+ PENTECOST SUNDAY + JUNE 5, 2022 - North Park Covenant ...

+ PENTECOST SUNDAY + JUNE 5, 2022 - North Park Covenant ...
JUNE 5, 2022
+ PENTECOST SUNDAY + JUNE 5, 2022 - North Park Covenant ...
JUNE 5, 2022
                                  + PENTECOST SUNDAY +

PRELUDE						                                                           Prelude on “Morecambe”
                                                                                Craig A. Penfield
                                                                              Brian Ward, Organ

* PROCESSIONAL HYMN 286			                                               Let Every Christian Pray

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                         Christine Olfelt and Jeff Hunter

* CALL TO WORSHIP				                                           from the Covenant Book of Worship
   This is the day which Jesus promised:
   You shall receive power when
   the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
   and you shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.
   Left side: God’s love has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
   whom God has given us.
   Right side: We know that we live in God and God in us,
   because God has given us of the Spirit.
   Left side: The Spirit of the Lord now fills the whole world.
   Right side: Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
   All: May the people of all nations of the earth praise you.
   Come, Holy Spirit, come among us this hour and refresh us,
   that we might glorify the Lord!

* CONGREGATIONAL SONG			                                                      Lord, You Are Here
                                                                                  Bob Stromberg
                                                                                 Stream Mountain Music
                                                      Led by Ann-Marie Frisk, Dominic German,
                                                               Anders Johnson, and Brian Ward


   May the Peace of the Risen Christ be with you.
   And also with you.

CHORAL ANTHEM					                                                               If Ye Love Me
                                                                                 Thomas Tallis
                                                       Chancel Choir, Dominic German, Director
READING OF THE SCRIPTURES			   Mark Schukas, Reader
  Acts Reading					                     Acts 2:1-21
  New Testament Reading							     Romans 8:14-17
  * Gospel Reading									 John 14:8-17
		 The Word of the Lord.
		 Thanks be to God.


MESSAGE									                                                                                      Jeff Hunter

       All who believe in Christ and desire to live a life directed by the Holy Spirit are invited
                   to participate in this sacrament. Gluten-free bread is available.
  The Words of Institution
  Sharing of the Elements
		 Communion Music 					                                            Breathe on Me, Breath of God (283)
						                                                                               arr. Victor Labenske
                                                         Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart (294)
                                                                                 arr. Victor Labenske
   Prayer of Thanksgiving

  Invitation to Generosity
  Offertory									                                  Creation Song
                                   Eddy Duhan, John Andrew Schreiner
                                                                          1998 Long Lake Music (Admin. by Eddy Duhan)
   * Sung Response 246, verses 1 and 4		                                     Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks
   * Prayer of Dedication

* CLOSING HYMN 277				                                                      Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me

CHORAL BENEDICTION				                                                       Spirit of the Living God (276)

POSTLUDE						                                                                                   Toccata Breve
                                                                                               Tom Birchwood

                                   * Please rise, in body or in spirit.
Lord You Are Here
                                                                                                                                                                         Bob Stromberg

                                                                    
                                           
                                                           
                                          Lord, You are here                          so         near in this place;            the        warmth of Your pre - sence, the

                                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                                      
             fra - grance of            grace.                      We         breathe it              like      the            air                  a       -   round     us;            we

                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                         
             love       to             feel            Your         love                    sur - round        us.                   Sure - ly           we       know                   Your

                                                                                                                                   
                                                                           
                                                                       

                                                                                                                         
             pro - mise is              true:                  when            we meet in              Your      name           we         ga - ther with           You.

                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                      

                                                                                                                            
                                                               
             Ho     - ly,          ho         -   ly          Spir       -      it,         hear       our       praise.

                                                                               
      

                                                                                                 
                                                                                      
             Ho     -        ly,                         ho     -       ly,                on - ly     You are       ho     -       ly,        Hal       -       le - lu   -       ia!

                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                              
21                                                                                                                                                                                 D.C.

                                                                                                                                  
             Ho     -    ly,                      ho     -    ly!             Ho - ly       Spir-it,    hear     our       praise.
Permission to print and podcast/stream the music in this service partially obtained from CCLI with License #2875232.
Permission to print and podcast/stream the music in this service partially obtained from One License with license #A-730954.
Permission to reprint and stream hymns copyrighted by Covenant Publication obtained from the Evangelical Covenant Church.
All rights reserved.
Welcome to North Park Covenant Church online!
                         We’re glad you’re here.
For your prayers this week: Michael Bucci, anticipating surgery on June 7 to have a growth on his
pituitary gland removed; Valerie Sanchez Lucco and fam-
ily, mourning the passing of Dick on May 17; the families
of those killed in the shootings in a Tulsa, OK, hospital, a            Weekly
Uvalde, TX, elementary school, and a Buffalo, NY, supermar-       Neighborhood
ket; our confirmands, as they live in light of commitments
made to Jesus; Ellen Kogstad and Kari Lindholm-John-                    Prayer
son, concluding a trip to Iona for a pilgrimage on Celtic
Christianity; Elizabeth Petersen’s stepson, Robert Petersen, As the body of Christ, we are
diagnosed with inoperable stomach cancer; Sheryl Noren,      called to pray for those in our
missionary to Congo, diagnosed with a cancerous nodule       communities and neighborhoods.
in her left lung; Tom and Janice Kelly, as Tom continues     This week, we pray for all those
to recuperate following a stroke; Ruthanne Werner’s sister,  in our neighborhood dealing with
Debbie Lovain Gustafson, diagnosed with a recurrence of      depression and anxiety.
breast cancer; the ongoing war in Ukraine
A memorial service for Dick Lucco will be held on Saturday, June 11, at 11 am in our sanctuary. A
reception will follow. All are invited to come to this service of remembrance.
Join us for Outdoor Worship and a Block Party! On Sunday, June 12, we will enjoy an outdoor
worship service, as we have done in the past. The livestreamed service will still be available that day;
just know it will be a simpler production. Join us in the south garden for the service and stay for our
annual Block Party immediately following! Hot dogs and drinks will be provided. Church members,
if your last name begins with A-J, please bring a dessert; if it begins with K-Z, please bring a side dish.
Bring enough for your family plus an additional 10. Please use the enclosed insert to invite a friend!
Vacation Bible School is coming! Over the week of August 1-5, 2022, kids in Preschool through 5th
grade are invited to participate in Vacation Bible School from 9 am to 12 pm each day! Our theme this
year is Mission: Deep Sea - Growing Deeper in Faith with Jesus. Children must be potty-trained, and
anyone entering 6th grade and older is welcome as staff. The fee is $22/child, and registration is open.
    We are in need of your prayers, your help, and your donations! A list of supply needs is now
available by clicking here, and as always, we are so very grateful for your prayers of support and your
hands-on help with this important summer ministry. Additional needs include:
    • 40 individuals willing to guide kids or help in a workshop. We are particularly interested this year
      in having someone who loves to tell stories and set the scene!
    • Musicians… as many as we can get!
    Please contact Pastor Libby if you are interested and willing to help in any way! You need not be
available to help all week. Just let her know (lpiotrowski@npcovenant.org) or call the church!
Nordic Voices of Chicago, a local women’s ensemble, presents And There Was Music: Reflections
on Community, Music, and Life in a Pandemic on June 10 at 7:30 pm at Irving Park Lutheran Church
(3938 W. Belle Plaine Ave.). You are invited to this program, featuring the music of Susan LaBarr,
Henry Purcell, Sarah Quartel, Joan Szymko, and others; and the texts of Wendell Berry, Elizabeth
Bishop, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Paul Simon, and Sara Teasdale. Suggested donation: $15

The texts for today’s offertory and benediction are as follows:

                                         Creation Song
                              John Andrew Schreiner and Eddy Duhan

                           He wraps himself in light as with a garment.
                  He spreads out the heavens and walks on the wings of the wind.
             He sends forth the springs from the valleys; they flow between mountains.
                The birds of the air dwell by the waters, lifting their voices in song.

         Chorus: Singing, “Glory! Glory! Glory to the Lamb! All praises and honor forever!”

                   He made the moon for its seasons, the sun knows its setting.
         He looks at the earth and it trembles, He touches the mountains and they smoke.
                 I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing praises to my God,
                          as long as I live, praises to the Lord, oh my soul.


                          Singing, “Glory! Hallelujah! Glory to our God!
                           All praises and honor forever and ever, amen!

                                          If Ye Love Me
                                           Thomas Tallis

                              If ye love me, keep my commandments.
                And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter,
                    that he may ’bide with you forever, e’en the sp’rit of truth.

                                                                    Cover art: “Holy Spirit Coming”, He Qi
The Church Calendar This Week
 The calendar is available online at www.npcovenant.org/calendar and is updated as changes occur.
                                           Monday, June 6
                9 am           Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study (via Zoom)
                10:30 am       Staff Meeting (Staff Conference Room)
                6:30 pm        Geezerball (Gym)
                7:30 pm        Centering Prayer (Large Conference Room)
                8:30 pm        Swanson Basketball (Gym)
                                           Tuesday, June 7
                8 am           Men’s Bible Study (Large Conference Room & via Zoom)
                4:15 pm        Chicago Children’s Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
                6 pm           Cudahy Basketball (Gym)
                                         Wednesday, June 8
                10 am          Women’s Bible Study (Large Conference Room & via Zoom)
                4 pm           Reed Piano Recital Dress Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
                                         Thursday, June 9
                4:15 pm        Chicago Children’s Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary, Parlors)
                6:30 pm        Chancel Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary Side Balcony)
                                          Friday, June 10
                1 pm           Prayer Gathering (North Room)
                                          Saturday, June 11
                8 am           Geezerball (Gym)
                11 am          Lucco Memorial Service (Sanctuary)
                                           Sunday, June 12
                10:30 am       Outdoor Worship (South Garden)
                12 pm          Block Party!
                2 pm           Reed Piano Recital - Private (Sanctuary)
                7 pm           AA Meeting (Parlors)

 We welcome all people to begin or deepen their relationship with Christ through worship and study.
 We invite all believers to fully participate in the life and ministry of our church as members, leaders,
  and lay staff. We celebrate the gifts and presence of diverse Christians among us—whether those
     differences be race, ethnicity, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability,
           or socioeconomic status. We are blessed by our diversity and are unified in Christ.
North Park Covenant                                                              North Park Church
Church Staff							                                                           Cooperative Preschool
Jeff Hunter, Co-pastor                 Libby Piotrowski, Co-pastor                  Becky Edwards,
jhunter@npcovenant.org                lpiotrowski@npcovenant.org             Administrative Director
ext. 525 			                                              ext. 515
               To reach both Jeff and Libby, please use                            Lyndsey Wellner,
               copastors@npcovenant.org or ext. 510.               Head Teacher/Educational Director

Christine Olfelt, Minister of Christian Formation                                   Jennifer Glazier,
christineolfelt@npcovenant.org, ext 545                                            Assistant Teacher

Jeanette Mottl, Interim Director of Youth Ministry                        (773) 463-0055, ext. 520
jmottl@npcovenant.org                                                    preschool@npcovenant.org
Brian Ward, Music Ministry Coordinator/Organist
bward@npcovenant.org                                                         The Friendship Center
                                                                        2711 West Lawrence Avenue
Dominic German, Chancel Choir Director
                                                                            Chicago, Illinois 60625
                                                                                       Justin Block,
Carol Olfelt, Chancel Handbell Choir Director
                                                                                  Executive Director
                                                                                     Greta Bailey,
Fran Fostey, Bookkeeper
                                                                        Finance & Communications
operations@npcovenant.org, ext. 505
Ann-Marie O. Frisk, Church Administrator
                                                                                  (773) 907-6338
afrisk@npcovenant.org, ext. 500
Christian Schuetz, Custodian                                       www.friendshipcenterchicago.org

 					Missionaries We Support
              John and Letha Kerl,                          Paul and Sheryl Noren, Congo
        Field Representatives for Europe
                                                               Eugenio and Pia Restrepo,
          Peter and Anna Kim, Taiwan                                Latin America

                                 James and Rachel Ventress, Alaska

           5250 North Christiana Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60625
           npcc@npcovenant.org • (773) 463-0055 • www.npcovenant.org
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