Physical Fusion Saturday April 28, 2018 - A full day of continuing education workshops for group fitness instructors - Spare Time Clubs

Page created by Anna Mcdonald
Physical Fusion Saturday April 28, 2018 - A full day of continuing education workshops for group fitness instructors - Spare Time Clubs
Physical Fusion
       Saturday April 28, 2018

  A full day of continuing education
workshops for group fitness instructors
         and personal trainers.
     Physical Fusion Sacramento presented by:

Register Online at:
Registration opens at 7:00 am
 Session       Cycle              Pool        Basketball        Group           Lecture
  Times        Studio                           Court           Fitness          Room
             The Five W’s       WaterArt       Fierce 4®:       Balletone      Blood Sugar
             (and one H)         Cardio        Total Body       Standing       Stabilization
 7:30 to
              of Intervals      Combo            Blaster          Flow
 9:30 am

             Purpose to        WaterArt  Expanding             The Lost   Non-Diet
             the Party -       Muscles    Pilates:            Artform of Approach to
 9:50 to                     and Noodles Matwork              True Sculpt  Health
11:50 am                                 and Bands

                                          Lunch Break
12:00 noon                (proof of prepaid lunch will be on your event schedule)

                      Fitness Expo 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
                               in Main Lobby
               Back to         WaterArt        Putting It     Tabata GX™        Celebrity
 12:45 to      Basics:        Boot Camp        Together:                         Fitness
              Safe and                         Teaching                         Secrets
 2:45 pm      Fun Cycle                          Yoga

               Why We         WaterArt            Fluid        Hardcore      Dynamic
 3:00 to       Ride the      Cool Warm          Strength      Cardio Blast Biomechanics:
                Beat -       Ups and Hot                                        Upper Body
 5:00 pm                                                                         and Trunk

   Our 15th annual fitness event brings to you great
    presenters, the newest exciting workshops and
         valuable continuing education units.
2018 Presenters
Andrea Austin, Leader Among Leaders, started in the fitness             Michael Brown              obtained his B.S. in Exercise Physiology
industry in 1987 wearing leg warmers and spandex teaching high          in 1985 from the University of Colorado where he ran track and
and low impact aerobics. Throughout the years she remained in           cross-country, and performed physiological testing and research
the industry part time until becoming a full time personal trainer      in the human performance laboratory. He began Bicycle racing
in 2001. Coming from the creative industry as a Creative Director       in 1983 and is currently a category 1 racer. He has raced on cy-
and Graphic Designer, Andrea used her creative thought process          cling teams with Tour De France veterans Christian Van de
to start her own personal training business and uses it in market-      Velde and Jonathan Vaughters, and other notable professionals
ing materials for BeatBoss. She has guided hundreds of people in        including Tinker Juarez and Rishi Grewal. He has won multiple
life-changing workouts both one on one and in group settings.           State and National Championship medals in cycling.
Andrea’s motivation for fitness is on fire because with her guid-       In 2000 he began coaching other racing road cyclists, and a few
ance, she inspires positive change in the many lives that she           years later expanded his coaching practice to include triathletes,
touches. Indoor cycling is a true passion of hers and a great way to    runners, mountain bike racers, and ultra-endurance athletes.
burn calories for anti-aging benefits; you’d never guess Andrea is      The broadening of his coaching business lead him to training for
almost 50! Since ‘87, she has been certified in many methods with       and competing in triathlons, as several of the triathletes that he
a base foundation certification through N.A.S.M.                        was coaching “dared” him to try one (this truly was a dare, as
When not motivating and educating other's in the fitness industry,      the only swimming he had previously done was to get back to
Andrea enjoys volunteering in animal rescue, getting 2 hour mas-        the edge of the pool after completing a dive while diving for his
sages, and spending time with her family. Andrea is also a Nation-      high school swim team). In late 2005 he competed in his first
al Physique Committee Judge, judging NPC Bodybuilding, Phy-             ever sprint distance triathlon, and in May of 2006 he participat-
sique, and Bikini Competitions.                                         ed in his first half-iron distance triathlon.
 30 years experience in the fitness industry                           He has obtained coaching licenses from USA Cycling (level 2),
 N.A.S.M Certified Personal Trainer                                    Precision Nutrition (level 1 and level 2) and USA Triathlon. He
 Corepower Yoga 200 hour Yoga Instructor                               is an A.C.E. certified personal trainer, a LeMond Fitness Certi-
 STOTT Pilates Reformer Certified Trainer                              fied Master Trainer, and has been a presenter for IDEA at their
 TRX Certified Instructor                                              international conventions.
 Barre Bliss Certified Instructor
 BeatBoss Certified Indoor Biking Instructor                           Nicole Geurin, MPH, RDN is a registered dietitian nutri-
 RealRyder Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor
                                                                        tionist and certified intuitive eating counselor with a master’s
 Schwinn Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor
                                                                        degree in public health nutrition. She works as a corporate nu-
                                                                        trition consultant in Sacramento, California. Nicole has worked
Pauline Brown, Owner LIFT-4U, MBA, NSCA-CPT *D, ACE,                    with many diverse groups, including professional athletes, fami-
AFAA, Venice Nutrition Coach, has always had a passion for fit-         lies and individuals managing chronic health conditions. Using a
ness. She began teaching group exercise classes over 35 years ago       non-diet, weight-neutral approach, Nicole helps clients to enjoy
as a hobby because she truly wanted to help people live a healthier     eating while nourishing their health.
life through fitness. She believes that healthy living is a lifestyle
change, not a quick fix. Pauline opened LIFT-4U in 2008 provid-         Rose Zahnn is a fitness professional with over 25 years of
ing personal training and cycle classes at her studio. She has pre-
                                                                        experience including over 15 years as an international presenter
sented at IDEA, SCW, NSCA, Universities, Corporate Fitness/
                                                                        and over 22 years as a fitness business owner. She is a Master
Wellness and Nutrition events. Currently Pauline teaches TRX,
                                                                        Trainer for Tabata Boot Camp, Barre Above and Balletone, as
Body Pump, R.I.P.P.E.D. (previously part of the Master Trainer
                                                                        well as the creator of PilatesFit. Rose enjoys making fitness fun,
team), Indoor Cycling and Zumba. She holds an MBA, NSA-CPT
                                                                        so that together we can create a healthier, happier world.
*D, ACE, AFAA as well as many other certifications. Pauline is a
Venice Nutrition Coach. She is the 2013 Colorado State Champion
for women's 50+ Figure. Pauline also serves on the Colorado
NSCA advisory board and will be featured in Oxygen magazine in
2018. Pauline is a breast cancer survivor.
2018 Presenters
Lee Lipton, MPA-C has over 25 years of experience as an                Hilary Rogers, Owner - The Pilates Twist and Balanced
exercise physiologist, health educator, fitness coach and instruc-     Body Pilates Master Trainer, has been a student of the Pilates
tor, author and clinician, Lee Lipton has a unique perspective on      method since 1997, studying the classical and contemporary
Wellness from the clinical, practical and program planning per-        styles of Pilates as well as other Pilates-inspired types of move-
spectives. Lee has spent the past 17 years planning Wellness pro-      ment.
grams and worldwide nutrition and healthy travel programs for          She was certified to teach Pilates by the physical therapists and
a major Fortune 100 company.                                           Pilates faculty at Center Studio Pilates in Burbank, CA.
Lee is a practicing Physician Assistant in Family Practice and         She has since studied under and worked with Pilates instructors
Urgent Care. She has designed several models for group patient         from varied backgrounds as well as chiropractors, physical thera-
education for chronic disease and behavior change. She has also        pists, acupuncturists, and medical doctors in Southern California,
authored several peer-reviewed articles in the Journal of the          the Chicagoland area, and the Sacramento area.
American Academy of Physician Assistants.                              She became a PMA® Certified Pilates Teacher in 2006, became a
                                                                       Master Trainer for Balanced Body® in 2008, and was certified as
Janis Saffell brings over 25 years’ of experience as a fitness         a Second Generation Pilates Teacher by Lolita San Miguel in
                                                                       2013. (Lolita is one of two people Joseph Pilates officially certi-
leader, presenter, and health advocate. Her journey has taken
                                                                       fied to teach his method.) She brings compassion, understanding,
her from a classically trained ballet dancer, gymnast, kickbox-
                                                                       and excitement to her sessions and classes - wanting to help eve-
ing/martial artist, National & World Aerobic Champion. As the
                                                                       ryone learn how much better they can feel and how much more
President and CEO of Fitness Express International, Janis has
                                                                       they can do than they thought they could.
combined her talents to provide trainers and instructors with
top notch educational programs such as FIERCE4 Fitness. Addi-
tionally she has branded several of our industries top profession-     Julie Twynham is the Educational Director and Creator of
als by coaching them from program design, web site layout, and         WaterART Fitness International. Her strong academic back-
finally social media marketing.                                        ground from the University of Waterloo, in Human Kinetics,
                                                                       combined with her dance and coaching background provide her
                                                                       with strong technical and creative skills. She has coauthored 18
                                                                       Aquatic Fitness Certification Program and 98 Educational DVDs
                                                                       for both land and water . She has been teaching classes and
                                                                       workshops for over 30 years. Her goal is to help people utilize
                                                                       and understand the properties for exercise safety and efficacy.

         Workshop Descriptions
Andrea Austin
BeatBoss bridges the gap between old and new. The focus is on remaining true to science and safety within the changing world of
indoor cycling.
Rhythm riding is a highly effective tool to connect with your riders. Learn the importance of music, in all aspects of the ride, and how
to use the beat to up the energy level and the positive experience for your riders.

Mike Brown
H.I.I.T., Tabata training, F.T.P., E.P.O.C.; these (and others) are all terms that refer to varying the levels of intensity during training
sessions, or interval training. Who can benefit from these types of training? Who should perform these types of training? What do
these terms mean? What are the benefits, risks and goals of interval training? Where can this type of training be performed? When
should interval training be conducted? Why is interval training done? How should interval training be conducted. This workshop will
address all of these questions, and more.
Workshop Descriptions
Pauline Brown
We can ride safe AND still have fun. This workshop covers the basics of indoor cycling from preparing, planning, personality to
fun. Current cycle trends will be discussed. Are they affective? Are they safe?
We can keep our classes true to form, safe and fun so our students will keep coming back.
Maintaining a homeostasis state in our body is important body composition change and maintenance. We can’t out train a poor
diet. Learn how to maintain a homeostasis state while maintaining blood sugar and why diets fail. Your diet is the fuel source for
your body. Discover eating healthy vs. eating correctly for blood sugar stabilization and how the proper macronutrients, meals per
day and general healthy living habits can keep the body healthy.

Nicole Geurin
Do your clients struggle with dieting and trying to lose weight? Updated scientific theories explain why diets and other weight loss
efforts usually don’t work. Learn about the research supporting the Health at Every Size® approach, and develop strategies to gen-
tly guide your clients on a new journey towards health and happiness. You will learn how to help your clients: to shift their focus
from weight to well-being, to cultivate body respect and to practice compassionate self-care with mindful eating and joyful move-

Lee Lipton
The position of the humorous bones, the scapulae and sternum have profound impacts upon all yoga asanas. Review upper ex-
tremity anatomy and biomechanics as it applies to yoga and understand how these three key elements combine to produce a dra-
matic effect on the body’s posture. We will discuss biomechanical analysis of asana as it relates to the upper extremity, and simple
yet effective methods for correcting positioning imbalances.
You will walk away with practical, effective tools that will allow you to profoundly impact the daily activities and yoga practices
of your students. This session is a lecture/demonstration with hands-on practice.
You are inspired. You’ve attended the trainings, taken many classes, purchased the outfits and you are ready to start teaching yo-
ga….but—where to start? Starting a yoga teaching practice is a rewarding challenge that takes time, persistence and humility. And
yet, we need to jump in at some point and just do it. This combination lecture/workshop is designed for those new to teaching yo-
ga or those who are considering it. Learn about different approaches to teaching, experience examples of various teaching styles,
and practice opportunities to find your own teaching voice within a supportive community. You will practice and eventually leave
with three different yoga flows that you can use right away…and exhale. You will feel ready to stand in your own truth in front of
a class.

Rose Zahnn
Fluid Strength introduces you to movements with integrated and challenging patterns of flowing strength and muscular endurance. The se-
quenced patterns offer progressions and regressions for every fitness level while the combinations grow from a simple foundation to endless pos-
sibilities. Experience strength while challenging balance, coordination, mindfulness and power. This workshop is for both group exercise in-
structors and personal trainers.
Balletone is a non-stop cardio barre conditioning program with influences from Ballet, Pilates, fitness and Yoga. Experience
the flowing, dynamic sequences that students of all fitness levels love, and feel amazing, strong, graceful and elegant. This workout
develops muscular endurance, core strength, and agility, with zero equipment needed. No tucking, no pulsing, just flowing and
HIIT is hot, but smart HIIT is even better!
Tabata GX™ will help the fit to get fitter. But more importantly, it will help those new members to get fit safely and faster! Tabata
GX™ explains the science and provides the system and the sizzle with a variety of timing protocols and fun exercise progressions
that are easily implemented in a group exercise class environment. Tabata GX™ provides a smart and effective patterning principle
that takes into account every aspect of work to rest ratio and timing knowledge for a program that grows over time.
Workshop Descriptions
Hilary Rogers
Explore using exercise bands to enhance, support, and challenge the Pilates mat exercises and adapt Pilates Reformer exercises to
the mat.

Janis Saffell
Building Your Fitness Brand (Marketing) Lecture with Power Point Presentation
As a fitness professional, you carefully design and develop programs to change people’s lives. Open your markets worldwide with
the right plan and brand! This course is designed to help build your personal brand that reflects everything you stand for and eve-
rything you want to share with the world. These branding fundamentals will make it easier to share your talents in the vast array
of avenues our industry has to offer. The key is to create and maintain an image that highlights who you are and how you change
lives; it makes you the authority, and will provide a revenue stream that takes you to the next level! Here is your opportunity to
make your dreams a reality! You see them on TV, watch them at conferences, and hear about the numerous celebrities they train
“They” are fitness professionals, just like YOU, they have created their celebrity status by highlighting who or what they stand for
as their "Brand". They are experts who have used their skills to become the movers and shakers of our industry, and they could be
you! The question is....How do you get started and create the right brand for success
The FIERCE4 TOTAL BODY® Method revolves around F4 = 4 Super Sculpt Sets of 4-8-16 combo reps & sets, that flow into chis-
eled strength movements that alternate between upper and lower body exercises. This will take your muscle to the max! “F4 Su-
per Sculpt Sets” work because you are building up ripped lean muscle that your body needs to burn fat all day long, which takes
"after burn" to a whole new level! Utilize the step, weights, tubing, etc. to create a FIERCE4 TOTAL BODY® Workout!
The revival of an art form that has been lost with all the HYPE of Hiit, Tabata, Bootcamp and circuits! The traditional "Sculpt"
class is undergoing a strong resurgence in popularity. Learn the art of teaching a modern traditional “Sculpt” class that flows from
one exercise to the next. This style of strength class keeps the participant moving without rest periods and keeps them engaged.
Utilize the step, weights, tubing, etc.; to create a True Sculpt Workout.
Blast fat & challenge yourself and your students with a unique blend of non-stop intense cardio kickboxing combinations and
unique body–weight exercises. Explore easy to follow 32-count choreography, develop inner strength, flexibility and muscle tone
for the entire body. Let the martial attitude take over in this workout and walk away with news ideas to kick it up a notch in your
kickboxing classes back home!

Julie Twynham
Learn a progressive inventory for shallow water exercise design with noodles for beginner, intermediate and advanced clients.
The noodle is one of the most useful pieces of equipment for helping people with suspended or non bottom contact moves as well
as a muscular strengthening or balancing piece of equipment. Add variety to your programs in a cost effective yet enjoyable way.
Keep everyone moving and organized with new warm ups that teach skills, moves and intensity progression. Learn how to stretch
all the tight musculature at the end of the program blending a variety of active and static stretching techniques. Be original and
get out of the rut! Take the time to be successful at the beginning of a program and finish as a winner- a complete program.
If you need creative ideas for multi level shallow water classes- this class is for you! Learn how to create and develop variations
and combinations to keep your classes energized. Make the movements flow with changes of direction, speed and intensity lev-
els. Learn how to mix and match working positions with basic movement to create variations and combinations without the
complication of choreography.
Serious exercisers want to work and gain more results in less time. This no nonsense workout will combine easy yet intense
movements and intervals with active recovery muscle work. This high energy program is a great way to stop talking and keep
your troops moving!
Sparetime Employee Full Day $74 (lunch included) or Half Day $50
Early Bird Registration prior to April 15th Full Day $119 or Half Day $70
Registration April 16th-April 28th Full Day $149 or Half Day $90
Lunch Fee - $8
Method of Payment                                                                                 Total       $
  Check or Money Order (payable to Natomas Racquet Club) #____________
  Credit Card Visa MasterCard #______________________________________exp. Date:_________
Print Cardholder Name___________________________________
Cardholder’s Signature___________________________________________________
Refund Policy: All requests for refunds or transfers must be in writing and will be subject to a $25 processing fee. Refund requests must be post-
marked by April 15, 2018.

Informed Consent: The undersigned agrees that all use of Natomas Racquet Club (NRC) facilities shall be undertaken at his or her sole risk, and
NRC shall not be liable for any injuries or damage to him (her), or his (her) property, or be subject to any claim, demand, injury or damages whatsoever,
including, without any limitation, those damages resulting from acts of active or passive negligence on the part of Physical Fusion Sacramento presenters,
NRC, its officers, or agents. The attendee, for himself (herself) and on behalf of his (her) executors, administrators and assigns, does hereby expressly
forever release and discharge Physical Fusion Sacramento presenters, NRC, its successors and assigns, as well its officers and agents, for all such
claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action.

Attendee Signature ________________________________________________ Date___________

Name: _________________________________________________Phone:___________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________________
          Please prioritize your class selection in each Time Slot beginning with 1 for your first choice.

7:30 - 9:30 am                                                                12:45 - 2:45 pm
_____Cycle: The Five W’s (and one H) of Intervals                             _____Cycle: Back to Basics
_____Lecture: Blood Sugar Stabilization                                       _____WaterArt Boot Camp
_____Balletone Standing Flow                                                  _____Tabata GX™
_____WaterArt Cardio Combo                                                    _____Lecture: Celebrity Fitness Secrets
_____Fierce 4 ®: Total Body Blaster                                           _____Putting it Together: Teaching Yoga

9:350 - 11:50 am                                                              3:00 - 5:00 pm
_____Cycle: Purpose to the Party                                              _____Cycle: Why We Ride To The Beat
_____WaterArt Muscles and Noodles                                             _____WaterArt Cool Warm Ups & Hot Warm Downs
_____Lecture: Non–Diet Approach to Health                                     _____Fluid Strength
_____The Lost Artform of True Sculpt                                          _____Hardcore Cardio Blast
_____Expanding Pilates: Matwork and Bands                                     _____Lecture: Dynamic Biomechanics

         Send completed form with payment to:
               Ann Vezey, Event Director                                                 Online Registration is available at:
                   Spare Time Clubs
             11344 Coloma Road Suite 350                                
                 Gold River, CA. 95670

             Fax/phone credit card info to:
                       Ann Vezey
      Fax: (916) 859-5949 Phone: (916) 859-5910
Event Location:
               Natomas Racquet Club
                      2450 Natomas Park Drive
                       Sacramento, CA. 95833
                         (916) 649-0909
Driving Directions:
NRC is located near the intersection of Interstate 5 & Interstate 80.
Exit Garden Highway from I-5, turn Left onto Garden Highway, turn Left at Natomas
Park Drive. Natomas Racquet Club is located one block on the right.

                   Accommodations: Residence Inn Sacramento,
                 2410 West El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA.95833
  Reserve by March 27, 2018 and get the special event rate of $119 - for a studio suite,
              plus tax and assessment fee in effect at time of check-in.
                    To make reservations call (916) 649-1300 and
                use reference code “Spare Time Clubs - Ann Vezey”.

         Event Registration Check-in: Saturday April 28. 2018 7:00 - 7:30 am
                  Questions: Contact Ann Vezey, (916) 859-5910 ext. 3005
                          Online Registration Form Available:

                  Physical Fusion Sacramento
                         presented by:
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