Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...

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Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...
Paving the way for habitat disturbance:
    Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant
         communities and gall-forming insects in the Mojave Desert
             Maria Carias1, Emily Hascall2, Kelsey Pennington1, Jasmine Summers-Evans 2
                     University of California, Los Angeles; 2University of California, Santa Barbara

       Road disturbance can facilitate the establishment and growth of invasive plant species
       and herbivorous insects in adjacent ecosystems. The hydrological and atmospheric
       impacts of roads are especially important to understand in arid desert environments that
       are highly sensitive to water stress and dust pollution. In this study, we looked at how
       impacts of road disturbance change among different road types within the Mojave
       Desert. Specifically, we observed how three types of roads (paved road, dirt road, and
       hiking trail) and proximity to the roads impact both the abundance and size of germinating
       annual plants and the density of galls on creosote bushes (Larrea tridentata). Additionally,
       we tested the effect of dust pollution on the growth of Erodium cicutarium and Bromus
       spp. Different types of roads produced distinct ecological impacts on the surrounding
       plant and insect communities. Paved roads had the highest gall density and largest
       Bromus spp., while dirt roads had smaller Erodium cicutarium. Our findings contribute to
       the growing knowledgebase of how road disturbances uniquely impact plant invasion
       patterns and herbivorous insects.

       Keywords: road disturbance, Mojave Desert, Larrea tridentata, Erodium cicutarium,
       Bromus spp.

   INTRODUCTION                                                 landscapes by altering factors such as
                                                                hydrology, dust pollution, microclimate
     Anthropogenic transportation corridors                     conditions, soil erosion, and animal
   create     habitat     disturbances      and                 mortality. Transportation corridors can also
   fragmentation in surrounding environments                    serve as conduits for plant and animal
   (Coffin 2007). In 1998, the term “road                       movement and are often cited as major
   ecology” emerged to refer to the science of                  causal factors in the successful invasion of
   how transportation corridors such as                         non-native flora and fauna to adjacent
   highways and roads affect ecosystem                          landscapes (Coffin 2007). Species that
   components, processes, and structures                        benefit from corridor facilitation are
   (Coffin 2007). Since then, the subject of                    typically generalist species that are able to
   transportation infrastructure and its effects                exploit highly variable environmental
   on ecosystems has become more widely                         conditions (Forman and Alexander 1998).
   studied. Roads have been shown to affect                     The construction and maintenance of roads
   both the abiotic and biotic components of                    can also remove native species and their

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Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...
seed banks, making it difficult for them to        roadside plants (Farmer 1993). Such impact
   reestablish after disturbance (Holzapfel and       can lead to less favorable conditions for
   Schmidt 1990). Understanding how                   native plant communities, compounding the
   disturbances caused by roads impact the            negative      effects      of     road-induced
   ecology of surrounding biotic communities is       hydrological changes. At the same time, less
   crucial for better informing transportation        vigorous plants are also less desirable to
   land-use decisions (Dix et al. 2010).              herbivorous insects (Cornelissen et al. 2008).
     While ecosystem-level impacts of                 These two disturbance factors can uniquely
   transportation corridors on adjacent               alter surrounding plant and insect
   environments are well understood, less is          communities.
   known about how non-native plant and                 The hydrological and atmospheric impacts
   herbivorous insect communities respond to          of transportation corridors are especially
   different road designs. Different types of         important to understand in arid desert
   roads vary in their level of environmental         ecosystems that are highly sensitive to water
   disturbance (Holzapfel and Schmidt 1990).          stress and dust pollution. Plant succession
   Paved roads pose the most ecological impact        and insect responses following disturbance
   on nearby ecosystems, followed by unpaved          are less understood in arid landscapes
   roads and walking trails (Holzapfel and            relative to temperate regions (Abella 2010).
   Schmidt 1990). Paved roads are designed to         In the Mojave Desert, the spread of non-
   drain water from their edges, which can            native annual plants and the distribution of
   increase the moisture available to adjacent        herbivorous insects are of particular
   plant communities (Holzapfel and Schmidt           concern. Previous studies in the Mojave
   1990). Higher water availability coupled with      Desert have found the richness and biomass
   additional disturbances can increase an            of non-native annual plants increase with
   environment’s vulnerability to non-native          dirt road density (Brooks and Berry 2006).
   plant invasions and insect parasitism.             The invasion of non-native plant species is a
   According to the Plant Vigor Hypothesis,           primary cause of biodiversity decline and
   insect herbivores prefer to oviposit on large,     threatens the existence of native plants and
   vigorously growing plants (Price 1991).            their associated organisms (Barbosa et al.
   Therefore, insect herbivores are generally         2010). Non-native annual grasses can also
   drawn to less water-stressed plants, which         increase the fire load of an environment,
   are often found along roadsides.                   making ecosystems like the Mojave Desert
     In addition to changes in hydrology, roads       increasingly flammable and vulnerable to
   can alter atmospheric composition in               wildfires (Kalwij et al. 2008). Since roads can
   adjacent microhabitats (Coffin 2007). Air          function as corridors for parasitism and
   tends to be dustier near roads, especially at      disease spread as well, herbivorous insects
   unpaved dirt roads. As roads are constructed       such as gall-forming insects can serve as key
   and surrounding soils are eroded, dust             indicators of parasitic responses to
   pollution is more easily spread to nearby          disturbance (Lightfoot and Whitford 1991).
   plants. The coating of dust can impede             Galls are abnormal plant tissue growth
   vegetation’s ability to photosynthesize,           produced in response to injected chemical
   which can hinder the growth and vigor of           stimuli of invading organisms (Russo 2006).

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Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...
Though the complex chemical relationships          large variations among host plant species
   between host plants and gall-forming insects       that are still widely unknown (Russo 2006).
   vary greatly by species, there is growing            We hypothesized that areas closer to
   evidence that galls redirect nutrients from        roads would have a higher abundance of
   their host plant’s roots and leaves into gall      non-native annual plant species, larger non-
   tissues, forming nutrient sinks for the host       native annual plants, fewer native annual
   plants. The management of non-native               plants, and a higher density of galls. We also
   plants and parasitic insect species is             hypothesized that the paved road would
   hampered by a lack of information on desert        display the largest non-native plants and the
   ecosystems, making the Mojave Desert an            highest density of galls compared to the dirt
   ideal location to further investigate the          road and trail. Since paved roads typically
   negative effects of road disturbances              funnel higher amounts of water to
   (Brooks and Berry 2006).                           surrounding landscapes (Holzapfel and
      In this study, we explored how annual           Schmidt 1990), we expected surrounding
   plant species composition and regional gall        non-native plant and pest communities to
   density differ in areas near and far from          benefit the most near the paved road
   different types of desert roads. We studied        compared to the other road types. We
   three road types: a paved one-lane                 expected dust pollution to be higher on the
   expressway, a dirt vehicle road, and a dirt        dirt road than on the trail and paved road,
   hiking trail. We focused on two dominant           causing plant abundance and gall density to
   non-native plants in the Mojave Desert—            be lowest at that site. Lastly, we expected
   Erodium cicutarium and Bromus spp.—due             native plant species abundance to be highest
   to their pervasiveness in the region (Brooks       at the trail road since it is the least disturbed
   and Berry 2006). We asked how road type            area. We hoped answering these questions
   and proximity to a road would affect the           would provide ecologists and those involved
   abundance and size of Erodium cicutarium           in road construction management with vital
   and Bromus plants, the abundance of native         information on how impacts of road
   annual plants, and the density of gall             disturbance on the surrounding plant and
   parasitism. To assess gall density, we studied     insect communities change between road
   creosote bushes (Larrea tridentata), which         designs.
   are critical host plants for gall-forming midge
   flies (Cecidomyiidae) and their parasites.         METHODS
   Creosote bushes are hosts to at least 16
   species of gall midges, all from the genus         2.1 Study System
   Asphondylia (Russo 2006). Roadside
                                                        We conducted our research between
   creosote shrubs tend to be larger and have
                                                      February 24 and February 28, 2021, during
   denser foliage, as well as higher arthropod
                                                      the germination period of annual plants in
   density (Lightfoot and Whitford 1991). As
                                                      the Mojave Desert. Research was done at
   predicted by the Plant Vigor Hypothesis, the
                                                      the Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert
   quantity of water availability has shown to
                                                      Research Center (hereafter referred to as
   be a large determinant in the ability of a host
                                                      “the Granites”), a field station owned by the
   plant to support gall midges, yet there are

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Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...
University of California, Riverside. The           near zone included plants within three
   Granites is located in the East Mojave Desert      meters of the edge of the road and the far
   in San Bernardino County and lies within the       zone included plants at least 10 meters away
   Mojave National Preserve. Near the center’s        from the edge of the road. Within each zone
   eastern boundary, the topography descends          at each site, we conducted multiple surveys
   from high ridges into bajadas and washes           regarding the surrounding annual plant and
   densely vegetated by multiple habitat types        gall communities.
   (James Andre, Sweeney Granite Mountains
   Desert Research Center). The washes                2.2 Plant Surveys
   support creosote bush scrub and mixed
   desert scrub communities (Simpson et al.             In order to determine how different types
   1997). The landscape cover also supports an        of roads distinctively serve as corridors for
   abundant annual plant community,                   invasive species, we surveyed annual plant
   including both native and non-native species       abundance and size within a 0.5 m² quadrat.
   such as Erodium cicutarium and Bromus              We quantified the most common non-native
   spp.—which likely include a mix of Bromus          annual species, Erodium cicutarium and
   madritensis and Bromus tectorum.                   Bromus, as well as all native annual plants
     We collected data from paved, dirt, and          we encountered. For abundance, every
   trail roads. The paved road site was located       Erodium cicutarium, Bromus, and native
   at Kelbaker Road, a one-lane expressway            annual was counted. For size, five Erodium
   west of the Granites research facility.            cicutarium and five Bromus were randomly
   Kelbaker Road was first developed as a dirt        selected for measurement. To measure
   road in the 1930s. The road was paved in           Erodium cicutarium, we used the length
   1988 and repaved in 2018 (Pers. Comm.              between the two longest leaves. For
   James Andre). The dirt road site was located       Bromus, we pulled the single grass strand
   along a 1.1-mile-long vehicle road stretching      straight and measured from base to tip.
   between Kelbaker Road and the Granites               To account for possible differences in size
   research facility. The road was first              of germinating annuals based on their
   developed in the 1950s but has seen a              location either inside or outside the canopy
   dramatic increase in use over the past 15          cover of surrounding bushes (Holzapfel and
   years, as it provides access to campsites          Mahall 1999), we replicated all plant surveys
   alongside the road. The trail site was located     both inside and outside the canopy cover of
   along the Al A. Allanson trail within the          creosote. To do so, we placed the quadrat
   boundary of the Granites research facility.        inside the canopy cover, with the edge of the
   The trail was built in 2001, but the first 100     quadrat aligning with the bush’s longest
   meters of the trail dates back to the 1930s as     branch. We then flipped the quadrat so it lay
   a portion of a previous two-track road             outside the canopy cover with the same
   historically used by ranchers.                     edge still aligning with the longest branch of
     To disentangle road disturbance from             the bush.
   other numerous geographical or biological
   factors, we looked at two zones within each
   road site: near and far from the road. The

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Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...
2.2 Gall Survey                                    control group and was left undusted. Plot 2
                                                      was dusted only once at 10:00 A.M. on
     To assess how different types of roads           February 24. Plot 3 was dusted every
   distinctively serve as corridors for insects,      morning at 10:00 A.M. for each of the five
   we conducted surveys on gall density in            days of our experiment. An equal amount of
   creosote bushes. Creosote bushes were              dust was administered between the two
   systematically selected by surveying the next      experimental plots, leaving the number of
   available bush within our designated near          times dusted as our only variable. To
   and far zones at each of our three road            standardize the amount of dust used within
   types. To account for possible geographical        each plot, every Erodium cicutarium
   differences between the left and right sides       replicate was sprinkled with dust until it was
   of the roads, we surveyed bushes on both           visibly completely covered. Every Bromus
   sides. To account for size differences             was sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of dust. The
   between creosote bushes, we took                   dust used in the study was collected dirt
   measurements for the volume of an ovoid –          found directly outside the plot (void of any
   as it best represented the shape of an             rocks, debris, or other plant material).
   average creosote within our survey                    Each plant replicate was initially measured
   parameters. A transect tape was used to            at the start of our experiment on February
   measure the bush’s longest radius, shortest        24 at 9:00 A.M. and remeasured at the end
   radius, and height of tallest branch. Galls        of the experiment on February 28 at 5:00
   were counted within each bush, identifying         P.M. Initial measurements were subtracted
   and enumerating between species types.             from final measurements to calculate the
   Binoculars aided in counting galls on tall,        growth of every plant replicate across the
   unreachable branches.                              five days.

   2.2 Experimental Plot                              STATISTICAL ANALYSES

     To assess the effect of dust pollution on          All statistical analyses were done using
   the growth rate of germinating non-native          JMP Pro 15 statistical software, (JMP®,
   annuals, we conducted a sub-experiment on          Version < Pro 15>. SAS Institute Inc., Cary,
   both Erodium cicutarium and Bromus from            NC, 1989-2019).
   February 24–28, 2021, that measured how
   growth rate differed given different               3.1 Plant Survey Analyses
   frequencies of dusting. The experiment
   included three different 1 m² plots located at       A Two-Way ANOVA was used for all plant
   the Granites research facilities away from         surveys. To account for variation among
   any road disturbances. In each of the three        individual creosote bushes, creosote ID
   plots, 25 Erodium cicutarium and 25 Bromus         number was nested as a random effect. To
   were randomly selected to receive the              see how Erodium cicutarium and Bromus
   dusting treatments.                                spp. abundance differed, we analyzed
     We dusted each plot’s plant replicates at        abundance across the three different roads,
   different frequencies. Plot 1 served as our        the distance from the road, and the

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Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...
interaction between road type and road             RESULTS
   distance. To assess how Erodium cicutarium
   and Bromus sizes differed, we analyzed size        4.1 Plant Surveys
   across each road type, the distance from the
   road, and the interaction between road type          Erodium cicutarium abundance did not
   and road distance.                                 differ among road types (N= 102, F= 1.87, p=
                                                      0.16, Fig. 1), between distance from road (N=
   3.2 Gall Survey Analyses                           68, F= 0.017, p=0.90, Fig. 1), and there was
                                                      no interaction effect between road type and
     To account for size differences between          distance from road (N= 34, F= 2.80, p=
   creosote bushes when looking at galls, we          0.065). Bromus spp. abundance was lowest
   used gall abundance to calculate calculated        at dirt roads (N= 68, F= 6.42, p= 0.0024, Fig.
   gall density within each cubic meter of a          2). Bromus did not differ in abundance
   creosote bush. First, we calculated the            between near and far zones (N= 102, F= 1.73,
   volume of each bush replicate by using the         p= 0.19, Fig. 2), and there was no interaction
   formula for volume of an ovoid, (4/3 *             between road type and road distance (N= 34,
   longest radius * shortest radius * height).        F= 2.87, p= 0.062). Native annual abundance
   Creosote volume data was log transformed           was higher near trails (N= 68, F= 12.65, p=
   to meet the constraint of normality. Gall
Paving the way for habitat disturbance: Different road types have distinct ecological impacts on annual plant communities and gall-forming insects ...
and far zones (N= 102, F= 1.73, p= 0.19). There was no
                                                            interaction between road type and road distance (N=
                                                            34, F= 2.87, p= 0.062).

   Figure 1. The effect of road type on Erodium
   cicutarium abundance. We counted Erodium
   cicutarium abundance near creosote bushes by three
   different types of roads in the Mojave Desert—a
   paved one-lane expressway, a dirt vehicle road, and a    Figure 3. The effect of road type on annual native
   hiking trail. Surveys were conducted both near           plant abundance. To assess how road types affect
   (within 3 m of the road) and far (at least 10 m away)    native plant establishment, we collected native plant
   from the roads. Erodium cicutarium abundance did         abundance across three different road types- a paved
   not differ among road types (N= 102, F= 1.87, p= 0.16)   one-way express lane, a dirt vehicle road, and a hiking
   or by distance from road (N= 68, F= 0.017, p=0.90).      trail. Surveys were conducted both near (within 3 m
   There was no interaction effect between road type        of the road) and far (at least 10 m away) from the
   and distance from road (N= 34, F= 2.80, p= 0.065)        roads. The abundance of native annuals was higher
                                                            near trails (N= 68, F= 12.65, p=
Surveys were conducted both near (within 3 m of the      paved one-lane expressway, a dirt vehicle road, and a
   road) and far (at least 10 m away) from the roads. The   hiking trail. Gall abundance surveys were done both
   size of Erodium cicutarium was smallest at dirt roads    near the roads (within 3 m of the road), and far (at
   (N= 340, F= 8.92, p= 0.0003, Figure 1), larger near      least 10 m away) from the roads. Gall density was
   roads (N= 510, F= 191.64, p=
Table 1. Total number of galls of each species found         4.3 Experimental Plots
   per road type. Within 144 creosote bushes, we
   counted 2,101 galls belonging to four main species of gall     Erodium cicutarium grew the most in the
   midges. The most abundant species was Asphondylia
   resinosa, accounting for 49.8% of total galls.
                                                                plot that was dusted only once (N = 25, F =
                                                                17.36, p =
potentially allowing Bromus to grow in              was consistent with our hypothesis that road
   greater abundance near paved roads                  disturbance facilitates a higher density of
   compared to dirt roads and trails.                  gall-forming insects.
      Previous studies have shown Erodium
   cicutarium is a generalist species, meaning it      5.3 Future Research
   is resistant to drought and low levels of
   disturbance (Kimball et al. 2014). The                 Due to the timing of our study, we were
   resilient nature of Erodium cicutarium              only able to observe annual plants that had
   supports our finding that abundance did not         begun germinating a few weeks prior. A
   change across different road types. Though          longer-term observational study on annual
   its ability to establish was not influenced by      plants could provide additional insight into
   roads, our finding that its size was higher in      factors that affect non-native annual plant
   the zones near paved roads and trails, as well as   abundance and growth near desert roads. A
   in the lightly dusted experimental plots, leads     previous study conducted on the effects of
   us to believe Erodium cicutarium was able to        predation and competition on survivorship
   thrive under conditions of light disturbance.       and community structure of desert annuals
      High levels of disturbance can be                in the Sonoran Desert found that
   detrimental to native species and destroy           competition among annual plants reduced
   seed banks (Holzapfel and Schmidt 1990). As         species’ biomass and growth rates (Inouye et
   expected, the road type with the lowest level       al. 1980). As the density of Erodium spp.
   of disturbance supported the highest                decreased due to rodent predation, other
   abundance of native annual species. This            annual species were able to increase in
   finding shows how different road types not          abundance         across    the     landscape.
   only influence non-native plant species but         Specifically, it would be interesting to assess
   also impact the success of native species.          if Erodium cicutarium and Bromus
                                                       experience interspecific competition that
   5.2 Gall Density                                    alters their distribution and survivorship
                                                       over the course of their lifespan.
     Higher water availability from runoff can            According to the Plant Vigor Hypothesis,
   produce more vigorous creosote bushes that          insect herbivores such as gall-forming
   would attract more gall-forming insects             midges may prefer plants that are less water
   (Ludwig and Blanche 2001). Creosote bushes          stressed (Price 1991). Thus, creosote bushes
   have been observed to have faster                   already parasitized by other species known
   vegetative growth rates and higher leaf             to increase water stress on plants
   production when provided additional water           (Sangüesa-Barreda et al. 2013)—such as
   (Sharifi et al. 1988). We observed larger,          mistletoe (Viscum album)—could exhibit
   more vigorous creosote bushes near our              less gall density compared to creosote
   road sites, which aligns with prior research        bushes not already parasitized by mistletoe,
   on the correlation between water                    especially when mistletoe increases water
   availability and creosote health. Our findings      stress on plants. Within our gall survey, we
   that gall density was highest near roads in         observed three different occurrences of
   general and especially high near paved roads        mistletoe, but there were not enough

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replicates to see any trends in regard to how      communities, especially            when      making
   mistletoe     parasitism    impacted       gall    decisions on road design.
   abundance. Based on our study results, we
   speculate creosote bushes parasitized by           ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
   mistletoe may not be as impacted from road
   disturbance as non-mistletoe parasitized             This work was performed at the University
   creosote would be, and that mistletoe              of California’s Sweeney Granite Mountains
   parasitism on creosote bushes may produce          Desert       Research      Center,       doi:
   the greatest impact along paved roads              10.21973/N3S942. Thank you to reserve
   compared to other road types. This would be        directors, Jim André and Tasha La Doux, for
   important to further investigate how roads         welcoming us to the Granites and sharing
   impact the surrounding plant communities           your knowledge of the area with us. Thank
   within the Mojave Desert.                          you to our instructors, Tim Miller and Sarah
                                                      Kingston, for the continuous support,
   5.4 Conclusion                                     guidance, and enthusiasm throughout our
                                                      research. Additional thanks to Jake
      Overall, this study contributes to the          Hernandez, MC Moazed, and Elyse
   growing literature on how different road           Fitzsimons for mentoring and advising us
   designs impact the ecology of surrounding          along the way.
   plant and animal communities within the
   Mojave Desert—specifically non-native              REFERENCES
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