Adversarial examples for Deep Learning Cyber Security Analytics
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Adversarial examples for Deep Learning Cyber Security Analytics Alesia Chernikova Alina Oprea Northeastern University Northeastern University Abstract—We consider evasion attacks (adversarial exam- PDF malware detection [62], [67] and malware classifica- ples) against Deep Learning models designed for cyber se- tion [31], [63], but these applications use binary features. curity applications. Adversarial examples are small modifica- Recently, Kulynych et al. [41] introduce a graphical frame- tions of legitimate data points, resulting in mis-classification work for general evasion attacks in discrete domains, that at testing time. We propose a general framework for crafting constructs a graph of all possible transformations of an evasion attacks that takes into consideration the dependen- input and selects a set of minimum cost to generate an cies between intermediate features in model input vector, as adversarial example. The previous work, however, cannot arXiv:1909.10480v2 [cs.CR] 31 Jan 2020 well as physical-world constraints imposed by the applica- yet handle evasion attacks in security applications that tions. We apply our methods on two security applications, respect complex feature dependencies, as well as physical- a malicious connection and a malicious domain classifier, to world constraints. generate feasible adversarial examples in these domains. We In this paper we introduce a novel framework for show that with minimal effort (e.g., generating 12 network crafting adversarial attacks in cyber security domain that connections), an attacker can change the prediction of a respects the mathematical dependencies given by common model from Malicious to Benign. We extensively evaluate operations applied in feature space and enforces at the the success of our attacks, and how they depend on several same time the physical-world constraints of specific appli- optimization objectives and imbalance ratios in the training cations. At the core of our framework is an iterative opti- data. mization method that determines the feature of maximum gradient of attacker’s objective at each iteration, identifies the family of features dependent on that feature, and 1. Introduction modifies consistently all the features in the family, while preserving an upper bound on the maximum distance and Deep learning has reached super-human performance respecting the physical-world application constraints. in machine learning (ML) tasks for classification in diverse Our general framework needs minimum amount of domains, including image classification, speech recogni- adaptation for new applications. To demonstrate this, we tion, and natural language processing. Still, deep neural apply our framework to two distinct applications. The first networks (DNNs) are not robust in face of adversarial is a malicious network traffic classifier for botnet detection attacks, and their vulnerability has been demonstrated ex- (using a public dataset [27]), in which an attacker can tensively in many applications, with the majority of work insert network connections on ports of his choice that re- in adversarial ML being performed in image classification spect the physical network constraints (e.g., TCP and UDP tasks (e.g, [65], [10], [29], [42], [54], [14], [48], [5]). packet sizes) and a number of mathematical dependencies. ML started to be used more extensively in cyber The second application is malicious domain classification security applications in academia and industry, with the using features extracted from web proxy logs (collected emergence of a a new field called security analytics. from a large enterprise) that involves a number of sta- Among the most popular applications of ML in cyber tistical and mathematical dependencies in feature space. security we highlight malware classification [6], [9], [56], We demonstrate that the attacks are successful in both malicious domain detection [47], [12], [3], [7], [51], and applications, with minimum amount of perturbation. For botnet detection [32], [66]. In most of these applications, instance, by inserting 12 network connections an attacker the raw security datasets (network traffic or host logs) can change the classification prediction from Malicious to are not used directly as input to the DNN, but instead an Benign in the first application. We perform detailed evalu- intermediate feature extraction layer is defined by domain ation to test: (1) if our attacks perform better than several experts to generate inputs for neural networks (or other baselines; (2) if the selection of the optimization objective ML models). There are efforts to automate the feature impacts the attack success rate; (3) how the imbalance engineering aspect (e.g., [38], but it is not yet a common ratio between the Malicious and Benign classes in training practice. One of the challenges of adapting ML to work changes the success of the attack; (4) if features modified in these domains is the large class imbalance during by the attack are the features with highest importance. training [7]. Therefore, adversarial attacks designed on We also test several approaches for performing the attack continuous domains (for instance, in image classification) under a weaker threat model, through transferability from need to be adapted to take into account the specifics of a substitute model to the original one, or by adapting cyber security applications. existing black-box attacks. Finally, we test the resilience Initial efforts to design adversarial attacks at testing of adversarial training as a defensive mechanism in this time (called evasion attacks) for discrete domains are setting. underway in the research community. Examples include To summarize, our contributions are:
1) We introduce a general evasion attack framework attack model, in which the attacker has information about for cyber security that respects mathematical fea- the feature representation of the underlying classifier, but ture dependencies and physical-world constraints. not exact details on the ML algorithm and training data. 2) We apply our framework with minimal adapta- In the considered applications, training data comes tion to two distinct applications using different from security logs ollected at the border of an enterprise datasets and feature representations: a malicious or campus network. We assume that the attacker compro- network connection classifier, and a malicious mises at least one machine on the internal network, from domain detector, to generate feasible adversarial where the attack is launched. The goal of the attacker is examples in these domains. to modify its network connections to evade the classifier’s 3) We extensively evaluate our proposed framework Malicious prediction in a stealthy manner (i.e., with mini- for these applications and quantify the amount mum perturbation). We assume that the attacker does not of effort required by the attacker to bypass the have access to the security monitor that collects the logs. classifiers, for different optimization objectives That would result in a much more powerful attack, which and training data imbalance ratios. can be prevented with existing techniques (e.g., [13]). 4) We evaluate the transferability of the proposed evasion attacks between different ML models 2.3. Evasion Attacks against Deep Neural Net- and architectures and test the effectiveness of works performing black-box attacks. 5) We measure the resilience of adversarially- We describe several evasion attacks against DNNs: trained models against our attacks. projected gradient descent-based attacks and the penalty- Organization. We provide background material in Sec- based attack of Carlini and Wagner. tion 2. We discuss the challenges for designing evasion Projected gradient attacks. This is a class of attacks attacks in cyber security and introduce our general frame- based on gradient descent for objective minimization, that work in Section 3. We instantiate our framework for the project the adversarial points to the feasible domain at two applications of interest in Section 4. We extensively each iteration. For instance, Biggio et al. [10] use an evaluate our framework in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. objective that maximizes the confidence of adversarial Finally, we discuss related work in Section 7 and conclude examples, within a ball of fixed radius in L1 norm. Madry in Section 8. et al. [48] use the loss function directly as the optimization objective and use the L2 and L∞ distances for projection. 2. Background C&W attack. Carlini and Wagner [14] solve the follow- ing optimization problem to create adversarial example 2.1. Deep Neural Networks for Classification against CNNs used for multi-class prediction: δ = arg min ||δ||2 + c · h(x + δ) A feed-forward neural network (FFNN) for binary h(x + δ) = max(0, max(Zk (x + δ) : k 6= t) − Zt (x + δ)), classification is a function y = F (x) from input x ∈ Rd where Z() are the logits of the DNN. (of dimension d) to output y ∈ {0, 1}. The parameter vector of the function is learned during the training phase This is called the penalty method, and the optimization using back propagation over the network layers. Each objective has two terms: the norm of the perturbation layer includes a matrix multiplication and non-linear acti- δ , and a function h(x + δ) that is minimized when the vation (e.g., ReLU). The last layer’s activation is sigmoid adversarial example x + δ is classified as the target class σ for binary classification: y = F (x) = σ(Z(x)), where t. The attack works for L0 , L2 , and L∞ norms. Z(x) are the logits, i.e., the output of the the penultimate layer. We denote by C(x) the predicted class for x. For 3. Methodology multi-class classification, the last layer uses a softmax activation function. In this section, we start by describing the classification setting in cyber security analytics. Then we devote the 2.2. Threat Model majority of the section to describe evasion attacks for cyber security, mention challenges of designing them, and Adversarial attacks against ML algorithms can be present our new attack framework that takes into consid- developed in the training or testing phase. In this work, we eration the specific constraints of security applications. consider testing-time attacks, called evasion attacks. The DNN model is trained correctly and the attacker’s goal 3.1. ML classification in cyber security is to create adversarial examples at testing time. In secu- rity settings, typically the attacker starts with Malicious In standard computer vision tasks such as image clas- points that he aims to minimally modify into adversarial sification, the raw data (image pixels) is used directly as examples classified as Benign. input into the neural network models. In contrast, in cyber We consider initially for our optimization framework security, domain expertise is still required to generate a white-box attack model, in which the attacker has full intermediate features from the raw data (e.g., network knowledge of the ML system. White-box attacks have traffic or endpoint data) (see Figure 1). been considered extensively in previous work, e.g., [29], ML is commonly used in cyber security for classifi- [10], [14], [48] to evaluate the robustness of existing ML cation of Malicious and Benign activity (e.g., [47], [12], classification algorithms. We also consider a more realistic [51]). A raw dataset R is initially collected (for example,
Figure 1: Neural network training for image classification (left) and for cyber security analytics (right). pcap files or Netflow logs), and feature extraction is Several previous work address evasion attacks in dis- performed by applying different operators, such as Max, crete domains. The evasion attack for malware detection Min, Avg, and Total. The training dataset Dtr has N train- by Grosse et al. [30], which directly leverages JSMA [54], ing examples: Dtr = {(x(1) , L(1) ), . . . , (x(N ) , L(N ) )}, modifies binary features corresponding to system calls. each example x(i) being a d-dimensional feature vector: Kolosnjaji et al. [39] use the attack of Biggio et al. [10] (i) (i) x(i) = (x1 , . . . , xd ). Features of the training dataset are to append selected bytes at the end of the malware file. most of the time obtained by application of operator Opj Suciu et al. [63] also append bytes in selected regions of (i) on the raw data xj = Opk (R). The set of all supported malicious files. Kulynych et al. [41] introduce a graphical operators or functions applied to the raw data is denoted framework in which an adversary constructs all feasible by O. A data point x = (x1 , . . . , xd ) in feature space is transformation of an input, and then uses graph search feasible if there exists some raw data r such as for all j , to determine the path of minimum cost to generate an there exists a operator Opk ∈ O with xj = Opk (r). The adversarial example. set of all feasible points for raw data R and operators Neither of these approaches are applicable to our gen- O are called Feasible Set(R, O). An example of feasible eral setting. First, in the considered applications features and unfeasible points is illustrated in Table 1. have numerical values and the evasion attacks developed for malware binary features [30], [39], [63] are not ap- Feature Feasible Infeasible plicable. Second, none of these attacks guarantees the Frac empty 0.2 0.5 feasibility of the resulting adversarial vector in terms of Frac html 0.13 0.13 mathematical relationships between features. We believe Frac image 0.33 0.33 Frac other 0.34 0.4 that crafting adversarial examples that are feasible, and respect all the application constraints and dependencies to TABLE 1: Example of feasible and infeasible features. be a significant challenge. Once application constraints are The features denote the fraction of URLs under a domain specified, the resulting optimization problem for creating that have certain content type (e.g., empty, html, image, adversarial examples includes a number of non-linear and other). The sum of all the features is 1 in the feasible constraints and cannot be solved directly using out-of- example, but exceeds 1 in the unfeasible one. the-box optimization methods. As in standard supervised learning, the training exam- 3.3. Overview of our approach ples are labeled with a class L(i) , which is either Malicious or Benign. Malicious examples are obtained by different To address these issues, we introduce a framework methods, including using blacklists, honeypots, or running for evasion attacks that preserves a range of feature de- malware in a sandbox. A supervised ML model (classifier) pendencies and guarantees that the produced adversarial f is selected by the learning algorithm from a space of examples are within the feasible region of the domain. possible hypothesis H to minimize a certain loss function Our framework supports two main types of constraints: on the training set. Mathematical feature dependencies: These are dependen- cies created in the feature extraction layer. For instance, 3.2. Limitations and challenges by applying several mathematical operators (Max, Min, Total) over a set of raw log data, we introduce feature Existing evasion attacks are mostly designed and dependencies. See the example in Figure 3 for Bro (or tested for image classification, where adversarial examples Zeek) connection log events and several dependent fea- have pixel values in a fixed range (e.g., [0,1]) and can be tures constructed using these operators. For instance, a modified independently in continuous domains [14], [48], Bro connection includes the number of packets sent and [5]. However, most security datasets are discrete, resulting received, and we define the Min, Max, and Total number in feature dependencies and physical-world constraints to of packets sent and received by the same source IP on ensure certain application functionality. a particular port (within a fixed time window). We use
the terminology family of features to denote a subset of function UPDATE DEP (line 32). We need to define the features that are inter-connected and need to be updated function UPDATE DEP for each application, but we use a simultaneously. For the Bro example, the features defined set of building blocks that are reusable. Once all features for each port (e.g., 80, 53, 22) are dependent as they are in the family have been updated, there is a possibility generated from all the connections on that port. that the update data point exceeds the allowed distance Physical-world constraints: These are constraints imposed threshold from the original point. If that is the case, the by the real-world application. For instance, in the case of algorithm backtracks and performs a binary search for the network traffic, a TCP packet has maximum size 1500 amount of perturbation added to the representative feature bytes. (until it finds a value for which the modified data point is Our starting point for the attack framework are inside the allowed region). gradient-based optimization algorithms, including pro- 2. If the feature of maximum gradient does not belong to jected [10], [48] and penalty-based [14]. Of course, we any feature family, then it can be updated independently cannot apply these attacks directly since they will not from other features. The feature is updated using the preserve the feature dependencies. To overcome this, we standard gradient update rule (line 13). This is followed use the values of the objective gradient at each iteration by a projection Π2 within the feasible ball in L2 norm. to select features of maximum gradient values. We create We currently support two optimization objectives: feature-update algorithms for each family of dependencies Objective for Projected attack. We set the objective that use a combination of gradient-based method and G(x) = Z1 (x), where Z1 is the logit for the Malicious mathematical constraints to always maintain a feasible class, and Z0 = 1 − Z1 for the Benign class: point that satisfies the constraints. We also use various δ = arg min Z1 (x + δ), projection operators to project the updated adversarial s.t. ||δ||2 ≤ dmax , examples to feasible regions of the feature space. x + δ ∈ Feasible Set(R, O) 3.4. Proposed Evasion Attack Framework We need to ensure that the adversarial example is in the feasible set to respect the imposed constraints. We introduce here our general evasion attack frame- Objective for Penalty attack. The penalty objective for work for creating adversarial examples at testing time for binary classification is equivalent to: binary classifiers. In the context of security applications, δ = arg min ||δ||2 + c · max(0, Z1 (x + δ)), the main goal of the attacker is to ensure that a Malicious x + δ ∈ Feasible Set(R, O) data point is classified as Benign after applying a min- imum amount of perturbation to it. We consider binary Our general evasion attack framework can be used for classifiers designed using FFNN architectures. For mea- different classifiers, with different features and constraints. suring the amount of perturbation added by the original The components that need to be defined for each applica- example, we use the L2 norm. tion are: (1) the optimization objective G for computing Algorithm 1 and Figure 2 describes the general frame- adversarial examples; (2) the families of dependent fea- work. The input consists of: an input sample x with label y tures and family representatives; (3) the UPDATE DEP (typically Malicious in security applications); a target label function that performs feature updates per family; (4) the t (typically Benign); the model prediction function C ; the projection operation to respect the constraints. optimization objective G; maximum allowed perturbation dmax ; the subset of features FS that can be modified; the 4. Evasion Attacks for Concrete Security Ap- features that have dependencies FD ⊂ FS ; the maximum plications number of iterations M and a learning rate α for gradient descent. The set of features with dependencies are split We describe in this section our framework instantiated into families of features. A family is defined as a subset of to two cyber security applications, a malicious network FD such that features within the family need to be updated connection classifier, and a malicious domain classifier. simultaneously, whereas features outside the family can be We emphasize that our framework is applicable to other updated independently. security applications, such as malware classification, web- The algorithm proceeds iteratively. The goal is to site fingerprinting, and malicious communication detec- update the data point in the direction of the gradient (to tion. For each of these, the application-specific constraints minimize the optimization objective), while preserving need to be encoded and respected when feature updates the family dependencies, as well as the physical-world are performed. constraints. In each iteration, the gradients of all modifi- able features are computed, and the feature of maximum 4.1. Malicious Connection Classifier gradient is selected. The update of the data point x in the direction of the gradient is performed as follows: Network traffic includes important information about 1. If the feature of maximum gradient belongs to communication patterns between source and destination a family with other dependent features, function IP addresses. Classification methods have been applied UPDATE FAMILY is called (line 10). Inside the function, to labeled network connections to determine malicious the representative feature for the family is computed (this infections, such as those generated by botnets [12], [7], needs to be defined for each application). The representa- [35], [51]. Network data comes in a variety of formats, tive feature is updated first, according to its gradient value, but the most common include net flows, Bro logs, and followed by updates to other dependent features using packet captures.
Figure 2: Evasion Attack Framework Time Src IP Dst IP Prot. Port Sent Recv. Sent Recv. Duration bytes bytes packets packets 9:00:00 TCP 80 1065 5817 10 11 5.37 Raw Bro 9:00:03 UDP 53 48 48 1 1 0.0012 log data 9:00:05 TCP 80 950 340 7 5 25.25 9:00:12 TCP 80 1256 422 5 5 0.0048 Port 22 Port 80 Port 53 Port 443 Family of features Packet Bytes Duration Traffic for port 80 features features features statistics Operator Min Max Sum Min Max Sum Sent Packets 5 10 22 Representative Sent Bytes 950 1256 3271 feature Recv. Packets 5 11 21 Recv. Bytes 340 5817 6579 Figure 3: Example of Bro logs and feature family per port for malicious connection classifier. Problem definition: dataset and features. We leverage applications, including: HTTP (80), SSH (22), and DNS a public dataset of botnet traffic that was captured in at (53). We also add a category called OTHER for connec- the CTU University in the Czech Republic, called CTU- tions on other ports. We aggregate the communication on 13 dataset [27]. The dataset include Bro connection logs a port based on a fixed time window (the length of which with communications between internal IP addresses (on is a hyper-parameter). For each port, we compute traffic the campus network) and external ones. The dataset has statistics using operators such as Max, Min, and Total the advantage of providing ground truth, i.e., labels of separately for outgoing and incoming connections. See Malicious and Benign IP addresses. The goal of the clas- the example in Figure 3, in which features extracted for sifier is to distinguish Malicious and Benign IP addresses each port define a family of dependent features. These on the internal network. are statistical dependencies between features, which need The fields available in Bro connection logs are given in to be preserved upon performing the attack. We obtain a Figure 3. They include: the timestamp of the connection total of 756 aggregated traffic features on these 17 ports. start; the source IP address; the source port; the desti- nation IP address; the destination port; the number of Physical constraints. We assume that the attacker con- packets sent and received; the number of bytes sent and trols the victim IP on the internal network (e.g., it was received; and the connection duration (the time difference infected by a botnet). The attacker thus can determine between when the last packet and first packets are sent). what network traffic the victim IP will generate. As there A TCP connection has a well-defined network meaning are many legitimate applications that generate network (a connection established between two IP addresses using traffic, we assume that the attacker can only add network TCP), while for UDP Bro aggregates all packets sent connections (a safe assumption to preserve the functional- between source and destination IPs in a certain time ity of the legitimate applications). When adding network interval (e.g., 30 seconds) to form a connection. connections, the attacker has some leverage in choosing A standard method for creating network features is the external IP destination, the port on which it communi- aggregation by destination port to capture relevant traffic cates, the transport protocol (TCP or UDP), and how many statistics per port (e.g., [27], [50]). This is motivated by packets and bytes it sends to the external destination. The the fact that different network services and protocols run attacker’s goal is to have his connection feature vector on different ports, and we expect ports to have different classified as Benign. When adding network connections, traffic patterns. We select a list of 17 ports for popular the attacker needs to respect physical constraints imposed
Algorithm 1 Framework for Evasion Attack with Con- Algorithm 2 Malicious Connection Classifier Attack straints Require: x: data point in iteration m Require: x, y : the input sample and its label; p: port updated in iteration m t: target label; xTCP /xUDP : number of TCP / UDP connections C : prediction function; on p G: optimization objective; xtot bytes : number of sent bytes on p dmax : maximum allowed perturbation; xmin bytes : min number of sent bytes on port p FS : subset of features that can be modified xmax bytes : max number of sent bytes on port p FD : features in FS that have dependencies; xtot min max dur /xdur /xdur : total/min/max duration on p M : maximum number of iterations; ∇: gradient of objective with respect to x α: learning rate. c1 , c2 : TCP and UDP connections added Ensure: x∗ : adversarial example or ⊥ if not successful. 1: function INIT FAMILY (m, xm , ∇, j ) 1: Initialize m ← 0; x0 ← x // Add TCP connections if allowed 2: // Iterate until successful or stopping condition 2: if ∇TCP < 0 and IS ALLOWED(TCP, p) then 3: while C(xm )! = t and m < M do 3: xTCP ← xTCP + c1 4: ∇ ← [∇Gxi (xm )]i // Gradient vector // Add UDP connections if allowed 5: ∇S ← ∇FS // Gradients of features in FS 4: if ∇UDP < 0 and IS ALLOWED(UDP, p) then 6: imax ← argmax∇S // Feature of max gradient 5: xUDP ← xUDP + c2 7: // Check if feature has dependencies 8: if imax ∈ FD then 6: function UPDATE DEP(s, xm , ∇, Fimax ) 9: // Update dependent features 7: // Compute gradient difference in sent bytes 10: xm+1 ← UPDATE FAMILY(m, xm , ∇, imax ) 8: ∆b ← −∇tot bytes 11: else 9: // Project to respect physical constraints 12: Gradient update and projection 10: ∆b ← PROJECT(∆b , c1 · tcp min + c2 · xm+1 m udp min, c1 · tcp max + c2 · udp max) 13: imax ← ximax − α∇imax 14: x m+1 ← Π2 (xm+1 ) 11: xtot tot bytes ← xbytes + ∆b // Update Min and Max dependencies for sent 15: FS ← FS \ {imax } bytes 16: m←m+1 xmin min 12: bytes ← Min(xbytes , ∆b /nconn ) 17: if C(xm ) = t then xbytes ← Max(xmax max 18: return x∗ ← xm 13: bytes , ∆b /nconn ) // Update duration 19: return ⊥ 14: ∆d ← −∇d 20: function UPDATE FAMILY (m, xm , ∇, imax ) 15: ∆d ← PROJECT(∆d , c1 · tcp dmin · +c2 · 21: // Extract all dependent features on imax udp dmin·, c1 · tcp dmax · +c2 · udp dmax·) 22: Fimax ← Family Dep(imax ) xtot tot 16: dur ← xdur + ∆d 23: // Family representative feature xdur ← Min(xmin min 17: dur , ∆d /nconn ) 24: j ← Family Rep(Fimax ) xmax max 18: dur ← Max(xdur , ∆d /nconn ) 25: δ ← ∇j // Gradient of representative feature 26: // Initialization function 27: s ← INIT FAMILY(m, xm , ∇, j) 28: // Binary search for perturbation thus control the duration of the connection by sending 29: while δ 6= 0 do packets at certain time intervals (to avoid closing the 30: xm m j ← xj − αδ // Gradient update connection). We generate a range of valid protocol spe- 31: x ← UPDATE DEP(s, xm , ∇, Fimax ) m cific durations per packet range [tcp dmin, tcp dmax] and 32: if d(xm , x0 ) > dmax then [udp dmin, udp dmax] from the distribution of connec- 33: // Reduce perturbation tion duration in the training dataset. 34: δ ← δ/2 Attack algorithm. The attack algorithm follows the 35: else framework from Algorithm 1, with the specific functions 36: return xm defined in Algorithm 2. First, the feature of maximum gradient is determined and the corresponding port is by network communication, as outlined below: identified. The family of dependent features are all the features computed for that port. The attacker attempts to 1. Use TCP and UDP protocols only if they are allowed add a fixed number of connections on that port (which on certain ports. For example, on port 995 both TCP and is a hyper-parameter of our system). This is done in the UDP are allowed, but port 465 is specific to TCP. INIT FAMILY function (see Algorithm 2). The attacker 2. The TCP and UDP packet sizes are capped at 1500 can add either TCP, UDP or both types of connections, bytes. We thus create range intervals for these values: according to the gradient sign for these features and also [tcp min, tcp max] and [udp min, udp max]. respecting network-level constraints. The representative 3. The duration of the connection is defined as the interval feature for a port’s family is the number of packets that between when the last packet and the first packet is the attacker sends in a connection. This feature is updated sent between source and destination. If the connection by the gradient value, following a binary search for per- is idle for some time interval (e.g., 30 seconds), then it turbation δ , as specified in Algorithm UPDATE FAMILY. is closed by default in the Bro logs. The attacker can In the UPDATE DEP function an update to the ag-
Feature Description NIP Number of IPs contacting the domain added. We support other families of dependencies, among Num Conn Total number of connections which one that has includes both statistical and ratio Avg Conn Average number of connections by an IP dependencies (see the definition of the ratio features for Total Sent Bytes Total number of sent bytes bytes sent over received). We omit here the details. The Total Recv Bytes Total number of received bytes important observation here is that the constraints update Avg Ratio Bytes Average ratio bytes sent over received by an IP Min Ratio Bytes Min ratio of bytes sent over received by an IP functions are reusable across applications, and they can Max Ratio Bytes Max ratio of bytes sent over received by an IP be extended to support new mathematical dependencies. Frac empty Fraction of connections with empty content type Frac html Fraction of connections with html content type Algorithm 3 Malicious Connection Classifier Attack Frac img Fraction of connections with image content type Frac other Fraction of connections with other content type Require: x: data point in iteration m 1: function UPDATE DEP(s, xm , ∇, Fimax ) TABLE 2: Example families of features (Connections, 2: if s == Stat then Bytes, and Content) for malicious domains. 3: Update Stat(xm , ∇, Fimax ) 4: if s == Ratio then 5: Update Ratio(xm , ∇, Fimax ) gregated port features is performed. The difference in the 6: function Update Stat(xm , ∇, F ) total number of bytes sent by the attacker is determined 7: Parse F as: T (total number of events); N (number from the gradient, followed by a projection operation to be of entities); XT , Xmin , Xmax , Xavg (the total, min, within the feasible range for TCP and UDP packet sizes max, and average number of events per entity). (function PROJECT). The PROJECT function takes an 8: // XT is representative feature. input a value x and a range [a, b]. It projects x to the 9: XT0 ← Π(XT − α∇T ) interval [a, b] (if x ∈ [a, b], it returns x; if x > b, it PN returns b; otherwise it returns a). The duration is also set 10: XN +1 ← XT0 − i=1 Xi according to the gradient, again projecting based on lower 11: Xmin ← min(Xmin , XN +1 ) and upper bounds computed from the data distribution. 12: Xmax ← max(Xmax , XN +1 ) The port family includes features such as Min and Max 13: N ← N + 1; XT ← XT0 sent bytes and connection duration. These need to be 14: function Update Ratio(xm , ∇, F ) updated because we add new connections, which might 15: Parse FPas: N, Nr , X1 , . . . , XN such that: Xi = N include higher or lower values for sent bytes and duration. Ni /N and i=1 Xi = 1. We assume that the attacker communicates with an 16: // Xr is representative feature external IP under its control (for instance, the command- 17: Nr0 ← Π(Nr − α∇r ) and-control IP), and thus has full control on the malicious 18: N ← N + Nr0 − Nr traffic. For simplicity, we set the number of received 19: Xr ← Π(Nr0 /N ) packets and bytes to 0, assuming that the malicious IP 20: Xi ← (dXi · N e)/N, ∀i 6= r does not respond to these connections. 21: Nr ← Nr0 4.2. Malicious Domain Classifier 5. Experimental evaluation for malicious do- main classifier Problem definition: dataset and features. The second application is to classify domain names contacted by an One of the main challenges in evaluating our work enterprise hosts as Malicious or Benign. We use a dataset is the lack of standard benchmarks for security analytics. from [51], that was collected by a company that includes We first obtain access to a proprietary enterprise dataset 89 domain features extracted from HTTP proxy logs and from a security company, with features defined by domain domain labels. The features come from 7 families, and we experts. This dataset is based on real enterprise traffic, include an example of several families in Table 2. includes labels of malicious domains, and is highly imbal- Attack algorithm. In this application, we do not have anced. Secondly, we use a smaller public dataset (CTU- access to the raw HTTP traffic, only to features extracted 13) to make our results reproducible. CTU-13 includes from it. The majority of constraints are mathematical labeled Bro (Zeek) log connections for different botnet constraints in the feature space. The attack algorithm scenarios merged with legitimate campus traffic. follows the framework from Algorithm 1, with the specific We first perform our evaluation on the enterprise functions defined in Algorithm 3. The families of features dataset, starting with a description of the dataset in Sec- have various dependencies, as illustrated in the Connection tion 5.1, ML model selection in Section 5.2, and evasion and Content families. For Connection we have statistical attack results in Section 5.3. We show initial results on constraints (computing min, max, average values over adversarial training in Section 5.4. a number of events), while for Content we have ratio constraints (ensuring that the sum of all ratio values equals 5.1. Enterprise dataset to 1). We assume that we add events to the logs (and never delete or modify existing events). For instance, we can The data for training and testing the models was insert more connections, as in the malicious connection extracted from security logs collected by web proxies at classifier. Function Update Stat shows how the statistical the border of a large enterprise network with over 100,000 features are modified, while function Update Ratio shows hosts. The number of monitored external domains in the how the ratio features are modified if a new event is training set is 227,033, among which 1730 are classified as
Malicious and 225,303 are Benign. For training, we sam- pled a subset of training data to include 1230 Malicious domains, and different number of Benign domains to get several imbalance ratios between the two classes (1, 5, 15, 25, and 50). We used the remaining 500 Malicious domains and sampled 500 Benign domains for testing the evasion attack. Overall, the dataset includes 89 features from 7 categories. We assume that the attacker controls the malicious domain and all the communication from the victim ma- chines to that domain, so it can change the commu- (a) Model comparison (balanced data). nication patterns to the malicious domain. Among the features included in the dataset, we determined a set of 31 features that can be modified by an attacker (see Table 15 in Appendix for their description). These include communication-related features (e.g., number of connec- tions, number of bytes sent and received, etc.), as well as some independent features (e.g., number of levels in the domain or domain registration age). Other features in the dataset (for examples, those using URL parameters or values) are more difficult to change, and we consider them immutable during the evasion attack. (b) Imbalance results. 5.2. Model Selection Figure 4: Training results for malicious domain classifier. Hyper-parameter selection. We first evaluate three stan- of random forest, but it might be possible to improve dard classifiers with different hyper-parameters (logis- these results with additional effort (note that for higher tic regression, random forest, and FFNN). The hyper- imbalance ratio the performance of FFNN improves, as parameters for logistic regression and random forests are shown in Figure 4b). For the remainder of the section, we in Tables 13 and 14 from the Appendix. For logistic focus our discussion on the robustness of FFNN models. regression, the maximum AUC score of 87% is achieved Comparison of class imbalance for FFNN. Since the with L1 regularization with inverse regularization 2.89. issue of class imbalance is a known challenge in cyber For random forest, the maximum AUC of 91% is ob- security [7], we analyze the model accuracy as a function tained with Gini Index criterion, maximum tree depth 13, of imbalance ratio, showing the ROC curves in Figure 4b. minimum number of samples in leaves 3, and minimum Interestingly, the performance of the model increases to samples for split 8. 93% AUC for imbalance ratio up to 25, after which it The architectures used for FFNN are illustrated in starts to decrease (with AUC of 83% at a ratio of 50). Table 3. The best performance was achieved with 2 hidden Our intuition is that the FFNN model achieves better layers with 80 neurons in the first layer, and 50 neurons performance when more training data is available (up to in the second layer. ReLU activation function is used after a ratio of 25). But once the Benign class dominates the all hidden layers except for the last layer, which uses Malicious one (at ratio of 50), the model performance sigmoid (standard for binary classification). We used the starts to degrade. Adam optimizer and SGD with different learning rates. The best results were obtained with Adam and learning 5.3. Robustness to evasion attacks rate of 0.0003. We ran training for 75 epochs with mini- batch size of 32. As a result, we obtained the model with After we train our models, we use a testing set of AUC score 89% in cross-validation accuracy. 500 Malicious and 500 Benign data points to evaluate the evasion attack success rate. We vary the maximum allowed Hyperparameter Value Architecture 1 layer [80], [64], [40] perturbation expressed as an L2 norm and evaluate the Architecture 2 layers [80, 60], [80, 50], success of the attack. We evaluate the two optimization [80, 40], [64, 32], [48, 32] objectives for Projected and Penalty attacks and compare Architecture 3 layers [80, 60, 40] with several baselines. We also run directly the C&W Optimizer Adam, SGD Learning Rate [0.0001, 0.01] attack and show that it results in infeasible adversarial examples (as expected). We evaluate the success rate of TABLE 3: DNN Architectures, epochs = 75 the attacks for different imbalance ratios. We also perform some analysis of the features that are modified by the Model comparison. After performing model selection attack, and if they correlate with feature importance. We for each type of model, we compare the three best re- show an adversarial example generated by our method sulting models. Figure 4a shows the ROC curves and and discuss how optimization-based attack performs under AUC scores for a 1:1 imbalance ratio (with the same weaker threat models. number of Malicious and Benign points used in training). Existing Attack. We run the existing C&W attack [14] on The performance of FFNN is slightly worse than that our data in order to measure if the adversarial examples
(a) Comparison to two baselines. (b) ROC curves under attack. (c) Imbalance sensitivity. Figure 5: Projected attack results. are feasible. While the performance of the attack is high experiment, we select 62 test examples which all models and reaches 98% at distance 20 (for the 1:1 balanced case), (trained for different imbalance ratios) classified correctly the resulting adversarial examples are outside the feasibil- before the evasion attack. The results are illustrated in ity region. An example is included in Table 4, showing Figure 5c. At L2 distance 20, the evasion attack achieves that the average number of connections is not equal to 100% success rate for all ratios except 1. Additionally, the total number of connections divided by the number of we observe that with higher imbalance, it is easier for the IPs. Additionally, the average ratio of received bytes over attacker to find adversarial examples (at fixed distance). sent bytes is not equal to maximum and minimum values One reason is that models that have lower performance of ratio (as it should be when the number of IPs is 1). (as the one trained with 1:50 imbalance ratio) are easier to attack. Second, we believe that as the imbalance gets Feature Input Adversarial Correct Value higher the model becomes more biased towards the major- Example NIP 1 1 1 ity class (Benign), which is the target class of the attacker, N Conn 15 233.56 233.56 making it easier to cross the decision boundary between Avg Conns 15 59.94 233.56 classes. Avg Ratio Bytes 8.27 204.01 204.01 Max Ratio Bytes 8.27 240.02 204.01 Penalty attack results. We now discuss the results Min Ratio Bytes 8.27 119.12 204.01 achieved by applying our attack with the Penalty objective on the testing examples. Similar to the Projected attack, TABLE 4: Adversarial example generated by C&W. The we compare the success rate of the Penalty attack to the example is not consistent in the connection and ratio of two types of baseline attacks (for balanced classes), in Fig- bytes features, as highlighted in red. The correct value is ure 6a (using the 412 Malicious testing examples classified shown for a feasible example in green. correctly). Overall, the Penalty objective is performing worse than the Projected one, reaching 79% success rate Projected attack results. We evaluate the success rate at L2 distance of 20. We observe that in this case both of the attack with Projected objective first for balanced baselines perform worse, and the attack improves upon classes (1:1 ratio). We compare in Figure 5a the attack both baselines significantly. The decrease of the model’s against two baselines: Baseline 1 (in which the features performance under the Penalty attack is illustrated in that are modified iteratively are selected at random), and Figure 6b (for 500 Malicious and 500 Benign testing Baseline 2 (in which, additionally, the amount of per- examples). While AUC is 0.87 originally on the testing turbation is sampled from a standard normal distribution dataset, it decreases to 0.59 under the evasion attacks N (0, 1)). The attacks are run on 412 Malicious testing at maximum allowed perturbation of 7. Furthermore, we examples classified correctly by the FFNN. The Projected measure the attack success rate at different imbalance attack improves both baselines, with Baseline 2 perform- ratios in Figure 6c (using the 62 testing examples clas- ing much worse, reaching success rate 57% at distance sified correctly by all models). For each ratio value we 20, and Baseline 1 having success 91.7% compared to searched for the best hyper-parameter c between 0 and our attack (98.3% success). This shows that the attacks 1 with step 0.05. Here, as with the Projected attack, we is still performing reasonably if feature selection is done see the same trend: as the imbalance ratio gets higher, randomly, but it is very important to add perturbation to the attack performs better, and it works best at imbalance features consistent with the optimization objective. ratio of 50. We also measure in Figure 5b the decrease of the Attack comparison. We compare the success rate of our model’s performance before and after the evasion attack attack using the two objectives (Projected and Penalty) at different perturbations (using 500 Malicious and 500 with the C&W attack, as well as an attack we call Post- Benign examples not used in training). While AUC score processing. The Post-processing attack runs directly the is 0.87 originally, it drastically decreases to 0.52 under original C&W developed for continuous domains, after evasion attack at perturbation 7. This shows the significant which it projects the adversarial example to the feasible degradation of the model’s performance under evasion space to enforce the constraints. In the Post-processing attack. attack, we look at each family of dependent features, keep Finally, we run the attack at different imbalance ratios the value of the representative feature as selected by the at- and measured its success for different perturbations. In this tack, but then modify the values of the dependent features
(a) Comparison to two baselines. (b) ROC curves under attack. (c) Imbalance sensitivity. Figure 6: Penalty attack results. axis) and feature importance (right axis). We observe that features of higher importance are chosen more frequently by the optimization attack. However, since we are modify- ing the representative feature in each family, the number of modifications on the representative feature is usually higher (it accumulates all the importance of the features in that family). For the Bytes family, feature 3 (number of received bytes) is the representative feature and it is updated more than 350 times. However, for features that have no dependencies (e.g., 68 – number of levels in the domain, 69 – number of sub-domains, 71 – domain Figure 7: Malicious domain classifier attacks. registration age, and 72 – domain registration validity), the number of updates corresponds to the feature importance. Feature Original Adversarial NIP 1 1 using the UPDATE DEP function. The success rate of all Total Recv Bytes 32.32 43653.50 these attacks is shown in Figure 7, using the 412 Malicious Total Sent Bytes 2.0 2702.62 testing examples classified correctly. The attacks based Avg Ratio Bytes 16.15 16.15 on our framework (with Projected and Penalty objectives) Registration Age 349 3616 perform best, as they account for feature dependencies TABLE 5: Adversarial example for the Projected attack during the adversarial point generation. The attack with (distance 10). the Projected objective has the highest performance (we suspect that the Penalty attack is sensitive to parameter Adversarial examples. We include an adversarial exam- c). The vanilla C&W has slightly worse performance at ple in Table 5 for the Projected attack. We only show the small perturbation values, even though it does not take features that are modified by the attack and their original into consideration the feature constraints and works in an value. As we observe, the attack preserves the feature enlarged feature space. Interestingly, the Post-processing dependencies: the average ratio of received bytes over attack performs worse (reaching only 0.005% success sent bytes (Avg Ratio Bytes) is consistent with number of at distance 20 – can generate 2 out of 412 adversarial received (Total Recv Bytes) and sent (Total Sent Bytes) examples). This demonstrates that it is not sufficient to bytes. In addition, the attack modifies the domain regis- run state-of-art attacks for continuous domains and then tration age, an independent feature, relevant in malicious adjust the feature dependencies, but more sophisticated domain classification [47]. However there is a higher attack strategies are needed. cost to change this feature: the attacker should register Number of features modified. We compare the number a malicious domain and wait to get a larger registration of features modified during the attack iterative algorithm age. If this cost is prohibitive, we can easily modify our to construct the adversarial examples for three attacks: framework to make this feature immutable (see Table 15 Projected, Penalty, and C&W. The histogram for the num- in Appendix for a list of features that can be currently ber of modified features is illustrated in Figure 8a. It is modified by the attack). not surprising that the C&W attack modifies almost all Weaker attack models. We consider a threat model features, as it works in L2 norms without any restriction in in which the adversary only knows the feature repre- feature space. Both the Projected and the Penalty attacks sentation, but not the exact ML model or the training modify a much smaller number of features (4 on average). data. One approach to generate adversarial examples is We are interested in determining if there is a relation- through transferability [52], [46], [68], [64], [21]. We ship between feature importance and choice of feature perform several experiments to test the transferability of by the optimization algorithm. For additional details on the Projected attacks against FFNN to logistic regression feature description, we include the list of features that (LR) and random forest (RF). Models were trained with can be modified in Table 15 in the Appendix. In Figure 8b different data and we vary the imbalance ratio. The results we plot the number of modifications for each feature (left are in Table 6. We observe that the largest transferability
(a) Histogram on feature modifications. (b) Number of updates (left) and feature importance (right). Figure 8: Feature statistics. rate to both LR and RF is for the highest imbalanced other more effective methods of performing black-box ratio of 50 (98.2% adversarial examples transfer to LR attacks in future work. and 94.8% to RF). As we increase the imbalance ratio, the transfer rate increases, and the transferability rate to 5.4. Adversarial Training LR is lower than to RF. Finally, we looked at defensive approaches to protect Ratio DNN LR RF 1 100% 40% 51.7% ML classifiers in security analytics tasks. One of the most 5 93.3% 66.5% 82.9% robust defensive technique against adversarial examples 15 99% 60.9% 90.2% is adversarial training [29], [48]. We trained FFNN us- 25 100% 47.6% 68.8% ing adversarial training with the Projected attack at L2 50 100% 98.2% 94.8% distance 20. We trained the model adversarially for 11 TABLE 6: Transferability of adversarial examples from epochs and obtain AUC score of 89% (each epoch takes FFNN to LR (third column) and RF (fourth column). We approximately 7 hours). We measure the Projected attack’s vary the ratio of Benign to Malicious in training. Column success rate for the balanced case against the standard FFNN shows the white-box attack success rate. and adversarially training models in Figure 9. Interest- ingly, the success rate of the evasion attacks significantly We also look at the transferability between different drops for the adversarially-trained model and reaches only FFNN architectures trained on different datasets (results 16.5% at 20 L2 distance. This demonstrates that adversar- in Table 7). The attacks transfer best at highest imbalance ial training is a promising direction for designing robust ratio (with success rate higher than 96%), confirming that ML models for security. weaker models are easier to attack. Ratio DNN1 DNN2 DNN3 [80, 50] [160, 80] [100, 50, 25] 1 100% 57.6% 42.3% 5 93.3% 73.6% 58.6% 15 99% 78.6% 52.4% 25 100% 51.4% 45.3% 50 100% 96% 97.1% TABLE 7: Transferability between different FFNN archi- tectures (number of neurons per layer in the second row). Adversarial examples are computed against DNN1 and transferred to DNN2 and DNN3. Figure 9: Success rate of the Projected attack against adversarially and standard trained model. Alternative approaches to perform black-box attacks is to use substitute model and synthetic training inputs la- beled by the target classifier using black-box queries [53] or to query the ML classifier and estimate gradient val- 6. Experimental evaluation for malicious ues [37]. Running directly existing black-box attacks does not generate feasible adversarial examples, thus we connection classifier adapted the black-box attack of Ilyas et al. [37] to our setting (assuming the attacker knows the feature represen- Hyperparameter Value tation). When estimating the gradient of the attacker’s loss Architecture [256, 128, 64] Optimizer Adam function, we use finite difference that incorporates time- Learning Rate 0.00026 dependent information and perform our standard proce- dure of updating feature dependencies. The attack success TABLE 8: DNN Architecture is only 28.4% (with 48 queries). We plan to investigate
(a) Projected attack success rate. (b) ROC curves under attack. (c) Average number of updated ports. Figure 10: Projected attack results on malicious connection classifier. Training scenario F1 AUC 1, 2 0.94 0.96 6.2. Classification results 1, 9 0.96 0.97 2, 9 0.83 0.79 We perform model selection and training for a number of FFNN architectures on all combinations of two sce- TABLE 9: Training results for FFNN. narios, and tested the models for generality on the third scenario. The best architecture is illustrated in Table 8. Feature Input Delta Adversary Total TCP 6809 12 6821 It consists of three layers with 256, 128 and 64 hidden Total Sent Pkts 29 1044 1073 layers. We used the Adam optimizer, 50 epochs for train- Max Sent Pkts 11 76 87 ing, mini-batch of 64, and a learning rate of 0.00026. Sum Sent Bytes 980 1348848 1349828 The F1 and AUC scores for all combinations of training Max Sent Bytes 980 111424 112404 Total Duration 2.70 5151.48 5154.19 scenarios are illustrated in Table 9. We also compared the Max Duration 2.21 430.26 432.47 performance of FFNN with logistic regression and random forest, but we omit the results (FFNN achieved similar TABLE 10: Feature statistics update when generating an performance to random forest). For the adversarial attacks, adversarial example at distance 14, on port 443. we choose the scenarios with best performance: training on 1, 9, and testing on 2. In this application we have access to raw network 6.3. Robustness to evasion attacks connections (in Bro log format), which provides the op- portunity to generate feasible adversarial examples in both We show the Projected attack’s performance, discuss feature representation and raw data space. We show how which ports were updated most frequently, and show an attacker can insert new realistic network connections an adversarial examples and the corresponding Bro logs to change the prediction of Malicious activity. We only records. The testing data for the attack is 407 Malicious analyze the Projected attack here, as it demonstrated best examples from scenario 2, among which 397 were pre- performance in the previous application. The code of the dicted correctly by the classifier. attack and the dataset are available at achernikova/cybersecurity evasion. The malicious domain Evasion attack performance. First, we analyze the attack dataset is proprietary and we cannot release it. success rate with respect to the allowed perturbation, shown in Figure 10a. The attack reaches 99% success We start with a description of the CTU-13 dataset rate at L2 distance 16. Interestingly, in this case the in Section 6.1, then we show the performance of FFNN two baselines perform poorly, demonstrating again the for connection classification in Section 6.2. Finally, we clear advantages of our framework. We plot next the present the analysis on model robustness in Section 6.3. ROC curves under evasion attack in Figure 10b (using the 407 Malicious examples and 407 Benign examples 6.1. CTU-13 dataset from testing scenario 2). At distance 8, the AUC score is 0.93 (compared to 0.98 without adversarial examples), CTU-13 is a collection of 13 scenarios including both but there is a sudden change at distance 10, with AUC legitimate traffic from a university campus network, as score dropping to 0.77. Moreover, at distance 12, the well as labeled connections of malicious botnets [27]. AUC reaches 0.12, showing the model’s degradation under We restrict to three scenarios for the Neris botnet (1, evasion attack with relatively small distance. 2, and 9). We choose to train on two of the scenarios Ports family statistics. We show the average number of and test the models on the third, to guarantee indepen- port families updated during the attack in Figure 10c. The dence between training and testing data. The training data maximum number is 3 ports, but it decreases to 1 port at has 3869 Malicious examples, 194,259 Benign examples, distance higher than 12. While counter-intuitive, this can and an imbalance ratio of 1:50. There is a set of 432 be explained by the fact that at larger distances the attacker statistical features that the attacker can modify (the ones can add larger perturbation to the aggregated statistics of that correspond to the characteristics of sent traffic). The one port, crossing the decision boundary. physical constraints and statistical dependencies on bytes In Table 12 we include the port families selected and duration have been detailed in Section 4.1. during attack, at distance 8, as well as their importance.
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