLIC bunch trains à trigger-less readout, pulsed powering 137 m2 • few % max. occupancy from beam backgrounds à sets inner radius and limits cell sizes à time stamping with ~5 ns accuracy à depleted sensors (high resistivity / high voltage) • moderate radiation exposure (~104 below LHC!): • NIEL: < 1011 neq/cm2/y • TID: < 1 kGy / year February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 5
CLIC pixel-detector R&D Sensor + readout technologies Sensor + readout technology Currently considered for Beam test Summary and outlook Bump-bonded Hybrid planar sensors Vertex Prototypes Capacitively coupled HV-CMOS of sensors various integrated technologies Vertexunder investigation for the CLIC tracker: Monolithic HV-CMOS sensorsHV-CMOS: Integrated Tracker Monolithic HR-CMOS -sensor MuPix and ATLASpix integrated in CLICdp Timepix3 telescope Tracker Monolithic SOI sensors - Proof of principle of fully integrated elongated pixel design in HV-CMOS Vertex, Tracker 7 Timepix3 process Cracow SOI DUT C3PD+CLICpix2 Caribou r/o board telescope planes assembly SOI HR-CMOS: CLICpix + 50 μm sensor C3PD+CLICpix2 glue ass. ATLASPIX HV-CMOS INVESTIGATOR HR-CMOS Cracow SOI - Test beam studies of various pixel layouts and substrates - Good performance of investigated Cracow design for 500 μm thick prototypes - Further studies with thinner prototypes to evaluate performance w.r.t. requirements for CLIC tracker SOI test chip Integrated HR-CMOS - Test beam and simulation studies of two different Simulation/Characterisation Detector integration submissions - Promising CaRIBOu Cooling of 50 μm thin DAQanalogue performance prototype supports Light-weight Detector assembly (25 μm thin epitaxial layer) w.r.t. requirements for CLIC tracker: Allpix2 sim. - Efficiency > 99 %, spatial resolution down to 3.5 μm, timing resolution ~ 5 ns (28 μm pitch) Fully integrated chip for the CLIC tracker: Investigator HR test chip • Challenging requirements lead to extensive detector R&D program • - Studied HR CMOS technology used in next phase of R&D to design a fully integrated ~10 institutes active in vertex/tracker R&D • prototypeALICE, Collaboration with ATLAS, chip for the CLIC Mu3e, LHCb, tracker AIDA-2020 p. 17/17 February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 6
Sensor and readout R&D Hybrid planar sensors ELAD planar sensors CCPD sensors Hybrid detectors: • Factorise r/o and sensor R&D • Smallest feature-size ASICs • Advanced sensor concepts SOI CMOS sensors • Small pixels, highest performance à for inner layers Monolithic CMOS sensors: • Lowest material budget • Medium feature-size • Simplified construction à for large-area tracker Large Fill-Factor Small Fill-Factor • Recent developments target CMOS sensors CMOS sensors also inner layers February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 7
Thin hybrid planar pixel detectors Hybrid pixel detector • Planar pixel sensors bump-bonded to r/o ASICs • Considered for vertex detector • Comprehensive thin-sensor studies with slim-edge and active-edge sensors (50-500 μm thickness) on Timepix/Timepix3 readout ASICs (55 μm pitch) Timepix with 50 μm active-edge sensor Timepix3 with 300 μm active-edge sensor 14 mm 50 μm sensor 700 μm Timepix February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 8
Thin hybrid planar pixel detectors Hybrid pixel detector • Planar pixel sensors bump-bonded to r/o ASICs • Considered for vertex detector • Comprehensive thin-sensor studies with slim-edge and active-edge sensors (50-500 μm thickness) on Timepix/Timepix3 readout ASICs (55 μm pitch) Efficiency vs. det. threshold Cluster sizes vs. thickness Track residuals vs. thickness CLICdp • ~100% efficiency down to 50 μm thickness (up to cut edge) • Low fraction of 2-hit clusters limits achievable resolution CLICdp-Note-2016-001 à Not enough charge sharing in ultra-thin sensors DISS. ETH NO. 24216 February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 9
Fine-pitch hybrid detectors • CLICpix/CLICpix2 r/o ASICs with in-pixel CLICpix with 50 μm planar sensor time (10 ns binning) and energy (4-5 bit) measurement • 25x25 μm2 pitch • Implemented in 65 nm CMOS process m m • Single-chip bump-bonding with 50-200 μm thin sensors 1.6 à challenging; process optimization ongoing Indium bumps on CLICpix ASIC and Micron sensor (SLAC) CLICpix2+FBK active-edge sensor Sr-90 hit map 7 unconnected channels SnAg bumps on CLICpix2 (IZM) Advacam sensor on CLICpix2 (IZM) 2 shorts February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 10
CLICpix + planar sensor test-beam results Cluster Cluster ´103 size, 50 μm size 50 µmsensor sensor Residuals 50 μm sensor 150 CLICdp Work in For 50 μm sensor thickness: Progress 100 Mostly single-pixel cluster mean=1.1 à No charge interpolation 50 à Resolution limited by pixel pitch 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cluster size in y Cluster size 200 μm sensor Residuals 200 μm sensor For 200 μm sensor thickness: CLICdp C 14. 09. 2017 10 Mostly two-pixel cluster à Charge interpolation à Resolution close to target value of 3 μm à But too thick for material- budget target 0.2%X0/layer JINST 12 (2017) C06006 February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 11
Enhanced Lateral Drift sensors Hendrik Jans η- function for 4 units cel 04.10.2017 | Anastasiia Velyka | Clic Vertex 2 • Position resolution in very thin sensors so far limited to > Number 04.10.2017 ~pixel pitch / √12 (almost no charge sharing) ELADof collected sensor layout charge for Q1Imp Q2Imp à Enhanced LAteral Drift sensors (ELAD) Patent DE102015116270B4 • Deep implantations to alter the electric field à lateral spread of charges during drift, cluster size ~2 p n p à improved resolution for same pitch • Challenges: p n p • Complex production process, adds cost • Have to avoid low-field regions (recombination) p n p • TCAD and MC simulations: Implantation process, Sensor performance for MIPs à expect significantly improved position resolution vs. standard sensor x MIP position • First production in 2019: generic test structures, strips and test sensors with Timepix footprint (55 μm pitch) Q1 Q2 à Talk by H. Jansen on Thursday in Semicond. session: Bulk engineering for enhanced lateral drift sensors TCAD charge density simulation Collected charge vs. MIP position Allpix2 MC simulation of residuals > MIP position x 17.11.2017 | Anastasiia Velyka | Clic Vertex February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 12
2 5x25DmCapacitively 2pi tch coupled HV-CMOS sensors nt s pe r for me d • Active sensors in 180 nm High-Voltage (HV) CMOS process, Capacitively Coupled Pixel Detector large fill factor: electronics in charge-collection well , C~8Dm• Amplification in sensor, capacitive coupling to r/o ASICs SPà thin glue layer replaces costly small-pitch bump bonds • High-resistivity substrates (up to 1kΩcm) to increase depletion • Considered for vertex detector of ca p a c it iv e co u p l i n g • Active sensors (CCPDv3, C3PD), 25x25 μm pitch 2 • Glue assemblies with CLICpix/CLICpix2 Cross section through C3PD/CLICpix2 glue assembly C3PD/CLICpix2 glue assembly CL ICpi x2 25⇡m on C3 PD NIM A 823 (2016) 1-8; JINST 12 P09012 (2017) February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 13
Capacitively coupled HV-CMOS sensors • Active sensors in 180 nm High-Voltage (HV) CMOS process, Capacitively Coupled Pixel Detector large fill factor: electronics in charge-collection well • Amplification in sensor, capacitive coupling to r/o ASICs à thin glue layer replaces costly small-pitch bump bonds • High-resistivity substrates (up to 1kΩcm) to increase depletion • Considered for vertex detector • Active sensors (CCPDv3, C3PD), 25x25 μm2 pitch • Glue assemblies with CLICpix/CLICpix2 • ~100% efficiency, σSP~6 μm, σt~7 ns • Finite-element simulation of capacitive coupling • Challenges: glue uniformity / alignment, calibration CCPDv3/CLICpix efficiency CCPDv3/CLICpix residuals C3PD/CLICpix2 time residuals σSP~6 μm Threshold ~1200 e- Threshold ~1200 e- February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 14
Monolithic HV-CMOS sensors • Active depleted HV-CMOS sensors with fully integrated readout • Considered for CLIC tracker ATLASpix HV-CMOS sensor 180 nm HV-CMOS process Common MuPix+ATLASpix reticle • ATLASpix_Simple sensors in 180 nm HV-CMOS process: • Designed for ATLAS ITK upgrade • Targeting also CLIC tracker requirements • 130 x 40 μm2 pitch • 25 x 400 pixels • Data-driven column-drain readout • 12.5 ns time bins • Beam tests in CLICdp Timepix3 telescope (1 ns reference timing) 10.1016/j.nima.2018.06.060 February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 15
ATLASpix_Simple test-beam results Efficiency • 99.7% efficiency • Time resolution: ~7 ns (RMS) • Spatial resolution: σSP~13 μm (almost no charge sharing) à worse than required 7 μm à Plan for CLIC version with adapted footprint: ~200 x 25 μm2 pitch Timing residual Residual in column direction Residual in row direction RMS~7 ns Reconstruction using: https://gitlab.cern.ch/corryvreckan/corryvreckan February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 16
Monolithic HR-CMOS sensors • Integrated CMOS sensors on High-Resistivity (HR) substrate HR-CMOS process • Small collection electrode separated from electronics à small capacitance, high signal/noise à More on this process in plenary talk on Friday by L. Musa: CMOS Active Pixel Sensors for High Energy Physics • Considered for CLIC tracker • Tests with Investigator analog test chip (external r/o) in 180 nm modified HR-CMOS imaging process (ALICE development), various test matrices • For 28x28 μm2: 99.3% efficiency (
CLICTD monolithic HR-CMOS sensor Pixel segmentation • Promising results obtained with Investigator test chip lead to design of fully integrated monolithic CLICTD sensor for CLIC tracker: • New concept of pixel segmentation in small collection diodes, to maintain fast charge collection while reducing digital logic: CLICTD layout 30 x 300 μm2 pixel size, 30 x 37.5 μm2 diode size • TCAD geometry and process optimization 5 mm • Process modification for faster charge collection • Time (10 ns bins) and charge (5 bit) measurement per pixel • Hit-pattern readout, power-pulsing features • Chip submitted for production in 2 process variants (February 2019) 5 mm CLICdp-Conf-2018-008 Continuous deep n layer TCAD optimisation: Effect of sensor implant design on charge sharing Continuous n layer Segmented in R/phi + z Segmented in z Segmented deep n layer e- density after 3 ns February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 18
Monolithic SOI sensors • Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI): r/o electronics on thin low-resistivity electronics wafer, separated from high-resistivity sensor wafer by buried insulation oxide layer SOI pixel detector • Considered for vertex and tracker • Cracow SOI test chip in 200 nm LAPIS SOI process, mmary and outlook with various geometries and technology parameters: >=30x30 μm2 pitch, single SOI and double SOI, rolling shutter r/o • Test 2 pitch otypes ofresults variousforintegrated 300, 500 μm thickness, 30x30 technologies μminvestigation under for the CLIC tracker: >99% efficiency, σSP~2-5 μm rated HV-CMOS: MuPix and ATLASpix integrated in CLICdp Timepix3 telescope Proof of principle of fully integrated elongated pixel design in HV-CMOS process Signal/Noise for 300 μm sensor Resolution for 300 μm sensor Cracow SOI test chip HR-CMOS: CLICdp Test beamCLICdp studies of various pixel layouts and substrates Good performance of investigated Cracow design for 500 μm thick prototypes Further studies with thinner prototypes to evaluate performance w.r.t. requirements for CLIC tracker SOI test chip rated HR-CMOS NIMA 901 (2018) 173–179 Test beam and simulation studies of two different submissions February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 19
CLIPS monolithic SOI sensor CLIPS layout • CLIPS: New AGH SOI chip targeted to Linear Collider vertex detectors: • 3 test matrices with 64x64 pixels, 20x20 μm2 pitch • Targets spatial resolution
Allpix2 simulation framework Spatial residuals in test beam • Complex sensors (ELAD, HR/HV-CMOS) require detailed simulations • TCAD: device modeling, self-consistent charge propagation, slow CLICdp • Geant4: MC simulation of charge deposition and full detector setup, stochastic effects (Landau fluct.), no detailed device modeling, fast Allpix2 simulation framework for tracking detectors • Simulates full chain from incident radiation to digitized hits 50 μm Timepix3 sensor • Combination of tools: in CLICdp telescope • Full Geant4 simulation of charge deposition • Fast charge propagation using drift-diffusion model • Import electric fields from TCAD • Validated with test-beam data (planar, HV-CMOS, HR-CMOS sensors) Cluster size in HR-CMOS sensor MIP in underdepleted HV-CMOS pixel sensor Beam telescope with tilted DUT CLICdp NIMA 901 (2018) 164 https://cern.ch/allpix-squared February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 21
Detector integration Through-Silicon Via Power-pulsing mockup Vertex-detector services Outer barrel tracker support structure Vertex thermal stave dummy Assembly scenario tracker discs CFRP support prototypes Air-flow cooling mockup and simulation 26 mm Calculations, simulations, prototyping à confirm feasibility of detector-integration concepts February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 22
Conclusions • Stringent requirements for CLIC vertex and tracking detectors have inspired broad and integrated technology R&D program • Various innovative sensor + readout technologies under study • Resolution target for vertex layers remains challenging • Monolithic pixel detectors under development for large-area tracker and vertex • Advanced simulation and analysis tools for detector performance optimization • Detector integration studies confirm feasibility of proposed detector concepts Thanks to everyone who provided material for this talk! February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 23
Resources Compact Linear Collider Portal http://clic.cern/ CLIC input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2018-2020 https://clic.cern/european-strategy CLICdp publications on CERN Document Server http://cds.cern.ch/collection/CLIC Detector and Physics Study February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 24
Additional Material February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 25
CLIC schedule 2013 – 2019 2020 – 2025 2026 – 2034 Development Phase Preparation Phase Construction Phase Development of a project plan for a Finalisation of implementation Construction of the first CLIC staged CLIC implementation in line parameters, preparation for accelerator stage compatible with with LHC results; technical industrial procurement, pre-series implementation of further stages; developments with industry, and system optimisation studies, construction of the experiment; performance studies for accelerator technical proposal of the hardware commissioning parts and systems, detector experiment, site authorisation technology demonstrators 2020 2026 2035 Update of the European Ready for construction First collisions Strategy for Particle Physics 7 years 27 years 380 GeV 1.5 TeV 3 TeV Decision Decision · Construction · Construction · Construction making making · Installation · Installation · Installation Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning Reconfiguration Reconfiguration 380 GeV Physics 1.5 TeV Physics 3 TeV Physics 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 26
Active-edge sensors • Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) process (Advacam): • Implantation on the sensor sidewalls: extension of the backside electrode to the edge • Efficiency extends to the physical edge à allows for seamless tiling of sensors Cluster signal at the edge of 50 μm sensor Edge efficiency 50 μm sensor à Active-edge sensors fully efficient up to the cut edge February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 27
DAQ • Lab and beam tests require flexible scalable DAQ hardware and software CLICdp Timepix3 telescope in SPS H6 beam line Results: • High-rate beam telescope with Timepix3 detector planes (~1 MHz track rate, ≲2 μm resolution, ~1 ns time resolution) • CaRIBOu universal readout system developed with ATLAS: • System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture • Peary DAQ software in Linux system inside FPGA core • Integration of CLICpix2, C3PD, ATLASpix CaRIBOu hardware architecture CaRIBOu with CLICpix2 r/o ASIC CLICpix2 in CaRIBOu framework February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 28
Powering • Powering concept has major impact on material budget and heat load • Small duty cycle of CLIC machine (
Cooling • Vertex detector and tracker require cooling systems with sufficient cooling power and minimal impact on physics performance (material budget, vibrations, constraints for detector layout) • Simulations and prototype measurements for vertex air cooling concept with spiral-shaped disc layers à ~50 mW/cm2 feasible • Water cooling concept for tracker 1:1 scale air cooling thermal test setup (copied from ALICE ITS upgrade, no dedicated CLIC studies) à ~150 mW/cm2 feasible 60 cm Mass Flow: 20.1 g/s Average velocity: Finite-element simulation @ inlet: 11.0 m/s of air velocity @ z=0: 5.2 m/s @ outlet: 6.3 m/s CLICdp-Note-2016-002 February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 30
Mechanical integration Material budget allows for only ~0.1%X0 from cables+supports in vertex region,
Thin-sensors with Timepix(3) r/o Micron/IZM assembly: 100 μm slim-edge Planar sensor assemblies with 55 μm pitch sensor on 100 μm Timepix ASIC • Goal: test feasibility of ultra-thin sensors with minimized inactive regions • Producers: Micron and Advacam/VTT • Readout: Timepix / Timepix3 • 50-500 μm sensor,100-700 μm ASIC thickness • slim-edge and active-edge layouts 14 mm • Test-beam campaigns at DESY and CERN PS/SPS • ultimate goal: 50 μm sensors on 50 μm ASICs 50 μm silicon wafer Advacam active-edge sensor Advacam assembly w. 50 μm active- edge sensor 14 mm floating guard ring active edge 100 μm 50 μm sensor 55 μm 700 μm Timepix February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 32
CLICpix2 r/o ASIC • New CLICpix2 in same 65 nm process as CLICpix: CLICpix2 • Increased matrix size to 128 ⨉ 128 pixels • Longer counters for charge (5-bit) and timing (8-bit) measurements • Improved noise isolation and removal of cross-talk 4 mm issue observed in first CLICpix • More sophisticated I/O with parallel column readout and 8/10 bit encoding • Integrated test pulse DACs and band gap • Test results with chips from Multi-Project-Wafer-Run • Same chip on RD53 wafer, received in Dec 2017 (change from 5+1 to 7+1 metal layers) CLICpix2 analog F/E specifications Parameter Value à access to full wafers for bump-bonding Power dissipation ≤ 12 µW process development Area ≤ 12.5x25 µm 2 Input charge, Qin nominal 4 ke-, max. 40 ke- Minimum threshold, Qth,min ≤ 600 e- Equivalent input-referred noise, Qn,in ≤ 70 e- ToT dynamic range ≥ 40 ke- ToA accuracy ≤ 10 ns Total ionizing dose (for 10 yr) 1 Mrad Input charge types e-, h+ Testability in-pixel test pulse (i.e. Qtest) injection February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 33
C3PD+CLICpix2 time resolution • Track time resolution of CLICdp Timepix3 telescope
INVESTIGATOR resolution and efficiency Impact of charge sharing on spatial resolution and efficiency for standard & modified process (pitch of 28 μm, bias voltage of -6 V): X cluster size vs. threshold: X resolution vs. threshold: Efficiency vs. threshold: X spatial resolution [µm] Efficency X cluster size 2 8 Resolution = RMS± 20 µm Modified Telescope resolution not unfolded 1 1.8 Standard 7 6 0.95 1.6 CLICdp CLICdp CLICdp preliminary 5 preliminary preliminary 1.4 0.9 Modified Modified 1.2 4 Standard 0.85 Standard 1 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 200 400 600 - - - Threshold [e ] Threshold [e ] Threshold [e ] • More charge sharing for • Better spatial resolution • Earlier drop of efficiency (at lower standard process for standard process thresholds) for standard down to ~ 3.5 μm • Expected from non depleted process regions (diffusion) Efficiency & spatial resolution for both process variants within requirements for CLIC tracker. February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 35
INVESTIGATOR timing Timing resolution for standard & modified process (pitch of 28 μm, bias voltage of - 6 V): Standard process: Modified process: # [norm.] # [norm.] 0.3 σ Gauss ~ 6 ns 0.25 σ Gauss ~ 5 ns 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 CLICdp CLICdp Work in 0.05 Work in progress progress 0 ×10-6 ×10-6 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Hit time - track time [s] Hit time - track time [s] Comparable timing resolution for both processes (Readout sampling frequency of 65 MHz limits achievable precision) February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 36
CLICTD monolithic HR-CMOS tracker chip Good performance of studied 180 nm HR-CMOS technology with respect to requirements of CLIC tracker à Technology used for ongoing design of a fully integrated chip for the CLIC tracker CLIC Tracker Detector (CLICTD) – monolithic HR-CMOS sensor with 30 μm x 300 μm pixels Segmented macro-pixel structures to maintain advantages of small collection diode (prompt and fully efficient charge collection) while reducing digital logic: Discriminator output of 8 collection diodes combined in logical OR Output of logical OR passed to digital circuitry: • Simultaneous 8-bit ToA and 5-bit ToT measurements • Expect σSP~7 μm in short direction (charge sharing) • Hit bit pattern à maintain good resolution also in long direction • 100 MHz clock to achieve 10 ns time binning February 18, 2019 Pixel detector R&D for CLIC 37
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