Photonics for the Food Industry - Pro Physik

Page created by Sue Anderson
Photonics for the Food Industry - Pro Physik
Optics & Photonics

                                                                                                                       Courtesy of trinamiX
    Fig. 1 There are different
    mobile NIR spectroscopy
    solutions to test food quality.

Photonics for the Food Industry
Spectroscopy revolutionizes quality, safety, integrity, and the taste of food.
Elena Beletkaia

The histor y of spectroscopy            ‘invading’ the food industry. Such         hydrates, salts, sometimes special
begins in the 17th century. A lot       technologies make it possible to cha-      bacteria or yeast and numerous mi-
of technological changes have ta-       racterize the ripeness of fruits, grains   nor components. The amounts, mo-
ken place since then, but the main      and vegetables, detect raw material        lecular structure and interactions
idea stayed the same: light provi-      and water quality, and control pro-        within food define the characteris­
des information, whether we see         cessing steps. They allow inspection       tics of food products. Undesired
it or not. Advances in optics, gra-     for foreign objects to be performed        microbial growth or chemical and
tings, filters, coatings, lasers, and   in a non-contact and non-destruc-          enzymatic modifications make
detectors have made it possible         tive manner. When a few spectral           most food products naturally pe-
to extend the observations from         imaging techniques are combined            rishable. These changes deteriorate
the visible part of the spectrum        with other imaging modalities and          the sensory and nutritional quality
to the UV, NIR, MIR, and IR.            enabled by AI, applications such           of most foods. About 25 to 30 per-
                                        as digital sorting become possible         cent of food is lost due to micro­

S   pectroscopy has always played
    an important role in chemistry,
physics, and astronomy and it is
                                        directly within the production line.       bial spoilage. So preservation and/
                                                                                   or processing techniques are often
                                                                                   applied to maintain the quality and
still gaining stronger positions in
                                        Why new technology is needed               extend the shelf-life of the products.
nearly every other industry. For the    Food is complex. Often there are              The quality of a food product can
past couple of decades, spectrosco-     multiple components mixed to-              be rated by its appearance, color, fla-
pic methods have been increasingly      gether: water, fat, proteins, carbo-       vor, and texture as well as chemical,

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Photonics for the Food Industry - Pro Physik
Optics & phOtOnics

biological and microbial factors,                                food quality, food fraud has to be          Spectroscopic methods provide
like instability. Food quality and sa-                           prevented.                               fast, accurate and reliable solutions.
fety is an area of increasing concern                                                                     Molecular and ultraviolet-visible
both for the general public and for                                                                       (UV-vis) spectroscopy are among
the food producing and processing
                                                                 Spectroscopy for food industry           the most commonly used spec-
industries. The change in eating ha-                             Inspection of food and its ingre-        troscopic techniques in food testing
bits and overall consumer behavior                               dients is carried out along the whole    or food adulteration problems. Inf-
is leading to the development of de-                             farm-to-fork supply chain: preci-        rared (IR) and near-infrared (NIR)
vices such as hand-held spectrome-                               sion agriculture, manufacturing          spectroscopy are fast and easy-to-
ters. Companies like trinamiX [1]                                (raw material inspection, sorting,       use and, thus, have long been used
and Bayspec already offer a number                               process control, machine vision, fi-     for food applications. Fourier trans-
of solutions to characterize various                             nal product inspection), laboratory      form infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
products (Fig. 1). Technology deve-                              analysis, product development, and       is also routinely used in cases of
lopment and miniaturization will                                 the regulatory and supply chain va-      suspected food fraud.
very soon enable integrating these                               lidation. Traditionally food quality
into a smartphone, allowing consu-                               and quality changes caused by pre-
mers to test the properties of food                              servatives are evaluated using sen-
                                                                                                          IR technologies
on the market or at home.                                        sory and microbiological analysis        Infrared technologies can yield
    The globalization of the supply                              or physicochemical measurements.         both qualitative and quantitative
chain along with the increasing po-                              These methods, while reliable, are       information for the investigation
pulation has caused increased de-                                destructive and time consuming           of the chemical composition and
mand for food, which is resulting                                and do not support online assess-        food ingredients. IR spectroscopy
in a rise in food fraud. Food fraud                              ment. There is an increasing de-         is commonly used in the dairy in-
includes any deliberate action al-                               mand for inline and online quality       dustry. Applying broadband NIR
tering, substituting, mislabeling,                               control and food safety, including       spectroscopy with a discrete-filter-
tampering or misrepresenting a                                   decontamination, inspection of           based NIR analyzer, the production
food product to gain undue advan-                                cleanliness on production line sur-      of different types of cheese can be
tage. Fraud can occur at different                               faces, in pipes etc., detection of pa-   monitored. Fiber-optic NIR sen-
stages: raw material, ingredient, fi-                            thogens, allergens and mycotoxins.       sors, such as those developed by art
nal product or food packaging. This                              Also, there is a need for foreign        photonics, provide the information
is considered to be the second most                              body detection, whether metal or         from product bulk and can there-
significant black-market activity in                             low-density materials, such as pla-      fore be applied to monitor processes
the EU. So to meet the high expecta-                             stic, wood, egg and nut shell, fruit     such as yoghurt incubation.
tions of the consumer in the overall                             stones, or glass fragments.                  NIR technology used with a dio-
                                                                                                          de array delivers results in seconds
                                                                                                          rather than several hours as many
                                                                                                          traditional chemical analysis me-
Courtesy of art photonics

                                                                                                          thods do. Such time reduction ena-
                                                                                                          bles the collection of a large number
                                                                                                          of spectra and still performs a mul-
                                                                                                          ticomponent analysis in seconds.
                                                                                                          Moisens developed by art photonics
                                                                                                          combines specific wavelength LED-
                                                                                                          sensors with individual IP-addres-
                                                                                                          ses in a fiber probe, enabling data
                                                                                                          collection in the iCloud and process
                                                                                                          optimization in real time (Fig. 2).
                                                                                                              NIR spectroscopy has a huge
                                                                                                          potential for meat quality assess-
                                                                                                          ment due to its non-invasive analy-
                                                                                                          tical advantages. It rapidly detects
                                                                                                          freshness, protein and fat content,
                                                                                                          predicts sodium content in com-
Fig. 2                      Test your beer with IR-fiber spectroscopy.                                    mercially processed meat and in

18                            Physics’ Best, April 2021                                                                     © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH
Photonics for the Food Industry - Pro Physik
Optics & phOtOnics

                       vacuum-dried ham slices. It is also      have made Raman spectroscopy            nella, escherichia coli), antibiotics
                       widely used for grains and flours,       applicable in many areas. A Raman       (penicillin, tetracycline, oxytetra-
                       chocolate and syrups, herbs and          spectrometer can be used for moni-      cycline), and food additives (aspar-
                       spices, coffee, tea, mineral water       toring and quality control in indus-    tame, salicylates). Other important
                       and many other foodstuffs.               trial food processing, food safety in   applications of fluorescence are the
                           Mid-infrared (MIR) spec-             agricultural plant production as well   identification and quantification
                       troscopy is a valuable technique         as inspections through different ty-    of components, contaminants and
                       for food-related research and qua-       pes of packing. Like IR spectrosco-     additives.
                       lity control purposes in the food        py, Raman spectroscopy allows              While the spectroscopy tech-
                       industry. FTIR is most commonly          quantification and characterization     niques described and others benefit
                       used because it is a fast, non-de-       of the lipid components of food and     many processes in the food indus-
                       structive and reliable technique         the quantitative analysis of the de-    try, the diversity of techniques and
                       for authentication analysis. For         gree of unsaturation. In addition,      parameters renders implementation
                       example, an FTIR spectrophoto-           it enables the characterization of      a challenge. In some cases, a com-
                       meter could detect adulteration in       polymorphism and chain packing,         plex and comprehensive software
                       honey using glucose/fructose solu-       the monitoring of interactions with     solution is required to combine
                       tions with a detection accuracy of       other food components or changes        information from different measu-
                       95 %. FTIR spectra also often help       which are induced by processing or      ring methods. In other cases, the
                       to authenticate fats and oils, for in-   storage (as auto-oxidation or iso-      required solutions can be very
                       stance. However, it is important to      merization).                            customer dependent. There is no
                       use chemometrics as an analytical            Fluorescence spectroscopy can       unique standard to provide a com-
                       data treatment to convert the in-        be used for the identification, clas-   prehensive characterization of food
                       formation from FTIR spectra into         sification, quantification, and op-     parameters.
                       understandable data.                     timization of different parameters
                                                                during food handling, processing,       [1] F. Schmidt, N. Christiansen, and R. Lo-
                                                                                                            vrincic, PhotonicsViews 17, 56 (2020)
                                                                and storage. However, the technique
                       Raman and fluorescent                    is usually linked with liquid chro-
                       spectroscopy                             matography in the food industry.
                       Conventional Raman spectrosco-           Such a combination is advantageous      Author
                       py exhibits a small scattering cross     for detecting extremely low con-        Dr. Elena Beletkaia, EPIC – European Pho-
                       section for many materials. Never-       centrations of contaminants such        tonics Industry Consortium, Rue Hamelin 17,
                       theless, the advances in electronics,    as toxins (mycotoxins), pathogenic      Paris, France; e-mail: elena.beletkaia@epic-
                       lasers, optics, and nanotechnology       microbes (bacterial species: salmo-,

                    FIBER OPTIC COMPONENTS
                    polarization-maintaining for wavelengths 360 – 1800nm

                                                                      60FC-SF series with
                                                                      super fine-focussing
                        60SMF series
                        with super fine thread

                                                                                  Fiber Port Clusters 2  6
                                                                                  Used in quantum optics,

                                                                                  e.g. for cooling and
                                                                                  trapping experiments (MOT)

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