PGCE Whole School Issues 2019 2020 - 11-16 PGCE (With Post-16 Enhancement) - University of York

Page created by Kirk Guzman
PGCE Whole School Issues 2019 2020 - 11-16 PGCE (With Post-16 Enhancement) - University of York
PGCE Whole School Issues
                     2019 – 2020

                                11-16 PGCE
                        (With Post-16 Enhancement)

PGCE WSI Handbook 2019-20 – Core and School Direct   Page 1 of 15
Whole School Issues .........................................................................................................................3
WSI Calendar .................................................................................................................................... 3
   Core and All Saints trainees: .........................................................................................................3
   School Direct Pathfinder trainees: .................................................................................................3
   For School Direct YTSA trainees: ..................................................................................................4
WSI Themes...................................................................................................................................... 4
WSI Sessions taught during each phase of the PGCE year .............................................................6
   Phase 1: Induction Week ..............................................................................................................6
   Phase 2: Induction Phase / During Placement 1 ..........................................................................7
   Phase 2: Development Phase / Placement 1 into 2......................................................................8
   Phase 3: Consolidation Phase – End of Placement / Summer Programme .................................8
   Connection of WSI sessions to Teachers Standards:....................................................................9
Autumn Term WSI: School-based Follow Up Activities...................................................................11
Spring/Summer Term WSI ..............................................................................................................13
   School-based provision during Placement 1 and Placement 2 blocks of teaching......................13
Whole School Issues: Essential Reading .......................................................................................14
Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................ 15

PGCE WSI Handbook 2019-20 – Core and School Direct                                                                           Page 2 of 15
Whole School Issues
The Whole School Issues course aims to help you understand and respond to key issues of teaching and learning common to all teachers in
schools, to explore these issues and encourage reflection on them in the light of both reading and school experience.
Visit the VLE Whole School Issues site to access session handouts, Powerpoint presentations, web sites and videos (

WSI Calendar
Core and All Saints trainees:
       During Placement 1 serial visits and Block 1 (October, and December for one week) activities take place on Wednesdays at the
        university and on the corresponding Tuesdays or Thursdays in school.
       During Placement 1 Block 2, there are two further sessions in early January (Tuesday 7 January) and one in February (Wednesday 12
       During Placement 2 Block 1 there is one session (Friday 28 March).
       During the summer programme, Core trainees will attend two sessions (Wednesday 27 May and Wednesday 3 June) and one
        session after professional Enrichment (Monday 22 June).
       During the summer programme, All Saints trainees will attend two sessions (Wednesday 27 May and Wednesday 3 June) and two
        sessions at their School Direct hub after Professional Enrichment (Monday 22 June and Thursday 25 June).
School Direct Pathfinder trainees:
PFTSA trainees will attend one week induction at their School Direct hub from Monday 9 to Friday 13 September.
PFTSA trainees will attend three days induction at the university from Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 September.
During Placement 1 serial visits and Block PFTSA trainees will attend their School Direct hub (Wednesdays: 25 September, 2 October, 9
October, 16 October, 23 October; and December for one week – Wednesday 18, Thursday 19 December) activities take place at your
School Direct hub on Wednesdays/Thursdays and on the corresponding Tuesdays or Thursdays in school placement.
During Placement 1 Block 2, PFTSA trainees will attend two sessions in early January (Tuesday 7 and Thursday 9 January) held at your
School Direct hubs.
During Placement 2 Block 1 in February, PFTSA trainees will attend one WSI session at your School Direct hub on Wednesday 12 February
and one WSI session at University on Friday 28 March.
During Placement 2 Block 2, PFTSA trainees attend one specific PFTSA WSI day at Archbishop Holgate’s School on Wednesday 1 April.

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During the summer programme, there are one session in May at the University (Wednesday 27 May) and one WSI session in June
(Wednesday 3 June) held at your School Direct hub.
After Professional Enrichment, PFTSA trainees will attend 3 WSI sessions at their School Direct hub (Monday 22 June, Tuesday 23 June,
Friday 26 June).
For School Direct YTSA trainees:
YTSA trainees will attend induction week activities at their School Direct Hub from Wednesday 4 September.
YTSA trainees will attend University induction activities on Monday 16, Tuesday 17, Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September, and attend
WSI activities at their School hub on Wednesday 18 September.
During Placement 1 serial visits and Block 1 YTSA trainees will attend WSI activities at their School Direct hub (Wednesdays: 25 September,
2 October, 9 October, 16 October, 23 October, 6 November, 13 November, 20 November, 27 November, 4 December, 11 December.
After Block 1, YTSA trainees will attend one day of WSI sessions at their School Direct hub in December (Wednesday 18 December).
During Placement 1 Block 2, YTSA trainees will attend two sessions in early January at University on Tuesday 7 January.
During Placement 1 Block 2, YTSA trainees will attend two further WSI sessions held at their School Direct hub on Wednesday 15 January,
Wednesday 22 January.
During Placement 2 Block 1, YTSA trainees will attend two WSI sessions at your School Direct hub on Wednesday 12 February and
Wednesday 11 March, and one WSI session at University on Friday 28 March.
During Placement 2 Block 2, YTSA trainees attend one specific YTSA WSI day at their School Direct hub on Wednesday 22 May.
During the summer programme, there are two WSI sessions at the University Wednesday 27 May and Wednesday 3 June.
After Professional Enrichment, YTSA trainees will attend two WSI sessions in June at their School Direct hub (Monday 22 June and
Thursday 25 June) held at your School Direct hub

WSI Themes
In the WSI programme there are five main themes for the programme. Sessions will cover introductions and explorations of these five themes
across the year. The five themes are:
    1.   Introductions to Key Themes across schools
    2.   Assessment Themes
    3.   Pupil specific themes
    4.   Teacher specific themes
    5.   Course specific preparation sessions

PGCE WSI Handbook 2019-20 – Core and School Direct                               Page 4 of 15
Introductions to           Assessment           Pupil specific         Teacher specific       Course specific
      OVERVIEW                  Key themes                Themes               themes                   themes                 preparation
                              across schools                                                                                    sessions
   What this theme             Generic cross          Focused sessions      Focused sessions        Focused sessions       Focused sessions
      covers                curricular and cross        on: formative      on: aspects of pupil          on: PPC;        on: academic PGCE
                             key stage themes            assessment        development; pupil          professional            assignment
                               that affect all            purposes;           management;             development;           demands; QTS
                               subject areas             summative          pastoral care; and           personal               placement
                             across secondary          assessment and          pupil needs            employment;              preparation,
                                  schools                 data use                                   personal mental        assessment and
                                                                                                        health and              demands;
                                                                                                        wellbeing;             professional
                                                                                                        induction;             enrichment
                                                                                                     continued CPD              demands
      Relevant              WSI - Literacy and       WSI - Teaching,       WSI - Behaviour to      WSI - Workload        November –
 Placement Activity         Communication            Learning and          support Learning        Reduction             Monitoring Visit
   for the theme:           WSI - Equal              Assessment            (both placements)       Strategies            December – Review
 WSI/CA programme           Opportunities within     WSI - Using data      WSI - The role of                             1
 sessions in P1 and         school                   CA - Planning         the form tutor,         Weekly mentor         January/February –
         P2                 WSI - Post 16            lessons (short and    pastoral care, PSHE     meetings – see        University P1 formal
 Relevant placement         Issues                   medium term           and citizenship         yellows               visit
        visits              CA - ICT and E-          planning)             (both placements)                             February – Review
 Relevant placement         Safety                   CA -                  WSI - SEND;                                   2
       reviews                                       Assessment            general equity                                March/Apr –
                                                     CA -                  issues; pupils with                           Review 2
                                                     Progression           special educational                           April/May –
                                                     (incl. KS2-3          needs; gifted and                             University P2 formal
                                                     progression           talented                                      visit
                                                     where                 CA -                                          May – Review 4
                                                     appropriate)          Differentiation                               June - Professional
                                                                                                                         Enrichment sign-off/
  TOTAL University              9 across year           2 across year        10 across year          13 across year          15 across year
   based training            (see details below)     (see details below)   (see details below)     (see details below)    (see details below)
    taught study

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WSI Sessions taught during each phase of the PGCE year
Phase 1: Induction Week
See induction calendar in 2019-20 Trainee Handbook for complete Induction Week schedule.
Induction Theme 1 – Orientation (Mon); Induction Theme 2 – Understanding QTS Assessment (Tues); Induction Theme 3 – PGCE
Academic Expectations (Wed); Induction Theme 4: The Reflective Practitioner (Thurs); Induction Theme 5 – The Professional Teacher
(Fri); Induction Theme 6 – Subject Induction (Mon-Wed)
    When?           Introductions to Key             Assessment Themes    Pupil specific themes           Teacher specific              Course specific
                       themes across                                                                          themes                 preparation sessions
 Induction                                                                                                                          Introduction to School
 Week                                                                                                                               Placements
 16-20 Sept
                                                                         Behaviour for Learning       Introduction to TS1-8         PGCE Assignment
                                                                         (Pt1) – the basics           (Standards Profiling)         Overview/Introduction to
                                                                                                                                    Assignment 1
                                                                                                      Managing Workload in          Induction on Using
                                                                                                      the PGCE Year/                Google/Pebblepad
                                                                                                      Stressbusting techniques      effectively during the
                                                                                                                                    PGCE year
                                                                                                      The reflective teacher (Pt    Induction on the VLE
                                                                                                      1) - Case study: KS1/KS2
                                                                                                      primary experience
                  Issues in Primary                                                                   The reflective practitioner   Induction on uploading
                  Education                                                                           (Pt2) - Effective Teaching    assignments onto the
                                                                                                      – what does this look         VLE
 Induction                                                               Prevent Training through     Safeguarding Training         Induction Week checklist
 Week                                                                                 through NYCC                  Setting up Standards
 Follow up                                                                                                                          Profile
 Optional                                                                                             Career Changers               Introduction to Library
 during                                                                                                                             Support for PGCE
 Induction                                                                                                                          Academic assignments
                                                                                                      Teacher                       How to Avoid Plagiarism
                                                                                                      Unions/Chartered College      in Masters’ level

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Please note: For School Direct students:

       PFTSA – in school hub for 19/20 September
       YTSA – in school hub on 18 September
       All Saints – in school hub on 19 September (pm) only
Phase 2: Induction Phase / During Placement 1
Autumn Term
 When?         Introductions to Key            Assessment Theme      Pupil specific theme          Teacher specific theme      Course-specific
               themes across schools                                                                                           preparation session
 25/9/19       Literacy across the                                                                 PPC (Pt1) – Staying Safe
 2/10/19       Numeracy across the                                   Behaviour for learning
               curriculum                                            (Pt2) – the basics
 9/10/19                                                             Introduction to the Role of   PPC (Pt 2) –                Assignment 1 reflection
                                                                     the form                      Understanding the PPC
                                                                     tutor/PSHE/Pastoral Care      Standard
                                                                     (Adam Baybutt, Millthorpe
 16/10/19                                                            Introduction to SEND                                      Placement 1 Preparation
                                                                     (Prof Jonathan Glazzard,
 23/10/19      ICT across the curriculum       Introduction to AFL
               (Hugh Richardson,
               Huntington School)
 18/12/19      EAL challenges in schools                                                           Understanding how to
               (Anna Mason,                                                                        apply for your first post
               Lawnswood School)

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Phase 2: Development Phase / Placement 1 into 2
Spring Term
 When?         Introductions to Key            Assessment Themes          Pupil specific themes           Teacher specific themes     Course specific
               themes across schools                                                                                                  preparation sessions
 7/1/20                                        Attainment - Using         Behaviour for learning (Pt                                  Assignment 2 preparation
 (am)                                          Summative Data             3) - Teaching difficult
                                               (Mike Bruce, Huntington    classes
 7/1/20        LGBT challenges (Pt1) –                                    Pupil Mental Health
 (pm)          the pupil perspective
               (Aidan Newman,
 12/2/20       Introduction to PSHE                                                                       Learning how to cope with   Placement 2 Preparation
               (Richie French, Fulford                                                                    the Demands of Teaching
 28/3/20       Gypsy, Roma, Traveller                                     Attachment Theory                                           Assignment 3 preparation
 (am)          challenges
 28/3/20                                                                                                                              Professional Enrichment
 (pm)                                                                                                                                 preparation

Phase 3: Consolidation Phase – End of Placement / Summer Programme
Summer Term

When?         Introductions to Key            Assessment Themes          Pupil specific themes           Teacher specific themes      Course specific
              themes across schools                                                                                                   preparation sessions

27/5/20       LGBT challenges                                            Causes and
              (Pt 2) – the staff                                         Consequences of Pupils’
              perspective                                                Individual Differences
              (Claire Birkinshaw, LBU)
3/6/20        Gender challenges                                                                          Induction in the NQT Year
                                                                                                         (Mike Jory, YCC)

22/6/20                                                                                                  The Big Career Picture –     Professional Enrichment
                                                                                                         CPD from ITT to NQT          presentations
                                                                                                         (CES/Chartered College)      (Uni CA sessions – Core;
                                                                                                                                      School Hubs – SD)

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Connection of WSI sessions to Teachers Standards:
The WSI topics introduced and discussed at the university and/or in School Direct hubs all connect directly to your Teacher Standards as

 WSI Theme                                                                                                                               TS connection
 * Literacy – overview of literacy across the curriculum                                                                                 TS3
 * Staying Safe – Professionalism – overview of aspects of professional behaviour/Preamble and PPC
 *Behaviour for learning – overview of range of behaviour management and positive behaviour approaches                                   TS7, TS1
 *Numeracy – overview of numeracy across the curriculum                                                                                  TS3
 *The Role of the Form Tutor, Pastoral Care and PSHE -changing role of the form tutor, involvement in pastoral care, guidance            TS8/Pt2
 and counselling of pupils, consideration of bullying.
 *Meeting the Standards – Focus on Part 2
 Reflecting upon aspects of TS Pt2: showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others; not undermining fundamental British       Pt2
 values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and
 Assignment 1 Reflection - A chance to focus on observational evidence collected in school for Assignment 1 on lesson                    TS1/ TS4/ TS7
 observation and wider whole school ethos. Focus on M-Level criteria
 Preparing for Placement 1 Block 1 – expectations and roles, reviewing Behaviour to Support learning                                     TS6/ Pt2/ TS7
 *SEND – overview of SEND issues and legislation                                                                                         TS5/ Pt2
 *ICT - overview of activities and resources to use to support engaging and challenging teaching and learning.                           TS3
 *AFL - Assessment as an integral part of teaching and learning. Strategies for formative and diagnostic assessment and feedback.        TS6/TS2
 Involving pupils in self and peer assessment.
 First Posts – focus on job application, interviews and job preparation as well as bespoke support available for trainees.               Pt2
 EAL - focus on the issues that arise for the EAL learner as well as the teacher; approaches that can be adopted in the classroom.
                                                                                                                                         TS5/ TS8
 Gender issues in the classroom – focus on gender dynamics inside and outside the classroom that can affect learning and                 TS1/TS5/TS8
 Teaching Difficult Classes in School – focus on bespoke approaches for more challenging behaviours                                      TS7
 Using Data in Schools/Attainment 8, Progress 8 and the relationship with AFL - introduction on how schools use data to                  TS6
 monitor and manage student progress (including Progress 8 approaches seen in Placement 1), with examples of widely used
 packages including YELLIS, CATS etc. A focus on how differences between schools are compared; floor standards; new GCSE
 grading and EBacc, as well as supporting less able pupils in this system.
 Preparation for Assignment 2 – overview of Assignment 2 demands; focus on data evidence collected in school for Assignment 2:           TS2/TS5 /TS6
 Evaluation of a Teaching and learning Sequence; focus on M-Level criteria.
 Placement 2 – Preparation and Target Setting for new school                                                                             TS8
 Preparation for Assignment 3 – overview of Assignment 3 demands; focus on data evidence collected in school for Assignment 3:           TS3/ TS8 /

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WSI Theme                                                                                                                               TS connection
 the Reflective & Research Literature Practitioner                                                                                       Preamble / Pt2
 Coping with the demands of teaching – Identifying the tasks of teaching, and developing sound habits regarding organisation             Preamble/
 and planning. Consideration of time management skills and voice care. Revisiting approaches to coping with a teacher’s workload         TS1
 and career supportive strategies that can counter stress.                                                                               TS1/TS2/
 Attachment Theory – focus on the underlying psychological causes of attachment; the consequent manifestations in behaviour              TS3/TS5
 that exhibit; and the approaches by schools to support such pupils
 Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children – focus on the dynamics and context for this specific group of pupils; approaches to                 TS1/ TS2 /TS5
 teaching pupils who may be in school temporarily; myth busting some ideas about this group; preparation in planning that                /TS8
 acknowledge contextual factors for some learners.
 Causes and Consequences of Pupils’ Individual Differences – Genetics in Education - focus on heritable influences on                    TS2/TS5 /TS7
 outcomes for pupils at primary and secondary levels; impact of teaching on those differences; environmental factors that impact on
 LBGTQ issues and challenges in schools - focus on what it’s like to be an LGBTQ pupil; focus on what it is like to be an LGBTQ          TS1/TS7 /Pt2
 staff member; successful approaches in schools that treat all equally; developing a professional approach to LGBTQ issues you
 may face as a teacher.
 Pupil Mental Health in Schools – focusing on the City of York’s approach to mental health support; the connection between pupils’       TS1/TS5
 mental health and wellbeing, and achievement; whole school approaches to mental health; the universal offer for children and            /TS8/Pt2 &
 young people.                                                                                                                           Preamble
 PSHE in schools – focusing on how to teach PSHE well; what might be required from you as a subject teacher; why PSHE                    TS1/TS3/
 teaching is as important as your subject teaching; the connection to pupil mental health and wellbeing and entry into adult life; the   TS4/TS5/
 aims of citizenship and PSHE, the content and nature of provision in schools, how citizenship and PSHE can be delivered well.           TS7/Pt2
 The Induction Year as an NQT and beyond – focus on how to be ready for your NQT post; what the induction year expect of you;
 entitlement as an NQT from your school/LA/TSA/MAT                                                                                       Preamble/ Pt2
 The Big Picture: CPD, The Chartered College and Your Wider Career Planning – focusing on how to develop your role as a                  Preamble/
 professional; your CPD development; how to keep your career fresh, innovative and up to date.                                           TS8/Pt2
 End of Year Review

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Autumn Term WSI: School-based Follow Up
The university-based and School Direct hub WSI input, in lecture format, looks at each issue in a
general way.
The Tuesday or Thursday programme in schools (during serial visits) provides a specific school
interpretation of these issues.
Placement schools are asked to explore the following specific themes within their context with
trainees, BUT trainees must also be proactive on following up on each week’s themes with their
professional tutors and subject mentors each week. This is best done through practical discussion
with colleagues in school, and hands-on experience with classes as appropriate. Professional
tutors and subject mentors could follow the suggestions given below, but trainees should take up
any training opportunity offered in each theme, as and when there is an option to do so during
their placements.
During the Autumn term serial visits, the topics that are introduced and discussed at the university
on Wednesdays should be followed up in school-based activities as follows:
    1. Literacy and communication (TS3)
            You can observe lessons and focus on the language used by pupils and teachers.
              When do teachers and pupils talk? Who talks to whom and how often? How much
              time is devoted to teacher talk, pupil talk and writing? Did boys or girls dominate
              talk? What did the teacher do to facilitate talk? Did pupils speak with a strong
              dialect or accent? Does this matter? When and how are questions used by the
              teacher? How are they directed and to whom? What types of questions are used?
            Talk with a member of staff about the school’s policy regarding language across the
            Consideration of the issues of English as an additional language, and how it is
              addressed in school. If there is an EAL coordinator in school discuss this theme
              with him/her/them.
    2. Teaching, learning and assessment (TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8 and Part
            Find out how the school identifies pupils’ different learning styles and provide
              appropriate teaching opportunities.
            Follow a pupil over several lessons to observe the variety of experiences offered.
            Interview pupils to find out how they prefer to learn in different subject areas.
            Input on whole school approaches and policies on AFL may be part of your subject
              or WSI school based programmes.
    3. The role of the form tutor and pastoral care, citizenship & PSHE (Preamble, TS1,
       TS2, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8 and Part Two)
            You should undertake observations of registration or form period. You should
              experience taking a register (supervised in pairs).
            You can talk with a form tutor and/or head of year concerning pupil challenges and
              their respective roles in such situations.
            Consider the pastoral care role of the classroom teacher. What types of concern
              should a classroom teacher draw to the attention of colleagues?
            Prepare (and run) a tutor time activity in pairs and then review.
            How should a teacher deal with personal disclosures (e.g. possible child abuse)?
            You may be given a talk on the relevant legal context.
    4. Citizenship and PSHE

PGCE WSI Handbook 2019-20 – Core and School Direct                                  Page 11 of 15
Are citizenship and PSHE delivered within a designated programme and/or within
              subject teaching? How?
            Are relevant whole school events organised (e.g. mock elections)?
            Does the school have a student council?
            Are there any links with the local community?
            What problems are involved in dealing with controversial issues?
            Observe a lesson and compare the teaching style to that in other lessons. What are
              the differences and similarities between PSHE and citizenship?
    5. Behaviour Management (Preamble, TS TS1, TS7 and Part Two)
            Your school WSI programme may give you an introductory talk on school policies
              and procedures, their purpose and their origins.
            Observation of lesson(s). How does the teacher manage the lesson to maintain
              pupils' involvement in the work? What classroom rules appear to be operating?
              Have a discussion with your class teachers/subject mentor/professional tutor to
              identify good practice.
            What problems face beginning teachers? Discuss with your subject mentor some
              critical incidents (real or imaginary) which have occurred in the school in the past
              and how they were dealt with.
            You can write a one page statement entitled: "My current views on discipline and
              classroom management" and then exchange with other trainees and discuss.
            You may be given a talk on the relevant legal context.
    6. SEND; general equity issues; pupils with special educational needs; gifted and
       talented (Preamble, TS 1-8 and Part Two)
            How does the school interpret equality in diversity? How does it monitor
              achievement by e.g. gender, ethnicity? Discuss with teachers the tensions involved
              in promoting equality whilst celebrating diversity.
            Observe classes using the lens of gender/ethnicity/disability. You should observe
              in-class strategies for pupils working at different paces or having problems with the
            You should talk with a classroom teacher and a SENCO about school procedures
              for identifying learning difficulties and how these may be met. Are any pupils
              statemented as having special educational needs and what provision or support is
              given? Which agencies does the school liaise with?
            How is ICT used with SEND pupils?
            How does the school cater for pupils considered to be gifted and talented

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Spring/Summer Term WSI
School-based provision during Placement 1 and Placement 2 blocks of teaching
The following topics (with suggestions for aspects to be covered) are shared with your professional
tutors and school based mentors for school-based provision either via tutorial input or via
on-the-job experience as part of the your work in school during the second placement and
potentially also in Professional Enrichment.
Professional tutors are asked to coordinate this programme (but are not expected to deliver
all elements of it themselves) – ask your Professional Tutor for information as to how you can
uncover information on the following:
    1. Using data (TS6)
    This could include:
        learning about systems and school practice, including departmental use of data;
        a focus on recording procedures in your department/across the school generally (e.g.
           use of mark book);
        exploring the ways in which the school uses data such as KS2 levels, Fisher family
           trust data, CATS, YELIS.
        understanding how data feeds into Progress 8, Attainment 8, and EBacc
    2. Equal Opportunities within school (Preamble, TS1-8 and Part Two)
       This could include:
            reading school policies and practice
            looking at how English as an Additional Language (EAL) is understood and
               policies/practice at work in your setting
            exploring SEND policies and practice in your setting.
            you could shadow a pupils or group of pupils.
            you could attend meetings with other agencies.
            you could meet with SENCOs, TAs and other staff.
    3. Post 16 Issues (Preamble, TS1, TS2, TS3 ,TS4, TS6, TS8 and Part Two)
       This could include:
            work-related learning and vocation learning.
            you could observe vocational GCSE classes;
            you could have discussions with the work-related learning coordinator;
            you could engage with IB and all aspects of Sixth Form transition and enrichment.
    4. Behaviour (Preamble, TS1, TS7 and Part Two)
       This could include:
            building upon experiences gained during the Autumn Term.
            you could observe ‘Outstanding’ practitioners.
            you could gain experiences working in ‘units’ that support behaviour, attend whole
               school training events.
            you could work with Drama and PE colleagues to focus on voice and presence.

PGCE WSI Handbook 2019-20 – Core and School Direct                                Page 13 of 15
Whole School Issues: Essential Reading
The following books are essential reading for the course. These titles should be available in the
University Library. Please check the library catalogue for further details:
Birkett, V. (2005). Manage and Teach Children with Challenging Behaviour.
Nottingham: LDA
Briggs, S. (2015). Meeting Special Educational Needs in Secondary Classrooms: Inclusion and
how to do it. Oxon. Routledge
Brooks, V., Abbott, I. & Bills, L. (2012) Preparing to teach in secondary schools. Berkshire. OUP.
Capel, S., Leask, M., & Turner, T. (2016). Learning to teach in the secondary school: a companion
to school experience. London: Routledge.
Eyre, D., & Lowe, H. (Eds.). (2002). Curriculum Provision for the Gifted and Talented in the
Secondary School. Fulton Publishers
Ellis, V. (Ed.), (2013). Learning and Teaching in Secondary School. Exeter. Learning Matters
Haslem,L., Wilkin, Y. and Kellet, E. (2007). English as an Additional Language. Oxon: Routledge
Hramiak, A. and Hudson, T. (Eds), (2011). Understanding Learning and Teaching in Secondary
Schools. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
Kewley, G. (2010). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. What can teachers do? (2nd ed.)
Fulton Publishers.
Kyriacou, C. (2014). Essential teaching skills (4th ed.). OUP: Oxford
Kyriacou, C. (2009). Effective Teaching in Schools (3rd ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
Mortimer, T. & Dupree, J. (2008). Dyslexia-friendly Practice in the Secondary Classroom. Exeter.
Learning Matters.
Pim, C. (2012). Supporting learners with EAL. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
Rogers, B. (2015). Classroom Behaviour: A practical Guide to Effective Teaching, Behaviour
Management and Colleague Support. London: Sage.
Rogers, B (2007). Behaviour Management – A whole-school approach. London: Sage.
Sherratt, D. (2005). Support and teach children on the Autism Spectrum.
Nottingham: LDA
Spendlove, D. (2011). Putting Assessment for Learning into Practice. London: Continuum
International Publishing Group

PGCE WSI Handbook 2019-20 – Core and School Direct                                  Page 14 of 15
Whilst the University tries to ensure that information contained in this document is accurate when
published, the University does not accept liability for any inaccuracies contained within it. Where
circumstances occur or change outside the reasonable control of the University, the University
reserves the right to change or cancel parts of, or entire, programmes of study or services at any
time without liability, before or after students have registered at the University. Circumstances
outside the University’s reasonable control include: industrial action, over or under- demand from
students, staff illness, lack of funding, severe weather, fire, civil disorder, political unrest, government
restrictions and concern regarding risk of transmission of serious illness. The University’s contract
with its students does not confer third party benefits under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act

PGCE WSI Handbook 2019-20 – Core and School Direct                                        Page 15 of 15
You can also read