PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

Page created by Gene Wise
PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

            Fostering equitable workplaces and communities

       Increase the representation of underrepresented populations among Company
       leadership and management, as well as the diversity of Wendy’s franchisees

                         WORKPLACE           COMMUNITY
PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

Our founder believed the impact we make on                                                   and management, as well as the diversity of our    Company employees upon starting her role
others and our communities is just as important                                              franchisees, and we outlined a set of five focus   as our Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
as the food we serve. We try to model this idea                                              areas which we have further solidified.            Officer as a way of understanding the
through our daily interactions with our team                                                                                                    progress we have already made, challenges we
members and customers, and in the communities                                                                                                   need to overcome and the opportunities that
where we do business.                                                                                                                           exist so we can thrive.
                                                                                                         FOCUS AREAS:

                                                                                                                                                Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals
                                                                                                   • I ncrease representation of women
                                                                                                                                                reflect our ambition to have a workforce that
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion                                                                       in leadership
                                                                                                                                                reflects the communities we serve at all levels
Wendy’s Office of Diversity, Equity and                                                            • I ncrease diverse representation in       of our organization. The Company’s senior
Inclusion, in partnership with our leaders and                                                        management and leadership                 leaders and Board of Directors are heavily
employees, is working to create a culture in
                                                                                                   • Understand and address what has been      involved in our strategy and played an integral
which everyone can bring their true, authentic
                                                                                                      referred to as the “broken rung”          role in the creation of the goals.
selves to work and have a sense of belonging
                                                                                                      of leadership
that drives their ability to help fulfill Wendy’s
vision of becoming the world’s most thriving                                                       • I ncrease representation of diverse and
and beloved restaurant brand. That’s why our                                                          women-owned franchisees
                                                                                                                                                        We rely on the diverse perspectives of
approach is firmly grounded in our Company                                                         • C
                                                                                                      ontinue to drive diversity on                    our people at all levels, and particularly
values, which we strive to live by daily. We                                                         the Board of Directors                             in leadership, to make us stronger as an
approach Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a
                                                                                                                                                        organization. Wendy’s is committed to
business imperative, and are working to infuse it
                                                                                                                                                        devoting the time and attention required
through every part of our business.                                                          These goals will be backed by our Diversity,
                                                                                                                                                        to build our pipeline, train, recruit,
                                                                                             Equity and Inclusion Future Forward vision
                                                                                                                                                        advance and retain our people, and in
In our 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report,                                                 and a strategy that is focused on all people
                                                                                                                                                        doing so, implement the changes needed
Wendy’s announced a new goal to increase                                                     within our organization. This strategy was
                                                                                                                                                        to turn our goals into reality.
the representation of underrepresented                                                       informed by a listening tour and survey that
                                                                                                                                                        — DR. BEVERLY STALLINGS-JOHNSON, CHIEF DIVERSITY,
populations among our Company’s leadership                                                   Dr. Beverly Stallings-Johnson conducted with
                                                                                                                                                         EQUITY AND INCLUSION OFFICER

    Unless otherwise expressly stated, this section is limited to Wendy’s Company employees, not franchisees or their employees.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                  22
PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

                                                   In 2021, the Board of Directors expanded the                 Highlighting progress on our Diversity, Equity
     ENGAGING EXTERNALLY TO ADVANCE                scope of its Compensation Committee to                       and Inclusion Goals
     DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION               become the Compensation and Human Capital                    Driving an inclusive mindset and culture requires
     WITHIN OUR ORGANIZATION                       Committee, adding oversight of the Company’s                 purpose and intention. Wendy’s launched an
                                                   human capital management strategies and                      updated Leadership Competency Model designed
                                                   policies, including, without limitations, those              to help identify and reinforce competencies
Our memberships with the National
                                                   regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We                commonly found in our leaders.
Diversity Council and Ohio Diversity
Council help us benchmark and continue             also formally signed onto the CEO Action for
                                                   Diversity & Inclusion, a community of business               In 2021, an Inclusive Mindset success factor
to learn from experts in the field and
                                                   leaders pledging to take action in their                     was incorporated into this model, and as part
monitor evolving news and trends in this
                                                   workplaces. Wendy’s senior leaders and Board                 of the roll-out, we defined expectations for this
area. Learning about Diversity, Equity
                                                   of Directors will continue to be highly engaged              competency at our different leadership levels. The
and Inclusion experiences and practices
                                                   in working to achieve these goals by providing               intended results include leadership that provides
shared by other industry leaders and
                                                   guidance, oversight and accountability for our               allyship, reduces implicit bias, promotes belonging
organizations will continue to inform our
                                                   Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy, which              and enhances work-life flexibility. To help drive this
focus areas and strategies.
                                                   is built on data and business insights.                      change, during 2021, Wendy’s rolled out a toolkit, a
                                                                                                                webinar series featuring senior leaders, and other
OUR JOURNEY                                                                                                     resources, including a self-development playbook
                                                                                                                and an updated interview guide to assess
                                                                                                                candidates for these success factors.
     2019       Created multi-year strategy

                Heightened education                                                                                    Demonstrating an inclusive mindset is
     2020       and accountability
                                                                                                                        essential to being a great Wendy’s team
                                                                                                                        member and is identified as one of our five
                Established Office of Diversity,                                                                        Leadership Success Factors. Providing
     2021       Equity and Inclusion
                                                                                                                        support to others different than you
                                                                                                                        and making everyone feel welcome are
    AND         Incorporating changes and
  BEYOND        demonstrating progress                                                                                  essential attributes of our culture.
                                                     Wendy’s leaders and President Stephanie Hightower of the
                                                     Columbus Urban League, at the 2021 CUL Empowerment
                                                                                                                        — COLEY O’BRIEN, CHIEF PEOPLE OFFICER
                                                     Day where Wendy’s was recognized with the Corporate
                                                     Empowerment Award

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PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

R E P R E S E N TA T I O N B Y G E N D E R , R A C E A N D E T H N I C I T Y 7:

 This chart covers Wendy’s Company employees across our global presence in 2021, except the race and ethnicity information reflects U.S. employees only. Changes to the Company’s methodology to improve the accuracy of how we are tracking and reporting on

 employee metrics account for the change in 2020 employee metrics and segmentation of those metrics compared to 2020 Corporate Responsibility report.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                            24
PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

Increase representation of women                     Increase diverse representation in                 To further make diverse representation a
in leadership                                        management and leadership                          focus of our recruiting, Wendy’s is continuing
In 2021, we participated in McKinsey & Company       The actions we will continue to take to increase   to focus on training and education, including
and’s annual “Women in the                diverse representation in management and           training related to implicit bias, and continuing
Workplace” study for the fifth straight year.        leadership include:                                to leverage standardized processes and tools
We have continued to participate in this study       • A
                                                        ctively monitoring and reporting on current    to support our commitment to being a proud
to gain insight on how we are progressing in           demographic data by race and ethnicity           equal employment opportunity employer.
advancing gender diversity in our workplace.
                                                     • E
                                                        xpanding recruitment to institutions with
We consider this data to identify opportunities                                                         An important part of our strategy to recruit
                                                       strong diverse talent
for enhancing focus and practices that can                                                              diverse talent is continuing and expanding
truly make a difference, including in the areas of   • C
                                                        ontinued commitment to training and            our engagement with historically Black
recruitment, training and allyship.                    development in this area, including related to   colleges and universities (HBCUs). Our
                                                       mitigating bias and allyship                     continued partnership with the Thurgood
In addition to driving change within our own         • Leveraging our employee resource groups          Marshall College Fund, a non-profit which
organization, Wendy’s Chief People Officer                                                              provides HBCU and PBI students with unique
Coley O’Brien, who has been a critical developer     Inclusive recruitment                              scholarship, professional development and
of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy,     Over this past year, we have expanded our          career opportunities, is one of the ways we are
was elected to the board of directors of the         talent acquisition team to help support our        demonstrating our commitment to reaching
Women’s Foodservice Forum, which works to            inclusive external recruitment efforts. We have    a broad and diverse candidate pool (more
increase opportunities for women and cultivate       also continued to grow our connections with        information on our ongoing partnership with
gender-diverse leadership across the food            diversity-focused agencies and organizations       Thurgood Marshall College Fund can be found
service industry.                                    and invested in new databases to help ensure       in the Community section of this report).
                                                     our external job postings are reaching a broad     Likewise, through our sponsorship of the 2021
                                                     and diverse candidate pool. We have also           Historically Black Colleges & Universities
                                                     added a page for veterans on our Career Site       Classic football game in Columbus, Ohio, and
                                                     and posted job listings on veteran-focused         other similar events, our leaders have had an
                                                     recruiting websites.                               opportunity to engage with students and show
                                                                                                        them what a career at Wendy’s can offer.

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PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

Understand and address what has been                  Increase representation of diverse and            Continue to drive diversity on our
referred to as the “broken rung” of leadership        women-owned franchisees                           Board of Directors
Two important roles in our organization are           In 2021, we introduced and expanded our           Having a Board of Directors that reflects the
restaurant general managers and district              franchisee financing options to help support      communities we serve is valuable to ensuring our
managers. We are proud that the majority of           opportunities for new and existing franchisees,   Company benefits from diverse perspectives. The
our general managers today are women and/or           including women and entrepreneurs from            Board seeks members from diverse professional
people of color.                                      diverse backgrounds:                              and personal backgrounds who combine a broad
                                                      • First Women’s Bank: In 2021, to create         spectrum of experience and expertise with a
However, we recognize that the representation of         pathways into the Wendy’s System for           reputation for integrity. More information on our
women and people of color declines at the next           women entrepreneurs, Wendy’s supported         Board composition, including the skills, attributes,
level of leadership at district manager, which is a      First Women’s Bank as a Mission Partner.       qualifications and diversity of our directors, can be
multi-unit operator role. McKinsey has noted this        First Women’s Bank is a women-founded,         found in our proxy statement.
as a potential trend, not limited by industry, and       -owned and -led commercial bank with a
identified this as the “broken rung” for early-in-       strategic focus on the women’s economy
career management positions. We are working to           in the United States. Together, we will work          THIRD-PARTY RECOGNITION OF
better understand and address the various factors                                                              WENDY’S CULTURE OF DE&I
                                                         to help bridge the gender lending gap and
that may contribute to this issue where possible         expand economic opportunity for women-
and appropriate.                                         owned businesses.                                A number of organizations recognized Wendy’s over
                                                                                                          the past year for our commitment to creating an
                                                      • B
                                                         uild-to-Suit: In 2021, Wendy’s announced
                                                                                                          inclusive culture:
                                                        a $100 million investment in a Build-to-Suit
                                                                                                          • Forbes named Wendy’s one of the world’s 300 most
                                                        program to reduce barriers for potential
                                                                                                             female-friendly companies — one of only three
                                                        franchisees. The program, which is available         restaurant brands to make the list.
                                                        to franchisees in the U.S., Canada and the
                                                                                                          • Human Rights Campaign (HRC) named Wendy’s
                                                        United Kingdom, enables eligible individuals
                                                                                                             a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality, and
                                                        who might otherwise not have the resources           we received a 100% score on the organization’s
                                                        to operate a Wendy’s restaurant to do so             Corporate Equality Index.
                                                        with decreased capital investment of their        • In 2021, three Wendy’s Company employees
                                                        own. Wendy’s also created more competitive,          received top recognition from the National
                                                        lower liquidity and net worth requirements           Diversity Council for leadership in Diversity,
                                                        for all new franchise applicants.                    Equity and Inclusion.

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PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

Supporting employees                                  Each group holds events and participates in
                                                                                                                                   Sponsored by E.J. Wunsch,
Wendy’s offers a variety of resources to              programming to help promote its internal                                     Chief Legal Officer and Secretary
support our Company employees and team                mission. Highlights from 2021 include:
members during and outside of the workday.                                                                   Wendy’s Cultural Diversity Employee
                                                                                                             Resource Group
Wendy’s maintains and supports Employee                                    Sponsored by Todd A. Penegor,
                                                                           President and CEO                 WCD played an important role in shaping
Resource Groups for Restaurant Support Center
                                                                                                              Wendy’s global fluency training curriculum,
employees to function as forums for learning           endy’s Black Employee Resource Group
                                                                                                              including working with the Columbus Council
and inclusion, each with an executive sponsor         WeBERG celebrated Black History Month in
                                                                                                              on World Affairs to ensure the information and
from our senior leadership team. These groups          February by launching learning opportunities
                                                                                                              tools are relevant and practical.
heighten our opportunities to celebrate different      and programs including music, podcast
backgrounds, empower employees to bring their          discussions and monthly history updates
                                                                                                                              Sponsored by Abigail Pringle, President,
authentic selves to work and offer leadership          throughout the year.                                                   International and Chief Development Officer
and professional development opportunities.
                                                                           Sponsored by Liliana Esposito,     omen of Wendy’s Employee Resource Group
They also allow our leaders to actively participate
                                                                           Chief Corporate Affairs and       WOW hosted a female franchisee
in grassroots mentoring and coaching and help                              Sustainability Officer
                                                                                                              panel discussion highlighting two of Wendy’s
deepen connections between our employees              Wendy’s Equality Employee Resource Group
                                                                                                              female franchisees, their approach to leadership
and the community.                                    In June, WeQual celebrated Pride Month by
                                                                                                              and creating an inclusive culture.
                                                       raising a pride flag outside Wendy’s Dublin,
         EMPLOYEE RESOURCE GROUPS                      Ohio Restaurant Support Center, and employees
                                                       shared experiences about being a member of                                Sponsored by Kurt Kane, President,
                                                                                                                                 U.S. and Chief Commercial Officer
                                                       the LGBTQ+ community at Wendy’s.
                  Black         Military                                                                     Military Veterans & Families Employee
                Employees     Veterans &
                                                                                                             Resource Group
                (WeBERG)                                                     Sponsored by Kevin Vasconi,
                                                                             Chief Information Officer       To celebrate Veterans Day, WeVets partnered
                                                                                                              with the National Veterans Memorial and
         Women of
                                                      Wendy’s Young Professionals Resource Group              Museum (NVMM) in Columbus, Ohio to dedicate
          (WOW)                                       WenGen stepped into summer with its 5 Cup              a bench in honor of Wendy’s founder Dave
                                                       Challenge – a networking initiative that challenged    Thomas’ military service.
                Culturally       Young                 its members to gain perspective by sitting down
                 Diverse     Professionals
                Employees      (WenGen)                and talking with five different Wendy’s colleagues
                                                       they don’t normally work with.

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PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

                                                     Wendy’s established WeCare in 2017 to
                                                     provide short-term financial assistance to
                                                     team members within the Wendy’s System in
                                                     the U.S., U.S. Territories and Canada who have
As part of Wendy’s Community Giving Program,         been negatively affected by provincial, state
each Employee Resource Group was eligible            or federal-declared natural disasters or states
to request a grant to support a charitable           of emergencies and are experiencing financial
organization of its choice that aligns with both     hardship. Since its inception, approximately
the Company’s giving strategy and the group’s        300 individuals have received nearly $130,000
distinct mission and philanthropy pillar. The goal   in financial assistance through WeCare.
is to create meaningful partnerships, not just
provide financial support.                           In 2021, we provided more than 30 grants,
                                                     most of which were for support after
The 2021 grants went to:                             Hurricane Ida, which caused damage and
• Son of a Saint (WeBERG)                            disruption to many Wendy’s restaurant team
                                                     members along the Gulf and East Coasts.
• Kaleidoscope Youth Center (WeQual)
                                                     WeCare was also made available to assist
• Star House (WenGen)                                restaurant team members who were affected
• Zora’s House (WCD)                                 by torrential flooding in Western Canada.

• Central Community House (WOW)
• W
   ounded Warrior Project and the
  National Veterans Memorial and Museum

                                                               in financial assistance

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PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

                                       Education and training                         Eligible Company employees can take
                                       Wendy’s offers robust training and             advantage of additional education and
                                       development programs to help our team          training opportunities, ranging from virtual
                                       members achieve their true potential.          and in-person courses hosted and/or led
                                       Our training journey is based on a             by Wendy’s to opportunities to participate
                                       progression – from programs that cover         in third-party industry conferences and
                                       the core and limited-time menu items, to       trainings. Our Employee Assistance Program
                                       programs that can be leveraged to help         also provides a catalogue of health, including
                                       amplify leadership and development. In         emotional health, and wellness training
                                       2021, across the Wendy’s System, team          programs and resources.
                                       members completed nearly 1.7 million
                                       hours of training, including a mix of online
                                       and hands-on training in the restaurant, as
                                       well as a mandatory food safety standards
                                       courses. In 2021, we also introduced an
                                       updated interview guide with related
                                       training materials for Company employees.

                                       Wendy’s also offers a wide variety of
                                       training and development programs that
                                       can be accessed by interested managers
                                       to help them invest in their own personal
                                       and professional development.

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PEOPLE Fostering equitable workplaces and communities - Wendy's

Recognition                                             Benefits                                                                        • Inclusive Care – Through this new program,
We are proud of our Wendy’s family, and we              Wendy’s regularly adjusts pay to keep pace with                                   LGBTQ+ plan members can find providers and
continue to take opportunities to celebrate             industry standards at all Company employee                                        facilities identified by our insurer as LGBTQ+
and recognize significant achievements and              levels, including at the restaurant level and for                                 friendly. WeQual, Wendy’s Equality Employee
                                                        our Restaurant Support Center employees, but                                      Resource Group, played an important role in
contributions to the Wendy’s community.
                                                        competitive pay is only the beginning. In 2021,                                   championing this new benefit.
In 2021, this included:
                                                        Wendy’s made changes to our benefits designed to
                                                        make them even more holistic for eligible employees                             These benefit enhancements complement policies
                                                        by supporting employees’ personal health and                                    already in place for eligible Company employees8
                                                        financial well-being.                                                           that include:
                           500         Managers

                                       recognized       • 401(k) match waiting period – As of the beginning                            • Health – Medical, dental, vision, prescription drugs,
                                                          of 2022, Wendy’s has expanded its 401(k) match                                  telehealth and vaccination
                                                          policy, which was previously available to employees                           • Mental health – Free, confidential 24/7 counseling
                                                          after one year or 1,000 hours worked, to eliminate                              support for Company employees — whether
                                       U.S. team
                           16                             the waiting period. That way, everyone who

                                       leaders                                                                                            enrolled in a company medical plan or not —
                                       recognized         contributes to the Company’s 401(k) plan can                                    through our Employee Assistance Program
                                                          receive the match without delay.
                                                                                                                                        • Financial – Incentive bonuses, commuter and
                                                        • New well-being program – Employees enrolled in                                 parking benefits and pre-tax savings account
                                                          a Wendy’s medical plan will now have access to an                               contributions
                           22          Employees          online personal health tool provided by our insurer.

         OF THE YEAR
                                       recognized                                                                                       • Work/life – Paid sick leave for regular (non-intern,
                                                          The tool answers users’ personal health questions
                                                                                                                                          temp, contractor) Company employees (including
                                                          and connects them to the right resources to meet
                                                                                                                                          part-time restaurant team workers) and bonding
                                                          their needs. It even offers the opportunity to earn up
                                                                                                                                          leave, adoption assistance, life insurance and
                                                          to $200 in rewards annually for setting and keeping
                                       Winners                                                                                            a breast milk shipping allowance for eligible
                           12                             to health goals.

                                       across                                                                                             Company employees
                                       the globe        • At-home physicals – Plan participants can now
                                                          complete their annual physicals with a doctor via a
                                                          virtual visit from the comfort of their own homes.

                           15          Winners


                                                    Eligibility varies and is governed by the terms of the applicable plans/policies.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                              30

                                                  A safe and respectful workplace                    lifted, we remain committed to continuing to
                                                  For the sixth consecutive year, we partnered       monitor the situation and evolve our approach
                                                  with a third party to administer our Voice of      as required and as necessary and appropriate to
                                                  Wendy’s employee engagement survey for all         support the safety and comfort of team members,
                                                  Company employees, and franchisees also had        customers and the communities we serve.
                                                  the option to engage in the survey for their own
                                                  organization. In 2021, nearly 50,000 Company
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we              and franchise team members across the Wendy’s
listened to our current and prospective           System participated. The results give the
employees, and we have adapted to help            Company and participating franchisees valuable
continue to make Wendy’s a place where top        insights into employee engagement that can be
talent from every background and perspective      used to help strengthen culture and attract and
wants to join and stay. In 2021, Wendy’s          retain talent.
introduced a number of enhancements to the
Company employee experience including a           We also continue to have high standards for our
flex work program, which offers many office-      supplier partners as outlined in our Supplier
based employees greater flexibility for getting   Code of Conduct. In keeping with the code,
their work done.                                  we expect suppliers, and their suppliers and
                                                  contractors to comply with applicable local,
                                                  state/provincial and federal laws and regulatory
                                                  requirements surrounding human rights and
                                                  labor practices, including hiring, use of child
                                                  labor, safety and health, housing, working
                                                  hours, discrimination, harassment and ensuring
                                                  employment is always voluntary.

                                                  In December 2021, Wendy’s published a
                                                  People & Ethics Report that outlined the ways
                                                  we stayed connected to our key U.S. and
                                                  Canadian suppliers following the onset of the
                                                  COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on worker
                                                  safety, health and well-being. Although many
                                                  COVID-19 specific requirements have been

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                              31

COMMUNITY                                                                                                      OUR GIVING

Wendy’s launched a number of partnerships
focused on social justice in 2020. In 2021,
                                                                                                          In 2021, highlights of our Company
we continued to support those causes
                                                                                                          contributions included:
                                                      Wendy’s continued to work with the Columbus
and strengthened our new and existing
                                                      Urban League (CUL) on workforce development
relationships — including those with the
Thurgood Marshall College Fund, YWCA
                                                      and opportunity creation, including the
                                                      continuation of Wendy’s Workforce Institute
Columbus and the Columbus Urban League.                                                                   to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund
                                                      — a paid training experience for young adults       Leadership Institute.
                                                      in the Central Ohio community. Wendy’s
                                                      was also honored with the CUL’s 2021 Honda          $100K
                                                      Empowerment Day award in recognition of the         over four years to Mid-Ohio Food Collective
                                                      Company’s dedication to advancing Diversity,        to support its new Rooted in You campaign to
 021 was our third year supporting the
2                                                                                                         reimagine ending hunger.
                                                      Equity and Inclusion in Central Ohio through
Leadership Institute at the Thurgood Marshall
                                                      contributions to the social justice movement
College Fund. In addition to funding, Wendy’s
                                                      and support of workforce development for
leaders delivered presentations on leadership,                                                            to Columbus Urban League for programming
                                                      young persons of color.
global branding and personal branding to more                                                             focused on workforce development.

than 400 attendees, and participated in a virtual
recruitment fair.
                                                      Charitable giving
                                                      As part of Wendy’s ongoing philanthropic
                                                                                                          to YWCA Columbus to support its Youth
                                                      efforts, including our Community Giving             Development and Early Childhood Education
                                                      Program, we made donations to a variety of          program.
                                                      organizations across the globe that align with
Wendy’s supported YWCA Columbus and its               our core categories of charitable support: foster   NEARLY $50K
Youth Development and Early Childhood                 care adoption, hunger and food integrity, youth     to nine U.S., U.K. and Canadian organizations
                                                                                                          throughout Wendy’s global restaurant footprint.
Education program, which included scholarship         and families and vibrant communities.
opportunities for high-quality youth
development summer camp and after-school                                                                  $30K
programs. We also sponsored the YWCA Columbus’                                                            in grants to organizations selected by Wendy’s
                                                                                                          six Employee Resource Groups to jumpstart
virtual racial equity training event, Activists and                                                       sustainable partnerships with organizations that
Agitators, for the second year in a row.                                                                  support each group’s mission.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                         32

Wendy’s founder established the Dave
Thomas Foundation for Adoption and the
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption-Canada
with one primary goal: to help find forever
families for children waiting in foster care.

To date, the Wendy’s System has raised more than
$257 million to help advance the Foundation’s life-
changing programs, including Wendy’s Wonderful
Kids®, through which nearly 12,000 children have
been adopted across the U.S. and Canada. In
2021 alone, Wendy’s, along with our franchisees
and employees, raised more than $22.5 million to
benefit the Foundation’s mission through:
• U
   .S. and Canada in-restaurant fundraising
• W
   endy’s Family Night at our franchise and
  supplier convention
• Frosty 5K Run for Adoption
• D
   onations from our generous partners,              The commitment of the entire Wendy’s family to raise funds,
  Coca-Cola® and Dr Pepper®, via an in-app            allowing us to dramatically increase the number of adoptions
  redemption program through which more than          of children waiting in North America’s foster care systems, has
  181,000 Wendy’s U.S. customers received a           changed the journey for nearly 12,000 children. Together, we will
  free beverage of any size with purchase             achieve Dave Thomas’ dream that every child waiting in foster
                                                      care will quickly be surrounded by the comfort and safety that
                                                      only a permanent, loving family can provide.

                                                      — R ITA SO RO N EN , PRES ID EN T & C EO
                                                        DAV E T H O M AS FOU N DATION FOR AD OPTION

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                 33


Restaurant Support Center upgrades furnish         More ways to help: Casa Valentina
an opportunity for giving                          Since 2006, Casa Valentina has been
Wendy’s Restaurant Support Center serves           helping young people in the Miami area
to enhance the operation of Company                who are at risk or were previously in foster
and franchised restaurants. The Human              care make the transition to independent
Service Chamber of Franklin County, Ohio,          living. When Wendy’s Latin America and
is a chamber of commerce for more than             Caribbean region team learned about the
140 health and human services nonprofits.          organization, they saw a chance to help, as
In 2021, those two fixtures in the Ohio            the organization’s focus ties into Wendy’s
community found common cause in a                  support of foster care adoption.
concrete act of giving.
                                                   In 2020 and 2021, the team secured
Working together, members of our Restaurant        grants to Casa Valentina totaling $12,500
Support Center team and Human Service              through Wendy’s Community Giving
Chamber of Franklin County devised a plan          Program and made an additional donation
that would benefit the non-profits the Human       of $2,000 to supplement the grants. The
Service Chamber supports and find a suitable       donations supported the organization’s life
home for office furniture and fixtures the         skills and residential programming. Beyond
Restaurant Support Center was replacing,           the grants, the team volunteered on site
rather than sending them to a landfill. Through    to make updates to the facility and
their efforts, more than 280 pieces of furniture   forge meaningful connections with the
went to 18 organizations across the area.          program’s students.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                              34
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