Greening Disease of Citrus in the Deccan Trap Country and its Relationship with the Vector

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Stubborn, Greening, and Related Diseases

           Greening Disease of Citrus in the Deccan Trap
           Country and its Relationship with the Vector,
                   Diaphorina citri Kuwayama
                S. P. C,apoor,D. G. Rao, and S. M. Viswanath
Citrus greening was observed for the            LaflPche and BovC (10) observed myco-
first time in India in 1960 (3, 6, 7 ) .T h e   plasmalike bodies in sieve tubes of
disease was again observed at Modlimb,          greenhouse-grown sweet orange seed-
on Kagzi lime trees, in 1963. Thereafter        lings affected with greening, and con-
it was commonly encountered in or-              cluded that it is most probably caused
chards in which trees were being in-            by a mycoplasmalike organism.
dexed for virus-free budwood. T h e ori-           T h e data in this paper pertain to the
ental citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri          Deccan T r a p Country, and include stu-
Kuwayama, was established as the vec-           dies of etiology, spread, host range, and
tor of greening pathogen in India (4).          relationship with the psyllid vector.

   Greening disease was maintained in           Inoculations were made by the leaf-
seedlings of sweet orange previously            rubbing method, with 600-mesh carbo-
infected by psylla in the glasshouse.           rundum. Test plants were predarkened
T h e disease was identified from leaf          before inoculation, and maintained at
and fruit symptoms, from the general            22 to 2 4 O C after inoculation.
growth of the trees ( I I ) , and by index-        Acquisition and transmission feeding
ing budwood from affected trees on              OF the insect species for insect transmis-
seedlings of sweet orange, Kagzi lime,          sion tests was the same as used previ-
and grapefruit (4). Later, only sweet           ously (4). As a check, the Psyllids were
orange was used because it consistently         also used to transmit the greening path-
gave a typical reaction to the greening         ogen from source plants used in these
disease. Seedlings were raised inside a         experiments. Test plants were sweet
glasshouse, and selected nucellar seed-         orange seedlings. Newly emerged adults
lings were transplanted individually in         from a colony of Diaphorina citri
15-cm earthen pots. Testing was done            (mixed population) were used in the
by budding, shoot grafting, or by leaf-         experiments unless stated otherwise.
patch grafting (15).                            After test-feeding, psyllids were killed
   Bark extracts of several plants were         by spraying with 0.02 per cent Folidol-
also examined for fluorescent-marker            E 605.
substance by the method described by               I n surveys for greening, particular
Schwarz (12,13).                                attention was given to the nurseries
   For sap inoculation, young, diseased         from which the citrus trees in orchards
leaves of sweet orange were homog-              had originated.
enized with 10 per cent sucrose in 0.1             A survey for the disease in the Dec-
 M phosphate buffer at p H 7.6 ( 5 ) .           can T r a p Country, carried out from
Leaves were frozen for four hours be-            1965 to 1970, revealed that, but for a
fore grinding with 50 mg of activated            few areas, the greening disease was pres-
charcoal to every 10 gm of leaves. In-           ent in most of the localities of the re-
oculum was kept cool i n crushed ice             gion, and trees of sweet orange, man-
until the inoculations were completed.           darin, grapefruit, lime and lemon were
Sixth ZOCV Conference
affected. Trees showing dieback symp-        for greening were found free of tristeza
toms invariably proved positive for          virus, but mixed infections of tristeza
greening. Several trees that were positive   and greening were prevalent.

   Symptomatology. Infected trees show
stunted growth, sparsely foliated
branches, unseasonal bloom, leaf and
fruit drop, and twig dieback (fig. 1).
Young leaves are chlorotic, with green
banding along the major veins. Mature
leaves have yellowish-green patches be-
tween veins, and midribs are yellow. I n
severe cases, leaves become almost chlo-
rotic, with scattered spots of green
(fig. 2).
   Fruits on greened trees are small,
generally lopsided, underdeveloped,
and unevenly colored. Sides exposed to
the sun develop prominent, deep or-
ange spots, while the rest of the fruit
remains a dull orange-green. Fruits are
hard, and poor in juice. T h e columella
was almost always curved in sweet or-
ange fruits, and appears to be the most
reliable diagnostic symptom of green-

                                             Fig. 2. Chlorotic leaf of. sweet orange with
                                                   green patches on narrow lamina.

                                             ing. Some seeds in diseased fruits de-
                                             velop normally, but most are small and
                                             dark colored.
                                                Transmission by tissue grafts. A high
                                             percentage of transmission was ob-
                                             tained by bark or leaf-patch grafting.
                                             Shoot grafts almost always transmitted
                                             greening. Budding was less successful
                                             because of failure of bud-take. Symp-
                                             toms appeared within eight weeks in
                                             summer (March to June) and 10 weeks
                                             in other months, in Poona. Sometimes
                                             test seedlings developed symptoms after
                                             two years or more.
                                                Transmission by mechanical means.
                                             Fifteen plants each of Phaseolus vul-
                                             garis, Vigna sinensis, Nicotiana ta-
  Fig. 1. Greening-affected Mosambi sweet
orange tree showing sparsely foliated         bacum cvs White Burley and Xanthi-nc,
branches, twig dieback, and poor yield.      N . sylvestris, Chenopodium quinoa, C.
Stubborn, Greening, and Related Diseases
                                              v u s cv. Long Green (fig. 3) and C . v u l -
                                              garis cv. fistulosus. Subsequent leaves,
                                              however, appeared normal. Back inocu-
                                              lation from cucumber to citrus was un-
                                              successful. Vigor of cucumber plants was
                                              greatly reduced, and leaf size was about
                                              half that of normal leaves. Schwarz (14)
                                              reported similar results with the Na-
                                              tional Pickling variety of cucumber in-
                                              fected with South African greening dis-
                                                 Seed transmission. Twenty-four hun-
                                              dred seeds of Mosambi sweet orange
                                              and 850 seeds of grapefruit extracted
                                              from greened fruits were sown for a test
                                              of seed transmission. Normal-looking
                                              seeds and brown and abortive seeds
                                              were planted. Of these, 2,025 seeds of
                                              sweet orange and 704 of grapefruit ger-
                                              minated and produced normal plants.
                                              No evidence was found of seed trans-
                                              mission of greening in seeds of sweet
  Fig. 3. Leaves of Cucumis satims cv. Long   orange and grapefruit.
Green, showing characteristic symptoms fol-       Transmission by insects. Although
lowing mechanical inoculation with extract    Diaphorina citri was established as the
from leaves of greened sweet orange.
            Healthy leaf at top.
                                              vector of c i t k s greening in India ( 4 ,
                                              attempts were made to transmit green-
                                              ing by means of other insects collected
amaranticolor, Carica papaya, C u c u m i s   on greened sweet orange shoots in or-
sativus cvs. Long Green and Khira             chards in Poona.
Local, C. m e l o , and Citrullus vulgaris        Insect species tested were: T o x o p t e r a
cv. fistulosus were inoculated mechan-        citricidus (Kirk.); T. aurantii (B. de F.);
ically. Four plants of each species were      Phyllocnistis citrella (Staint); Dialeu-
kept as uninoculated controls. Yellow-        rodes citri (Ash.); Papilio demoleus L.;
ing, puckering, and marginal distortion       and an unidentified leafhopper, Eupoc-
at the apical region of the first and the     retis sp. Greening appeared only in test
second true leaves appeared in C. sati-       seedlings exposed to psyllids.

   I n preliminary experiments on trans-      of the insect. Percentage of transmis-
mission of greening, adult female psyl-       sion of disease in these tests was uni-
lids were collected from greened trees,       formly high. These observations indi-
and liberated directly on test seedlings.     cated a biological relationship between
Results were erratic, and percentage of       greening and the psyllids.
transmission was low. Subsequently,              Effect of numbers of psyllids on
psyllids were fed o n a diseased plant in     transmission. Adult psyllids were main-
the insectary for 24 hours and then lib-      tained on diseased sweet orange seed-
erated on to the test plants for the life     lings and liberated on test seedlings for
46                                                                                     Sixth ZOCV Conference
                                  TABLE 1
                         ON SWEET ORANGE SEEDLINGS
                                    Greening symptoms in a series of test seedlings exposed to
     Groups                         feeding of psyllids on successive days after access feeding*
     psyllids           4       6           8      9         10       11       12       13     14   15    16

Second              -           -           -      +          +       +        +        +      +    t     +
               1 --     -
                                -        +

                                                                                -       +
Seventh..                       -           -      -          -        -        -       +      +    +     +
               } --     -
                        -       -           -      -          -       +         +        +      +    +     +
Tenth......         -   -       -           -      -         +        +        +        +      +    +      +
  * t = positive transmission of greening   pathogen;   -=   no transmission of greening.

a period of 24 hours. Sixty test seedlings                       Incubation period of pathogen in
were exposed to varying hopulations of                        psyllids. T o determine the latent period
psyllids. Forty-one of 60 plants exposed                      in the insect, groups of five freshly
to a single psylla were infected with                         emerged, pathogen-free female psyllids
greening. Groups of five or more psyl-                        were fed on diseased plants for 24 hours,
lids infected all 60 plants.                                  and transferred serially to healthy test
   ~inimurn-acquisitionfeeding period.                        seedlings of sweet orange every second
Adult ~svllidsmaintained on healthy
           L    J
                                                              day for the first 8 days and every day
sweet orange seedlings were fasted for                        for the second 8 days. Data in table 1
2 hours before access feeding on dis-                         show that a waiting period of from 8
eased plants. T h e psyllids were then                        to 12 days is required before the psyllid
transferred, in groups of five, to test                       can transmit the pathogen following
plants and allowed to feed for a min-                         acquisition feeding. Only 10 per cent
imum period of 12 days (4). T h e psyl-                       of the psyllids could transmit the dis-
lids transmitted the disease to 45 of 50                      ease on the eighth day, while all trans-
test plants after access feeding of 15                        mitted after 12 days.
minutes, and to all the plants after ac-                         I n similar experiments with 4th- and
cess feeding of 30 minutes or longer.                         5th-instar nymphs, it was observed that
   Minimum-infection feeding period.                          the incubation period in the adult was
Freshly emerged adult psyllids were                           reduced by several days.
caged on diseased sweet orange seed-                             Retention by psylla. Freshly emerged
lings for a period of 12 days. Psyllids                       female psyllids were fed on diseased
from these colonies were transferred. in                      sweet orange seedlings for 24 hours, and
groups of five, to each of the test seed-                     transferred to a series of test seedlings.
lings for periods ranging from 5 min-                         T h e first transfer was made at 2 days
utes to 24 hours. Psyllids transmitted                        and the others at intervals of 8 days
greening in a minimum infection feed-                         until the insects died. Under the con-
ing of 15 minutes, but the percentage                         ditions of the experiment, the psyllids
of transmission was low. One hundred                          lived for 70 to 86 days, although the
per cent infection was obtained when                          life span of disease-free psyllids is about
the psyllids fed for 1 hour or more.                          150 days at Poona. T h e test was re-
Stubborn, Greening, and Related Diseases
                               TABLE 2
                     ON SWEET ORANGE SEEDLINGS
                                             Test plants serially exposed to psyllids on
 Experiment                                   successive transfer at intervals (days)*
               2      10       18       26      34       42      50      58      66        74      76     78         86

  * + = positive transmission of   greening pathogen;   - = no transmission of greening.
  t Psyllids collected from orchard trees.
  $ Psyllids died.

peated 10 times, starting with a group                        the 4th- and 5th-instars, however, did
of five adults for each test. Three of                        acquire it and transmitted it to a high
the 10 tests in table 2 were carried out                      percentage of test seedlings of both
with freshly emerged adult psyllids col-                      series (193/200 plants). Symptoms ap-
lected from orchard trees of sweet                            peared in 110 to 150 days.
orange. Results of these experiments                            Effect of number of nymphs on trans-
(table 2) clearly show that the psyllids                      mission. Fourth- and 5th-instar nymphs
retained infectivity throughout their
life span.
                                                                               TABLE 3
   Transmission by nymphs. T h e vector
                                                                      TRANSMISSION OF GREENING
Dinphol-ina citl-i has five nymphal in-
                                                                       PATHOGEN BY NYMPHS OF
stars in addition to the egg and the                                  DlAPHORlNA ClTRl ON SWEET
adult (8). Nymphs of all stages readily                                   ORANGE SEEDLINGS
settle down to feed if young
                          ,    - and suc-
culent flush is available. Nymphs of                                                     Number of test plants
each instar were collected and fed for                                                 infected/number exposed
24 hours on diseased sweet orange i n                                                 1st stage*        2nd staget
the insectary and then transferred, in
                                                              First instar ........     0/50              0/50
groups of 20, to each test plant and
allowed to feed for 15 to 20 days until                       Second instar ..          0/50              0/50
they emerged into adults. T h e freshly                       Third instar........      0/50              0/50
emerged adults were transferred to an-                        Fourth instar ....       43/50             50/50
other test plant for the rest of their life                   Fifth instar ........    50/50             50/50
span. I n each series, 50 test plants were
exposed to nymphs of each instar. T h e                           * Indicates first series of test plants on which
                                                              nymphs were liberated for test feeding for first 15
 data in table 3 show that the 1st-, 2nd-,                    days.
and 3rd-instar nymphs were unable to                            t   Indicates series of test plants on which nymphs
                                                              were transferred for life after 15 days of feeding on
 acquire the pathogen. T h e nymphs of                        first series of test plants.
48                                                                  S i x t h ZOCV Conference
fed for 24 hours on diseased sweet or-         had copulated. These were then trans-
ange were transferred, singly and in           ferred to healthy, luxuriantly growing
groups of 3, 5, 10, 25, and 50, to each        seedlings of Mosambi sweet orange, on
of the 20 test seedlings. Twenty-five or       which they laid eggs. Nymphs that
more nymphs per test plant gave 100            hatched were carefully transferred, in
per cent transmission, whereas only 15         groups of 5, to test seedlings, where
per cent of the plants became infected         they spent their entire lives. None of
when only 1 nymph per plant was used.          the 304 test seedlings that were col-
   Absence of transovarial transmission.       onized with 1,520 nymphs over a period
Freshly emerged adults of Diaphorina           of 3 years developed greening. These
citri were colonized on diseased plants        data prove that greening is not carried
of sweet orange. Close watch was main-         over to the next generation through the
tained in order to pick u p females that       eggs of infective females of D. citri.

   T h e greening disease of citrus in the     thrips, the vector of tomato spotted-wilt
Deccan T r a p Country in India appears        virus, which must feed on infected
similar to the Soutli African greening         plants in the larval stage in order to
and Philippines leaf mottling diseases         become viruliferous (1).
since all three induce identical symp-            T h e significance of these findings is
toms in certain citrus species, and are        that psyllids continue to serially infect
transmitted by psyllids. Since mycoplas-       healthy test plants over a long period,
malike organisms are found associated          and remain infective after molting.
with these diseases of citrus ( l o ) , and    This strongly indicates that the causal
are not found in healthy citrus tissues,       agents of greening multiply in the body
it has been concluded that they are the        of the psyllid. T h e greening pathogen
probable cause of greening or citrus           may be classed as propagative as well
decline in India, greening in South Af-        as circulative (2). Since there is no trans-
rica, and leaf mottling in the Philip-         ovarial transmission, however, it would
P':nes.                                        be necessary to demonstrate multipli-
   T h e relationship existing between         cation of greening pathogen in psyllids
the greening disease pathogen and the          in order to class it finally as propaga-
vector, Diaphorina citri, is clearly           tive. T h e only other disease known to
shown to be a circulative type ( 2 ) . T h e   be transmitted by a psyllid, pear de-
psyllid requires an incubation period          cline, vectored by Psylla pyricola Foer-
of about 21 days in which to transmit          ster, is caused by a circulative pathogen
the pathogen, which it retains for life        (9).
following a short access feeding on a             I n South Africa the vector of the
diseased plant. Apparently most of the         greening pathogen, Trioza erytreae
psyllids in orchards usually acquire the       (Del Guercio), does not require an in-
pathogen as 4th- and 5th-instar nymphs,        cubation period, and becomes infective
and become vectors for life after going        after 24 hours o n diseased tissues. T h e
 through a latent period of 5 to 9 days.       greening pathogen persists for at least
 It is unnecessary for adult psyllids aris-    2 to 3 weeks in adults, but nymphs do
 ing from infectious nymphs to have ac-        not appear to transmit it, and there is
 cess feeding on diseased shoots in order      no evidence for transovarial transmis-
 to become vectors. Nor is it essential        sion (Dr. H . D. Catling, personal com-
 that the psyllids have access feeding as      munication). How Philippines leaf mot-
 nymphs in order to become infectious          tling disease pathogen is related to its
 in the adult stage-a requirement with         vector, D i a p h o ~ i n ac i t ~ i is
                                                                                    , not known.
Stubborn, Greening, and Related Diseases                                                           49
   Of several herbaceous hosts mechan-              cumber. It is believed that the disease
ically inoculated with extracts of                  symptoms in cucumber were induced
greened sweet orange leaves, only Cu-               by a vivotoxin produced by mycoplas-
cumis sativus, C. melo, and Citrullus               malike organisms present in greened
vulgaris cv. fistulosus developed disease           trees, and not by the organisms them-
symptoms. These could not be trans-                 selves. Experiments are being carried
mitted back either to citrus or to cu-              out to check this point further.

                                   LITERATURE CITED
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