Invited perspectives: Building sustainable and resilient communities - recommended actions for natural hazard scientists
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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021 © Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Invited perspectives: Building sustainable and resilient communities – recommended actions for natural hazard scientists Joel C. Gill1 , Faith E. Taylor2 , Melanie J. Duncan3 , Solmaz Mohadjer4,8 , Mirianna Budimir5 , Hassan Mdala6 , and Vera Bukachi7 1 Global Geoscience, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom 2 Department of Geography, King’s College London, London, WC2B 4BG, United Kingdom 3 Multi-Hazards and Resilience, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP, United Kingdom 4 Department of Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96, 72076 Tübingen, Germany 5 Practical Action Consulting, Rugby, CV23 9QZ, United Kingdom 6 Geological Survey of Malawi, Zomba, Malawi 7 Kounkuey Design Initiative, Masera House, Kenyatta Market, P.O. Box 21972-00505, Nairobi, Kenya 8 Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Central Asia, 155 Qimatsho Imatshoev Street, Khorog, 736000, Tajikistan Correspondence: Joel C. Gill ( Received: 15 May 2020 – Discussion started: 23 June 2020 Revised: 20 November 2020 – Accepted: 29 November 2020 – Published: 19 January 2021 Abstract. Reducing disaster risk is critical to securing the tional, financial, and policy actions. We suggest that these ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), actions should help to strengthen the effective application and natural hazard scientists make a key contribution to of natural hazard science to reduce disaster risk. By recog- achieving this aim. Understanding Earth processes and dy- nising and taking steps to address the issues raised in these namics underpins hazard analysis, which (alongside analysis recommendations, we propose that the natural hazard sci- of other disaster risk drivers) informs the actions required to ence community can more effectively contribute to the inter- manage and reduce disaster risk. Here we suggest how natu- /transdisciplinary, integrated work required to improve DRR. ral hazard research scientists can better contribute to the plan- ning and development of sustainable and resilient communi- ties through improved engagement in disaster risk reduction (DRR). Building on existing good practice, this perspective 1 Introduction piece aims to provoke discussion in the natural hazard sci- ence community about how we can strengthen our engage- This paper considers how natural hazard research scientists ment in DRR. We set out seven recommendations for en- can better contribute to the planning and development of hancing the integration of natural hazard science into DRR: sustainable and resilient communities through improved en- (i) characterise multi-hazard environments; (ii) prioritise ef- gagement in disaster risk reduction (DRR). We target natural fective, positive, long-term partnerships; (iii) understand and hazard scientists with an interest in contributing to sustain- listen to your stakeholders; (iv) embed cultural understand- able development and resilience building, but who are uncer- ing into natural hazard research; (v) ensure improved and eq- tain of what steps to take. Collectively we as authors repre- uitable access to hazard information; (vi) champion people- sent organisations in academia, the public sector, and civil so- centred DRR (leaving no one behind); and (vii) improve links ciety with expertise from a range of countries and hazard set- between DRR and sustainable development. We then proceed tings. We reflect on existing good practice and identify how to synthesise key actions that natural hazard scientists and the natural hazard science community (including geologists, research funders should consider taking to improve educa- seismologists, volcanologists, hydrologists, meteorologists, tion, training, and research design and to strengthen institu- physical geographers, geomorphologists) can strengthen the translation, adoption, and effective application of their under- Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
188 J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities standing of physical processes and hazards to reduce disaster tists and research funders can take to improve education and risk. While recognising the many debates relating to termi- training, research design and methods, and partnerships and nology, to inform the reader, we set out in Table 1 key terms practice. In Sect. 4, we summarise some of the key benefits and definitions used throughout this paper. to the natural hazard community and conclude that by taking Natural hazards (e.g. landslides, earthquakes, floods) have specific steps, the natural hazard community can better con- a significant impact on lives, livelihoods, and economic tribute to interdisciplinary, integrated work to improve DRR. growth, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable in We acknowledge that not all natural hazard scientists need to society and threatening development progress (Pelling et al., work across all the proposed areas and that there is a clear re- 2004). Between 1998 and 2017, disasters resulted in direct quirement for disciplinary specialism. However, it is critical economic losses of USD 2908 billion, 1.3 million fatalities, for natural hazard scientists to be aware of the broader DRR and 4.4 billion people injured, rendered homeless, displaced, landscape and opportunities for co-benefits to both the natu- or needing emergency assistance (CRED/UNDRR, 2018). To ral hazard community and society through enhanced ways of achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we working. must accelerate efforts to reduce impacts and diverge from a By recognising and taking steps to address the issues “business as usual” approach (Spangenberg, 2016). The UN raised in these recommendations, we propose in Sect. 4 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (or “Sendai that the natural hazard science community can more ef- Framework”) aims to address this challenge, setting out a fectively contribute to the inter-/transdisciplinary, integrated strategy to improve DRR (UNDRR, 2015). work needed to improve DRR. While the Sendai Framework has a clear role for the nat- ural hazard science community (Gill and Bullough, 2017), disasters are a complex and interdisciplinary challenge. Nat- 2 Seven recommendations to ensure natural hazard ural hazard scientists alone cannot provide the solutions nec- science supports effective disaster risk reduction essary to ensure sustainable and resilient communities. The spatial and temporal occurrence of hazardous phenomena 2.1 Characterise (multi-)hazard environments with exposure and vulnerability (both defined in Table 1) results in the generation of risk and potential for devastat- Understanding disaster risk, the first priority for action ing effects. In this context, development challenges such as within the Sendai Framework, includes the need to un- poverty, inequality, lack of access to and overconsumption of derstand hazard characteristics and the natural environment resources, climate change, and uncontrolled urbanisation can (UNDRR, 2015). Ongoing geoscience research into surface all drive changes to exposure and/or vulnerability, thus con- and subsurface processes and the resultant formation of nat- tributing to disaster risk (Pelling et al., 2004). Sustainable so- ural hazards remains essential. To better support DRR, how- lutions require coherent engagement with diverse sectors and ever, we should consider in a comprehensive and systematic disciplines, including but not limited to the natural sciences. manner the range of hazard types, multi-hazard relationships, From our observations of research processes and collabo- and hazard scales that could occur in any given region and rations within and beyond the international natural science how this hazard landscape may change over time. Many com- community, we recognise some emerging trends, including munities around the world are exposed to multiple natural more interdisciplinary research between the geosciences and hazards, which do not always occur independently (Kappes the social sciences (Schlosser and Pfirman, 2012; Van Noor- et al., 2012). Relationships between hazards may exist that den, 2015; UKCDS, 2016; Stewart and Gill, 2017), such as generate chains or networks of hazards (Gill and Malamud, that described in Hicks et al. (2014), Martinez et al. (2018) 2014; Duncan et al., 2016; AghaKouchak et al., 2018). or Barclay et al. (2019), and increased emphasis on inter- Understanding the multi-hazard landscape of a region national, cross-sectoral partnerships (Carabine et al., 2015; gives a better understanding of risk and can help to inform UKCDS, 2016; Dodson, 2017), such as those facilitated by management priorities, ensuring actions taken to reduce vul- the UK Global Challenges Research Fund (UK Government, nerability to one hazard do not inadvertently increase vulner- 2020). ability to others, while not ignoring the impacts of consec- These trends are positive and offer opportunities for nat- utive disasters (Tobin and Montz, 1997; ARMONIA, 2007; ural scientists to enrich their research, embed it into policy Kappes et al., 2010; de Ruiter et al., 2020; Gill et al., 2020). and practice, and help deliver development impact. Whilst work is being undertaken towards this objective, a Building on existing good practice, this perspective piece single-hazard approach to research and dissemination is still therefore aims to provoke discussion in the natural hazard dominant (Ciurean et al., 2018). This can result in techni- science community about how we can make the most of cal excellence with respect to single-hazard research but hin- these opportunities and strengthen our engagement in DRR. ders cross-disciplinary learning and reduces multi-hazard di- In Sect. 2, we set out seven recommendations for improv- alogue. ing the integration of natural hazard science into DRR. In Literature describing approaches to understand multi- Sect. 3, we synthesise key actions that natural hazard scien- hazard relationships is limited, often focused on simulated Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities 189 Table 1. Key terms and definitions used throughout this paper. Term Definition Source Culture The complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, UNESCO (2017) morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits ac- quired by a human as a member of society. Exposure The situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production ca- UNDRR (2017) pacities, and other tangible human assets located in hazard- prone areas. Hazard A process, phenomenon, or human activity that may cause loss UNDRR (2017) of life, injury, or other health impacts, property damage, social and economic disruption, or environmental degradation. Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary studies address specific real-world problems. Adapted from Hammer and Söderqvist (2001) This involves bringing people and ideas together from differ- and Stock and Burton (2011) (see references ent disciplines (e.g. natural and social scientists) to collectively therein) frame a problem, agree on a methodological approach, and anal- yse data in an integrated manner. Partner A “partner” is a person, organisation, network, or association UNDRR (2016) who works collaboratively with others as part of a defined agreement, project, or framework to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and to share risks, responsibilities, resources, competencies, and benefits. Positionality The stance or positioning of the researcher in relation to the SAGE (2014) social and political context of the study – the community, the organisation, or the participant group. Resilience The ability of a system, community, or society exposed to haz- UNDRR (2017) ards to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform, and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions through risk man- agement. Stakeholder Any individual or group with an interest in reducing disaster UNDRR (2016) risk (i.e. including those within a project and external to but benefiting from a project). Transdisciplinary Transdisciplinary studies go beyond interdisciplinary studies by Adapted from Stock and Burton (2011) (see ref- placing emphasis on the participation of non-academic partners erences therein) and Lang et al. (2012). to solve real-world problems, by differentiating and integrating knowledge from various scientific and societal bodies of knowl- edge. Vulnerability The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and UNDRR (2017) environmental factors, or processes which increase the suscep- tibility of an individual, a community, assets, or systems to the impacts of hazards. environments and combinations of two hazards, rather than scenarios of risk. For example, databases that record losses methods examining real multi-hazard environments exposed from disasters could be adapted to reflect the multi-hazard to interrelating hazards (Ciurean et al., 2018). Understand- nature of the hazards involved and improve attribution of ing multi-hazard risk requires new approaches to knowl- disaster losses to specific processes within this multi-hazard edge infrastructures (i.e. the networks of people, institutions, disaster (e.g. Froude and Petley, 2018). In terms of training and processes concerned with the world’s knowledge), data and organisational management, we propose that more space collection and management, database structure, and hazard (e.g. physical office space, space on a curriculum) should be modelling to understand case histories and potential future dedicated to working across disciplines and identifying the Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
190 J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities connections between single hazards. Hemingway and Gu- – In both training and operational settings, space should nawan (2018) and Golnaraghi (2012) outline principles and be dedicated to working across disciplines to identify a successful examples of multi-hazard partnerships at the na- fuller range of hazards and their potential interactions tional level. (or coincidence in time). New approaches to data collection are needed to bet- ter characterise multi-hazard environments. These include – New ways to collect data on, and analysis of, multi- consideration of different scale events, ensuring that low- hazards are needed, progressing from the consideration magnitude, frequent events are considered. Smaller magni- of two hazard types in simulated scenarios to multi- tude events and their impacts are often not recorded because ple hazard types in real-world contexts (Ciurean et al., they are below the resolution of recording methods (Guzzetti 2018). et al., 2012) or do not qualify as an “event” due to an im- – Enhanced communication across disciplines can help to posed threshold (Gall et al., 2009). Yet, particularly in the facilitate dialogue relating to risk from multi-hazards. Global South (so-called “developing countries”), the cumu- We encourage leadership from geoscience unions, re- lative impact of these small, frequent hazards (also known as search funders, and professional associations to facili- “extensive hazards”; UNDRR, 2009) can outweigh the im- tate more cross-hazard cooperation through joint meet- pact of larger events, as well as erode the coping capacity ings and collaborative working spaces. of communities when high-magnitude events do occur (Bull- Kamanga et al., 2003). The integration of data from diverse 2.2 Prioritise effective, positive, long-term partnerships sources (e.g. fieldwork, published literature, grey literature, interviews to capture local perceptions of hazards, and ques- Reducing disaster risk requires generating and utilising tionnaires) can help to more fully understand the hazard envi- knowledge from across disciplines and sectors (UNDRR, ronment. Examples include the DesInventar database, which 2015; Twigg, 2015). Recognition of the complexity of risk primarily collects records from local newspaper archives to has led to an increase in calls for and application of interdis- investigate events where only a small number of people ciplinary partnerships to disaster risk and resilience research, were affected (Satterthwaite et al., 2018). Compiling detailed integrating natural and physical science knowledge, meth- databases is time consuming but provides a more complete ods, and/or approaches with the social sciences, arts, and body of evidence to understand the full characteristics of haz- humanities. While natural hazard scientists do not need to ards affecting a region and a more accurate spatial pattern of become social scientists (or vice versa), greater engagement mortality and morbidity (Osuteye et al., 2017). with the social sciences can help them to sit their work in its Another important approach to data collection that en- societal and political context, strengthening work and its im- riches understanding of the multi-hazard environment and pact. Donovan et al. (2011) note that for a geoscientist, inter- extensive events is citizen science. Hicks et al. (2019) note disciplinarity requires learning “the customs and language of citizen science to be “the participation of people from out- a foreign discipline, reading, exploring and absorbing social side professional organisations in the gathering or analysis science methodologies and theories”. Fundamentally, this re- of scientific data” and present a systematic global mapping quires flexibility, the willingness to listen and do things dif- of citizen science used for DRR. This review shows how cit- ferently, and respect for differences. izen science can generate shared understanding of hazardous The drive to link research to practice and the participation phenomena. In the example of Jacobs et al. (2019), a net- of “non-scientists/specialists” in the design and implementa- work of observers in Uganda helped collect and share data on tion of disaster risk science (transdisciplinary research prac- eight different hazards, contributing to greater understanding tice; Horlick-Jones and Sime, 2004; Hilhorst and Heijmans, of extensive hazards impacting people in the region. 2012) calls for strong partnerships. This acknowledges the The hazard environment is not static but can change due to need to work with those at risk rather than viewing them as natural forcing or anthropogenic activity, including climate research “subjects” or “recipients” (Pelling, 2007). This can change. Such processes can change the likelihood of natural have many benefits, including helping to increase the visibil- hazards occurring, as well as hazards triggering or catalysing ity of preventative measures to communities at risk. Citizen other hazards (Gill and Malamud, 2017; AghaKouchak et al., science is one way by which those at risk can be part of the 2018). For example, road construction can increase the like- research team, requiring frameworks to consider issues of eq- lihood of landslides being triggered during an earthquake or uity, justice, and empowerment to ensure effective, positive, heavy rain (Montgomery, 1994; Owen et al., 2008). Long- long-term partnerships (Hicks et al., 2019). term studies of dynamic landscape changes due to anthro- Partnerships, emphasised in the Sendai Framework targets pogenic activity are often beyond the life cycle of research and guiding principles, are key to harnessing knowledge, to projects. Such studies may require different ways of work- better understand and address the problems faced by those ing, such as establishing partnerships with organisations with at risk (see Sect. 2.3). Partnerships can be of many different a long-term presence in an area. kinds (including networks and collaborations) and when es- Suggested actions/priorities for change are as follows. tablished effectively, they can increase the impact of DRR Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities 191 initiatives by ensuring their sustainability, replicability, and – Build partnerships with a range of social scientists to better use of resources (Twigg, 2015). Partnerships can be help put natural hazard science in its broader societal both vertical (global, regional, national to local) and hori- context. zontal (across sectors and disciplines) (Twigg, 2015). Exist- ing connections are often the best starting point; the Sendai – Higher education and ongoing professional develop- Framework recommends that science contributions to DRR ment training should include partnership development can be enhanced through the coordination of existing net- topics (e.g. project management, facilitation skills, and works and scientific institutions at all levels and regions (UN- inter- and transdisciplinary working). DRR, 2015). Networks can create an enabling environment for knowledge sharing, development, and technology trans- – Natural hazard scientists should implement ethical fer (Šakić Trogrlić et al., 2017). For example, the Global frameworks for building and maintaining equitable part- Volcano Model network successfully coordinated the input nerships (see Conway and Waage, 2010). of > 130 scientists for the first review of volcanic hazards – Funding opportunities should recognise, and provide and threats in the 2015 Global Assessment Report (Loughlin for, the time and resources required to build partnerships et al., 2015). The ongoing UK Global Challenges Research (e.g. attend in-person meetings or conferences), with Fund (GCRF) project, Tomorrow’s Cities, aims to enhance this contributing to capacity strengthening. Where re- risk-sensitive urban development through a global network of mote working is required, virtual communication tools, integrated research programmes, led by local teams in low- social media, and fora such as groups on Research- to middle-income countries (Tomorrow’s Cities, 2020). Gate (2020) can initiate dialogue. Consideration should Although essential, partnerships can be difficult to estab- be given to those who might be missing from these part- lish and maintain. They take time, negotiation, sustained ef- nerships and how they could be engaged through the fort, transparency, trust, resources, commitment, and insti- project. tutional support (Twigg, 2015). Ensuring researchers under- stand their role in DRR policy and practice, and likewise the – Institutional support for partnerships, through Memo- role and responsibilities of partner institutions, underpins ef- randa of Understanding between institutions, for in- fective, equitable, and trusting partnerships. Similarly, recog- stance, can ensure mutually agreed expectations, codes nising the distinction between those institutions with opera- of practice, and ethics. Roles and responsibilities within tional mandates and those undertaking research is critical to partnerships should be discussed and clarified. One ensuring that research supports, rather than undermines, na- project management approach is to use a RACI dia- tional and local capacity (see Newhall et al., 1999). gram (see, last The ELRHA Guide to Constructing Effective Partnerships access: 7 May 2020), capturing information on key re- (ELRHA, 2012) provides a useful overview of the bene- sponsibilities, accountabilities, whom should be con- fits and challenges of collaborations between humanitarian sulted, and whom should be informed. and academic organisations and provides practical guidance on identifying, establishing, and maintaining effective part- – Funding for researchers should be based in the region of nerships. Generic guidance on how individual academics study to help strengthen both knowledge exchange and and organisations build more effective partnerships with, for sustainability of the impact. instance, national science institutions outside of their own country is not common. An initial step would be to see 2.3 Understand and listen to your stakeholders whether any internal policies exist to support this, such as guidance for working overseas (e.g. obtaining research per- Understanding the priorities, interests, ambitions, and chal- missions), data management policies (e.g. data sharing and lenges of stakeholders is essential to developing and under- intellectual property rights), and ethics policies and frame- taking effective DRR research. Stakeholders might include works. The co-establishment of memoranda of understand- different researchers across many disciplines, government ing, including codes of practice and ethics, can form the basis agencies, non-governmental agencies, civil society, the pri- for effective, lasting institutional partnerships; they are un- vate sector, and communities at risk (Twigg, 2015). Stake- derpinned with funding to support the individuals sustaining holder mapping (identifying and understanding stakeholders these partnerships. Documenting effective partnership exam- in a given project and how they sit within and influence a ples (and any challenges) and sharing these with the wider re- system) is an important task when connecting natural hazard search community would also benefit those researchers new science to DRR, although a significant undertaking. There to building networks and collaborations. are many tools to support this process, with one illustrated Suggested actions/priorities for change are as follows. in Fig. 1. Stakeholder mapping identifies the relative inter- est and influence of stakeholders throughout the project life cycle, thereby allowing the project team to focus and adapt their engagement during the project. Stakeholder mapping Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
192 J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities time, and scientific capacities are to develop and adopt new ways of working. Ideally, the project’s aims and hypothesis would then be developed in collaboration with stakeholders. Ensuring partners from the Global South (e.g. researchers, NGOs) are co-investigators on research proposals can bring contextual understanding into project design and implemen- tation. Ongoing conversations and assessment of prototypes may be needed to help stakeholders articulate their needs and help researchers understand what research and methods are relevant, over time and through careful management of this important relationship. This dialogue and the emerging con- textual understanding can guide more effective hypothesis development and data collection. “Theory of Change” (Weiss, 1995) is one approach that could enable this co-production, with resources available online (e.g. DIY Toolkit, 2020). Theory of Change starts Figure 1. Stakeholder mapping tool. Determining the level of in- terest and influence (or power) of different stakeholders can help by using a context analysis to identify the problem to be to ensure effective communication with each group. Figure adapted solved (e.g. reducing deaths from tsunamis) and then works from Mendelow (1981). backwards to characterise root drivers of this problem (e.g. ineffective early warning systems), the key audiences for implementing change (e.g. civil protection and community groups), the access points and motivators for those groups, may help identify potential partners (Sect. 2.2), or existing steps required to bring about change, and the broader ben- partners may assist in identifying who the stakeholders are. efits. At each stage, the Theory of Change approach gives Consultation with stakeholders should help inform the attention to uncertainties and assumptions. Di Baldassarre types of research activities undertaken. There are numerous et al. (2018) noted that societal responses to risk reduction examples where a hypothesis, or a proposed solution, tran- measures can produce unintended consequences. Reflective spires not to be a stakeholder priority, and thus research Theory of Change approaches, combined with an appropriate outputs struggle to gain traction (Clot, 2014; Schipper and monitoring programme, can also be used to identify potential Pelling, 2006). The Sendai Framework advocates for oppor- unintended negative consequences arising from particular ac- tunities for Global South nations to identify and express their tivities or recommendations and determine appropriate miti- needs and priorities and for countries in the Global North gation steps. (so-called “developed countries”) to actively listen to them Practitioners, donors, and academics have applied The- (UNDRR, 2015). Asking stakeholders “what is important to ory of Change effectively in different ways (Vogel, 2012), you?” can open up new ideas and avenues of effective col- helping to identify key stakeholders and create a roadmap laboration. In Malawi, Leck et al. (2018) highlight how in- to achieve real change through applied research. While time ternational non-governmental organisations (NGOs) had set consuming and often challenging to follow within the typi- the agenda for local DRR, undermining the authority of local cal cycle of funding applications, this approach can be fun- governments. To solve problems that are both scientifically damental to developing research programmes that result in novel and societally relevant, it is key to have awareness of improved DRR. local context (political, economic, social, cultural, techno- Suggested actions/priorities for change are as follows. logical, legal, and environmental) and local perceptions of risk through meaningful engagement and co-production of – Higher education and ongoing professional develop- research with stakeholders. ment training should cover stakeholder mapping, man- Rather than starting research with systematic data collec- aging people in projects, facilitation skills (including tion to test a hypothesis, time may be better devoted to the running workshops), and transdisciplinary working. development of a research question that is informed by stake- – Training should take place for natural hazard scien- holder needs and an understanding of local context. For ex- tists on how to ethically identify stakeholders and co- ample, instead of beginning with the aim of developing a produce research questions using techniques such as GIS model for visualising earthquake risk, more effective re- Theory of Change. search may commence by investigating who manages earth- quake risk, how this is done, what scientific and organisa- – Develop long-term relationships with applied partners tional challenges they face (e.g. which stakeholders are in- such as NGOs and national institutions (e.g. geological volved, what other priorities do they have, and what other surveys, hazard monitoring agencies) who have a long- constraints exist on their time), and what their technical, term presence in and access to a range of stakeholders. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities 193 – Mechanisms should exist (e.g. funding for time and net- – Enriching data. Our understanding of historical occur- working) to include non-academic partners and stake- rences of natural hazards informs our characterisation holders in research proposals, co-develop transdisci- of the potential for future events and their likely mag- plinary research questions, identify desired outputs, and nitudes. Natural hazard science has traditionally under- understand stakeholder capacities. stood past events through historical archives, instrumen- tal records, and field observations. Understanding cul- 2.4 Embed cultural understanding into natural hazard ture is critical to identifying how information is better research captured and communicated in any given location. Sto- ries passed down from one generation to another, for Culture, defined in Table 1 (but we recognise other defini- example, may be a significant record of information and tions exist), includes the social institutions, customs, and be- help to enrich data collected using traditional fieldwork liefs that people hold, as well as the characteristics that unite and in locations where written and instrumental records people (Cannon and Schipper, 2014). Examples include re- are minimal (Cronin and Cashman, 2008). ligious beliefs, traditional beliefs, values, livelihood choices, and settlement patterns (Canon and Schipper, 2014). We are – Contextual understanding. Understanding cultural be- part of and affected by culture as researchers, and this can liefs, practices, and rituals can also help researchers to shape the way in which we approach ideas or partnerships be sensitive to the associations people have with haz- as natural hazard scientists. Culture can also affect risk, by ardous areas (e.g. the religious significance of a vol- either increasing or reducing the vulnerability of individu- cano), as well as understand their coping capacities and als and communities, shaping the norms by which the ac- resilience of communities living in hazardous areas (e.g. ceptability of risk is defined, and influencing how people re- Cronin et al., 2004). spond to and cope with disasters (Bankoff, 2003; Schipper – Improving research dissemination. Many grant applica- and Dekens, 2009; Canon and Schipper, 2014; O’Connell et tions require participants to outline research impact on al., 2017). Examples include the following. society and how information will be disseminated to Indigenous knowledge and culture are attributed to the stakeholders. Dissemination should be done in a way very high survival rate following the 26 November 1999 that is acceptable and understandable to stakeholders tsunami on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu (Walshe and Nunn, (Sect. 2.3), which will vary (e.g. regionally). Under- 2012). standing culture can help to guide decisions about the The cultural expectation that women are caregivers was appropriate nature of research outputs (e.g. storytelling, shown to increase the physical exposure of women to illness radio shows, briefing notes, films, theatre; e.g. Hicks et and the psychological burden post disaster in Manila, Philip- al., 2017) and who is best placed to share these. pines (Reyes and Lu, 2016). Local sub-cultures at Merapi volcano, Indonesia, were Natural hazard scientists sit within their own cultures, found to influence local community actions during frequent and this positionality (defined in Table 1) is likely to affect eruptions (Donovan et al., 2012). their approach to research and interactions with others. Re- Understanding culture is therefore important when con- searcher positionality could be integrated into the training sidering how to reduce disaster risk. The Sendai Framework of hazard scientists. For example, before a researcher en- notes that DRR policy and practice should integrate cultural gages in work in an unfamiliar or different cultural context perspectives and advocates for the creation of “cultures of to their own, they should reflect on how their experiences, prevention” (vs. response) and maintenance (vs. disrepair values, and beliefs could influence or prejudice whom they which can increase physical vulnerability) to be established may consult, the questions they may ask, data they gather, (UNDRR, 2015). Therefore, natural hazard scientists should “products” they advocate for, and appropriate conduct. In- not only understand how culture relates to disaster risk re- dividual perspectives on religion, for example, may mean a sponse and reduction, but may also need to work with experts researcher is reluctant to collaborate with leaders of faith- in the social sciences and humanities to help drive changes in based organisations. Analyses of the 2014–2016 Ebola crisis established cultures. Understanding culture is a critical part in Sierra Leone, however, demonstrate that faith leaders can of the context analysis described in Sect. 2.3, done before re- play a transformational role in communicating key humani- search, and will require the strong partnerships advocated for tarian messages (Featherstone, 2015). Likewise, positionality in Sect. 2.2. While ethnographic research (i.e. immersion in a includes consideration of the assumptions that might be ex- group for an extended period, observing behaviour, listening tended to researchers by stakeholders and participants, par- to what is being said, and asking questions; Bryman, 2016) ticularly around issues of trust and equality. Being aware of to understand people and their cultures is not part of natu- the implications, for instance, of being a researcher from a ral hazard science training, the outcomes of such research high-income country working in a low-income country, in could enhance the work of natural hazard scientists and help terms of stakeholder expectations is critical. to maximise the impact. Examples include the following. Suggested actions/priorities for change are as follows. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
194 J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities – When developing research partnerships, natural hazard are sparse (Stein et al., 2018), and other methods may be re- scientists should consider including those with ethno- quired (Robinson et al., 2018). graphic training (e.g. geographers, historians, and an- Natural hazard scientists should therefore work collabora- thropologists), or identify existing and relevant ethno- tively with partners and stakeholders to develop hazard in- graphic knowledge in publications and reports. formation products with their intended audience. The most effective method of understanding informational needs of – When planning research dissemination strategies, pub- stakeholders is to establish and nurture a two-way com- lic outreach, and hazard education initiatives, in ad- munication, co-production, between scientists and decision- dition to their partners and stakeholders, natural haz- makers, building relationships, trust, and credibility over ard scientists could consult literature, historians, anthro- time (Morss et al., 2005). This dialogue will help to guide the pologists to understand cultural constraints, challenges, choice of language and content of hazard information prod- and opportunities. ucts to make them more appropriate for stakeholders. This includes the spoken language, but also the terminology and – Train natural hazard scientists to understand and re- level of understanding of the content pitched at stakeholders. flect on their own positionality, providing them with the Suggested actions/priorities for change are as follows. skills to understand how their belief systems may influ- – Natural hazard scientists should pursue open-access ence their work. publishing, and/or write short, accessible summaries of their research (e.g. policy briefs) to be disseminated to 2.5 Ensure improved and equitable access to hazard appropriate stakeholders. information – Good communication practice should be essential train- Hazard information should reach those in need, be under- ing for natural hazard scientists, exploring the impor- stood, and be acted on if it is to help reduce risk (Mohadjer tance of understanding and tailoring information to spe- et al., 2016). This requires the gap between knowledge gen- cific audiences, and co-developing hazard information eration and knowledge access to be addressed (Aitsi-Selmi et products with intended audiences. al., 2016). It is often those most vulnerable to the impacts of disasters who struggle to access useable hazard information. – Working with partners and stakeholders (co-production) The natural hazard science community should consider not is key to the creation of useable hazard information. only equitable access, but also how to ensure that all stake- 2.6 Champion people-centred DRR – leaving no one holders can act on hazard information. As demonstrated in behind Sect. 2.2–2.4, working in partnership, listening to stakehold- ers, and culturally contextualising research can help to create The SDGs and Sendai Framework both emphasise “leav- useful hazard information. Citizen science approaches can ing no one behind” and ensuring that the poorest and most further bridge the gap between knowledge generation and ac- vulnerable in society have access to the resources, infor- cess (Jacobs et al., 2019). Table 2 further outlines the many mation, and support required to effectively reduce risk and factors that can enhance access to hazard information. encourage sustainable development. People’s ability to pre- Natural hazard scientists should be aware of and sensitive pare for, respond to, and recover from disasters is shaped to any barriers if they are to deliver information in an ap- by an array of social, cultural, economic, and political fac- propriate form, a timely manner, and a way that facilitates tors (Wisner et al., 2012). Vulnerability to hazards is exac- action by stakeholders (Scienseed, 2016). Training for haz- erbated by existing social stigmatisation and isolation, and ard scientists could draw on good communication practices those who are marginalised in society are often the most to strengthen their ability to make natural hazard science vulnerable in facing natural hazards (Pincha, 2008; Wisner more accessible to groups outside of the professional com- et al., 2012; Gorman-Murray, 2018). For natural hazard sci- munity. Consideration should be given to the audience and entists, this means acknowledging that risk reduction is not their needs, including (amongst other characteristics) their simply about the hazard, but also the analysis and under- values, attitudes, concerns, knowledge, language, and per- standing of vulnerability (often the weaker component of risk sonal and social aspirations (Liverman, 2008). Scientists who analysis; Schneiderbauer et al., 2006) and actively reflect- wish to inform decision making should use this understand- ing upon where we work, with whom we work, and how we ing to tailor information to their audience’s specific needs. work. This may involve consideration of our own position- Useful hazard information also takes into account the tech- ality (outlined in Sect. 2.4) in terms of how we understand nical limitations of data. For example, the most common as- marginalised groups. It also requires informed and difficult sessment methods for seismic hazard are probabilistic seis- decisions, balancing the choice to work in areas where some mic hazard analysis (PSHA) and deterministic seismic haz- marginalised groups are located (e.g. fragile states, regions ard analysis (DSHA). Though useful for developing build- with active conflict, and regions where humanitarian work- ing codes, PSHA may be misleading in locations where data ers are threatened), against whether and how natural hazard Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities 195 Table 2. Accessibility and usability of hazard information. Theme Challenges to accessibility and usability of in- Actions to improve accessibility and usability formation of information. Communication medium Differential access to and control over commu- Multiple communication media to reach multi- nication technology (the “digital divide”) is a ple vulnerable groups. barrier to reaching some marginalised groups, including women, in many parts of the world (GDN, 2009; Shrestha et al., 2014). Open access Many natural hazard reports, maps, databases, Publishing in open-access formats can make ac- and tools exist behind paywalls, with access cess, usage, and dissemination of data less time- limited to those who can pay. consuming and resource-intensive (Mohadjer et al., 2016). Language and content Information may not be accessible if it is not Carefully explaining technical language, utilis- appropriately tailored for an audience to under- ing diverse methods for communicating con- stand and make decisions from. cepts such as uncertainty, publishing in appro- priate local languages, considering literacy lev- els, and providing advice on specific actions to take to mitigate risks from natural hazards. Capacity of hazard scientists to Access to hazard information often depends on Additional training, beyond the scope of many communicate natural hazard scientists being proactive at dis- traditional geoscience courses, to increase con- seminating beyond traditional scientific jour- fidence in using different dissemination meth- nals. ods. Resource availability Those who have access to information (e.g. haz- Increased and better partnerships (Sect. 2.2), to ard professionals) may not have the resources help leverage the resources needed for effective needed to share this information with those who communication. do not have access (e.g. the general public). Timeliness of information There may be a difference between when hazard Long-term, sustained partnerships (Sect. 2.2) information is needed and when it can actually can help to generate useful outputs rapidly by be generated (Robinson et al., 2018). drawing on existing understanding of stake- holders and their needs and capacities. scientists can safely, ethically, and effectively work in these nous knowledge and perceptions into disaster risk reduction. regions. Environmental history, passed between generations through Marginalised groups risk being excluded from all aspects storytelling, can be an important source of information (see of DRR, including understanding hazards and risk. In a Sect. 2.4), enriching the data used to understand the multi- study of flood management in Jakarta, van Voorst and Hell- hazard landscape of a region (see Sect. 2.1). Approaching the man (2015) found that strategies to increase rainfall infiltra- topic of local knowledge requires designing fully participa- tion in open spaces had been ineffective due to these spaces tory approaches to reflect its heterogeneity, in terms of both being occupied by marginalised groups who did not appear content and distribution within the community (Šakić Tro- on the official city map. This example highlights how the grlić et al., 2019). Mercer et al. (2010) set out a framework uncertainties and politics of information used in a seem- to integrate indigenous and scientific knowledge for disaster ingly “neutral” hazard assessment may have unanticipated risk reduction. Such approaches, and an exploration of their outcomes. Proactive effort is recommended to reach out to, strengths and criticisms, are not typically included in the cur- collaborate with (including through citizen science initia- ricula of subjects training natural hazard scientists (e.g. Earth tives), and listen to the voices of marginalised groups, with science). This may hinder the extent to which natural hazard careful consideration of which voices are missing (Brown et scientists accept the validity of local and indigenous knowl- al., 2019), starting with stakeholder identification (Sect. 2.3). edge, proactively engage with this as a source of evidence, Marginalised groups may be more vulnerable to disasters, but and integrate it into hazard assessments. Other groups at risk they also have valuable knowledge, skills, experiences, and of being left behind are children and youth, with themes re- coping methods that should not be overlooked or ignored. lating to natural hazards and disaster risk often not included Leaving no one behind also means better engagement with in the school curricula for those in the Global South. indigenous communities and integration of local and indige- Suggested actions/priorities for change are as follows. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
196 J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities – Increase reflection on how natural hazard scientists to address research questions of local/national priority ex- ensure meaningful participation in research and out- pressed through relevant development strategies (e.g. Kenya reach activities by underrepresented, vulnerable, and Vision 2030). This is increasingly a demand made by re- marginalised groups. search funders; for example, it is embedded within the UK Global Challenges Research Fund strategy (UK Government, – Include training on integrating local and indigenous 2020). Aligning research power with sustainable develop- knowledge into natural hazard assessments and disaster ment ambitions expressed in these strategies can help to se- risk reduction. cure critical “pathways to impact” that help to embed natural hazard research into risk reduction and embed risk reduction – Introduction of natural hazard and DRR-related topics into sustainable development. The integration of DRR into in the curriculum at lower education levels. sustainable development policy and practice could also help increase the visibility of preventative measures among deci- 2.7 Improve links between DRR and sustainable sion makers. As Di Baldassarre et al. (2018) note, examples development of risk reduction measures that have had a positive impact are an important source of learning. Mainstreaming these in DRR can drive forward and protect development progress collective learning documents such as voluntary national re- and is therefore embedded within 10 of the 17 SDGs. Goals views (on progress towards the SDGs) can help build recog- on poverty, hunger, health, education, water and sanitation, nition of the value of particular measures. infrastructure, cities, climate change, oceans, and terrestrial Translating natural hazard science into tools that support ecosystems all refer to risk reduction, building resilience, sustainable development policy and practice requires sus- early warning, or adaptation (United Nations, 2015). Further- tained and effective dialogue (Lubchenco et al., 2015). This more, effective sustainable development interventions (e.g. may require new partnerships (see Sect. 2.2) and commu- addressing inequalities, increasing access to resources, bet- nication methods (Marker, 2016; Stewart and Gill, 2017), ter planned urbanisation) can increase individual, commu- to strengthen coherence between different policies, to main- nity, institutional, and infrastructure resilience by reducing stream DRR, and to avoid a policy in one sector increasing exposure and/or vulnerability (Pelling et al., 2004). Exam- vulnerability to natural hazards. The importance of policy ples of both relationships include the following. coherence is embedded within the SDGs (United Nations, – SDG 11 (sustainable cities). Embedding understanding 2015), and articulated as being critical to climate change of the subsurface (e.g. geotechnical properties, shallow adaptation (England et al., 2018). geohazard potential) into urban planning can increase Suggested actions/priorities for change are as follows. the safety of urban development (Mielby et al., 2017). – Increase awareness of how individual natural hazard re- – SDG 4 (quality education). Increasing access to educa- search projects join up and relate to regional, national, tion can reduce vulnerability to natural hazards by in- and local sustainable development, disaster risk reduc- creasing understanding of Earth dynamics and environ- tion, and disaster risk management strategies. mental change and exploring steps to reduce risk (Mo- – Embed training in public policy into natural hazard sci- hadjer et al., 2020). ence courses at the university level. While there is a growing awareness of the relationship be- tween DRR and sustainable development, it is not yet clear 3 Discussion and cross-cutting themes whether this is embedded within the natural hazard commu- nity. Gill and Bullough (2017) noted that only 19 of 1059 ses- In Sect. 2, we reflected on seven ways those working on nat- sions at the 2017 European Geoscience Union (EGU) Gen- ural hazard science can enhance their contribution to DRR, eral Assembly referred to the SDGs, Sendai Framework, or integrating examples of good practice and innovative solu- Paris Agreement. Furthermore, of the 1268 abstracts submit- tions where appropriate. In Table 3, we synthesise priorities ted to sessions within the Natural Hazards Division of the for change proposed in Sect. 2.1 to 2.7, grouping these into 2019 EGU General Assembly, only two referred to “sus- changes linked to (i) education, training, and continued pro- tainable development”. Based on a Google Scholar search fessional development; (ii) research priorities, methods, and (18 November 2019), of 697 articles published in the EGU approaches; and (iii) institutional, financial, and policy ac- journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences between tions. Each of these would benefit from aligned funding. 2015 and 2018, 35 (5 %) make direct reference to sustain- Whilst the seven recommendations could be conceived as able development. Whilst acknowledging that some stud- utopian, we have provided some practical steps that build ies may be contributing to sustainable development through on the existing skills and strengths of natural hazard scien- other research outputs, what these statistics suggest is that tists. In addition, we have identified where enablers, such some natural hazard scientists may be missing opportunities as training programmes and funding, are required. Action to Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
J. C. Gill et al.: Building sustainable and resilient communities 197 Table 3. Summary of action points to help improve engagement of natural hazard scientists in DRR. Suggested actions Recommendations Education, training, and contin- Research design, methods, and Institutional, financial, and pol- ued professional development implementation icy actions Characterise (multi-) hazard en- In training, space for enhanc- Improve methods to capture More cross-hazard cooperation vironments ing communication and work- and document multi-hazard ob- through joint meetings and col- ing across disciplines. servations. Improve analysis of laborative working spaces. multi-hazard environments. Prioritise positive partnerships Include formal training in eth- Build partnerships with a range Develop funding mechanisms ical and equitable partnership of disciplines and groups to to build and maintain long-term development. help put natural hazard science partnerships and include non- in its broader societal context. academic partners in research Discuss and agree roles and proposals. Increase opportuni- responsibilities within partner- ties for networking to facili- ships. tate partnership building (par- ticularly for early career sci- entists). Implement frameworks for ethical and equitable part- nerships. Listen to and understand stake- Train natural hazard scientists Ensure research questions are Develop long-term relation- holders in stakeholder mapping, co- driven by an understanding of ships with applied partners production of research ques- local context, perceptions, and such as NGOs and the public tions, and techniques such as stakeholder needs. sector. Theory of Change. Embed cultural understanding Train natural hazard scientists Broader research project teams Consult relevant expertise to into natural hazard research to understand and reflect on and greater engagement with understand cultural constraints, their own positionality. social science communities challenges, and opportunities and/or literature. when planning research dis- semination and hazard outreach and education initiatives. Ensure improved and equitable Enhance communication train- Pursue open-access publishing. Produce short, accessible sum- access to hazard information ing for natural hazard scientists. Co-develop research outputs maries of hazard research (e.g. and dissemination. policy briefs) for stakeholders. Champion people-centred Include training on integrating Actively reflect on how un- Focus hazard education and DRR – leaving no one local and indigenous knowl- derrepresented, vulnerable, and outreach initiatives specifically behind edge and perceptions into natu- marginalised groups can mean- on vulnerable and marginalised ral hazard assessments and dis- ingfully participate in and ben- groups, including in schools. aster risk reduction. efit from research. Improve links between DRR Include training in public pol- Consider how individual projects join up and relate to regional, and sustainable development icy, to facilitate greater connec- national, and local sustainable development; DRR; and disaster tion of hazard science to sus- risk management strategies. tainable development priorities. achieve one of the recommendations in Sect. 2 (e.g. prioritis- ship development training could help deliver many of the am- ing positive partnerships, Sect. 2.2) could also reinforce other bitions expressed in Table 3. This could also involve opportu- changes (e.g. ensuring equitable access to appropriate infor- nities for students to engage with other disciplines engaged in mation, Sect. 2.5). Although we set out seven distinct themes DRR, to understand their approaches and data requirements. in Sect. 2, we recognise there are interactions and note the The vision of change we present requires transformation importance of thinking across these themes in an integrated to natural hazard science education and training, introducing manner. For example, a professional skills module in under- new skills and exposing scientists to a wider range of disci- graduate or postgraduate courses that integrates communica- plinary knowledge, along with the option to learn interdis- tion, policy engagement, stakeholder mapping, and partner- ciplinary and transdisciplinary research approaches. This in- Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 187–202, 2021
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