Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital

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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
A N AT I O N W I D E C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L P U B L I C AT I O N | VO LU M E 3 8 I S S U E 1 | W I N T E R 2021

                                          Everything Matters In

     Patient Care                                                                       Genetics and Genomics:
                                                                                        Nationwide Children's
                                                                                           at the Forefront
Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
Bimal Chaudhari, MD, MPH,
 uses rapid genome sequencing to
 create Best Outcomes for patients.   Contents

                                                                                  The Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic
                                                                                  Medicine: An Overview
                                                                                  Richard K. Wilson, PhD Executive Director, The Steve and Cindy
                                                                                  Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine
                                                                                  Elaine R. Mardis, PhD Co-executive Director, The Steve and Cindy
                                                                                  Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine

                                                                                  Precision Medicine and Next Generation
                                                                                  Clinical Care in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology
                                                                                  Prajwal Rajappa, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and
                                                                                  Neurological Surgery Member, Translational Therapeutics Program,
                                                                                  The James Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Ohio State
                                                                                  University College of Medicine Director, Translational
                                                                                  Neuro-Oncology Laboratory, Institute for Genomic Medicine

                                      4   Where Passion Meets Purpose
                                          Lee Ann Wallace, MBA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC, Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services, Chief Nursing Officer
                                      9   Genomics and Privacy
                                          Natasha Davis, JD/MBA and Nikki Pryor, MSN, RN, CNOR, CPN BH
                                      10 The Need for Speed: Rapid Genome Sequencing
                                         Bimal P. Chaudhari, MD, MPH and Catherine E. Cottrell, PhD
                                      12 Sustaining Our Drive for 5!
                                         Sherri Watts, MSN, RN, Professional Development
                                      17 Pharmacogenetics and the Controversy on Medication Choices
                                         Susan Colace, MD, MSCI
                                      18 Genetic Counseling and Translational Medicine
                                         Theresa Mihalic Mosher, MS, CGC
                                      20 Crisscross Applesauce: Our Journey to Genetic Answers
                                         Kellynne Werner, Parent
                                      22 Opportunity Out of Crisis: Telehealth Implementation in Response to COVID-19
                                         Jennifer B. Reese, PsyD and Ujjwal Ramtekkar, MD, MBA, MPE, DFAACAP
                                      24 In Recognition

                                      Editorial Staff:
                                      Editor: Vicki von Sadovszky | Managing Editor: Marcie Rehmar | Editorial Board: Margaret Carey,
                                      Jo Ann Davis, Cindy Iske, Tanica Jeffries, Marissa Larouere, Megan Lewis, Nancy Noyes, Paige Shalter Bruening,
                                      Danielle Worthington | Editorial Assistant: Joanna Kinner | Editorial Support: Heather Lofy
                                      Photography: Brad Smith | Art Direction/Design: John Ordaz

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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
The Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute
   Where Passion Meets Purpose                                                                                                                       for Genomic Medicine: An Overview
                                    s part of the 2017-2022                                    become a cancer cell. Developing a better
                                    Strategic Plan, Nationwide                                 understanding of the cancer location and             Richard K. Wilson, PhD, Executive Director, The Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine,
                                                                                                                                                                      The Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
                                    Children's Hospital committed                              causes of these over-expressed genes, we
                                                                                                                                                   Elaine R. Mardis, PhD, Co-executive Director, The Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine,
                            to Best Outcomes for all children. This                            will increase our successful outcomes for
                                                                                                                                                                      The Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
                            commitment includes developing                                     cancer therapies. The ability to translate
                            cures for rare diseases and a better                               their research into treatment using
                            understanding of the treatment of                                  whole-exome sequencing allowing for
                            genetic conditions in children.                                    diagnosis of pediatric conditions that
                                                                                               traditional tests and investigation would
                            Genomics is one of the areas of focus                              not be able to identify. Through genome
   Lee Ann Wallace      that we believe will accelerate our                                    sequencing, targeted therapies, and
   MBA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC Journey to Best Outcomes. At the Abigail
                                                                                               medications based on the identification
   Senior Vice President,   Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide                            of genetic errors will be developed,
   Patient Care Services,   Children’s Hospital, our world-renowned
   Chief Nursing Officer                                                                       all leading to improved outcomes.
                            research teams are breaking new ground
                            in genomics, gene therapy, and tissue                              While work has been focused on
                            engineering. This research will provide                            rare genetic conditions and cancer,
                            transformational work in understanding                             the future is wide open. Other
                            the genetic causes of disease, an ability                          areas of future expansion include
                            to more rapidly sequence genomes, as                               diagnosis and treatment of seizure
                            well as reducing the cost of this state-of-                        disorders and the ability for rapid
                            the-art medical science and technology.                            identification of neonatal conditions.
                                                                                               As care team providers, we need to
                            Rather than a one size fits all approach,                          continue to expand our knowledge
                            individualized treatment care plans                                and understanding of genomics in our
                            can be developed using high precision                              own areas of practice, while identifying
                            diagnostics. Large research studies are                            the impact of these discoveries on
                            taking place on the identification of                              our patients and their families.
                            cancer tumor DNA while understanding
                            what processes cause a normal cell to


                                                   JOURNEY TO BEST OUTCOMES

                                                 One Team                                     GOAL                          BEST OUTCOMES
                                                  Values                                                                     for Kids Everywhere
                                                                                      Pre-eminent Clinical &
                                                                                       Research Programs

                                  Growth &                   Operational
                                 Partnerships                Excellence

                                                                           Quality,                            Wellness/
                                                                           Safety &                            Population
                                                                           Service    Behavioral   Genomics      Health

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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
                 hen Nationwide Children’s Hospital              to the single gene testing performed at most children’s
                 leadership completed their strategic            hospitals which often results in a very long diagnostic
                 planning process in 2013, they identified       odyssey for the patients and their families.
    genomics as an accelerator for the hospital that would
    differentiate its health care in significant and impactful   Recognizing this potential of genomics to improve our
    ways as compared to other children’s hospitals. What         understanding, diagnosis and treatment of childhood
    is genomics and why was it considered a critical             diseases, Nationwide Children’s established the
    accelerator? How did this aim of the strategic plan          Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic
    manifest itself and what has happened since then?            Medicine in 2016. The Institute represents a very
                                                                 unique fusion of capabilities including advanced
    Genomics can be simply defined as the study of               genomics-centered research and development, clinical
    the genome, which is the instruction set encoded             molecular diagnostic testing and high-performance
    by the DNA inside of our cells and inherited from            analytical computing. The intersection of these
    our parents. This DNA-based instruction set is               capabilities enables our mission of interdisciplinary
    interpreted during development as a carefully                and collaborative research across multiple service lines
    orchestrated process that builds cells, organs and           with a goal of including genomics-based evidence as
    ultimately an entire human body. Changes to the              a critical component of medical practice. Achieving
    DNA code of an individual can result in disruptions          this mission has become manifest in a series of clinical
    of this process, resulting in altered development            translational protocols, each of which studies patients
    and human disease. The ability to rapidly discover           across a number of childhood disease phenotypes. For
    and interpret these changes in individual patients           example, children who are diagnosed with a brain or
    across a variety of pediatric diseases has been              other CNS tumor undergo comprehensive analysis
    accelerated in recent years by several factors.              of the genome in their cancer cells, in collaboration
                                                                 with our colleagues from Neuro-oncology,
    First and foremost, complete sequencing of the first         Neurosurgery, Pathology, Radiology and Radiation
    human genome (the Human Genome Project, 1990-                Oncology who directly care for these patients. The
    2003) provided us with the fundamental instruction           results of our analyses are discussed during a weekly
    set in our DNA - namely the location and structure           tumor board attended by care providers from all of
    of the protein-coding genes that are shared by all           these specialties, with an aim to identify genomic
    members of the human population. Second, the advent          features that may indicate new treatments or predict
    of rapid and relatively inexpensive DNA sequencing           outcome. The same protocol has evaluated patients
    technology, combined with advanced computational             with sarcomas, with blood cancers of various types         tissue and may reflect changes that emerged not from       may provide clues to the disorder or help identify the
    analysis has enabled genome sequencing to become a           and more recently, with overgrowth syndromes that          inheritance but instead from DNA copying errors            syndrome. A clear determination of genetic cause is
    high-resolution form of diagnostic laboratory testing.       often are caused by mutations in cancer-related            during normal development and growth in utero.             identified for around 33% of patients evaluated by
    Third, a series of “big science” efforts that catalyzed      genes. In total, more than 230 patients have been          This protocol has evaluated over 40 patients to-date,      this clinical test. In the event of a negative result, we
    the study of thousands of individual human genome            studied on this protocol since January 2018 and over       with a return of medically relevant information in         may offer these families the option of enrollment onto
    sequences and permitted the association of DNA-based         93% of those studied had one or more medically             35% of the patients studied. In most cases, this           our rare disease genomics protocol, which performs
    changes within those genomes with many conditions            meaningful results identified by our analyses.             information will not impact patient care, but there is     sequencing of the complete genomes of the patient
    including cancer, cardiovascular disease, autism and
                                                                                                                            an intangible value in parents being able to understand    and parents, and in some cases includes individuals
    other behavioral disorders, epilepsy, craniofacial,          Similarly, children with treatment-refractory epilepsy
                                                                                                                            the underlying cause of their child’s seizures.            from the family pedigree that are also affected. Using
    cardiac, and other birth defects and various                 without a known inheritance pattern often undergo
                                                                                                                                                                                       this comprehensive approach, we have uncovered
    syndromic metabolic and developmental diseases.              brain activity mapping and surgery to remove affected      In collaboration with Nationwide Children’s medical        complex changes to the DNA of affected individuals
                                                                 tissues and thereby eliminate or reduce the intensity      genetics providers, we annually study more than 300
    Building upon these critical factors, the inclusion of                                                                                                                             that explains their disorder or syndromic difficulties
                                                                 and frequency of their seizures. Working with our          children with undiagnosed syndromic or complex
    genome-based diagnostics now enables comprehensive                                                                                                                                 yet could not have been identified by the clinical test
                                                                 colleagues in Neurosurgery, Neurology and Pathology,       disorders thought to have underlying genetic causes.
    molecular testing for individual patients with complex                                                                                                                             which only evaluates about 1.5% of the genome.
                                                                 we have studied the genome from tissue removed             This test, which can be ordered through our clinical
    and otherwise undiagnosed disease by evaluating              at surgery to identify and characterize genomic            laboratory, evaluates the patient’s protein coding genes   Our successes in the rare disease genomics protocol
    the entire genome in an unbiased fashion to identify         changes associated with the cause of their disease.        in comparison to those of both parents, when possible,     have led to a new effort that also focuses on whole
    causative changes. This approach is in stark contrast        Many of these changes are unique to the affected           to identify changes unique to the child’s genes that       genome sequencing of child and parents, but in this

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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
Genomics and Privacy
                                                                                                                          Natasha Davis, JD/MBA, Senior Associate General Counsel Legal Department
                                                                                                                          Nikki Pryor, MSN, RN, CNOR, CPN, BH Clinical Risk Manager Legal Department

                                                                                                                                 arge scale data breaches are in the news           for research. The research subject should have a
                                                                                                                                 frequently, hitting many different types of        good understanding of what the consent entails
                                                                                                                                 institutions, such as banks, corporate companies   and have the opportunity to ask questions.
                                                                                                                          and even hospitals. In the digital age, it leads people
                                                                                                                          to wonder about the security of their information and     Privacy concerns with genomics impact not only
                                                                                                                          how data remains private. This is especially true in      the initial research subject, but also siblings, current
                                                                                                                          the world of genomics, where this sensitive data has a    or future children, and other family members. The
                                                                                                                          unique need to be shared for research, public health,     institutional review board (IRB) and/or privacy
                                                                                                                          clinical interpretation and medical practice support.     board is designed to ensure maximum privacy
                                                                                                                          As this information is shared for current and future      protection while sharing the minimum amount
                                                                                                                          research or treatment of genetic conditions, it is more   of data, specimens, etc. Federal law requires
                                                                                                                          valuable to cybercriminals than traditional protected     adherence to these core procedures established by the
     case involves tiny newborns in our neonatal intensive     psychiatric genomics and autism genomics research          health information (PHI) because of its ability to        Common Rule including the appropriate informed
     care unit with a variety of failure-to-thrive related     to study pediatric patients and their families who         illuminate generational family health. The balance to     consent and the mandated review by the IRB.
     difficulties, including metabolic and developmental       have been diagnosed with autism, with depression           keep it private and secure is paramount while at the      Genomics data has the potential to impact denial of
     problems. The big difference in this procedure is         leading to suicidality and with bipolar disorder. Long-    same time remaining cognizant of the importance           medical treatment, eligibility for healthcare insurance
     our goal to return information about these babies         term we anticipate our work in behavioral genomics         of sharing for advances in genomic research.              and qualifying for job opportunities. The Genetic
     to our neonatal ICU providers in only 48 hours!           will transition to the setting of genomic testing as a
                                                                                                                                                                                    Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) was
     This time-to-results goal is a technical and logistical   component of medical diagnosis for these children.         In the 1950s, cells were used from a                      developed to protect against discrimination in the
     challenge that we are still tackling, yet we have
                                                               While strong progress has been made toward our
                                                                                                                          cancer patient named Henrietta Lack                       workplace and healthcare insurance but there are still
     already made significant progress, having returned
                                                               mission at the Rasmussen Institute, it is clear that       and were utilized in multiple research                    unprotected gaps, such as disability, life and long-term
     information on our most recent case in only 4 days.
                                                               additional medical service lines will benefit from         projects.                                                 care insurance. GINA also does not apply to small
     Two other areas of collaborative study have emerged       the integration of genomics into both research and                                                                   employers and the U.S. military. The uncertainty and
     in the past year. One area focuses on the relationship    clinical practice. To better identify and define these     It became known as the HeLa cell line. This was           variability of what privacy protection is available can
     between our health and our microbiome, which is           opportunities, a critical activity involves education of   done without her or her family’s consent, which was       impact the participation of needed participants.
     defined as the bacteria and viruses that naturally        clinical providers regarding the application of genomics   not uncommon at the time. When discovered, this
                                                                                                                                                                                    It is imperative that the privacy laws and regulations
     live in and on our bodies. Research has illustrated       - what it can and cannot address. Similarly, we benefit    led to discussions about consent, patient privacy,
                                                                                                                                                                                    match the rapid pace of which science and the study
     that this close relationship between humans and           from understanding the challenges and unanswered           ethics, property rights and others. Those discussions
                                                                                                                                                                                    of genomics evolve. Typically, deidentified data is
     microbes shapes our illness and health in ways            questions in these different areas of pediatric medical    continue today as the boundaries of privacy,
                                                                                                                                                                                    absolved of federal and state privacy requirements but
     that had not previously been appreciated and has          practice and using this information to shape study         patient understandings of consents, and precedence
                                                                                                                                                                                    as technology advances, even the best deidentified data
     sparked further study in the pediatric realm. These       design, patient accrual and other important aspects        set on regulations or legal outcomes evolve.
                                                                                                                                                                                    can be reidentified with accuracy. Future regulations
     studies include gaining a better understanding of         that maximize the yield of information we obtain.          Informed consent is a large component of research
                                                                                                                                                                                    will need to focus on addressing this to meet the needs
     the impact of vaccines and antibiotics on the normal      With a basic understanding of each other’s vocabulary,     and testing. This consent should be written, clear
                                                                                                                                                                                    of scientific advancements and privacy protection.
     gastrointestinal flora, adverse effects on normal flora   strengths and challenges, we can better define the         on the risks and benefits of participation and
     caused by anti-anxiety medications and how microbes       way by which genomics can help answer the difficult        include whether data or specimens will be used
     impact childhood neuronal development. Most               questions that clinicians must address when diagnosing
     recently we have opened a collaborative protocol with     and treating their patients. This is the essence of team
     researchers and care providers in a new focus area        science in precision medicine and why genomics is an
     at Nationwide Children’s Behavioral Health. Here          accelerator for our hospital and its important focus
     we will use the body of knowledge emerging from           on providing the best care possible for our patients.

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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
a massive amount of data which needs to be accurately,
                                                                                                                               but rapidly processed into a human interpretable
                                                                                                                               form. Dr. Peter White, an Institute co-investigator, and                             DEFINITIONS
                                                                                                                               his bioinformatics team have combined automation
                                                                                                                               and cloud computing to enable rapid analysis. Once
                                                                                                                               initial data are available, a collaborative team including
                                                                                                                               researchers, variant scientists and analysts, genetic
                                                                                                                               counselors and laboratory directors gather to review the
                                                                                                                               results under the direction of Institute co-investigator
                                                                                                                               Dr. Catherine Cottrell and Principal Investigator,
                                                                                                                               Dr. Bimal Chaudhari. During this multidisciplinary            The human genome includes all coding and noncoding DNA
                                                                                                                               review, data from the genome analysis are discussed to        sequences. DNA encodes more than 20,000 genes in humans,
                                                                                                                                                                                             but most of the more than 3.2 billion base pairs that comprise
                                                                                                                               determine if any genetic variants are consistent with the     the human genome are repetitive DNA or noncoding sequences
                                                                                                                               patient’s symptoms, or to reassure clinicians that certain    and have not been linked to specific inherited disorders.
                                                                                                                               suspected diagnoses are unlikely. In the first 6 months,      Portions of our genes known as exons encode the genetic in-
                                                                                                                               the recruitment phase of the study, the team was able to      structions for making proteins which are fundamental compo-
    The Need for Speed: Rapid Genome Sequencing                                                                                reduce the time to provide a preliminary interpretation to
                                                                                                                               under five days. While researchers have many additional
                                                                                                                                                                                             nents of our cellular makeup and biological functions.

                                                  Bimal P. Chaudhari, MD, MPH                                                  investigations in mind, including using artificial
               Principal Investigator, The Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine, Assistant
                                                                                                                               intelligence to further speed up the process, the biggest
                       Professor of Pediatrics, Divisions of Neonatology, Genetic and Genomic Medicine
                                                                                                                               impact on care will come when the test is transitioned
                 Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine
                                                                                                                               out of the research setting and into clinical care.
                                                    Catherine E. Cottrell, PhD
             Senior Director, Clinical Laboratory, The Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine                The translational nature of the rapid genome
  Associate Professor (Clinical), The Departments of Pathology and Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine
                                                                                                                               sequencing protocol was designed to enable                    The human exome includes all coding DNA sequences

           rare disease is one that affects fewer than            The current standard of care requires sending a sample to    an efficient transition toward offering                       (exons). Comprising only 1%-2% of the human genome, the
                                                                                                                                                                                             exome nonetheless contains the majority of currently recognized
           200,000 Americans. However, because there              an external laboratory where results take up to two weeks.   genome analysis as a validated test within                    disease-causing variants in the genome.
           are more than 7,000 rare diseases, they are                                                                         the Institute’s Clinical Laboratory.
   collectively common, affecting more than 10% of                Expediting a genetic diagnosis on a time scale that is
   all Americans. More than half of rare diseases have a          relevant to critically ill children and their caregivers     Because many steps within the translation protocol
   genetic basis and disproportionately affect children. At       requires multiple service lines acting as one team.          were thoughtfully laid out, including provider
   Nationwide Children’s Hospital, many children with             Investigators at the Steve and Cundy Rasmussen               education, transport and handling of the specimens
   rare genetic diseases are diagnosed and managed on             Institute for Genomic Medicine are partnering                and data, as well as results analysis, the study team
   an outpatient basis by providers in the Division of            with clinicians in Genetic and Genomic Medicine,             and laboratory personnel gained critical hands-
   Genetic and Genomic Medicine. Historically, patients           Neonatology, Critical Care and the Heart Center to           on experience. The knowledge gained during the                Exome sequencing is a laboratory test designed to identify and
   would undergo a series of genetic tests until a diagnosis      understand how to deliver a genomic diagnosis in a           translational study allows for further refinement in the      analyze the sequence of all protein-coding nuclear genes in the
   was reached. The process was time consuming and                timely manner and to study the impact this change in         overall workflow, with the ultimate goal of providing a       genome. Approximately 95% of the exome can be sequenced
   frustrating for patients and families, often taking            practice has on patients, families and clinicians. The       time-sensitive and comprehensive result for improved          with currently available techniques.
   many years to reach a diagnosis. Within the Steve and          process begins when the Clinical Genetics consult            diagnosis and management in our most critically ill
   Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine at              service is asked to evaluate an inpatient. When the          patients. Validation efforts in the clinical laboratory are
   Nationwide Children’s Hospital, exome sequencing               primary service and the clinical geneticist agree that       thoroughly considered to ensure that a test is designed
   has been available since 2017. Exome sequencing is             a rapid result may improve care, families are offered        to be highly robust, accurate, and reproducible, while
   a clinical test that allows the portions of our genes          the standard of care as well the opportunity to enroll       meeting necessary standards set forth by professional
   which code for protein to be studied for genetic               in an IGM translational protocol designed to rapidly         societies, and accreditation organizations. Once a
   variation which may be associated with disease. Exome          sequence the patient’s genome. Blood is drawn from the       test is clinically validated, the results can be directly
                                                                  patient as well as both parents and sent to the lab for                                                                    Genome sequencing is a laboratory test designed to identify
   sequencing has shortened this diagnostic odyssey for                                                                        shared with clinical providers to inform care, as well        and analyze the sequence of all coding and noncoding DNA.
   many patients from years to months or even weeks.              analysis. In parallel, the patient’s clinical information    as documented in the patient’s medical record. With
   However, for our sickest patients requiring intensive          is summarized and transmitted to the lab. Once               researchers, clinicians, laboratory faculty and staff
   care, patients, families and doctors do not have the           DNA has been extracted, sequencing is completed in           jointly focusing on best outcomes for our patients,
   luxury of waiting even a few weeks for a diagnosis.            a process designed under the leadership of IGM co-           the clinical realization of rapid genome sequencing
                                                                  investigator Dr. Vincent Magrini. This process generates     at Nationwide Children’s is soon to be a reality.
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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
Sustaining Our Drive for 5!                                                                                                           Precision Medicine and Next Generation
    Sherri Watts, MSN, RN, Professional Development
                                                                                                                                          Clinical Care in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology
            he American Nurses Credentialing Center          Program Director and story author transition details,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Prajwal Rajappa, MD, MS
            (ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program®               evidence and data into a Magnet Worksheet, followed
                                                                                                                         Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neurological Surgery Member, Translational Therapeutics Program, The James Comprehensive Cancer
            application criteria are revised every four      by a Magnet Narrative Draft and final e-submission
                                                                                                                        Center, The Ohio State University College of Medicine Director, Translational Neuro-Oncology Laboratory, Institute for Genomic Medicine
    years. Health care organizations apply Donabedian’s      document. A second structure linked to employees
    structure + process = outcome framework to               submitting a potential Magnet story is the new
    demonstrate the current state of nursing excellence.     Magnet Recognition Program. All employees who
                                                             submit a potential Magnet story will receive a heartfelt
    Approximately 7% of all registered hospitals are         Magnet Steering Committee Thank You. As soon
    bestowed Magnet® designation by the ANCC                 as the story becomes a narrative draft, employees
    Commission on Magnet Recognition. A much smaller         will receive a frameable Certificate of Completion
    percentage of these hospitals have sustained Magnet      highlighting the story and team. And finally, when the
    designation for more than four consecutive journeys.     Magnet story is submitted into the final document,
    The current state of Nationwide Children’s Hospital      employees will receive an ANCC lapel pin.
    Magnet status is as an elite member of hospitals who     Process: A silver lining process recognized during
    are applying for a fifth consecutive ANCC Magnet         the pandemic included endless digital workspace
    recognition. Nationwide Children’s is in year two of     applications which facilitated continual acquisition
    the four-year Drive for 5 themed Magnet Journey.         of Magnet stories. Similarly acclaimed, was the
    The unprecedented times of virtual meetings, pivoting    training afforded by Vickie Bennett, DNP, RN-
    and welcoming several new hospital leaders has only      BC, who transitioned into a new role of eLearning
    strengthened our agile and innovative approach. Two      Educator. Vickie and her team expanded use of
    employees new to their roles, Lee Ann Wallace MBA,       virtual programs such as; IdeaBoardz, Adobe Spark,
    BSN, RN, NEA-BC Senior VP Patient Care Services          and Mentimeter. These new engagement platforms
    and Chief Nursing Officer and Vicki von Sadovszky,       have become the foundation for brainstorming
    PhD, RN, FAAN, Director Professional Development         during virtual Magnet Story touch base meetings.
    have supported numerous innovative structures and
    processes to sustain our Magnet redesignation efforts.   Outcomes: With 43 of the 82 required Magnet
                                                             stories assigned, Nationwide Children’s is well
    Structure: One new structure is an automated             positioned for a successful fifth Magnet document.
    potential Magnet story submission process available      Our agile and innovative methodology to bumps
    to all Nationwide Children’s employees. Once vetted      along the road has made this journey one to cherish.
    and assigned to a Magnet criterion, the Magnet

                            Drive for 5

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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
                                                   n the United States alone, approximately               technology and personalized medicine and take advantage        providers that molecular characterization of diseases could
                                                   4,500 children are diagnosed each year with            of the precipitous fall in cost of using these platforms.      help identify clinically useful data. Despite a national
                                                   Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors.                                                                                  emphasis and rationale for NGS integration into health
                                                                                                          To that end, large scale genomic studies on a national         care delivery systems, widespread genomics programs have
                                               Pediatric CNS tumors are classified as                     scale have started to enhance our knowledge base as it         yet to be incorporated in standard of care practice on the
                                               both malignant and non-malignant                           pertains to the genomic and molecular characteristics of       grass roots level. Additionally, we lack longitudinal data
                                               tumors of the brain and spinal cord.                       these disparate tumors. Programs such as the Precision         with regards to incorporating precision sequencing and
                                                                                                          Medicine Initiative (PMI), All of Us and the Cancer            its association to clinical management and outcomes.
                                               There are two main types of CNS tumors: gliomas            Moonshot have placed an emphasis and value in genomic
                                               and medulloblastomas. Gliomas, tumors of glial             profiling to better understand complex disease entities.       At Nationwide Children’s Hospital however, we are
                                               origin, contribute to around half of all pediatric         These national programs have long and short-term goals.        at the forefront of next generation clinical care in
                                               and adolescent CNS tumors, making them the most            These short-term goals include building a knowledge base       Pediatric Neuro-Oncology in our journey to best
                                               common CNS tumor in this population. There are two         of genetics and cancer biology in order to enhance drug        outcomes. Given the seamless integration of genomic
                                               main types of gliomas: astrocytomas and ependymomas.       discovery while the long-term goals focus on bringing          medicine as an addition to the standard of care in our
                                               Astrocytomas, tumors of astrocytes, are the most           accessible precision medicine health care delivery to all      Pediatric Neuro-Oncology service, we are starting to
                                               common type of glioma. Low-grade astrocytomas are          areas of health care infrastructure. With the rollout of       appreciate the important implications of precision
                                               classified into pilocytic astrocytoma (grade I), which     these programs, there is a drive for participants to provide   medicine and genomics-based approaches to complex
                                               are usually benign and diffuse astrocytoma (grade          biological samples, personal health information, and           disease entities. The Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Tumor
                                               II). Low grade astrocytomas account for roughly            genetic information. This cohort of patients serves as a       Board engages in a weekly conversation with neuro-
                                               15% of all gliomas. High grade astrocytomas can be         platform for researchers to understand disease process         oncologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists,
                                               divided into anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III), diffuse   and mechanisms. From a policy standpoint, these new            neuropathologists, and genomics experts from Steve
                                               intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPG), and glioblastomas        programs underscore a growing consensus among policy           and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine
                                               (GBMs, grade IV). Grade II astrocytomas exhibit            makers and government officials, industry and health care      at Nationwide Children’s Hospital who all have one
                                               better prognosis (median survival of six to eight years)
                                               compared to aggressive high grade GBM (median
                                               survival rate of 12 to 18 months). Ependymomas are
                                               tumors of ependymal cells, derived from primitive
                                               glia, that predominantly occurs in the brain. In
                                               addition to these, germ cell tumors, meningiomas and
          X-ray of a child's head, side view   lymphomas of the brain demonstrate variability with
                                               regards to tumor and molecular heterogeneity. The
                                               disparate nature and histology of these tumors pose
                                               significant treatment challenges and variable outcomes.

                                               These pose significant challenges for children diagnosed
                                               with multiple recurrent, high-grade, inoperable and
                                               infiltrative disease. The current standard of care for
                                               infiltrative disease consists of maximal safe resection
  From a policy standpoint, these new
                                               followed by adjuvant therapy, including chemotherapy,
    programs underscore a growing              radiation therapy or combination chemoradiation
  consensus among policy makers and            therapy, but these treatments are fraught with
   government officials, industry and          comorbidities and toxicities ranging from surgical
  health care providers that molecular         complications, endocrine dysfunction, neurocognitive
   characterization of diseases could          delay, and impaired neurologic function associated with
   help identify clinically useful data.       multimodality therapies. Overall, current treatment
                                               approaches in this high-risk population has been
                                               problematic as demonstrated by poor five-year survival
                                               rates. These poor outcomes have served as a driving
                                               force and rationale to start expanding various multi-
                                               faceted approaches. These modern approaches now
                                               aim to leverage Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
goal in mind: to improve outcomes for our patients by          which limits the adaptive immune system’s ability to
                                                                                                                              Pharmacogenetics and the Controversy on
 integrating precision medicine approaches as an addition
 the standard of care. Led by world renown genomics
                                                                fight the tumor. Numerous studies and therapeutic
                                                                strategies are now emerging to selectively deplete or
                                                                                                                              Medication Choices
 experts Drs. Richard Wilson and Elaine Mardis, the Steve       reprogram myeloid cells in cancer. These cellular based       Susan Colace, MD, MSCI Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Co-Director for the Program in Personalized Medicine and
                                                                                                                              Pharmacogenomics Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/BMT

 and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Genomic Medicine.            strategies and tumor extrinsic approaches in addition
 is at the forefront of genomic medicine and translation.       to genomic medicine will define the next iteration of                     ost medications we use to treat childhood             the way they are processed in the body. Therefore, not
 From a programmatic standpoint, all patients with rare         precision medicine. It is this next iteration that should                 diseases are chosen based on a variety of factors:    every patient will benefit from genetic testing for selection
 and refractory disease are nominated onto the Cancer           also emphasize the critical need for longitudinal follow                  the type of disease, whether the patient has          or dosing of medications. Genetic testing is beneficial
 protocol. Here tumor tissue and matching normal                up of patient care that involved precision medicine           any allergies, whether the drug comes in liquid or tablet         for those who are going to be taking medications that
 control blood samples may undergo germline analyses in         along with tumor intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. We       form, the experience of the health care provider with that        have a known, actionable, drug-gene interaction.
 addition to whole exome and RNA sequencing along with          need to evaluate the association of precision medicine        medication and so on. Once the medication is chosen,
                                                                                                                              we typically calculate a dose based on the child’s weight         One misconception regarding pharmacogenomic
 methylation profiling. The resulting data is reviewed in       with clinical outcomes and appreciate the benefits in                                                                           testing is that it will allow the provider to choose the
 concert with the clinical course for each patient during       a more systematic fashion. For example, evaluating            and height and we may even adjust the dose by measuring
                                                                                                                              drug levels. Usually, this time-tested method works well,         best medication for the patient. Pharmacogenomic
                                                                                                                              and the chosen medicine works at the prescribed dose.             testing cannot identify an individual medication as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                best choice for a patient. Rather, it identifies whether
  At Nationwide Children’s Hospital however, we are at the forefront of next generation clinical care                         For some patients and some diseases, however, this process        there are medications that a patient is less likely to
                                                                                                                              is far more challenging. Patients may try medication              respond to, more likely to have side effects from or
  in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology in our Journey to Best Outcomes. Given the seamless integration
                                                                                                                              after medication, only to find that one medication has            more likely to have trouble finding the right dose.
  of genomic medicine as an addition to the standard of care in our Pediatric Neuro-Oncology                                  terrible side effects, and another doesn’t work at all.
  service, we are starting to appreciate the important implications of precision medicine and                                 Another patient may have multiple drug levels drawn               The other challenge with pharmacogenomic testing is
  genomics-based approaches to complex disease entities.                                                                      over weeks and months, never quite able to find the dose          finding the right time to test for variants in genes that might
                                                                                                                              that works for them. Patients, families and providers all         affect medication choice or dosing. Most pharmacogenomic
                                                                                                                              end up frustrated and discouraged that a medication               testing takes several weeks to get results. For patients who
                                                                                                                              simply isn’t working the way it is supposed to, and may           need to start a drug very quickly, it can be difficult to have
 each tumor board meeting. Of note, the sequencing              the standard of care approaches as a control arm in           start to wonder: is there a better way to do this?                results back in time to be useful. Once a patient has started
 results are returned in a timely fashion so the data can       comparison to precision medicine protocols will serve                                                                           a medication, pharmacogenomic testing is less useful, as
 be incorporated into clinical decision making and this is      as a method to evaluate outcomes with respect to              Pharmacogenomics is the study of how our genes interact           the patient will have already experienced side effects or
 just one aspect of our program at Nationwide Children’s        utilized techniques. We must also continue to develop         with medications, also known as drug-gene interactions.           a need for dose adjustment. Therefore, the best time to
 that is exemplary. Overall, this multi-disciplinary            electronic medical record (EMR) capture tools in order to     Our genes are like an instruction manual for our whole            perform pharmacogenomic testing is before a patient starts
 approach brings together a broad range of expertise to         evaluate clinical parameters (radiographic and histologic)    body. That includes instructions on how our bodies process        any medications for a particular disease or problem.
 answer challenging clinical questions and design novel         along with laboratory and basic research findings.            medications. Some genes control how medications are
 treatment strategies based on targeted therapies.                                                                            absorbed, broken down and removed from the body, while        There are currently multiple commercial tests available
                                                                While the last few years have seen an increase in             others control how medications are moved around the body      that test for variants in a large number of pharmacogenes,
 There is value in also understanding that the overarching      clinical sequencing studies in pediatric oncology, we         to the places they need to go. Small changes in these genes,  some of which can even be ordered for testing at home,
 concept of precision medicine is evolving. While the           still need to evaluate the impact longitudinally on           called genetic variants, can cause two people to process the  without a health care provider. While these can be
 initial emphasis has primarily focused on defining tumor       patient care and outcomes. Various precision oncology         same medication very differently. They may be the same size,  interesting and sometimes helpful, most of these large
 intrinsic driver mutations, there is a growing body of         basket trials also have shown preliminary progress            and have the same disease, but need very different doses or   panels test for variants which primarily affect drugs
 data that suggests that the tumor microenvironment             but need further evaluation in refractory or relapsed                                                                       used in adults, and often the interpretation of the
                                                                                                                              respond very differently because of differences in their genes.
 and extrinsic factors including infiltrating immune cells      cancers. Ultimately, a collective analysis of clinical and                                                                  results is aimed at adults, rather than children. In some
 play a role in facilitating cancer progression. To that end,   laboratory research data in conjunction with genomic          We are constantly learning about drug-gene interactions and cases, the interpretation may lead a provider to avoid
 the growing field of immunogenomics within precision           findings will accelerate better opportunities for precision   how they can be useful to patients. Currently, there are more a medication which could be safely tried in a patient,
 medicine is defining mechanisms by which innate and            medicine in children diagnosed with cancer. Overall,          than 375 unique drug-gene pairs in a database frequently      thus unnecessarily eliminating a medication choice.
 adaptive immune cells play a critical role in promote          our goal in the field of pediatric neuro-oncology is          updated by the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation
 angiogenesis, invasion and chemotherapy resistance and         to improve the outcomes of these complex disease              Consortium (CPIC). Not every drug-gene pair is actionable. Every patient’s situation is unique, and it can be helpful
 treatment response. Furthermore, various studies in solid      entities leveraging precision medicine so we leave a          An actionable drug-gene pair means that finding a genetic     to discuss options for testing, as well as interpretation
 tumors have associated innate immune myeloid cells             meaningful impact on patients and their families.             variant would change the way a provider prescribes the        of test results with an expert in pharmacogenomics.
 and tumor associated macrophages as indicators of poor                                                                       drug. Some drug-gene pairs are informative and simply         Experts at Nationwide Children’s Hospital can help
 prognosis in addition to their role in T-cell exhaustion                                                                     give us a better of understanding of why two individuals      determine whether pharmacogenomic testing would
                                                                                                                              might respond to the same drug in different ways. Some        be helpful in a particular child’s case or can assist in
                                                                                                                              drugs do not have any known genetic variants that affect      interpretation of pharmacogenomic testing results.

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Patient Care Genetics and Genomics: Nationwide Children's at the Forefront - Nationwide Children's Hospital
Genetic Counseling and Translational Medicine
     Theresa Mihalic Mosher, MS, CGC, Licensed Genetic Counselor, The Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for Ge-
     nomic Medicine

              enetic counseling has been around since the     of their medical decision making; giving them the
              1970s, but the field has grown and become       information needed to help them decide whether or
              more visible to the public in recent years.     not genetic testing is right for their families. If they
    However, what genetic counseling is and how it can        do undergo testing, genetic counselors coordinate and
    be beneficial to patients and families continues to       facilitate testing, and then explain what the results
    evolve over time. Genetic counseling is defined by the    mean in the context of the family health history and
    National Society of Genetic Counselors as “a process to   patient’s personal medical history. Whether positive or
    evaluate and understand a family’s risk of an inherited   negative, genetic test results are complex, and helping
    medical condition.” In practice, this can mean many       individuals understand the relevant information
    things. Genetic counselors are involved in a variety of   can have implications for their health and decision
    settings, from hospitals and obstetric offices, to cancer making–treatments to use, treatments to avoid and
    centers and laboratories. You might even talk to one      what the risks to other family members might be. While
    on the phone or by video chat if you order a                     genetic testing might not be the right path for
    direct-to-consumer test like 23andMe™.                                everyone, many individuals and families are
                                                                            increasingly finding the results useful to
    At Nationwide Children’s Hospital,                                        them, not only for their personal health
    genetic counselors wear many hats                                           or the health of their child, but also for
    to serve our (primarily) pediatric                                          finding their own support community.
    population in very specific ways. We
    work all across the institution, in                                         While genetic testing technology has
    the general genetics clinic, Division                                      improved exponentially over the years
    of Genetic and Genomic Medicine,                                         and people are able to be diagnosed
    specialty sections like Cardiology,                                    more rapidly, there are still many patients
    Neurology, Neuromuscular and Hematology                           with rare, undiagnosed diseases. Based on the
    and in the clinical laboratory. We are increasingly       National Institute of Health’s definition of a rare
    becoming involved in translational research with the      disease, about one in 10 people in this country are
    Abigail Wexner Research Institute and the newly           affected by one. Despite the fact that about 80%               new presentations of established genetic diseases. In about 30% of our rare disease research cases, patients are also
    dedicated Steve and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for         of rare diseases are thought to be genetic, we don’t           receiving information that ultimately leads to a diagnosis via clinical genetic testing guided by research findings.
    Genomic Medicine at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.       yet know the genetic cause for all these diseases.
    This allows for a true bench-to-bedside approach                                                                         While knowing your genetic diagnosis doesn’t always change your medical care, it does provide a name and
    to genomic medicine, giving genetic counselors the        The Steven and Cindy Rasmussen Institute for                   an explanation for the condition. It allows family members who might be at risk to be more easily tested, and
    ability to literally translate genomic research results   Genomic Medicine is uniquely situated in the gap               couples who are at risk to have child with the disease to better understand what their reproductive options
    and data into informative and actionable clinical         between diagnostic clinical testing and the world of           are. In a world where patients can connect across the globe, finding a genetic diagnosis often provides the
    information for patients. Some genetic counselors         genomic research. The Institute has created a model            patients and families with the opportunity to find a community where they can meet and connect with
    now hold dual roles, seeing patients in the clinic        for translational genomic medicine that allows patients        others with the same condition. For many patients, finding these communities can be an important tool for
    part-time and working on research projects the rest       in the clinic with rare undiagnosed diseases who have          coping with a rare disease. In the future, the research being done to diagnose rare diseases may help aid in the
    of the time, thus allowing for patients at Nationwide     reached the end of their clinical genetic testing road         development of treatments and therapies, such as gene therapy, that up until now, has we’ve only dreamed of.
    Children’s to take full advantage of genomic              to be considered for newer types of diagnostic testing
    testing available on their journey to diagnosis.          that have yet to be rolled out in the clinical arena.          As a genetic counselor, it’s my job to help guide patients and families on their journey to best outcomes
                                                              Patients who receive genomic sequencing or other types         as they navigate the world of genetic testing, and to help them find the most up to date information and
    The goal of a genetic counseling session is never to      of genomic analyses on a research basis are helping to         support resources for a rare disease. With the translational testing model at the Institute, the ability of genetic
    tell people what to do with the genetic information,      advance science. We are learning more about genes that         counselors to provide patients and families with that information has greatly increased, and will continue
    but to empower patients and families to take control      have an unknown function in the body and describing            to grow in the years to come as our technology and understanding of genomics increases even more.

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Crisscross Applesauce: Our Journey to Genetic Answers                                                                       We are forever grateful for the opportunities the clinical genetics and research genomics
    Kellynne Werner, Parent
                                                                                                                            teams provided to Collins and our family. Had it not been for their continued persistence to

”            e have a problem over here!” Those were           wasn’t until my mid-twenties and a visit to a podiatrist
             the words that followed the statements            after a foot injury that I was told I had Nail-Patella
                                                                                                                            get the right answer, we would still be using our working diagnosis.
             of congratulations from the nurses and            Syndrome. The podiatrist made this diagnosis based on my
doctors of the operating room when we delivered our            family and medical history and my physical presentation.
                                                                                                                            second operation in just a few weeks. It was around         Patella Syndrome as a working diagnosis that fit some of
first born, Collins Avery, via C-section six years ago.        Because I had doubts about Nail-Patella Syndrome,
                                                                                                                            that time that we heard back from the Department            Collins’ symptoms, we figured we had nothing to lose
As many first-time parents are, we were both terrified         I enlisted my mother’s help in researching all available
                                                                                                                            of Genetics with some shocking news. Collins’ test          by participating and consented for the research study.
and ecstatic when we conceived. It felt even more              information about it. The pictures alone were shocking.
                                                                                                                            came back negative for Nail-Patella Syndrome. “How
exciting for us, as early on in our marriage we had            Not only did the issues seem similar to the ones my family                                                               In the fall of 2018, we were contacted by Genetics
                                                                                                                            could this be?” we thought. The Genetics team
suffered a first trimester miscarriage. Heartbroken from       had, but the accompanying text served as support of this                                                                 with information that would forever change us. The
                                                                                                                            explained that the testing for this particular syndrome
the loss, our main focus became making it through              diagnosis. After all of these years, we had the answer to                                                                research study had produced a result: a variant with
                                                                                                                            was new and our Nail-Patella gene could still have
this pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy baby.             so many of the issues my father, his siblings and I have                                                                 Collins’ FLNB gene. The same variant was also found
                                                                                                                            a mutation that wasn’t picked up by the test, or it
                                                               experienced. So, when Collins was born with orthopedic                                                                   in myself and my father. Shocked and surprised didn’t
About halfway through our pregnancy, we knew that                                                                           could be a completely different condition. Though it
                                                               issues, we assumed that she too had Nail-Patella Syndrome.                                                               even begin to describe the emotions we felt at that
it was anything but typical. Collins was breech, with                                                                       wasn’t the answer we wanted to hear, we knew that
                                                                                                                            Nail-Patella Syndrome checked enough boxes to be            moment. An answer? A real answer to everything
her bottom down and her legs up. Some parents like to          It wasn’t long after Collins was born that we had
                                                                                                                            a working diagnosis to utilize moving forward.              we have gone through? It almost seemed unreal.
give their babies cute names like Bunny or Pea during          our first visit with Matthew Beran, MD, from the
the pregnancy process. We, however, affectionately             Orthopedics team at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.                                                                      Shortly thereafter, we met with Scott Hickey, MD,
                                                                                                                            As the years passed, Collins quickly learned to
referred to her as our fold in half baby. Not only             We were quick to tell him our family history and the                                                                     and genetic counselor, Betsy Schmalz, MS, LGC of
                                                                                                                            navigate and adapt to her environment despite her
did she keep to one position, she also made herself            diagnosis I had been given some years before. During                                                                     the Genetics team at Nationwide Children’s, where we
                                                                                                                            abilities being slightly different than those of other
comfortable on my right side and rarely moved. This            our initial appointment, Dr. Beran listened and validated                                                                learned that the FLNB gene is commonly linked to
                                                                                                                            kids. Both of her legs were corrected to give her a
always made her easy for the doctors to find during            our thoughts and suspicions, but mostly played and                                                                       a known genetic condition called Larsen Syndrome.
                                                                                                                            90-degree bend, allowing her to walk and run. She
examinations and gave the nurses and technicians a             chatted with Collins while he examined her. He shared                                                                    It is a congenital disorder associated with large joint
                                                                                                                            seemed to run using her hips and waddle like a
good laugh when it came time to check her heartbeat.           with us plans for future surgeries that would need to                                                                    dislocation that also affects connective tissue. They
                                                                                                                            penguin when she walked. She worked with physical
                                                               take place to correct Collins’ legs. He also thought                                                                     provided us with a multitude of information about
On the day of my C-section, there was never a thought                                                                       therapists to build quad strength, so she could climb
                                                               it best for us to work with the Genetics department                                                                      it. The team also spoke with us about additional
for concern. Collins had simply made herself comfortable                                                                    stairs and use the equipment at the playground.
                                                               for additional answers. So, that’s what we did.                                                                          abnormalities it could include, and set up additional
and was too stubborn to move. Though the C-section                                                                          Collins may have done things differently from
                                                                                                                            other kids, but she continued to amaze us daily.            testing to rule out further complications. We
went smoothly and Collins came out screaming with all          Not long after our visit with orthopedics, we met
                                                                                                                            We were consistently seen by the Departments of             were happy to later find out that Collins did not
her might, it was quickly realized that Collins’ fold in       Annemarie Sommer MD from the Division of Genetics
                                                                                                                            Orthopedics Genetics on a maintenance basis.                suffer from any of the rare abnormalities and her
half position wasn’t just for her comfort, it was due to her   at Nationwide Children’s which has since been renamed
                                                                                                                                                                                        condition was primarily orthopedics related.
physical development. My husband said “her feet are up by      to the Division of Genetic and Genomic Medicine. Dr.
                                                                                                                            It wasn’t until 2018 that we were contacted by the
her head!” I said “I’m sure they’re fine. She’s been in that   Sommer was eager to hear our story and very interested in                                                                Today, Collins is a bright and bouncy 6-year-old.
                                                                                                                            Rare Disease research team, genetic counselors, Theresa
position for five months.” But I was wrong. Both of her        Collins’ case. We told her everything we knew about my                                                                   She continues to struggle with issues related to her
                                                                                                                            Mihalic Mosher, MS, CGC, and Erin Crist, MMSc,
knees were dislocated and her feet stayed right up by her      pregnancy, my family history and my previous diagnosis.                                                                  knees and legs, but if you asked her, the only thing
                                                                                                                            CGC, from the Institute for Genomic Medicine at
head. Not believing it was permanent, we figured she had       She was fascinated to hear about how my diagnosis                                                                        she can’t do is sit crisscross applesauce. Though
                                                                                                                            Nationwide Children’s, about the possibility of Collins
been in that position for so long her muscles just needed      came about, the plans the Department of Orthopedics                                                                      information about Larsen Syndrome is limited, Collins’
                                                                                                                            being a part of a new genetics research study. This study
to relax. We even had a staff doctor tell us to “swaddle       had for Collins and what she could do to help. She                                                                       medical team is now able to research and work with
                                                                                                                            was called “Genome Sequencing to Identify Causes
her legs down” until they relaxed. But by day three in the     suggested we go a step further and have Collins tested                                                                   leading experts to get her the best care possible.
                                                                                                                            of Rare Birth Defects and Birth Disorders.” It would
hospital, we knew that her legs would need more than           for Nail-Patella Syndrome. It was a simple blood test
                                                                                                                            involve looking at the genes of multiple members            We are forever grateful for the opportunities the
time and gravity; she needed an orthopedic doctor.             and could be done during Collins’ first leg correction
                                                                                                                            of our family, including myself, my husband, my             clinical genetics and research genomics teams provided
                                                               surgery at six months old. Perfect! We had a plan.
Our family has a history with orthopedics, as most of                                                                       father and other extended family members who had            to Collins and our family. Had it not been for their
my childhood was spent in some sort of brace. I had            After Collins’ first leg surgery, we spent several weeks     orthopedic issues similar to Collins. The study was not     continued persistence to get the right answer, we would
shoe braces for club feet, a back brace for scoliosis and      caring for her as she adjusted to her new leg— fit with      a guaranteed answer to Collins’ issues. It could take up    still be using our working diagnosis. Knowing that
underwent countless knee surgeries. Throughout the years,      cast accessory. We modified seats, toys and beds in order    to a year to hear back and there was a chance it would      Collins has Larsen Syndrome allows us to plan for
multiple members of my father’s side of the family have        to increase her comfort. It was a learning process that we   produce no further answers. Knowing we had Nail-            her future and the potential obstacles she may face.
been impacted by and carried on orthopedic issues. It          tried our best to master, as Collins was scheduled for a

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