Perspective on geographical education in the 21st century - J-Reading

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Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography (J-READING), 0, 1, Dec., 2012, pp. 17-24
DOI: 10.4458/1005-03

    Perspective on geographical education in the 21st century
Joseph P. Stoltmana
 Department of Geography, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA

Received: October 2012 – Accepted: November 2012

The 2012 Congress of the International Geographical Union and Symposium of the Commission on
Geography Education (IGU-CGE) attracted geographical educators from many countries. For the past five
decades the IGU-CGE has served as a main international venue for geography education. The current paper
uses the frequency of scientific presentations as empirical evidence to categorize major topics at the 2012
IGU-CGE. The assumption is that the major directions in geography education internationally are reflected
in the topics represented by participants to the congress and symposia. The evidence suggests that
traditional interests of geography educators continue to prevail in the categories such as pedagogy and
teacher preparation. Interest in the use of geospatial technologies is on the increase, as are the topics of
spatial thinking and sustainable development. The United Nation’s attention to sustainable development
and the general engagement of geographers in the topic is reflected in the increased attention to
sustainability. Geography as a discipline and geography education in practice display deep roots in its
human-environment traditions, which include sustainability.

Keywords: Trends in Geography Education, International Geography Education, Sustainable Development

              1. Introduction                           environmental conditions by virtue of the
                                                        interaction between people and the environment.
    Teaching geography is one of the oldest of          Survival was dependent upon knowing place
the academic disciplines to be included in a            based geography, that rich knowledge of the
liberal or general education. It was perhaps due        locale, its water, soil, resources, and
to the close proximity of geography and                 opportunities as well as being curious as well as
essential life skills that brought geography to the     cautious about the groups of people that
forefront of practical intellectual information         occupied adjacent territories. With time the
and skills. In early times the common person            place based nature of geographic knowledge
needed to be knowledgeable regarding the                expanded to include more distant places. The
seasons of the year, the response of vegetation         nature of geography as a discipline and its
and other biota to temperature regimes, and the         structure became much more inclusive of people
general tempo of life. Many of the applied              and the global environment. Among those
aspects of survival were closely associated with

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                              Italian Association of Geography Teachers
18                                          Joseph P. Stoltman

changes was the increased accommodation that           have also had a strong influence on geography
the discipline had for using crosscutting              education. For example, the Geographical
information from other subjects in the                 Association of the United Kingdom has had
humanities, social, and physical sciences. From        major influences on the British Commonwealth
the earliest times, geography has been viewed as       countries as curricula were revised and renewed
essential knowledge for the general citizenry as       since the 1950s as part of post independence
well as for the members of academy.                    geography education initiatives. UNESCO has
                                                       also played a significant role in the development
    In this paper I will focus on developments in
                                                       and structure of geography education
contemporary           geography        education
                                                       internationally through the publication of
internationally. I will do this by completing a
                                                       resource materials devoted to the subject
critical analysis of the major topics in
                                                       (Graves, 1982; UNESCO, 1965).
geographical education during the 2012
Congress of the International Geographical                 The CGE IGU also has several publications
Union. The IGU Congress provides geographic            that lay the groundwork and suggest the means
education with a sampling of the discipline’s          to address the issues that confront geography
international stature in the school curriculum         teaching in the international context. They
and teacher preparation institutions. In this          provide a widely agreed upon rationale for
review, I will first reflect on the teaching of        teaching the subject using criteria that meet
geography internationally through the prism of         CGE-IGU specifications. The first and best
the 2012 Pre-Congress Symposium of the                 known is the International Charter on
Commission on Geographical Education in                Geographical Education (Haubrich, 1992). The
Freiburg, Germany. I will follow that analysis         UNESCO publications and the charter and other
with a review of the 2012 IGU Congress                 Commission position publications have become
Sessions in Cologne, Germany, including the            the trademark, guiding principles of the CGE-
sessions organized by the European Association         IGU and UNESCO for the past four decades
of Geographers (EUROGEO). While not as                 (Gerber, 2003; Gerber and Lidstone, 1996;
thorough as a country by country survey of the         UNESCO, 2005, 1965). The publications have
status of geography education, the combined            been influential in the development of rigorous
topics and presentations among the three venues        human and physical geographic content in
in 2012 does provide a sampling of international       international education. They have enabled
geography education from among bellwether              geography educators to influence public policies
activities sponsored by the discipline.                regarding education within their countries by
                                                       aligning the national curriculum as closely as
                                                       practical with the recommendations of the CGE-
2. The International Geographical Union:               IGU and other international positions on
         Commission on Geographical                    geographical education.
                  Education                                The IGU CGE Symposium in Freiburg,
   The Commission on Geographical Education            Germany, in 2012 continued the traditions of
(CGE) is the longest standing, formally                representing         geography          education
recognized group within the International              internationally. The eclectic nature of the
Geographical Union (IGU). Initially chartered as       discipline with it wide range of topics and issues
the Committee on the Teaching of Geography in          addressed in geographic research was reflected
1952 at the Washington, DC IGU, the                    in the geography education topics presented in
Commission has consistently served two                 the symposium. The fundamental recognition
purposes. First, it has been the international         that geography education implies two
voice and advocate for geographical education          converging interests – geography and education
when curriculum decisions are being made               – that are represented by distinct theories,
within countries. This is particularly true for the    methodologies, and philosophical underpinnings
technologically and economically emerging              makes it a challenging, but enticing field of
countries. There are other organizations that          endeavor. Geography educators arrive at the
                                                       research and teaching focus from both ends of

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                             Italian Association of Geography Teachers
Joseph P. Stoltman                                              19

the spectrum – the academic geography terminus         a substantial range of topics representing
and the classroom teaching terminus. This              geography education. I have categorized the
convergence is similar to merging the ideas of         papers and posters presentations at the
Guido of Pisa and Maria Montessori in order to         Symposium in Freiburg by topic in Table 1
focus on the capacity of students to learn and         (Falk et al., 2012).
apply geography. The 2012 Symposium covered

Category                                Number of     Category                                Number of
                                      presentations                                         presentations
Pedagogy                                         13   Uses of Geography                                 2
Teacher Preparation                              11   Natural Hazards                                   2
Technology in Teaching                            8   Geography Curriculum                              2
Knowledge and Assessment                          8   Philosophy of Teaching                            1
Sustainability and Geography                      3   Textbooks                                         1
Primary and Secondary School                      3   Standards in Geography                            1
World and Regional View                           2   Total number categorized                         57
Table 1. Categorization of Papers and Posters presented at 2012 CGE-IGU Symposium.
Source: Falk et al., 2012.

    There are several different ways to group and      Symposium. This was demonstrated by papers
categorize the topics from the Freiburg                that focused on using Geographic Information
Symposium, but my intent is to use the                 Systems (GIS) in the classroom for mapping and
categorizations to reflect the major points of         analysis of patterns and distributions of
interest among the international community. My         geographic data on the surface of Earth. Other
criteria were derived from the key terms and           technology included the use of smart phones for
words used in the titles of the presentations.         geographic study outside the classroom. In an
When there was doubt, I referred to the printed        era when many students have access to smart
short paper for further details regarding the          phones, it is important we begin studying the
appropriate category.                                  educational      advantages    of     Geographic
                                                       Positioning and data retrieval capabilities of
    There was a preponderance of interest in
                                                       smart phones and their utility and usage in
pedagogy and teacher preparation among the
                                                       geographic study. Professional geographers are
papers and posters in 2012. This reflects the
                                                       using such devices in data collection and
traditional interests of many professionals in the
                                                       retrieval, so they should be usable in geography
field, since we are mainly from teacher
                                                       education at the school as well as the university
education programs where we promote the best
                                                       level. The challenge is to make the transition
classroom practices in order to present the
                                                       from using the smart phone as a purely
content of geography. Both pedagogy and
                                                       communications device to a geographic device.
teacher education reflect the merging of
                                                       While cellular phones of nearly every vintage
geographic education with content, methods, and
                                                       are useful for communications and social
materials used in teaching. While basic and
                                                       networking, the discussion in Freiburg opened
applied research tends to focus directly on
                                                       the possibility for geographical networking. It
content or education, their integration in the
                                                       represents a new research and classroom
classroom is a main concern as we consider the
                                                       application challenge for geography education.
types of geographic education that is best for
                                                       There is perhaps no greater academic or skills
students in the 21st century context.
                                                       application for smart phones than in geography
   There was also considerable attention to            education.
technology in teaching at the Freiburg
                                                          A      fourth   category,      knowledge       and

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                             Italian Association of Geography Teachers
20                                         Joseph P. Stoltman

assessment, was a continuing interest among the       the discipline as a coherent process. A
presenters of papers in Freiburg. The two topics,     geography curriculum widely accepted and
while often presented separately, were                clearly researched for its beneficial effects on
categorized together. The rationale was that          learners is an important means to prevent
since if knowledge is a measurable goal, then it      disciplinary slippage in the overall national,
takes a clearly defined means of assessing the        state, or local curriculum during times of
knowledge to measure it. There is a strong            revamping of educational priorities. This type of
academic and research tradition within this           revamping occurs with regularity in many
category among geography educators and it             countries, and the best protection for the
ranges from national assessments to classroom         curricular “territory” of geography is a well
based assessment.                                     researched, clearly articulated and outcomes
                                                      demonstrated significance derived from the
    What would I conclude to summarize the
                                                      inclusion of the curriculum in the schooling
state of geographic education derived from the
                                                      process (Lambert, 2011).
2012       Symposium        proceedings?      Two
observations are apparent in terms of what
researchers and practitioners reported. First we
are remaining engaged in research and practice
                                                          3. The Commission on Geography
in pedagogy and teacher education. The                 Education at the Cologne IGU Congress
rationale for this disciplinary posture is perhaps                     in 2012
the belief that sound geography education begins         The papers presentations at the International
with quality, rigorous experiences in the             Geographical Congress in Cologne were vetted
classroom. The belief is that the best way to         by committees of international geographers prior
accomplish that quality and rigor is by               to their acceptance. The vetting process was
certificating teachers with adequate content          necessary due to the large number of papers
knowledge and models of classroom practice to         submitted to the Congress and the plan by the
enable them to attain success. Second,                organizers to feature particular foci for the
geography educators must pursue the most              research and practice in geography education.
recent technologies that are applicable to the        Therefore, the initial categorization in the call
teaching of the discipline both inside and out of     for submissions was set to be consistent with the
the classroom. Our students arrive in our classes     overall theme of the IGU Congress, Down to
as digital natives in the 21st century. They have     Earth, and is used here. The categorization of
never known a time without the Internet, WiFi,        papers is presented in Table 2 (International
blogging, and texting. These technologies are         Geographical Union, 2012).
becoming as common as printed maps, atlases,
and field studies were for prior generations of           The presentations on geography education at
geography students. The papers at the                 the Cologne Congress represented increased
Symposium reported that teachers and                  attention during recent years to sustainable
researchers are taking steps to both use digital      development. What is the explanation for this
devices in their teaching as well as their            large number of papers? While the CGE had
activities to research the effect on learning,        proposed topics such as education for economic
active engagement with the content of                 development in prior decades, it was the United
geography, and the uses of social networking to       Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable
gain information about the world.                     Development (UNDESD) that extended the
                                                      opportunity for geography education to
   One important component in geography               collaborate in the international program
education was not well represented in the             (UNESCO, 2005). There is a consensus among
Freiburg Symposium? That topic was                    geographers that sustainable development is well
represented by just two papers focusing on            within    the     disciplinary   interests   and
curriculum development designs and research.          responsibilities of geography. The affirmation of
In most subjects, including geography, it is the      CGE’s commitment to sustainable development
curriculum that is the fabric holding together the    has been affirmed by Professor Carol Harden, an
knowledge, methods, and skills represented by

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                           Italian Association of Geography Teachers
Joseph P. Stoltman                                             21

eminent American geographer.                            manners. How could a thinking person or caring
                                                        society choose to intentionally reduce the
   “To not embrace sustainability, to ignore the
                                                        resources and opportunities available for future
future, or, even worse, to intentionally support
                                                        generations?” (Hardin, 2009).
unsustainable    practices    connotes     unen-
lightenment, greed, poor management, and bad

Category                                Number of Category                                       Number of
                                      presentations                                            presentations
Education for Sustainable                        11 State of the Art in Geography                          8
Development & Global Learning                       Education
Examples of Best Practice in                     11 Higher Education                                         4
Geography Education and
Teacher Preparation
Spatial Thinking                                   8 Innovative Learning – New &                             4
                                                     Traditional Media
Standards, Concepts and                            8 Preconceptions in Geography and                         4
Experience                                           Geography Education
                                                     Total number of presentations                          58
Table 2. Categorization of Papers presented at 2012 IGU Congress – Cologne.
Source: International Geographical Union, 2012.

   The introduction of sustainable development          and the human-environment traditions of the
as an agenda for CGE began in earnest in 2006.          discipline all contributed to the preponderance
The UNESCO sponsorship of a decade (2005-               of presentations.
2014) dedicated to education for sustainable
                                                            The Cologne CGE presentations also
development provided a larger goal, but the
                                                        reaffirmed the concern for pedagogy and best
immediate initiative was carried out by active
                                                        practices in teaching geography. Eleven
members of the CGE, namely Professor Hartwig
                                                        presentations were dedicated to the topic. The
Haubrich, Dr. Sibylle Reinfried, and Dr. Yvonne
                                                        range of presentation subtopics was large within
Schleicher. Their initiative for geography and
                                                        best practices and the availability of empirical
sustainability resulted in the publication of the
                                                        data was abundant. The strength of the pedagogy
Lucerne      Declaration     on    Geographical
                                                        and best practices topic was the inclusion of
Education for Sustainable Development
                                                        evidence, since reports of research and practice
(Haubrich, Reinfried and Schleicher, 2007),
                                                        were generally based on having field tested in
which has become a key policy statement for
                                                        the classroom a specific teaching methodology
geography educators globally.
                                                        or geography materials. Both the Freiburg
    The attention among the presentations at the        Symposium and the Cologne Congress provided
Cologne Congress to sustainability was                  evidence that pedagogy and best practices,
significant.    The      combined      topics   of      instructional methodology, teaching techniques
sustainability and global learning were                 and other topics that fall within this larger field
represented by eleven presentations, with eight         of research interest are among the most common
of those focusing specifically on sustainable           concerns of geographic educators. Again, the
development. The attention to sustainable               reason for this interest rests with its proximity to
development came from different countries and           the work that may geography educators do in
regions, signifying it international importance as      their professional responsibilities – the
a topic. It was apparent that the UNESCO                preparation of teachers who will enter teaching
(UNDESD) program provided considerable                  equipped with the best possible means to assure
attention to the topic, that the CGE-IGU Lucerne        their students successful study and engagement
Declaration on the role of geography education,         with geography.

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                              Italian Association of Geography Teachers
22                                          Joseph P. Stoltman

   Three topics received nearly equal attention        was represented by eight papers in the Cologne
during the Cologne CGE presentations. They             CGE. The question of national standards for the
were spatial thinking (8 papers), standards,           teaching of geography and design of the
concepts and experience (8 papers), and state of       geography curriculum takes on two points of
the art in geography education (8 papers).             view. The first is the philosophical discussion
Spatial thinking is a relatively recent focus of       regarding the effect of standards on the creative,
geography education, but not of the discipline of      innovative role of teachers. There is a belief that
geography. Geography is often referred to as the       standards stifle good classroom teaching and
spatial    science     (Geographical    Sciences       instructional design. The second point of view is
Committee, 2006). The reorientation to the use         that standards clearly define the content and
of the term spatial has been in response to            skills that all students should know and be able
gaining prestige for geography as a discipline         to produce at carefully considered benchmarks
that focuses on one of the important ways of           in their schooling. Standards assist in the
thinking about and acting within Earth’s space.        development and implementation of national
In some countries geography’s traditional role as      curricula, in national assessments of student
a core subject has been infringed upon as a result     proficiency in geography, and in making the
of greater focus on other disciplines, such as         transition from school to school for migratory or
mathematics and language. In other countries the       transient students less problematic. As the
multidisciplinary approach to the social studies       number of countries adopting content and skills
subsumed geography and made it less visible in         standards increases, the necessity for detailed
as a subject within the curriculum.                    research on their effects – both positive and
                                                       negative – should be a component of geography
    The attention to the spatial attributes of
                                                       education investigations.
geography gives it two advantages. First, the
focus on spatial analysis implies a high level,            Eight papers were presented about status of
rigorous academic endeavor. Geographic                 geography education in different countries. They
Information Science (GIS) has provided the             join a long standing tradition for reporting on the
opportunity for not only geographers, but for          changing conditions and stability for geography
many other disciplines to engage in the rigor of       as a school subject. The studies tend to focus on
using spatial data and producing specialized           single countries, but sometimes present a
maps addressing particular issues. The maps            comparison among several countries. Those
made the spatial analysis of those data possible       research studies provide a discourse on the
for non-geographers. Second, brain research            opportunities and challenges that the discipline
over the past several decades has identified areas     faces in national education contexts. While the
of the brain that process maps, photograph, and        methodology and data vary, the cumulative
chart information – all spatial in their form – as     results of such research reveal global or regional
opposed to other areas of the brain that process       patterns that are worth noting. The continued
other types of stimuli, such as reading narratives.    interest in status studies suggests that a global
The basic research that is necessary to determine      study of the status of geography should be
the type of spatial information that is most           completed under the auspices of the CGE-IGU
readily learned and the ways it can be presented       during the next several years.
is of considerable interest within geography
education. The brain research is in its infancy in
geography, more advanced in psychology, and               4. EUROGEO at the IGU in Cologne
quite advanced in cognitive sciences. It is an
area of research with considerable importance to
geography, but that geographers are not well              The presentations in the sessions sponsored
equipped to pursue without either specialized          by the European Association of Geographers
training or collaboration with colleagues in           were focused large on Europe or Europe in the
disciplines that are engaged in researching            World. Technology in the teaching of geography
spatial thinking.                                      was the research topic presented most frequently
                                                       (Table 3). It represented the major interest in and
     Standards, concepts and experience as a topic

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                             Italian Association of Geography Teachers
Joseph P. Stoltman                                             23

developments with the uses of technology in           but that is gradually changing. Individual
European classrooms. While the use of                 teachers and possibly students who are inclined
technology in teaching geography was well             to introduce geospatial technologies in the
represented during the CGE Symposium in               classroom and through field work do so at their
Freiburg, technology was the focus of just 4          own initiative rather than through an educational
presentations at the CGE in Cologne, while            policy or curriculum expectation. It appears
EUROGEO included 7 presentations. The                 from the presentations at the 2012 IGU that
possible explanation may be the greater               Europe has considerable activity in using
commitment within the European regions for            technology to teach geography, or at least
technology in geography, such as Geographic           promoting the use of technology. That said, it is
Information     Systems    and    Geographic          also necessary to note the large proportion of
Positioning Systems, within the formal                European colleagues who participated in the
curriculum. In the United States in general,          IGU Symposium and Congress and may over
geospatial technology used by geography               represent the overall use of geospatial
students is normally part of the informal             technology.
curriculum rather than the formal curriculum,

                 Category                  Number of Category                Number of
                                         presentations                     presentations
                 Technology and                      7 Sustainability                  2
                 Teaching Geography
                 World and                           3 Total                           12
                 International Views                   presentations
Table 3. Categorization of Papers presented at EUROGEO Sessions 2012 IGU Congress – Cologne.
Source: Dohnert, 2012.

                                                          The IGU Congress and Symposium of the
                5. Conclusions                        Commission on Geography Education have
                                                      significance     for   geographical     education
   This paper is based on the premise that the        internationally. They bring geography educators
presentations on geography education during the       together to reflect on the diverse array of topics
2012 CGE-IGU were representative of the               that we include in our discipline? I believe this
leading topics in geographical education              occurs for two reasons. The first is the belief
research and practices internationally. Granted,      among geography educators that a practical
not all countries or larger regions of the world      knowledge of Earth, its environment and people
were represented at CGE-IGU events. However,          are essential to becoming a responsible citizen at
those attending do represent a global sample of       the local place where one resides. International
current activity in geography education. The          understanding and the ability to responsibly
2012 CGE-IGU was more heavily attended by             consider the points of view of other people from
colleagues from Europe due to geographical            different countries and groups are also tangible
proximity. However, there was representation          benefits from knowledge of geography. As an
from North America and Asia. South America            IGU and a Commission the larger goals are the
and Africa were less well represented.                exchange of scientific knowledge, increasing
Therefore, the data must be viewed in terms of        interactivity among geographers, and enhancing
its bias towards Europe, Asia, and North              international understanding among people. Each
America. This bias is not equally proportional,       of these outcomes is important to 21st century
and Europe led both in the number of papers and       citizenship.
participation in the Congress sessions associated
                                                         Secondly, the Commission through its
with CGE.
                                                      activities is the advocate for furthering the

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                            Italian Association of Geography Teachers
24                                        Joseph P. Stoltman

international foundations of the discipline          5. Gerber R. and Lidstone J. (Eds.),
through our flagship documents. I suggest that           Developments       and      Directions      in
geography educators internationally ground their         Geographical Education, Adelaide, Channel
research      and      teaching    within     the        View Publications, 1996.
recommendations of the International Charter         6. Graves N.J. (Ed.), New UNESCO Source
on Geography Education, the United Nation’s              Book for Geography Teaching, Paris,
Charter on Human Rights and a long term                  UNESCO, 1982.
inquiry into the ways in which we address            7. Hardin        C.,    “President’s      column:
sustainability issues and the outcomes. This will        Sustainability and dancing”, Newsletter of
require continued attention to the scientific            the Association of American Geographers,
contributions of the discipline as well as the           44, 9, 2009.
reservoir of humanistic and arts traditions that
geography brings to education. For example, the      8. Haubrich H., International Charter on
landscape paintings by Giovanni Costa of the             Geographical       Education,        Freiburg,
Tuscan and Umbrian countryside are deeply                Germany,       Paedagogische      Hochschule
geographic and filled with the emotion that              Freiburg, 1992.
draws viewers to appreciate and learn geography      9. Haubrich H., Reinfried S. and Schleicher Y.,
from encounters with the arts. Geography                 “Geographical Views on Education for
education as reflected by the 2012 Symposium             Sustainable Development”, Proceedings of
and Congress topics in Freiburg and Cologne              the     Lucerne-Symposium,       Switzerland.
embraced the theoretical, applied and eclectic           Geographiedidaktische Forschungen, 42,
attributes of the discipline, while realizing the        2007, pp. 243-250.
important preparation of students for the            10. International Geographical Union, 32nd
practical encounters with geography in the 21st          International Geographical Congress, Book
century.                                                 of Abstracts International Geographical
                                                         Congress, Cologne, University of Cologne,
References                                           11. Lambert D.L., “Reviewing the case for
1. Dohnert K., “IGU Congress: Cologne                    geography, and the ‘knowledge turn’ in the
   2012”,             English national curriculum”, in Whewell
   rence/IGU/igu2012.html.                               C., Brooks C., Butt G. and Thurston A.
                                                         (Eds.), Curriculum Making in Geography,
2. Falk G., Haubrich H., Muller M., Schleicher
                                                         London, Institute of Education, University
   Y. and Reinfried S. (Eds.), “Experienced
                                                         of London and the Commission on
   Based Geography Learning”, IGU-CGE
                                                         Geographical      Education,     International
   2012 Symposium Proceedings, Freiburg,
                                                         Geographical Union, 2011, pp. 72-87.
   Germany, Institute of Geography and
   Geography Education, 2012.                        12. UNESCO (Ed.), UNESCO Source Book for
                                                         Geography TeachingLongmann/UNESCO,
3. Geographical Sciences Committee, Learning
                                                         Paris, Longmann/UNESCO, 1965.
   to Think Spatially, Washington, DC, The
   National Academies Press, 2006.                   13. UNESCO, “United Nations Decade of
                                                         Educational for Sustainable Development”,
4. Gerber R. (Ed.), International Handbook on            2012,
   Geographical Education, Dordrecht, Kluwer             14/001416/141629e.pdf.
   Academic Publishers, 2003.

Copyright© Nuova Cultura                                           Italian Association of Geography Teachers
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