Page created by Mary Mclaughlin


PhD Student Participates in Training
Workshop at Wake Forest University
Steven Newby, a PhD student under Dr. Dhar,
recently participated in a weeklong course
at Wake Forest University’s Institute for
Regenerative Medicine. The course, entitled
the Regenerative Medicine Essentials course,
provides a state-of-the-art review of various
aspects of regenerative medicine, including
background material, key components of
the regenerative medicine field, and ethical,
economic, and other issues important to
regenerative medicine. The one-week course
was taught by prominent experts in the field,
allowing students to network with leading
professionals and offered future researchers
insight into the evolution of modern healthcare.
The course provided a foundational education
on technologies and skills from biological
sciences, engineering, legal, commercial,
regulatory, and ethical disciplines. Sessions
throughout the week addressed the science
behind regenerative medicine, its application
to human disease, and its importance to                                                                    regenerative medicine environment, routines
modern society. Workshops were designed                                                                    for first-in-man clinical trials, and the ethical
to provide translational insight on topics                                                                 aspects of translational research. Newby’s
such as Perfusion Decellularization on tissue                                                              trip was supported by Dr. Kania, and the
processing at various scales and bioprinting of                                                            information learned at this workshop will help
synthetic biopolymers for structural stability on                                                          progress large animal regenerative medicine
constructs to bio-inks for maintenance of cell                                                             here at UTCVM. UTCVM thanks Dr. Kania for
viability in constructs. By the end of the course,                                                         providing this opportunity for Mr. Newby. §
students received an advanced understanding
of the rules, regulations, and ethics in the

         IN THIS ISSUE
                  Research Spotlight ...................................................................................................................................... 1
                  A Round of Applause, Pivot Training Seminar ............................................................................. 2
                  Recent Publications ................................................................................................................................... 3
                  Under the Microscope, Recent Publications Cont. ....................................................................4
                  Accepting Rejection, Mark Your Calendar...................................................................................... 5
                  Recent Presentations ................................................................................................................................6
                  Recent Presentations Cont. .................................................................................................................. 7
                  Don’t Forget: Pendergrass Library .....................................................................................................8

                                             Recognizing UTCVM people for their awards and accomplishments

Mei-Zhen Cui (PI) and Xuemin Xu (Co-                           Dr. Lauren Adelman won a 2017 ACVIM
investigator) received a NIH 2R01HL107466                      Resident Research award at the ACVIM
grant award, totaling $1,880,618. Their                        Forum for her abstract, entitled “Effect of Oral
project, entitled “Novel mechanism mediating                   Yunnan Baiyao on Periprocedural Hemorrhage
LPA-induced smooth muscle cell and vascular                    and Coagulation in Dogs Undergoing Nasal
responses,” began this month (July 2017) and                   Biopsy.”
is expected to continue until June 2021.
                                                               Kiira Rodriguez received the 2017 ACVIM
Hwa-Chain Robert Wang is the recipient of                      Resident Research Award at the annual
the 2017 UT Collaborative Research Network                     conference for her abstract, entitled “Normal
Award in Cancer Research for his collaboration                 Echocardiographic Parameters in Clinically
with Murali M. Yallapu, assistant professor                    Healthy Adult Tigers with and without
of pharmaceutical sciences at UTHSC. Their                     Medetomidine Sedation.”
work, entitled “Dual Therapeutic Nanoplatform
                                                               Michael Lane received the Society for
Delivery for Effective Breast Cancer Treatment,”
                                                               Comparative Endocrinology Early Career
will help develop a treatment for triple negative
                                                               Abstract Award at the ACVIM Forum for his
breast cancer, which is highly aggressive
                                                               abstract, entitled “Performance Evaluation
and difficult to treat. Wang and Yallapu will
                                                               of a Veterinary-Specific Enzyme-Linked
combine two USDA-approved medicines in a
                                                               Immunosorbent Assay for Measurement of
new nanoformulation, targeting the tumor cell
                                                               Canine Serum Cortisol Concentrations.”
with minimal side effects. Dr. Wang is also a
recipient of the 2017 Tian-Shan Award given                    Ralph Harvey has been appointed to the Executive
by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region                        Council for Fear Free, LLC. §
Government (Xinjiang province, China).

   AUGUST 4, 2017
   Make plans to come to the Sequoyah Room on August 4th to learn about Pivot and its funding
   opportunities. Pivot specializes in providing researchers with grant and other funding opportunities
   as well asdeveloping research collaborations. Come learn about how Pivot works and how to
   navigate the system. §

Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,              USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.
Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
                                              Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
dexamethasone suppression test for
                                              RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,
diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
                                              T Southard, and AL Johnson. A
in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
                                              Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus
                                              tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.              in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat         Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;
immune mediated skin disease in 14            31:890-893.                                   Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet                                                      Miller. Investigating amphibian and
                                              Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW              reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.
                                              Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.        wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.       Newly described Toxoplasma gondii             (in press).
Identification of a novel coccidian           strain causes high mortality in red
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the            necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)       Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,
Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)           in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.    Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.                                                         dexamethasone suppression test for
                                              Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL          diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,         Miller. Investigating amphibian and           in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,              reptile mortalities: a practical guide for    60:25-30.
T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                 wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus         (in press).                                   Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.
tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis                                                           Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat
                                              Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,              immune mediated skin disease in 14
in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
                                              Whittemore JC. Extended low dose              dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet
Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;
                                              dexamethasone suppression test for            Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.
                                              diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW              in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;         Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.
Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.        60:25-30.                                     Identification of a novel coccidian
Newly described Toxoplasma gondii                                                           (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the
                                              Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.              Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
strain causes high mortality in red
                                              Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat         USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.
necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
                                              immune mediated skin disease in 14
in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.                                                  Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
                                              dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet
Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL          Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                        RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,
Miller. Investigating amphibian and                                                         T Southard, and AL Johnson. A
                                              Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.       Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus
reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
                                              Identification of a novel coccidian           tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
                                              (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the            in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
(in press).
                                              Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)           Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;
Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,              USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.           31:890-893.
Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
                                              Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,         Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW
dexamethasone suppression test for
                                              RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,              Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.
diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
                                              T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                 Newly described Toxoplasma gondii
in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
                                              Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus         strain causes high mortality in red
                                              tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis             necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.              in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and        in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat         Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;
immune mediated skin disease in 14            31:890-893.                                   Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet                                                      Miller. Investigating amphibian and
                                              Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW              reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.
                                              Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.        wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.       Newly described Toxoplasma gondii             (in press).
Identification of a novel coccidian           strain causes high mortality in red
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the            necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)       Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,
Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)           in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.    Whittemore JC. Extended low dose

                                                                                                              VOLVET DISCOVERY | FALL 2017
dexamethasone suppression test for                 Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL          31:890-893.
diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome           Miller. Investigating amphibian and
                                                                                                 Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW
in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;              reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
                                                                                                 Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.
60:25-30.                                          wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
                                                                                                 Newly described Toxoplasma gondii
                                                   (in press).
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.                                                                 strain causes high mortality in red
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat              Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,              necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
immune mediated skin disease in 14                 Whittemore JC. Extended low dose              in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet             dexamethasone suppression test for
                                                                                                 Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                             diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
                                                                                                 Miller. Investigating amphibian and
                                                   in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.                                                          reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
Identification of a novel coccidian                                                              wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the                 Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.              (in press).
Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)                Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat
                                                                                                 Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.
USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.                immune mediated skin disease in 14
                                                                                                 Identification of a novel coccidian
                                                   dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet
Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,                                                            (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the
                                                   Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.
RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,                                                                 Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                      Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.       USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.
Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus              Identification of a novel coccidian
                                                                                                 Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis                  (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the
                                                                                                 RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,
in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and             Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
                                                                                                 T Southard, and AL Johnson. A
Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;            USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.
                                                                                                 Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus
                                                   Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,         tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW                   RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,              in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.             T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                 Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;
Newly described Toxoplasma gondii                  Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus         31:890-893.
strain causes high mortality in red                tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
                                                                                                 Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)            in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
                                                                                                 Miller. Investigating amphibian §
in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.         Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;

                   Under the

The Advanced Microscopy and Imaging Center (AMI Center) is                members. Please contact her if you have any questions related
a multi-disciplinary facility that provides microscopy services           to the AMI Center. She is happy to send information about the
to support research and teaching at UTK, UTIA, UTMRCH,                    equipment and the opportunities available for students and
and ORNL. In particular, the AMI center is available for use              faculty in the microscopy program. §
by all UTCVM faculty and graduate students. For over 30
years, the AMI Center has provided microscopy services, and
it has operated as an official re-charge center since 2010.
Furthermore, a new piece of equipment was added to the
center in December 2015: a new laser scanning confocal
microscope. The AMI Advisory Board consists of 6 members
from across UTK and UTIA campuses, and Dr. Dhar is one of the

Accepting Rejection:
How to GROW After Being Told “NO”
In the life of every academic, publication rejections             submission doesn’t fit their topic for that particular
is part of the norm. Sometimes the manuscript has                 issue. Another thing to consider is that the journal
egregious writing, littered with errors and faulty                may have received multiple submissions with your
experimentation. However, oftentimes rejection comes              topic. They can only print one, and yours may not
from simple mathematics—there are not enough                      make it. This is good news, though. It means there is
journals to publish every article submitted. Editors and          nothing wrong with your manuscript per se (minus a
reviewers must separate the wheat from the chaff, and             few minor changes), so you are free to try a different
occasionally, you just don’t make the cut. Although               journal. If you were unsuccessful at making it into
rejection is a universal theme among researchers, not             a top-tier journal, consider a lesser known or more
everyone handles rejection the same way. There are                specific journal. This does not equal defeat. As David
positive and negative approaches to rejection. For the            Botstein from Princeton University suggest, “The
sake of one’s health and sanity, it is important for every        important thing is that you get published. If it’s good
author to learn to view rejection as an opportunity for           and it’s new and it’s true and important, people will
growth rather than a reason for failure. Here are three           find it.”1 Rejection does not have to equal defeat. In
positive perspectives on surviving manuscript rejection.          fact, studies found that manuscripts that were rejected
                                                                  by one or more journals before finally being published
1. Really listen to the criticism. Although you may not
                                                                  were cited more often than papers immediately
   agree with the comments being made by the reviewer,
                                                                  published.1 So, take your rejection, revise, and grow
   it does not mean those comments are necessarily
                                                                  into a better, and potentially more successful, writer. §
   wrong. Try to put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes
                                                               1. Yandell, Kate. Riding out rejection: How to navigate the choppy waters of scientific publication.
   and see your manuscript from their perspective.                  Scientist 2015; 29(3): 65.

   Jane Wang, quoted in “Riding Out Rejection: how to          2. Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejection. Editage Insights website.
                                                                   insights/most-common-reasons-for-journal-rejection. Accessed June 5, 2017.
   navigate the choppy waters of scientific publication,”
   says, “The trick for getting the most out of reviews is
   to assume the best of the reviewer.”1 If you make the
   conscious decision to believe the reviewer is trying to
   help, not hurt, you, you are more apt to see the validity
   of their criticism, even if that criticism comes in a
   disrespectful tone.
2. Do not take every comment verbatim. Oftentimes
  reviewers will make seemingly outlandish suggestions
  or completely dismiss whole sections of a manuscript.
  Obviously, it would not make sense to take those
                                                                    This year, UTCVM will be using a new format to
  kinds of comments literally; however, it does not mean
  you can ignore them either. Instead, focus on why                 showcase our research. Research Day will take place
  they reviewer made the comment he or she did. If                  October 3, 2017. It will provide opportunities for
  they dismissed your entire methods section, is there              presentations by veterinary students, graduate
  something within your methodology that is missing
                                                                    students, and post-doctoral trainees, including
  or unable to be replicated? If they suggest to change
  your experiment altogether, consider why the reviewer             residents and PhD post-docs. Registration for
  would make such a comment. Is there a defect in your              attendees and presenters will begin on Tuesday,
  experiment, or, more importantly, is there a way to               August 1st and will run until Friday, September 1st
  revise your writing to make your experiment clearer
                                                                    at midnight. This year, lunch will be provided to
  and more compelling? Do not take all comments at
  face value; rather, figure out why the comment was                registered attendees. Attendance will be required
  made and how best to rectify it.                                  for veterinary students, and all other members
3. If at first you don’t succeed, revise it and try another         of the UTCVM community are welcome, with
  journal. There are many reasons why a journal might               support staff participating as their schedules allow.
  reject a manuscript. Major journals have hundreds of              Information for presenters will be available soon. §
  submissions. For instance, Nature alone receives over
  10,000 submissions in a year.2 Moreover, some journals
  will have thematic issues, and unfortunately, your
                                                                                                                                VOLVET DISCOVERY | FALL 2017
Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,                   USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.
Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
                                                   Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
dexamethasone suppression test for
                                                   RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,
diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
                                                   T Southard, and AL Johnson. A
in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
                                                   Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus
                                                   tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.                   in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat              Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;       Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
immune mediated skin disease in 14                 31:890-893.                                   Miller. Investigating amphibian and
dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet                                                           reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
                                                   Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW
Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                                                                           wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
                                                   Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.
Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.            Newly described Toxoplasma gondii             (in press).
Identification of a novel coccidian                strain causes high mortality in red           Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the                 necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)       Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)                in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.    dexamethasone suppression test for
USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.                                                              diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
                                                   Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,              Miller. Investigating amphibian and           in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,                   reptile mortalities: a practical guide for    60:25-30.
T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                      wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;   Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.
Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus              (in press).                                   Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat
tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis                                                                immune mediated skin disease in 14
                                                   Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,
in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and                                                           dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet
                                                   Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;                                                          Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.
                                                   dexamethasone suppression test for
                                                   diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome      Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.
Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW                   in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;         Identification of a novel coccidian
Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.             60:25-30.                                     (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the
Newly described Toxoplasma gondii                                                                Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
                                                   Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.
strain causes high mortality in red                                                              USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.
                                                   Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat
necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
                                                   immune mediated skin disease in 14            Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
                                                   dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet        RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,
Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL               Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                        T Southard, and AL Johnson. A
Miller. Investigating amphibian and                                                              Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus
                                                   Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.
reptile mortalities: a practical guide for                                                       tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
                                                   Identification of a novel coccidian
wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;                                                      in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
                                                   (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the
(in press).                                                                                      Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;
                                                   Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,                   USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.           31:890-893.
Whittemore JC. Extended low dose                                                                 Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW
                                                   Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
dexamethasone suppression test for                                                               Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.
                                                   RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,
diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome                                                         Newly described Toxoplasma gondii
                                                   T Southard, and AL Johnson. A
in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;                                                            strain causes high mortality in red
                                                   Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus
60:25-30.                                                                                        necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
                                                   tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.                   in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and        in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat              Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;       Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
immune mediated skin disease in 14                 31:890-893.                                   Miller. Investigating amphibian and
dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet                                                           reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
                                                   Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW
Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                                                                           wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
                                                   Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.
Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.            Newly described Toxoplasma gondii             (in press).
Identification of a novel coccidian                strain causes high mortality in red           Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the                 necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)       Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)                in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.    dexamethasone suppression test for

diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome      Identification of a novel coccidian           Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;         (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the            Miller. Investigating amphibian and
60:25-30.                                     Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)           reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
                                              USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.           wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.
                                                                                            (in press).
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat         Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
immune mediated skin disease in 14 dogs       RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,              Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,
– a retrospective evaluation. Vet Fowler,     T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                 Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
KM, Frank LA, Morandi F, Whittemore           Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus         dexamethasone suppression test for
JC. Extended low dose dexamethasone           tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis             diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
suppression test for diagnosis of atypical    in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and        in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
Cushing’s syndrome in dogs. Domest            Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;       60:25-30.
Anim Endocrinol 2017; 60:25-30.               31:890-893.
                                                                                            Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.              Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW              Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat         Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.        immune mediated skin disease in 14
immune mediated skin disease in 14            Newly described Toxoplasma gondii             dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet
dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet        strain causes high mortality in red           Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.
Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                        necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
                                                                                            Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.
                                              in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.                                                     Identification of a novel coccidian
Identification of a novel coccidian           Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL          (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the            Miller. Investigating amphibian and           Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)           reptile mortalities: a practical guide for    USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.
USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.           wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
                                                                                            Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
                                              (in press).
Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,                                                       RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,
RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,              Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,              T Southard, and AL Johnson. A
T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                 Whittemore JC. Extended low dose              Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus
Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus         dexamethasone suppression test for            tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis
tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis             diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome      in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and
in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and        in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;         Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;
Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;       60:25-30.                                     31:890-893.
                                              Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.              Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW
Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW              Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat         Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.
Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.        immune mediated skin disease in 14            Newly described Toxoplasma gondii
Newly described Toxoplasma gondii             dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet        strain causes high mortality in red
strain causes high mortality in red           Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                        necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)                                                     in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
                                              Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.
in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
                                              Identification of a novel coccidian           Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL
Duffus, ALJ, HMA Fenton, MJ Gray, DL          (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the            Miller. Investigating amphibian and
Miller. Investigating amphibian and           Great Horned owl (Bubo virginianus)           reptile mortalities: a practical guide for
reptile mortalities: a practical guide for    USA. J ,Wildl Dis 2017; 53:368-371.           wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;
wildlife professionals. Herpetol Rev. 2017;                                                 (in press).
                                              Mittelman, NS, TJ Divers, JB Engiles,
(in press).
                                              RW Gerhold, S Ness, PV Scrivani,              Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,
Fowler, KM, Frank LA, Morandi F,              T Southard, and AL Johnson. A                 Whittemore JC. Extended low dose
Whittemore JC. Extended low dose              Confirmed Case of Parelaphostrongylus         dexamethasone suppression test for
dexamethasone suppression test for            tenuis Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis             diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome
diagnosis of atypical Cushing’s syndrome      in a horse with Cervical Scoliosis and        in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;
in dogs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2017;         Meningomyelitis. J Vet Intern Med 2017;       60:25-30.
60:25-30.                                     31:890-893.
                                                                                            Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.
Ackermann, ML, May ER, Frank LA.              Gutherie, A, L Rooker, R Tan, RW              Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat
Use of mycophenolate mofetil to treat         Gerhold, K Trainor, T Jiang, and C Su.        immune mediated skin disease in 14
immune mediated skin disease in 14            Newly described Toxoplasma gondii             dogs – a retrospective evaluation. §
dogs – a retrospective evaluation. Vet        strain causes high mortality in red
Derm 2017; 28:195-e44.                        necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus)
                                              in a zoo. J Zoo Wildl Med, In press; 2017.
Jankovsky, J, M Brand, and, RW Gerhold.

                                                                                                              VOLVET DISCOVERY | FALL 2017
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