(PCOS) Effect of High Levels of Testosterone on Cardiovascular Risk in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                       Vol.7; Issue: 7; July 2020
                                                                                   Website: www.ijrrjournal.com
Review Article                                                          E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

      Effect of High Levels of Testosterone on
 Cardiovascular Risk in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
                                            Suku Sneha
                        Fortis Hospital, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

ABSTRACT                                               reproductive disorder among adult women
                                                             and that effect 10-18% of women of
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a                  reproductive age. [4] It is a heterogeneous
common endocrine disorder characterized by             medical condition of unknown etiology, but
oligo ovulation, hyperandrogenism and the              there is an extensive evidence of multiple
presence of polycystic ovaries. PCOS is closely
                                                       interactions         between          genetic,
related to the hyperandrogensim (HA).
Postmenopausal hyperandrogenism is a                   environmental, and behavioral factors are
condition of relative or absolute androgen             known to cause this syndrome. [1] According
excess originating from either the adrenals            to Stein and Leventhal, [5] PCOS is
and/or the ovaries. Clinical manifestations of         characterized by heterogeneous presentation
HA include hirsutism, acne, androgenic alopecia        of       clinical     and/or     biochemical
and virilisation. In PCOS women, HA has been           hyperandrogenism,        oligoovulation     or
associated with metabolic disturbances that            anovulation and the presence of polycystic
increase the risk for cardiovascular disease           ovaries, when other etiology’s are excluded.
(CVD). Many clinical studies have underlined           [6,7]
                                                              Apart from these clinical features,
the     relationship    between    PCOS      and       PCOS patients are often insulin resistant,
cardiovascular risk is due to a lipid or glucose
                                                       obese and have metabolic syndrome, with
altered metabolism, hypertension, systemic
inflammatory condition and vascular injuries. In       arterial      hypertension,     dyslipidemia,
this review article, we mainly focussed on             impaired glucose tolerance or frank type 2
PCOS related cardiovascular disease due to             diabetes, low-grade inflammation and
increased levels of testosterone. Management of        increased pro-thrombotic state. [8] Insulin
hyperandrogenism along with life-style                 resistance and low grade inflammation are
intervention has beneficial effects on                 to be associated with increased risk of
cardiovascular risk factors in PCOS. We                development of cardiovascular disease in
determined the etiology of relative and absolute       patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. [9]
androgen excess in postmenopausal women and            Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the
this review provides extensive overview on the         major causes of death in postmenopausal
development of cardiovascular risk factors in
                                                       women. Endogenous free testosterone levels
PCOS females due to increased levels of
testosterone.                                          in postmenopausal women has been
                                                       consequently associated with the incidence
Keywords: Polycystic ovary syndrome, oligo             of CAD independent of BMI and other risk
ovulation,     hyperandrogenism,     hirsutism,        factors, such as diabetes, hypertension,
alopecia, virilisation, hypertension, vascular         smoking, and hyperlipidemia. [10]
injuries and cardiovascular events                              The      leading       cause       of
                                                       Hyperandrogenism (HA) in women of
INTRODUCTION                                           reproductive age is a polycystic ovary
       Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)                syndrome. HA in PCOS is described as a
is one of the most common endocrine and                presence of hirsutism or an increase in

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Suku Sneha. Effect of high levels of testosterone on cardiovascular risk in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

serum testosterone or the free androgen                        The hyperinsulinemia intrinsically
index (FAI). [11] HA (elevated androgen                  considered as a possible cause of an
levels) is associated with an increased risk             increased ovarian androgen production and
of cardiovascular diseases through complex               alters the process of gonadal steroidogenesis
and multidirectional pathways and exposure               both directly and indirectly. [6] In both pre-
of Hyperandrogenism may influence body                   and postmenopausal women, androgen
fat distribution, insulin resistance and other           secretion is aggravated by the presence of
cardio metabolic risk factors. [8] An                    insulin       resistance       (IR)       and
important quantification of this androgen                hyperinsulinemia, mostly observed in obese
excess and free androgen index are tends to              women, with insulin acting as a co-
be a better predictors of many health                    gonadotropin. [15]
outcomes, especially cardiovascular disease
as compared with testosterone alone. [10]                TRADITIONAL AND NEWER
However, the current review aimed to                     CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS
identify the PCOS related cardiovascular                 IN PCOS:
disease due to increased levels of                       Traditional cardiovascular disease risk
testosterone.                                            factors in PCOS:
                                                         The       traditional      and      modifiable
CAUSES OF HYPERANDROGENISM:                              cardiovascular risk factors are hypertension,
        Hyperandrogenism is described by                 dyslipidemia, obesity, smoking, diabetes
either hirsutism and/or excess of blood                  and have 40% prevalence of polycystic
testosterone levels and it plays key role in             ovaries in postmenopausal women, and this
the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome.              was associated with mild changes in
     Along with the excess androgens, some               cardiovascular risks with elevations in
rely on the development of true hirsutism,               circulating triglycerides, but no difference in
acne and androgenic alopecia to make the                 cholesterol levels compared with controls.
diagnosis of hyperandrogenism as part of                 Non modifiable risk factors include age,
the PCOS phenotype. [13] Androgens are                   gender and family history of cardiovascular
produced by the adrenal glands as well as by             diseases. [13]
the ovaries and are throughout the life. [11]
Various studies described that testosterone              Coagulation and Fibrinolytic
levels rise during early puberty and                     Disturbances:
adolescence and reach a peak adult level                 PCOS associated with the disturbances in
within a few years after menarche.                       circulating markers of coagulation and
Testosterone concentrations are majorly                  fibrinolysis      may        contribute      to
influenced by the stage of puberty and the               cardiovascular disease risk. Thrombin
menstrual cycle along with other factors. [14]           activated fibrinolysis inhibitor levels were
Androgen      secretion     in   pre-    and             found to be higher in PCOS women than
postmenopausal women rely on the                         controls and that contributing to hypo
luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulation and                 fibrinolytic     state     and      accelerated
the persistently increased gonadotropin                  atherosclerosis. [8] Previous studies reported
levels maintains ovarian androgen secretion              that dysregulation of the hemostatic system
after menopause besides the substantial                  in women with PCOS, particularly hypo
decline of estrogen levels. [15] The loss of             fibrinolysis, Hypercoagulability [16] and
ovarian function in postmenopausal women                 endothelial and platelet dysfunction. [17] The
leads to a drastic fall of estrogen levels,              potential mechanisms of coagulation
whereas secretion of testosterone remains at             disturbances were observed in women with
the same levels, or may even increase. This              PCOS       and have         high    circulating
rapid decrease of estrogen with menopause                concentrations of PAI-1 and fibrinogen that
causes a period of relative androgen excess.             correlated with low sex hormone binding

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Suku Sneha. Effect of high levels of testosterone on cardiovascular risk in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

globulins (SHBG) and high insulin levels                 Cardiac dysfunction:
independent of age and BMI. [18] Several                 Several studies analysed that increased left
studies recognized a strong positive                     ventricular mass index (LVMi) and
correlation between hyperandrogenism and                 decreased diastolic filling in young PCOS
hypo fibrinolysis in women with PCOS                     women compared to age- and BMI-matched
contributing to a prothrombotic state. [16]              controls. [25] LVMi is an early predictor of
                                                         CVD morbidity and mortality. Both of these
Markers of Atherosclerosis:                              abnormalities occur independently of excess
The prevalence and extent of coronary                    weight,      particularly  decreased     left
artery calcification (CAC) were reported by              ventricular ejection fraction has been
several studies to be higher in both younger             reported in young overweight and obese
and older women with PCOS than in                        women with PCOS compared to controls.
controls, independently of age and BMI. [19]             [25]

It has been suggested that the reported
increase in CAC among PCOS women is                      The risk of cardiovascular events in
related to the increased LDL-C lower HDL-                PCOS:
C and hyperinsulinemia. [20] Increased                   The age-specific incidence of cardiovascular
intima-media wall thickness (IMT) is an                  events was significantly higher in PCOS
early marker of atherosclerosis. Increased               patients over 45 compared with the local
carotid intima-media wall thickness (CIMT)               female population, with odds ratio as high
is also a strong independent predictor of the            as 12.88 in women over 65 with a
occurrence of major cardiovascular events                premenopausal history of PCOS. [26] A
in later life. [21]                                      recent meta-analysis demonstrated the risk
                                                         of coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke
Vascular endothelial dysfunction:                        is doubled in PCOS women, despite
Decreased brachial artery flow-mediated                  adjusting for body mass index (BMI), there
dilation (FMD) is a marker of endothelial                was a 55% increase in risk. [4] Previous
function, in young normal weight,                        studies indicated a 2-fold increased risk of
overweight, and obese women with PCOS                    CHD and stroke for patients with PCOS
compared to body mass matched controls.                  relative to women without PCOS. [27] The
     It is recognized that elevated androgen             meta-analysis estimated 55% increase in the
levels in the PCOS women may contribute                  risk for CHD and stroke in PCOS women
to the observed decline in endothelial                   using only studies that adjusted for BMI,
function relative to controls. [23] Several              showing that BMI is not the only cause of
variables      involved     in     endothelial           increased risk of cardiovascular events in
dysfunction have been related to the PCOS.               women with PCOS. [27]
A recent meta-analysis observed that
homocysteine is a mediator of endothelial                ASSOCIATION BETWEEN
injury and its higher concentrations were                INCREASED TESTOSTERONE
seen in PCOS women than in controls of                   LEVELS AND CARDIOVASCULAR
similar age and BMI. [24] Plasminogen                    EVENTS IN PCOS FEMALES:
activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) inhibits                   High levels of testosterone are associated
fibrinolysis and in higher levels predisposes            with an increased cardiovascular risk
to accelerate the development of                         through complex and multidirectional
atherosclerosis and has been shown to be                 pathways. [8] A study reported that total
elevated in normal weight young PCOS                     testosterone was an independent risk factor
women relative to the controls. [16]                     for aortic calcification (AC). In animal
                                                         model     study,    testosterone    increases
                                                         atherosclerosis in female monkeys but
                                                         conferred a protective effect in males. [20] A

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Suku Sneha. Effect of high levels of testosterone on cardiovascular risk in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

similar study reported that men with the                 axis and metabolic disorders, such as
highest total testosterone levels had a                  obesity, insulin resistance and compensatory
reduced risk of aortic calcification, but,               hyperinsulinemia. [33] Several pathogenic
conversely,     women        with    elevated            hypotheses try to explain the increased
testosterone levels had the highest risk for             peripheral      availability  of   androgen
coronary artery calcification (CAC). [20] A              hormones, which depend on excessive
study conducted by Paradisi et al suggested              ovarian and adrenal production. [34] The
that elevated androgen levels play a key role            hyperinsulinemia is solely considered as a
in endothelial dysfunction. [28] A similar               possible cause of an increased ovarian
study compared women with reporting a                    androgen production, which alters gonadal
history of regular menses and a history of               steroidogenesis process ,both directly and
very irregular menses among 82,439 women                 indirectly. [6]
aged 20–35 years had a significantly higher
risk of nonfatal and fatal cardiovascular                Various mechanisms involved in high levels
disease, even after adjustment for BMI, age,             of testosterone are:
menopausal status, and smoking. [29] High                Insulin resistance:
circulating androgen levels have been                            It is described as diminution in the
associated      with      an      unfavorable            biological responses to insulin levels. [35]
cardiovascular risk profile and increased                Previous studies suggested that four
prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis in             independent risk factors for myocardial
postmenopausal women. [11] Increased                     infarction in women with PCOS are
carotid intima media wall thickness (CIMT)               increasing waist: hip ratio, raised serum
is a predictor of occurrence of major                    triglyceride concentrations, diabetes and
cardiovascular events in PCOS women. [21]                hypertension.      [36]
                                                                                  Earlier    literature
The increase in CIMT is associated with                  concerning the interrelationship of insulin
high levels of testosterone, insulin,                    resistance and hyperandrogenaemia. Some
increased age and abdominal obesity in                   authors suggested that hyperinsulinemia
PCOS women. [30]                                         results in raised ovarian androgens and it is
                                                         associated with decreased levels of sex
THE MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN                               hormone binding globulins, thereby
HIGH LEVELS OF TESTOSTERONE                              increasing the circulation of free
AND RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR                               testosterone. [35] Along with luteinising
EVENTS:                                                  hormone, Hyperinsulinemia stimulates
        The relationship between CVD risk                stimulate androgen biosynthesis through
and reproductive endocrine disorders (early              ovaries; insulin decreases Insulin Growth
menopause and PCOS) supports the idea                    Factor binding globulin 1 (IGFBP-1) and
that endogenous sex steroids have a role in              increases free IGF and thus increases
development of CVD. [31] Elevated levels of              ovarian theca cell proliferation and
testosterone are likely to be found in women             androgenesis as well. [6] Furthermore,
with PCOS even after menopause in relative               insulin stimulates thecal cells which in turn
to estradiol. A study conducted by Pinole et             stimulate testosterone biosynthesis in
al revealed that androgen levels gradually               women with PCOS by activating receptors
increases after the age of 50 years and                  and using inositol-glycan mediators as the
relative hyperandrogenemia exists in                     signal transduction system. [37]
women with PCOS after menopause. [32]
The pathological mechanisms underlying                   PCOS and Hypertension:
the syndrome are determined by the                              According to WHO, Arterial
complex       interaction      between    the            hypertension (AH) is defined as a systolic
functionality of the hypothalamic-pituitary-             (SBP) and (DBP) diastolic blood pressure of
ovarian or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal                > 140 and > 90 mmHg respectively. [6] A

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study conducted by Chen and Yang et al                    MANAGEMENT OF
reported that high testosterone levels and no             HYPERANDROGENISM IN PCOS
SHBG increases the risk of elevated SBP                   WOMEN:
and DBP values even adjusted for age, body                         Treatment of Hyperandrogenism is
mass index, and other anthropometric,                     depends on the underlying cause of obesity,
metabolic and hormonal variables. [38] Lecke              PCOS, adrenal and ovarian tumors. [15]
et al [39] demonstrated the association                   Administration of oestrogen containing oral
between CYP19 gene expression, levels of                  contraceptive has beneficial effects on
aromatase and blood pressure; androgen                    excess androgens. Pill containing the anti-
excess may be involved in the high levels of              androgenic progestogen cyproterone acetate
CYP19, a gene encoding for the enzyme                     is administered in cyclical doses, or
aromatase, expressed in abdominal tissue                  drospirenone-containing combined oral
fat. A high expression of this gene, induces              contraceptives could be beneficial for
low     estrogen    and     high    androgen              hirsutism. [5] Metformin has been used for
concentrations.                                           the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome
                                                              and it can increases insulin sensitivity by
Obesity:                                                  decreasing gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis and
        Obesity mainly associated with the                enhancing glucose uptake in the liver,
greater disposition of femoral and truncal                skeletal muscle, adipose tissue and ovaries.
abdominal           fat          distribution.                 Hyperandrogenism related to Ovarian
Hyperandrogenism is associated with a                     hyperthecosis can be treated either by
prevalence of truncal abdominal fat. Women                bilateral oophorectomy or GnRH analogs,
with PCOS have a greater truncal abdominal                which improve symptoms and may improve
fat distribution as it is described by the                concomitant metabolic abnormalities. [15]
presence of an increased waist: hipratio. [35]            Administration of liraglutide has been
                                                          associated with a significant reduction in
Dyslipidemia:                                             BMI and which is a more sensitive indicator
        It is defined as abnormality of lipid             of visceral obesity and metabolic outcomes.
metabolism. High density lipoproteins                         The management of PCOS targets the
(HDL) play a key role in lipid metabolism                 anovulation, infertility, hirsutism, or acne
and it is most important predictor of                     being the most common complaints. [14]
cardiovascular risk in PCOS women. [40]                   Spironolactone was able to improve insulin
Several studies noticed that reduced HDL                  sensitivity and is also recommended in the
cholesterol and elevated serum triglycerides,             treatment of hyperandrogenism- associated
along with elevated plasminogen activator                 symptoms such as acne and hirsutism. [14] A
inhibitor‐I      concentrations      explains             recent      meta-analysis    observed       that
hyperandrogenism pathogenesis in PCOS.                    combination of life-style modifications such
                                                          as exercise, duration of diet and behavioural
                                                          change plus metformin for 6 months is
Ischaemic heart disease:                                  associated      with    lower     BMI       and
Several studies concluded that altered fat                subcutaneous adipose tissue as compared to
distribution is associated with androgen                  lifestyle plus placebo. [8]
excess may be an indicator of a greater risk
for ischaemic heart disease. [35] The                     CONCLUSION
incidence of coronary artery disease is                           In the present study, we concluded
correlated with carotid atherosclerosis. [35]             that high levels of testosterone increase the
Increased intima-media wall thickness                     risk of cardiovascular events in PCOS
(IMT) is an early marker of atherosclerosis.              females. Testosterone plays a major role in
                                                          women and it is essential regulator of
                                                          cardiovascular, bone and brain functions.

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