Pharmacological Inhibition of Centrosome Clustering by Slingshot-Mediated Cofilin Activation and Actin Cortex Destabilization
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Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Cancer Therapeutics, Targets, and Chemical Biology Research Pharmacological Inhibition of Centrosome Clustering by Slingshot-Mediated Cofilin Activation and Actin Cortex Destabilization Gleb Konotop1, Elena Bausch1, Tomoaki Nagai2, Andrey Turchinovich3, Natalia Becker4, € mer6, and Marc Steffen Raab1 Axel Benner4, Michael Boutros5, Kensaku Mizuno2, Alwin Kra Abstract Centrosome amplification is a hallmark of virtually all types that these compounds induce mitotic spindle multipolarity by of cancers, including solid tumors and hematologic malignan- activation of the actin-severing protein cofilin, leading to cies. Cancer cells with extra centrosomes use centrosome clus- destabilization of the cortical actin network, and provide evi- tering (CC) to allow for successful division. Because normal dence that this activation is dependent on slingshot phospha- cells do not rely on this mechanism, CC is regarded as a tases 1 and 2 but unrelated to PDGFR-b inhibition. More promising target to selectively eradicate cells harboring super- specifically, we found that although both compounds attenu- numerary centrosomes. To identify novel inhibitors of CC, we ated PDGF-BB–induced signaling, they significantly enhanced developed a cell-based high-throughput screen that reports the phosphorylation of PDGFR-b downstream effectors, Akt differential drug cytotoxicity for isogenic cell populations with and MEK, in almost all tested cancer cell lines under physio- different centrosome contents. We identified CP-673451 and logic conditions. In summary, our data reveal a novel mech- crenolanib, two chemically related compounds originally anism of CC inhibition depending on cofilin-mediated corti- developed for the inhibition of platelet-derived growth factor cal actin destabilization and identify two clinically relevant receptor b (PDGFR-b), as robust inhibitors of CC with selective compounds interfering with this tumor cell–specific target. cytotoxicity for cells with extra centrosomes. We demonstrate Cancer Res; 76(22); 1–11. 2016 AACR. Introduction Centrosome amplification (CA) is found in most types of cancers. Although it is still not clear whether CA is a cause or a Centrosomes are cytoplasmic organelles composed of a pair consequence of tumor initiation and progression, extra centro- of centrioles, which nucleate and anchor microtubules. Cen- somes strongly correlate with chromosomal instability, clinical trosomes act as microtubule-organizing centers in animal cells aggressiveness, and adverse clinical outcome in several tumor and play a key role in mitotic fidelity by securing bipolar types (4–10). Cancer cells carrying supernumerary centrosomes mitotic spindle formation and equal chromosome segregation escape detrimental multipolar divisions by coalescing multiple (1, 2). The number of centrosomes is tightly regulated by centrosomes into two functional spindle poles, a process ensuring that centrosomes are duplicated exactly once per cell known as centrosome clustering (CC; ref. 11). CC contributes cycle (3). to chromosome segregation errors by generating merotelic microtubule–kinetochore attachment errors, leading to tolera- ble levels of genomic instability (12). Because most healthy 1 Max-Eder Research Group "Experimental Therapies for Hematologic tissues have normal centrosome content, they do not rely on Malignancies", German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Depart- CC for successful division, which makes this mechanism a ment of Internal Medicine V, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, promising therapeutic target. Germany. 2Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Graduate School In addition to microtubule motor proteins, including dynein, of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. 3Molecular Epidemiology Group, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Ncd/HSET, and Eg5 (11, 13–15), a role for cortical actin in CC was Germany. 4Division of Biostatistics, German Cancer Research Center, initially suggested by a genome-wide RNAi screen in Drosophila S2 Heidelberg, Germany. 5Division of Signaling and Functional Genomics, cells, where depletion of several components of the actin cyto- Medical Faculty Mannheim, German Cancer Research Center and University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. 6Clinical Cooperation skeleton led to CC inhibition (13). Also, depletion of the actin- Unit Molecular Hematology/Oncology, German Cancer Research Cen- associated protein MISP destabilized attachments between astral ter and Department of Internal Medicine V, University of Heidelberg, microtubules and the actin cortex, led to defects in spindle Heidelberg, Germany. orientation, and increased the incidence of multipolar spindles Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research in cells with CA (16). Finally, CC requires a functional spindle Online ( assembly checkpoint (SAC) to provide the necessary time for Corresponding Author: Alwin Kra€mer, German Cancer Research Center, Im effective centrosome coalescence (13, 14, 17). Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg 69120, Germany. Phone: 4962-2142-1440; Cell-permeable small molecules that exclusively eradicate cells Fax: 4962-2142-1444; E-mail: with extra centrosomes might be promising tools for targeted doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 cancer therapy. CC can be inhibited by molecules that interfere 2016 American Association for Cancer Research. with MT dynamics, such as taxanes, Vinca alkaloids, or the OF1 Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Konotop et al. noscapinoid EM011 (18–20). However, these drugs are not HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology); selective for cells with supernumerary centrosomes. Molecules a-tubulin (Sigma); Eg5 (BD), and phospho-Eg5 (Novus). with increased selectivity include griseofulvin and its derivatives and HSET inhibitors, which effectively decluster multiple centro- Time-lapse microscopy and image acquisition somes, but lead at higher concentrations to the formation of Time-lapse microscopy was performed on a Zeiss Cell Observer. multipolar spindles with acentriolar poles (13, 21–24). Z1 under controlled environmental conditions. The numbers of Experimentally, cells with extra centrosomes can be obtained total mitotic cells counted are indicated over each bar. Fluorescence by increasing the expression levels of key components of the microscopy was performed as described previously (16) using a centriole replication machinery, such as Polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4) Zeiss Axiovert 200M. Antibodies used were as follows: Eg5 (BD); or the scaffolding proteins HsSAS-6 and STIL (25–30). CP110 (Acris); g-tubulin (Exbio); pericentrin (Abcam); AlexaFluor In this study, we employed a novel small-molecule screening 488 or 568-conjugated secondary antibodies (Molecular Probes). strategy based on a differential viability readout between two isogenic cell populations with different centrosome content to In vitro kinase assay identify CP-673451 and crenolanib, two class III receptor tyrosine Kinase assay was performed as described previously (32). kinase (RTK) inhibitors, as CC inhibitors. We demonstrate that the inhibition of CC was attributed to activation of the actin- Results severing protein, cofilin, which constitutes a novel mechanism of Establishment of a cell-based high-throughput screening assay cortical actin-mediated CC inhibition. Furthermore, our work for the identification of small-molecule inhibitors of CC sheds light on the mechanisms of CP-673451 and crenolanib- To identify novel inhibitors of CC, we developed a cell-based induced cofilin activation mediated by the slingshot phospha- screening assay that reports on the differential effects of small tases (SSH) SSH1 and SSH2. molecules on the viability of two isogenic cell populations with different centrosome content. Specifically, we engineered Materials and Methods a human osteosarcoma cell line (U2OS) to conditionally over- Detailed experimental procedures are included in the Supple- express EGFP-tagged PLK4 (EGFP-PLK4) from a tetracycline- mentary Data. inducible promoter. Under noninduced conditions, only 2% to 3% of EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells harbored aberrant centrosome numbers (i.e., >2 g-tubulin signals), whereas 48 hours after Cells and reagents induction, over 80% of cells exhibited CA, which remained stable To generate EGFP-PLK4-U2OS, human osteosarcoma cells for several days despite tetracycline withdrawal (Fig. 1A–C). carrying the regulatory plasmid pcDNA6/TR were transfected Induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells were CC proficient, as 98.8 with ToPuro-EGFP-PLK4. Plasmid generation is described in 0.7% of cells underwent bipolar cell division (n ¼ 1,783). To test Supplementary Data. EGFP-PLK4-U2OS and H2B-mCherry- the suitability of EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells for viability-based high- a-tubulin-EGFP-HeLa (31) cells were cultivated in DMEM þ throughput screening, we treated control and induced cells with GlutaMAX (Life Technologies) supplemented with 10% FCS increasing concentrations of griseofulvin, an inhibitor of CC (21), (Biochrom). All unmodified cancer cell lines were obtained from for 5 days and subsequently measured the viabilities of both cell ATCC and authenticated by MCA (2014). For PDGF-BB stimu- populations using a luminescence reporter assay based on quan- lation, starved cells (0% FCS, 24 hours) were pretreated with drug tification of ATP. As expected, griseofulvin induced more cytotox- or vehicle for 3 hours and stimulated with 500 mg/mL PDGF-BB icity in EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with CA as compared with cells with (Biotrend) for 15 minutes. Inhibitors included LIMKi3 (Merck), normal centrosome content (Fig. 1D). Furthermore, live cell imag- damnacanthal (Enzo), griseofulvin (Sigma), BYL719, CP- ing demonstrated that treatment of induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS 673451, and crenolanib (Selleckchem). Cells were synchronized cells with 4 mmol/L griseofulvin (i.e., the concentration with the with 100 ng/mL nocodazole (24 hours) or 2 mmol/L thymidine largest viability difference between control and induced cells) (16–18 hours; Sigma). increased the rate of multipolar divisions by more than 5-fold in comparison with DMSO (Fig. 1E). More than 80% of the progeny Differential viability readout of multipolar divisions underwent cell death, in comparison with EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells were split into two populations and only 17% of the progeny of bipolar divisions (Fig. 1F). incubated with 2 mg/mL tetracycline (Sigma) or vehicle. After 2 days, induced and noninduced cells were seeded in 384-well or Identification of CP-673451 and crenolanib as inhibitors of CC 96-well plates and rested (24 hours) prior to small-molecule To identify new cell-permeable molecules that target CC, we addition. After 5-day exposure, cell viabilities were determined screened two small-molecule libraries consisting of 843 FDA- with CellTiter-Glo (Promega). approved compounds and 273 kinase inhibitors (Fig. 2A). The FDA-approved library was screened at a concentration of 10 Statistical analysis mmol/L, whereas the kinase inhibitor library was screened at three Results are given as mean percentages SD. Significances were different concentrations (100 nmol/L, 1 mmol/L, and 10 mmol/L) calculated by two-tailed t test or two-way ANOVA methods. because of the concentration-dependent target specificity of many kinase inhibitors. Hits were ordered according to their CC inhi- Immunoblotting bition (CCI) index, calculated as ratio of viabilities between Cell lysis and immunoblotting was performed according to control and induced cells, and normalized to the viability ratio standard protocols. Antibodies used were as follows: cofilin, phos- of vehicle-treated populations. Thus, a positive CCI index indi- pho-cofilin, phospho-Akt, phospho-MEK1/2, phospho-LIMK1/ cated that a small molecule compromised the viability of induced LIMK2, LIMK1, LIMK2, and SSH1 (CST); GFP, MCM7, PDGFR-b; cells with CA over that of noninduced controls. For further OF2 Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 Cancer Research Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Cofilin Activation Inhibits Centrosome Clustering Figure 1. Performance assessment of EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells for high-throughput small-molecule screening. A, schematic overview of the screening concept. Induced (þTet) and noninduced (Tet) EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells are exposed to small molecules. Induction of spindle multipolarity by CC inhibitors (CCI) will selectively impair survival of cells with CA. B, mean percentages SD of EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with more than two g-tubulin signals. Tetracycline (Tet) was removed 48 hours after induction. C, noninduced cells (counts/sample 500, averaged from two independent experiments). C, representative images of noninduced (left) and induced (right) EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells. Cells were treated with vehicle (Tet) or tetracycline (þTet) for 48 hours and stained for g-tubulin (red), CP110 (green), and DNA (blue) 96 hours postinduction. Scale bar, 10 mm. D, dose–response curves SD comparing relative viabilities of induced (þTet) and noninduced (Tet) EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells after 5 days of exposure to griseofulvin (1–7 mmol/L; , P < 0.02; , P < 0.01; n ¼ 3). E, time-lapse imaging over 48 hours showing average percentages of multipolar divisions in induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells after exposure to 4 mmol/L griseofuilvin (GF) from two independent experiments. F, fate of progeny resulting from bipolar and multipolar divisions of induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells after exposure to 4 mmol/L griseofulvin. Daughter cells were tracked by time-lapse microscopy for up to 48 hours. evaluation, we chose the kinase inhibitors, CP-673451 and CP- nolanib increased the percentage of multipolar divisions of 868596 (crenolanib), because they exhibited the highest CCI index induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells by approximately 3-fold at 1 values and due to their structural homology (Fig. 2B and C; Sup- mmol/L and 5-fold at 2 mmol/L (Fig. 3A). To test whether plementary Table S1). Both compounds are composed of amino- multipolar divisions were caused by centrosome declustering, piperidine-, quinoline- and benzimidazole-ring systems and we treated control and induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with termed quinolinobenzimidazoles. Detailed dose–response viabil- increasing concentrations of both compounds and quantified ity analyses revealed that the presence of supernumerary centro- the percentage of multipolar telophases, resulting in more somes reduced IC50 values of CP-673451 and crenolanib from 1.6 than two daughter cells. As expected, both drugs increased to 0.6 mmol/L and 1.2 to 0.6 mmol/L, respectively (Fig. 2D). the rate of multipolar telophases in a dose-dependent manner, reaching maxima of about 20% at 2 mmol/L. The percentage CP-673451 and crenolanib inhibit CC of multipolar telophases in control cells remained less than 2%, Consistent with the increased cytotoxicity seen in cells with indicating that only cells carrying supernumerary centrosomes CA, live cell imaging demonstrated that CP-673451 and cre- were prone to multipolar cell division (Fig. 3B and C). Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 OF3 Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Konotop et al. Figure 2. CP-673451 and crenolanib show selective lethality toward cells with CA. A, screening timeline. B, scatter plot showing the screening results of the 1 mmol/L kinase inhibitor library screen. Positive hits with a CCI index >0.3 and adjusted P < 0.05 are highlighted in black. CP-673451 and crenolanib scored the highest values. C, molecular structures of CP-673451 (1-(2-(5-(2-methoxyethoxy)-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl)quinolin-8-yl)piperidin-4-amine) and crenolanib (1-(2-(5-((3-methyloxetan-3-yl)methoxy)-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl)quinolin-8-yl)piperidin-4-amine). D, dose–response curves SD comparing relative viabilities of induced (þTet) and noninduced (Tet) EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells after 5 days of exposure to increasing concentrations of CP-673451 and crenolanib ( , P < 0.01; , P < 0.001; n ¼ 3). Importantly, virtually all multipolar telophases exhibited cen- 3Flag-STIL-HCT116, another cell line with inducible CA result- trioles at each pole (100/101 for 1 mmol/L CP-673451, 91/91 ing from conditional STIL overexpression (Supplementary for 1 mmol/L crenolanib), emphasizing the inhibition of CC by Table S2). Both compounds increased the rates of multipolar both compounds (Fig. 3D). Neither CP-673451 nor crenolanib telophases by at least 2-fold in all cell lines with CA, including caused centrosome amplification (Supplementary Fig. S1). nonmalignant MCF10A cells, which harbor about 10% CA. As Because a SAC-mediated mitotic delay is required for CC expected, no significant multipolarity was observed in BJ fibro- (13, 17), we addressed whether CP-673451 and crenolanib blasts, which do not contain extra centrosomes. Taken together, affect the timing of mitosis. Fluorescence time-lapse microsco- these observations suggest that both compounds act as inhi- py of dividing HeLa cells, stably expressing H2B-mCherry and bitors of CC in all cell lines tested and thereby preferentially a-tubulin-EGFP, revealed that at 1 mmol/L, crenolanib affect cells that carry supernumerary centrosomes. increased the duration of mitosis by about 2-fold, while CP- 673451 did not delay mitosis. These effects were more prom- Depletion of PDGFR-b has no effect on CC inent at 2 mmol/L, leading to 2- and 3-fold mitosis prolonga- CP-673451 and crenolanib are potent inhibitors of platelet- tion for CP-673451 and crenolanib, respectively (Supplemen- derived growth factor receptor b (PDGFR-b; refs. 33, 34). Because tary Fig. S2). These data indicate that inhibition of CC was not both molecules share PDGFR-b as their main target, we next caused by SAC inactivation. sought to analyze the effects of RNAi-mediated PDGFR-b deple- Finally, we tested the effect of CP-673451 and crenolanib tion on CC. Surprisingly, downregulation of PDGFR-b did not on CC in various cancer and nontransformed cell lines increase the percentage of multipolar divisions in EGFP-PLK4- that harbor varying degrees of spontaneous CA as well as in U2OS cells with CA (Fig. 3E), indicating that inhibition of CC OF4 Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 Cancer Research Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Cofilin Activation Inhibits Centrosome Clustering Figure 3. CP-673451 and crenolanib inhibit CC in induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells. A, average percentage of multipolar divisions SD of induced EGFP-PLK4- U2OS cells within the first 24 hours after exposure to DMSO, CP-673451 (CP), or crenolanib (Cre) by time-lapse imaging (n ¼ 2). B, average percentages of multipolar telophases in control (Tet) and induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells (þTet) from two independent experiments, treated with increasing drug concentrations for 24 hours (counts/sample 200). C, representative images of normal bipolar (left), clustered bipolar (middle), and multipolar (right) metaphases and telophases in EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells stained for Eg5 (green), pericentrin (red), and DNA (blue). Scale bars, 10 mm. D, multipolar telophase of an induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cell treated with 1 mmol/L CP-673451 (24 hours) and stained for CP110 (green), g-tubulin (red), and DNA (blue). Note that part of the green signal could be due to residual EGFP-PLK4. Scale bar, 10 mm. E, average percentage of multipolar telophases in induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells after PDGFR-b knockdown (72 hours) from two independent experiments (counts/sample 1,000). Immunoblot showing PDGFR-b depletion; a-tubulin indicates equal loading. caused by both quinolinobenzimidazoles was not mediated by both drugs led to a complete disorganization of stress fibers and impaired PDGFR-b signaling. the appearance of aberrant F-actin arrangements. Similar results were obtained in other cell lines, including MDA-MB-231, CP-673451 and crenolanib affect the organization of the actin LOVO, and HCT116 (data not shown). cytoskeleton U2OS cells treated with 1 to 4 mmol/L CP-673451 or creno- CP-673451 and crenolanib activate cofilin lanib showed a ruffled cell surface as a sign for alterations of the The observed rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton indi- cortical actin cytoskeleton. Phalloidin-FITC staining of the actin cated that the compounds might affect the regulation of actin cytoskeleton revealed that both compounds markedly affect dynamics. Rapid actin remodeling in response to extracellular the morphology of stress fibers and overall actin organization stimuli is elicited by the activation of cofilin, which is regulated (Fig. 4A). Drug concentrations (1 mmol/L) led to the appear- by an inhibitory Ser3 phosphorylation (35, 36). To analyze ance of bundled actin networks instead of characteristic stress changes in cofilin activity, we treated unsynchronized U2OS fibers. Strikingly, treatment of U2OS cells with 4 mmol/L of cells with increasing quinolinobenzimidazole concentrations Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 OF5 Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Konotop et al. Figure 4. CP-673451 and crenolanib disturb actin organization associated with cofilin activation both in interphase and mitotic cells. A, representative images of compound-induced disorganization of the actin network in phalloidin- TRITC–stained U2OS cells after compound addition (3 hours). , magnified view of a rectangular inset. Scale bar, 20 mm. B, immunoblot showing a decrease of phospho-Ser3- cofilin levels in unsynchronized U2OS cells after exposure to CP-673451 or crenolanib (3 hours), in comparison with DMSO. C, CP-673451 decreases phospho-Ser3-cofilin levels in both interphase (I) and mitotic (M) cells. U2OS cells were synchronized with nocodazole in the presence of 1 mmol/L CP-673451 (CP) or DMSO (D). Phospho- Thr927-Eg5 positivity characterizes the mitotic fraction. , longer exposure. and assessed the levels of phosphorylated (inactive) cofilin with 2 mmol/L CP-673451 increased the average spindle using an antibody against phospho-Ser3-cofilin. Both com- rotation from 23 degrees to 59 degrees and the average pounds induced a concentration-dependent reduction of phos- oscillation distance from 7 to 17 mm (Fig. 5A; Supplementary pho-Ser3-cofilin levels, whereas overall cofilin levels remained Movies S1–S3). unchanged in both noninduced (Fig. 4B) and induced EGFP- Because CP-673451 and crenolanib led to cofilin activation and PLK4-U2OS cells carrying CA (data not shown). In addition, inhibition of CC, we next addressed whether increased cofilin we treated several other cancer cell lines with increasing con- activity causes CC inhibition. We increased the levels of active centrations of CP-673451. Immunoblot analysis of phospho- cofilin in dividing EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with CA by (i) inhibi- Ser3-cofilin clearly showed that cofilin was activated in a dose- tion of cofilin phosphorylation and (ii) increasing overall cofilin dependent manner in all cell lines examined (Supplementary levels. To inhibit cofilin phosphorylation, we suppressed the Fig. S3). Next, we analyzed whether cofilin becomes activated activity of LIM kinases (LIMK) using two highly selective, cell- in drug-exposed mitotic cells as well. Mitotic U2OS cells permeable LIMK inhibitors, LIMKi3 (38) and damnacanthal (32). arrested in metaphase by nocodazole in the presence of CP- Time-lapse microscopy analysis of induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS 673451 were separated from interphase cells by intensive cells after exposure to LIMKi3 or damnacanthal revealed a shaking. As expected, the levels of phospho-Ser3-cofilin were concentration-dependent increase of multipolar divisions reduced in both CP-673451–treated interphase and mitotic (Fig. 5B and C), suggesting that cofilin activation disturbs CC. cells as compared with controls (Fig. 4C). Next, we examined the effect of cofilin overexpression on inhibition of CC by transiently transfecting induced EGFP- Accumulation of active cofilin during mitosis inhibits CC PLK4-U2OS cells with wild-type cofilin (Cof-WT), non-phos- A previous study has shown that the accumulation of active phorylatable cofilin (Cof-S3A), or cofilin containing a phos- cofilin during mitosis strongly affects the orientation of the phomimetic mutation (Cof-S3E). To increase the number of mitotic spindle in HeLa cells due to decreased stability of mitotic events, cells were synchronized in G1–S-phase by a the cortical actin meshwork (37). Accordingly, time-lapse single thymidine block and released before transfection. Time- fluorescence microscopy analysis of spindle dynamics in HeLa lapse microscopy revealed that overexpression of wild-type and cells stably expressing H2B-mCherry and a-tubulin-EGFP constitutively active but not inactive cofilin significantly revealed that CP-673451 markedly affected spindle orienta- increased the frequency of multipolar divisions in comparison tion and caused spindle oscillation. Specifically, treatment with cells transfected with empty vector (Fig. 5D). These results OF6 Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 Cancer Research Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Cofilin Activation Inhibits Centrosome Clustering Figure 5. Cofilin activation inhibits CC. A, spindle rotation (left, angle variation between initial metaphase plate and anaphase) and oscillation (right, cumulative travel distance of the metaphase plate center) induced by 2 mmol/L CP-673451 as quantified by fluorescence time-lapse imaging of H2B-mCherry-a-tubulin- EGFP-HeLa cells. Bars, averages. Cells were synchronized in G1–S-phase (thymidine, 18 hours), drug or DMSO were added 3 hours after release, and imaging started 6 hours after release (nangle ¼ 100; nmovement ¼ 70; , P < 0.0001). B and C, average percentages SD of multipolar divisions from two independent experiments in induced EGFP-PLK4- U2OS cells after exposure to the indicated concentrations of LIMKi3 (B) or damnacanthal (C), determined by time- lapse microscopy over the first 24 hours after drug addition. Immunoblots showing the respective phospho-Ser3-cofilin levels are shown in the corresponding Supplementary Fig. S4A and S4B. D, average percentages of multipolar divisions in induced EGFP- PLK4-U2OS cells, transiently transfected with the indicated constructs, determined by time-lapse microscopy over the first 12 hours after transfection ( , P < 0.05; , P < 0.01; n ¼ 5; Supplementary Fig. S5A and S5B). demonstrate that increased amounts of active cofilin in U2OS revealed that exposure to CP-673451 had no effect on LIMK1 cells with amplified centrosomes perturb CC. activity (Fig. 6B), indicating that impaired kinase activity is not responsible for the decrease in cofilin phosphorylation. CP-673451- and crenolanib-induced cofilin activation is In contrast, cofilin activation might be triggered by increased mediated by SSHs SSH activity. Indeed, we observed that transient overexpression of The putative mechanisms of cofilin activation upon treatment GFP-tagged SSH1 in U2OS cells decreased phospho-cofilin to with CP-673451 or crenolanib include drug-induced inhibition similar levels as exposure to CP-673451 or crenolanib (Fig. 6C). of LIMK and/or the activation of SSHs (35). Because insufficient To examine the involvement of SSH in drug-induced cofilin activity of LIMK leads to the accumulation of active cofilin (39, activation, we depleted SSH isoforms 1, 2, or 3 from U2OS cells 40), we first analyzed the phosphorylation status of LIMK1 and and monitored cofilin activation after exposure to both quinoli- LIMK2 in U2OS cells after exposure to increasing concentrations nobenzimidazoles. RNAi-mediated depletion of SSH1 and SSH2 of CP-673451 or crenolanib. Immunoblot analysis using a phos- partially rescued drug-induced inhibition of cofilin phosphory- pho-LIMK1/2 antibody revealed that the levels of phosphorylated lation (Fig. 6D). Importantly, SSH2 depletion had the most LIMK did not decrease, suggesting that both compounds do not pronounced effect, while knockdown of SSH3 failed to rescue inhibit kinase activity. In fact, LIMK phosphorylation appeared to cofilin activation. Next, we investigated whether SSH depletion increase after compound addition both in interphase (Fig. 6A) can also rescue drug-induced CC inhibition. We depleted each and mitotic cells (Fig. 4C). To exclude direct inhibition of LIMK, SSH isoform in induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with CA and independent from its phosphorylation status, LIMK1 expressed assessed CC by time-lapse microscopy during the first day fol- in kidney HEK293T cells was immunoprecipitated and subjected lowing addition of the compounds. Despite relatively low knock- to an in vitro kinase assay in the presence of CP-673451, using down efficiencies (Supplementary Fig. S6), silencing of SSH1 and His6-cofilin as a substrate. Autoradiography of incorporated 32P SSH2 partially rescued induction of multipolar cell divisions by Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 OF7 Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Konotop et al. Figure 6. CP-673451- and crenolanib-induced cofilin activation is mediated by SSH1 and SSH2. A, analysis of LIMK1/LIMK2 phosphorylation (Thr508/Thr505) in U2OS cells exposed to indicated drug concentrations or DMSO for 3 hours. B, LIMK1 kinase activity assay. Ectopically expressed Myc-hLIMK1 was immunoprecipitated from HEK293T cells and kinase activity was analyzed in vitro, by comparing the amounts of incorporated 32P into His6-cofilin. CP-673451 was added to the assay buffer at the indicated concentrations. LIMK1-D460A–inactive mutant (DA) and damnacanthal were used as controls. Whole-cell lysates show overexpression of Myc-hLIMK1 variants. C, phospho-Ser3-cofilin levels in U2OS cells transiently transfected with empty vector (GFP) or GFP-SSH1L (24 hours) and treated with DMSO (D), 2 mmol/L CP-673451 (CP), or crenolanib (Cre; 3 hours). D, partial rescue of drug-induced cofilin activation by knockdown of SSH1 and SSH2. U2OS cells were transfected with RNAi pools against SSH1, SSH2, SSH3, or control (72 hours) and exposed to 2 mmol/L compound (3 hours). Silencing was validated by qPCR (Supplementary Fig. S6) and for SSH1L by immunoblotting as well (top). Relative levels of phospho-Ser3-cofilin are indicated for each sample. E, average percentages SD of multipolar divisions in induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells, depleted for the indicated SSH isoform (72 hours) and treated with DMSO or 1 mmol/L compound. Quantification was done by time-lapse microscopy during the first 24 hours after drug addition ( , P < 0.05; , P < 0.01; , P ¼ 0.001; , P < 0.001). both drugs (Fig. 6E). Again, SSH2 knockdown had the strongest suggest that SSH-mediated cofilin activation by quinolinoben- effect and decreased the percentage of multipolar divisions zimidazoles may be mediated by PI3K. However, both com- induced by CP-673451 and crenolanib by 35% and 43%, respec- pounds are known to potently inhibit PDGFR-b, and several tively, whereas depletion of SSH3 had no effect. These results studies have demonstrated their inhibitory effects on PDGFR-b correlate with cofilin activation observed in U2OS cells under downstream signaling (33, 34, 43, 44). To assess the effects of similar conditions (Fig. 6D), emphasizing the negative effect of selective PDGFR-b inhibition on cofilin activation, we depleted cofilin activation on CC. It can be concluded that CP-673451 and PDGFR-b by RNAi and found levels of phospho-cofilin to be crenolanib-induced cofilin activation is mediated by slingshot unaltered (Fig. 7C). In addition to our finding that PDGFR-b phosphatases 1 and 2. depletion had no effect on CC (Fig. 3E), we conclude that CP- 673451- and crenolanib-induced cofilin activation is indepen- CP-673451 and crenolanib activate PI3K/Akt and MEK/ERK dent of PDGFR-b. signaling under physiologic conditions To gain further insights into signaling alterations caused by Earlier studies have demonstrated that isoforms of PI3K play both quinolinobenzimidazoles, we next analyzed the impact of an important role in mediating extracellular signals leading to these compounds on Akt and MEK, the main signaling branches the activation of SSH1 and SSH2, resulting in cofilin activation downstream of several RTKs, in different cancer cell lines. Under and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement (41, 42). As direct SSH normal growth conditions, CP-673451 unexpectedly elevated the activation by CP-673451 was not observed (Supplementary Fig. levels of phospho-Akt and phospho-MEK in almost all cell lines S7), we next examined whether PI3K signaling is required for within 3 hours of exposure (Supplementary Fig. S8A). Although CP-673451–induced cofilin activation by SSHs. We preincu- Akt phosphorylation was not increased in U2OS cells at that time bated U2OS cells with the PI3Ka inhibitor BYL719 before the point, CP-673451 treatment led to a significant increase in phos- addition of CP-673451. Immunoblot analysis showed that pho-Akt levels at 24 hours in a dose-dependent manner (Supple- cofilin phosphorylation was partially rescued by BYL719 (Fig. mentary Fig. S8B). In conclusion, both compounds stimulate Akt 7A). Similar results were obtained by preincubating cells with and MEK in cultured cells. the pan-PI3K inhibitor wortmannin, but not the PI3Kd-specific Because crenolanib acts as a type I tyrosine kinase inhibitor inhibitor CAL-101 (data not shown). Importantly, pretreat- (TKI) and binds preferentially to phosphorylated RTKs (45, ment of induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with BYL719 also 46), we reasoned that CP-673451 and crenolanib would inhibit partially rescued CP-673451–induced multipolar divisions in RTK signaling only when receptors are in their active confor- time-lapse microscopy experiments (Fig. 7B). These results mation. To validate this hypothesis, we assessed Akt and MEK OF8 Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 Cancer Research Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Cofilin Activation Inhibits Centrosome Clustering Figure 7. CP-673451 and crenolanib stimulate Akt and MEK signaling under physiologic conditions. A, immunoblot analysis of phospho-Ser3-cofilin levels in U2OS cells pretreated with BYL719 for 2 hours, followed by addition of 2 mmol/L CP-673451 (CP) or DMSO (D) for 3 hours. Phospho-Ser473-Akt levels indicate PI3K inhibition. MCM7 shows equal loading. B, average percentage SD of multipolar cell divisions of induced EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells, pretreated with BYL719 (2 hours) and exposed to 1 mmol/L CP-673451 in the continuous presence of BYL719. Quantification was done by time-lapse microscopy during the first 24 hours after the addition of CP-673451 ( , P < 0.001; n ¼ 3). C, immunoblot showing the effects of RNAi-mediated PDGFR-b silencing (72 hours) in U2OS cells on phospho-Ser3-cofilin levels. Akt and MEK phosphorylation was detected using phospho-Ser473-Akt and phospho-Ser217/221-MEK1/2 antibodies. D, immunoblot comparing downstream MEK1/ 2-Ser217/221-, Akt-Ser473-, and cofilin-Ser3-phosphorylation between PDGF-BB–stimulated and nonstimulated U2OS cells in the presence or absence of compounds. Starved U2OS cells were preincubated with DMSO (D), 2 mmol/L CP-673451 (CP), or crenolanib (Cre) for 2 hours before PDGF-BB addition. phosphorylation (as indicators of PDGFR-b downstream sig- of this mechanism, the discovery of new druggable target naling) in PDGF-BB–stimulated and nonstimulated U2OS proteins, and the identification of small-molecule inhibitors. cells pretreated with either CP-673451 or crenolanib. As To date, most cell-based assays have utilized high-content expected, stimulation of PDGFR-b strongly enhanced Akt microscopic imaging (13, 14, 21, 47). However, these screens and MEK phosphorylation and activated cofilin (Fig. 7D). delivered little information on direct cellular cytotoxicity Preincubation with CP-563451 and crenolanib attenuated and thus therapeutic potential because their readouts were PDGFR-BB–induced Akt and MEK activation, demonstrating confined to metaphase multipolarity induction. In this study, their inhibitory role on PDGFR-b signaling. In contrast, expo- we employed a screening concept to identify small-molecule sure of nonstimulated, serum-starved U2OS cells to CP-673451 or inhibitors of CC based on differential viabilities of induced crenolanib increased Akt and MEK phosphorylation. This con- versus noninduced isogenic EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells. High firms that the inhibitory capability of both molecules depends on levels of CA and robust CC in these cells allowed for the the RTK activation state. Finally, we tested whether PDGFR-b was identification of small molecules, which selectively interfere required for drug-induced activation of downstream signaling in with the mechanisms of CC. nonstimulated cells. Exposure of PDGFR-b–depleted U2OS cells With this screening approach, we identified CP-673451 and to CP-673451 and crenolanib still resulted in Akt and MEK crenolanib (CP-868596), two molecules with similar chemical phosphorylation (Supplementary Fig. S8C), indicating that other structures and proven antitumor activity, as inhibitors of CC. At kinases are involved in this signaling. clinically relevant concentrations (48), both compounds effec- tively induced multipolar cell divisions and consequent cell death in EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with CA as well as in a variety of cancer Discussion cell lines harboring different degrees of spontaneous CA. Impor- Because CC is regarded as a promising target for cancer tantly, drug-induced multipolarity was restricted to cells with treatment, several studies have focused on the characterization supernumerary centrosomes and did not lead to the formation Cancer Res; 76(22) November 15, 2016 OF9 Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Konotop et al. of acentrosomal spindle poles as seen with the other inhibitors of Our data suggest that the downstream inhibitory effect of these CC (21–23, 47). compounds is dependent on the activation state of PDGFR-b. Previous studies have shown that CC is inhibited upon inter- Although CP-673451 and crenolanib attenuated PDGF-BB– ference with spindle pole integrity, microtubule–kinetochore induced Akt and MEK activation, in the absence PDGF-BB stim- attachment, SAC activation, or cortical actin cytoskeleton ulation, they enhanced downstream Akt and MEK pathway sig- (13, 14, 17). The absence of acentriolar spindle poles in cells naling in almost all cell lines tested. These observations may be treated with CP-673451 and crenolanib suggests that spindle pole explained by the fact that crenolanib behaves as a type I TKI and integrity is not affected by these compounds. As both CP-673451 therefore preferentially binds to RTKs in their active conformation and crenolanib prolonged the average duration of mitosis but did (45). Its affinity toward active FLT3 is more than 10-fold higher not induce mitotic arrest, SAC inactivation and interference with than toward inactive FLT3, and for ABL1, phosphorylation microtubule–kinetochore attachment is unlikely. increases drug affinity by 7-fold (46). To the best of our knowl- We show here that CP-673451 and crenolanib affect the orga- edge, no data concerning this matter are available for CP-673451. nization of cortical actin filaments by the activation of cofilin. In summary, we present a novel high-throughput screening Cofilin is one of the key regulators of actin remodeling in response concept for the identification of small molecules that inhibit CC. to external stimuli; it promotes severing and dissociation of F- By applying this strategy, we have identified CP-673451 and actin filaments and increases the cellular pool of G-actin for new crenolanib as inhibitors of CC with increased cytotoxicity for filament growth (36). Cofilin activity is negatively regulated by cells with CA. Both compounds induce multipolar cell division Ser3 phosphorylation, mediated by LIM-domain kinases (LIMK1 and subsequent cell death by cofilin-mediated disruption of the and LIMK2) and related testicular kinases TESK1 and TESK2. cortical actin cytoskeleton, reemphasizing the importance of Cofilin dephosphorylation is mainly regulated by slingshot phos- cortical actin for CC. phatases SSH1, SSH2, and SSH3 (35). We demonstrate that cofilin activation in EGFP-PLK4-U2OS cells with CA inhibits CC. A previous study showed that elevated Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. levels of active cofilin strongly affect spindle orientation and positioning in dividing HeLa cells with regular centrosome con- tent (37). We observed similar effects upon exposure of HeLa cells Authors' Contributions to CP-673451 and crenolanib. In cells with extra centrosomes, Conception and design: G. Konotop, A. Kr€amer, M.S. Raab normal actin and actin-based contractility has been shown to Development of methodology: G. Konotop, M. Boutros, A. Kr€amer, M.S. Raab promote bipolar spindle assembly and suppress spindle multi- Acquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients, provided facilities, etc.): G. Konotop, E. Bausch, T. Nagai, A. Turchinovich, polarity (13). In accordance with our results, an independent K. Mizuno, A. Kr€amer study identified LIMK2 and TESK1 as important regulators of CC Analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics, (15). computational analysis): G. Konotop, E. Bausch, N. Becker, A. Benner, Our results indicate that CP-673451 and crenolanib stimulate K. Mizuno, A. Kr€amer, M.S. Raab phosphatase activity of SSH1 and SSH2 to decrease cofilin phos- Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: G. Konotop, N. Becker, phorylation. SSH1 and SSH2 are known to be activated by A. Benner, A. Kr€amer, M.S. Raab Administrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizing external factors that involve production of PI(3,4,5)P3 (41, 42). data, constructing databases): A. Kr€amer Accordingly, we found PI3K inhibition by BYL719 or wortmannin Study supervision: A. Kr€amer, M.S. Raab to partially rescue CP-673451/crenolanib-induced cofilin activa- tion, suggesting that both drugs activate cofilin, at least in part, through PI3Ka stimulation. Acknowledgments It is important to note that CP-673451 has been described to be We thank Barbara Schmitt and Thilo Miersch for excellent technical assis- a highly selective ATP-competitive inhibitor of PDGFR-b (33). tance and advice during the small-molecule screen. We acknowledge Bianca Kraft for the 3Flag-STIL-HCT116 cells and Marion Schmidt-Zachmann for the Similarly, crenolanib is a potent TKI with strongest affinity for NO66 antibody. PDGF-a and -b receptors and FLT3 (34). Stimulation of several different RTKs and G protein–coupled receptors, for example, insulin receptor, formyl peptide receptor 1, and PDGFR-b, pro- Grant Support motes cofilin activity via activation of SSH1/2 to generate rapid This study was supported by the Max-Eder program of the German Cancer turnover of actin filaments in different cell types (42, 49–51). Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe; awarded to M.S. Raab) and a German Research Foundation (DFG) grant (KR 1981/4-1 to A. Kr€amer). Accordingly, although PDGFR-b depletion did not affect cofilin The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of regulation, we corroborate that stimulation of U2OS cells with page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in PDGF-BB decreases overall cofilin phosphorylation. As CP- accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 673451 and crenolanib stimulated cofilin activation in all tested cell lines in a concentration-dependent manner, we conclude that Received May 8, 2016; revised July 15, 2016; accepted August 21, 2016; this effect is not mediated by RTK/PDGFR-b inhibition. published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016. References 1. Bettencourt-Dias M, Glover DM. Centrosome biogenesis and function: 3. Brito DA, Gouveia SM. Deconstructing the centriole: structure and number centrosomics brings new understanding. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2007;8: control. Curr Opin Cell Biol 2012;152:8–11. 451–63. 4. 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Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Pharmacological Inhibition of Centrosome Clustering by Slingshot-Mediated Cofilin Activation and Actin Cortex Destabilization Gleb Konotop, Elena Bausch, Tomoaki Nagai, et al. Cancer Res Published OnlineFirst September 13, 2016. Updated version Access the most recent version of this article at: doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1144 Supplementary Access the most recent supplemental material at: Material E-mail alerts Sign up to receive free email-alerts related to this article or journal. Reprints and To order reprints of this article or to subscribe to the journal, contact the AACR Publications Subscriptions Department at Permissions To request permission to re-use all or part of this article, use this link Click on "Request Permissions" which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center's (CCC) Rightslink site. Downloaded from on February 19, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research.
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