Pitot-Static Systems Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection Airmanship - Discipline Point of No Return - CAA

Page created by Chester Davis
Pitot-Static Systems Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection Airmanship - Discipline Point of No Return - CAA
July / August 2003

                         Pointing to Safer Aviation

Pitot-Static Systems
Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection
Airmanship – Discipline
Point of No Return
Pitot-Static Systems Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection Airmanship - Discipline Point of No Return - CAA
Managing Editor, Cliff Jenks
                                                                                           Page 3         Pitot-Static Systems
Vector Editors, Barnaby Hill, Jim Rankin, Pam Collings,
Peter MacDonald.                                                                           This article looks at how a pitot-static system
CAA News Editors, Peter Singleton, Phillip Barclay.                                        works, what can go wrong with it, how to interpret
Design, Gusto Design & Print Ltd.                                                          erroneous instrument readings and what corrective
                                                                                           actions to take should a system blockage or
Published by, Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand,
P O Box 31-441, Lower Hutt, NEW ZEALAND.
                                                                                           malfunction occur.
Telephone +64–4–560 9400, Fax +64–4–569 2024,
Managing Editor email: jenksc@caa.govt.nz,
CAA News Editor email: singletonp@caa.govt.nz.
Published six times a year, in the last week of every
odd month.                                                                                 Page 8         Airmanship – Discipline
Publication Content                                                                        This article continues the series on airmanship and
The views expressed in Vector (with the exception of                                       looks at the importance of discipline, ie, doing what
“Occurrence Briefs”) are those of the Editor or the
                                                                                           you know you should do.
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Reader comments and contributions are welcome and
will normally be published, but the Editor reserves the                                    Page 9         Fire Protection vs Ozone
right to edit or abridge them, and not to publish those                                                   Protection – What’s Happening
that are judged not to contribute constructively
towards safer aviation. Reader contributions and
                                                                                                          with Fire Extinguishers?
correspondence regarding the content of Vector                                             Replacement fire extinguishers with comparable
should be addressed to: Vector Editor, PO Box 31-441,
                                                                                           characteristics to those of halon-type extinguishers
Lower Hutt.
                                                                                           are not readily available. Find out how this affects
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                                                                                           Page 7         Nyloc Undercarriage Nuts
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                                                              Cover Photo: A British Aerospace Jetstream Series 3200 operated by Air National Corporate Limited,
2                  July / August 2003                         on the western apron at Wellington International Airport.
Pitot-Static Systems Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection Airmanship - Discipline Point of No Return - CAA
Aircraft pitot-static systems are relatively simple and effective most of the time. They can, however, become blocked
 by foreign objects and provide erroneous pressure instrument readings, which could have disastrous consequences
for the unwary pilot. This article looks at how the pitot-static system works, what can go wrong with it, how to interpret
  erroneous instrument readings and what corrective actions to take should a system blockage or malfunction occur.

    t is possible that many more accidents   lists (the pilots of the Boeing failed to    can be extremely hazardous in instru-
    and incidents are caused by pitot-       follow the pre-takeoff checklist and         ment meteorological conditions, as the
    static system blockages and mal-         turned the pitot heat switch OFF);           pilot may unwittingly descend below the
functions than is able to be determined      don’t trust instruments that indicate        minimum safe altitude for the route. If a
through investigation. Some pilots appear    performance beyond the capability of         blockage does occur the pilot has two
to be unaware of the dangers associated      the aircraft (at one point the Boeing’s      options:
with such blockages/malfunctions, and        instruments indicated a continuous 5000      • Switch to the alternate static cabin-air
their effect on pressure instrument          fpm climb at an IAS of 340 knots); make         source. If the aircraft is unpressurised,
indications. This is of concern, as the      sure you understand how the pressure            the ambient pressure inside the cabin
winter months bring the highest              instruments work; and be aware of the           will be similar to the pressure outside.
likelihood of pitot-static blockages from    pitot-static blockage symptoms.                 There will be a degree of inaccuracy
ice. A lack of knowledge in this regard                                                      in altimeter and VSI readings as cabin
                                             The following sections deal with
could have fatal consequences.                                                               pressure varies with airspeed, attitude
                                             understanding problems that can occur
Many years ago, a Boeing 727 on a flight     in the pitot-static system and the              and the positioning of the ventilation
from New York to Buffalo entered a spin      appropriate actions to be undertaken to         controls. When the vents are open,
as it climbed through 24,800 feet. It        avoid a malfunction developing into an          the air rushing in tends to pressurise
crashed 83 seconds later, (the average       in-flight safety issue.                         the cabin. This increased pressure is
descent rate was 17,000 fpm) killing                                                         sensed by the altimeter as a lower
everyone on board. The flight data                                                           altitude. The altimeter will conse-
recorder showed that the pilots were         Altimeter and Vertical                          quently under-read, but this is a safer
deceived by erroneous airspeed indic-        Speed Indicator                                 alternative than having the vents
ations caused by an ice blockage in the                                                      closed and having the altimeter over-
pitot-static system. The airspeed had        Blocked Static Sources                          reading. It is, therefore, advisable to
increased steadily during the climb,         If all static sources become completely         open the cabin vents when using the
which encouraged them to raise the           blocked, the vertical speed indicator           alternate static source during an
nose further to reduce the airspeed. This    (VSI) will read zero regardless of whether      instrument approach.
process continued until the aircraft’s       the aircraft is climbing or descending.      • If no alternate static source is available,
attitude was nearly 30º nose-up before it    The altimeter will record the elevation         the glass on the face of the VSI should
stalled and entered a spin.                  that the blockage occurred at and will          be broken (unpressurised aircraft).
This accident highlights some important      not change, regardless of changes in            This allows cabin air to flow slowly
factors: always follow appropriate check-    altitude. Totally blocked static sources                                    Continued over ...

                            VECTOR                                                        July / August 2003                                  3
Pitot-Static Systems Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection Airmanship - Discipline Point of No Return - CAA
... continued from previous page

       into the instrument and through the                     drome where a visual approach can be            Blocked Static Sources
       static lines to the altimeter and                       carried out.                                    A complete blockage in the static system
       airspeed indicator (there will be a                                                                     can affect the ASI even if the pitot head
       noticeable lag in the ASI and altimeter                 Airspeed Indicator                              is clear. If the aircraft is in level flight
       readings). When breaking the glass of                                                                   there will be no indication of a
       the VSI, care should be taken not to                    Pitot Blockages and Leaks                       malfunction and the ASI will read
       damage the pointer. (Be aware that the                  The most common reason for the pitot            normally. If the static sources become
       VSI will now give reverse readings.)                    head becoming blocked is ice. If this           blocked during the climb, the static
                                                               occurs on the ground in an aircraft             pressure surrounding the diaphragm
    Partially Blocked Static Sources                           with independently located static vents,        remains constant, stopping the expansion
    Static sources are also prone to partial                   the ASI will register zero on the takeoff       of the diaphragm as altitude is gained.
    blockages from bugs, dirt and blowing                      roll. If the aircraft is then climbed,          The ASI will under-read as a conse-
    sand. Partial blockages can also occur if a                the unaffected static air pressure              quence. During the descent, the static
    pilot flies an aircraft after recent rain or               surrounding the diaphragm decreases,            pressure will not increase and the
    after it has been washed. Water droplets                   allowing the diaphragm to expand. This          diaphragm expands more than it should,
    and/or condensation in the static lines                    causes the indicated airspeed to increase
                                                                                                               resulting in the ASI over-reading. This is
    can freeze when climbing to altitudes                      progressively as altitude is gained, even
                                                                                                               potentially very serious because the pilot
    above the freezing level.                                  though the true airspeed of the aircraft
                                                                                                               will believe that the aircraft is going
    Partial blockages are very dangerous                       may remain constant. If the aircraft is
                                                                                                               faster than it actually is. The aircraft
    because their symptoms vary according                      then descended without pitot pressure,
                                                                                                               will be closer to its stalling speed, the
    to the degree of blockage and can be                       the static pressure increases and com-
                                                                                                               potential consequences of which need
    difficult to interpret. If a partial blockage              presses the diaphragm resulting in a
                                                                                                               little elaboration.
    occurs with the aircraft in level flight,                  progressive decrease in indicated airspeed
    and it is then placed into a climb, the                    as altitude is lost.
                                                                                                               Partially Blocked Static
    altimeter and VSI will lag (respond after                  If there is a leak in the pitot head line       Sources
    the aircraft starts the climb) and indicate                then the ASI will simply under-read in
    less than true values.                                                                                     The symptoms of a partially blocked static
                                                               all situations.
                                                                                                               source are slightly different to those of a
    If the aircraft then flies straight and level,             To prevent icing, the pitot heat must be        complete blockage. If the blockage occurs
    the instruments will slowly catch up and                   used at all times when flying in visible        in level flight the ASI will read normally.
    read correctly. If the aircraft descends,                  moisture. (Note that in a light piston-
    the altimeter will over-read and the VSI                                                                   If the blockage occurs during the climb,
                                                               engine twin, the reduction in engine
    will indicate a slower rate of descent                     power caused by selecting pitot heat ON         the system static pressure will reduce at a
    than actual. This could result in the                      prior to takeoff could be critical to           slower rate that normal, slowing the
    pilot believing that the situation is safer                single-engine performance following             expansion of the diaphragm as altitude is
    than it really is. It is recommended that                  an engine failure after takeoff.) The           gained. The ASI will therefore show a
    the alternate static source be activated                   operation of the pitot heat should be           slight under-read. If the aircraft is then
    at least once when on approach in                          checked before every flight as part of the      leveled from the climb, the ASI will
    instrument meteorological conditions.                      preflight checks. Turn on the pitot heat        continue to under-read until the static
    If the instrument pointers change                          and immediately check the pitot head by         pressure slowly equalises, whereupon it
    significantly after its activation, a static               touching it to feel if it is warm. The pitot    will read normally.
    problem exists and the alternate source                    heat should not be left on for long             During the descent, the static pressure
    should be used for the remainder of the                    periods of time when the aircraft is on         will increase at a slower rate than normal
    approach. Consideration should then be                     the ground, as the heater relies on air         and the diaphragm expand more than it
    given to initiating a missed approach and                  moving past it to prevent overheating           should, resulting in the ASI over-reading
    diverting to a suitable alternate aero-                    and burning out the element.                    slightly. If the aircraft is then leveled from

                                                               To Pressure Instrument
                   To ASI                                      Static Lines              Static Vent          Heating Element


                         Heater Element Cable                                                                                             Static
                                                                                                              Pitot Tube Drain Hole
                                                                          External Drain Holes                                            Pressure

                                                            Figure 1. – Basic Pitot-Static Pressure Head

4                                      July / August 2003                                                           VECTOR
Pitot-Static Systems Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection Airmanship - Discipline Point of No Return - CAA
descent, the ASI will continue to over-
read until the static pressure equalises,           Pitot-Static System – The Basics
whereupon it will read normally.                    The pitot-static system is a simple system of tubes used to transmit dynamic and
                                                    static pressures from the points at which they are sensed on the aircraft to the
Drain Holes                                         pressure instruments.
For the pitot-static system to work                 Figure 2 is a simplified diagram of a pitot-static system typical of most general
effectively there needs to be a method of           aviation aircraft. Static pressure (the pressure of the localised atmosphere) is
eliminating water that enters the system.           transmitted to all three pressure instruments. This pressure is taken through static
This is achieved through the provision of           vents located on the side of the fuselage or a pitot-static head underneath the
drain holes in the pitot head and drain             wing. The altimeter measures the change in the surrounding pressure like a
valves in the system pipelines. Usually             barometer, except that the change in pressure is calibrated to be read as an
these drain holes are very small so they            altitude. For example, when the aircraft climbs, the static pressure reduces and this
do not introduce any instrument error (see          reduction is registered as an increase in altitude.The vertical speed indicator (VSI)
figure 1). If the main pitot head becomes           measures the rate of climb or descent by sensing the rate of change in the static
blocked but the drain holes remain clear,           pressure as the aircraft climbs or descends.
then static pressure can still enter through
the pitot tube drain holes, and this pressure                                Main Static Line                                                                                                                       Figure 2. –
will be exactly equal to the static pressure                                                                          VSI                 ALT                              ASI                                      Typical
surrounding the diaphragm. This results in                                                             5
                                                                                                           10          15
the ASI reading zero.                                                                                                                                                 0
                                                                                                  UP       VERTICAL SPEED                                                                              60
                                                                                                                                      8                           2
                                                                                                 0                           20            ALT

                                                                                                           100 FEET/MIN                                                                                80
                                                                                                  DN                                  7                           3
                                                                                                     5                                                                      140
                                                                                                                                           6                                                     100

System Serviceability
                                                                                                                      15                                                              120
                                                       Normal                                              10                                    5

                                                       Static Source
                                                                                                                                                                  Pitot Line
Checks                                                                                                                      Alternate Static Source

The serviceability of the pressure instru-
ments and the associated pitot-static
system should be confirmed during the                                                                                                                                                                                     Dynamic +
preflight and monitored during flight.                                                                                                                                                                 Pitot Head         Static Pressure =
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pitot Pressure
Before flight, ensure that the pitot and
static sources are clear of contaminants,           Left Static Source                 Right Static Source

the pitot cover is removed, and the pitot
head is securely attached and free of
damage. The operation of the pitot heat             Figure 3 is a simplified diagram of the airspeed indicator (ASI) system. The ASI
(if fitted) should be checked, as indicated         measures the speed of an aircraft relative to the surrounding air, using the
previously. The pressure instrument                 differential between the pressure of still air (static pressure) and that of moving air
faceplates should be checked to ensure              compressed by the aircraft’s forward motion (ram pressure). Ram air plus static
that the glass is secure and free of cracks.        pressure entering the pitot head result in a pitot (total) pressure, which is
The ASI should read zero and the                    transmitted through a pipeline to a sealed diaphragm inside the ASI. The static
altimeter should be accurate to within              pressure component of pitot pressure in the diaphragm is balanced by the
plus 30 feet and minus 45 feet of the               surrounding static pressure (taken from the static vents) inside the instrument
correct altitude. The VSI should read               casing. The amount of expansion or contraction of the diaphragm, and therefore
zero, but is considered serviceable if the          the movement of the needle, is proportional to the change in dynamic pressure.
needle shows no more than plus or
minus 200 fpm.                                                               ASI (Side View)                                          Pitot Pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Figure 3. –
In flight, the pilot should ensure that the
                                                        Instrument Face

                                                                             To         Diaphragm                                                                                                                ASI Pitot-Static
ASI needle comes off the stop shortly                                        Linkage

after the start of the takeoff roll and,                                    and IAS
                                                                            Pointer                                               Pressure
once airborne, that the VSI indicates a
climb rate that approximates that
stipulated in the Flight Manual for the                                                                                                                                                          To Electrical Source

given conditions. En route, the pitot heat          Alternate Static Source
should be used continuously if there is
visible moisture present. If flying within
radar coverage, a check of indicated                                      Normal Static Source                                                                                                              Heating Elements
altitude versus the altitude provided                                                                                                          Mast                                                                            Pitot Pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (Dynamic Ram
by ATC can be done. Periodically, the                                                                                                                                                                                          Air Pressure
pilot (particularly if on an instrument                                                                                                                                                                                        Plus Static
approach) should activate the alternate
static source to confirm that there is not                                                Left   Right                             Drain Hole
                                                                                                                                                                                      Pitot Head
                                                                                 Static Source   Static Source
a significant difference between the two
pressure readings.             Continued over ...

                                VECTOR                                                                                                                July / August 2003                                                                        5
Pitot-Static Systems Fire Protection vs Ozone Protection Airmanship - Discipline Point of No Return - CAA
... continued from previous page

    If any discrepancies occur then the pilot                                                                     ASI
    should continue to use the alternative
                                                                                                       Climb                   Level Flight                Descent
    static source.
                                                                            Leaking                 Under-read                Under-read                 Under-read
    A summary of pressure instrument errors
                                                                                               Increasing airspeed with   Reads the speed at which    Decreasing airspeed
    associated with various types of pitot-                 Pitot Head      Blocked
                                                                                                  increasing altitude      the blockage occurred     with decreasing altitude
    static system blockages/malfunctions is
                                                                            Partial Blockage        Under-read                Under-read                 Under-read
    provided in the accompanying tables as a
                                                                            Leaking                  Over-read                 Over-read                  Over-read
    quick reference.
                                                            Static Source   Blocked                 Under-read                 No change                  Over-read

    Summary                                                                 Partial Blockage        Under-read              Lag then normal               Over-read

    It is recommended that all pilots,                                                                            VSI
    especially pilots of IFR aircraft, become
                                                                                                       Climb                   Level Flight                Descent
    and remain familiar with how their
    aircraft’s pitot-static system works.                                   Leaking                  No change                 No change                  No change
    Learning what can go wrong with it,                     Static Source   Blocked                        Zero                    Zero                       Zero
    how to check its serviceability, how to                                 Partial Blockage        Under-read              Lag then normal              Under-read
    interpret erroneous instrument readings
    and what corrective actions to take                                                                    Altimeter
    should a system blockage or malfunction                                                            Climb                   Level Flight                Descent
    occur is important. This is definitely
                                                                            Leaking                  Over-read                  Over-read                 Over-read
    preferable to waiting until an in-flight
                                                            Static Source   Blocked                    Reads the altitude of the blockage and will not change
    pitot-static problem is experienced and
    possibly learning the hard way.                                         Partial Blockage        Under-read              Lag then normal               Over-read

            Faulty Seat Belt Inertia Reels
    T   he recent failure of a seat belt inertia reel mechanism fitted
        to a Piper Arrow has highlighted an underlying design fault
    in some models of inertia reel that are commonly used in
                                                                                      Pacific Scientific Inertia Reel

    New Zealand aircraft.                                                                  Recoil spring
                                                                                          retainer cover
    The fault relates to Pacific Scientific inertia reels manufactured
    before June 1992 whose part numbers fall within a range
    specified by the manufacturer. (The manufacturer issued a
    Service Bulletin, Pacific Scientific SB A 25-1124A in June
    2000, to specifically address this issue.)
    The problem is being caused by the hardened steel seat belt
    guide bracket wearing through the central aluminium alloy
    retention shaft (see photographs for details). In some cases the                                   Severed central aluminium
                                                                                                          alloy retention shaft
    retention shaft has been completely severed, which normally
    causes the reel to jam, but could result in it pulling loose from
    its mounting. Reels manufactured after June 1992 contain a
    stainless steel retention shaft, which corrected the problem.
    If you own or operate an aircraft that has Pacific Scientific
    inertia reels fitted, check that they do not fall into the specified
    range (refer to the above Service Bulletin for details). If they
    do, have your maintenance provider rectify the problem –
    preferably by replacing the reels. One reported indicator of
    the problem is a fine aluminium dust mark on the seat
    belt webbing near the reel, but this is not always visible.
    Unfortunately, the retention shaft is not visible without dis-
    mantling the reel.
    We urge you to take the time to ascertain whether or not your
    aircraft falls into this category, and to take corrective follow-up
    action if it does. The alternative is perhaps having a faulty
    restraint system that fails when it is most needed, something                                                                         Hardened steel guide bracket
    that does not bear thinking about.

6                                      July / August 2003                                                                  VECTOR
Seat Belt Standards
V     ector has received a letter from an LAME “Seat belts are the Inspections. In addition to some general
      employed with an airline. He enclosed a                                       inspection criteria listed, seats and safety belts
photograph of the seat belt in an aircraft in last line of defence are required to be inspected for “poor condition,
which his son, who is learning to fly, had been           – and we expect apparent defects, and security of adjustment
offered a flight.                                                                   devices”.
“As you can see, the alloy buckle has a huge scab
                                                          them    to perform        As with most maintenance, how well these
of corrosion and the steel tongue is badly rusted         when it matters.” criteria are judged and acted upon depends on
[see accompanying photograph]. If this was in a                                     the professional integrity, skill and knowledge of
car, it would not get a warrant of fitness, so what’s it doing in an the licensed engineer carrying out the inspection.
                                                                      The inspection would include such things as:
“Seat belts in a crash are the last line of defence for the
occupants – maybe they are taken too lightly by some people.          • Examining each strap for wear, damage, broken stitches,
                                                                        discolouration and deterioration.
“I informed the pilot that I did not consider the seat belt safe
and he assured me that he would have it rectified.”                   • Examining attachments and fittings for security, wear and
The poor condition of this seat belt is certainly cause for             elongation of attachment holes.
concern.                                                              • Checking the release mechanism and means of adjustment
Civil Aviation Rules, Part 43 General Maintenance Rules outlines        for freedom from slip.
in Appendix C the procedures for Annual and 100-hour
                                                                      • Checking the action of the release mechanism.
                                                                    • Checking each inertia reel for correct function and freedom
                                                                      of operation.
                                                                    There are extensive standards that must be met in the
                                                                    manufacture and continuing service of aircraft restraint systems
                                                                    (which is reflected in rule 91. A.4 Restraints) and any inspection
                                                                    is aimed at ensuring that the belts continue to meet those
                                                                    Aircraft owners have a key responsibility – an engineer may
                                                                    only see a private aircraft once a year.The ultimate responsibility
                                                                    for ensuring the aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition
                                                                    lies with the owner.
                                                                    Seat belts are the last line of defence – and we expect them to
                                                                    perform when it matters. It is a relatively small price to pay to
                                                                    ensure they are kept up to scratch – infinitely preferable to a
                                                                    hospital or funeral bill.

            Nyloc Undercarriage Nuts
    In the “GA Defect Incidents” section of the last issue of       Their application is usually associated with high-
    Vector we reported on a Piper PA-28-161 landing gear bolt       temperature environments, but best practice suggests that
    shearing. The defect rectification action stated was: “New      they will hold their torque more effectively than the
    bolts and Nyloc nuts have since been fitted to the              Nyloc version no matter where they are used. This may
    undercarriage assembly and the area closely monitored at        be the reason why metal nuts are specified for PA-28-161
    each inspection”.                                               undercarriage bolts and may explain why the reported
    Thank you to an eagle-eyed reader (Frank Higham) who            problem occurred in the first place. In any event, the
    noted that the reference to Nyloc nuts was incorrect. The       correct replacement nut is not the Nyloc version.
    PA-28-161 Parts Catalogue refers to the nut in question as      It is also interesting to note that an Internet search on the
    Part Number MS20365-428C. However, reference to the             subject unearthed two Service Bulletins warning of the
    parent Military Standard MS20365 shows that the suffix          use of Nyloc nuts where the metal version has been
    ‘C’ is for nuts fabricated entirely from metal.                 specified.

                            VECTOR                                                          July / August 2003                            7
Airmanship – Discipline
          Previous articles in this series have discussed a model of airmanship that can be described by using the catch-phrase
           ‘Detect – Determine – Decide – Discipline – Do’. This article considers the fourth aspect of the model, Discipline.

    Discipline                                                                                         drivers in a lot of countries the
                                                                                                        road rules appear non-existent.
    What do we mean by the term
                                                                                                        The standard of driving is truly
    ‘discipline’? In the opening article
                                                                                                        unbelievable to us, but because
    of this series it was described in
                                                                                                        everyone does it, it is the accepted
    terms of ‘doing what you know you
                                                                                                       norm. Changing such attitudes
    should do’. At first glance this seems
                                                                                                      takes time. It wasn’t too long ago
    like a ridiculous statement – doesn’t
                                                                                                     that drink-driving was socially
    everybody do what he or she knows
                                                                                                     acceptable in New Zealand. That
    they should? Unfortunately, no!
                                                                                                    culture is fortunately changing for
    The first article also asked the
                                                                                                    the better. Aviation has its own
    rhetorical question about how
                                                                                                    problems with safety culture, though
    many readers had ever exceeded
                                                                                                     once again attitudes do seem to be
    the speed limit while driving.
                                                                                                     changing, mostly for the better.
    Almost all of us will admit to
    having done so, and can come up                                                                    A pilot’s level of discipline is
    with a host of reasons to excuse                                                                  therefore strongly influenced by the
    what we did. Deep down we know                                                              cultural environment, but the pilot’s own
    we shouldn’t speed, but somehow we                                      attitudes have an equally important part to play. Researchers
    often end up doing so. In our model such behaviour would be           have determined that there are five ‘hazardous attitudes’ that
    characterised as a lack of discipline on our part.                    are most commonly exhibited by pilots who display poor
    There are many examples of similar sorts of behaviour in
    aviation; either things we do, or often, things we don’t do that
    we know we should. The following is a list of some of the             The Hazardous Attitudes
    more common examples of poor discipline that experienced              • Anti Authority – Some people don’t like being told what
    instructors often see:                                                  to do, and out of spite will often do the opposite. This can
    • Failure to adequately prepare for flights, check NOTAMs,              quickly lead to breaking rules, limits or exceeding whatever
       get up-to-date weather, etc.                                         the pilot has been authorised to do.
    • Poor or rushed preflight inspections.                               • Impulsiveness – This means to act without thinking,
    • Carrying out-of-date publications and maps.                           considering or analysing the situation.
    • Failure to adequately brief passengers about the flight.            • Invulnerability – It can’t happen to me. Sorry, it can!
    • Inconsistent checks, or sometimes no checks at all!                 • Machismo – Some people like to take unnecessary risks,
    • Inaccurate flying through laziness.                                   maybe for the adrenaline rush, or perhaps out of a mistaken
                                                                            belief that they need to prove themselves or impress others.
    • Failure to keep accurate, tidy and complete logs for
       navigation flights.                                                • Resignation – The feeling that trying again or trying
                                                                            harder is not going to solve the problem, so not even
    Ever done any of these things? If you are like most pilots, and         bothering to do anything about it.
    are honest, then the answer is likely to be yes. The next
    question is “Why?”                                                    Have you ever recognised any of these symptoms in yourself? If
                                                                          so, the chances are that your level of flying discipline is not
                                                                          what it should be.
    The Causes of Poor Discipline
    The degree of discipline that an individual pilot applies to his
    or her flying is closely related to the attitudes they have towards
                                                                          The Solution to Maintaining
    flying and safety. This in turn can be strongly influenced by the     Discipline
    culture that pervades the environment that they operate in.           There is a very simple strategy that you can use to improve
    An organisation with a strong safety culture is likely to breed       your level of discipline – pretend that every flight you do is a
    well-disciplined pilots. An organisation with a lax culture will      check flight with an ASL examiner. It is pretty well guaranteed
    unfortunately engender a lack of discipline in the individuals        that you won’t deliberately do anything stupid on such a flight.
    within it.                                                            You will be on your best behaviour. You will be very unlikely
    To take a non-aviation example, how many of you have had              to display any of the hazardous attitudes listed above.
    the experience of driving in some third world countries? If           If you can do it with an examiner on board, then you can do it
    you have, then you are likely to be well aware that for most          on all your flights.

8                           July / August 2003                                                        VECTOR
Photograph provided courtesy of Glenn Williams, ‘Wormald’.

                                          Fire Protection
                                 Ozone Protection
              – What’s Happening with Fire Extinguishers? –

T                                                                    Maintenance Checks
       he March/April 2002 edition of CAA News ran an
       article regarding the withdrawal of halons, or BCFs (bro
       mochlorofluoromethane), as fire extinguishing agents in       Weighing Problems
accordance with the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which aimed to           It has been found that many extinguishers in light aircraft pass
reduce damage to the ozone layer. The article proposed that
                                                                     the weight test, but in fact have no propellant pressure
dry powder was the safe alternative to halons. There are, how-
                                                                     remaining. The nitrogen propellant may leak out over time, due
ever, some associated problems with the use of dry powder
                                                                     to the ‘O’ ring neck seal in the cylinders perishing, as they only
extinguishers and we will discuss these, and other alternatives,
                                                                     have a design life of 18 to 20 years. Weighing is therefore of
in this article.
                                                                     limited value, as it is only possible to ascertain the weight of the
The majority of fire extinguishers fitted to aircraft in the past    liquid halogen, or dry powder in the cylinder. Without the
have been of the halon type. They are light, small, and provide
                                                                     nitrogen charge the effective operation of the extinguisher can-
the best ‘knockdown’ effect on fires.
                                                                     not be assured in an emergency. Some imported extinguishers
As the last of the halon stocks are being used up, it is timely to   are fitted with pressure gauges and although scarce, these types
have a look at the alternatives. The problem is that replacement     are the preferred option.
fire extinguishers with comparable characteristics to the halon
types are not readily available.                                     Hydrostatic Check
The CAA Rules                                                        A hydrostatic check of the cylinder is required every five years.
                                                                     This involves a pressure check, which measures the percentage
Civil Aviation Rules, rule 91.523 Emergency Equipment
                                                                     of permanent expansion of the cylinder when it is subjected to
requires that aircraft used for commercial operations, capable
                                                                     a specific pressure loading.
of carrying one or more passengers, have a readily-accessible
portable fire extinguisher. The number of extinguishers              When a cylinder is charged, the pressure causes expansion, or
required is in accordance with an accompanying table, eg,            stretch, of the metal. When the pressure is released, the cylinder
passenger numbers of one through thirty require one handheld         will contract back towards its original dimensions. When
fire extinguisher.                                                   recharged, it will expand again. Over time, this expansion and
Civil Aviation Advisory Circular 43-6 Emergency Equipment            contraction will weaken the cylinder. The purpose of the
requires that: “…each portable fire extinguisher should be           hydrostatic check is to ensure that the cylinder hasn’t expanded
weighed at intervals not exceeding 12 months. The weight             beyond a certain specified point. If it has, it must be discarded.
shall not be less than that specified by the manufacturer for a      The process requires that the extinguishing agent and the
fully charged extinguisher.”                                         propellant first be removed from the cylinder. Continued over ...

                                     VECTOR                                                  July / August 2003                             9
... continued from previous page

     As it is now illegal to release halons to the atmosphere, most                      New Products
     portable extinguishers containing halons are being treated as                       A new extinguishing agent has been developed in the United
     storage vessels, which have a 12-year life. They must then be                       States that has similar properties to halon, but is more ozone-
     disposed of in an approved manner. As Halon 1211 (most                              layer friendly. This product, called halotron, is probably not yet
     portable fire extinguishers contain this derivative of halon) has                   available in New Zealand as this would depend on someone
     not been manufactured since 1987, extinguishers being classed                       making a substantial investment in a service facility, for a
     as storage vessels have now exceeded this 12-year life.                             limited market demand. Halotron is expensive – a new
     Although there are still limited stocks of halon left in                            extinguisher of this type costs around NZ $1000. Halotron
     New Zealand, these are mainly supplied where expensive fixed                        units manufactured in the USA have an Ozone Depletion
     systems are used, such as in engine compartment installations                       Potential (ODP) of 0.014 compared to halon units, which have
     on larger commercial and military aircraft.                                         an ODP of 1.0.

                                                                                         Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers
                                                                                         At the moment the only practical
                                                                                         alternative to halon is carbon
                                                                                         dioxide. This can be used on
                                                                                         Class A, B and C fires. Class A
                                                                                         fires involve solid materials such
                                                                                         as wood, cloth, paper, rubber and
                                                                                         many plastics. Class B fires
                                                                                         involve flammable liquids or
                                                                                         grease, and Class C fires are
                                                                                         The ‘knockdown’ effect of
                                                                                         carbon dioxide is not as good as
                                                                                         halon or dry powder, mainly
                                                                                         because it does not have the
                                                                                         cooling properties of the other
     British Aerospace Jetsteam Series 3200 engine compartment fire protection system.   chemicals. It relies on a flooding
                                                                                         factor, reducing the oxygen
                                                                                                                             Significantly larger quantities of carbon
     Approved Extinguishing Agents                                                       concentration to between 14 dioxide extinguishing agent are
                                                                                         percent and 10 percent. Oxygen required       to put a fire out than is the
     Rule 91.523 currently approves the following extinguishing                                                              case with halons.
                                                                                         concentrations of less than 14.8
     agents for fire extinguishers:                                                      percent will not support flaming combustion in the majority of
     • Halon 1211.                                                                       cases. Significantly larger quantities of the carbon dioxide
     • Halon 1301.                                                                       extinguishing agent are required to put out a fire than is the
     • Carbon dioxide.                                                                   case with halons.
     • Dry Powder; or                                                                    The carbon dioxide extinguisher should be held one to two
     • Another agent which provides an equivalent extinguishing                          metres from the base of the fire and gradually moved forward
        action.                                                                          and upward, the nozzle swinging in slow, even arcs.

          Security of Extinguishers                                                      cockpit, such as the Pitts Special, consideration should be
                                                                                         given to having the latch secured. To this end, the military,
          in the Cockpit                                                                 and some civilian installations, use soft copper annealed
          In order to be readily accessible and secure in flight, fire                   wire to secure latches. This is easily broken when required
          extinguishers should be fastened in the aircraft with an                       in an emergency, while retaining security of latches from
          approved quick-release bracket. Installation is a job for a                    inadvertent unlatching.
          licensed aircraft maintenance engineer.
          An unsecured fire extinguisher, which could weigh as
          much as three kilograms, would be a hazard flying around
          the cabin during turbulence, or rolling around the floor.
          Using a bracket to mount it makes its exact location certain
          in an emergency.
          There have been instances where a fire extinguisher latch
          has been inadvertently released when pilots enter or exit
          the aircraft, presenting the hazards referred to in the above
          paragraph. There have been incidents where the
          extinguisher has been expelled through the rear cabin
          window of a Cessna 152 Aerobat. In order to prevent this                       It has been known for the extinguisher to be expelled through the rear cabin
          from happening, particularly in aircraft with a confined                       window during aerobatics or in turbulence.

10                                      July / August 2003                                                                     VECTOR
Rapid motion, or advancing too quickly, can leave areas                                highly corrosive to aluminium and other metals and to
where the fire appears to be out, only to rekindle because of                          wash it off as quickly as possible. This we did, and treated
surrounding hot temperatures.                                                          the whole engine bay with corrosion inhibitor. My concern
                                                                                       is that had we not been informed of this, we would
Dry Powder Extinguishers                                                                                          probably have blown as much of
                                                                                                                  the powder out as possible with an
Dry powder extinguishers have a
                                                                                                                  air gun, and any residual would
good ‘knockdown’ capability, and
                                                                                                                  probably have been left to disperse
are effective on Class A, B and C
                                                                                                                  in its own time, as it obviously
fires. They do, however, have some
                                                                                                                  doesn’t pose a fire hazard. An
associated problems – the powder
                                                                                                                  operator who has an inadvertent
may cause respiratory and visibility                                                                              activation inside the cabin would
problems in confined spaces. The                                                                                  probably have done much less,
Fire Service has stated, however,                                                                                 perhaps only vacuuming up the
that if the dry powder extinguisher                                                                               residual powder, thereby posing a
is utilised properly by a trained                                                                                 significant hazard to the aircraft,
person, a very small discharge of         Training in the proper use of dry powder fire extinguishers in confined particularly since it could be up to
                                          spaces is essential.
extinguishing agent can be used in a                                                                              12 months until its next inspection.”
confined space to better effect than
a carbon dioxide extinguisher and with minimal risk of                     Conclusion
incapacitating a person. It is therefore considered that a small
                                                                           Light aircraft and helicopters used for commercial and charter
aircraft cockpit fire could be contained effectively using a dry           operations have a need for a suitable portable fire extinguisher
powder fire extinguisher with minimal risk to the occupants                replacement to the halon types that have been in use for many
provided it was used properly. Training in its proper use in               years.
confined spaces is therefore essential.
                                                                           From all of the above information it would appear that, as yet
When operating a dry powder or a carbon dioxide fire
                                                                           there is no really good substitute for halon (or BCF) type
extinguisher, it is important not to panic and release all of the
                                                                           portable fire extinguishers available in New Zealand. However,
contents in one go. In other words – don’t blow it all at once!            here is a summary of the preferred options based on the
With carbon dioxide, the fire might rekindle and you wouldn’t              information we have:
have any extinguishing agent left to put it
out.                                                                                       • Existing halon fire extinguishers that are
                                                                                               fitted with a pressure gauge are still the
If you release all of the charge in a dry
                                                                                               preferred option, however, these may be
powder extinguisher within the confines of
                                                                                               hard to obtain.
the cockpit, you will likely have breathing
and visibility problems. The powder re-                                                    •   The next preferred option is carbon di-
leased, which is finer than talcum powder,                                                     oxide.
will persist in the atmosphere for some time                                               • Dry powder is next, provided training in its
before dissipating.                                                                            use has been given and that there is an
                                                                                               awareness of its associated limitations and
Corrosive Effects of Dry Powder                                                                problems.
                                                                                           The optimum would be the new ozone-
The chemicals used in dry powder
                                                                                           friendly product, halotron, which has been
extinguishers are corrosive to aluminium
                                                                                           developed in the USA, but availability is
and other aircraft components. In a life-
                                                                                           uncertain and it is comparatively very expen-
threatening situation, the extinguisher
should always be used, as the detrimental
effects of the fire would almost certainly                                                 We recommend that operators arrange fire
be greater than the consequences of As           yet, in New Zealand, there is no really   extinguisher training for their pilots and other
                                               good substitution available for halon (BCF)
discharging the extinguisher. Nevertheless, type portable fire extinguishers.              operational staff. The companies involved with
after a dry powder fire extinguisher has                                                   fire protection systems, or the Fire Service,
been discharged, the corrosion issue needs to be addressed and               may be able to assist with this – ask at your local Fire Station,
appropriate remedial maintenance action taken.                               or Airport Rescue Fire Unit.
The following account was received from the principal of an
aircraft maintenance engineering facility:                                   Footnote         The Australian Civil Aviation Authority (CASA) has approved Halon BCF
                                                                             units made as special batches by Chubbs in Australia. These could be made available,
    “We recently had an incident where a dry powder                          subject to an import licence here and an export licence in Australia. Any imports, however,
                                                                             would need the support of a service facility. Presently, Air New Zealand will only service
    extinguisher was discharged onto an aircraft, and it has                 units with a specific aircraft part number, and these Australian units would probably not
    brought to light some issues regarding the types of                      have this. We are aware that the Chief Operating Officer of one fire protection system
                                                                             company is presently involved in discussions with the Ministry for the Environment and the
    extinguishers that are able to be used on aircraft.                      Ministry for Economic Development, as well as the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority,
                                                                             with a view to investigating the viability of importing some of these units into New Zealand.
    The extinguisher used was a dry powder type (mono-
    ammonium phosphate), and upon talking to a fire                        Acknowledgments: We thank John Fraser, of ‘Halon Recycling N.Z. Ltd,’ for his assistance in
    extinguisher service centre, we were informed that it was              providing valuable information during the preparation of this article.

                              VECTOR                                                                          July / August 2003                                             11
Point of No Return
     Some Fatal Mistakes                                                   alarm would have been raised as soon as their SARTIME was
                                                                           exceeded and Search and Rescue personnel would have had
     The aircraft was on a VFR flight from the West Coast of the
                                                                           some idea of where to start looking.
     South Island to Twizel in the Mackenzie Basin. The weather
     was fine on departure from the West Coast, but it appears that        What is PNR?
     no pre-flight weather information was obtained by the two
                                                                           The lesson this article addresses is the concept of point of no
     pilots or flight plan filed. On reaching the Mackenzie Basin
                                                                           return (PNR). This is the point on a flight beyond which the
     they found themselves caught VFR on top of a low cloud layer,
                                                                           aircraft has insufficient fuel to get back to the departure point.
     with insufficient fuel to return to the West Coast. They were
                                                                           A cardinal rule of aviation is that pilots should never go past
     apparently trying to reach Alexandra when the fuel ran out.
                                                                           PNR unless they can be assured that weather conditions at
     The aircraft crashed onto mountainous terrain near the Lindis
                                                                           their destination (or a safe alternate aerodrome) will allow for a
     Pass and was probably in cloud at the time of impact. The
                                                                           safe arrival.
     accident was fatal.
                                                                           You may think the PNR is something that applies only to
     It is sobering to consider what must have been going through
                                                                           bigger aircraft on long flights, particularly oceanic crossings,
     the pilots’ minds when they realised their predicament; caught
                                                                           and indeed it is an extremely important flight-planning factor
     in VMC on top over mountainous terrain and running out of
                                                                           for such flights. (The author of this article spent many years
     fuel. It must have been even worse when the engine finally
                                                                           flying Hercules to Antarctica. On these flights, the PNR back
     quit and they had nowhere to go but down into the cloud.
                                                                           to New Zealand was normally at around 65 degrees south. This
                                                                           was about the start of the ice pack with some 1000 NM, or
     What Can We Learn?                                                    three hours flight time, still to go to McMurdo. If the weather
     We can learn a number of lessons from this accident, including        changed for the worse during those three hours life could get
     the necessity of obtaining thorough pre-flight weather                very interesting.)
     information and the importance of filing a flight plan. While         But, PNR also applies to VFR flights around New Zealand.
     filing a flight plan probably wouldn’t have made much                 There are significant areas of the country where aerodromes
     difference to the pilots’ chances of survival in this instance, it    or suitable landing areas are few and far between, particularly
     certainly would have if they had survived the impact. The             on the West Coast, in Fiordland and the mountains of the

       PNR Calculation                                                     • PNR is always earlier if there is any wind – either
       PNR can be calculated before flight using the following               headwind or tailwind on either leg. In the above example,
       formula:                                                              the nil-wind PNR is at 125 NM. Conversely if the wind
       X = POH / O+H, where                                                  increases to 50 knots, PNR decreases to 93.75 NM.
       X is the distance from origin to PNR,                               • This formula only works for straight out-and-back
                                                                             flights, where the wind stays the same and your cruise
       P is the safe endurance (fuel burn at cruise power with a
                                                                             airspeed and fuel consumption are the same on both the
       specified reserve),
                                                                             outbound and homeward legs.
       O is the planned groundspeed out from the origin to
       destination, and                                                                                   O
       H is the planned groundspeed you would have for the                                                H
       return trip.
                                                                                                           PNR = 120 NM
       Consider a flight from A to B 200 NM apart. Your aircraft              A                                                      B
       cruises at 100 knots. For the trip out there a tailwind of 20                                  200 NM
       knots is planned for, so O = 120 and H = 80.You have a safe
       endurance of 2.5 hours (plus a reserve). Therefore:                                           20 knots
       X = 2.5 x 120 x 80 / 120 + 80 which equals 120 NM.
       If you fly past this point, you won’t have sufficient fuel to get
       back without eating into your reserve.
       Try putting some other numbers into this equation, or
                                                                                                  O = 120 knots
       calculate PNR for flights you might undertake. Some points
       to note are:
       • To keep units consistent, if you calculate speed in knots,
           and distances in nautical miles, then your endurance must                               H = 80 knots
           be expressed in decimal time as in the above example.

12                           July / August 2003                                                        VECTOR
South Island. Even the North Island ranges, especially inland of    any changes to wind en route, that could change the PNR. In a
Gisborne, can pose just as much of a problem. Rapid changes         number of circumstances, particularly when you have other
in weather conditions, especially when crossing mountain            suitable alternate aerodromes to divert to, an out-and-back
ranges, can also leave pilots in similar situations to the one      PNR may not be the best way of approaching the problem.
faced by the pilots in this accident.                               Instead, you must have calculated the amount of fuel you need
                                                                    to reach the designated alternate. At any time in flight you must
How is PNR Applied?                                                 always have an aerodrome, or other safe landing area, that you
The accompanying sidebar shows you how you can calculate            know you can reach with the fuel remaining, plus a reserve.
the PNR before a flight. When in flight you must be assured of      Whichever method you use to calculate it, never go past the
the weather at your destination before you proceed beyond this      PNR unless you know you can safely land, otherwise there
point. You also need to monitor your fuel consumption, and          may well be no returning from the flight.

         Flight Plan Overdues Update
   In the last issue of Vector we promised we would provide                                    Number of VFR Flight Plans Filed 2003
   regular feedback on how the VFR flight plan overdue                           2500

   statistics are trending. We also mentioned that there were                    2000                2175          2150                        2175
   some terminate-your-flight-plan reminder tools in the
                                                                    Frequency    1500                                                                         1665          1468
   National Briefing Office statistics just to hand, show that                   1000

   there has been a two-percent drop in the number of                                500
   overdue VFR flight plans compared with those published
   for March – a step in the right direction. Well done to                                           Jan            Feb          Mar            Apr           May            Jun
   those of you who remembered to amend or terminate your
   flight plans. There is still plenty of room for improvement                                 Percentage VFR Flight Plan Overdues 2003
   A breakdown of the number of overdues by industry sector,                                                       10 %          10 %           10 %
                                                                          Percentage %

                                                                                          8                                                                    9%
   the reason for the overdue and the number of flight plans                                          8%                                                                      8%
   filed each month is detailed in the accompanying graphs.                               6

   The CAA, in conjunction with Airways New Zealand, has                                  4

   just released an A2 poster and two types of stickers designed                          2
   to help you remember to amend or terminate your flight                                 0
   plan. Entitled ‘Amend SARTIME or Terminate Flight Plan’                                           Jan            Feb          Mar            Apr           May            Jun

   they are based around a jigsaw puzzle and its missing piece;                                Reason for Flight Plan Overdues                             Terminated after SARTIME
   the concept being that ‘no flight is complete until the flight                        50                                                                Failed to update SARTIME
                                                                                                                                                           Updated Sartime after SARTIME
   plan has been terminated’.                                                            45
                                                                                                                                                           Failed to terminate
   The poster (see page 21 for a sample) is designed to raise                                                                                              ATC failed to pass on
                                                                          Percentage %

                                                                                         35                                                                *Other
   awareness of the importance of amending or terminating                                30
   your flight plan. It should be displayed in a prominent place
   within your organisation.                                                             15
   The A6 sticker (depicts the missing jigsaw piece) is intended                         10
   as a memory jogger only and should placed in locations that                            0
   pilots are likely to frequent after a flight eg, the toilet,                                             Apr                         May                           Jun
                                                                                               * (Note that 'Other' includes IFR proceeding VFR failed to terminate, failure to request
   kitchen, reception area or hangar.                                                            termination at an attended aerodrome, and not specified.)

   The smaller A8 sticker contains the same information as
   the larger one, but should be placed on items like the                                      Flight Plan Overdues by Industry Sector                                   Aero Club
                                                                                                                                                                         Flying School
   VFG, flight log clip board, aircraft dashboard or door. Both                          50                                                                              Private
   stickers are of the non-permanent variety so will not                                 40

   damage the surface underneath when removed.
                                                                          Percentage %

   All of these products are available from your local CAA
   Field Safety Adviser or flight training organisation. We hope                         20
   that you will use them.                                                               15
   Let’s keep working together to improve aviation safety                                 5
   and to reduce National Briefing Office and Search and                                  0
                                                                                                            Apr                         May                           Jun
   Rescue costs, by minimising the number of overdues!                                        * (Note that 'Other' includes commercial operators, RNZAF and Airways New Zealand.)

                           VECTOR                                                                                         July / August 2003                                               13
Avgas – Specific
         Gravity Values
       W       hile researching the Fuel Management GAP, Safety

               Education & Publishing Unit staff discovered that the
       specific gravity of New Zealand avgas was lower than the value
       of 0.72 that was being used by most pilots for weight and

       balance calculations.
       The best information available at the time of writing the GAP
       indicated that the average specific gravity of fuel batches being
       imported into New Zealand was 0.695. This value provides a                            – Weather Wisdom –
       slight increase in useful payload when used in weight and

       balance calculations. It was decided to bring this information                 ast year’s Av-Kiwi Seminar series Weather Wisdom was
       to pilots’ attention in the form of an avgas quantity/weight                    so successful that the topic will be offered again this
       conversion flow diagram on page 10 of the Fuel Management                  year at different venues.The focus will be on understanding
       GAP. (This also meant amending all of the pre-determined                   our weather from an aviation perspective.
       weight conversion factors in the diagram.)
                                                                                  Come along and listen to key presenter Erick Brenstrum
       However, recent information obtained from fuel companies                   from MetService speak on this topic. He will be supported
       indicates that a small amount of avgas with a specific gravity of          by a local aviator (who will provide comment on local
       0.715 is currently being imported into New Zealand. This has               weather scenarios) and CAA staff.
       effectively made the fuel conversion diagram in the GAP
       inaccurate in some situations.                                             Erick Brenstrum is the author of the highly acclaimed
                                                                                  New Zealand Weather Book. In this very readable book, he
       In the interests of safety, we advise avgas users that the original        clearly explains the weather, covering such things as how
       value of 0.72 should be used for all weight and balance                    to interpret a weather map, and the wide range of weather
       calculations. This way, the possibility of exceeding the aircraft          patterns and processes that affect New Zealand.
       MAUW is avoided should the heavier fuel be uplifted.
                                                                                  The seminars will involve a mixture of presentations and
       The CAA apologises for this state of affairs, and we propose to            practical work. The CAA will provide afternoon tea at
       rectify the situation as follows:                                          each venue, and will also be providing all attendees with a
       A corrected avgas conversion flow diagram sticker (illustrated             free copy of an interactive CD-ROM Weather Wise 2. This
       here) using the original specific gravity value of 0.72 has been           CD-Rom is about assessing flying weather, so you will be
       produced to enable pilots to correct the GAP – or to stick in a            able to further expand your knowledge and skills, using
       prominent location for use as a quick fuel conversion reference.           your home computer. A copy of the New Zealand Weather
       Stocks of these will be circulated to all organisations that hold          Book will also be awarded, as a spot prize, to one lucky
       copies of the booklet via CAA Field Safety Advisers. All                   person at each seminar.
       booklets currently held in stock by the Safety Education &                 Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about one of
       Publishing Unit will be corrected before distribution.                     the most influential factors affecting our flying
       Note, we have been advised by the manufacturer that Aero                   environment. Dates and venues have now been set for
       Scale navigation rulers sold since March 2003 (depicting the               2003 as detailed below.
       new VNC scale) also use 0.70 for avgas conversion values                   Be there!
       printed on the ruler’s back face. The manufacturer advises that
       customised correction stickers will be made available to pilots
       who have purchased one of these rulers through their local                 Seminar Venues
       flight training organisation. Existing stocks will be corrected.           To be held on the following Sundays from
                                                                                  12:30 pm – 4:00 pm:
                                                                   AVGAS           Hamilton Sun 17 August
                                                                   For AVGAS
                                                                                  Waikato Aero Club, Steele Road, RD 2 Hamilton
                                                        s          (SG 0.72)
                       3.78   5.99
                                            0.72                   - follow the
                                                                     arrow and
                                                                                   Dunedin Sun 24 August
     4.54   US gals                                                  multiply
                                                            2.20                  Otago Aero Club, Taieri Aerodrome, Mosgiel
                                                                   - backtrack
                                            7.19                     the arrow
                       1.20   2.72
                                                                     and divide    Palmerston North Sun 31 August
            Imp gals                                                              Manawatu Districts Aero Club, Palmerston North

14                               July / August 2003                                                        VECTOR
the Game
A    t some recent CAA-sponsored safe-
      ty seminars there was a fair bit of
talk about ‘lifting the game’ within the
general aviation community. Discussions
have mostly centred on improving basic
airmanship practices thereby lifting safety
standards. A lot of heads have nodded in
agreement to this at these gatherings.
But, as with most things in life, the real
change in behaviour needs to be at the
coal face. It is not just about agreeing or
committing in some notional way to do
things better at a meeting, it is about
doing things right, each and every day
we contemplate a flight. Yes, it is about a
change in attitude, and it is about being
disciplined enough to translate that          A Supplement detailing the control            thoroughly. Reading the Supplements
attitude into behaviour.                      zone’s parameters, arrival and departure      and NOTAMs applicable to the intended
                                              procedures, and associated radio freq-        route is definitely an important part of
 “…there were a number of                     uencies is always issued several months       this process.
                                              prior to the event to provide pilots with     One of the aircraft involved in these
 pilots who blundered their

                                                                                                                                              Photographs courtesy David Jupp, Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School
                                              as much notice as possible. Furthermore,      recent airspace incursions came from the
  way into Matamata CTR                       on-going trigger NOTAMs referring to          lower North Island and it was pretty
                                              the Supplement are issued daily once the      evident that neither the Supplement and
 oblivious to its presence…”                  airspace is activated.                        NOTAMs, nor the weather forecast had
Recently, a CAA staff member attended         As you can probably guess, this year, as in   been consulted. Others came from closer
the Walsh Memorial Flying School at           past years, there were a number of pilots     at hand, but still without a clue that
Matamata and was concerned by the             who blundered their way into Matamata         Matamata aerodrome was very different
lack of basic airmanship displayed by         CTR oblivious to its presence only to         and very busy at this time. Fortunately,
some of the pilots visiting Matamata          find themselves in the middle of a lot of     Airways New Zealand staff members are
during the event. It seemed that they         other aircraft activity.                      good at handling these situations and
had not checked the AIP Supplement and        Obviously, the aircraft involved were         managed to keep the traffic flowing
NOTAMs before commencing their                itinerant aircraft making only a short        safely.
flight to Matamata. The reasons for his       stopover at Matamata, which presumably        Usually, the offending pilots end up
concern were valid as there was, and has      means they were on a cross-country            talking away on the aerodrome’s second-
been for many years, an ATC presence at       flight of some distance. It is both a CAA     ary frequency as they attempt to join the
the airfield in the form of a control zone    rule requirement and basic airman-            aerodrome circuit. It isn’t good to see
(Matamata CTR/D) for the two-week             ship to plan such flights, which means        licensed pilots making right fools of
duration of the school.                       having studied the relevant documents         themselves in front of a large community
                                                                                            of budding aviators – all for the lack of a
                                                                                            bit of preparation and planning.
                                                                                            The observers to these unprofessional
                                                                                            incidents are the sixty or so students
                                                                                            attending the school, and around forty
                                                                                            experienced instructors, aviators and air
                                                                                            traffic controllers. Typically, there are
                                                                                            about 20 aircraft based at the school.
                                                                                            Parallel runway operations take place in
                                                                                            conjunction with four training areas in
                                                                                            the vicinity. At any one time there can
                                                                                            be eight to ten aircraft airborne and
                                                                                            others preparing to leave. Weather
                                                                                            permitting, flying takes place pretty
                                                                                            much continuously and sometimes at
                                                                                                                         Continued over ...

                            VECTOR                                                          July / August 2003                                15
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