Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls
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This paper is part of a special issue on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls Oliver S. Kirsebom,1, a) Fabio Frazao,1 Yvan Simard,2, 3 Nathalie Roy,3 Stan Matwin,1, 4 and Samuel Giard3 1 Institute for Big Data Analytics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2, Canada 2 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Chair in underwater acoustics applied to ecosystem and marine mam- mals, Marine Sciences Institute, University of Québec at Rimouski, Rimouski, Québec, Canada 3 Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada 4 Institute of Computer Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (Dated: 3 March 2020) arXiv:2001.09127v2 [eess.AS] 29 Feb 2020 Passive acoustics provides a powerful tool for monitoring the endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), but robust detection algorithms are needed to handle diverse and variable acoustic conditions and differences in recording techniques and equipment. Here, we investigate the potential of deep neural networks for addressing this need. ResNet, an architecture commonly used for image recognition, is trained to recognize the time-frequency representation of the characteristic North Atlantic right whale upcall. The network is trained on several thousand examples recorded at various locations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2018 and 2019, using different equipment and deployment techniques. Used as a detection algorithm on fifty 30-minute recordings from the years 2015–2017 containing over one thou- sand upcalls, the network achieves recalls up to 80%, while maintaining a precision of 90%. Importantly, the performance of the network improves as more variance is introduced into the training dataset, whereas the opposite trend is observed using a conventional linear discrim- inant analysis approach. Our work demonstrates that deep neural networks can be trained to identify North Atlantic right whale upcalls under diverse and variable conditions with a performance that compares favorably to that of existing algorithms. c 2020 Acoustical Society of America. [ number)] [XYZ] Pages: 1–12 I. INTRODUCTION measures, which include vessel speed reduction and fish- ing closure, were then put in place by the management The North Atlantic right whale (NARW, Eubalaena authorities in an effort to prevent the recurrence of such glacialis) comprises a small cetacean population that events (DFO, 2018). counted ∼ 400 individuals in 2017 (Hayes et al., 2018; The key information required to trigger vessel speed Pace et al., 2017; Pettis et al., 2019). Listed as endan- reduction and fishing closure is the presence of the an- gered in Canada (COSEWIC, 2013), this population has imals in the highest risk areas. This information can been declining since 2010 (Pettis et al., 2019). NARW be acquired over large areas for short time windows used to be mainly distributed along the US continen- from systematic or opportunistic sightings from aircrafts tal shelf, up to the Bay of Fundy and the Western Sco- or vessels. However, to obtain continuous round-the- tian shelf in Canada. This distribution, however, has clock information over the season, NARW detection with changed in the last decade (Davis et al., 2017). The oc- passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) systems is needed casional yearly occurrence of a few individuals in the Gulf (Simard et al., 2019). Various configurations of PAM of St. Lawrence in summer and fall markedly increased in systems are possible for small- to large-scale coverages 2015 and a high seasonal occurrence has continued since (Gervaise et al., 2019b), including some supporting de- (Simard et al., 2019). This area is a site of intensive fixed- tection in quasi real-time such as Viking-WOW buoys gear fishing. It is crossed by the main continental seaway (, Slocum gliders and fixed buoys that connects the Atlantic and the Great Lakes (Simard (Baumgartner et al., 2019, 2013). et al., 2014). In 2017, 12 individuals died in the Gulf NARW upcall detection and classification (DC) algo- of St. Lawrence. The mortalities involved collisions with rithms are a key component of such PAM systems. Sev- ships and entanglement in fixed fishing gear. Protection eral algorithms, exploiting the time-frequency structure of the call, have been used so far (Baumgartner et al., 2011; Gillespie, 2004; Mellinger, 2004; Simard et al., 2019; a) Corresponding author: Urazghildiiev and Clark, 2006, 2007; Urazghildiiev et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls 1
2008). Their performance is dependent of the signal to spectrograms, which is also the strategy adopted in the noise ratio (SNR), which varies with the range of the call- present work. ing whale, the noise levels and the other biological and The paper is structured as follows. In Sec. II we instrumentation factors (Gervaise et al., 2019b; Simard first describe how the acoustic data was collected, then et al., 2019). The DC performance of these classical sig- discuss the generation of training datasets, the neural nal processing methods under actual in situ recording network design and the training protocol. In Sec. III conditions tends to plateau around a detection probabil- we present the results of the detection and classification ity of about 50% (i.e. recall index) when the false detec- tasks, which are then discussed in Sec. IV. Finally, in tion probability is kept below about 10% (DCLDE 2013; Sec. V we summarize and conclude. Simard et al., 2019). The objective of the present study is to test if modern machine-learning approaches can break II. MATERIALS AND METHODS this apparent DC performance ceiling. Within the last decade, artificial neural networks A. Acoustic Data have become the preferred machine-learning approach for solving a wide range of tasks, outperforming exist- The PAM data were collected between 2015 and 2019 ing computational methods and achieving human-level at 6 stations in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Fig. 1). accuracy in domains such as image analysis (He et al., Two different deployment configurations were employed, 2015) and natural speech processing (Hinton et al., 2012). producing distinct datasets, A, B, and B∗ (Table I). In Originally inspired by the human brain, neural networks addition to these datasets, we have also considered a consist of a large number of interconnected “neurons”, third dataset, C, which is a subset of the DCLDE 2013 each typically performing a simple linear operation on dataset generated from PAM data collected in the Gulf input data, specified by a set of weights and a bias, fol- of Maine in 2009.1 lowed by an activation function. In a supervised training In the case of dataset A, the PAM system was approach, the network is given examples of labeled data, deployed from the surface, with the hydrophone and the weights and biases are adjusted to produce the tethered to a real-time ocean observing Viking buoy desired output using an optimization algorithm. Modern (Multi-Electronique Inc., Rimouski, Qc, Canada, neural networks exhibit multi-layer architectures, which enable them to build complex concepts out of simpler with a 60-m long cable floating at the surface concepts and hence learn a non-linear representation of for half of its length. The recording digital hy- the data conducive to solving a given task. Therefore, drophone, at a depth of ∼ 30 m, was an ic-Listen modern neural networks are often referred to as deep HF (Ocean Sonics, Truro Heights, N.S., Canada, neural networks (DNNs), and the strategy of represent- ing complex data as a nested hierarchy of concepts is hydrophones/). It sampled continuously the raw (0 gain) referred to as deep learning. Two of the most commonly acoustic signal with 24-bit resolution. The receiving encountered basic architectures are convolutional neural sensitivity of the hydrophone was −170 dB re 1 V µPa−1 . networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), In the case of datasets B and B∗ , the PAM system which are particularly well adapted to the tasks of ana- used short (< 10 m) “I”-type oceanographic moorings, lyzing image data and sequential data, respectively. The with an anchor, an acoustic release, and streamlined availability of large labeled datasets, containing millions underwater floats, for bottom deployment at depths of labeled examples, has been a key factor in the success varying from 75 m to 125 m, with the autonomous of DNNs in domains such as image analysis and natu- hydrophone ∼ 5 m above the seafloor. The recording ral speech processing. Therefore, much of the current equipment consisted of AURAL M2 (Multi-Electronique research in deep learning focuses on how to train DNNs Inc., Rimouski, Qc, Canada, http://www.multi- more efficiently on smaller datasets. sampling the 16-dB Shallow neural networks have been employed for the pre-amplified acoustic signal with a 16-bit resolution purpose of sound classification in marine bioacoustics at duty cycles of 15 min or 30 min every hour. The since the 1990s, usually combined with a method of fea- receiving sensitivity of the HTI 96-MIN (High Tech Inc., ture extraction, e.g. (Bahoura and Simard, 2010), but Gulfport, MS) hydrophone equipping the AURAL is also acting directly on the spectrogram (Halkias et al., −164±1 dB re 1 V µPa−1 over the < 0.5-kHz bandwidth 2013; Potter et al., 1994). In the last few years, the first used here. Further details can be found in (Simard studies employing modern DNNs have been reported. et al., 2019). Examples include classification of fish sounds (Malfante Because of the different acoustic equipment and de- et al., 2018), detection and classification of orca vocal- ployment types, the recordings from the two datasets dif- izations (Bergler et al., 2019), classification of multiple fered significantly in terms of signal amplitude and noise whale species (McQuay et al., 2017; Thomas et al., 2019), background from different sources, including flow noise, and detection and classification of sperm whale vocaliza- strum, and knocks resulting from the effects of tidal cur- tions (Bermant et al., 2019). In all cases, CNNs have rents and the surface motion due to waves on the hy- been leveraged to analyze the information encoded in drophone and deployment apparatus. Additional SNR variability of the recordings is introduced by the differ- 2 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls
FIG. 1. (Color online) Map of the Gulf of St. Lawrence with bathymetry and seaways, showing the location of the PAM stations. Circles indicate surface deployments (dataset A) while stars indicate bottom deployments (datasets B and B∗ ). ent locations and depths at which the hydrophones were manually validated by an expert by examining the spec- deployed in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, provid- trogram and labelled as “true” or “false” using the longer ing different exposures to the above environmental condi- call pattern context in a ∼ 1-min window. In NARW call tions and to the shipping noise field from the main seaway occurrence studies, the false detections are then elimi- (Aulanier et al., 2016; Simard et al., 2019). The datasets nated. For the present work, however, both true and false used here therefore represent a large range of conditions detections were extracted from the recordings and used that can be encountered in realizing the DC task for the as “positives” and “negatives”, respectively, for building low-frequency NARW upcall from acoustic data collected the training datasets A and B (Table II). For dataset C, using different PAM systems. To develop a deep learning we have used the existing annotations from the DCLDE model that is robust to such realistic range of variability, 2013 Challenge. Finally, we have built the composite no effort was made to enhance the SNR before feeding datasets AB and ABC by combining all the samples from the data to the neural network. the individual datasets. To examine the accuracy of the validation protocol B. Training and Test Datasets used for producing datasets A and B, a second expert was subsequently tasked with reviewing a subset of the Datasets A and B were first analyzed with a clas- annotations. The review differed from the validation in sical time-frequency based detector (TFBD) following several ways: the second expert had knowledge of both (Mellinger, 2004) and (Mouy et al., 2009). This algo- the labels assigned by the first expert and the classifica- rithm looks for a typical image of NARW upcall in the tion proposed by the DNN. The second expert used raw SNR-enhanced (i.e., noise-subtracted), high-resolution spectrograms while the first expert used SNR-enhanced (32 ms × 3.9 Hz) spectrogram of the recordings, and a spectrograms2 and a larger temporal context, including detection is triggered by the degree of cross-coincidence. considerations of occurrence probability over the seasons. The NARW upcall template used was a 1-s, 100–200 Hz Finally, the first expert was instructed to adopt a more chirp with a ±10 Hz bandwidth. For further details, see conservative annotation strategy, always assigning a neg- (Simard et al., 2019). The resulting detections were then ative label in cases of substantial doubt, whereas no such J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls 3
TABLE I. Datasets used in this work. Dataset Deployment type Location Year(s) Analysis method A Surface buoy Gulf of St. Lawrence 2019 Expert validation of detections reported by TFBD algorithm B Bottom mooring Gulf of St. Lawrence 2018 Expert validation of detections reported by TFBD algorithm ∗ B Bottom mooring Gulf of St. Lawrence 2015–2017 Full manual analysis of fifty 30-min recordings C Bottom mooring Gulf of Maine 2009 Full manual analysis of seven days of recordings TABLE II. Number of samples in the datasets used for training and testing the classifiers. The composite datasets AB and ABC were produced by combining all the samples from the individual datasets. Training and validation Testing Dataset No. samples Positives Negatives No. samples Positives Negatives A 1, 767 42% 58% 307 18% 82% B 3, 309 61% 39% 579 59% 41% C 3, 000 50% 50% − − − AB 5, 076 55% 45% 886 45% 55% ABC 8, 076 53% 47% − − − instruction was given to the second expert. The results t0 of the annotation review will be discussed in Sec. IV. Samples/day 200 (a) The extracted segments are 3 s long and centered on train+val test Dataset A 100 2019 the midpoint of the upcall, as determined by the TFBD algorithm. However, the midpoint determined by the al- 0 gorithm rarely coincides with the actual midpoint of the t0 Samples/day upcall, producing segments that are misaligned by up to 300 (b) 0.5 s in either direction. We note that such quasi-random 200 train+val test Positives Dataset B 2018 Negatives time shifts are desirable for training a DNN classifier be- 100 cause they encourage the network to learn a more general, 0 time translation invariant, representation of the upcall. 29 08 18 28 08 18 28 07 17 27 05- 06- 06- 06- 07- 07- 07- 08- 08- 08- For the purpose of testing the classification perfor- time, t (month-day) mance of the trained models, including their capacity for generalizing, we split datasets A and B as follows: Sam- ples obtained at times t < t0 were used for training and FIG. 2. (Color online) Time-split used to produce training validation, while samples obtained at times t > t0 were and validation sets and test sets for Datasets A (a) and B (b). retained for testing. Here, t0 was chosen to produce a 85:15 split ratio between the number of samples used for training and validation and the number of samples used lap with the training datasets A and B, which originate for testing (Fig. 2). This split implies temporal separa- from 2019 and 2018, respectively. Dataset B∗ was man- tions of 52 min and 33 min between the latest sample in ually analyzed in its entire length by a third expert who the training dataset and the earliest sample in the test identified 1, 157 NARW upcall occurrences. dataset for A and B, respectively. From the bottom deployments we also produced dataset B∗ consisting of fifty 30-min segments from two C. Spectrogram and SNR Computation years between 2015 and 2017 (Fig. 3). These data were First, the 3-s acoustic segments were downsampled to used for testing the detection performance of the neural 1, 000 samples s−1 using MATLAB’s resample function, network on continuous data. The data cover all seasons which employs a polyphase anti-aliasing filter. The spec- and times of the day, hence providing a representative trogram representation was then computed on a dB scale picture of the acoustic conditions found in the Gulf of using a window size of 0.256 s, a step size of 0.032 s (88% St. Lawrence. Moreover, the data have no temporal over- overlap), and a Hamming window. These parameters 4 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls
A1796 (SNR=6.6) B∗ B A 450 +0 dB 400 350 -20 dB Frequency (Hz) 300 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 -40 dB Year 250 200 -60 dB 150 FIG. 3. (Color online) Temporal distribution of the training datasets A and B and the continuous test dataset B∗ . 100 -80 dB 50 -100 dB 0 have been shown to be optimal for identifying NARW up- 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 calls (Gervaise et al., 2019a) and produce a spectrogram Time (s) with (time, frequency) dimensions of 94 × 129. We note that the spectrograms were fed to the network in their FIG. 4. (Color online) Positive spectrogram sample from raw form. In particular, no effort was made to normal- dataset A. Superimposed is a 1-s window centered on the up- ize the spectrograms to correct for systematic differences in signal amplitude in the three datasets. This approach call (dashed line) and a trace drawn along the upcall (dotted was adopted to produce the most general model possible. curve), as computed by the heuristic SNR algorithm described For the estimation of the SNR value of each sample, in the text. positive or negative, the following heuristic algorithm was implemented: (1) A denoised spectrogram, Xd , was cre- ated by subtracting first the median value of each time blocks with skip connections (He et al., 2016). CNNs slice (to reduce broadband, impulsive noise) and then consist of a stack of convolutional layers followed by a few subtracting the median value of each frequency slice (to fully connected layers. During the training process, the reduce tonal noise). (2) The mid-point of the upcall was convolutional layers learn to extract patterns from the in- determined by sliding a 1-s wide window across the de- put images, which are passed to the fully connected lay- noised spectrogram while seeking to maximize, ers for classification (Goodfellow et al., 2016, Chapter 9). The residual blocks in a ResNet are composed of convo- sumt (maxf (Xd )) + sumf (maxt (Xd )) , lutional layers, but allow some connections between lay- ers to be skipped, thereby avoiding “vanishing” and “ex- in the frequency interval 80–200 Hz, where the subscripts ploding” gradients during training (He et al., 2016). We indicate the axis (t:time, f :frequency) along which the used blocks with batch normalization (Ioffe and Szegedy, mathematical operation is applied. (3) A trace was 2015) and rectified linear units (ReLU) (Nair and Hin- drawn by connecting the pixels with the maximum value ton, 2010). The architecture was composed of eight such in each time slice of Xd . (4) The median value of the blocks preceded by one convolutional layer and followed original spectrogram, X, was computed along this trace, by a batch normalization layer, global average pooling including also the three pixels immediately above and (Lin et al., 2013), and a fully connected layer with a soft- below to account for the finite “width” of the upcall. max function, which is responsible for the classification. (5) Finally, the median values of X in the 0.5-s adja- Finally, the output layer gives a score in the range 0–1 cent windows were computed for the frequency interval for each of the two classes (positive and negative), which 80–200 Hz and subtracted. Fig. 4 shows the result ob- add up to 1. tained on a typical positive sample from dataset A. We stress that SNR estimation is highly challenging for the E. Training Protocol datasets considered in this work because of non-uniform stationary noise, transient noise, and distortion of the We trained the network on two NVIDIA RTX 2080 upcalls due to propagation effects. Ti GPUs with 11GB of memory. Training was performed with a batch size of 128 and terminated after a pre-set number of epochs, N . That is, 128 samples were passed D. Neural Network Architecture through the network between successive optimizations of The problem was set up as a binary classification the weights and biases, and every sample in the train- task: A neural network was trained to classify the 3-s ing dataset was passed through the network N times. spectrograms according to the criterion, contains (pos- Weights and biases were optimized with the ADAM op- itive class, 1) or does not contain (negative class, 0) a timizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) using the recommended NARW upcall. We used a residual network (ResNet), parameters: an initial learning rate of 0.001, decay of which is a CNN architecture mainly built of residual 0.01, β1 of 0.9, and β2 of 0.999. No effort was made to J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls 5
explore the effects of these parameters on the training For the computation of recall, precision, and false- outcome. The network was trained to maximize the F1 positive rate, we merged adjacent positive (1) bins into score, defined as the harmonic mean of precision and re- “detection events”, which extend from the lower edge call, F1 = 2P R/(P + R), where R is the recall, i.e., the of the first bin, t, to the upper edge of the last bin, fraction of the upcalls that were detected, and P is the t + N ∆t, N being the number of bins in the event. To precision, i.e., the fraction of the detected upcalls that allow for minor temporal misalignments between anno- were in fact upcalls. Thus, the F1 score considers both tations and detections, we adopted a temporal buffer recall and precision and attaches equal importance to the of 1.0 s, effectively expanding every detection event to two. [t − 2∆t, t + (N + 2)∆t]. Considering the primary in- Initially, the network was trained using 5-fold cross- tended application of the detection algorithm, namely, to validation with a 85:15 random split between the training quantify upcall occurrences in PAM data and provide oc- and validation sets, allowing us to confirm that the op- currence times of sufficient accuracy to aid validation by timization had converged without overfitting. Based on a human analyst, such a small temporal buffer is fully jus- these initial training sessions, N = 100 was found to pro- tifiable. The recall was then computed as the fraction of vide an optimal choice for all the training datasets. The annotated upcalls that exhibit at least 50% overlap with network was then trained on the full training datasets a detection event, while the precision was computed as without cross-validation for N = 100 epochs. This was the fraction of the detection events that exhibit at least repeated nine times with different random number gener- 50% overlap with an annotated upcall. Any detection ator seeds to assess the sensitivity of the training outcome event that did not overlap with an annotated upcall or to the initial conditions. exhibited less than 50% overlap was counted as one false positive for the computation of the false-positive rate. F. Linear Discriminant Analysis III. RESULTS To establish a baseline against which to compare the performance of the neural network, we implemented a A. Classification Performance linear discriminant analysis (LDA) model following the approach of (Martinez and Kak, 2001), noting that such The classification performance of the DNN and LDA models have traditionally been adopted for solving sound classifiers on the test datasets are summarized in terms detection and classification tasks in marine bioacoustics. of the average F1 score, recall, and precision obtained First, the 94 × 129 spectrogram matrix was flattened to in the nine independent training sessions (Fig. 5). The a vector of length 12, 126. Second, the dimensionality DNN model trained on the ABC dataset exhibits the best was reduced by means of principal component analysis overall performance, achieving a recall of 87.5% and a (PCA). Third, we trained the LDA classifier using a least- precision of 90.2% on the AB test set (with standard de- squares solver combined with automatic shrinkage follow- viations of 1.1% and 1.2%) and outperforming the base- ing the Ledoit-Wolf lemma (Ledoit and Wolf, 2004). The line LDA model by a statistically significant margin (as training was repeated for several choices of PCA dimen- evident from Fig. 6 below). sionality using a 85:15 random split between training and We have investigated the effect of increasing the size validation sets, and the dimensionality yielding the best of dataset C by up to a factor of 10 (15, 000 upcalls), but performance on the validation set was selected. found only a negligible improvement in the performance of the DNN model. (We note that the DCLDE 2013 dataset contains 6, 916 logged calls. To produce a dataset G. Detection Algorithm with 15, 000 upcalls we added time-shifted copies of the For the purpose of detecting NARW upcalls in con- logged calls to the dataset.) tinuous acoustic data, the following simple algorithm was We have also investigated the effect of discarding implemented: First, the data were segmented using a samples with SNR below a certain minimum value, window of 3 s and a step size of ∆t = 0.5 s. Each 3-s SNRmin , from the AB test set (Fig. 6). For the DNN segment was then fed to the DNN classifier, producing a model, we observe a gradual increase in performance sequence of classification scores between 0–1, which we as we restrict our attention to upcalls with increasingly interpret as a time-series of upcall occurrence probabil- larger SNR values, with the recall improving from 89% ities. Empirically, we found it useful to smoothen the at SNRmin ' 0 to 98% at SNRmin ' 12 and the precision classification scores using a five-bin (2.5 s) wide averag- improving from 91% to 100% across the same range of ing window. This greatly reduced the number of false SNR. The performance of the LDA model also improves positives (factor of ∼ 5) at the cost of a modest increase with increasing SNR. This is especially true for the pre- in the number of false negatives (factor of ∼ 2). Finally, cision, which improves from 70% at SNRmin ' 0 to 95% we applied a uniform detection threshold, setting the bin at SNRmin ' 12, whereas the recall reaches a maximum value to 1 (“positive”) when the score was greater than of 82% before worsening at the largest SNR values. or equal to the threshold and 0 (“negative”) when it was In the following, we examine a small set of repre- below. sentative spectrogram samples, which have been either correctly classified or misclassified by the DNN model 6 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls
(a) DNN Performance (b) LDA Performance 90 90 43.3 10.4 16.8 66.4 64.4 64.7 A 41.2 62.0 9.2 60.0 13.7 65.4 A 58.2 77.7 65.5 63.7 64.5 65.2 80 80 48.0 88.3 83.7 46.5 79.7 73.4 B 40.3 89.4 82.4 B 75.0 89.7 87.6 80.0 88.1 86.7 70 33.9 71.8 63.1 70 Training dataset Training dataset 69.1 87.8 85.0 60 60.0 76.6 74.6 60 AB 66.1 79.7 89.9 86.7 86.5 85.2 AB 55.4 65.6 83.2 71.0 79.3 70.5 50 50 80.5 90.1 88.8 60.6 71.9 70.5 ABC 71.3 93.0 90.1 90.2 87.5 90.2 ABC 55.2 67.4 74.9 69.1 72.1 68.9 40 40 A B AB A B AB Test dataset Test dataset FIG. 5. (Color online) (a) DNN classification performance in terms of F1 score (top, large font), recall (middle, small font), and precision (bottom, small font). Rows: training dataset; columns: test dataset. The colorscale indicates the F1 score. (b) LDA classifier performance. (Fig. 7). We divide the samples into true positives, true fiers on dataset B∗ , which has been subject to full manual negatives, false positives, and false negatives, and for analysis. each category we give three examples reflecting differ- ent levels of certainty and difficulty as perceived by the B. Detection Performance on Continuous Data second expert: (a) certain and easy, (b) certain, but dif- ficult, and (c) uncertain. Here, it must be remembered The detection algorithm introduced in Sec. II G was that the experts had access to a larger temporal context tested on dataset B∗ , which consists of fifty 30-minute of ∼ 1 min to inform their decision. Notably, this may segments and has a total of 1, 157 upcalls. The number have helped the expert to correctly identify calls with low of calls per file exhibits significant variation, ranging from SNR in cases where the calls form part of a call series. none to 100 with a median value of 15. A few observations can be made: the model is able to The performance of the detection algorithm is sum- correctly identify upcalls with very different SNR (B2225, marized in terms of recall, precision, and false-positive B3121); the model is able to correctly classify negatives rate (Fig. 8). The detection threshold is seen to pro- containing potentially confusing patterns (A12), but not vide a convenient tunable parameter to adjust the detec- always (A111); the model struggles in cases with low tion performance, depending on whether high precision SNR (A134, A1858); the model can be confused by tonal or high recall is desired. One also notes that the nine noises and multipath echoes (B205). These deficiencies independent training sessions produced detectors with could potentially be resolved by enlarging the temporal very similar recall, but varying levels of precision. In window, thereby giving the model access to the same particular, the best-performing detector achieves a recall contextual information that is available to the human of 80%, while maintaining a precision above 90%, cor- analyst, notably the appearance of an upcall series. responding to a false-positive rate of 5 occurences per Finally, we highlight a limitation of the classification hour for this particular test dataset, while the “average” results reported in this section. Since datasets A and detector achieves a recall of 60% for the same level of B only contain samples flagged by the TFBD algorithm, precision. the performance demonstrated on these datasets is not Finally, we have considered the effect of discard- necessarily representative of the performance on a ran- ing samples with SNR below a certain minimum value, dom selection of samples from a continuous recording, SNRmin , from the test dataset (Fig. 9). We observe and the reported metrics (Fig. 5) cannot be readily ap- a gradual improvement in performance with increasing plied to continuous data. In the next section, we address SNR. For example, by considering only samples with this limitation by testing the performance of the classi- SNR > 4.0, the false-positive rate is reduced from 35 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls 7
On the other hand, we found that the DNN models 1.0 (a) generally performed poorly when trained on one dataset, 0.9 but tested on another (e.g. trained on A, but tested on B). This behavior was not observed with the LDA models, Recall 0.8 0.7 whose less performant solution appear to be less sensitive to the training dataset. 0.6 The quality and accuracy of the training datasets 0.5 built as part of this work is limited by both the use of a classical time-frequency based detector to select can- 1.0 (b) didate upcalls for expert validation and by human sub- 0.9 jectivity in the validation step. Any bias in the selec- Precision 0.8 tion or validation step will be reflected in the training 0.7 dataset and hence affect the learning of the DNN. To ex- DNN plore the bias in the validation step, a second expert was 0.6 LDA tasked with reviewing all the incorrectly classified seg- 0.5 ments (false positives as well as false negatives) and an equally large number of correctly classified segments ran- 600 (c) Positives domly sampled from the AB test dataset (cf. Sec. II B). Negatives No. samples The second expert flagged about half of the incorrectly 400 classified segments as “borderline”, implying that the expert considered these classifications as being highly 200 uncertain. On the other hand, the second expert only flagged 9% of the correctly classified segments as border- 0 line. Removing the borderline cases from the test data −4 0 4 8 12 16 improves the recall and precision by 2% and 5%, respec- SNRmin tively. However, the second expert also changed some of the labels not considered to be borderline. Adopt- ing the second expert’s revised labels for the test data, FIG. 6. (Color online) (a) Effect of discarding samples with the recall decreases by 6% while the precision increases SNR < SNRmin from the AB test dataset on the recall of the by 2%. These changes in performance metrics testify to DNN and LDA models trained on ABC. The lines show the the difficulty of obtaining accurate annotations on PAM average recall obtained in the nine training sessions, while the data. It would be interesting to investigate the inter- shaded bands show the 10% and 90% percentiles. (b) Same, annotator variability in a more systematic and controlled for the precision. (c) Number of positive and negative samples manner than done here, but this is beyond the scope of in the AB test dataset with SNR ≥ SNRmin . the present study. (For example, it can be argued that the second expert may have been biased by prior knowl- edge of the labels proposed by the first expert and the to 6 occurences per hour, while maintaining a recall of DNN.) 90% and retaining more than 95% of the upcalls in the In order to obtain a realistic assessment of the perfor- test dataset. mance that can be expected of the DNN model in a prac- tical setting, we have tested the model’s ability to iden- tify upcalls in continuous acoustic data representative of IV. DISCUSSION the actual conditions required for a NARW upcall PAM The DNN classifier has been found to outperform DC system. In order to obtain an unbiased estimate of the baseline LDA model, achieving recall and precision the detection performance, these data were subject to a of 87.5% and 90.2% on the AB test dataset. Addition- complete manual validation not resorting to the use of a ally, the DNN models trained on the combined datasets classical detection algorithm to select candidate upcalls. generally performed better than the models trained on The best-performing model achieved a recall of 80% while the individual datasets, also when tested on the individ- maintaining a precision above 90%, corresponding to a ual datasets. For example, models trained on AB con- false-positive rate of 5 occurences per hour for the cho- sistently outperformed models trained exclusively on A, sen test dataset, while the “average” model only achieved even when tested solely on A. In contrast, the baseline a recall of 60% for the same level of precision. However, LDA model achieved worse performance when trained on by restricting our attention to upcalls with SNR & 4.0, combined datasets. This is an important observation, be- the recall of the average model was increased to 85% for cause it suggests that DNNs have the capacity to handle the same level of precision while retaining over 95% of larger variance in the data, and indeed benefit from being the upcalls. Existing algorithms are capable of achieving trained on data with greater variance, producing models similar levels of recall, but at the cost of a significantly that are more robust to inter-dataset variability. higher false-positive rate (DCLDE 2013; Simard et al., 2019). 8 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls
True Positives True Negatives False Positives False Negatives B3121 (SNR=21.2) A1461 (SNR=2.4) A111 (SNR=-1.8) B205 (SNR=4.3) 450 400 350 Frequency (Hz) 300 a) 250 200 150 100 50 0 B2225 (SNR=5.9) A12 (SNR=11.8) A134 (SNR=4.5) A1858 (SNR=7.4) 450 400 350 Frequency (Hz) 300 b) 250 200 150 100 50 0 B1307 (SNR=7.5) B1484 (SNR=5.2) B1090 (SNR=3.9) B2582 (SNR=2.9) 450 400 350 Frequency (Hz) 300 c) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) FIG. 7. (Color online) Representative 3-s spectrogram samples. First column: true positives; second column: true negatives; third column: false positives; fourth column: false negatives. For each category, three examples are given reflecting different levels of certainty and difficulty as perceived by the second expert: (a) certain and easy; (b) certain, but difficult; (c) uncertain. Spectrograms are labeled by their ID and SNR (in dB). Finally, we note that a related work entitled “Deep siders acoustic data from several locations off the east neural networks for automated detection of marine mam- coast of the US, whereas our work considers data from mal species” (Shiu et al., 2020) has been published during the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Where (Shiu et al., 2020) pro- the review of our paper. We would like to highlight the vides a comparison of several network architectures, our complementary nature of the two studies. While similar work provides insights into the importance of dataset size deployment techniques (surface buoys, bottom moorings) and variance. Moreover, our work provides insights into and acoustic recorders were used, (Shiu et al., 2020) con- recall variability with SNR. Although a direct compar- J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls 9
1.0 1.0 (a) FPR (hour−1 ) 0.8 0.8 101 Precision, P Recall, R 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 100 R 0.2 0.2 P (a) 0.0 0.0 1.0 (b) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.9 Detection threshold Precision 0.0 0.8 50 1.0 2.0 0.7 4.0 40 0.8 8.0 FPR (hour−1 ) 0.6 Precision, P 12.0 30 FPR-R 0.6 0.5 P-R 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 20 0.4 Recall 10 0.2 (b) 1500 0 0.0 (c) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Recall, R No. upcalls 1000 FIG. 8. (Color online) Detection performance on the contin- 500 uous test data (dataset B∗ ) in terms of recall (R), precision (P), and false-positive rate (FPR). The lines show the aver- age performance while the shaded bands show the 10% and 0 90% percentiles. (a) R and P versus the adopted detection −4 0 4 8 12 16 20 threshold. (b) P-R and FPR-R curves. SNRmin FIG. 9. (Color online) Detection performance of the “aver- ison of the detection performances achieved in the two age” model on the continuous test data (dataset B∗ ) for the studies cannot be made since different test datasets were used, we note that the recall obtained by (Shiu et al., upcalls meeting the criterion SNR > SNRmin . The perfor- 2020) on continuous test data is somewhat higher than mance is shown in terms of recall (R), precision (P), and false- the recall obtained in our study (95% vs. 87% for a false- positive rate (FPR) for the five cut-off values SNRmin = 0.0, positive rate of 20 h−1 ). However, the difference is within 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0. (a) FPR vs. R; (b) P vs. R; (c) Number of the range of variability that could be explained by differ- upcalls vs. SNRmin . ences in SNR in the test data. V. CONCLUSION could be achieved by further expanding the variance of the training dataset. Using the DNN classifier, we im- In summary, we have demonstrated that DNNs can plemented a simple detection algorithm, which exhib- be trained to recognize NARW upcalls in acoustic record- ited good performance on continuous test data, achiev- ings which have been made with different acoustic equip- ing a recall of 80% while maintaining a precision above ment and deployment types, and hence differ significantly 90%. It would be interesting to explore still more so- in terms of signal amplitude and noise background. By phisticated machine-learning approaches, most notably training a DNN on a dataset comprised of about 4, 000 approaches that consider a wider temporal context, as samples of NARW upcalls and an approximately equal done by the human experts, but this is beyond the scope number of negative samples, we achieved recall and pre- of the present study and is left for future work. These cision of 90% on a test dataset containing about 700 up- results highlight the potential of DNNs for solving sound calls and a similar number of negatives. The DNN was detection and classification tasks in underwater acous- observed to benefit from being trained on data with in- tics and motivate a community effort towards building creased variance, suggesting that improved performance larger and improved training datasets, especially for de- 10 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. / 3 March 2020 JASA/Performance of a Deep Neural Network at Detecting North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls
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