Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance

Page created by Maurice Jimenez
Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance

       Poster Design: Anna Leticia Zivarts

                                             Paseo de las Artes
Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance
Carol S. Ward                                                                                               Felipe Galindo
                                                                                                               F   elipe Galindo (aka Feggo)                                         Belgium; Greek Ministry of

C    arol S. Ward is                                                            in the museum field and             creates humorous art in a                                         Culture; Omiya Festival, Japan.
     currently the Executive                                                    Marymount College about        variety of media, including                                              He is an arts educator for
Director of the Morris-                                                         nonprofit management.           cartoons, illustrations,                                              the School of Visual Arts,
Jumel Mansion. She has                                                          She recently published         animations, fine art and                                               Community Word Project, Say
been on staff there for 8                                                       a book containing              public art.                                                           Yes to Education and TED-Ed.
years, first as the Director                                                     the comprehensive                 Born in Cuernavaca,                                                   He is the creator of the
of Education & Public                                                           photographic history           Mexico, he resides in New                                             celebrated project Manhatitlan:
Programs beginning                                                              of the Morris-Jumel            York City. BFA Visual                                                 Mexican and American Cultures
in 2008 and becoming                                                            Mansion, and articles          Arts from the National                                                Intertwined, which includes a
Executive Director in                                                           she has written have           Autonomous University                                                 book (J. Pinto Books), works
the Fall of 2013. Ms.                                                            been published in The         of Mexico. His humorous                                               on paper exhibitions and
Ward is an art historian                                                         Historic House Trust          drawings have appeared in The New Yorker,            animations. He has two cartoon collections:
with her BA from Mary                                                            journal, the American         The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,         “Cats Will Be Cats” (Plume/Penguin) and “No
Washington College, and                                                          Alliance of Museums           Reader’s Digest, Mad, Nickelodeon, Newsday,          Man Is a Desert Island” (J. Pinto Books.)
two Masters Degrees, her                                                         Magazine and catalogs         Narrative, International Herald Tribune,                He designed “Magic Realism in
first in Museum Education                                                         for the Bruce Museum,         NACLA, INXart and numerous European                  Kingsbridge,” a series of 4 public artworks
from the College of New                                                          Morris-Jumel Mansion          publications.                                        in faceted glass for the 231st. Street subway
Rochelle, and her second in Art History from             and Keno Auctions. The proudest achievement              Galindo has held numerous individual              station of the #1 line in New York City,
Hunter College. She has presented at the                 in her career was leading Morris-Jumel through        exhibitions in the United States and abroad.         commissioned by the MTA-Arts for Transit
annual NYCMER (New York City Museum                      its 250th Anniversary celebration in 2015 –              Has received grants from the LMCC,                Program.
Educators Roundtable) conferences on bringing            including a benefit performance of Hamilton            NALAC, NYSCA, NoMAA, Puffin                              “Frida Khalo’s New York” was his most
contemporary art into an historic house                  and the mounting of the critically acclaimed          Foundation, US/Mexico Fund for Culture and           recent exhibition at Mark Miller Gallery, New
museum and has also recently spoken at Mary              exhibition “Yinka Shonibare MBE: Colonial             Latino Public Broadcasting.                          York, a whimsical take on that artist’s visit to
Washington College about the future of careers           Arrangements.”                                           Recent awards for his cartoons include:           the city in the 1930’s and 40’s and exhibited
                                                                                                               Zagreb Cartoon; Turkey’s Ministry of                 later at the Women’s Rights National Historical
                                                                                                               Tourism, Antalya; Porto Cartoon Festival,            Park in Seneca Falls, NY.

                    Wilhelmina Grant
                                                                                                               Portugal; United Nations Correspondents                 To view more of his work, please visit www.
                                                                                                               Association; Knokke-Heist Humorfest,       

W       ilhelmina Grant is
        a self-taught visual
artist and native New
                                                                       Harlem and Washington Heights.
                                                                          Wilhelmina is the founder
                                                                       of SISTAAH, Inc. (Survivors
                                                                                                                  Broadway Housing Communities
Yorker who uses found                                                  Inspiring Sisters Through Art and
objects and mixed media,
which she repurposes into
                                                                       Advocacy for Health), an arts-
                                                                       based non-profit organization            S    ince 1983, Broadway Housing
                                                                                                                    Communities (BHC) has been a leader
                                                                                                                in efforts to develop housing and other
assemblage art. Many of                                                which seeks to inform, encourage
the ideas that stimulate                                               and facilitate access to early           community revitalization initiatives
the creation of her work                                                detection of breast cancer              in Upper Manhattan. Today, BHC’s
reflect her passion for                                                  by connecting the medically             innovative model leverages the synergies
promoting women’s health                                                underserved to free screening           between housing, education and the arts
matters with a focus on                                                 services.                               to ignite meaningful, lasting change in
breast cancer awareness.                                                   She has self-published her           West Harlem and Washington Heights.
Wilhelmina has mounted                                                  first book, A Feeling of Fullness:       Last fall, BHC celebrated the opening
25 solo exhibitions in                                                  Insights of a Divinely Guided           of the Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of
Harlem, Texas and Alaska,                                               Journey Beyond Breast Cancer            Art & Storytelling, the cultural capstone
and has participated in                                                 (2016, Xlibris Publishing               of the 191,000sf Sugar Hill Project, an
46 group exhibitions at                                                 Company) which chronicles               innovative mixed use development on W.
numerous venues throughout New York.                     her experience from the nearly-missed breast           155th Street. With an iconic design by
   As an artist-in-residence through the                 cancer diagnosis at age 37 through her present-        internationally renowned architect David
Creative Center at University Settlement she             day life as an artist/author/health awareness          Adjaye, BHC’s Sugar Hill Project brings
                                                                                                                affordable housing, an early childhood             Ellen Baxter
uses the arts to nurture the creativity of cancer        advocate. The book is filled with color                                                                    Executive Director
patients, their families and staff in a healthcare       photographs of visual art which relates to the         center, a community art gallery, and a
                                                                                                                new cultural institution to a single site          Broadway Housing Communities
setting. She also guides elder participants              topic of early detection, advocacy and cancer                                                             898 St. Nicholas Avenue, 9th Floor
through arts projects at two senior centers in           survivorship.                                          in the heart of the Sugar Hill historic
                                                                                                                district.                                          New York, NY. 10032

          ALLIANCE (NOMAA)                         About NoMAA                             of individual artists and community        Nielsen, Hispanic Federation, Moet/       NYC Department of Cultural Affairs,
                                                   The Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance    arts organizations in Washington           Hennessy USA, Harlem Community            Columbia University Medical Center
               Board of Directors                  (NoMAA) is a non-profit arts service     Heights and Inwood. NoMAA has              Development Corporation
           Jenay Alejandro, Chairperson            organization launched in 2007           successfully partnered with local                                                    Aficionado
           Luis A. Miranda Jr., Vice-Chair
             Rafael Álvarez, Treasurer             with the support of the Hispanic        businesses and institutions to promote     Creative                                  Community Board 12, Community
             Sandra García-Betancourt              Federation and the Upper Manhattan      the collaboration with artists and arts    ATAX, Office of Councilmember Mark         Board 9, Sugar Hill Children’s
                  Lenny Lazzarino                  Empowerment Zone. NoMAA’s               organizations in an effort to revitalize   Levine, Office of Councilmember            Museum of Art and
                   Carol Jenkins                   mission is to cultivate, support and    the cultural life and effect change in     Ydanis Rodriguez,                         Storytelling, Broadway Housing
                 Angelina Ramírez
                       Staff                       promote the works of artists and arts   our communities uptown.                    Assembly Representative Guillermo         Communities, 809 Restaurant, Lino
     Joanna E. Castro, Acting Executive Director   organizations in Northern Manhattan.                                               Linares, NY-Presbyterian
                                                                                                                                               NY               Hospital        Press, Washington Heights BID
       Janethza Cruz, Administrative Assistant     Since its inception, NoMAA has          Art Stroll Sponsors                        Ambulatory Care + NY
       Eduardo A. Gómez Dosado, Webmaster
                Twitter: NoMAAarts                 implemented programs designed to        Visionary                                  Presbyterian Allen Hospital, El Diario,   Poster Design:
     Facebook: Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance    strengthen the professional capacity    Manhattan Times, NYC + Co,                 Edison Properties, ConEdison,             Anna Leticia Zivarts /

2                                                                   JUNE 01, 2016 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance
Uptown Arts Stroll 2016
                                     Events Calendar/Calendario de eventos
T   he events are free unless otherwise noted. Dates and times are
    subject to change; please consult the online calendar at www. for updates. Please note: Exhibitions and Open Studios
                                                                                                                                 L   os eventos a continuación son gratuitos a no ser que se indique lo contrario. Las
                                                                                                                                     fechas y horas pueden cambiar; por favor consulte el calendario digital en www.
                                                                                                                         para ver actualizaciones. Nota: Las Exposiciones y Estudios Abiertos
are also listed separately online at                                                                           aparecen también por separado en línea en

Week 1: 1–5 June                                              A festival of original theatre pieces addressing social            with the exhibition; visit for           Opening reception for Uptown Arts Review 2016, an
1 June                                                        justice issues created and performed by the community              updated schedule. / Exposición de obras al aire libre         exhibition showcasing the work of 29 local artists working
Uptown Arts Stroll 2016 – Opening                             actors of People’s Theatre Project’s spring public                 creadas durante la residencia de la artista Andrea Arroyo     in a variety of media, curated by Andrea Arroyo. /
celebration                                                   programs. The “Uptown Action” adult group performs on              en la Morris-Jumel Mansion, la primera de su tipo para        Inauguración de Uptown Arts Review 2016, una exposición
1 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant                                 Friday and Saturday; the “To Be Heard” teens perform on            el museo. Los visitantes podrán interactuar con la artista    de las obras de 29 artistas locales que utilizan una
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St    Saturday and Sunday; and the “Circle Up” kids performs             mientras ella crea nuevas obras que se incorporarán en la     variedad de materiales, organizada por Andrea Arroyo.
Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                  on Sunday. Admission is pay-what-you-can. / Un festival            exposición. Varios programas públicos serán presentados       7 June
Please join NoMAA, Sugar Hill Children’s Museum and           de piezas teatrales originales que abordan temas de                en conjunto con la exposición; consulte el horario            Opening reception: Art at Isabella
our community for the opening celebration for the Uptown      justicia social, creadas e interpretadas por actores de la         actualizado en                          7 June, 2–6pm | ADA-compliant
Arts Stroll 2016. / Por favor, únase a NoMAA, Sugar Hill      comunidad que participaron en los programas públicos               “KAT” Modiano – Contemporary groove jazz – flute &             Isabella Geriatric Center, 515 Audubon Ave (at W 190th St)
Children’s Museum y nuestra comunidad para celebrar la        de People’s Theatre Project esta primavera. El grupo de            bass duo at the Mansion                                       Artwork by the residents of Isabella Nursing Home, and
inauguración del Paseo de las Artes 2016.                     adultos “Uptown Action” presenta el viernes y el sábado; el        4 June, 6–8pm                                                 crafts by community seniors, on display at the Larson
Hump Day Comedy Night                                         grupo de adolescentes “To Be Heard” presenta el sábado             Morris-Jumel Mansion, 65 Jumel Terrace (at W 160th St)        Library. / Arte de los residentes de Isabella Nursing Home,
1 June, 9pm –                                                 y el domingo; y el grupo de niños “Circle Up” presenta el          Flutist and composer Yael Acher “KAT” Modiano and             y artesanía de la comunidad de la tercera edad, exhibida
Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)            domingo. Pague la voluntad.                                        bassist and composer Adam Lane, one of the most               en la Biblioteca Larson.
All-original comedy by local and imported talents, produced   4 June                                                             original creative voices in contemporary jazz, premier        No Name Super Storytellers’ Edition
by Inwood’s wild child Ashlynn Salzano. Featuring a           Giraffe Path/Hike the Heights at Sugar Hill                        original soulful/Blues/funky jazz and unconventional          7 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant
revolving cast of comedians who tour the comedy club          4 June, 10:30am–3pm | ADA-compliant                                interpretations of known tunes. The music will respond        Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113
circuit. Enjoy food and drink in a private event space        Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St         to Andrea Arroyo’s art exhibition, “Boundless – The           Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)
before continuing at the world famous Coogan’s bar for        Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                       Women of the Mansion.” / La flautista y compositora Yael      Hosted by Eric Vetter and Michele Carlo, the No Name
the “after-party” until the wee hours. Every Wednesday in     This annual uptown outdoor community festival                      Acher “KAT” Modiano y el bajista y compositor Adam            Super Storytellers’ Edition for this month features the
June. / Comediantes presentan su última obra. Disfrute        strengthens the bonds between our diverse communities              Lane, una de las voces más originales y creativas del         theme MOVING: across the street or across an ocean,
la noche de entretenimiento en el espacio privado del         and their beautiful public spaces. Begin the hike from our         jazz contemporáneo, estrenarán originales y emotivas          heading off to college or leaving where you grew up—
restaurante con comida y bedida del menú. Todos los           stoop to the 12th Annual Giraffe Path celebration in the           interpretaciones no convencionales de melodías                trying to stay in your ’hood, being priced out of your
miércoles de junio.                                           Sunken Playground at Edgecombe Avenue and W 167th                  conocidas de blues y jazz. La música responderá a la          ’hood—or finding the ’hood of your dreams. Featuring:
2 June                                                        Street, where you’ll find music, food, art-making and               exposición de arte de Andrea Arroyo, “Sin límites – Las       Angel Yau, Asher Novek, Nicole Ferraro, Sam Dingman,
Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                      entertainment. / Este festival anual al aire libre fortalece los   mujeres de la Mansión.”                                       and Tamora Wilson. / Organizada por Eric Vetter y
2 June, 3:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant                           lazos que existen entre nuestras diversas comunidades y            Spring Sancocho                                               Michele Carlo, esta edición especial de No Name trata del
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St    sus bellos espacios públicos. Comience la caminata desde           4 June, 7:30–9:30pm | ADA-compliant                           tema MUDANZA: al otro lado de la calle o al otro lado del
Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                  nuestro porche y diríjase a la celebración en el parquet           Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center, 530 W 166 St (at St       océano, a la universidad o partir de donde uno se crió,
Neighborhood storytellers enlighten and entertain with        infantile localizado en la Avenida Edgecombe con Calle             Nicholas Ave)                                                 tratando de permanecer en el barrio, o buscando el barrio
tales of our community, our world, and our imaginations. /    167 Oeste, donde encontrará música, comida, arte y otros           For details, see 3 June.                                      de tus sueños. Con: Angel Yau, Asher Novek, Nicole
Cuentistas locales iluminan y entretienen con cuentos de      entretenimientos.                                                  5 June                                                        Ferraro, Sam Dingman, y Tamora Wilson.
nuestra comunidad, nuestro mundo y nuestra imaginación.       Story Time for Kids                                                Technique Workshops at Sugar Hill                             8 June
Play With Your Dinner at Coogan’s                             4 June, 11am–12pm | ADA-compliant                                  5 June, 3:30–5pm | ADA-compliant                              Guitar class for children 3–5 years old
2 June, 7–10pm                                                Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113              Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St    8 June, 10–11am
Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)            Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                      Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                  La Casa, a space for the arts, 570 W 159th St (at
Hear new plays from great playwrights being read by some      Bring your kids to the community bookshop to hear new              A rotating series of hands-on classes for children and        Broadway)
of NYC’s finest actors and community members, while you        and classic stories read out loud, in English and Spanish,         adults to share in learning and art-making taught by artist   Luke O’Malley uses 3 string loog guitars with the
enjoy food and drink from our classic pub menu. Back by       by local writer Mariel Escalante. / Traiga a sus hijas/os a        and educator Tajh Rust. June’s focus is on painting.          3–5-year-old children at the small idea school. Please
popular demand! This program is made possible in part         la librería comunitaria para escuchar nuevas y clásicas            Please register online as space is limited. / Una serie       join him for open classes on 8 and 22 June. Free for all
with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by      historias leídas en voz alta, en inglés y español, por la          clases prácticas para niños y adultos para compartir          families. / Lucas O’Malley utiliza guitarras Loog de tres
the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with    escritora local Mariel Escalante.                                  en el aprendizaje y la creación artística, por el artista y   cuerdas con niños de 3–5 años de edad. Clases abiertas
the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan          Storyteller Rachael Harrington at Cornerstone Center               educador Tajh Rust. El enfoque del mes de junio es la         los miércoles 8 y 22 de junio. Gratis para todas las
Cultural Council. / Escuche nuevas obras de grandes           4 June, 6–9pm | ADA-compliant                                      pintura. Por favor inscríbase en línea ya que el cupo es      familias.
dramaturgos leídas por algunos de las mejores actores de      Cornerstone Center, 178 Bennett Ave (at W 189th St)                limitado.                                                     Storyteller Rachael Harrington at Cornerstone Center
Nueva York y miembros de la comunidad, mientras disfruta      Storyteller Rachael Harrington tells stories on the                Spring Sancocho                                               8 June, 11–11:30am | ADA-compliant
de la comida y bebida de nuestro menú clásico.                “Creations” exhibition opening night. / Rachael cuenta             5 June, 4–6pm | ADA-compliant                                 Cornerstone Center, 178 Bennett Ave (at W 189th St)
3 June                                                        cuentos durante la inauguración de la exposición                   Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center, 530 W 166 St (at St       Storyteller Rachael Harrington leads an Interactive
Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                      “Creations”.                                                       Nicholas Ave)                                                 Storybox class for babies-pre-K and their caregivers. /
3 June, 3:30–4:30 pm | ADA-compliant                          Harlem to Havana Revisited – Images of Cuba:                       For details, see 3 June.                                      Rachael dirige una clase de cuentos interactivos para
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St    Opening of Photo Exhibit                                           Eli Yamin Jazz Trio with Zah! Jazz Youth Ensemble             bebés y niños/as de pre kinder y sus cuidadores/as.
Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                  4 June 2016, 5–7pm                                                 5 June, 5–6pm | ADA-compliant                                 T.A. Workshop: Essentials of Grant-writing
For details, see 2 June.                                      800 Riverside Drive (b/w W 157th and W 158th streets)              Bruce’s Garden, Park Terrace W at W 213th St                  8 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant
Washington Heights Music Festival *OPEN MIC*                  Architect and community development professional                   Jazz composer, pianist and educator Eli Yamin brings          YM/YWHA of Inwood and Washington Heights, 54 Nagle Ave.
3 June, 6–9pm | ADA-compliant                                 Wayne Benjamin and fellow travelers from the Harlem                his jazz trio to Bruce’s Garden with Zah! Jazz Youth          This two-hour workshop led by grant writing specialist
Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113         Arts Alliance (HAA) and Caribbean Cultural Center African          Ensemble, a group of young people receiving world-class       Melissa Sandor is a rapid-fire writing session. Participants
Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                 Diaspora Institute (CCCADI) exhibit photos from “Harlem to         training from The Jazz Drama Program, an Inwood-              will learn how to craft a project description that can
Calling all writers, rappers, musicians, orators, dancers,    Havana,” a 2010 cultural exploration of Cuba. / Exposición         based nonprofit dedicated to spreading the love of jazz       be used to develop full grant proposals and project
and artists of all kinds! Join us for the monthly Word Up     de fotografías de una exploración cultural de Cuba                 across cultures and generations. / El compositor de jazz,     narratives. A brief overview of proposal basics will also
Open Mic—first Fridays of the month—hosted by Jason            realizada en el año 2010.                                          pianista y educador Eli Yamin trae a su trío de jazz al       be covered. Handouts will be supplied for further reading.
Rosario of Washington Heights Music Festival, as all ages                                                                        Jardín de Bruce con el Zah! Youth Jazz Ensemble, un           Part of NoMAA’s T.A. Workshop Series. RSVP: artstroll@
and persuasions gather to share, learn, and experience        Andrea Arroyo: Opening of Boundless – The Women of                 grupo de jóvenes que reciben formación de The Jazz   / Este taller de dos horas dirigido por
together. / Convocando a escritores, raperos, músicos,        the Mansion                                                        Drama Program, un programa sin fines de lucro en              Melissa Sandor, una especialista en la redacción de
oradores, bailarines y artistas de todo tipo! Únase a         4 June, 6-8pm                                                      Inwood dedicado a difundir el amor por el jazz a través       propuestas, es una sesión de escritura de tiro rápido.
nosotros para el micrófono abierto mensual de Word Up—        65 Jumel Terrace (b/w W 160th and W 162nd streets),                de culturas y generaciones.                                   Los/las participantes aprenderán cómo elaborar una
que se celebra el primer viernes de cada mes—organizado       New York, NY 10032. An exhibition of site-specific, outdoor                                                                       descripción de proyecto que se puede utilizar para
por Jason Rosario de Washington Heights Music Festival.       works created during Arroyo’s artist residency at the              Week 2: 6–12 June                                             desarrollar propuestas de subvenciones y narrativas de
Spring Sancocho                                               Morris-Jumel Mansion, the first of its kind for the museum.         6 June                                                        proyectos. También incluye una breve descripción de los
3 June, 7:30–9:30pm | ADA-compliant                           Visitors can engage with the artist as she works on-site           Opening reception: Uptown Arts Review 2016                    fundamentos de la propuesta. Folletos de información
Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center, 530 W 166 St (at St       creating new works to be incorporated in the exhibition.           6 June, 6–9pm | ADA-compliant                                 serán distribuidos para su posterior lectura. RSVP:
Nicholas Ave)                                                 Various public programs will be presented in conjunction           Rio II Gallery, 583 Riverside Drive (at W 135th St) 

                                                                           JUNE 01, 2016 • MANHATTAN TIMES •                                                                                                                  3
Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance
Intima presents life-writing: A night of readings about       A series of non-traditional silkscreen prints done over the      Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two                      United Palace, 4140 Broadway (at W 175th St)
bodies                                                        course of two residences. / Serie de serigrafías hechas          Gentlemen of Verona”                                           Irka Mateo sings and writes “mestizo music” songs inspired
8 June, 6–9pm | ADA-compliant                                 durante dos residencias artísticas.                              11 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                             by the Taino/Afro/European folk traditions of her native
Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria,              Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two Gentlemen              Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St       Dominican Republic, the Caribbean and Latin America.
2113 Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                            of Verona”                                                       and Indian Rd                                                  Her musical work includes the popular single “Vamo a
The Intima Journal of Narrative Medicine presents a night     10 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                               For details, see 8 June.                                       Gozá.” FREE with RSVP at:
of readings on bodies, illness, and care as part of the       Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St         Jazz in the Heightzz featuring Lucy Yeghiazaryan               / Irka Mateo cantautora de música mestiza inspirada por
Narrative Medicine/AMSA Summer Institute at Columbia          and Indian Rd                                                    11 June, 8:30–10:30pm | ADA-compliant                          tradiciones populares taino-africanas y europeas. Gratuito;
University. / Noche de lecturas sobre nuestros cuerpos,       For details, see 8 June.                                         Farafina Cafe & Lounge Harlem, 1813 Amsterdam Ave (at           reserve su entrada.
enfermedades y el cuidado de salud como parte del             11 June                                                          W 150th St)                                                    Collective States
Narrative Medicine/AMSA Summer Institute de Columbia          Story Time for Kids                                              2015 Monk Competition finalist, Lucy Yeghiazaryan, has          12 June, 7:30–9:30pm
University.                                                   11 June, 11am–12pm | ADA-compliant                               been hosting an evening of music every other Saturday          La Casa, a space for the arts, 570 W 159th St (at
Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two                     Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113            night at Farafina Lounge for the last few months. The           Broadway)
Gentlemen of Verona”                                          Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                    music is a mix of jazz, funk and old school R&B. / Lucy        Collective States draws from two group improvisational
8 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                             For details, see 4 June.                                         Yeghiazaryan, finalista del Concurso Monk en el 2015,           practices exploring the interplay between our inner states
Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St      Blooming Arts Festival                                           presenta una noche de música cada dos sábados en               and our environment. Tessa Chandler, Joanna Nobbe,
and Indian Rd                                                 11 June, 1–4pm | ADA-compliant                                   Farafina Lounge. La música es una mezcla de jazz, funk          Chris Whitney, and Rishauna Zumberg bring this live
For Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary, Inwood                   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1815            y R&B.                                                         movement exploration to La Casa. As the sun goes down,
Shakespeare Festival presents what many believe to be         Riverside Drive (at Payson Ave)                                  12 June                                                        the evening will conclude with an outdoor screening of
his earliest play: “Two Gentlemen of Verona.” See star-       Join us for an afternoon of free musical theater, opera,         14th Annual Drums Along the Hudson                             the short film by Greg Nuñez, “As Delicate as Stone.” /
crossed lovers, cross-dressing, betrayal, intrigue, clowns    dance performances, improv workshops, art exhibitions,           12 June, 11am–6pm | ADA-compliant                              Collective States (Estados colectivos) se basa en dos
and a real dog! “Two Gents” is also a tale of friendship,     children’s choruses, educational workshops, and much             Inwood Hill Park, Indian Rd and W 218th St                     prácticas de improvisación que exploran la interacción
love, mistaken identity, and outlaws! Directed by Ted         more! / Únase a nosotros para una tarde de teatro musical,       Annual multicultural celebration and Native American           entre nuestros estados internos y el medio ambiente.
Minos. Technical/costumes, Catherine Bruce. Music,            ópera, espectáculos de danza, talleres de improvisación,         festival that combines a celebration of Native American        Tessa Chandler, Joanna Nobbe, Chris Whitney y Rishauna
Luke St. Francis. Fight choreography, Ray A. Rodriguez.       exposiciones de arte, coros infantiles, talleres educativos,     heritage, culture, and art with the diversity of New York      Zumberg traen esta exploración a La Casa. A la puesta del
/ Para el 400º aniversario de Shakespeare, el Festival de     ¡y mucho más!                                                    City. Spanish, African, Brazilian, and Tibetan cultures will   sol, el programa concluirá con una proyección al aire libre
Shakespeare de Inwood presenta lo que muchos creen            Together We Listen                                               also be celebrated with food, music, and dancing. Activities   del cortometraje “As Delicate as Stone”, producido por
que es su primera obra de teatro: “Los dos caballeros         11 June, 2–5pm | ADA-compliant                                   include a Tree of Peace planting, international cuisine,       Greg Nuñez.
de Verona”. Podrán ver desafortunados amantes, el             Inwood Library, 4790 Broadway (at Cumming St)                    Native American storytelling, a Pow Wow and crafts. /
travestismo, la traición, la intriga, payasos y un perro de   Together we can make Washington Heights and Inwood               Celebración annual multicultural y festival de indígenas       Week 3: 13–19 June
verdad! “Los dos caballeros” es también una historia de       history more accessible … one story at a time! We collected      norteamericanos. El festival combina una celebración de        13 June
amistad, amor, identidad equivocada, y bandidos. Dirigida     more than 140 oral histories from uptown residents. With         la herencia, cultura y arte indígena, con la diversidad de     T.A. Workshop: Tango for you too!
por Ted Minos. Técnica/vestuario, Catherine Bruce.            a grant from the Knight Foundation, we can make them             la ciudad de Nueva York. Habrá comida, música, y bailes        13 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant
Música, Luke St. Francis. Coreografía de peleas, Ray A.       accessible. Bring your laptop for an afternoon of listening to   multiculturales. Las actividades incluyen la plantación de     Isabella Geriatric Center – Larson Library, 515 Audubon
Rodríguez.                                                    stories, connecting with neighbors and making these stories      un Árbol de la Paz y cuentos de indígenas, un Pow Wow y        Ave (at W 190th St)
Hump Day Comedy Night                                         accessible online. / Juntos podemos hacer que la historia        venta de artesanía.                                            More than 100 years since its inception in the Rio de
8 June, 9pm –                                                 de Washington Heights e Inwood sea más accesible …               Audubon Mural Project Walking Tour                             la Plata (River Plate), tango has a rich history with
Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)            una historia a la vez! Hemos recogido más de 140 historias       12 June, 11am–12:30pm. Rain date: 18 June.                     different eras and influences. Learn how it has become
For details, see 1 June.                                      orales de los residentes del norte de Manhattan. Con             Meet at Gitler &____ Gallery, 3629 Broadway (at W 149th        an international craze. Learn about its health benefits,
9 June                                                        una donación de la Knight Foundation podemos hacerlas            St)                                                            too. Screening of tango film followed by a talk with Polly
Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                      accesibles. Traiga su computadora portátil para pasar la         Noticed bird paintings popping up in the neighborhood?         Ferman, renowed pianist and cultural entrepreneur. Must
9 June, 3:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant                           tarde escuchando las historias, compartiendo con otros           Wanna learn more about them? Please join us for a tour         RSVP: More info: (212) 342-9539. /
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St    miembros de la comunidad, y ayudando a dar acceso a              of the Audubon Mural Project, intended to both beautify        Más de 100 años desde su creación en el Río de la Plata,
Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                  estas historias en línea.                                        the neighborhood and to bring attention to the dangers         el tango tiene una rica historia con diferentes épocas e
For details, see 2 June.                                      Story time with Sita Frederick: Tales on Sugar Hill              birds face from climate change. Please note that the tour      influencias. Aprenda cómo se ha convertido en una moda
T.A. Workshop: Activist Love Letters – Immigration            11 June, 2–4pm | ADA-compliant                                   will involve a lot of walking: wear comfortable shoes! / ¿Ha   internacional. También obtenga información acerca de
and Heroes from Home!                                         Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St       visto obras con pájaros en nuestro vecindario? ¿Quiere         sus beneficios para la salud. Proyección de la película de
9 June, 6–8pm                                                 Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                     aprender más? Aproveche esta visita guiada para apreciar       tango seguida de una charla con Polly Ferman, pianista
Dyckman Farmhouse Museum, 4881 Broadway (at 204th             Choreographer Sita Frederick draws inspiration from the          los murales del proyecto Audubon.                              y empresaria cultural. RSVP: Más
St)                                                           exhibit “Txt: art, language, media” to create an interactive     Art Deco Mailboxes                                             información: (212) 342-9539.
An emphatic thank you for those who stand strong              dance performance for young people to explore language,          12 June, 3–6pm | ADA-compliant                                 Spoken word with Word Up Bookshop
for their beliefs. This two-hour session explores the         culture and movement. Art making will be inspired by the         Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113          13 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant
waves of immigration of different ethnic communities,         performance. / La coreógrafa Sita Frederick se inspira en        Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                  United Palace, 4140 Broadway (at W 175th St)
from the era of the Dyckman family to families of the         la exposición “Txt: art, language, media” para crear un          Karen Greene is a WaHI resident and lifelong                   Word Up is a multilingual, general-interest community
present day. We will learn about everyday people              espectáculo de danza interactiva en el que las/los jóvenes       photographer. She will be giving a talk on her book “Art       bookshop and arts space in Washington Heights. Members
at the forefront of championing change, promoting             exploran el lenguaje, la cultura y el movimiento.                Deco Mailboxes” and discuss the art and history of the         of Word Up will each perform original stories through
tolerance and humanizing the immigration journey. Part        “Butterflies at the Mansion” with live music                      lobby mailbox and of the art deco movement. She will           spoken word and other varieties of art forms. FREE with
of NoMAA’s T.A. Workshop Series in partnership with           11 June, 2–4pm                                                   show photos of art deco mailboxes from cities in the           RSVP at: / Un grupo de la
Dyckman Farmhouse Museum, “Activist Love Letters”             Morris-Jumel Mansion, 65 Jumel Terrace (at W 160th St)           northeast and mid-west, including examples from buildings      librería Word Up presentará actuaciones de canto hablado
offers a forum for everyday people to see themselves          Andrea Arroyo leads “Butterflies at the Mansion” an art-          in WaHI. Book signing after her talk. / La fotógrafa Karen     y otros estilos. Gratuito; reserve su entrada.
as movement builders learning to intersect with art,          making workshop featuring live Mexican folk music: son           Greene dará una charla acerca de su libro “Art Deco            14 June
culture and history through letter writing and dialogue.      jarocho. The butterfly is a universal symbol of femininity,       Mailboxes”. Hablará del arte y la historia del buzón de        Haven Square Summer Festival
Must RSVP: / Este taller de           resilience and migration. In this workshop, participants will    lobby y del movimiento de arte deco. Mostrará fotos de         14 June, 11am–3pm | ADA-compliant
dos horas explora las olas de inmigración de diferentes       create a butterfly collage. Art supplies will be provided,        los buzones de las ciudades en el noreste y centro-oeste,      Haven Square, Haven Ave at Ft Washington Ave
comunidades étnicas, desde la era de la familia Dyckman       feel free to bring your own photographs, magazine                incluyendo ejemplos de edificios en Washington Heights e        The Haven Square Summer Festival is a one-day festival
a las familias de la actualidad. Vamos a aprender sobre la    clippings, family heirlooms, etc. Son jarocho fuses Spanish,     Inwood. Autografía de libros después de la charla.             that features various cultural and health and wellness
gente común en la vanguardia de la defensa de cambio,         indigenous and African rhythms to create a musical poetry.       Technique Workshops at Sugar Hill                              activities for the entire community. / El Festival de Verano
promoción de la tolerancia y humanización del viaje           / Andrea Arroyo dirige “Mariposas en la Mansión” un taller       12 June, 3:30–5pm | ADA-compliant                              de la Plaza Haven es un festival de un día que presentará
migratorio. RSVP:                     de creación artística acompañado de son jarocho, un estilo       Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St     diversas actividades culturales y saludables para el
Play With Your Dinner at Coogan’s                             de música popular mexicana. La mariposa es un símbolo            Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                   bienestar personal.
9 June, 7–10pm                                                universal de la feminidad, la resistencia y la migración.        For details, see 5 June.                                       No Name
Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)            En este taller, los participantes crearán un collage de          Ensemble ACJW plays Beethoven and Spohr                        14 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant
For details, see 2 June.                                      mariposas. Se proporcionarán los materiales de arte,             12 June, 5–7pm | ADA-compliant                                 Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113
Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two                     aunque puede traer sus propias fotografías, recortes de          Our Saviour’s Atonement Lutheran Church, 178 Bennett           Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)
Gentlemen of Verona”                                          revistas, reliquias de familia, etc. El son jarocho fusiona      Ave (at W 189th St)                                            Hosted by Eric Vetter, No Name is a “workout show,”
9 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                             ritmos españoles, indígenas y africanos para crear una           Hailed as “one of the strongest ensembles in the city” by      wherein talented performers are encouraged to play and
Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St      poesía musical.                                                  New York Classical Review, audience favorite Ensemble          try out new comedic or storytelling material. The audience
and Indian Rd                                                 In the Quiet Night Time of My Sleepless Dreams – A               ACJW returns for a free concert presented by Music at          is invited to hang out afterward to share feedback, shoot
For details, see 8 June.                                      play by Marjorie Eliot                                           Our Saviour’s Atonement in collaboration with Carnegie         the breeze, and get on the mic themselves. / Organizado
10 June                                                       11 June, 3–5pm | ADA-compliant                                   Hall Neighborhood Concerts. The ensemble performs              por Eric Vetter, No Name es un “show de entrenamiento”,
Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                      Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113            one of Beethoven’s most ambitious chamber works,               en el cual se les invita a artistas talentosos a jugar y
10 June, 3:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant                          Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                    the “Archduke” piano trio, and lesser-known Romantic           estrenar su nuevo material cómico o narración de cuentos.
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St    A read-through of “In the Quiet Night Time of My Sleepless       composer Louis Spohr’s Septet in A Major for flute,             También se le invita al público a que permanezca después
Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                  Dreams,” a play written by jazz legend and playwright            clarinet, horn, bassoon, violin, cello, and piano. / El        del programa para compartir sus opiniones, darle a la
For details, see 2 June.                                      Marjorie Eliot. / Lectura de “In the Quiet Night Time of My      ensamble ACJW tocará música de cámara en colaboración          lengua, y tomar ellos mismos el micrófono.
Closing reception: Carlos Uribe –This That and The Other      Sleepless Dreams”, una obra teatral escrita por la leyenda       con Carnagie Hall Neighborhood Concerts.                       15 June
10 June, 6–9pm | ADA-compliant                                de jazz y dramaturga Marjorie Eliot.                             Irka Mateo in Concert                                          WHIN Orchestrating Mentors in Concert
Rio III Gallery, 898 St Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                                                           12 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant                                 15 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant

4                                                                           JUNE 01, 2016 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance
Our Saviour’s Atonement Lutheran Church, 178 Bennett         revolución en evolución que abarca las contradicciones del     Storyteller Rachael Harrington leads a story slam themed       performance. It’s free and open to the public. Cast
Ave (at W 189th St)                                          pasado y del futuro potencialmente radical de los EE.UU.       “A Joyful Noise.” To participate, bring a true 5-minute        at / Shakespeare
The WHIN Orchestrating Mentors program provides              Ahora, cuando enfrentamos aparentemente insuperables           personal story based on the theme and appropriate to a         Saturdays presenta una lectura del poema épico de
opportunities for young adults to develop their              injusticias y contradicciones, la película documental          general audience. If your name is chosen from the hat, you     William Shakespeare “Venus y Adonis”. La directora
leadership, communication, and problem-solving               “American Revolutionary” inspira a los ciudadanos y            tell the story. / Rachael dirige un “slam” de cuentos con      Donna Kendall Stearns moldea de manera creativa el
skills through teaching, conducting and internship           soñadores de todas las edades con nuevas ideas para            el tema “Un Ruido Feliz”. Para participar, trae un cuento      poema y lo combina con su música original. Ciertos
opportunities. Member of the program will perform            sostener su lucha y compromiso.                                personal de 5 minutos de duración basado en el tema y          pasajes serán leídos en español, y una canción clave
Brandenburg Concerto no. 3, “Five Pieces” by                 T.A. Workshop: Photographs to final prints                      apropiado para una público general. Si escogen tu nombre       será cantada en inglés y español. gratis y abierto al
Shostakovich, as well as a handful of vocal pieces.          16 and 17 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant                          al azar, te toca contarnos tu cuento.                          público. Vea información sobre el elenco en www.
/ Miembros del programa Orchestrating Mentors del            CLOTH Technology Center, 2113B Amsterdam Ave (at W             Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two            
WHIN Music Project interpretarán el Concierto de             165th St)                                                      Gentlemen of Verona”                                           Dis/Location (Fort Tryon)
Brandenburg no. 3, “Cinco Piezas” de Shostakovich, y         A two-part workshop on the process of saving digital           17 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                             18 June, 5–7pm | ADA-compliant
varias piezas vocales.                                       and instant film photographs, choosing the right media,         Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St       Billings Lawn, Fort Tryon Park
Jazz Foundation of America presents tenor                    Photoshop color settings and tools, and preparation of         and Indian Rd                                                  For details, see 16 June.
saxophonist Wayne Escoffery                                  images for print. The workshop will also cover important       For details, see 8 June.                                       Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two
15 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant                               factors that build a healthy relationship between an artist    18 June                                                        Gentlemen of Verona”
Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria,             and printer when it comes to collaborating. Appropriate        Open studio with artist-in-residence David Shrobe              18 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant
2113 Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                           for emerging and mid-career artists/photographers. Led         18 June, 10am–5pm | ADA-compliant                              Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St
One of the major voices in jazz of his generation,           by fine art printer Tone Taghon art photographer Fabiola        Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St     and Indian Rd
Grammy-winning tenor saxophonist and proud Sugar             Jean-Louis. Part of NoMAA’s T.A. Workshop Series. Must         Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                   For details, see 8 June.
Hill resident Wayne Escoffery returns to Word Up for a       RSVP: / Taller de dos partes sobre     Join us for the last open studio with our 2015–2016            19 June
special program: “Tenor Traditions.” Sharing the front       el proceso de archivar fotografías digitales e instantáneas,   Artist-in-Residence, David Shrobe. Come ask questions          Summer Free Sundays at Sugar Hill
line with two of his formidable tenor sax peers, Myron       la elección de los medios adecuados, la configuración de        and get the inside scoop before his exhibit opens on 16        19 June, 10am–5pm | ADA-compliant
Walden and Troy Roberts, Escoffery will surely bring the     herramientas y color en Photoshop, y la preparación de         July. / Venga al último estudio abierto con nuestro artista    Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St
uptown spirit. / Una de las principales voces en el jazz     imágenes para la impresión. El taller también cubrirá los      residente de 2015–2016, David Shrobe. Venga a hacer            Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)
de su generación, el saxofonista Wayne Escoffery—            factores importantes que contribuyen a una colaboración        preguntas y enterarse de los detalles de su exposición que     Introducing our new Summer Free Sundays, every
ganador del premio Grammy y orgulloso residente del          eficaz entre el artista y la compañía impresora. RSVP:          abrirá las puertas el 16 de julio.                             3rd Sunday during the summer. Explore the beautiful
vecindario Sugar Hill—vuelve a la Librería Word Up                                         Sweet Spot Pop Up Festival at Sugar Hill                       architectural space, stroll the galleries and make some
para presenter un programa especial con dos de sus           Dis/Location (Fort Tryon)                                      18 June, 10am–5pm | ADA-compliant                              amazing art in the Studio Lab! / Entrada gratuita al museo
compañeros formidables del saxófono tenor: Myron             16 June, 6:30–8:30pm | ADA-compliant                           Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St     el 3er domingo de cada mes durante el verano. ¡Traiga a
Walden y Troy Roberts.                                       Billings Lawn, Fort Tryon Park.                                Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                   la familia, visite las galerías y haga arte en el Studio Lab!
Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two                    Rain location: City College Academy of the Arts,               It’s a big stoop party as we celebrate opening day of          Live art and live jazz with Andrea Arroyo and Marjorie
Gentlemen of Verona”                                         4600 Broadway (enter on 196th street) (consult www.            the 2016 Greenmarket season with this special pop up           Eliot
15 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                  for rain announcement).                      edition of Harlem’s fantastic Sweet Spot Festival! Along       19 June, 1–2:30pm
Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th        The Fort Tryon Park Trust and Drastic Action present “Dis/     with the return of the Greenmarket farmers, there will be      Morris-Jumel Mansion, 65 Jumel Terrace (at W 160th St)
St and Indian Rd                                             Location (Fort Tryon),” a 35-minute, site-specific dance        craft vendors, music and food hosted by Sweet Spot, and        Witness a celebration of the artistic process as legendary
For details, see 8 June.                                     exploring the experience of immigration, performed on          Museum-led art-making on the plaza. / Celebración de la        musician Ms. Marjorie Eliot (piano) and visual artist
Hump Day Comedy Night                                        the rugged slope of the Billings Lawn. The program will        inauguración de la temporada de 2016 del Greenmarket           Andrea Arroyo (live painting) engage in a live creative
15 June, 9pm –                                               also include two short dances about the immigrant journey      (mercado libre). Además de los agricultores del                collaboration. Ms. Arroyo and Ms. Eliot are local artists
Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)           created and performed by middle school students from City      Greenmarket, habrá vendedores de artesanías, música y          who have been collaborating for more than three years.
For details, see 1 June.                                     College Academy of the Arts, a largely immigrant school        comida.                                                        / Sea testigo de una celebración del proceso artístico
16 June                                                      where Drastic Action teaches creative dance classes.           Art in the Garden                                              cuando la legendaria música de jazz Marjorie Eliot
Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                     Bring a lawn chair or blanket. / Programa de baile ofrecido    18 June, 10:30am–5:30pm                                        (piano) y la artista visual Andrea Arroyo (pintura en vivo)
16 June, 3:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant                         durante tres días con estudiantes del City College Academy     RING Garden, Dyckman St and Riverside Dr, New York,            participan en una colaboración creativa en vivo. La Sra.
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898      of the Arts creado específicamente para Billings Lawn con       NY 10034                                                       Arroyo y la Sra. Eliot son artistas locales que han estado
St Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                              dos piezas que exploran la experiencia del inmigrante.         The RING Garden has had Art in the Garden for 15 years,        colaborando desde hace más de tres años.
For details, see 2 June.                                     Traiga su silla o manta.                                       and we have been part of the Art Stroll since its inception.   Opening reception: Julia Santos Salomon – Gold &
Art opening and open house: Riverstone Art Gallery           Play With Your Dinner at Coogan’s                              We have a full program with artwork in different disciplines   Glory / Oro y Gloria
16 June, 5–7pm | ADA-compliant                               16 June, 7–10pm                                                as well as poetry readings, classical, country, folk music     19 June, 3–6pm | ADA-compliant
Riverstone Senior Life Services, 99 Ft Washington Ave        Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)             and blues. / Evento en el Ring Garden con arte y música        Rio III Gallery, 898 St Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)
(at W 163rd St)                                              For details, see 2 June.                                       en vivo.                                                       Solo exhibit of Julia Santos Salomon, interdisciplinary
Join us in celebrating the creativity of our community’s     Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two Gentlemen            Story Time for Kids                                            Dominican artist, and one of the founding members of
elders at our art opening and Open House. Meet our           of Verona”                                                     18 June, 11am–12pm | ADA-compliant                             Altos de Chavón School of Design and Parsons School
senior artists and view an exhibition of their works in      16 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                             Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113          of Design. / Obra de Julia Santos Solomon, artista
diverse media and genres, created under the guidance         Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St       Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                  interdisciplinar dominicana y una de las fundadoras de
of Inwood artist and NoMAA grantee Eva Nikolova.             and Indian Rd                                                  For details, see 4 June.                                       Altos de Chavón.
Learn about our twice-weekly art workshop with all           For details, see 8 June.                                       Word Up’s Fifth Birthday Party                                 Technique Workshops at Sugar Hill
materials included, or one of our weekly classes in          17 June                                                        18 June, 11am–9pm | ADA-compliant                              19 June, 3:30–5pm | ADA-compliant
English, computers, crafts, yoga and many others—all         Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                       Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113          Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St
free for seniors. / Venga a celebrar la creatividad de los   17 June, 3:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant                           Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                  Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)
ancianos de nuestra comunidad en nuestra exposición          Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St     Join Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria           For details, see 5 June.
de arte. Conozca a nuestros artistas y disfrute de una       Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                   in celebrating five years of existence! From its beginnings     Screening of “This Is It”
exposición de sus obras en diversos medios y géneros,        For details, see 2 June.                                       as a pop-up shop that sprang up during the 2011 Uptown         19 June, 8:30–10:30pm
creadas bajo la dirección de la artista Eva Nikolova.        T.A. Workshop: Photographs to final prints                      Arts Stroll to the vibrant storefront that it is now, Word     Carmansville Playground, Amsterdam Ave (b/w 151st and
Obtenga información acerca de nuestro taller de arte         16 and 17 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant                          Up and its all-volunteer collective are proud to share         152 streets), New York, NY 10031
que se lleva a cabo dos veces por semana con todos           CLOTH Technology Center, 2113B Amsterdam Ave (at W             books, art, music, and more with neighbors in an open          Documentary. A compilation of interviews, rehearsals and
los materiales incluidos, o acerca de nuestras clases de     165th St)                                                      community space. During our birthday party day, we’ll          backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared
inglés, informática, manualidades, yoga y muchas otras,      For details, see 16 June.                                      start with a special saxophone story time family breakfast     for his series of sold-out shows in London. / Proyección
todas gratis para las personas de la tercera edad.           Dis/Location (Fort Tryon)                                      (11am–1pm), feature artists onstage for spoken word and        de documental. Recopilación de entrevistas, ensayos y
American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace               17 June, 6:30–8:30pm | ADA-compliant                           musical performances all afternoon (1–6pm), then party         escenas entre bastidores de Michael Jackson mientras
Lee Boggs                                                    Billings Lawn, Fort Tryon Park                                 into the evening … / ¡Celebremos el quinto aniversario de      se preparaba para su serie de conciertos en Londres.
16 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant                               For details, see 16 June.                                      la Librería Comunitaria Word Up! La celebración comienza
Rio Penthouse Gallery, 10 Ft Washington Ave (at W            A Taste of Mexico                                              con un desayuno de familia especial con cuentos y              Week 4: 20–26 June
160th St)                                                    17 June, 6:30–9pm | ADA-compliant                              saxófono (11am–1pm), una tarde llena de música, poesía,        20 June
Grace Lee Boggs is a 100-year-old Chinese American           Rio II Gallery, 583 Riverside Drive (at W 135th St)            prosa y otros entretenimientos (1–6pm), y luego la fiesta       Uptown Arts Review Artists’ Talk/Workshop “Best
woman in Detroit whose vision of revolution will             Award-winning artist Felipe Galindo presents a selection       continúa hasta …                                               practices in marketing and promotion”
surprise you. A writer, activist, and philosopher rooted     of his renowned, humorous project celebrating Mexican          Shakespeare Saturdays’ “Venus and Adonis” by                   20 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant
in the African American movement, she devoted                culture and immigration through art and animation. Followed    William Shakespeare                                            Rio II Gallery, 583 Riverside Drive (at W 135th St)
her life to an evolving revolution encompassing              by a panel discussion and tasting of Mexican tamales.          18 June, 2:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant                           Join the artists of “Uptown Arts Review” as they share
the contradictions of America’s past and potentially         Enjoy Son Jarocho, Mexican Folk music from Veracruz. / El      Inwood Library, 4790 Broadway (at Cumming St)                  their processes and visions, followed by the workshop
radical future. Now, when seemingly insurmountable           galardonado artista Felipe Galindo presenta una selección      Shakespeare Saturdays (a readers’ theatre) presents            “Best practices in marketing and promotion,” where
injustices and contradictions face us, the documentary       de su proyecto que celebra la cultura y la inmigración         an encore reading of William Shakespeare’s “Venus              curator Andrea Arroyo will share the best art marketing
“American Revolutionary” inspires concerned citizens         mexicana a través del arte y la animación. Luego habrá         and Adonis.” As the world celebrates #Shakespeare400           tools, including online and hard-copy portfolios and other
and dreamers of all ages with new thinking to sustain        una mesa redonda y degustación de tamales mexicanos.           this year, director Donna Kendall Stearns creatively           promotional materials. This workshop is appropriate
their struggle and engagement. / Grace Lee Boggs es          También disfrute de son jarocho, música popular mexicana       molded Shakespeare’s epic poem into sections offset            for emerging and mid-career artists of all disciplines.
una mujer de Detroit de 100 años de edad de origen           de Veracruz.                                                   with her original music. There will be select passages         Part of NoMAA’s T.A. Workshop Series. Must RSVP:
chino, cuya visión de la revolución le sorprenderá.          Storyteller Rachael Harrington at Cornerstone Center           read in Spanish as well as a key song sung in         Venga a compartir con los
Escritora, activista y filósofa arraigada en el movimiento    17 June, 7–9pm                                                 English and Spanish. Come see this beautiful reading           artistas de “Uptown Arts Review” acerca de sus procesos
afroamericano, la Sra. Boggs dedicó su vida a una            Cornerstone Center, 178 Bennett Ave (at W 189th St)                                                                           y visiones, seguido por el taller “Buenas prácticas en

                                                                           JUNE 01, 2016 • MANHATTAN TIMES •                                                                                                                 5
Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance
la comercialización y promoción”, donde la artista            Trinity Church! / A.W.Duo (pianista Alyona Aksyonova,           A workshop that will help caregivers discover the importance   culturally relevant stories from our community. / Programa
Andrea Arroyo compartirá las mejores herramientas de          violonchelista James Waldo) presentará un concierto en          of spending quality time as they read and explore books        musical mensual que adapta cuentos históricos e historias
marketing, incluyendo portafolios en línea y en papel,        el santuario de la iglesia Holy Trinity Church, Inwood, con     with their babies. Free books for all workshop participants!   culturalmente relevantes de nuestra comunidad.
y otros materiales promocionales. Reserve por email           un programa encantador y apasionado de algunas de las           / Taller para madres/padres/cuidadores y sus bebés que         Technique Workshops at Sugar Hill                                        sonatas favoritas del dúo y obras de cámara de Schumann,        les ayudará a descubrir la importancia de pasar tiempo de      26 June, 3:30–5pm | ADA-compliant
                                                              Debussy, Beethoven, y Rachmaninoff.                             calidad juntos, leyendo y explorando libros. ¡Libros gratis    Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St
21 June                                                       Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two Gentlemen             para las/los participantes!                                    Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)
Exhibition reception: Sketch & Stretch – Combining            of Verona”                                                      Uptown Arts Stroll 2016 – Open Studios                         For details, see 5 June.
Art with Movement and Nature                                  23 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                              25 June, 1–6pm
21 June, 3:30–5pm | ADA-compliant                             Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St        Throughout Northern Manhattan, Northern Manhattan, New         Week 5: 27–30 June
UBA Mary McLeod Bethune Senior Center, 1970                   and Indian Rd                                                   York, NY                                                       27 June
Amsterdam Ave (at W 157th St)                                 For details, see 8 June.                                        See the Open Studios section on page ?? for details. / Vea     “Fiddler on the Roof” with pre-show performance by
Individual works on paper—sketches, drawings, and                                                                             la sección sobre los Estudios Abiertos en la página ?? para    Kelly Hall-Tompkins, the violist from the Broadway
paper cut outs—and also a large group collage displayed       24 June                                                         obtener más información.                                       revival
in the Center. The works are the result of a program          Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                        Opening reception – Wilhelmina Grant: Visages and              27 June, 7–10pm. Doors: 6:30pm. Pre-show concert: 7pm.
conducted by artist Nancy Bruning that combines art,          24 June, 3:30–4:30 pm | ADA-compliant                           Physiques                                                      Movie: 7:30pm | ADA-compliant
movement and nature, which is designed to enhance             Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St      25 June, 3–6pm | ADA-compliant                                 United Palace, 4140 Broadway (at W 175th St)
seniors’ understanding of physical action and flexibility by   Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                    Home Sweet Harlem, 1528 Amsterdam Ave (at W 135th St)          Celebrate the beginning of summer vacation with a
depicting yoga and dance-based movements in a two-            For details, see 2 June.                                        A found object assemblage art exhibition made from             screening of the Oscar-winning 1971 movie and a
dimensional expression. / Personas de la tercera edad         Closing reception: Sketch & Stretch                             discarded metal, wood and plastic. / Exposición de arte        mini-concert by musicians from the Broadway revival,
exhiben sus obras colectivas e individuales en papel:         24 June, 6–8pm | ADA-compliant                                  hecho de objetos encontrados de metal desechado, madera        including violinist Kelly Hall-Tompkins who the New
bocetos, dibujos y recortes de papel.                         ARC XVI Fort Washington Senior Center, 4111 Broadway            y plástico.                                                    York Times said “makes the music come alive.”
No Name                                                       (at W 173rd St)                                                 Small Idea’s “School’s-Out-For-Summer” concert party           Tickets: Adults: $10 online/$15 at the door. Children
21 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant                                Seniors exhibit their collective and individual works on        25 June, 5–8pm                                                 12 and under: $5 online/$10 at the door. / Celebremos
Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria,              paper: sketches, drawings, and paper cut outs. The pieces       La Casa, a space for the arts, 570 W 159th St (at Broadway)    el comienzo de las vacaciones de verano con la
2113 Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                            are the result of a class that combines art and movement,       Featuring The Everly Set: Sean Altman and Jack Skuller         proyección de “El violinista en el tejado”, la película
For details, see 14 June.                                     and which is designed to enhance seniors’ understanding         approximate The Everly Brothers (with their small but          de 1971 ganadora de un Oscar. También habrá un
The People Storm the Palace                                   of physical action and flexibility by depicting yoga and         insistent band). Kids FREE; adults $20 suggested donation.     mini concierto de los músicos de la nueva producción
21 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                            dance-based movements in a two-dimensional expression.          / Música de The Everly Brothers interpretada por The Everly    de la obra en Broadway, incluyendo el violinista Kelly
United Palace, 4140 Broadway (at W 175th St)                  The class was led by Nancy Bruning, artist in residence at      Set (Sean Altman y Jack Skuller). Niños/as GRATIS; adultos     Hall-Tompkins. Entradas: Adultos: $10 online/$15 en la
Join People’s Theatre Project in honoring Pulitzer Prize–     the Center, and a participant in SU-CASA, a community           $20 donación sugerida.                                         puerta. Niños de 12 años o menores:: $5 online/$10 en
winning author Junot Díaz and director of community           engagement program. / Personas de la tercera edad               Soulevate: a night of jazz, funk and Afropean soul             la puerta.
pediatrics at the Columbia University Medical Center Dr.      exhiben sus obras colectivas e individuales en papel:           25 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant
Dodi Meyer. “The People Storm the Palace” promises to         bocetos, dibujos y recortes de papel.                           United Palace, 4140 Broadway (at W 175th St)                   28 June
be a life-affirming night of art and inspiration. Doors open   Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two Gentlemen             The United Palace of Cultural Arts gets its groove on with     Doctors’ hours en español
at 7pm and the performance begins at 7:30pm. Ticket           of Verona”                                                      a quartet of bands that will stir your soul and move your      28 June, 6–9pm | ADA-compliant
prices range from $10 to $250, and all kids are free. For     24 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                              feet: ADH, Harambee Dance Company, Chargaux, and               Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling
more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.PTP.      Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St        Les Nubians. General admission tickets are $25. A limited      (SHCMAS), 898 St Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)
nyc or call (646) 398-9062. / Únase al People’s Theatre       and Indian Rd                                                   number of VIP tickets are available for $50 that include       NYFA (New York Foundation for the Arts) in partnership
Project para rendirles honor al autor Junot Díaz, ganador     For details, see 8 June.                                        priority seating and a reception after the show with the       with SHCMAS and NoMAA offers free one-on-one
del premio Pulitzer, y la Dra. Dodi Meyer, directora de       Sofar Sounds: Washington Heights                                artists. Purchase tickets at /       consultations, developed to serve Spanish-speaking
pediatría comunitaria del Columbia University Medical         24 June, 8:30–10:30pm | ADA-compliant                           Cuatro grupos de música soul tocarán en el United Palace:      artists of all disciplines. Info: /
Center. “The People Storm the Palace” (La gente irrumpe       Secret location, Washington Heights 10040                       ADH, Harambee Dance Company, Chargaux, and Les                 Programa desarrollado para apoyar a los artistas
en el Palacio) promete ser una noche de arte inspiradora.     Sofar (SOunds From A Room) is a musical network of              Nubians. Entrada $25 y VIP $50. Compre sus entradas en         de todas las disciplinas, incluyendo autores y
Las puertas abren a las 7pm y el espectáculo comienza         artists and music lovers holding intimate concerts in                                       cinematógrafos, con consultas de salud gratuitas en
a las 7:30pm. Los precios varían de $10 a $250, y todos       nontraditional venues around the world. The secret location     Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two Gentlemen            español. Si tiene preguntas, por favor póngase en
los niños pueden atender gratis. Para obtener más             for this performance in Washington Heights will be revealed     of Verona”                                                     contacto con Rosario Calatayud Serna,
información y para comprar boletos, visite o      to the guest list the day before the concert, and the           25 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                             No Name
llame al (646) 398-9062.                                      program will feature a diverse line-up of three independent     Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St       28 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant
                                                              artists or groups, each playing a 30-minute set. Advance        and Indian Rd                                                  Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria,
22 June                                                       reservations, which are required, can be made at www.           For details, see 8 June.                                       2113 Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)
Guitar class for children 3–5 years old              / Red de artistas y amantes de la          Jazz in the Heightzz featuring Lucy Yeghiazaryan               For details, see 14 June.
22 June, 10–11am                                              música que ofrecen conciertos en lugares alternativos           25 June, 8:30–10:30pm | ADA-compliant                          29 June
La Casa, a space for the arts, 570 W 159th St (at             en Washington Heights. Haga su reservación en www.              Farafina Cafe & Lounge Harlem, 1813 Amsterdam Ave (at           Hump Day Comedy Night
Broadway)                                            para recibir un mensaje con el lugar.       W 150th St)                                                    29 June, 9pm –
For details, see 8 June.                                                                                                      For details, see 11 June.                                      Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)
Inwood Shakespeare Festival presents “Two                     25 June                                                                                                                        For details, see 1 June.
Gentlemen of Verona”                                          Story Time for Kids                                             26 June                                                        30 June
22 June, 7:30–10pm | ADA-compliant                            25 June, 11am–12pm | ADA-compliant                              Arts Stroll book sale at Word Up                               Story Hour at Sugar Hill
Inwood Hill Park Peninsula, enter the park at W 218th St      Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113           26 June, 12–6pm | ADA-compliant                                30 June, 3:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant
and Indian Rd                                                 Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                   Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113          Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898
For details, see 8 June.                                      For details, see 4 June.                                        Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                  St Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)
Hump Day Comedy Night                                         Arts Stroll book sale at Word Up                                For details, see 25 June.                                      For details, see 2 June.
22 June, 9pm –                                                25 June, 11am–6pm | ADA-compliant                               Uptown Arts Stroll 2016 – Open Studios                         Play With Your Dinner at Coogan’s
Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)            Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113           26 June, 1–6pm                                                 30 June, 7–10pm
For details, see 1 June.                                      Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                   Throughout Northern Manhattan, Northern Manhattan, New         Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)
                                                              Keep the Arts Stroll going by picking up a good read at         York, NY                                                       For details, see 2 June.
23 June                                                       Word Up, with 30% of all used books and 25% of all books        See the Open Studios section on page ?? for details. / Vea     FACE OUT: Morris-Jumel Mansion’s Carol Ward
Story Hour at Sugar Hill                                      by local authors, all weekend long. / Todo el fin de semana:     la sección sobre los Estudios Abiertos en la página ?? para    30 June, 7–9pm | ADA-compliant
23 June, 3:30–4:30pm | ADA-compliant                          libros usados a un 30% de descuento y libros de autores         obtener más información.                                       Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria,
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St    locales a un 25% de descuento.                                  Concert of Renaissance polyphony by a noted chamber            2113 Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)
Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                  Art-making workshop: Pre-Columbian mosaics with seeds           choir                                                          The executive director of the oldest house in Manhattan
For details, see 2 June.                                      and beans                                                       26 June, 2–4pm                                                 talks about the historic house in her care while marking
Play With Your Dinner at Coogan’s                             25 June, 12–2pm | ADA-compliant                                 Hudson View Gardens Lounge, 116 Pinehurst Ave (at W            the release of a new “Images of America” volume
23 June, 7–10pm                                               Rio Penthouse Gallery, 10 Ft Washington Ave (at W 160th         183rd St)                                                      about Morris-Jumel Mansion. / La directora ejecutiva
Coogan’s Restaurant, 4015 Broadway (at W 169th St)            St)                                                             The Renaissance Street Singers feature Franco-Flemish,         de la casa más antigua de Manhattan habla de la casa
For details, see 2 June.                                      Artist Andrea Arroyo leads a workshop where participants        Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Tudor masters from            histórica a su cargo y presenta su nuevo libro, Images
Listen Closely presents Schumann/Beethoven/                   create a unique mosaic with seeds and beans of different        c. 1490–1700. Prepare for rare sacred works worthy of          of America, sobre la Morris-Jumel Mansion.
Debussy/Rachmaninoff concert                                  colors and sizes. Art supplies will be provided. Feel free to   comparison with the great artists and architects. / Los        A Higher Ground Festival Collaboration
23 June, 7–9pm                                                bring your own pattern or drawing and additional dry seeds      Renaissance Street Singers cantan música de maestros           30 June, 6:00–8:00pm
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 20 Cumming St (at Seaman       or beans. / La artista Andrea Arroyo conduce un taller donde    franco-flamencos, españoles, portugueses, italianos y de        Anne Loftus Playground, at Broadway and Riverside Dr
Ave)                                                          los participantes crearán un mosaico hecho de semillas y        la corte Tudor, de entre 1490 y 1700. Prepárense para          Higher Ground premieres 7 interdisciplinary stage-
A.W.Duo (pianist Alyona Aksyonova, cellist James              frijoles de diferentes colores y tamaños. Se proporcionarán     escuchar obras sacras dignas de comparación con los            based collaborations by Washington Heights/Inwood
Waldo) will appear in concert at the acoustically resonant    los materiales de arte. Si desea, traiga su propio patrón o     grandes artistas y arquitectos.                                artists. Enjoy a night of dance, music, theatre, fashion,
sanctuary of Holy Trinity Church, Inwood, for a delightful    dibujo y semillas secas o frijoles adicionales.                 History Tales at Sugar Hill                                    spoken word and beatboxing! Bring your blanket or
and impassioned program featuring some of the duo’s           Bonding with Babies Over Books                                  26 June, 2–3pm | ADA-compliant                                 fold up chair and come celebrate uptown artists. Free
favorite sonatas and chamber works by Schumann,               25 June, 12–1:30pm | ADA-compliant                              Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, 898 St     and family friendly. / Serie de 7 obras multidisciplinares
Debussy, Beethoven, and Rachmaninoff. Join us afterward       Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, 2113           Nicholas Ave (at W 155th St)                                   por artistas de Washington Heights e Inwood. Gratuito.
for some food and wine provided by the members of Holy        Amsterdam Ave (at W 165th St)                                   A monthly musical program adapting historic tales and          Familias son bienvenidas.

6                                                                          JUNE 01, 2016 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance Paseo de las Artes uptown arts stroll - June 2016 - ATAX - Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance
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