PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

Page created by Ronnie Stanley
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Park West
April 2021

                                        Camera Club

                                   This Issue
                                  Volume 86 • Issue 8
                              Club News…………………..…..…2 - 29
                              Photography News………………30 - 40
                              Exhibits, Workshops, Etc….….…41 - 50
                              Schedule of Activities……..….….51 - 55
                              Complete Index………………….….…56

                                Over 25 members’ images inside!

April 2021                               1
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Park West Camera Club
                                                                          Club Officers
The Park West Camera Club is an independent
not-for-profit corporation. Guests are always          President            Ed Lee
                                                       V. President         Michael Schleiff
The PWCC newsletter, Photo Notes, is published
                                                       Corres. Sec.         Helen Bohmart Pine
every month by and for the members of the Park
West Camera Club. Subscriptions are included           Rec. Sec.            Christine Doyle
with Club membership. Yearly subscriptions are
available to nonmembers by email at no charge.         Treasurer            Maria Fernandez
Printed issues are available at PWCC meetings.
                                                       Pres. Emeritus       Chuck Pine
Submissions of full-length articles or smaller
items of photographic or general interest are                           Committee Chairs
always accepted. The staff of Photo Notes
                                                       Archive              Inactive
reserves the right to edit any submissions
which are published.                                   Competition          John Brengelman
Photo Notes is optimized for viewing digitally.                             Hedy Klein

                                                       Field Trip           Susan Sigrist
             Contact Information                                            Paul Grebanier

                  Website                              Gallery              Vacancy

                                                       House                Marty Smith
                  E-Mail Address
                                                       Membership           Marlene Schonbrun
                                                                            Elena Pierpont
             Club Mailing Address
                                                       Newsletter           Chuck Pine
     319 West 16 Street, #1 NY, NY 10011
                                                       Program              Marilyn Fish-Glynn
          Photo Notes Mailing Address
    680 West End Avenue, #5D, NY, NY 10025             Social               Natalie Manzino

                                                       Website              Michael Schleiff
                                                                            Christine Doyle

                                                       Workshop             Vacancy

                                                      Cover Photo
                                                      Green Heron
                                                  by Chuck Pine ©2020

 April 2021                                                  2
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   President’s Message                                                 she loved photography and
                                                                           found a home with us.
       A Swan Song?                                                            Three locations and 40
                                                                           years later, Pat and I (as own-
       My photographic “career”                                            ers) decided to retire after the
       began in 1963 when my folks                                         value of the commercial co-op
       gave me as a high school                                            space we had bought doubled
       graduation present of a serious                                     in value. The digital revolution
       camera, a Yashica DSLR. I had a BA. I was also sworn in as a        had come and conquered the
       previously joined the school’s second lieutenant and off to         photography world. There was
       yearbook staff and they had a    Fort Belvoir, VA (School of En- a slow but steady drop in film
       darkroom. I was now in busi-     gineering) I went. The Vietnam roll counts and fewer custom
       ness shooting candids around War was ending and I did not prints to be made. We had in-
       the school: the students and     go overseas. No more time for troduced 100s of our customers
       faculty, student government      fun, just getting back to work     to Photoshop and digital pho-
       and committee events; and, of and to the lab business. I met        tography via our free work-
       course, sports and various       my future wife, Pat in 1969 as a shops but in the early 2000s,
       other activities.                customer. She was leaving her digital was a tool mainly used
           The 1964-5 World’s Fair in   Wall Street editing job at the     for retouching both prints and
       Flushing Meadow Park, anti-      Daily Bond Buyer and after         the generation of newly re-
       war protests, street, and family some earlier adult photo cour- touched slides and negatives.
       photography occupied my          ses at Stuyvesant High School,
       shooting activities after high                                           Continued on page 4
       school. I joined a photo group/
       co-op (Freelance Photogra-                                  Photo Notes
       phers Association) on West
       44th Street in Manhattan            Publisher:       Ed Lee
       during the summer before            Editor:          Chuck Pine
       I started college at Hunter.
       Here I had access to a studio       Committee:       Will Aimesbury, Madeleine Barbara, Elsa
       with a full darkroom as well           Blum, Ann Broder, Ruth Formanek, Renée Harper,
       as networking possibilities.           Gladys Hopkowitz, Hedy Klein, Paul Perkus, Helen Pine,
           Two years later, with three        Elena Pierpont, and Judy Rosenblatt
       friends from the co-op, we          Contributors: Bill Apple, Benson Babu, John Brengelman,
       started Photographics Unlimited,       Christine Doyle, Maria Fernandez, Eloisa Huni, Ed Lee,
       Dial-A-Darkroom, Inc. While            Natalie Manzino, Chuck Pine, Helen Pine, Marlene
       attending Hunter College and           Schonbrun, Marty Smith, and Alice Somma
       then City College, I was also                 Photo Notes is produced on a MacBook Pro
       tending to our newly formed                   using iWork Pages and Adobe Photoshop.
       custom photo lab and dark-
                                            All uncredited images are royalty-free clip art or otherwise
       room/studio rentals business. I
                                                        believed to be in the public domain.
       had also signed up for ROTC
       to navigate my military obliga-           Credited images remain the sole property of their
       tions. At graduation, I received                copyright holders—all rights reserved.

April 2021                                                      3
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   Prints were still being made.     projects—a photo model
       Early DSLR cameras cost tens      website, and organizing model
       of thousands of dollars. Early    workshops out west, as well as
       point and shoots were still       running the New York Photo
       expensive. I bought a Nikon       Safari Meetup group. I will
       Coolpix 4300 in 2003 for $499     remain a member of the Club
       and it only produced 4MP files.   and help the newly elected
       Posting images on the Internet    with all that I can.
       was in its infancy.                   During my tenure, I hope
           In 2006, with less business   I have helped make PWCC in-
       and more time on my hands,        teresting and enjoyable. The
       I joined the Meetup/Photo         Nominating Committee will,
       Safari group where I met          in the coming weeks, seek new
       Chuck and Helen Pine and          candidates for the open posi-
       several other members of          tions. The new Executive
       PWCC and subsequently             Committee will be voted for at
       joined the Club. I also           the final business meeting.      All images
       belonged to the Camera Club                                        © Ed Lee
       of New York because they had      Be well!
       a studio and darkrooms. (Park
       West has held several model
       shoots at CCNY before they          Ed
       downsized and moved to the
       lower Eastside.)
           After a couple of years as
       vice president and then acting
       president, and finally seven
       years as president, I have
       decided to step down and
       devote more time to my other

April 2021                                         4
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

       2020 Winter/Spring PWCC Schedule             April
                                                     5      Competition #7 (Moshe Katvin)
       December                                      7      Submission Deadline (You Be the Judge)
        7   Competition #3 (Antonio Rosario)        12      Expanding Visions 27 (Intro)
       14   Expanding Visions 26—Review             19      Guest Speaker (Richard Martin)
       21   Theme Night—The Holidays                26      You Be the Judge 2
       28   Winter Holiday
       January                                       3      Competition #8 (Rifka Katvin)
        4    Competition #4 (Kathy Baca)            10      Expanding Visions 27 (Review)
       11    Photoshop Summit Video                 17      Guest Speaker (Lisa Langell)
       18    Guest Speaker (Anne Lawver)            24      ExCom/Business Meeting #4
       25    Theme Night (Color Purple)             31      No Meeting (memorial Day)
       31    Submission Deadline (Image Exchange)
       February                                      7      Year-End Competition (TBA)
        1    Competition #5 (Kay Kenny)             14      Otto Litzel Memorial Dinner ???
        8    Workshop (Macro/Close-up)
       15    Guest Speaker (Thomas Holton)
                                                    All the above activities will be conducted
       22    Theme Night (Before/After)
                                                    virtually using the Zoom software program.
       March                                        This software may be downloaded and used
        1    Competition #6 (Susan May Tell)        at no charge to our members. As soon as it
        8    Photoshop Summit Video                 is deemed safe to hold our meetings and
       15    Guest Speaker (Christy McNamara)       other activities at the Soho Photo Gallery,
       22    Image Exchange (Pretoria, SA)          in the field, or elsewhere, we will endeavor
       29    ExCom/Business Meeting #3              to do so.

       Zooming                           The Club is using Zoom           To download Zoom, go
                                     software to conduct all its      to 
       Zoom is a web-based video     meetings during the corona-      and click on the “Download”
       conferencing software tool    virus pandemic. An email         button. It’s that simple!
       that allows users to meet     will be sent to all PWCC             Non-members who
       online. Zoom is compatible    members prior to virtual         would like to join our Club
       with Macs, Windows,           meetings. This email will        meetings may request the
       smartphones, and tablets.     contain the link to join the     link by sending an email to
       Zoom software is free to      meeting. All you have to do      
       download to your devices.     is click on the link.

  April 2021                                              5
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Images of the Month
       April 2021
                    by John Brengelman

       Karate Kids
       © Peggy Winkelman

                                                                        Karate Kids
                                                                     © Peggy Winkelman

       Honor PDIs
       Impalas in the Rain by Madeleine Barbara
       Foggy Sea Side by Annette Collazo-Comito
                                                        The Honor PDIs are
       Shadow by Doris King
                                                      shown on the following
       Lisboa by Paula Paterniti
                                                            two pages.
       Psychedelic Wind by Paula Pillone
       Homage to Ruth Orkin by Joan Slatkin

 April 2021                                  6
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

                 A with Honors
               Impalas in the Rain
              © Madeleine Barbara

                 A with Honors
                 © Doris King
                                                                       A with Honors
                                                                      Foggy Sea Side
                                                                  © Annette Collazo-Comito

                                                                  Continued on next page

 April 2021                                          7
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

                                              A with Honors
                                             © Paula Paterniti

               A with Honors
              Psychedelic Wind
               © Paula Pillone

                                            A with Honors
                                         Homage to Ruth Orkin
                                            © Joan Slatkin

 April 2021                  8
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Cumulative Point Totals
                                                                   Submitting Images
       through April 2021
               by John Brengelman                                  The Club has over a dozen
                                                                   activities this year which ask
       Paul Grebanier       102      Marty Smith              64
                                                                   you to submit images. These
       Paula Pillone         98      Jay Bitkower             62
                                                                   include competitions, theme
       Julie Wosk            98      Howard Stevens           62
                                                                   nights, workshops, classes,
       Natalie Manzino       96      Will Aimesbury           58
                                                                   and more. Here’s what you
       Doris King            94      Eloise Huni              54
                                                                   need to know:
       Laura Toledo          94      Larry Rubin              54
       Nicole Dosso          92      Marlene Schonbrun        54
                                                                      Images must be in .jpg
       Sarah Corbin          86      Annette Collazo-Comito   50
                                                                   (JPEG) format and sized at
       Chuck Pine            86      Harriet Josephs          46
                                                                   72 ppi resolution, 1400 pixels
       Helen Pine            86      Dorothy Mills            46
                                                                   maximum width, and 1050
       Peggy Winkelman       82      Ann Broder               44
                                                                   pixels maximum height. [Do
       Hedy Klein            80      Jack Lindenman           44
                                                                   not exceed these maximums!]
       Alice Somma           80      Larry Sapadin            42
       Janet Susin           80      Jeffrey Langford         38
                                     Paula Paterniti          34      Competition images must
       Joan Slatkin          78
                                     Catherine Smith          34   be titled as follows:
       Bill Apple            74
       Florence Forman       74      Harriet Stein            34    LastNameFirstInitial_Month
       Madeleine Barbara     72      Lawrence Kreger          32          Year_Title.jpg
       David Cassidy         70      John Brengelman          28
                                     Veronica Saunders        26             for example
       Remy Deyglun          70
       Christine Doyle       70      Justine Carson           18     JonesM_Jan21_Flower.jpg
       Julie Foehrenbach     70      Rain Bengis              12
       Elena Pierpont        70      Marilyn Thypin           12       Other images should be
       Michael Schleiff      70      Tom Houts                10   titled as follows:
       Karen Corrigan        68      Barry Fahrer              8
       Renée Harper          68      Marvin Fink               8       Name_Number_Title
                                     Virginia Lawrence         6   You may use your first and/
                                                                   or last name/initial. If you
                                                                   want your images shown in
                                                                   a particular order, number
Photo Cartoon                                                      them 01, 02, etc. Use a real
  of the Month                                                     title, not the image number
                                                                   that came out of the camera.

                                                                             for example


                                                                      Read each entry in the
                                                                   Club’s Schedule for special
                                                                   instructions, if any.

 April 2021                                             9
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   Member Participation              both 
        Nights                           and  by
                                         11:59 p.m. on Friday, October
       Not including our monthly         23rd. And, have fun!
       competitions, Park West has
       scheduled eight member
       participation nights for the
       2020-2021 Club year. Due to
       the ongoing coronavirus
       pandemic and the restrictions
       on meetings, all the activities
       listed below will be virtual
       using Zoom conferencing                                              and day, and anything else
       software. Images must be sent                                        that comes in between.] Be
       to the Club prior to these                                           creative! Send your images to
       events—see below for the          Expanding Visions 26 (2020)       both 
       dates. Also, see Submitting       The theme for this year’s         and  by
       Images on page 8 of this issue    Expanding Visions class is        11:59 p.m. on Friday, December
       of Photo Notes for sizing and     “F” Fotography—the subjects       18th. And, have fun!
       titling directions.               of the three assignments are
                                         flowers, food, and found
                                                    ere, t!
                                         objects. Assignments will be
                                                n th tha
                                         carried out at home by the
                                              e        e
                                            Be don
                                         participants following the
                                         November 9th introductory
                                         class session. The final review
                                         session will be held on the
                                         14th of December. Send up to
                                                                           Theme Night—Purple
                                         5 images from each of the 3
                                                                           On January 25th the theme is
                                         class assignments to
                                                                           Purple. Club members may
                                          by 11:59
                                                                           submit up to a dozen images
                                         p.m. on Friday, December 11th.
                                                                           that include the color purple.
       Theme Night—Halloween
                                                                           [No baker’s dozens, please.]
       This year’s first theme night,    Theme Night—Holidays
                                                                                                   on e!
                                                                           The color purple doesn’t have
       on October 26th, is all about     This December 21st theme                                g
       the fun of Halloween. Club        night asks Club members to                    nd
                                                                           to fill the entire frame, nor half
                          gon e
       members may submit up to 10       submit up to 12 images that             ome
                                                                           of the frame—it just has to be
                                                                           prominent in the picture
       images on this holiday. These
                                         relate to The Holidays. Which
                                                                           (percentages do not matter).
       may include witches, black
                                         ones? Your choice, but the idea
                                                             ut !
                                                                           Any shade of purple (grape,
       cats, pumpkins, costumes, and     was to make it seasonal—
                                                            o              burgundy, magenta, maroon,
       whatever else reminds you of
                                                       a  d
                                         from Thanksgiving through
                                                        n                  whatever) is acceptable. Be as
       All Hallows Eve. The images
                                                  ve r
                                         New Years. [Thanksgiving,
                                                                           creative as you can or wish to
       can be old or new, but they            O
                                         Hanukkah, Christmas,
                                                                           be. Send your images to both
       must be yours. Send them to       Kwanzaa, New Years eve

 April 2021                                                      10
CLUB    and
        by 11:59
       p.m. on Friday, January 22nd.

                                                                              you look like. We’ll review the
                                                                              Images from the PPS at the
                                                                              Club meeting on March 22nd.
       Theme Night—Before & After          Image Exchange—Pretoria            We’ll also give you a chance to
       Our third (and final) theme         Photographic Society               see the images we sent to
       night of the year is a little bit   Back in 2010, and then again       South Africa.
       different from the others we        in 2015, Park West had image
       have had so far. We will send       exchanges with the Hartlepool
       all Club members a half dozen       Camera Club in England. This
       or so files of differing kinds of   year, we’re at it again, now
       images. Your assignment is to       with the Pretoria Photographic
                   re, t!
       choose one or two of them and
                 e                         Society in Pretoria, South
             n th tha
       work on them using your             Africa. We’ll send our images
           e         e
         Be don
       photo-editing software. You
       can add to or subtract from the
                                           to them and they’ll send theirs
                                           to us. The theme we selected is
       original files to your heart’s      quite broad, People, Places,
       desire. Be creative! Be ruthless!   Things. Although not required,

                                                               ut !
       Be whatever! Just come up           we suggest that your selection     You Be the Judge 2
       with something you’re proud                          d o
                                           of images be shot right here in    We started this year off with
       to present to the Club—and                   r an
                                           the good old U. S. of A. Please
                                                  e                           our first ever You Be the Judge.
       explain what you did, how you            Ov
                                           send one of your favorite          It was such a great success that
       did it, and maybe even why          images to us for inclusion.        we’re doing it again. This time
       you did it. Let’s see what you      Send it to       we ask that the image you
       can do. Submit your images by       The deadline for submitting        submit not be one that has
       midnight on Friday, February        your image is Sunday, January      already been shown to, or
       19th (the sooner, the better).      31st at 11:59 p.m. We’re also      shared with, the Club (you
       Send them to        asking for a short statement       may use it at a later date if you
       We’ll look at and discuss your      about your image and/or            wish). Members will submit
       image(s) at the Club meeting        about yourself. We’d also like a   one image each; members will
       on Monday night, February           thumbnail image of you— like       then receive a slide show of all
       22nd.                               a selfie—so they can see what      the entered images as well as a

 April 2021                                                        11
CLUB   ballot to complete. The results       2021’s version of Expanding       Try This…
       will be tabulated and revealed        Visions (the 27th, if you’re
       at the April 26th meeting. Due        counting) is hidden in a vault    Think you know your gear?
       to the fact that it takes a while     at Price Waterhouse’s under-          Go into a completely dark
       to put together the slide show,       ground cave, somewhere            room (like a windowless
       create the ballot, send it all out,   in North Dakota. They are also    bathroom or a big closet), or
       get it back, and calculate the        revealed on pages 17 and 18,      put on a sleep mask (or some
       winners, we ask that your             below. The first session of the   other kind of blindfold), or
       submissions arrive to us at           class will be held on Monday      just keep your eyes closed
        no later           night, April 12th. The images     (no cheating, please) and…
       than Wednesday, April 7th by          from the assignments will be      • change the shutter speed
       11:59 p.m. Good luck, all!            due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday       • change the aperture
                                             night, May 7th. Send them via     • change the ISO setting
                                             email to          • change the focus mode
                                             The final review session will     • etc.
                                             take place at the Club meeting        How’d you do? If you
       Expanding Visions 27 (2021)           on Monday night, May 10th.        had a problem—practice,
       The theme and assignments for                                           practice, practice.

       Fully Vaccinated Yet?                 without wearing a mask.           at least 6 feet apart from
                                             • You can gather indoors          others, and avoiding crowds
       COVID-19 vaccines are quite           with unvaccinated people          and poorly ventilated areas.
       effective at protecting you           from one other household          Take these precautions
       from getting sick. Based on           (for example, visiting with       whenever you are:
       what we now know about                relatives who live together)      • in public;
       these vaccines, people who            without masks unless any of       • gathering with unvacci-
       have been fully vaccinated            those people are in a high-       nated people from more
       can start to do some things           risk group.                       than one other household;
       that they had stopped doing                                             • visiting with an unvacci-
       because of the pandemic.                                                nated person who is in a
           People are considered                                               high risk group.
       fully vaccinated:                                                           You should still avoid
       • 2 weeks after their second                                            medium or large gatherings.
       dose in a 2-dose series, such                                               You should still delay
                                             • If you’ve been around
       as the Pfizer or Moderna                                                domestic and international
                                             someone who has COVID-
       vaccines; or                                                            travel. If you do travel,
                                             19, you do not need to stay
       • 2 weeks after a single-dose                                           you’ll still need to follow
                                             away from others or get
       vaccine, Johnson & John-                                                CDC requirements and rec-
                                             tested unless you have
       son’s Janssen vaccine.                                                  ommendations.
           If you have been fully                You should still take
       vaccinated:                           steps to protect yourself and     Be sure to carry your Proof of
       • You can gather indoors              others in many situations,        Vaccination card with you at
       with fully vaccinated people          like wearing a mask, staying      all times!

 April 2021                                                       12
CLUB   Business Mtg Minutes                                                confirming receipt of their
                   by Christine Doyle                                      images must send a separate
                  Recording Secretary                                      email to Hedy Klein requesting
                                                                           same. Details of the Year-End
       March 29, 2021                                                      competition will be presented
                                                                           later in the meeting.
       [As a result of the Coronavirus    Committee/Business Meeting
       pandemic and the continuing        as published in Photo Notes.     Field Trip: No report due to
       restrictions issued by the State                                    the continuing pandemic
       of New York, the Club has not      III. Treasurer’s Report: Ed      restrictions. Ed Lee asked if
       held any in-person meetings        asked Christine Doyle to read    outdoor field trips couldn’t be
       since March 2020. This meeting     the Treasurer’s Report, dated    resumed once the weather
       was held via Zoom.]                March 3, 2021, that Treasurer    warmed up. No decision was
                                          Maria Fernandez emailed ear-     reached.
       Participants:                      lier in the day. [see below]
       Executive Committee: Ed Lee                                         Gallery: No report due to
       (President), Michael Schleiff      IV. Committee Reports            pandemic restrictions. Ed Lee
       (Vice President), Helen Pine                                        is still trying to get in touch
       (Corresponding Secretary),         Competition: Co-Chair John       with the responsible party at
       Christine Doyle (Recording         Brengelman reported that the     the Ryan Chelsea-Clinton
       Secretary), and Chuck Pine         Zoom competitions are going      Health Center about collecting
       (President Emeritus). Treasurer    fairly well. A review of the     our prints that were loaned for
       Maria Fernandez was not in         judges’ scoring shows the        a show before the pandemic.
       attendance.                        scores to vary widely, as in
                                          previous years. Images for the   House: No report due to the
       25 additional Club members         April 5th competition are due    continuing restrictions.
       were in attendance (via Zoom)      by midnight tonight. Members
                                          who wish to receive an email       Continued on next page
       —a quorum was met.

       I. Call To Order: Ed Lee called     Treasurer’s Report
       the meeting to order at approx-                                               by Maria Fernandez
       imately 6:35 p.m. and intro-
       duced members of the Execu-         Bank Balance        $7,658.00
       tive Committee. He welcomed
       all participants, and hoped         Expenses Paid:
       everyone was doing well and         Guest Speakers and Competition Judges $1,125.00
       keeping busy.                                        (Tax Compliance)     $ 235.00
                                           Visual Pursuits Yearly Fee            $ 351.00
       II. Minutes of Previous Execu-      Post Office Stamps                    $ 55.00
       tive Committee/Business             American Express                      $ 106.99
       Meeting: Members present
       agreed to waive the reading,        Credit for Rent paid but Soho was closed to the public $700.00
       and accept the minutes, of the      (Lee Backer is aware of the credit due.)
       November 30, 2020 Executive

 April 2021                                                    13
CLUB   Membership: Co-Chair              Workshop: See below under         regarding whether/when the
       Marlene Schonbrun reported        New Business.                     Club should resume in-per-
       that the Club now has 83 total                                      son meetings. Members in
       members, which includes 8         Since the agenda for tonight’s    attendance overwhelmingly
       new members and 4 who have        meeting was especially full, Ed   preferred continuing with
       re-joined.                        Lee moved to discuss new          Zoom meetings, and continu-
                                         business before old business.     ing to suspend print compe-
       Newsletter: Chair Chuck Pine      Helen Pine seconded.              titions, out of an abundance
       reported that the deadline for                                      of caution for their safety and
       submitting articles for the       V. New Business                   general convenience. Among
       April issue of Photo Notes is                                       the specific comments made
       Monday, April 5th. If anyone       A. From the Chair                by members were: sending a
       has an article that has been       1. Nominating Committee—         questionnaire out to all
       completed, please submit it as     Ed Lee announced that there      members to determine
       soon as possible. New Club         are two vacancies on the         everyone’s preferences; hav-
       members should contact             Executive Committee for          ing a hybrid schedule with
       Marlene Schonbrun about            the 2021-2022 Club year:         Zooms, an in-person meeting
       preparing bios for Photo Notes.    President and Treasurer. Ed      for print competitions, and
                                          will be stepping down as         outdoor field trips. All of this
       Program: Chair Marilyn Fish-       president after eight years      depends on the applicable
       Glynn reported that the follow-    and Maria Fernandez has          city and state regulations,
       ing judges and speakers have       resigned her position as Club    which currently do not allow
       been lined up:                     treasurer. Rita Russo and        indoor meetings of groups as
       - April judge - Moshe Katvan       Helen Pine volunteered to        large as the Club’s.
       - May judge - Rivka Katvan         serve on the Nominating
       - Year/end judges - Peter          Committee. Additional             3. Final (Year-End) Compe-
         Brandt, Ken Hoffman, one         volunteers are needed.                tition Report—Helen
         more TBA                                                                 Pine reported that the
       - April speaker - Richard                                                  Club will hold its year-
         Martin                                                                   end competition this
       - May speaker - Lisa Langell                                               year in the following
                                                                                  manner: the three
       Social: No report due to the                                               judges will see the
       continuing COVID pandemic.                                                 images on June 3rd in a
                                                                                  session that will be
       Website: Chair Michael                                                     recorded and shown to
       Schleiff reported that the                                                members at the June
       website is up-to-date and          2. Future Club Meetings—
                                                                            7th regularly scheduled
       running smoothly, and urged        Should we continue zoom
                                                                            meeting. Judges will be
       members to join. Some small        meetings or resume in-per-
                                                                            provided with printed
       changes to the home page are       son meetings when allowed?
                                                                            sheets, numbered 1 through
       still being worked on and          What about print competi-
       should be finalized soon.          tions? Finding the Best Mix.
                                          Ed Lee started a discussion        Continued on next page

 April 2021                                                   14
CLUB    9, which they will raise to      His son Tom, who is also a      let the new board discuss
        indicate their scores, and       Club member, contacted          whether or not to change.
        the individual scores will       Marlene Schonbrun about
        then be totaled. Executive       some sort of memorial for       8. PDI Workshops—Chuck
        Committee, Competition           his father, who Tom said        and Helen announced that
        Committee co-chairs and          enjoyed being a PWCC            they would be reviving
        the Program Committee            member. The Executive           their PDI Workshops via
        chair will be the only Club      Committee elected to invite     Zoom. These sessions,
        members present. Mem-            Tom to submit images and        which will be held twice a
        bers’ submissions for the        a written testimonial that      month on Friday after-
        year-end competition are         will be published in Photo      noons or early evenings,
        due May 24th. Full details       Notes. Marlene raised the       will allow up to 10 mem-
        about entering may be            issue of whether the Ex-        bers to submit 5 images
        found on page XX of this         Com or members should           each, which will then be
        issue of Photo Notes.            decide this going forward,      critiqued or edited in Nik
                                         when other members pass.        or Photoshop. Those inter-
                                         Following a discussion,         ested in participating will
                                         Natalie Manzino offered to      have to sign up in advance.
                                         take on the task of a ‘Sun-     The sessions will be open to
                                         shine’ Committee. Mem-          all members to observe,
        4. Expanding Visions 27—         bers will be invited to con-    and will also be recorded
        Chuck Pine reported that         tact her with any life          and circulated afterward.
        Expanding Visions 27 class       events, and she will send
        will start in mid-April. As      out cards on behalf of the      9. Otto Litzel Memorial
        with Expanding Visions 26        Club.                           Dinner—The Otto Litzel
        last fall, there will be three                                   Memorial Dinner is usually
        different subject matters for    6. Summer Schedule/             held at a restaurant in mid-
        members to shoot. Mem-           Restart Club Field Trips?       June to celebrate the end of
        bers who participate will be     Most members present            the Club year and give out
        invited to submit up to 5        were interested in re-start-    awards (e.g., for image of
        images per subject (no           ing Club field trips over the   the year, highest point total,
        more than 15 total images        upcoming summer.                etc.). This year, the event
        per member). The introduc-                                       will be held via Zoom on
        tory session will be held at     7. Open a Club Zoom             June 14th. BYOB and food.
        the April 12th meeting.          Account?—Michael Schleiff
        Additional details can be        reported that we could set      10. Other—Helen Pine
        found in the current issue       up a Club Zoom account at       announced that Natalie
        of Photo Notes.                  the same rate that we now       Manzino has been nomi-
                                         pay. (Michael has a private     nated as a Life Member of
        5. Peter Houts’ Photo Notes      account through which he        the Club. All present were
        Memorial/Dealing with            hosts Club Zooms.) Michael      in favor and voted yes.
        Future Member Passings—          suggested that we continue
        Club member Peter Houts          Zooming as we have, and
                                                                          Continued on next page
        passed away late last year.

 April 2021                                               15
CLUB    B. From the Floor                mation will be published in   VII. Good And Welfare
         No new business from the        Photo Notes. Chuck noted that
         floor.                          additional virtual summits     A. From The Chair
                                         were coming up, including        Ed Lee went over Club
       V. Old Business                   one for Lightroom users, in      meetings planned through
         A. Pretoria Photographic        the spring, summer, and fall.    mid-May:
         Society (PPS) Review/Image                                       1. Upcoming Work-
         Sharing With Other Clubs—       C. Social Media/Instagram             shops—‘You Be the
         Chuck and Helen Pine            Report—Member Annette                 Judge’ on April 26th
         reported that the image         Collazo-Comito shared parts           (the deadline for sub-
         exchange was successful.        of YouTube videos on how to           mitting images is April
         Although it was originally      get started on Instagram and          7th; these must be im-
         envisioned as a straight        Instagram Tips for 2021. (At          ages that members have
         photo exchange, once it         the November business                 not previously shown
         became clear that the PPS       meeting, it was agreed that           in competition or previ-
         was going to present a          the Club should have a pres-          ous workshops or pho-
         critique of our images, it      ence on Instagram.) Annette           to shares);
         was decided that PWCC           agreed to create an Instagram    2. Expanding Visions 27—
         members would do a ‘You-        account for the Club and will         Introduction April 12th;
         Be-the-Judge’ critique of       write up something regard-            Review May 10th (im-
         PPS’s images. The Club can      ing her findings.                     age submission dead-
         do this again with PPS or                                             line TBA).
         another photography club        D. Use of Online Payment
         with which members are          Systems—Member Annette         B. From the Floor
         familiar.                       Collazo-Comito suggested         none
                                         that the Club look into using
        B. Photoshop Virtual             an online payment app, such This Zoom business meeting
                                         as PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle,   was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
        Summit Review/Possible
        Individual Member Usage—         when paying judges and
        Chuck is exploring a mecha-      speakers instead of using a   Senior Moments
        nism whereby individual          paper check, and for collect-
                                         ing dues from members. (At    The biggest lie you tell your-
        members can access the
                                         the November business         self is, “I don’t need to write
        videos from the Photoshop
                                         meeting, it was agreed that   that down. I’ll remember it.”
        Virtual Summit II. (The Club
        obtained a ‘V.I.P.’ pass to      the Club should do this.) It
                                                                       It would be wonderful if we
        this online workshop on the      was agreed that the new
                                                                       could put ourselves in the
        latest Photoshop techniques,     treasurer should explore this
                                                                       dryer for ten minutes, then
        which gives us access to all     option.
                                                                       come out wrinkle-free,… and
        the video presentations that                                   three sizes smaller.
                                         E. Other—there was no
        were made.) Because of the
                                         other old business.           The nice thing about being
        way the passcodes are set up,
        only one member at a time                                       senile is you can hide your
        can view the videos for a                                       own Easter eggs and have
        limited period of time. Infor-                                  fun finding them.

 April 2021                                                16

 April 2021   17

 April 2021   18
Year-End Judges
       Year-End Competition
                                                                            his father’s Kodak twin-lens
       The Year-End Competition          Here, in no particular order,      box camera at age 14. Peter
       will be held on Thursday,         are short introductions to our     now does personal fine art and
       June 3rd. Only our three          three 2021 Year-End judges:        architectural photography.
       judges, the Club’s ExCom,
       and the Competition Com-
       mittee chairs will be present.
       The competition will be
       recorded and played back
       for the members on June 7th
       —the first Monday in June.
           Year-End Competitions
       are different from our
       monthly competitions: the
       rules of entry are different;
       the judging is different; the
       rewards differ, too.              E. Kenneth Hoffman is the          Nina Prantis is on the faculty
           Each Club member may          professor emeritus at Seton        of the New Jersey Institute of
       submit up to four PDIs. All       Hall University in South           Technology, teaching architec-
       the entries must have been        Orange, NJ, where he taught        tural photography and other
       judged in one of the monthly      photography and computer           arts-related courses. She has
       competitions held this year       graphics for over 45 years until   also taught at the International
       (October 2020 through May         he retired in 2019. During the     Center of Photography and
       2021). The images may not         Vietnam War Ken served in the      other places. She judged at our
       be altered from the way they      221st Signal Company, an apt       Club previously ( in May 2014
       were originally submitted.        start for his teaching career.     and February 2011). Nina has
       No corrections, no title                                             been published in Manhattan
       changes, no nothing! Each                                            Catalog, Modern Photography,
       must be the original image.                                          and Popular Photography,
           Each judge will score                                            among others (that’s showing
       from 1 to 9 points for each                                          her age!)..
       image. The scores will be
       added together and the total                                           Photographs by our three
       will be announced. Pictures                                            judges may be found on
       can get from 3 to 27 points.                                           the next page.
       There will be one winner
       (the PDI-of-the-Year) plus (at
                                         Peter C. Brandt spent 45 years
       least) four runners-up.
                                         as a commercial photographer
           The entry deadline for
                                         specializing in advertising,
       receipt of PDI’s emailed to
                                         fashion, beauty, and finally in
                                         architectural shooting. Peter
       is May 24th at 11:59 p.m.
                                         began his photo journey with

 April 2021                                                       19

              © Peter C. Brandt

                                                           © E. Kenneth Hoffman

                                                        f-stop Dilemma

                                                        You would think that setting two
                                                        different lenses to the same f-stop
                                       © Nina Prantis

                                                        will let equal amounts of light
                                                        pass through. While theoretically
                                                        correct, light amount varies in
                                                        practice due to the difference in
                                                        materials used and other factors.
                                                            There’s another parameter
                                                        called the t-stop, which measures
                                                        the amount of light passing
                                                        through a lens into the camera.
                                                        Cinema lenses are usually noted
                                                        in t-stops rather than in f-stops.

 April 2021                                     20
CLUB   Image Exchange                                                      In attendance at the final
                         by Chuck Pine                                  image exchange were 40 Park
                                                                        West members and 15 PPS
       The Park West Camera Club                                        members—even though the
       image exchange with the                                          show began at 12:30 a.m. their
       Pretoria Photographic Society                                    time and lasted for more than
       (of South Africa) was a great    they fit the bell-shaped curve  an hour and a half.
       success! On both sides of the    perfectly.                         If you missed this fantastic
       Atlantic. (For part one results      All of the images received  presentation, or what to see it
       and comments, our photos         varied scores. Most images got again, it’s posted on Youtube
       shown in Pretoria, see last      C’s from some of the members, ar 
       month’s issue of Photo Notes.)   some didn’t; all of the images  (You may also find this address
           Here’s what happened on      received at least some B's and  on the Club’s website.)
       our side of the pond…            A’s. None got all A’s.
           All 31 of the PPS images,        As for the average scores,
       along with a score/comment       no images had a C average. Six
       sheet, were sent to all of the   images had a B average. 25 had
       Park West membership (just       an A average. Of the A images,
       like we did earlier in the year, six of them had substantially
       and will do again at the end of higher scores than the rest.
       April for our You Be the Judge   They received A’s with Honors
       nights). We were asked to score (the highest ratings ).
       the images just like our judges      The A with Honors images
       do at the PWCC competitions      are shown below and on the
       each month—with a score of       following page…
       “A” (superior), “B” (good), or
       “C” (needs improvement). We
       were also requested to make                      A with Honors
       some comments about some or                        Gangstah
       all of the images (positive,                   © Alta Oosthuizen
       negative, suggestions, etc.).
           Once the score sheets were
       returned, points were assigned
       (just as we do each month) and
       average scores were calculated.
       These were used to determine
       which images received overall
       grades of “A,” “B,” or “C.”
       From among the A’s, honors
       were given to the highest rated
           Here are the final results
       (and for the statisticians
       among those of you out there)                                       Continued on next page

 April 2021                                                21

                                                             A with Honors
                                                        Mountaineers at Sunrise
                                                     © Johan ver Loren van Themaat
                  A with Honors
                    Baby Ape
                  © Joan Fouché

                                                            A with Honors
                                                             The Guards
                                                          © Riana Liebenberg

              A with Honors
             Tender Moment
          © Pauline van der Spuy

                                   A with Honors
                                   © Rudi Pothas

 April 2021                                      22
CLUB   Election Procedures                                                  NomCom News
       At the March business meeting
                                                                            At the March business meet-
       we began our yearly election
                                                                            ing only two Club members
       procedures when President Ed
                                                                            volunteered to sit on the
       Lee appointed the Nominating
                                                                            Nominating Committee
       Committee. They will present
                                          positions, then a vote must be    Since then three more Club
       their slate of (at least) one
                                          taken for those position(s).      members have joined. The
       nominee for each position on
                                          Members must be present to        NomCom consists of Rita
       the Executive Committee
                                          cast a vote. (The secretary can   Russo, Helen Pine, Will
       (president, vice president,
                                          still cast the unanimous vote     Aimesbury, Laura Toledo,
       treasurer, corresponding/
                                          for the unopposed candidates.     and Renée Harper.
       membership secretary, and
                                               Finally, the outgoing Club      If you would like to be
       recording secretary) to the
                                          officers are thanked and the      considered for a position as
       membership at the final Club
                                          incoming ExCom is installed       one of next year’s officers,
       meeting in the month of April.
                                          at the Otto Litzel Memorial       submit your name to either
           At that time, nominations
                                          Dinner held on the second          or to
       will be opened to the floor.
                                          Monday in June.                   
       Nominations will be accepted
       from the floor at each Club
       meeting leading up to, but not
                                          Sunshine Fund
       including, the May business
                                          A motion was passed at the            But Natalie needs your
                                          April business meeting to         help in achieving the Club’s
                                          establish a Sunshine Fund as      goals through this committee.
                                          part of the Social Committee.     It would be great if each and
                                          The responsibilities of this      every member could give her
                                          new entity are to                              the month and
                                          acknowledge                                    day of their
                                          birthdays, deaths,                             birthday (years
                                          births, illnesses,                             not requested).
                                          and any other life                                  In addition,
                                          events that impact                             if you could let
           The next and final phase of
                                          our Club members                               Natalie know of
       the PWCC election process is
                                          and their families.                            any life events
       the election itself. This occurs
                                              Long-time Club                             that occur to any
       at the May business meeting. If
                                          member Natalie                                of our members,
       there is only one nominee for
                                          Manzino has volunteered to        you or someone else, both
       each position, then a motion
                                          take on this task for the Club.   present and past members,
       may be made asking the Club’s
                                          She has already purchased         that would be great, too.
       recording secretary to cast a
                                          the necessary stationery to be
       unanimous vote for the slate.
                                          able to express the sentiments          917-757-7086
       Should there be more than one
                                          of the Club and its members.        
       nominee for any of the five

 April 2021                                                     23
CLUB   Competition Rotation                Committee Liaisons                Photo Notes Deadlines

       If and when the Club is able                                          Issue              Deadline
                                           The Executive Committee
       to resume with non-virtual,
                                           (ExCom) has decided to con-
       in-person meetings, we will                                           May 2021           May 3
                                           tinue for this coming year
       continue to alternate the order                                       Summer 2021        August 16
                                           with the committee liaison
       of the prints and PDIs in our
                                           model to spread the respon-
       monthly competitions. Here’s                                               The sooner articles and
                                           sibility among the entire Ex-
       the schedule:                                                         items are submitted to Photo
                                           ecutive Committee.
                                              Here’s how it’ll work:         Notes, the quicker the editing
          Month        Judged First                                          and revision process can begin.
                                           Each of the ExCom mem-
                                           bers (the five elected officers   Competition scores and cumu-
          May          Prints                                                lative points are submitted as
                                           plus the President Emeritus)
          June         PDIs                will be assigned committees       soon after the competitions as
                                           as a liaison. Each committee      possible, usually one to three
                                           chair or co-chair will report     days following the submission
                                           to the ExCom through this         deadline. Once all items are in
                                           liaison. In this manner, it is    place the draft copy of Photo
                                           felt that communication will      Notes will be sent to the editor-
                                           flow much more smoothly,          ial. The staff will then have
                                           in both directions, between       several days to edit and return
                                           the committees. In addition,      their comments.
                                           any concerns raised by the             Upon completion, the Photo
                                           ExCom will be passed along        Notes issue will be sent to the
                                           to the committee chairs           Website Committee to be
                                           through the liaisons.             uploaded to the website. As
                                              Here are the committee         soon as this is accomplished,
                                           liaison assignments for the       an email is sent to all Club
                                           2020-2021 Club year:              members and other Photo Notes
                                                                             recipients informing them that
       Curtain Raisers                     Competition Mike Schleiff         the PWCC newsletter is on-line
                        by Helen Pine      Field Trip     Chuck Pine         and available for download.
                                           Gallery        Helen Pine
       Curtain raisers are short           House      Christine Doyle
       (no more than five minutes)         Membership Helen Pine
       programs presented by Club          Newsletter     Chuck Pine
       members prior to our guest          Program Christine Doyle
       speakers. Here’s the list for       Social              Ed Lee
       this year.                          Website      Mike Schleiff
                                           Workshop            Ed Lee
       April        Julie Foehrenbach
       May          Paula Paterniti

  April 2021                                                        24
       Member Portfolio

       Alice Somma

       As part of PWCC’s series
       on what our members have
       been doing while the Club
       is on ‘hiatus’ during the
       Covid pandemic, member
       Alice Somma writes: “Since
       the quarantine began, I have
       been walking by the water,
       both in Brooklyn and Island
       Park. These pictures reflect
       different lighting, subjects,
       and weather conditions.
       Every time I go out for a
       walk I discover something
       new and picture worthy.”

                    All images
                ©2020 Alice Somma

 April 2021                     25
               by Chuck Pine, Editor
                                                                  Beach Photo Tips
       It Takes Time
                                                                  Can you believe it? It’s April
       I did something last month                                 already. It’s also over a year
       that I’ve never done before                                since the start of the COVID
       during my 20+ years of                                     pandemic and all those #%@
       doing the PWCC newsletter,                                 restrictions. Well, things are
       Photo Notes. I actually wrote                              beginning to ease up. Many
       down how much time I                                       of us have gotten vaccinated
       spent putting together the                                 by now. It’s time to go out
       March 2021 issue.                                          shooting again.
            Each time I sat down in                                  And where better to go
       front of my computer I wrote                               than an uncrowded beach
       down the time. Then, when                                  on an early spring day? You
       I was finished, I checked the                              can hop on a train or bus
       clock again and recorded the                               and choose from places like
       number of minutes I was at                                 Orchard Beach in the Bronx,
       it. Finally, when all was said                             Coney Island in Brooklyn,
       and done, and Photo Notes                                  Far Rockaway in Queens,
       was written, illustrated,                                  Jones Beach on Long Island,
       edited, and out the door (so                               and so many more options.
       to speak), I added up all the                                 This column is the start of
       sessions.                                                  a series of tips for getting
            Please note, that I                                   great images. Here’s number
       excluded times spent for any                               one…
       rest stops, telephone call
       interruptions, and the like.                               • To get better beach shots,
       The final numbers reflect                                  be prepared to get your feet
       only the time I was doing                                  wet. Down at the water’s
       actual work on this monthly                                edge, where the sand is wet,
       project.                                                   your foregrounds will be
            To my surprise, I spent                               more colorful. The waves
       1,914 minutes on task. This                                wash away footprints and
       comes out to 31 hours and 54                               other distractions that can
       minutes. Wow! All this was                                 spoil the natural look of a
       accomplished in 40 separate                                beach photo. You may also
       sessions in front of my Mac                                discover reflections that add
       computer. Some sessions                                    interest to otherwise plain
       lasted over two hours; some                                foregrounds.
       as little as six minutes.
            That’s what I call stick-to-

 April 2021                                            26
        Member Portfolio

        Marlene Schonbrun

        As part of PWCC’s ongoing
        series on what our members
        have been doing while the
        Club is on ‘hiatus’ during
        the Covid pandemic, our
        long-time member and co-
        chair of the Membership
        Committee, Ms. Marlene
        Schonbrun has been pho-
        tographing what a Covid
        ‘summer in the city’ looks
        like on the Upper West Side.

              All images
       ©2020 Marlene Schobnbrun

 April 2021                     27
CLUB   New Member Bio                      Benson is passionate
             by Marlene Schonbrun      about world travel, cultural
                                       exploration, and storytelling
       Benson Babu                     with his images. He became
                                       more interested in photogra-
                                       phy in 2010 after extensively
                                       traveling around the world.
                                           Benson originally joined
                                       PWCC back in 2013. He left
                                       for a few years when he
                                       moved out of New York, and
                                       recently rejoined the Club
                                       last month. While COVID-19
                                       has limited his traveling, he
                                       is eager to return to it.
                                           Benson enjoys shooting
                                       nature and landscapes with
                                       Nikons and various lenses
       Benson Babu’s photography       and uses Photoshop to edit.
       journey started by experi-
                                                                            Benson feels his greatest
       menting with his father’s
                                                                            strengths are his photo-
       classic Minolta film camera
                                                                            graphic eye and how he
       back in the 1980s on Long
                                                                            captures the moment to
       Island. Capturing memo-
                                                                            tell a story. Unfortunate-
       rable moments of weddings
                                                                            ly, because of his work
       and family events with
                                                                            schedule, he cannot de-
       black-and-white film and
                                                                            vote enough time to his
       further developing it by
                                                                            passion. But he hopes to
       hand in his high school
                                                                           eventually participate in
       photo lab motivated and             Photographers who have       exhibits and have photos
       inspired him.                   inspired Benson are Ansel        displayed on social media.
                                       Adams, Cath (Catherine)          He’s also looking forward to
                                       Simard, and Thomas Heaton.       advancing his technical
                                       (I had never heard of the last   knowledge in Photoshop via
                                       two so I looked them up and      the Club’s programs and our
                                       I see why they inspire him)      more experienced members.
                                           Lastly, Benson is a New         Welcome back Benson. I
                                       York City hospital physician     have no doubt that you will
                                       with a computer data science     accomplish your goals at
                                       background. He is develop-       Park West.
                                       ing artificial intelligence
                                       software for the healthcare
                                       industry.                                 All images
                                                                               © Benson Babu

 April 2021                                                 28
CLUB   New Member Bio                                                              portraiture for a
             by Marlene Schonbrun                                                  short while as a
       Eloisa Huni                                                                      “Among Eloisa’s
                                                                                   favorite photogra-
                                                                                   phers are Ansel
                                                                                   Adams, Edward
                                                                                   Weston, and Henri
                                                                                        “I officially
                                                                                   restarted practicing
                                                                                   this hobby I love so
                                                                                   much when I joined
                                                                                   PWCC and am so
                                          New York Institute of Photo-             happy I did.”
                                          graphy and got a diploma as         Eloisa is hoping to gain
                                          a Professional Photographer.    an abundance of knowledge
       Eloisa joined PWCC almost
                                          It was before the digital age   from our many members,
       two years ago. When I
                                          and it was all about and        especially in improving her
       looked at her membership
                                          strictly on manual shooting.    technical skills. She feels she
       application, I didn’t believe
                                          But it was a thorough and       has a strong eye for seeing
       it was that long ago. She
                                          complete course covering all    interesting photographic
       originally heard about the
                                          the rules and aspects of all    subjects. She basically just
       Club through Marty Smith,
                                          the fields of photography       wants to enjoy photography
       a long-time member.
                                          including developing and        as a hobby.
           Eloisa started taking
                                          darkroom printing.                  We will certainly help
       pictures when she was a
                                              “Once I learned all my      you to achieve your goals.
       teenager. She enjoys all kinds
                                          basics and had my own           Welcome to the Park West
       of photography, especially
                                          home studio, I practiced        Camera Club, Eloisa.
       nature and portraiture. Her
       equipment of choice for
       many years were Nikon
       cameras, but she switched to
       a Canon and her iPhone.
           Belonging to a camera
       club is not new to Eloisa as
                                                                                           © Eloisa Huni

       she was a member of two
                                                                                            All images

       others, but it was before the
       digital age. She is currently
       riding out the COVID-19
       pandemic in the country of
       her birth, The Philippines.
           “I did a correspondence
       course in 1994/95 with the

 April 2021                                                            29
                                 by Bill Apple

              Your Camera, Or Your Life!

              April is the cruelest month, as
              readers of T.S. Eliot’s “The
              Waste Land” will recognize,
              but late January and early
              February seemed unusually
              cruel—to two aging San
              Franciscans.                          Prey, Predators Jack Palladino (left), in better days, succumbed to
                   For one, an 84-year-old          head injuries February 1st after drive-by thieves tried to grab his camera.
                                                    He favored flashy neckwear and red-tassled loafers, one obituary noted.
              Thai resident named Vichar
                                                    Right: Accused of attempted murder, Tyjone Flournoy (facing camera), 23.
              Ratanapakdee was pushed to            and Lawrence Thomas, 24, in San Francisco court appearance. Photos:
              the ground near his home by           U.K. Daily Mail (Palladino) and S.F. Examiner.
              young thugs, strangers. They
              just ran up from behind and         • heiress Patty Hearst,        Belushi, Robin Williams, Ozzy
              shoved him to the sidewalk.           kidnapped in 1974 by the     Osbourne, Mariah Carey,
              Good fun. His head hit the            Symbionese Liberation        Snoop Dogg, Courtney Love,
              pavement, and he died.                Army;                        R. Kelly, others.
                   Something not unlike that      • Bill Clinton’s run for the       “Many wanted him to
              happened to Jack Palladino, a         presidency, with Gennifer    quash negative stories or
              world-class P.I. (private inves-      Flowers as significant       discredit allegations. Through
              tigator). The Daily Mail, British     baggage (and Palladino       charm, guile and flat-out
              tabloid, dubbed him the “King         defending against smears);   bullying, Palladino delivered,”
              of Gumshoes”—and he was.            • an outspoken Guatemalan      the Daily Mail wrote. He even
              An ace photographer, too,             archbishop, Juan José        went undercover once as a jail
              which you need in that line of        Gerardi Conedera, murdered inmate, in a mafia case. Many
              work. Telephotos crucial.             by the drug cartel in 1998;  times, for less well-heeled
                   Palladino, if the name         • a Hell’s Angels racketeering clients, he worked pro bono.
              doesn’t ring a bell, was invol-       (RICO) investigation;            Palladino “played” himself
              ved in many of the biggest          • most recently, WikiLeaks     in the movie “The Insider,”
              cases of the latter 20th century.     founder Julian Assange,      about a key lawsuit against
              Like Woody Allen’s Zelig, he          accused of rape in Sweden.   Big Tobacco for cancers its
              was popping up unexpectedly           (Harvey Weinstein also       products cause and about
              everywhere. His casebook—             became a client in 2017.)    which, evidence showed, the
              littered with bold-faced names:        Indeed, from the 1970s      industry had long known and
              • the 1978 Jonestown Massacre       and for decades whenever the was covering up.
                 where over 900 Peoples           Hollywood glitterati found         Jack Palladino, 76, lived in
                 Temple cultists dead of          themselves in “situations,”    Haight-Ashberry. How he died
                 cyanide-laced Kool-Aid in a      Jack Palladino was on speed-   was freaky: He’d taken a
                 Guyana jungle;                   dial—for Don Johnson,          brand-new camera outside for
                                                  Sylvester Stallone, John       a test-run in front of the home

     April 2021                                                                      30
PHOTOGRAPHY   he shared with his wife (also       iPhone’s Competition?
              a P.I. and partner on many
              cases). He spotted a car
                                                  OPPO has announced its new
              circling, apparently up to
                                                  Find X3 Pro smartphone. It
              no good, and snapped a
              few frames.                         comes with a pair of primary
                  The car came round again,       cameras with each featuring
              slowed, and a man on the            50-megapixel Sony sensors
              passenger side reached              covering both the wide and
              through the open window to          ultra-wide fields of view for
              grab the new camera, strapped       “billion color photos and
              to Palladino’s neck. But the P.I.   videos.” The camera module
              would not let go—and neither
                                                  also features a 60x micro-lens
              would the thief.
                                                  that allows you to capture
                  Palladino was dragged 40
                                                  super close-up detail.               Photo Glossary
              feet but managed to save his
              camera. He sustained massive            Weighing in at 193g (that’s
                                                  under seven ounces), the new         Aperture refers to the size of
              head injuries and died in the
                                                                                       the opening in a lens through
              hospital days later, February 1.    phone can withstand dust,
                                                                                       which light enters a camera.
              Images retrieved from that          dirt, and being submerged in
                                                                                       A larger opening allows more
              camera, oddly, helped the           water at depths of 1.5 meters
                                                                                       light to pass through, while a
              SFPD collar a pair of career        (five feet) for up to a half hour.   smaller aperture allows less
              criminals (see photos).             This is fantastic for shooting       light to pass through.
                  Fittingly, Palladino’s final
                                                  in the rain or at the beach, for
              images will likely put them
              behind bars.
                                                      The wide camera has a                              f-2.8
                  Imagine the photo album
              the Palladinos surely have.         focal length equivalent to
              When things are sorted,             approximately a 26mm lens
              perhaps Jack’s widow will           on a full-frame camera. The              Aperture is measured in
              allow an exhibit of all those       ultra-wide camera has a focal        terms of f-number or f-stop.
              Weegee-esque surveillance           length equivalent to that of an      Smaller f-numbers, such as
              photos, though many clients         11mm lens on a full-frame            f-1.4 or f-2.8 represent a large
              would probably object. The          camera. Wow!                         aperture, while larger f-stops,
              San Francisco Museum of                                                  like f-16, represent a smaller
                                                      There will be only one
              Modern Art would be the                                                  aperture.
                                                  model available. It will have
              place, naturally.
                                                  12GB of memory, a storage
                                                  capacity of 256 GB, and sell                  f-16
                                                  for around $1500.
                                                      Anyone interested?

     April 2021                                                              31
PHOTOGRAPHY   New Nikon Software

              Nikon has just launched NX
              Studio, an all-in-one software
              program that lets you view
              and edit your photos and
              video. It’s made to help you
              edit everything in one place.
              And, it’s completely free to
                   NX Studio is compatible
              with Nikon digital cameras.
              This includes the Z series, all
              Nikon DSLRs, COOLPIX,
              Nikon 1, and KeyMission
                   The NX Studio program
              integrates the image viewing
              features from ViewNX-i and
              all the editing/processing
              features Capture NX-D into
              one piece of software. It’s
              available for both Mac and
              Windows and works with
              other Nikon software suites
              such as Camera Control Pro           “They’re Back!”
              2, Picture Control Utility 2,
              and others.                          No, this is not a playback of
                   You can edit Nikon raw          the old movie Poltergeist
              files including NEF and              commercials going back a         the City’s skyline and the
              NRW formats. Additionally,           few decades. I’m talking         Statue of Liberty.
              you can work with JPEG and           about the return of the iconic       All of these incredible
              TIFF files. Unfortunately,           New York City sightseeing        boat tours depart and return
              Sony, Canon, and other               experience, the Circle-Line      from/to Pier 83, West 42nd
              brand’s raw files are not            cruises in and around the        Street and the Hudson River.
              supported.                           City of New York.                All passengers are required
                   To get full details, system         By the time you read this    to wear masks. Six-feet social
              requirements for Mac and             they will already have begun     distancing is enforced. Ships
              Windows, and to download             with their three-hour cruises    are thoroughly cleaned each
              your free copy of NX Studio,         circumnavigating the Island      and every day.
              go to              of Manhattan, with their             Check their website for
              and click on “software.”             (dare I say) romantic sunset     schedules, prices, and other
                                                   cruises, and their shortest      vital information.
                                                   trips just to view (and shoot)       

     April 2021                                                        32
PHOTOGRAPHY   Photoshop Tip                         Long Exposure Scapes             Beach Photo Tips

              Got a minute-and-a-half to            Here are a couple of tips for    Here are a few more tips for
              spare?                                taking great landscape shots     when you go to the beach to
                 Wanna learn how to                 which you may not have           shoot some images. [Note—
              make complex selections is            thought of before…               these tips apply to other photo
              Photoshop?                                                             situations as well.]
                 Then this short YouTube            • A tripod is essential, but
              video is right up your alley.         rather than running out and      • Make the most of a good
                                      strongly suggest saving up       beach can be a thing of
                                                    for a well-built model from a    beauty—and can also be a
                                                    reputable tripod maker—          photographer’s worst night-
                                                    Gitzo and Manfrotto are two      mare. Great clouds can add
                                                    that spring to mind. A tripod    a whole new dimension to
                                                    that is poorly built or overly   your photo, especially if you
                                                    lightweight for your camera      can’t find an interesting
                                                    will be next to useless, as it   foreground. The photos that
                                                    will shake with any breeze       stands out from the crowd
                                                    or even under the vibration      are often those with a dark
                                                    of your camera’s shutter.        and stormy sky. Nowadays
                                                                                     you can change the sky one-
                                                    • You may first think, “OK,      two-three with Photoshop,
                                                    low light. Let’s increase the    Luminar, etc.
                                                    ISO.” The unfortunate side
              Warning—you might have to
              watch it several times, or stop       effect of increased ISO is       • A wide-angle lens can be
              and restart it here and there, or     more noise. Noise becomes a      the best way to capture a
              just pause it occasionally to         real issue when shooting         sense of isolation and great
              take notes. This will increase        long exposure, so keeping        distance that you often feel
              that minute-and-a-half several        the ISO down is important.       when walking on the beach.
              times over.                           Simply use a longer shutter      The shorter lens exaggerates
                  But it’s well worth it!
                                                    speed instead, knowing that      the perspective, making the
                                                    the camera is supported well     background seem to stretch
              Stay Healthy                          on your solid tripod. You        away for many miles and
                                                    may also rely on the image       creating a real sense of
              In the 60s, people took LSD           stabilization built into your    three-dimensional depth.
              to make the world weird.              camera or lens.
              Now the world is weird, and
              people take Prozac to make it         • Ever hear of an ND filter?
              normal.                               Use a neutral density filter
                                                    when you must lower the
              Good health is merely the             light for a long exposure and
              slowest possible rate at which        you can’t achieve this by use
              one can die.                          of f-stop or shutter speed.

     April 2021                                                             33
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