Partners for Life - Life Flight ...

Page created by Carl Watson
Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
 for Life                       Emergency
                                Care Conference
Sept. 16-18, 2021

                   2021 Conference Maumee Bay
                  State Park 1400 State Park Road
                         Oregon, OH 43616

            Ground and Air
Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
We are happy to announce the            Social Sessions
    implementation of two new awards:
                                            Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021
    The Pat Ambrose                         The Dr. Frank Foss Awards
    Memorial Educator Award                 Receiving Agencies:
                                            LACP/Lima Fire Department
    The Sandra Cline                        Henry County Hospital ER
                                            Napoleon Fire Department
    Memorial EMS Provider Award
                                            Perkins Township Fire Department
                                            Perkins Township Police Department
                                            Margaretta Fire Department
    Nominate your nominee for 2022!         Erie County Sheriffs Office
    You will find criteria on the back of   Wapakaneta Fire Department/EMS
    the brochure and also on our
    website at           The Patricia Ambrose
                                            Memorial Educator Award
                                            The Sandra Cline
                                            Memorial EMS Provider Award

                                            Networking Social Event
                                            Friday, Sept. 17, 2021
                                            Casino Night
                                            Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021
                                            MASH BASH - Dress up in your Fatigues
                                            or Favorite Mash Character!

             Patricia A. Ambrose                         Sandra Cline

1   1
Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021
18:00 Free Pre Con CE (1.0)

"Wading with the Sharks" Exploring the use of Capnography in EMS
Jason Waltmire, BCJ, CMTE, NRP, EMSI
AHA and Outreach Education Coordinator

19:10 Awards
Dr. Frank Foss
The Pat Ambrose
Memorial Educator Award

The Sandra Cline
Memorial EMS Provider Award

21:00-Midnight      Social Hour and 1HWZRUNLQJ

Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
Friday, Sept. 17, 2021
 7:00-8:00 REGISTRATION                               13:30-14:30 SESSION (1.0)
                                                      Human Trafficking-
7:30-8:00 OPENING SESSION                             Peter Swartz Detective
Bag Pipes, Color Guard, National Anthem               Task Force Officer- Federal Bureau of
                                                      Investigation, Northwest Ohio Human Trafficking
8:00-9:00 Welcome and Opening General SESSION (1.0)   and Child Exploitation Task Force
Trauma and Resilience
Melissa Kendrick, RN, BSN, MBA/MHA, NRP               14:30-14:40 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)
Lead Flight RN at CHI St. Joseph Air Medical
9:00-9:10 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)            14:40-15:40 SESSION (1.0)
                                                      Ventilators and Managing the Intubated Patient
9:10-10:10 SESSION (1.0)                              Dr. Bill Krebs, DO, EMT-P, RDMS
Geriatric Care 2021                                   Medical Director Mercy Health Life Flight Network
Brad Wimmer, EMTP
                                                      15:40-15:50 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)
10:10-10:20 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)
                                                      15:50-16:50 SESSION (1.0)
10:20-11:20 SESSION (1.0)                             Interesting Medical Case Mysteries
Stroke: Dr. Eugen Lin, MD                             Lou Ann Metz , BS,OFE, NRP
Neurosendovascular Surgery and Vascular Neurology     Fire Chief Bainbridge Township
11:20-11:30 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)
11:30-12:30 GENERAL SESSION (1.0)
                                                      Social Sessions
Advanced Cardiac Resuscitation                        19:00-20:00 Social Hour
"Can You Manage the Pressures on Mars In 2050?"       20:00-22:00 Casino Night
12:30-13:30 LUNCH

Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021
7:00-8:00 REGISTRATION                                   12:30-13:30 LUNCH

8:00-9:00 Welcome and Opening General SESSION (1.0)      13:30-14:30 SESSION (1.0)
Trauma March Protocol                                    MIH-Mobile Integrated Health Care
Dr. Dave Miramontes, MD, FAEMS, FACEP, NREMT             Dr. Dave Miramontes, MD, FAEMS, FACEP,
Medical Director San Antonio Fire Department             NREMT Medical Director San Antonio Fire
9:00-9:10 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)
                                                         14:30-14:40 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)
9:10-10:10 SESSION (1.0)
Not Your Grandma's CPR                                   14:40-15:40 SESSION (1.0)
Bud McLaury, RN, CCPM                                    Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies
Clinical Education Consultant Zoll Medical               Timothy Christman, BSN, RN, EMT-P
10:10-10:20 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)             15:40-15:50 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)
10:20-11:20 SESSION (1.0)                                15:50-16:50 SESSION (1.0)
She's Having A Baby!                                     Difficult Airway
Kim Johnston, MSN, RNC-OB, RNC, MNN, RNC-LRN,            Josiah Judy, RN, CEN, EMT-P, FF
C-EFM Nursing Professional Development Program Manager
Bon Secours Mercy Health                                 Social Session
11:20-11:30 BREAK (Please visit our Vendors)             19:00 Mash Bash

11:30-12:30 SESSION (1.0)
Now What Do We Do?
Shelby Rowland, MSN, RNC-NIC Neonatal Clinical Nurse
Manger Bon Secours Mercy Health

                                                                                                        4   4
Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
William Krebs, D.O.                                        Dr. Eugene Lin, MD
Bon Secours Mercy Health                                   Bon Secours Mercy Health
Dr. Krebs is an Assistant Professor at The Ohio State      Dr. Lin has attended:
University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH. He           Med school Northwestern University Umass -
attended Ohio University College of Osteopathic            Neurology and vascular neurology residency and
Medicine in June, 2012 where he obtained his               fellowship Baptist Health Miami interventional
Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine.                         neuroradiology fellowship more than 6 years at
                                                           Mercy St. Vincent Mercy Mobile Stroke unit - Stroke
Dr. Krebs completed his Residency at Mercy St. Vincent     Medical Director. Stroke Medical Director of St.
Medical Center in June, 2015 and currently serves as       Charles and St. Anne. Involved with numerous
the Medical Director for Mercy Health — St. Vincent Life   clinical studies and registries for strokes, aneurysms
Flight.                                                    and subdural hematomas.

Dave Miramontes, MD, FAEMS, FACEP, NREMT                   Jason Waltmire EMT-P, BCJ, CMTE, NRP
Medical Director San Antonio Fire Department               Mercy Health Life Flight Network
Dr. David Miramontes started as a volunteer                Jason Waltmire is the American Heart Coordinator
Firefighter-EMT while still in high school and went on     for Mercy Health St. Vincent’s and the Outreach
to the level of EMT-II, Registered Nurse (a total of ten   Education Coordinator for Mercy Health Life Flight.
years as a RN in ER and ICU), Mobile Intensive Care        He has been a paramedic for 19 years and worked
Nurse, and then received his BS in Physiology at UC        in both volunteer and private EMS.
Davis. He attended the Medical College of Ohio and
Emergency Medicine Residency at the St Vincent             He received his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal
Mercy Medical Center in Toledo Ohio, where he also         Justice from Tiffin University and is a Certified
was a Life flight Physician. He served as the Pre-         Medical Transport Executive. He currently serves on
hospital EMS Director at St. Vincent Mercy Medical         the Medical Oversight Committee with the Ohio
Center and provided medical direction for the City of      Department of EMS.
Toledo Fire Dept. and 18 rural and suburban EMS
agencies. He then served as the Assistant Fire Chief       Lou Ann Metz, BS, OFE, NRP
and Medical Director for District of Columbia Fire         Fire Chief Bainbridge Township
Department (Wash. DC) from 2011-14 and currently
serves as EMS Medical Director for the San Antonio         Lou Ann is a nationally registered paramedic and
Fire Department in the 7th largest city in the US.         State of Ohio EMS Instructor. She graduated from
                                                           the Ohio Fire Executive Program and is the recipient
Timothy Christman, RN, BSN, EMT-P                          of several awards including the 2008 Frank
Owens Community College                                    Giampetro EMS Educator of the Year and the 2009
                                                           Mayer Glimcher Outstanding Trauma Educator of
Timothy Started as a Paramedic at Sandusky County          the Year.
EMS for 13 years. Graduated from UT with a
Bachelors of Nursing. Worked as an Educator for            Lou Ann is on the faculty for the Ohio Fire
MCO Paramedic Program and Education. Worked at             Executive Program. She currently serves as the
Mercy Life Flight for 22 years, the last 12 as their       Fire Chief of Bainbridge Township Fire
Education Coordinator. He then transitioned into the       Department in Geauga County.
Mercy College Program Lead position for the
Paramedic, EMT, CHW and Phlebotomy certificate
programs until his retirement in December of 2019. He
currently is a Paramedic Program instructor at Owens
Community College.

Melissa Kendrick, RN, BSN, MBA/MHA, NRP
Lead Flight RN at CHI St. Joseph Air Medical
Melissa is a 31-year paramedic and a 21-year flight
nurse. She has worked in rural and suburban Texas.
She was an ICU nurse and flight nurse at Memorial
Hermann in Houston. She was the Clinical Education
Coordinator at PHI Air Medical in California and
Texas, and is currently the Lead Flight Nurse for CHI
St. Joseph Air Medical in Bryan, Texas. She holds a
Bachelor of Science in both Biomedical Science and in
Nursing, and she has Masters in both Business and
Healthcare Administration.
Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
Bradford Wimmer,                                        Peter J Swartz Detective
FF/NR_EMT-P, FPC- EMSI                                  Task Force Officer Federal Bureau of
                                                        Investigation , Northwest Ohio Human
Brad is a 30 year veteran of the Sandusky Fire          Trafficking and Child Exploitation Task Force
Department where he functions as a firefighter
paramedic and diver. He is an ITALS Affiliate           Detective Pete Swartz has been a member of the
Faculty member and teaching a variety of                Toledo Police Department for the last 29 years.
continuing education classes including ACLS,            Det. Swartz spent five years working uniform patrol
PALS and BLS.                                           and was then selected to become a Detective in the
                                                        Toledo Police Vice/Narcotics section where he
He is also a tactical medic with the Eric County        worked in an undercover capacity for nine years.
Sheriff’s Department SWAT. He ha been with
Life Flight/Mobile Life since 2010.                     In the Vice/Narcotics Section Det. Swartz was
                                                        responsible for investigations related to narcotics
Kimberly Johnston, MSN, RNC-OB,                         trafficking and possession, prostitution, gambling
C-EFM, C-MNN, CNE                                       and liquor violations. In 2006 Detective Swartz was
Bon Secours Mercy Health                                assigned to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s -
                                                        Northwest Ohio Violent Crimes Against Children
Kim has a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing         Task Force (NWOVCACTF) where he investigates
from Capital University and a Master of Science         sex trafficking matters, specializing in domestic
degree in nursing with a specialization in              minor sex trafficking investigations.
education from Walden University. She’s been
an RN for 15 years, worked as a bedside nurse           Detective Swartz instructs at the Ohio Police Officer
for 14 years, an assistant professor of nursing         Training Academy (OPOTA) and has taught sex
for 9 years, and as the Perinatal Advanced              trafficking investigation courses at The Toledo
Practice Specialist for 2 years with Mercy Health.      Police Academy as well as throughout the State of
Kim works in a level 1 trauma center and level 3
NICU hospital. She currently holds many                 Det. Swartz has a Bachelor of Business
obstetric-specific certifications, a certification in   Administration from the University of Toledo,
nursing education and an instructor certification.      graduating in June of 1992. Det. Swartz is a
                                                        member of the Ohio Attorney Generals Human
Shelby Rowland, MSN, RNC                                Trafficking Commission and a member of the Lucas
NICU Neonatal Clinical Nurse Manager                    County Human Trafficking Coalition.
Bon Secours Mercy Health
                                                        Detective Swartz was the 2013 recipient of the
Shelby has a Bachelor of Science degree in              Paladin Award and in 2014 the Ohio Liberator
nursing from Mercy College and a Master of              Award both awarded for his significant work
Science degree in nursing with a specialization         combating sex trafficking. In 2016 Detective Swartz
in education from Walden University.                    was named Officer of the year for the Toledo Police
She has over six years of neonatal experience.
She holds her certification in neonatal intensive
care nursing. Currently she is the Clinical Nurse
Manager of the Neonatal ICU at Mercy
Children's Hospital.
Partners for Life - Life Flight ...
Bud McLaury, RN, CCPM
Clinical Education Consultant Zoll Medical

Michael "Bud" McLaury currently serves as a Clinical Education Consultant for ZOLL Medical Hospital
Clinical Deployment, as well as, a national speaker for Resuscitation Technology. He is responsible for
training on the complete hospital resuscitation technology line of products, as well as, provide Project
Management and oversight. In addition, he provides training internally to ZOLL employees on
resuscitation products and is the company Product Expert for the IPR Therapy suite of products.
Further, he has also served as a Product Manager, as well as a Territory Manager, for the Regard,
ResQPOD, and ResQCPR System.

With over 30 years of healthcare experience, he has served as a Critical Care RN at a Level-One
Trauma Hospital specializing in post-operative open heart patients. As a member of the Code Blue
Team, he was responsible for responding to emergency cardiac arrest and respiratory distress patients
throughout the hospital. Michael has also served as the Director of Onsite Coding Operations for a
large national IT, HIM & RC Services Company, Operations Officer for a national HIM Services
company, and began his medical career working in a hospital based 8 laboratory performing
Phlobotemy, IV therapy, and basic laboratory tests.

Joe Powell, MICP, EMSC(ret)

Joe Powell is the Chairman and founder of the Advanced Cardiac Resuscitation program/consortium.
He recently retired from the Rialto Fire Department where he ran the transport and non-transport
Emergency Medical Services division of the Rialto Fire Department. Joe had been a member of Rialto
Fire’s command staff for over 16 years and has been a practicing paramedic in San Bernardino County
for over 30 years.

Joe has been awarded two United States Patents and he continues to be a leader in innovative patient
care. He has been published in the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine five times in the past five
years. Joe has spoken throughout the US, along with China, Korea, London, Birmingham, Germany,
Taiwan and Indonesia on cardiac arrest resuscitation and survivability.
Partners for Life - Life Flight ...

2021 PARTNERS FOR LIFE CONFERENCE GOAL                                      SPACE IS LIMITED
(FOR ONA)                                                                   We reserve the right to give preferred registration to Life Flight
To improve safety and quality of patient care in the out-of-hospital        affiliates and healthcare providers within our service area.
                                                                            CONTINUING EDUCATION CERTIFICATES
REGISTRATION DEADLINE                                                       All CE certificates will be available online after completing the
Your registration must be postmarked by Sept. 1, 2021.                      online survey. More information about obtaining certificates will
There is a $20 late fee for registrations postmarked after Sept. 1, 2021.   be provided at the conference.

ONLINE REGISTRATION                                                         CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS
You can register online:                                                    Ohio EMS                                     St. Vincent Life Flight/Mobile Life Critical Care Transport
                                                                            Network is an approved provider of continuing education
                                                                            through the Division of EMS, Ohio Department of Public Safety
If you register online, you will receive a confirmation email. If you
mail in and need confirmation, please contact the business
office at 419-251-4290.                                                     Ohio Nursing Bon Secours Mercy Health is approved with
                                                                            distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional
                                                                            development by the Virginia Nurses Association, an
CANCELLATION POLICY                                                         accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing
You can cancel and get a refund (minus a $20 administrative fee) until      Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Sept. 1, 2021. If you cancel after Sept. 1, we can not refund your
money. NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy.                                        VNA-CEA Approved Provider number:
                                                                            Bon Secours Mercy Health Approved Provider Unit
                                                                            7900 Shrader Rd, Suite 200
                                                                            Henrico, VA 23294

                                                                            Any questions please email:

SCANNER                                                              ACCOMMODATIONS AND PARKING
A Mercy Health employee will be at the entrance of the room for      Maumee Bay State Park
each scheduled session. They will quickly scan and record your       Oregon Ohio
ID badge. Scanning is only available at the start of each session
and is the only way to ensure that you receive credit for
attending. Attendance scanning will NOT be available at the END      Room Registration call
of any session.                                                      419-836-1466

There’s a $10 replacement fee for lost badges.

By registering for the Partners for Life 2021 conference, I grant
permission to Mercy Health, and any affiliated entities to use and
publish my photograph and/or my name on Mercy Health’s
intranet, internet websites, social media websites and in Mercy
Health publications. This use includes but is not limited to
internet websites, social media websites and Mercy Health
publications, such as calendars, brochures and advertisements.

Partners for Life
            Emergency Care Conference

            Mercy Health Life Flight Network
            2213 Cherry St.
            Toledo, OH 43608

Criteria for The Pat Ambrose Memorial Educator                   Criteria for the Sandy Cline Memorial Provider
Award:                                                           Award:
Pat Ambrose was an EMS educator who made a difference in          The Sandra Cline Memorial Provider Award is an award created
many lives. She dedicated her whole life to education for        for an individual who has dedicated their lives to EMS and/or
Pre-hospital providers. This award is an opportunity to          the Clinical setting of caring for patients and providing excellent
                                                                 care and comfort. This award is for an individual who
recognize an individual's selfless commitment to EMS             demonstrates Loyalty to public service, True Compassion to the
education. This award is given to someone who makes an           patients they care for and who Go Above and Beyond the duties
incredible difference in the lives of those he or she teaches.   asked of them. Someone who is there for everyone else before
This individual is nominated by peers, students, and             themselves.
colleagues in appreciation of his or her dedication to EMS       Sandy worked as a Paramedic for LifeStar and as a Paramedic in
                                                                 the ER at Mercy St. Vincent's. This award is for the individual
education. Please Limit to EMT or Paramedic for the              who fulfill these roles and demonstrates the ethics and values
nominee please. PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBISTE                         Sandy lived by. Please Limit to Paramedic, EMT or RN for the
WWW.LIFEFLIGHT.CC TO NOMINATE FOR 2022                           nominee please. PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBISTE
                                                                 WWW.LIFEFLIGHT.CC TO NOMINATE FOR 2022

                                                                 2021 Conference held at :
                                                                 Maumee Bay State Park
                                                                 1400 State Park Road
                                                                 Oregon, OH 43616

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