Personalised Medicine: implication and perspectives in the field of occupational health

Page created by Nathaniel Torres
Med Lav 2020; 111, 6: 425-444
                                                                                               DOI: 10.23749/mdl.v111i6.10947

Personalised Medicine: implication and perspectives in
the field of occupational health
Valentina Bollati1*, Luca Ferrari1*, Veruscka Leso2*, Ivo Iavicoli2*
    EPIGET LAB, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
    Section of Occupational Medicine, Department of Public Health, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy

Key words: Personalised medicine; occupational health; individual variability; exposure assessment

Parole chiave: Medicina di precisione; salute occupazionale; variabilità individuale; valutazione del rischio

“Personalised medicine” relies on identifying and integrating individual variability in genomic, biological, and phys-
iological parameters, as well as in environmental and lifestyle factors, to define “individually” targeted disease pre-
vention and treatment. Although innovative “omic” technologies supported the application of personalised medicine
in clinical, oncological, and pharmacological settings, its role in occupational health practice and research is still in a
developing phase. Occupational personalised approaches have been currently applied in experimental settings and in
conditions of unpredictable risks, e.g. war missions and space flights, where it is essential to avoid disease manifes-
tations and therapy failure. However, a debate is necessary as to whether personalized medicine may be even more
important to support a redefinition of the risk assessment processes taking into consideration the complex interaction
between occupational and individual factors. Indeed, “omic” techniques can be helpful to understand the hazardous
properties of the xenobiotics, dose-response relationships through a deeper elucidation of the exposure-disease path-
ways and internal doses of exposure. Overall, this may guide the adoption/implementation of primary preventive
measures protective for the vast majority of the population, including most susceptible subgroups. However, the appli-
cation of personalised medicine into occupational health requires overcoming some practical, ethical, legal, economical,
and socio-political issues, particularly concerning the protection of privacy, and the risk of discrimination that the
workers may experience. In this scenario, the concerted action of academic, industry, governmental, and stakeholder
representatives should be encouraged to improve research aimed to guide effective and sustainable implementation of
personalised medicine in occupational health fields.

«Medicina Personalizzata: implicazioni e prospettive nel campo della medicina del lavoro». La “medicina per-
sonalizzata” si basa sull’identificazione e sull’integrazione dell’informazione genomica, dei parametri biologici e
fisiologici con le informazioni relative all’esposizione ambientale e allo stile di vita di ciascun individuo al fine di
definire strategie preventive, diagnostiche e terapeutiche specifiche. Le tecnologie innovative cosiddette “omiche” sono
uno strumento in grado di favorire lo sviluppo di approcci di medicina precisione, benché questi ultimi siano ancora
agli albori in termini di pratica clinica e l’ambito occupazionale potrebbe essere un ottimo contesto in cui implemen-
tarli.Gli approcci personalizzati in ambito occupazionale sono stati attualmente applicati solo in condizioni di rischi

Corresponding author: Prof.ssa Valentina Bollati, PhD, EPIGET LAB, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health,
Università degli Studi di Milano, via San Barnaba 8, 20122 Milano, Italia - Tel. +39 0250320147 - E-mail:

*The authors equally contributed to this review

       open access
426                                                   bollati et al

imprevedibili, quali missioni di guerra e voli spaziali, è necessario evitare l’insorgenza di malattie e il fallimento
della terapia è essenziale. Tuttavia, la medicina personalizzata può essere ancora più importante per supportare una
ridefinizione dei processi di valutazione del rischio tenendo conto della complessa interazione tra fattori professionali
e individuali. Infatti, le tecniche “omiche” possono essere utili per comprendere le proprietà pericolose degli xenobiotici,
le relazioni dose-risposta attraverso una più profonda delucidazione delle vie di esposizione-malattia e delle dosi in-
terne di esposizione. Questo approccio potrebbe guidare l’adozione / implementazione di misure preventive primarie,
inclusi adeguati limiti di esposizione professionale, protettivi per la maggioranza della popolazione, includendo an-
che i sottogruppi più sensibili. Tuttavia, l'applicazione della medicina personalizzata nella salute sul lavoro richiede
il superamento di alcune questioni pratiche, etiche, legali, economiche e sociali, in particolare per quanto riguarda la
protezione della privacy e il rischio di discriminazione che i lavoratori possono subire. In questo scenario, l’azione
concertata dei rappresentanti del mondo accademico, industriale, governativo e delle parti interessate dovrebbe essere
incoraggiata per migliorare la ricerca volta a guidare l’implementazione efficace e sostenibile della medicina di preci-
sione nei settori della salute sul lavoro.

Introduction                                                    host of data across a population and aims to define
                                                                a patient’s response to a specific disease, based on
   New technologies that are emerging in biomedi-               integrated complex information, also developing in-
cine are allowing the collection of a huge amount               terventional strategies (23).
of information, potentially useful to promote precise              The American National Institute of Health
and targeted approaches of prevention, diagnosis,               (NIH) “All of Us” Research Program is inviting one
and therapy. Traditional medicine follows a one-                million people across the U.S., which are expected
size-fits-all approach, and as a consequence, not               to share the data generated over more than 10 years
everyone responds to stimuli in the same way. On                from sequencing, electronic medical records, per-
the contrary, personalised medicine is intended to              sonal reported information, and digital health tech-
convey the idea that although medical approaches                nologies. These data will be the topic of analyses to
are infrequently developed for single individuals,              improve the comprehension of disease mechanisms
subgroups of patients can be better characterized               and pathogenesis and to drive the definition of a
and targeted in more specific ways (Figure 1) (48,              health care agenda. This scenario may contribute to
50, 60). Personalised medicine aims to integrate                a novel paradigm of healthcare expected to impact
genomic with biological, physiological, and physical            the medical approach throughout the lifespan and
parameters together with environmental informa-                 to enhance the consolidated applications of person-
tion, such as lifestyle, to depict a more comprehen-            alised health care such as reproductive counseling
sive picture of each individual and improve dedicat-            and prenatal testing at conception, promotion of
ed preventive and therapeutic interventions (23, 24).           healthy aging, and molecular autopsies (16).
   The American National Research Council’s To-                    The focus of personalised medicine relies on
ward Personalised Medicine defined personalised                 identifying emerging approaches that improve dis-
medicine as: “The tailoring of medical treatment                ease prevention and treatment, taking into account
to the individual characteristics of each          individual variability in genetic, environmental, and
classify individuals into subpopulations that differ            lifestyle factors (34). Although encouraging per-
in their susceptibility to a particular disease or their        spectives have been reported for the application of
response to a specific treatment”. As the definition            a personalised medicine approach into clinical set-
suggests, the novelty of personalised medicine lies             tings, its current role in healthcare is still in its in-
in the possibility of guiding health care decisions             fancy, due to the complexity of an overall exposure
toward the most effective treatment for a given                 assessment (i.e. exposome) and its integration into
patient, and thus, improving care quality (16). As              the interpretation of susceptibility factors. In this
a consequence, personalised medicine looks at a                 view, occupational medicine could offer a promis-
personalised medicine to promote occupational health                               427

Figure 1 - The two different approaches of traditional medicine and personalised medicine

ing field for the development of personalised medi-            evaluation of many patients. One of the most strik-
cine approaches. However, a future, sustainable                ing examples of diagnostic and therapeutic improve-
application of such innovative strategies in occupa-           ments in the field is that of Cystic Fibrosis (CF). CF
tional health should overcome ethical and societal             is a multisystemic genetic disease with an autoso-
concerns related to the application of personalised            mal recessive inheritance that affects approximately
medicine into a preventive and not a therapeutic ap-           70,000 people worldwide and that is caused by vari-
proach, aimed to ensure a safe workplace for all. The          ants in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conduct-
present review aims to debate and illustrate the cur-          ance regulator (CFTR) gene. Genetic understand-
rent applications of personalised/precision medicine           ing of CF and its categorization into molecular
and to propose its potential applications in occupa-           subgroups based on the retained functionality of the
tional health.                                                 mutated CFTR channel have paved the way to the
                                                               design and approval of specific drugs able to (at least
Current applications of Personalised                           partially) recover the CFTR channel functionality
Medicine in diagnosis and therapy                              depending on the molecular defect they target (2).
                                                                  Besides, several genomic applications of per-
   Personalized medicine is based on the concept               sonalized medicine also contribute to healthcare
that individual variability in DNA is linked to                at several time points throughout the lifespan. For
disease causation. This is true for rare diseases, for         instance, preconception genetic screening can pre-
which DNA sequencing has improved the clinical                 dict the risk of transmitting pathogenic variants to
428                                               bollati et al

offspring (3). During pregnancy, genetic testing,         therapy. On the contrary, a correct diagnosis enables
including whole-genome sequencing, can be per-            transitioning of these patients to SUs therapy.
formed to assess chromosomal abnormalities of the            Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus (NDM) is diagnosed
fetus (45). At birth, genetic analysis can be used to     within the first six months of life and is mainly mo-
diagnose several critical conditions (14, 49). Later      nogenic. Therapy of patients with NDM may be con-
on, during life, similar approaches can be applied to     sidered as a paradigmatic example of benefits due to
diagnose and treat many diseases, including cancers       pharmacogenomics application to personalized med-
(as described below), metabolic, and chronic dis-         icine. Indeed, children with NDM are typically mis-
eases (16, 39).                                           diagnosed as Type 1 Diabetes and initiated on insulin
   Nonetheless, interventions taking advantage of         therapy but the response is often unsatisfactory (40,
genetic information alone have been limited, mainly       44). On the contrary, due to the genetic variations
due to problematic side effects, such as the progres-     they carry, if correctly diagnosed, their therapy can be
sive decline of penetrance estimates of pathogenic        transitioned to SU with a great response maintained
variants as more unaffected subjects are screened.        over 10 years (7, 47). The successful personalised
Indeed, reclassification of variants initially consid-    approach used for the management of monogenic
ered as pathogenic is a common problem and ge-            forms of diabetes could be applied also in those mul-
netic databases are constantly updated (21, 70).          tifactorial forms (e.g. Type 2 Diabetes), thus making
   Pharmacogenomics, probably the earliest appli-         the control of diabetes more efficient toward preven-
cation of personalized medicine, is the application       tion of its complications and improvement of the
of genomic information to individual variation in         quality of life of the affected people (17, 52).
drug response phenotypes. Different drug responses           The application of personalised medicine ap-
can range from inadequate therapeutic efficacy to         proaches to the early diagnosis and cure of tumors
serious, potentially life-threatening adverse drug re-    is one of the greatest challenges of biomedical re-
actions. There are several reasons for variability in     search. Personalised oncology uses tumor molecular
drug response, such as drug interactions, poor com-       profiles to define diagnostic, prognostic, and thera-
pliance, the failure of selected drug therapy to target   peutic paths for the specific tested cancer (41, 56).
the causative disease mechanisms, and disease-relat-      Tumor molecular profiles include DNA, RNA, and
ed changes in drug concentrations or efficacy (17).       protein alterations, as well as epigenetic modifica-
   The genotyping of VKORC1 gene, which is in-            tions (12).
volved in biochemical activation of the blood clot-          The molecular characterization has been the
ting factor vitamin K, and Cytochrome CYP2C9,             standard approach for differential diagnosis and
which is a member of the Cytochrome p450 family           therapy of various tumors, including lung carci-
led to some success in warfarin dosing optimization       noma (32). For instance, the occurrence of specific
(1, 29, 63).                                              somatic mutations in the epidermal growth factor
   Another successful application of personalized         receptor (EGFR) gene and rearrangements in ana-
medicine procedure is that of ‘Monogenic Diabetes’,       plastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinase (ALK)
which refers to types of diabetes which are due to a      gene allow the personalization of therapy with tar-
single gene mutation (28). Indeed, it has improved        geted kinase inhibitors (5, 42, 43). Likewise, BRAF
the efficacy of Sulfonylureas (SU) (28). Among the        inhibition in BRAF-mutant melanoma tailors the
fourteen known forms of Maturity onset diabetes           best course of treatment for each patient including
of the young (MODY), those caused by HNF1α                surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, chemo-
and HNF4α mutations (MODY 3 and MODY 1,                   therapy, and radiotherapy (46, 61).
respectively) are the most common. Patients with             The molecular characterization and consequent
MODY 1 and 3 are usually diagnosed before the age         stratification into different subgroups have permit-
of 25 years and commonly do not show any features         ted the development of targeted treatment strategies
of insulin resistance. They are frequently misdiag-       also for breast cancer in combination with standard
nosed as Type 1 Diabetes and start life-long insulin      therapies (4, 20).
personalised medicine to promote occupational health                           429

   Historically, the first cancer personalised therapy    ers’ susceptibility due to “omic” features in a “gene-
was imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia, which          environment” perspective (54). “Omic” techniques
initiated the development of a series of therapies        may support a better identification of the hazardous
targeted at specific alterations. Targeted therapies      properties of the xenobiotics as the detected altera-
have improved outcomes in cancer patients with            tions, i.e. genomic, epigenomic, proteomic, metabo-
targetable molecular/genetic alterations (22, 41, 55).    lomic changes, can be the result of the exposure. On
   Cancer immunotherapy is a recent breakthrough          the other hand, these features may function as ef-
in the field of oncology by prolonging the survival       fect modifiers of the exposure-related outcomes as
of patients with rapidly fatal cancers. Inevitably, the   they can influence the metabolism of xenobiotics,
application of immunotherapy for both diagnosis           impacting their toxicokinetic and dynamic behav-
and targeted treatment requires the personalised          iors. In this regard, some examples can illustrate the
approach. The idea to employ the immune system to         current application of omic technologies into oc-
treat neoplastic disease is at the basis of the cancer    cupational health fields (65). In the case of solvent
immunotherapy approach, which has been recent-            exposure, the analysis of the toxicogenomic and epi-
ly growing. Indeed, immunotherapy has achieved            genomic profiles has revealed useful to better under-
outstanding therapeutic efficacy in several types of      stand the mechanisms by which benzene may cause
tumors, including breast cancer, colorectal cancer,       leukemia (59, 72). Two genetic variants in benzene
non-small cell lung cancer, renal cell carcinoma, and     key metabolizing enzymes, myeloperoxidase and
melanoma (57, 66). Tumors present antigens such           NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (36), but also
as fetal developmental proteins (i.e. oncofetal an-       polymorphisms in genes involved in DNA double-
tigens), oncogenic viruses (i.e. oncoviral antigens),     strand breaks repair and genomic maintenance, i.e.
or neoantigens that are generated as a result of so-      WRN, TP53, BRCA2, BLM and RAD51, were
matic mosaicism. Attempts to directly target these        demonstrated to influence occupational susceptibil-
antigens have been disappointing; however, the re-        ity to benzene hematotoxicity in exposed workers
search activity carried out permitted to unveil the       (38, 58). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in inter-
critical mechanisms for the activation of T lym-          leukin (IL-1A, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12A) and molecular
phocytes and modulation of their autoinhibitory           adhesion (vascular adhesion molecule,VCAM-1)
pathways mediated by various checkpoint receptors,        genes were associated with a statistically signifi-
such as cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated pro-            cant decrease in total white blood cell counts (37).
tein 4 (CTLA4), programmed cell death 1 (PD1;             Epigenetic alterations in the methylation of blood
also known as PDCD1), and others (15, 19). Thus,          DNA samples were detected in gas station attend-
various molecules, known as “checkpoint inhibitors”       ants and traffic police officers exposed to different
targeting these proteins were developed and subse-        levels of benzene compared to unexposed controls
quently approved for therapy (25, 53, 73).                (6). Airborne benzene was associated with a sig-
                                                          nificant reduction in LINE-1 and Alu I methyla-
Personalised medicine applications in                     tion, as an early benzene-induced change in normal
occupational health                                       methylation patters. Increasing airborne benzene
                                                          levels were associated with the hypermethylation in
   Efforts in personalised medicine may offer             p15 and hypomethylation in MAGE-1, initial al-
unique opportunities for occupational health, as it       terations potentially preceding greater methylation
can support a suitable redefinition of the processes      changes determined in several tumors, including
employed for risk assessment, able to take into con-      leukemias. Proteomic analysis revealed that protein
sideration the complex interaction between occupa-        profiles were significantly different in benzene ex-
tional and individual factors. These procedures are       posed workers compared to controls, particularly,
intended to integrate a mechanistic understanding         concerning the up-regulation of T cell receptor
of occupational risk factors, information on spe-         chain, FK506-binding protein and matrix metallo-
cific conditions of workplace exposure, and work-         proteinase-13 (27).
430                                               bollati et al

    Concerning exposure to metals and metalloids,         ty offered by personalised medicine to elucidate the
different genome expression patterns were evaluated       pathway from a molecular initiating event to a health
in subjects with and without arsenical skin lesions       effect may characterize a new paradigm for assigning
using RNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes.              risk assessment based on known molecular mecha-
Four hundred sixty-eight genes were identified to be      nisms of toxic injury (64), enabling the development
differently expressed between the two groups. Such        of early, high-quality biomarkers in the possible
analysis may provide insights into the underlying         exposure-disease continuum, changing how occupa-
processes of arsenic-induced disease that may rep-        tional exposures are monitored and managed (9, 67).
resent potential targets for chemoprevention studies         All the abovementioned information will serve
to reduce arsenic induced skin cancer in the exposed      to characterize risks according to an individual per-
population. Additionally, up-regulated expression         spective, to guide preemptive interventional strat-
of genes involved in inflammatory pathways, pos-          egies that may, interestingly, exploit knowledge
sibly related to arsenic-associated atherosclerosis,      acquired at an individual level into collective strate-
including several cytokines and growth factors has        gies for health protection (Figure 2). To extrapolate
been identified (69). A significant dose-dependent        individual data into a population-based risk assess-
DNA hypermethylation of the promoter region of            ment and management processes characterizes the
p53 gene was observed in DNA of arsenic-exposed           innovative perspective of the application of a per-
people compared to controls (11). Proteomic pro-          sonalised medicine approach in a preventive frame-
filing of sera in a group of smelter workers with a       work. As an example, once individual alterations
mixed exposure to arsenic and lead, identified five       have been confirmed to be functionally relevant
discriminatory protein peaks that could form a pro-       with both xenobiotic exposures and specific pheno-
teomic signature providing higher sensitivity and         types, these should be considered in the attempt to
specificity in detecting metal mixture exposure than      establish primary preventive measures, that may be
single protein markers (71).                              protective for the vast majority of the population,
    Overall, this different personalised approach may     including most susceptible subgroups (13). How-
lead to the hazard identification phase of risk as-       ever, according to a pathophysiology perspective,
sessment to include not only the intrinsic toxico-        deeper knowledge should be acquired concerning
logical profile of substances, but also how these may     the magnitude or frequency of susceptibility condi-
interact with the organisms. Additionally, this may       tions in the population and the variations related to
offer the opportunity to generate comprehensive           geography and race.
toxicologically relevant information on molecular            Additionally, also the experience acquired in some
changes more quickly and more accurately than             specific occupational settings may provide a greater
ever before, supporting the identification of new         advantage to enlarge personalised solutions into oc-
hazards through enhanced coverage of biological or        cupational health practice. In some situations, work-
biochemical pathways during toxicological analyses        ers, like military services employees involved in war
(10). This approach might be even more important          missions (8, 9) and astronauts employed in human
to support suitable risk assessment in emerging oc-       space flights (51, 62) face unpredictable and unex-
cupational scenarios, characterized by low-doses of       pected challenges coupled with isolation, remote
exposure, employment of innovative materials (like        operations, and extreme resource limitations that
chemicals at the nanoscale), as well as in settings       can take advantage from a personalized medicine
where complex mixtures are used.                          approach. In such peculiar settings, where it was not
    “Omic” derived information can explain poten-         possible to assess and avoid risks, or where failure or
tial variabilities in internal doses of exposure, dose-   adverse events should be avoided at all costs, great
response relationships, no observable adverse effect      contribution derived from personalised medicine.
levels, as well as in outcomes, overall promoting a       It was important to prevent disease development
deeper understanding of increased susceptibility of       that resulted essentially for the military mission
certain subpopulations. Additionally, the opportuni-      success in the short term, and for adopting a risk
personalised medicine to promote occupational health                                     431

Figure 2 - Research fields and future perspectives of personalised medicine application in the occupational risk assessment
process. The figure shows the fields of research (on the left) and future perspectives (on the right) of personalised medicine
application into risk assessment processes in occupational settings

management strategy in the long-term (8). Further-                  Furthermore, personalised medicine approaches
more, in the case of astronauts in the international             may help in accumulating evidence regarding mul-
space station, pharmacogenetic testing served as a               tiple exposure memory systems to prevent/predict
pre-treatment diagnostic option to prevent therapy               adaptation to environmental and occupational
failure or side effects during a definite period of self-        challenges over time (26). Following occupational
medication (62).                                                 insults, short-term and reversible responses can oc-
   However, while in these contexts a personalised               cur, but also long-term and sometimes permanent
medicine approach seem more necessary to main-                   changes in organ structure and function can develop
tain the well-being of workers avoiding the mani-                (67). Indeed, flexibility and adaptability to subse-
festation of the adverse effect that could hinder                quent challenges can be reduced. In this perspective,
the success of job outcomes, in routine conditions,              personalised medicine may take advantage of com-
personalised strategies should be aimed to signifi-              putational methods to study metabolic resilience in
cantly improve primary preventive measures includ-               case of repeated exposure to variable occupational
ing the control of the exposure and the adoption/                risk factors, i.e. chemical, biological or physical risks
implementation of collective and individual meas-                to define populations that can benefit from specific
ures focused on specific group/subject features. The             preventive measures.
emerging and ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, in this                     Overall, innovative technologies and big data,
contest, has pointed out the relevance to define con-            that are driving personalised medicine forward, may
ditions of vulnerability to an increased risk of in-             lead to advances in occupational health, not only
fection and severe disease manifestation that may                limited to disease prevention but also involving the
require personalised preventive actions.                         overall health promotion of occupational popula-
432                                                bollati et al

tions taking into account both workplace conditions        plication. This relates to the great number of sub-
and personal issues (30, 31). This may take advan-         stances, as well as of molecular and cellular end-
tage of the assessment of a variety of biological fac-     points that can be efficiently tested and simultane-
tors that may be utilized to assess the health state       ously evaluated (68). Indeed, uncertainties emerge
of individuals according to a system-wide approach.        concerning the generation, storage, processing, anal-
                                                           ysis, interpretation of “omic” data and comparison of
Discussion                                                 data sets generated on different “omic” platforms. As
                                                           the field of systems biology moves steadily forward,
   The personalised medicine model promises that           ways to integrate and compare data from different
the fundamentals of health care, including assess-         “omics” need to be developed so that the study out-
ments, medical decisions, and treatments, will be          comes can be reliably verified and confidently inte-
customized to the individual (35). This overall sup-       grated into regulatory hazard and risk assessment.
ports the definition of preventive and treatment              A particular challenge for innovative biomarkers
interventions tailored to higher-risk groups, to ef-       will be to determine the reproducibility of the “omic”
fectively improve population health. In the occupa-        data, the concordance and repeatability within ex-
tional health field, this seems extremely important        periments and labs considering also the preliminary
considering that a personalised medicine approach          experience in the field. All these aspects, together
may inform adequate risk assessment and manage-            with suitable timing for data analysis, the appropri-
ment processes to better protect the health of ex-         ateness of bio-specimen collection and storage as-
posed workers, also through the application of ad-         pects of biobanking are important for the analysis
vanced “omic” technologies.                                success. Biobanks, intended as collections, archives,
   However, to achieve an effective application of         and databases, are one of the pillars of personalized
personalised medicine in the workplace, some chal-         medicine (33). Their power relies on the amount of
lenging issues, relative to clinical diagnostic testing,   high-quality samples of and related information
biomarker validation, and biobanking should be             available for current and future research. Thus, care-
carefully faced. In fact, despite the promising role       full attention must be payed at all the steps of the
of “omic” technologies in occupational health moni-        so-called “sample-to-answer” workflow for the qual-
toring and bio-surveillance, such platform tools can       ity of “omic” biomarkers, i.e. from the sample col-
exert their usefulness only when they provide infor-       lection and handling, through biobanking, and final
mation on relevant analytes indicative of exposure,        analyses to achieve accurate storage of a great num-
effect, or susceptibility to toxicants. This requires      ber of biological materials for future investigation.
to define quality standards on the design and per-         This will ensure scientific practice to assume an even
formance of “omics” based studies aimed to iden-           more global nature with increased interdisciplinary,
tify successful candidate biomarkers, with sufficient      and dynamic collaborations between clinicians, re-
specificity, sensitivity, and ease to apply to clinical/   searchers, lab staff, bioinformatics, statisticians and
occupational settings. “Omic” technologies, in this        other data analysts (33). In this scenario, the devel-
regard, offer great opportunities, particularly con-       opment of software enabling a system-biology ap-
cerning the ability to identify molecular biomarkers       proach appears essential to understand exposure-
related to key events in pathways that may allow the       associated metabolic changes also with the support
assessment of risks and the possible exposure-disease      of computational modeling.
continuum. This interesting aspect appears essential          The wider ability of doctors to use patients’ genetic
to understand the mechanisms underlining the oc-           and other molecular information as part of routine
currence of various adverse outcomes, and possible         medical care is necessary. Healthcare professionals
conditions that may increase the susceptibility of in-     may increasingly find themselves needing to inter-
dividual workers or homogeneous groups of workers.         pret the results of genetic tests, understand how that
   “Omic” technologies can generate a huge amount          information is relevant for prevention approaches
of data posing a central challenge in their wide ap-       and treatments, and convey this knowledge to pa-
personalised medicine to promote occupational health                                    433

tients. This raises concerns regarding the use of new      expensive to carry out. In this context, reimburse-
molecular biology techniques in human biomonitor-          ment of these procedures is also likely to become an
ing and the interpretation of the obtained data. This      issue. On the other hand, there is the possibility that
poses some questions concerning risk communica-            constant measurement of multicomponent data and
tion strategies in the “omic” technology era.              clinical samples can improve health while decreas-
   Furthermore, successful implementation of per-          ing costs considering also that such analyses may, in
sonalised medicine into occupational health settings       turn, support the efficient use of resources toward
requires some ethical, legal, social, and political con-   those populations at higher risk of adverse effects.
siderations, particularly concerning the privacy and          Overall, to achieve a sustainable application of
protection of personal health information. When            innovative technologies, ethical and practical chal-
using innovative techniques, in fact, some important       lenges must be balanced against the enormous
issues, other than scientific and technical aspects,       potential across all the disciplines of occupational
need to be addressed to ensure their sustainable and       health, from prevention to early diagnostics and
equitable development (12). These include equity or        management. Moreover, personalised medicine will
distributive justice, supervision and control, as well     not be realized by research cohorts alone and its suc-
as resources. In a therapeutic scenario, equity relies     cessful transition into routine settings will need to
on the decisions and consequences associated with          embody a cultural shift, to include national, insti-
personalised health interventions that may cause           tutional, and even individual practices and percep-
health care disparities in minority populations,           tions. This should include both technical and socio-
socioeconomically depressed contexts, or in rela-          political efforts (8).
tions to the individual motivation in caring health.          In this scenario, the concerted action of different
Conversely, in an occupational preventive scenario         expertise, offered by medical and biotechnological
critical “equity” issues include the correct balance       scientists, but also derived from academic, industry,
between the benefit to the worker in terms of pre-         governmental bodies and stakeholder representa-
ventive action, and the cost in terms of possible dis-     tives should be encouraged to improve research
crimination they may experience in the workplace.          efforts aimed to define the opportunities and chal-
In principle, personalised medicine strategies ap-         lenging issues related to the personalised medicine
plied in occupational medicine contexts should not         application to guide its effective and sustainable im-
result in discrimination or reduction of job opportu-      plementation in occupational health fields.
nities for the workers involved (18). Indeed, super-
vision and control is necessary to face some relevant
issues concerning i.e. whether a group of workers
should take “omic” tests, which is the role of the de-     1. Alvarellos ML, Sangkuhl K, Daneshjou R, Whirl-
termined alterations in leading preventive actions,            Carrillo M, Altman RB, Klein TE. PharmGKB sum-
what may happen whether someone does not agree                 mary: very important pharmacogene information for
to undergo testing, and how to assure workplace eq-            CYP4F2. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2015;25(1):41-47.
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personalised medicine to promote occupational health                             437

Medicina Personalizzata: implicazioni e prospettive nel
campo della medicina del lavoro

Introduzione                                                milione di persone negli Stati Uniti. Per ognuno
                                                            dei soggetti coinvolti è stata effettuata un’analisi
   Le emergenti tecnologie in ambito biomolecolare          di sequenziamento genomico e ciascuno di essi si
e biomedico consentono di ottenere un’enorme mole           è impegnato a rendere disponibili per lo studio una
di informazioni potenzialmente utili per personaliz-        serie di informazioni cliniche ed epidemiologiche
zare l’approccio nei confronti del paziente in termi-       per i dieci anni successivi al reclutamento. Questi
ni preventivi, diagnostici, prognostici e terapeutici.      dati saranno oggetto di analisi per migliorare la
Mentre la medicina “convenzionale” tende ad assu-           comprensione dei meccanismi della malattia e della
mere un approccio unificato verso tutti i pazienti,         patogenesi e per guidare la definizione di un’agen-
benché non tutti i soggetti rispondano allo stesso          da sanitaria in termini nazionali. Questo scenario
modo agli stimoli ambientali (e alle terapie), la me-       può contribuire a un nuovo paradigma di assistenza
dicina personalizzata intende sfruttare l’informazio-       sanitaria che dovrebbe avere un impatto tangibile
ne ottenuta dalle tecnologie “omiche” per diversifi-        sull’approccio medico durante tutto il corso della
care l’intervento nei confronti di ciascun individuo        vita di ciascun individuo, partendo dal migliora-
(Figura 1) (48, 50, 60). In particolare, la medicina        mento delle applicazioni di medicina personalizza-
personalizzata mira a integrare la genomica con i           ta già consolidate, come la consulenza pre-concepi-
parametri biologici, fisiologici e fisici insieme alle      mento e riproduttiva, i test prenatali, la promozione
informazioni sull’esposizione ambientale e sullo stile      della salute durante l’invecchiamento e le autopsie
di vita, per rappresentare un quadro più completo di        molecolari (16).
ogni individuo e migliorare gli interventi preventivi           L’obiettivo della medicina personalizzata mira
e terapeutici dedicati (23, 24).                            all’identificazione di innovativi approcci in grado di
   Il Consiglio Nazionale Americano della Ricerca           migliorare prevenzione e trattamento delle malattie
ha definito la medicina personalizzata come: “L’a-          (34). Sebbene l’utilizzo della medicina personalizza-
dattamento del trattamento medico alle caratteristi-        ta sia molto promettente in molteplici ambiti clinici,
che individuali di ogni paziente ... per classificare gli   l’effettiva applicazione di questo tipo di approccio è
individui in sottopopolazioni che differiscono nella        tuttora abbastanza limitata, a causa della difficoltà
loro suscettibilità a una particolare malattia o nel-       di una valutazione dell’esposizione complessiva (es.
la loro risposta a un trattamento specifico”. Come          Esposoma) e della sua integrazione nell’interpre-
suggerisce la definizione, la novità della medicina         tazione dei diversi fattori di suscettibilità. Tuttavia,
personalizzata risiede nella possibilità di guidare le      una futura e sostenibile applicazione di tali strategie
decisioni sanitarie verso il trattamento più efficace       innovative in medicina del lavoro dovrebbe focaliz-
per un determinato paziente e, quindi, migliorare la        zarsi sull’applicazione della medicina personalizzata
qualità dell’assistenza (16). Di conseguenza, la me-        in un approccio preventivo e non terapeutico, volto
dicina personalizzata esamina una serie di dati in          a garantire un luogo di lavoro sicuro per tutti i la-
una popolazione e mira a definire la risposta di un         voratori.
paziente a una malattia specifica, sulla base di in-            La presente revisione della letteratura si propone
formazioni complesse integrate, sviluppando anche           di discutere e illustrare le attuali applicazioni della
strategie interventistiche (23).                            medicina personalizzata e di proporre le sue poten-
   Lo studio prospettico “All of Us” dell’American          ziali applicazioni nella medicina del lavoro.
National Institute of Health (NIH) coinvolge un
438                                                bollati et al

Attuali applicazioni della Medicina                        da un’efficacia terapeutica adeguata, a inadeguata, a
Personalizzata nella diagnosi e nella terapia              reazioni avverse più o meno gravi al farmaco fino a
                                                           causare la morte del paziente. Ci sono diverse ra-
    La medicina personalizzata si basa sul concetto        gioni alla base della variabilità nella risposta ai far-
che la variabilità individuale nel DNA è correlata         maci, come le interazioni farmacologiche, la scarsa
alla causa della malattia. Questo è vero per le ma-        compliance, il fallimento della terapia farmacologica
lattie rare, per le quali il sequenziamento del DNA        selezionata nel mirare specifici meccanismi causativi
ha migliorato la valutazione clinica di molti pazien-      della malattia e i cambiamenti correlati alla malattia
ti. Uno degli esempi più eclatanti di miglioramenti        nel decretare l’efficacia di un farmaco a determinate
diagnostici e terapeutici in campo genetico è quel-        concentrazioni (17).
lo della Fibrosi Cistica (FC). La FC è una malattia           La genotipizzazione del gene VKORC1, che è
genetica multisistemica con un’eredità autosomica          coinvolto nell’attivazione biochimica del fattore di
recessiva che colpisce circa 70.000 persone in tut-        coagulazione del sangue vitamina K, e del citocromo
to il mondo ed è causata da varianti del gene del          CYP2C9, che è un membro della famiglia del cito-
regolatore della conduttanza transmembrana nella           cromo p450, ha portato a un certo successo nell’ot-
fibrosi cistica (CFTR). La comprensione genetica           timizzazione del dosaggio del warfarin (1, 29, 63).
della FC e la sua classificazione in sottogruppi mo-          Un’altra applicazione di successo di un approccio
lecolari sulla base della funzionalità mantenuta dal       personalizzato è quella utilizzata nel “diabete mono-
canale CFTR mutato hanno aperto la strada al dise-         genico”, che si riferisce a tipi di diabete che sono do-
gno, alla sintesi e all’approvazione di farmaci speci-     vuti a una singola mutazione genetica (28). Questo
fici in grado di recuperare (almeno parzialmente) la       tipo di approccio ha migliorato l’efficacia delle Sul-
funzionalità del canale CFTR a seconda del difetto         foniluree (SU) (28). Tra le quattordici forme cono-
molecolare che hanno come bersaglio (2).                   sciute di diabete giovanile con esordio nella maturità
    Diverse applicazioni genomiche della medicina          (MODY), quelle causate dalle mutazioni HNF1α
personalizzata sono approcci ormai consolidati e           e HNF4α (MODY 3 e MODY 1, rispettivamen-
integrati nella pratica sanitaria. Ad esempio, lo scre-    te) sono le più comuni. I pazienti con MODY 1 e
ening genetico pre-concezionale può predire il ri-         3 vengono solitamente diagnosticati prima dei 25
schio di trasmettere varianti patogenetiche alla prole     anni di età e comunemente non mostrano alcuna ca-
(3). Durante la gravidanza, è possibile eseguire test      ratteristica di resistenza all’insulina. Spesso vengono
genetici, compreso il sequenziamento dell’intero ge-       diagnosticati erroneamente come diabete di tipo 1 e
noma, per valutare le anomalie cromosomiche del            iniziano la terapia insulinica per tutta la vita. Al con-
feto (45). Alla nascita, l’analisi genetica può essere     trario, una corretta diagnosi consente il passaggio di
utilizzata per diagnosticare precocemente diverse          questi pazienti alla terapia con SU.
condizioni critiche (14, 49). Successivamente, du-            Il diabete mellito neonatale (NDM) viene dia-
rante la vita, approcci simili possono essere applicati    gnosticato entro i primi sei mesi di vita ed è prin-
per diagnosticare e trattare molte malattie, inclusi i     cipalmente monogenico. La terapia dei pazienti
tumori (come descritto di seguito), malattie meta-         con NDM può essere considerata un esempio pa-
boliche e croniche (16, 39).                               radigmatico di benefici dovuti all’applicazione della
    Tuttavia, gli interventi che si avvalgono della sola   farmacogenomica alla medicina personalizzata. In
informazione genetica sono abbastanza limitati, so-        effetti, i bambini con NDM vengono tipicamente
prattutto per quanto riguarda le varianti genetiche        diagnosticati erroneamente come diabete di tipo 1
frequenti a bassa penetranza (21, 70).                     e iniziano la terapia con insulina, ma la risposta è
    La farmacogenomica, probabilmente la prima             spesso insoddisfacente (40, 44). Al contrario, a causa
applicazione della medicina personalizzata, consiste       delle variazioni genetiche che portano, se corretta-
nell’utilizzo dell’informazione riguardante la varia-      mente diagnosticate, la loro terapia può consistere
bilità genetica individuale nella diversa risposta ai      nella somministrazione di SU con un’ottima risposta
farmaci. Infatti, la risposta a un farmaco può variare     mantenuta per 10 anni (7, 47). L’approccio perso-
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