Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT

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Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT


to Power:
Scotland’s route to
clean, renewable, secure
electricity by 2030
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
© WWF Scotland

A report for WWF Scotland by Gina Hanrahan,
Climate and Energy Policy Officer WWF Scotland
January 2015

Based on technical analysis conducted for WWF Scotland by DNV GL.

WWF Scotland would like to thank the following people for their
helpful advice and comments in the preparation of the technical report
or this summary document.

Dr. Mark Winskel (UKERC/University of Edinburgh)
Prof. Gareth Harrison (University of Edinburgh)
Nick Mohlo (now at Aldersgate Group)
Joss Blamire (Scottish Renewables)
Gordon McGregor (WWF Advisory Council)
Jenny Banks (WWF-UK)
Alexa Morrison (RSPB Scotland)
Mary Church and Richard Dixon (Friends of the Earth Scotland)
Sophie Billington (Cambridge Econometrics)
Mike Hemsley and Alex Kazaglis (Committee on Climate Change)

WWF Scotland
The Tun
4 Jackson’s Entry
Holyrood Road
0131 659 9100

Cover photo: © Paul Simon Wheeler

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 2
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT

Introduction:                                           5
Key findings                                            6
Key policy recommendations                             10
Developing the Scenarios                               14
Assumptions                                            16
Results of the Scenarios                               18
   The Generation Mix in a Decarbonised Power Sector   18

   Results of the Scenarios                            20

   Fulfilling Renewables Ambition                      21

   Maintaining System Security                         22

   Security of Supply with Peak Demand
   and Low Renewables                                  23

Conclusion:                                            25
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
© WWF–Canon / Fernando Zarur
Scotland is
one of the best
locations globally
for developing
a renewables-
based electricity
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
                               With its powerful winds and
                               waves and its strong tradition
                               of engineering and innovation,
                               Scotland is one of the best
                               locations globally for developing
                               a low-carbon, renewables-based
                               electricity system.

        Decarbonising the power sector by 2030 is the cheapest, most effective
        pathway to hitting legally-binding climate targets, as the UK Committee
        on Climate Change has repeatedly shown. Not only does it tackle direct
        emissions from electricity, it also acts as a building block for developing
        low-carbon heat and transport options. The Scottish Government has
        rightly adopted this approach and is committed to largely decarbonising
        Scotland’s electricity sector by 2030 – with a target of 50g CO2/k w h.

        However, current policy to meet the 2030 decarbonisation target is
        high risk. Despite the slow pace of carbon capture and storage (CCS)
        development globally,1 the Scottish Government’s Electricity Generation
        Policy Statement 2013 (EGPS) assumes that CCS will be operating at scale
        in the next decade, fitted progressively across 2.5gw of gas plant. The
        Government has already risked high-carbon lock-in by granting consent
        to a major gas plant at Cockenzie as ‘CCS-ready.’ But with no guarantee
        that the technology will be commercialised in time, WWF Scotland
        commissioned international energy consultancy DNV GL to test whether
        current policy is fit for purpose, and to examine whether a future based
        almost exclusively on proven renewable technologies is possible.

        The good news is that we don’t have to rely on a high-risk strategy based
        on unproven CCS technology. In fact, a renewables-based, efficient,
        flexible, electricity system is perfectly feasible by 2030. Not only that
        – it is less dependent on imports from the rest of Great Britain at peak
        demand, is cheaper, and has lower emissions than current Scottish
        Government scenarios in the Electricity Generation Policy Statement.
        And critically, it makes more of Scotland’s abundant renewable resources
        and flourishing green energy industry, triggering economic, social and
        environmental benefits.

        …a renewables-based
        electricity system is perfectly
        feasible by 2030.

          Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 5
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
                                         A fossil fuel            Scotland can achieve a secure, decarbonised power

                                         and nuclear
                                                                  sector by 2030 with only renewables and minimal
                                                                  CCS-fitted gas power2. An almost entirely renewables-

                                         free system              based Scottish system is possible with moderate efforts
                                                                  to reduce demand for electricity and ongoing work to
                                        is achievable             reinforce the grid. The current pipeline of renewables

                                         and credible
                                                                  will be more than adequate to hit the decarbonisation
                                                                  target and allow for substantial export of electricity to
                                                                  the rest of Great Britain, particularly if Scotland makes
                                                                  perfectly feasible progress on energy efficiency. There is
                                                                  also an economic opportunity for further exports.

                                        A fossil fuel
                                                                  A system based almost entirely on renewables would
                                                                  be more secure than the current Scottish Government
                                        and nuclear               scenario at peak demand, as long as the overall Great

                                        free system
                                                                  Britain (GB) system itself is secure.3 Great Britain-
                                                                  wide security will be delivered by a combination of

                                            is secure             interconnection, storage, demand management and
                                                                  flexible back-up generation. Overall, Scotland can
                                                                  maintain and expand on its position as a net exporter
                                                                  of power with an almost entirely renewable electricity
                                                                  system. During infrequent periods of high demand and
                                                                  low renewables production, electricity will need to be
                                                                  imported from the rest of Great Britain, but ongoing
                                                                  and planned grid upgrades will be more than enough to
                                                                  accommodate this. During periods of high renewable
                                                                  production and lower demand, Scotland will export to
                                                                  the rest of Great Britain and beyond. This is increasingly
                                                                  the norm as European markets move towards greater

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 6
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
© Wild Wonders of Europe/Inaki Relanzon/WWF
                          Scotland can achieve a secure,
                          decarbonised power sector by
                             2030 with only renewables
                           and minimal thermal power.

A fossil fuel   The cost of the additional generation capacity needed

and nuclear
                to hit the 2030 target in a renewables-based system is
                smaller (£663m/yr) than the cost of a system with CCS-

free system     fitted thermal plant (£1.85bn/yr), because the cost of new
                wind power is lower than the cost of CCS. 4
   is cheaper   The cost of a renewables-based system is broadly similar
                to the cost of generating the same amount of unabated
                gas-fired electricity.

A fossil fuel
                While all scenarios considered achieve the
                decarbonisation target, it could easily be breached if the
 and nuclear    Scottish Government’s CCS gamble does not pay off and

 free system
                unabated gas plants are operating in 2030. Unabated
                gas power would generate 6.6 million more tonnes of

means lower     carbon dioxide annually than if CCS is operating at scale,5
                radically undermining Scotland’s ability to hit its climate
 climate risk   targets. The climate risks are lower in a scenario that
                relies on proven renewables, already under construction
                or consented.

                         Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 7
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
Box 1. Scotland’s 2020 and 2030 targets – what’s the difference?

                        Scotland’s 2020 target is to meet               Scotland’s 2030 target is to achieve
                        100% of its electricity demand from             power sector carbon intensity of 50g
                        renewables. It is well on track to hitting      CO2/k w h or lower. The latest available
                        this, at 46% in 2013. It’s estimated that       figures (2011) show that Scotland’s grid
                        14-16gw of renewables capacity will be          intensity is approximately 271gCO2/
                        needed to hit the target and there is           k w h,6 considerably less than the rest
                        more than enough in the pipeline to do          of the UK due to Scotland’s thriving
                        so (see Box 5). However, the renewables         renewables sector. The target could
                        capacity needed may be lower if the             be theoretically be achieved using a
                        current trend of declining electricity          variety of low carbon technologies,
                        demand continues. The 2020 target is            including renewables, nuclear, and
                        not a carbon intensity target and places        fossil fuel plants fitted with carbon
                        no restrictions on the amount of fossil         capture and storage, although the
                        fuel generation on the system. In fact,         Scottish Government rightly sees no
                        the Scottish Government has clearly             role for nuclear in its vision of the
                        stated that it envisages thermal power          future electricity sector.
                        continuing ‘to play an important role’
                        in Scotland’s energy future.

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 8
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
  Box 2: What role for Carbon Capture
  and Storage?
  While Scotland’s abundant renewable resources
  mean it can enjoy a clean, renewable electricity
  supply, carbon capture and storage (CCS) has
  the potential to play a role in cutting emissions
  globally from existing (fossil fuel) power plants
  while we transition to a 100% renewable energy
  future, as well as in decarbonising heavy
  industry, which currently has few alternatives
  for reducing emissions other than CCS and
  biomass. Scotland has the opportunity to
  demonstrate CCS technology at Peterhead
  and WWF’s support for CCS is limited to the
  demonstration programme. For this reason we
  have included a minimum of 340mw of CCS at
  Peterhead in all scenarios studied.

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 9
Pathways to Power: 2015 - REPORT
Key policy
                                                                 Scotland does not need any
                                                                 fossil fuel power stations
                                                                 operating by 2030 so the
                                                                 Scottish Government should
                                                                 not consent new plants as CCS-

                                 The Scottish Government does not need
                                 to grant life extensions for nuclear
                                 plants into the 2030s

                                                                   The UK Government
                                                                   needs to stop
                                                                   incentivising coal

                                 The UK Government needs to make
                                 Electricity Market Reform work better
                                 for offshore wind

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 10
© National Geographic Stock/Sarah Leen/WWF
The UK Government must show strong
ambition for renewables growth and
clarity about the future market
for renewables post-2020 as soon as
possible in order to drive investment

                              The UK and Scottish Governments must
                              work with industry to ensure that the
                              wave and tidal sectors are adequately

           The UK and Scottish Governments
           must continue working with industry
           towards a solution to the problem of
           affordable and timely grid connection
           for the Western Isles, Orkney and

                             Greater effort is needed from the
                             UK and Scottish Governments on
                             electricity demand reduction as
                             it requires less new generation
                             capacity to achieve power sector

              The UK and Scottish Governments need
              to work with industry to incentivise
              investment in pumped storage

       Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 11
Key policy
                                 1   Scotland does not need any
                                     fossil fuel power stations
                                 operating by 2030 so the Scottish
                                                                                  nuclear stations to help maintain
                                                                                  security of supply once safety standards
                                                                                  are met.8 DNV GL’s analysis shows that
                                 Government should not consent                    there is no need for nuclear to still be
                                 new plants as CCS-ready                          operating in 2030 to maintain security
                                 A system based almost entirely on                of supply.

                                 renewables is feasible and desirable

                                 and therefore life-extending coal
                                 plants or building new gas plants is
                                 unnecessary. However, should new gas
                                                                                  3   The UK Government needs to
                                                                                      stop incentivising coal
                                                                                  Efforts to decarbonise power supply
                                 plants be built in Scotland they must            are being undermined by policies that
                                 have operational CCS from the outset.            are incentivising life extensions to
                                 Consenting plants as ‘CCS-ready’ risks           coal, including the failure to apply an
                                 breaching the decarbonisation target             Emissions Performance Standard to
                                 and locking Scotland into a high-carbon          existing coal plants; the freezing of the
                                 future. Operating a gas plant like the           carbon floor price; and the fact that
                                 one consented at Cockenzie at more than          revenues from the capacity market may
                                 50% capacity factor would, for instance,         well exceed the cost of compliance with
                                 exceed the target in most credible               the Industrial Emissions Directive.9 The
                                 scenarios.7                                      UK Government should provide a clear
                                                                                  regulatory signal through a progressively

                                 2   The Scottish Government
                                     does not need to grant life
                                 extensions for nuclear plants into
                                                                                  tightening Emissions Performance
                                                                                  Standard for existing coal from 2023
                                                                                  to give lower carbon generation clear
                                 the 2030s                                        incentives to invest and the Scottish
                                 The Scottish Government has stated               Government should champion this
                                 that, while it does not support new              approach, including in the five year
                                 nuclear in Scotland, it is open to life          review of the UK Energy Act.
                                 extensions for Scotland’s existing

        £££                      4                                                 5
                                     The UK Government needs                           The UK Government must
                                     to make Electricity Market                        show strong ambition for
                                 Reform work better for offshore                   renewables growth and clarity
                                 wind                                              about the future market for
                                 Clear volume signals and foresight                renewables post-2020 as soon

The Investment                   about available funding are needed to
                                 create the conditions for long-term,
                                                                                   as possible in order to drive
    Climate for                  sustainable investment in offshore                A future UK framework needs a 2030

                                 wind, boost the domestic supply chain             power sector decarbonisation target of
                                 and accelerate cost reductions. The               50g CO2/k w h, clarity about the post-
                                 enduring regime under Electricity                 2020 Levy Control Framework, and a
                                 Market Reform is currently constraining           prompt and firm decision on the Fifth
                                 growth to around 8-900mw equivalent               Carbon Budget in 2016, all based on the
                                 to around one project under the first             advice of the UK Committee on Climate
                                 allocation round across the whole of              Change. The current lack of ambition
                                 the UK, which could severely restrict             and certainty risks stymying investment
                                 growth in Scotland.                               in an industry with long-lead in times
                                                                                   and a need for deployment at scale to
                                                                                   drive learning and cost-reductions.

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 12
6   The UK and Scottish
                   Governments must work with
               industry to ensure that the wave
                                                              7   The UK and Scottish
                                                                  Governments must continue
                                                              working with industry towards
               and tidal sectors are adequately               a solution to the problem of
               supported                                      affordable and timely grid
               The sectors are at risk of being ignored       connection for the Western Isles,
               in the short-term. Given their long-term       Orkney and Shetland
               economic potential, both Governments           Once connected, the islands would
               need to support the wave and tidal             produce several hundreds of mw of
               industries to ensure that connection           onshore wind generation at costs
               issues, transmission charging, and             significantly cheaper than offshore
               Electricity Market Reform do not impede        wind. This would also provide major
               progress in what could potentially             economic and social benefits to remote
               be a major long-term contributor to            and rural areas, and, critically, could
               power sector decarbonisation, with the         enable the demonstration and long-term
               potential to deliver up to 20% of UK           commercialisation of wave and tidal
               electricity by 2050.10                         arrays at reasonable connection cost.

               8    Greater effort is needed
                    from the UK and Scottish
               Governments on electricity
                                                              and through constructive engagement
                                                              with the EU on efficiency standards
                                                              for electrical appliances. At a Scottish
               demand reduction as it requires                level, a clear electricity demand
               less new generation capacity                   reduction strategy is required, using

               to achieve power sector                        Scottish powers and policy levers to
               decarbonisation                                the full to ensure continued decoupling

Demand and
               Moderate demand reduction (of 1% year)         of economic growth and electricity
               will allow Scotland to decarbonise the         demand, and to ensure that negawatts

  Enhancing    grid well within the current renewables        – electricity savings – receive greater

               pipeline. Making efforts on demand             policy attention.
               reduction would help to insulate
               Scotland from uncertainties about
               future electricity and renewable energy
               policy at UK and EU levels and enhance
                                                              9    The UK and Scottish
                                                                   Governments need to work
                                                              with industry to incentivise
               security. By reducing demand and in            investment in pumped storage
               turn pressure on supply infrastructure,        Despite its important role in storing
               it could help protect households against       energy generated from variable
               rising energy bills while achieving            renewables and in providing balancing
               decarbonisation more cost-effectively.         services to ensure security of supply,
               While there has been progress in               pumped storage is not recognised under
               reducing electricity demand in recent          the current UK Electricity Market
               years in Scotland, it is important that        Reform regime. Notwithstanding its
               the downward trend continues and               clear benefits, and the fact that consent
               economic recovery does not lead to             for a major project is already in place in
               surging demand.                                Scotland with another included in the
                                                              National Planning Framework, there
               At a UK level, electricity demand              is no mechanism to enable investment
               reduction could be incentivised through        decisions to be taken. A solution must
               improvements to the UK capacity                be found that unlocks the potential
               market which would prioritise demand           of pumped storage to contribute to a
               reduction, through the introduction            flexible decarbonised grid.
               of an energy efficiency feed in tariff,

                        Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 13
Developing the
                                 We commissioned a technical report by respected
                                 international energy and engineering consultancy
                                 DNV GL (incorporating Garrad Hassan) – the
                                 world’s largest renewables advisory – which was
                                 reviewed independently. DNV GL investigated a
                                 range of scenarios for power sector decarbonisation
                                 in Scotland which are technically and economically
                                 possible. Here we focus in depth on the two which
                                 represent current Scottish Government policy and
                                 WWF’s preferred scenario.
                                 The first is termed the ‘High Climate Risk ’ scenario. This generation scenario
                                 is based on current Government policy as set out in the Electricity Generation
                                 Policy Statement (which is in turn based on modelling conducted by SKM). CCS is
                                 commercialised and fitted across 2.5gw of thermal power. Elsewhere energy and
                                 climate issues, especially energy efficiency, have relatively low political priority.
                                 Regulatory, market and public acceptance barriers remain for pumped storage.

                                 The second is termed the ‘Low Climate Risk ’ scenario. CCS is not
                                 commercialised beyond a single demonstration plant at Peterhead and no other
                                 gas, coal or nuclear plant exists on the system. Elsewhere there is high political
                                 priority for energy and climate issues, a strong policy drive and public acceptance,
                                 with moderate, but sustained, efforts to reduce energy demand, high uptake of
                                 electric vehicles (EVs), and low barriers to building new pumped storage.

                                 The axes on which the scenarios vary are:

                                 • Demand: How much          • Flexibility: How much       • Carbon Capture and
                                   progress will be made on progress will be made            Storage: Will CCS be
                                   energy efficiency and the on pumped storage and           developed beyond a
                                   electrification of heat     demand response?              single demonstration
                                   and transport?11                                          plant at Peterhead?

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 14
High Climate Risk                               Low Climate Risk
                                         Scenario,                                      Scenario,
                               (Weak Policy Drive,                           (Strong Policy Drive,
                                         High CCS)                                       Low CCS)

 Electricity Demand        Increased underlying demand, and some               Moderate efforts on energy efficiency
                                electrification of heat and transport       outweigh increased electric heating and
                          outweigh energy efficiency improvements.            electrification of transport. Transport
                                                                                                 demand is stabilised

   System Flexibility    Some increase in pumped-storage capacity,      Substantial additional pumped-storage and
                                          limited demand response                           some demand response

Fossil fuel generation                                      2500mw                              340mw (Peterhead)
       fitted with CCS

                               Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 15
                      High Climate Risk Scenario                                           Low Climate Risk Scenario

                      Higher Demand:                                                       Lower Demand:
            18%       It assumes electricity demand
                      increases by 18% to 43.1 TWh
                                                                                           It assumes lower electricity
                                                                                           demand of 30.5 TWh in 2030.
assumed electricity
                      in 2030, in line with previous                                       This equates to a 17% reduction
  demand increase
                      forecasting for the Scottish                                         on current levels and a 1% annual
                      Government by SKM.12 Efforts                 assumed electricity     reduction (broadly in line with
                      on energy efficiency are offset by             demand decrease       National Grid’s Slow Progression
                      increased electrification of heat                                    Scenario).13 Energy efficiency
                      and transport.                                                       improves rapidly, by 2030 half of
                                                                                           all new car sales will be electric

                      Lower Flexibility:                                                   (750,000 electric vehicles overall),
                                                                                           and transport demand stabilises.
                      It assumes that deployment of                                        While there is a relatively high
                      non-hydro energy storage and                                         uptake of air and ground source
                      demand response measures                                             heat pumps, electricity demand
                      are hampered by technical and                                        from heat is reduced overall due

    1340MW            regulatory barriers and don’t
                      contribute to meaningful ‘load
                                                                                           to uptake of energy efficiency and
                                                                                           low-carbon options.
   pumped storage
                      shifting’ before 2030. 600mw
                      of new hydro pumped storage
                      proceeds (there is already                                           Higher flexibility:
                      planning consent for this scale                                      It assumes that there is significant
                      at Coire Glas), resulting in a                                       growth in storage and demand
                      total pumped storage capacity                                        response, with hydro pumped
                      of 1340mw and 46gw h. At peak                                        storage remaning the dominant
                      periods, demand response (e.g.
                      deferred electric vehicle charging)
                                                                       2540MW              technology in Scotland. Three new
                                                                                           600mw pumped storage schemes
                                                                      pumped storage
                      is conservatively assessed at                         capacity       are built by 2030, resulting in
                      100mw.                                                               total capacity of 2540mw and
                                                                                           106gw h. At peak periods, demand

                      Higher CCS:                                                          response (e.g. deferred EV
                                                                                           charging or heat pump use) is
                      It assumes that there is 2.5 gw of                                   conservatively assessed at 500mw.
                      existing or new gas plant fitted
                      with CCS by 2030, building on the
                      Scottish Government’s Electricity                                    Lower CCS:
                      Generation Policy Statement.                                         It assumes that CCS fails to reach
                                                                                           commercialisation beyond a
                                                                                           single demonstration gas plant at
                                                                                           Peterhead of 340mw by 2030.

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 16
© National Geographic Stock/Jason Edwards/WWF
Box 3: Scottish Government Assumptions for Thermal Power

The Scottish Government’s assumptions for electricity generation are as follows:


Coal:                 Gas:                    CCS:                     Nuclear:
Longannet             2gw of new gas          500mw of                 Torness and
(2.4gw) will          plant will be           CCS-fitted gas           Hunterston will
close in 2020         operating by            plant will be            be closed by
                      2020                    operating by             2030
                                              2020, with 1.6gw
                                              in operation by

Overall: 2.5 gw of thermal plant will be operating by 2030, progressively fitted
with CCS. While the closure dates for coal and nuclear plant are not certain,
currently there are no indications that they will be running in 2030. However,
their closure depends on a range of regulatory and commercial considerations,
including the signals provided by the capacity market, the carbon price, fuel costs
and other factors. Recently, Scottish Power decided not to progress Longannet in
the UK capacity market auction, increasing the likelihood of its closure by 2020.

Box 4: Hydro Power

Both scenarios assume 2.5gw of hydro
(of which 1.5gw is already in place).
There is approximately 1.2 gw of run of the river hydro technically
and financially available in Scotland, the bulk of which is assumed to
be developed by 2030, although some uncertainties around support
for hydro are currently impeding developers. Should this level of
hydro fail to be developed, the shortfall could easily be met by other
renewables such as onshore wind or solar photovoltaics.

                      Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 17
Results of the
          Scenarios                                                                          The Generation Mix in a
                                                                                             Decarbonised Power Sector

                         Generation Mix, High Climate Risk    Scenario
                                                        PRODUCTION HIGH RISK
                                     CAPACITY FACTOR HIGH RISK

                                                     ONSHORE WIND                                                              HYDRO
                            MARINE (OFFSHORE, WIND, WAVE AND TIDAL)
                                                          SOLAR PV
                                                                                                                       ONSHORE WIND
                                                           BIOMASS                            MARINE (OFFSHORE, WIND, WAVE AND TIDAL)
                                                                                                                            SOLAR PV
                                                                  Capacity                                                   BIOMASS


                                 GENERATING CAPACITY HIGH RISK

DNV GL developed                                       ONSHORE WIND
                              MARINE (OFFSHORE, WIND, WAVE AND TIDAL)
a generation mix                                            SOLAR PV
for each scenario,                                           BIOMASS

shown here, building
on the assumptions                                                Generating
                                                                   Capacity                                                  Fraction of gross consumption
outlined on page                                                                                                             from renewables 25.6 TWh,

16. It’s important
to stress that the
scenarios have
been conservatively
designed to
consider only the
minimum level of
renewables required
to decarbonise
and should not be                                            Source      Factor      Generating Capacity                       Production
seen as a cap on                                                  CCS    0.8         2500 MW (defined by scenario)             17.5TWh
overall renewables                                               Hydro   0.34        1500 MW existing                          7.4 TWh total
ambition. In                                                                         1000 MW extra assumed
practice, there is
likely to be more                                  Onshore wind          0.29        4500 MW existing capacity (2013).         11.4 TWh from existing capacity.
                                                                                     1000 MW extra assumed.                    2.5 TWh from assumed additional capacity
renewables built
                                      Marine (offshore wind,             0.45        190 MW existing offshore wind             0.7 TWh from existing capacity.
than assumed
                                             wave and tidal)                         capacity.
below (see Box
                                                           Solar PV      0.08        116 MW existing.                          0.1 TWh from existing capacity.
5 on Scotland’s
                                                           Biomass       0.8         140 MW existing                           3.5 TWh total
Renewable Power
                                                                                     360 MW extra assumed
                                                                                                                     Total     43.1 TWh

                                                                           Fraction of gross consumption from renewables       25.6 TWh, 59%

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 18
The scenarios have been conservatively designed
                                                                   to consider only the minimum level of renewables
                                                                  required to decarbonise, and should not be seen as
                                                                              a cap on overall renewables ambition.

                                                       Generation     Mix, Low Climate Risk Scenario
                                                              PRODUCTION LOW RISK

                                    CCS                                                                CCS
                         ONSHORE WIND                                                               HYDRO
MARINE (OFFSHORE, WIND, WAVE AND TIDAL)                                                     ONSHORE WIND
                              SOLAR PV
                               BIOMASS                             MARINE (OFFSHORE, WIND, WAVE AND TIDAL)
                                                                                                 SOLAR PV
                                       Capacity                                                   BIOMASS


                                                                                                                                               Box 5: Scotland’s
                                    CCS                                                                                                        Renewable Power
                                 HYDRO                                                                                                         Pipeline
                         ONSHORE WIND
                              SOLAR PV                                                                                                         The latest figures14
                               BIOMASS                                                                                                         show that Scotland
                                                                                                                                               has 7.1 gw of installed
                                      Capacity                                                  Fraction of gross consumption
                                                                                                                                               renewable electricity
                                                                                                from renewables 28.5 TWh,                      generation capacity,

                                                                                                                                               with an additional
                                                                                                                                               6.2 gw either under
                                                                                                                                               construction or
                                                                                                                                               consented, the
                                                                                                                                               majority of which
                                                                                                                                               is expected from
                                                                                                                                               onshore wind.
                                                                                                                                               Including projects
                                                                                                                                               in planning, this
                                      Source    Capacity    Generating Capacity                     Production
                                                Factor                                                                                         figure totals 20.4
                                        CCS     0.8         340 MW defined by scenario              2.4 TWh                                    gw – nearly three

                                       Hydro    0.34        1500 MW existing                        7.4 TWh total                              times the level of
                                                            1000 MW extra assumed                                                              renewables currently
                                                                                                                                               deployed. While a
                          Onshore wind          0.29        4500 MW existing capacity (2013).       11.4 TWh from existing capacity.
                                                            2100 MW extra assumed to be             5.4 TWh from assumed additional capacity   certain amount of
                                                            constructed.                                                                       attrition is inevitable,
            Marine (offshore wind,              0.45        190 MW existing offshore wind           0.7 TWh from existing capacity.            there is more than
                   wave and tidal)                          capacity.
                                                                                                                                               enough renewable
                                     Solar PV   0.08        116 MW existing.                        0.1 TWh from existing capacity.
                                                                                                                                               capacity in the
                                     Biomass    0.8         140 MW existing                         3.5 TWh total                              pipeline to hit future
                                                            360 MW extra assumed
                                                                                            Total   30.9 TWh
                                                  Fraction of gross consumption from renewables     28.5 TWh, 92%

                                                                          Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 19
Results of the Scenarios
                                 Both scenarios show that the current renewables pipeline will easily allow Scotland
                                 to meet the decarbonisation target. The High Climate Risk Scenario requires an
                                 additional 1 gw of onshore wind (which is already under construction), while the
                                 Low Climate Risk Scenario relies on an additional 2.1 gw of onshore wind (which is
                                 already consented).

                                 The mix within the scenarios should not be seen as the only way to hit the target.
                                 Other renewable technologies, such as well-sited offshore wind or solar PV, could
                                 easily form a larger part of the mix. For instance, solar PV units have dropped in
                                 price by two-thirds between 2009 and 201315, leading to growing uptake on domestic
                                 and commercial buildings in the UK. Solar PV output was up 67% in Q2 2014 against
                                 the same period in 2013, reaching over 4gw of installed capacity across the UK,
                                 though less than 200mw are currently installed in Scotland.16 However, the scenarios
                                 crucially don’t depend on future solar growth – only on wind capacity already

                                    Box 6: Reducing Electricity Demand

                                    How successful Scotland is in reducing electricity demand will determine how
                                    easily it hits its decarbonisation target. After all, the cheapest, cleanest and most
                                    secure energy is the energy that is never used and reducing demand is cheaper
                                    and less technically challenging than building new generation capacity. In fact,
                                    the scenarios show that a perfectly feasible demand reduction of 1% annually will
                                    allow Scotland to hit the 2030 target well within the current renewables pipeline,
                                    even allowing for the electrification of heat and transport. Electricity demand

                                    has reduced in Scotland in recent years (about 3% per year between 2008 and
                                    2012, though this is affected by a weak economy).

                                    The Scottish Government assumes increasing demand long-term as a result
                                    of increased electrification of heat and transport,18 supported by analysis for
                                    the Scottish Government by SKM, which forecast demand rising by 18% to

          demand                    2030. This assumption is based on rising demand from heat and transport
                                    electrification. DNV GL analysis shows that, despite growing electrification of
        reduction                   heat, heat demand falls due to insulation and a switch from resistive heating to

         per year
                                    heat pumps. This nearly offsets the growth in demand from Electric Vehicles.19

      will allow
                                    Analysis by National Grid for the Future Energy Scenarios20 report supports
                                    more conservative assumptions about demand growth to 2030 than the Scottish

     Scotland to
                                    Government. In the Slow Progression Scenario, demand falls by 6% between
                                    2013 and 2035 (driven by energy efficiency, improved lighting and lower

   hit the target                   industrial output), while in the Gone Green Scenario, it rises by 6% by 2035

     well within
                                    (driven by heat and transport electrification and greater industrial output, after
                                    falling initially). Ofgem recently highlighted, however, that “structural changes

     the current
                                    might be taking place” in the relationship between the economy and electricity
                                    demand, as a drop in demand in 2013/14 happened “against a backdrop of the

     renewables                     strongest economic growth in GB since the economic crisis”.21

          pipeline                  E3G analysis points to clear evidence that with the right incentives electricity
                                    demand reductions of 2% per year are achievable Great Britain-wide.22 There is
                                    approximately 32TWh/year of electricity demand reduction technical potential
                                    available GB-wide according to analysis for DECC.23

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 20
Fulfilling Renewables Ambition
                                 Scotland has the potential to be a renewable powerhouse within the UK and Europe,
                                 with over 25% of Europe’s offshore wind and tidal power and 10% of its wave power.24
                                 It has a strong track record on renewable electricity and is making steady progress
                                 towards its target of meeting 100% of demand from renewables by 2020. Renewables
                                 are already the largest source of power generation in Scotland, outstripping nuclear,
                                 coal and gas.25

                                 The Low Climate Risk Scenario allows Scotland to have an almost wholly renewable
                                 generation system (with only 340mw of gas plant fitted with CCS) and to meet almost
                                 all of its needs from renewables – 92%. This contrasts with the High Climate Risk
                                 Scenario, where only 59% of Scotland’s needs are met from renewables. Given that

          needs met              Scotland has a 100% target by 2020, and a magnificent resource base, it would send
                                 a confusing signal to dilute Scotland’s renewables ambition to less than two-thirds of
Scotland could maintain and
  even build on its role as an   what it currently is.
           exporting nation.
                                 Indeed, the Low Climate Risk Scenario would easily allow Scotland to meet 100%,
                                 125% or potentially even more of Scotland’s needs from renewables.26

                                 This would not only allow Scotland to maintain its status as a net power exporter,
                                 it would actually allow Scotland to become a net exporter of green power. Reaching
                                 125% could be done with only a portion of the level of onshore and offshore wind
                                 already consented (for instance around half the currently consented offshore wind
                                 capacity in Scotland) and ongoing grid upgrades will easily accommodate this level of

                                 By contrast, meeting 125% of Scottish demand from renewables in the High Climate
                                 Risk scenario, though possible, would be more technically and economically
                                 challenging, requiring a large amount of new renewables capacity and related
                                 transmission infrastructure to be built, beyond what’s currently under discussion.

                                 The graph below sets out how much additional capacity would be required to hit the
                                 2030 decarbonisation target and what capacity over and above this will be needed to
                                 hit more ambitious renewables goals.

                                  By 2030, further Onshore   Meet 100% of   Meet 100% of     Meet 125% of      Total Installed
                                  Wind Capacity (or          Demand         Demand from      Demand from       Capacity28
                                  equivalent) required                      Renewables       Renewables        at 125% of
                                  to hit decarbonisation                                                       demand from
                                  target and…                                                                  renewables
                                       High Climate Risk            1GW            +7GW              +4GW            16.5GW
                                        Scenario (4.5GW

                                        Low Climate Risk          2.1GW          +0.9GW            +3.1GW            10.6GW
                                        Scenario (4.5GW

                                 The 125% figure should not be seen as a cap on renewables growth,
                                 however. There is a huge amount of further renewable energy capacity
                                 available in Scotland, especially in the offshore sectors, which could be
                                 exported as an economic opportunity and to assist in meeting wider UK
                                 or EU climate and renewables goals.

                                           Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 21
Maintaining System Security
                                   Maintaining system security during periods of high electricity demand and low
                                   renewable production is critical, even though this will be a relatively infrequent

                                   occurrence as high demand for electricity in winter often coincides with high wind
                                   output. Where there is any shortfall between demand and supply, this can safely

security can be                    and securely be met by imports from the rest of Great Britain or Europe through

                                   interconnection, more efforts to manage Scottish demand, or back-up gas plants
                                   based in Scotland, depending on the economic case for each.

   without any                     For all scenarios, DNV GL stress tested system security in a worst case scenario -

  conventional                     with peak demand for electricity (e.g. winter evenings), low renewables generation
                                   and assuming that the largest power plant on the system wasn’t working. The
       coal, gas                   results show a much smaller gap between demand and supply in the Low Climate

     or nuclear
                                   Risk scenario than the High Climate Risk Scenario as demand is lower and there is
                                   substantially more pumped storage.

    in Scotland                    The Low Climate Risk Scenario is less vulnerable from a security of supply
 provided that                     perspective, requiring Scotland to import less electricity to meet peak demand.

 the GB system
itself is secure

                                    Box 7: Securing the GB system

                                    Studies have shown that a secure GB system is perfectly feasible with high levels
                                    of renewables. The Committee on Climate Change, National Grid and others have
                                    published long-term decarbonisation scenarios that maintain system security.29
                                    While the GB capacity margin is expected to tighten over the next two years before
                                    rising again, Ofgem’s 2014 capacity assessment stresses that the new balancing
                                    tools available to National Grid and the forthcoming capacity market will lessen the
                                    risks of supply disruptions.30 A suite of new interconnection projects will also boost
                                    security of supply for GB as a whole.

                                    Most decarbonisation scenarios show significant amounts of new build gas-fired
                                    generation providing peaking and balancing services to complement renewables,
                                    operating ultimately at low capacity factors though working initially at high loads
                                    to recoup capital costs.31 While it is feasible that some of this generation could
    50% capacity                    be based in Scotland, given the transmission regime, it is likely to be cheaper to
                                    locate it closer to major demand centres further south. DNV GL’s analysis shows
 analysis shows that while, in
    principle, a major gas plant    that while, in principle, a major gas plant could be located in Scotland, it would
 could be located in Scotland,      have to operate at a relatively low capacity factor (
Security of Supply with Peak Demand
                 and Low Renewables

                                                                                Less: Demand
                                            Potential         Plus: Loss of     response
                                            shortfall at      largest unit in   available at
                  Scenario                  peak demand       Scotland          peak demand       Net shortfall

                     High Climate Risk           2200 mw            1250 mw           100 mw           3350 mw
                                                                  (CCS unit)

                     Low Climate Risk             900 mw            600 mw            500 mw           1000 mw
                                                               storage unit)

                 It is important to stress that ongoing grid upgrades, including a subsea bootstrap
                 on the west coast, will be enough to cover any shortfall between supply and demand
                 well before 2020 in both scenarios. So system security can be achieved without any
                 conventional coal, gas or nuclear capacity in Scotland, provided that the GB system
                 itself is secure. Ultimately, as Scotland is part of the GB electricity system, which
                 is operated and regulated as one system, security of supply is most effectively and

       a green   cheaply delivered at GB level.32

   electricity   DNV GL also considered a range of technical issues relating to system stability

     grid must
                 and balancing (such as black start, inertia and frequency control).33 While there
                 are a number of challenges that will need to be addressed in the transition to a

   move away     renewables-dominated system, DNV GL is confident that these can be managed in
                 Scotland, and technologies such as pumped storage will have an important role to
from a system    play in this respect. National Grid is currently working on a range of regulatory and

                 technical options to mitigate any potential effects on the operation of the grid, which
                 will ensure that system stability remains robust in the transition to a decarbonised

       around    electricity system across Great Britain.34

 conventional    Ultimately, the future electricity grid must move away from a system optimised

                 around conventional ‘baseload’ power plants, which run all the time, towards a
                 system where renewables become the new ‘baseload’, supplemented by flexible

 power plants    back-up generation, demand side response, storage (including heat storage) and
                 interconnection. Many of the technologies that will underpin this system already
                 exist. However, the current incentive structures in place do not adequately reward
                 the electricity system services of the future.35

                             Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 23
© Aquamarine power ltd
          The Low Climate Risk Scenario
          is a credible, pragmatic
          way of meeting Scotland’s
          decarbonisation target.
          Pursuing this pathway would
          allow Scotland to maintain
          and build on its reputation as

          a renewable
Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 24
                           The two scenarios outlined
                           present alternative
                           blueprints for decarbonising
                           Scotland’s power sector in
   2030 – one where gas power fitted with CCS still
   has a big role to play, and one where Scotland
   moves beyond conventional generation and
   maintains strong renewables ambition.

   First and foremost, the High Climate Risk Scenario is – as the name
   suggests – higher risk from a climate perspective because it relies on
   CCS rather than proven renewable technologies. Pursuing a future
   energy policy reliant on a technology that has not been commercialised
   is a high stakes game that could derail delivery of Scotland’s Climate Act
   and distract from progress on renewables.

   Furthermore, while the High Climate Risk Scenario achieves the
   decarbonisation target, it provides a weaker foundation for Scotland’s
   renewables ambition (meeting less than two-thirds of demand from
   renewables in the decarbonisation scenario) and presents technical
   and economic challenges to delivering stretch renewables targets. It
   is also more expensive than the alternative, due to the relative cost of
   CCS compared to wind, and has higher import dependency on the rest
   of Great Britain at peak demand. With its reliance on fossil fuels, it
   continues to expose Scotland to gas price volatility, which has been the
   main driver of fuel poverty and rising energy bills, and continues the
   dependence on gas imports from overseas, including politically unstable
   regions, which undermines energy security.

   The Low Climate Risk Scenario is a credible, pragmatic way of
   meeting Scotland’s decarbonisation target. It means Scotland would
   have an efficient, flexible system based almost entirely on renewables
   which would meet almost all of Scottish demand and even allow
   for substantial exports of renewable power, all within the current
   renewable pipeline. Scotland could maintain and even expand
   on its position as an electricity exporting nation, maximising the
   economic opportunities presented by further renewables growth. The
   Low Climate Risk Scenario is cheaper to achieve than the Scottish
   Government’s favoured alternative and has a lower import dependency
   at peak demand. Pursuing this pathway would allow Scotland to
   maintain and build on its reputation as a renewable powerhouse.

   If there is enough political will to commit to
   a renewable powered future, it’s clear that
   Scotland does not need to take a high stakes
   gamble on CCS.

             Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 25
                                 1   I EA (2014) Tracking Clean Energy Progress:

                                 2   We’ve included 500mw of biomass and a minimum of 340mw of gas plant fitted with CCS in our
                                     scenarios. See Box 2 to explain the role of CCS and WWF’s position on the technology. See Section
                                     4 of the Technical Report where credible generation mixes are developed.

                                 3    or full details of the security of supply implications of the report’s scenarios, see Section 4.4. of
                                     the Technical Report.

                                 4    hile the two scenarios compared in this summary vary in terms of energy demand and system
                                     flexibility, even with the same assumptions about demand and flexibility, the scenarios with CCS
                                     have higher costs. See Section 5.7 of the technical report for a discussion of the cost implications.
                                     This considers the levelised cost of additional generation capacity. This per mw h price includes the
                                     costs of building, operating, and decommissioning, including the carbon costs, but not wider costs
                                     such as network costs or air pollution costs. In terms of transmission costs, no extra transmission
                                     capacity will be required between Scotland and the rest of Great Britain in the scenarios beyond
                                     what’s already planned but grid reinforcement and new capacity will be needed at a GB level, with
                                     an estimated capital investment of £2bn between 2020 and 2030, according to the UK Committee
                                     on Climate Change. The costs represent only a fraction of the cost of generation.

                                 5   See Technical Report Table 5.1

                                 6    he Scottish Greenhouse Gas Annual Emissions Target Report 2012:

                                 7   See Technical Report Table 5.1

                                 8    ee for instance, First Minister Alex Salmond’s letter to EDF energy:

                                 9    ee Gross, R., Speirs, J., Hawkes, A., Skillings, S., and Heptonstall, P. (2014): Could retaining old
                                     coal lead to a policy own goal? Imperial College London:
                                     wwf_coal_report_imperial_college_final.pdf for a discussion of how the UK policy regime on coal
                                     is undermining climate policy.

                                 10 See DECC (2013):

                                 11 T
                                     hroughout this report, electricity demand is defined as Gross Consumption. This is defined as
                                    total electricity generated within Scotland, less net exports. It therefore includes energy consumed
                                    in transmission and distribution losses before it reaches consumers, and by generators (‘own use’).
                                    Total Consumption is an alternative definition, which is defined as total electricity generated,
                                    less net exports, losses and ‘own use’. These definitions are taken from Scottish Government,
                                    “Energy in Scotland 2014”, February 2014. [Online]. Available:
                                    Resource/0044/00444530.pdf Gross Consumption is more appropriate in this study, as it includes
                                    an estimate of transmission and distribution losses.

                                 12 S
                                     KM (2012) Scottish generation scenarios and power flows:

                                 13 S
                                     ee National Grid’s Future Energy Scenarios (2013):

                                 14 D
                                     ECC, Renewable Energy Planning Database, July 2014:

                                 15 IRENA (2014) REthinking Energy:

                                 16 S
                                     ee DECC’s quarterly energy statistics:

                                 17 F
                                     or a vision for future solar growth in Scotland, see Solar Energy – a viable contributor to
                                    renewables in Scotland:

                                 18 S
                                     cottish Government (2013) Low Carbon Scotland – Meeting our Emissions Reduction Targets
                                    2013-2017 – the Second Report on Policies and Proposals:
                                    Environment/climatechange/scotlands-action/lowcarbon/meetingthetargets p104

Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 26
19 See Technical Report, p9

20 National Grid Future Energy Scenarios 2014:

21 O
    fgem, Electricity Capacity Assessment Report 2014:

    . Skillings, E3G (2014): The demand side of the electricity market. Why we’re still failing and
22 S
   how to succeed:

23 D
    ECC (2013). Impact Asessment of Electricity Demand Rudction - Amendment to Market Caluses:

24 See

25 S
    ee Scottish Renewables (2014). Historic milestone as new figures show renewables now Scotland’s
   largest source of power:

26 T
    he possibility of delivering 125% of demand from renewables was raised in the Scottish
   Government’s Electricity Generation Policy Statement, based on the generation scenario

27 See Technical Report

28 F
    rom onshore wind – other technology balances are possible and would yield different installed
   capacity figures.

29 S
    ee for instance Committee on Climate Change (2013): Next Steps on Electricity Market Reform:

    Committee on Climate Change (2011):

    National Grid, Future Energy Scenarios (2014):

    Poyry (2011): Analysing Technical Constraints on Renewables Generation: http://archive.

    WWF-UK (2011): Positive Energy – how renewable electricity can transform the UK by 2030:

30 O
    fgem (2014): Electricity Capacity Assessment Report 2014:

31 See UKERC (2013) The UK Energy System in 2050: Comparing Low Carbon Resilient Scenarios.

    lanned grid reinforcement is anticipated to deliver 6.5gw of interconnection between Scotland
32 P
   and the rest of Great Britain by 2016, rising to 8.5gw by 2020 and up to 13gw by 2025.

33 See the Technical Report Section 4.4. for a full analysis of these issues.

34 N
    ational Grid (2014) System Operability Framework:

35 F
    or a compelling vision of how Germany is envisaging the future electricity system under the
   Energiewende, see Agora Energiwende (2014)12 insights into Germany’s Energiewende:

            Pathways to Power: Scotland’s route to clean, renewable, secure electricity by 2030 | 27
Renewable energy in numbers                                                                                                   100%

                                                                                                                                             Pathways to Power

                                                                                        50g co2/kwh
                                                                                        Scotland’s 2030 power
                                                                                        sector decarbonisation


        generated 32%
        more power than
        any other form
        of electricity
        generation in
        Scotland the first
        half of 2014.

                              11.9m tonnes co2
                               Emissions displaced by Scotland’s
                               renewables in 2013. That’s more
                                    we entire transport sector!
                                       are here                                                                  Renewables jobs in
RL                              To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and                  Scotland in 2013
                                to build a future in which humans live in harmony and nature.

                              Why we are here
                              To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and
gular                         to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.


        WWF-UK, registered charity number 1081247 and registered in Scotland number SC039593. A company
        limited by guarantee number 4016725 © 1986 panda symbol and ® “WWF” Registered Trademark of
        WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund), WWF-UK Panda House, WeysidePark,
        Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR, t: +44 (0)1483 426333, e:,
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