Cannes Film Festival PRESS PACK - MAY 2019 - Press contacts - Région Île-de ...
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Paris Regnio n at the 72 d Canne s F i l m Fe s t i va l 19 PR ES S PAC K - M AY 20 Paris Region Press contacts +33 (0)1 53 85 63 14
“Expanding our efforts to bolster creativity” A gnès Varda described cinema as “a pas- Given that passion for cinema is passed on from sionate and dangerous experience”. a very early age, we have supplemented this The talented filmmakers nominated in strategy by bolstering art and culture education the official selections of the 72nd Cannes for young people in Paris Region, by increasing the Film Festival certainly won’t be contradicting level of contact between these youth and the someone who was the first woman to receive a world of cinema – largely through film clubs in Palme d’honneur award. The passion is clear to see upper secondary schools and apprenticeship on every screen along the Croisette. But what a training centres, or by taking a mobile theatre to journey it is to finally feature on these famous our recreation parks over summer. screens! Recognising this, Paris Region stands The result of this strong, clear and genuine com- alongside the professionals involved throughout mitment of Paris Region to the cinema and audio- their perilous adventure of film-making. More than visual sector can be seen at events such as the ever before! It is the leading French region when it Cannes Film Festival. For this 72nd edition, we are comes to supporting the cinema and audiovisual proud to once again be present via the high- sector and playing host to film shoots. We have quality works we support: no fewer than 16 films! been doing more for the sector every year since the These productions reflect the diversity and rich- beginning of our term of office. ness of the films backed, and feature in all of the Given that we know this sector is very active, inno- Cannes categories: eight in the official selection vative and vital to the economy of our region, that including three in competition, two in Critics’ Week, Paris Region has the highest concentration of three in the Directors’ Fortnight and three in ACID. expertise, talent and industries in this field in We hope that all the competing teams, cinema France, and that we believe a large cultural region professionals and film buffs enjoy a fantastic like Paris Region has a key role to play in develo- Cannes Film Festival. Paris Region will always be ping the creativity, diversity and boldness of the there to support them. industry, we are constantly expanding our efforts to bolster creativity. In 2019, we earmarked a record budget of more than 20 million euros. VALÉRIE PÉCRESSE President of Paris Region Introduced through our new policy adopted in 2017 and designed to support a sector that has AGNÈS EVREN Vice-President in charge radically reformed and enhanced our funding of Culture, Heritage and Creation opportunities, our strategy aims to encourage new creation and promote diversity in works, at the same time boosting employment in Paris Region. We also focus our efforts on screenplay writers, animation and the incorporation of inno- vative technologies into the creative process. © Région Île-de-France 02| PRESS PACK | PA R IS R E G IO N AT T HE 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
FILMS SUPPORTED BY PARIS REGION AND SELECTED FOR CANNES The 72nd Cannes Film Festival celebrates 16 films supported by Paris Region in both production and post-production stages. Official Selection In competition Un certain regard SYBIL LES HIRONDELLES by Justine Triet, DE KABOUL produced by LES FILMS PELLEAS by Zabou Breitman Supported by the Grant Fund and Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec, (€360 000) produced by LES ARMATEURS Supported by the Grant Fund (€270 000) LES MISÉRABLES LA FAMEUSE INVASION by Ladj Ly, DES OURS EN SICILE produced by SRAB FILMS by Lorenzo Mattotti, Supported by the Grant Fund produced by PRIMA LINEA (€280 000) Supported by the Grant Fund (€375 000) PORTRAIT DE LA JEUNE Special screening FILLE EN FEU by Céline Sciamma, LA CORDILLÈRE produced by LILIES FILMS DES SONGES Supported by the Grant Fund by Patricio Guzman, (€380 000) produced by Atacama Supported by the Grant Fund (€87 000) Out of competition LA BELLE ÉPOQUE Closing film by Nicolas Bedos, produced by HORS NORMES LES FILMS DU KIOSQUE by Eric Toledano Supported by the Grant Fund and Olivier Nakache, (€460 000) produced by ADNP Quad Films Supported by the Grant Fund (€425 000) PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 03
Directors’ Fortnight Fortnight selection Closing film AND THEN WE DANCED YVES by Levan Akin, by Benoît Forgeard, produced by AMA Productions produced by Ecce Films Supported by Supported by the Grant Fund the Post-Production Grant* (€300 000) ZOMBI CHILD by Bertrand Bonello, produced by My New Picture Supported by the Grant Fund (€225 000) Critics’ Week Feature film competition Short film special screenings J’AI PERDU MON CORPS INVISÍVEL HERÓI by Jérémy Clapin (1 film), st (Invisible Hero) produced by Xilam Animation by Cristèle Alves Meira, Supported by the Grant Fund produced by Fluxus Films (€275 000) Supported by the Post-Production Grant* ACID Selection RÊVES DE JEUNESSE VIF-ARGENT by Alain Raoust, by Stéphane Batut, produced by Cinema Defacto produced by ZADIG Productions Supported by Supported by the Grant Fund the Post-Production Grant* (€300 000) L’ANGLE MORT by Pierre Trividic and Patrick-Mario Bernard, produced by Ex Nihilo/Agat Films Supported by the Grant Fund (€384 000) *Permanent Committee vote 22 May 2019 04| PRESS PACK | PA R I S R E G I O N AT T HE 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
REGIONAL SUPPORT FOR CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL INDUSTRY Today more than ever, Paris Region stands alongside authors and professionals in the cinema and audiovisual industry, and is stepping up its efforts in support of creativity. Since January 2017, it has boosted its assistance for the sector by allocating new funds and resources, a move welcomed by professionals. >> More than €20M xecutive’s decision to radically overhaul e the Cinema and Audiovisual Grant Fund in for the cinema 2017, the aim being to enhance the appeal and audiovisual industry of Paris Region in these fields of work, to support the industry’s economy and In December 2018, the Region once again to encourage the return of certain produc- allocated a special budget for the industry, tions. The result: this time at an unprecedented level: more than 20 million euros (€M) earmarked speci- An increase in the amount of regional fically for the Cinema and Audiovisual Grant funding of up to €600 000 for cinema Fund and Post-Production Grants. films and up to €500 000 for audiovisual This budget is part of an ongoing process of works. significantly increasing the funds that the A new funding calculation grid with a Region allocates to culture. Valérie Pécresse dual subsidy system: for “exceptional had undertaken to increase them by 20% technical expenses” to give a boost to ser- during her term of office. Between 2015 and vice providers and jobs in the local area, 2019, the Paris Region’s culture budget and for “innovative practices and techno- increased from €83M to €95M (+14.1%). logies” to make Paris Region a pioneering place for certain technologies and thus strengthen its appeal. The subsidies range from €25 000 to >> A more comprehensive €100 000 for expenditure on innovative and effective Cinema technologies (virtual reality, visual effects, and Audiovisual Grant Fund 3D, etc.) and for technical expenses for exceptional “Made in Paris Region” manu- Paris Region is home to nearly 80% of facturing (sets and costumes, studio fil- France’s image industry players: and the ming, etc.). economic gains from a sec tor that accounts for nearly 140 000 direct jobs are significant. Against a background of stiff international competition, it is vital to offer production companies a system that responds to them and adapts to each wo rk : thi s un d e rp in s th e re g io n al PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 05
Reorganisation of the Cinema Reading >> A reviewed Screenplay Committee with 3 specialist colleges depending on budgets and works, thereby Writers’ Grant to promote enabling creation in all its diversity to be growth in the screenplay supported. industry in Paris Region Web-series funding. This sector is a key component in the The possibility of funding up to 3 s easons development of French film and audiovi- of the same TV series. sual production. The Region therefore wanted to increase its budget, some In 2018, the first full year under the new €500 000 in 2018, and to play a greater system, the Grant Fund disbursed a record role in this field, through boosting the amount, some €16.6M of reimbursable support it provides to young authors, grants awarded to 59 feature films and in particular by: 41 audiovisual projects, all extremely varied in nature and reflecting the diversity of Developing the sector in collaboration French creation. with professionals. Boosting assistance for authors sup- ported: incorporating preparations for pit- THE WRITING ches and speed-dating sessions as part of SECTOR IS A KEY the training provided to authors starting out. ELEMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF Arranging annual meetings with expe- THE FRENCH rienced authors and supported producers, FILMMAKING. notably during the Série Series Festival (The European Series Summit), which will be held from 1-3 July 2019, in Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne. Reorganising the Reading Committee for maximum results: setting up 2 specialist committees, the first for screenplay writers starting out, the second for experienced screenplay writers. The result is a greater capacity for handling projects received. In 2018, 243 projects were submitted and g w Emergin E) 31 works supported. These extremely high 1 8 , a n e Since 20 ional Fund (FoRT figures serve to reiterate the need for sup- g Talent Re port and assistance in this industry. f s grants o ion award g d r, Paris Re ators age Each yea n th to young cre o n th s, er m o d of 10 m €2 500 p imu m p e ri o for a max g Talent 18 to 30, e F o R T E (Emergin as part o f th is cross- d ) sc heme. Th rts, Regional F u n orming a s te m (m usic, perf u a l) ry sy vis disciplina and audio s ti c a rt s, cinema s o r q u alified pla g ra duate g supports yo u n g f becomin le in th e process o e d op ard young pe nts are aw ro fe s si o nals. Gra re a ti o n project, p istic c f a n a rt acking on the ba sis o s m u s t h ave the b e nal, eneficiari educatio and the b c a n d cultural, . ti anisatio n of an artis sional org or profes makers. w in n e rs were film In 2018, 9 06| PRESS PACK | PA R I S R E G I O N AT T HE 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
>> A unique system in France for struggling films: Post-Production Grant NEW: Vid Creation eo Game This grant is unique in France and open to Grant Fu all types of projects (in length and genre). In 2018, nd the Regio It makes it possible to support extremely its comm n abided itments a by Video Ga n d s et u p diverse works that could not otherwise be m e Creatio a new to help th n Grant F finished or distributed to theatres. Given is dynam u nd Ten gam ic, job-cre that it represents a real opportunity for es were s ating sec uppor ted tor. financially struggling works, Paris Region many of in 2018, which we Vir tual R re has increased its budget significantly: ealit y cre ations. €1.050M in 2018 (including €350 000 from the CNC). This system is particularly suitable for young creators. It has enabled many young film- makers to finish their short or first feature film and thus show them to the public. In 2018, the Post-Production Grant helped 46 films (27 feature films and 19 short films) out of the 254 productions that applied. PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 07
Paris Region and the animation sector >> Updated and tailored Increased support support systems. for audiovisual and film animation projects >> Major financial investment. Over the last 3 years, 21 animation works (11 for cinema and 10 for television) have been supported in their production, compared to only 5 in 2014 and 2015. >> Strong desire to support The Region also supports the sector the industry. upstream with Screenplay Writer Grants, Post-Production Grants and its new Emerging Talent Regional Fund (FoRTE). Standouts among the animated films supported by Paris Region in 2018 and 2019 include the major successes Astérix, le secret de la potion magique, by Louis Clichy and Alexandre Astier, Dilili à Paris, by Michel Ocelot, and Minuscule 2, by Thomas Szabo and Hélène Giraud. Improved programme of action Much anticipated releases include: Les hirondelles de Kaboul by Zabou Breitman As a result of the 2017 overhaul, the Region’s and Eléa Gobbé-Mevellec, L’Invasion Cinema and Audiovisual Grant Fund is now des ours en Sicile by Lorenzo Mattotti, much more suitable for animation projects: Calamity Jane by Rémi Chayé and J’ai perdu mon corps by Jérémy Clapin. • Simplified access criteria. • In cinema, animation works benefit from being examined by College 3, which specialises in films generating high returns and includes professionals from the sector. Three films supported • Significantly revalued grant scales and an by Paris Region and selected increased Fund budget, making it possible to offer more and larger grants, up to for Cannes: €700 000. • J’AI PERDU MON CORPS • In addition, animation projects can apply by Jérémy Clapin for a subsidy for innovative technologies or exceptional technical expenses, in an effort • LES HIRONDELLES DE KABOUL to help boost the real economic impact by Zabou Breitman and Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec and to make Paris Region a pioneer when it • LA FAMEUSE INVASION DES OURS EN SICILE comes to certain advanced technologies. by Lorenzo Mattotti In 2017 and 2018, the Region allocated more than €4M to the animation sector. 08| PRESS PACK | PA R IS R E G IO N AT T HE 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
TAKING CINEMA TO SECONDARY SCHOOL PUPILS AND APPRENTICES IN PARIS REGION >> Pupils and apprentices at the movies “Pupils and apprentices at the movies” is a regional programme for education covering moving images. It gives pupils in general, vocational and agricultural upper secondary schools and students in apprenticeship trai- ning centres (CFA) an opportunity to explore at least 3 film works during screenings orga- nised for them in theatres. Its goal is to enable young people to build up, alongside the educational aware- ness-raising work carried out by teachers and cultural partners, the foundations of a film culture. Registrations for the scheme have been increasing since 2016, testament to the fact that it is fully operational and has a strong presence throughout the entire region. 2018-2019 academic year 46 864 registrations 1 727 registered classes (45 511 upper secondary pupils and 1 353 apprentices, some 2 000 pupils hailing from more than the previous year) 495 schools (468 upper secondary and 27 CFA) 2 134 teachers trained beforehand spread across the 8 Paris Region départements. 167 partner theatres PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 09
Films shown to upper secondary school pupils and apprentices in 2018-2019 PICKPOCKET by Robert Bresson (France – 1959) for 25% of those registered. PSYCHOSE by Alfred Hitchcock (USA – 1960) for 76% of those registered. LE VOYAGE DE CHIHIRO by Hayao Miyazaki (Japon – 2002) for 69% of those registered. TAXI TÉHÉRAN by Jafar Panahi (Iran – 2015) for 52% of those registered. MALAKA >> Film clubs in upper by Emmanuel Gras (France – 2017) film benefiting from regional support, secondary schools for 36% of those registered. and apprenticeship training centres Since 2016-2017, the Region has been r unning the moving images education programme called “Ciné-Débats”, as part of a partnership with the CNC and Unis- Cités. With the help of young civic service volunteers, upper secondary school pupils can now organise film club screenings and PARIS REGION hold debates within their school. COMMAITTED TO WORK ALONGSIDE In 2018-2019, nearly 90 upper secondary THE CNC AND UNIS-CITÉ TO schools and apprenticeship training RAPIDLY REACH THE centres will benefit from this programme. OBJECTIVE OF 200 The goal is to see 200 film clubs running OPERATIONAL in Paris Region by the end of the term of FILM-CLUBS. office, with special attention paid to schools located in the outer suburbs and in City Policy (or priority) neighbourhoods. 100 civic service volunteers are involved in Paris Region. Unprecedented in its scope, this pro- gramme aims to give young people a taste and desire for cinema in all its rich- ness and diversity. 10| PRESS PACK | PA R I S R E G I O N AT T HE 72 N D CA N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
CINÉMOBILE AND OUTDOOR SCREENINGS THIS SUMMER IN PARIS REGION Summer 2019 will see the 3rd “L’Île-de-France fait son cinéma”, an event launched in July 2017 to make cinema accessible to everyone everywhere in Paris Region. A “Cinémobile” truck will set up a real theatre this time, offering all the comforts expected, air-conditioning, and a 100-seat capacity, in the Region’s recreation parks, towns and villages. New: The Regio About 40 free sessions are scheduled film scre n will org enings th anise ou is year in tdoor throughout July. Alongside the screenings, in associa Milly-la-F tion with orêt, activities will be organised for everyone which wil the Mais l reopen on Cocte to enjoy. around th it s doors o au, e exhibit n 1 June, Dessins d ion “Jean ’une vie. Cocteau à Milly-la Du Centr . -Forêt”. T e Pompid the dona his reope ou tion mad ning follo house to e by Jea ws the Regio n Cocteau n to pres ’s this regio er ve nal herita ge. PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 11
A LOOK BACK AT 2018 >> 2018: a year of growth 2018 continued the trend that began in The latest employment figures compiled 2017, with an increase in audiovisual and by Ficam and Audiens show a sharp rise, film productions in Paris Region. with a particularly active visual effects sector standing out: its business is concen- There has been a wealth of activity, notably trated in Paris Region, home to 80% of VFX due to a combination of the Region’s diffe- (visual effects) companies and 95% of the rent support mechanisms and the tax total payroll. rebate reforms. Paris Region is benefiting first and foremost from the revived activity The subsidy system for innovative techno- in French productions, alongside a real logies introduced in 2017 by the Region opportunity for attracting greater numbers has played a role in this upturn. of international productions. With an earmarked budget of €20M The figures MORE THAN Paris Region is the leading local , 311 THEATRES of which 169 are classified authority for cinema as art-house and audiovisual support. 1 123 screens in Paris Region. It is also the top French region for playing host to filming. ALMOST 150 were supported in 2018: 46 films WORKS It accounts for 50% post-production, 59 feature films of all films shot in France in production and 41 audiovisual and has 2 400 filming projects in production. locations listed. This represents almost 30% more films than in 2017. €1 of regional subsidies Every year, the Region also supports more than generates €16 of income for Paris Region. 30 screenplay writers 50 festivals and networks... 12| PRESS PACK | PA R I S R E G I O N AT T HE 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
>> Films supported by the Region in 2018 and 2019 Fiction and animation REGIONAL FILM SUPPORTED PRODUCTION COMPANY YEAR SUBSIDY DOCTEUR NIGHT 24 Mai Productions €162 000 2019 by Elie Wajeman – Fiction LES SANS-DENTS Loin Derriere l’Oural €210 000 2019 by Pascal Rabaté – Fiction VILLA CAPRICE JPG Films €221 000 2019 by Bernard Stora – Fiction GAGARINE Haut et Court €297 500 2019 by Fanny Liatard – Fiction UN LONG SOLO MLD Films €31 000 2019 by Damien Manivel – Fiction LES HÉROÏQUES TS Productions €213 000 2019 by Maxime Roy – Fiction UN VOYAGE EN HIVER Arches Films €245 000 2019 by Claus Drexel – Fiction SOL Illiade Films €297 500 2019 by Jezabel Marques – Fiction LA DARONNE Les Films du Lendemain €297 500 2019 by Jean-Paul Salomé – Fiction LE MEC NORMAL AIM Cactus Prod €297 500 2019 by Pierre Ménès – Fiction ADIEU LES CONS Manchester Films €420 000 2019 by Albert Dupontel – Fiction COMMENT JE SUIS DEVENU SUPER HEROS Trésor Films €421 000 2019 by Douglas Attal – Fiction CHANSON DOUCE Why Not Productions €340 000 2019 by Lucie Borteleau – Fiction FOURMI The Film €340 000 2019 by Julien Rappeneau – Fiction LA VÉRITÉ (provisional title) 3B Productions €340 000 2019 by Hirokazu Kore eda – Fiction MADAME CLAUDE Les Compagnons du Cinema €340 000 2019 by Sylvie Verheyde – Fiction HORS NORMES ADNP Quad Films €425 000 2019 by Éric Toledano and Olivier Nakache – Fiction J’ACCUSE Legendaire €560 000 2019 by Roman Polanski – Fiction LISA REDLER LFP Les Films Pelleas €330 000 2019 by Nicole Garcia – Fiction LES SECRETS DE MON PÈRE JSBC Je Suis Bien Content €256 000 2018 by Vera Belmont et Xavier Picard – Animation ZOMBI CHILD My New Picture €225 000 2018 by Bertrand Bonello – Fiction LA NUIT VENUE Koro Films €109 000 2018 by Frédéric Farrucci – Fiction PASSION SIMPLE Les Films Pelleas €240 000 2018 by Danielle Arbid – Fiction TU T’ARRÊTES JAMAIS La Rumeur Filme €225 000 2018 by Mohamed Bourokba and Ekoue Labitey – Fiction LA SIRÈNE Les Films d’ici €166 000 2018 by Sepideh Farsi – Animation PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 13
REGIONAL FILM SUPPORTED PRODUCTION COMPANY YEAR SUBSIDY SAULES AVEUGLES, FEMMES ENDORMIES – SAFE Cinema defacto €196 000 2018 by Pierre Földes – Animation Les films à un dollar DE NOS FRÈRES BLESSÉS Les Films du Belier €390 000 2018 by Hélier Cisterne – Fiction DERNIER AMOUR Les Films du Lendemain €326 000 2018 by Benoît Jacquot – Fiction LA BELLE ÉPOQUE FK Les Films du Kiosque €460 000 2018 by Nicolas Bedos – Fiction TENDRE ET SAIGNANT Les Films du Cap €340 000 2018 by Christopher Thompson – Fiction NOTRE DAME Rectangle Productions €356 000 2018 by Valérie Donzelli – Fiction PORTRAIT DE LA JEUNE FILLE EN FEU Lilies Films €380 000 2018 by Céline Sciamma – Fiction L’INSPIRATRICE Les Films Velvet €320 000 2018 by Grégroy Magne – Fiction DERNIER ROUND A ISTANBUL Maybe Movies €160 000 2018 by Serge Avedikian – Fiction UN VRAI BONHOMME Delante Productions €280 000 2018 by Benjamin Parent – Fiction TOI FK Les Films du Kiosque €280 000 2018 by Laetitia Masson – Fiction LES MISÉRABLES SRAB Films €280 000 2018 by Ladj Ly – Fiction GRÂCE A DIEU Mandarin Production €360 000 2018 by François Ozon – Fiction LA PREMIÈRE SÉANCE Les Films Pelleas €360 000 2018 by Justine Triet – Fiction THE SILENCE OF THE MOON Moana Films €562 000 2018 by Hervé Hadmar – Fiction FAHIM Waiting for Cinema €425 000 2018 by Pierre-François Martin Laval – Fiction UN HOMME FIDÈLE Why Not Productions €156 000 2018 by Louis Garrel – Fiction DISCO BOY Bathysphere Productions €280 000 2018 by Giacomo Abbruzzese – Fiction LE COUP DE CHAPEAU Curiosa Films €360 000 2018 by Fabien Onteniente – Fiction JE VOUDRAIS QUE QUELQU’UN M’ATTENDE QUELQUE PART Easy Tiger €360 000 2018 by Arnaud Viard – Fiction LA LUTTE DES CLASSES Kare Productions €300 000 2018 by Michel Leclerc – Fiction REBELLES Ailbertine Productions €330 000 2018 by Allan Mauduit – Fiction VIF-ARGENT Zadig Productions €300 000 2018 by Stéphane Batut – Fiction MIGNONNES Bien ou Bien Productions €274 000 2018 by Maimouna Doucouré – Fiction LES PETITES VOLEUSES Recifilms €300 000 2018 by Pietro Caracciolo et Sacha Sterling – Fiction UNE JEUNESSE DORÉE Macassar Productions €280 000 2018 by Eva Ionesco – Fiction MON FRÈRE Ex Nihilo €315 000 2018 by Julien Abraham – Fiction 14| PRESS PACK | PA R IS R E G IO N AT T HE 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
REGIONAL FILM SUPPORTED PRODUCTION COMPANY YEAR SUBSIDY ÉNORME Avenueb Productions €360 000 2018 by Sophie Letourneur – Fiction CELLE QUE VOUS CROYEZ Diaphana €445 000 2018 by Safy Nebou – Fiction MAIS VOUS ÊTES FOUS Rectangle Productions €395 000 2018 by Audrey Diwan – Fiction – 1st feature length film DANS LA GUEULE DU REQUIN by Emmanuel Hamon – Fiction – Epithete Films €235 000 2018 1st feature length film LA FAMEUSE INVASION DES OURS EN SICILE Prima Linea Productions €375 000 2018 by Lorenzo Mattot – Animation Documentaries supported REGIONAL DOCUMENTARY SUPPORTED PRODUCTION COMPANY YEAR SUBSIDY LES HORIZONS PERDUS Tbc Productions €70 000 2019 by Thomas Balmes LES FOUS SONT DANS LA VILLE Les Films Du Bal €53 000 2019 by Ilan Kilpper DIEU EST UNE FEMME Industrie Films €48 000 2019 by Andres Peyrot LES INDES GALANTES Les Films Pelleas €70 000 2019 by Philippe Beziat LES EXILÉS DE LA TERRE PROMISE Ex Nihilo €87 000 2019 by Michale Boganim LA CORDILLÈRE DES SONGES Atacama €87 000 2018 by Patricio Guzman DU PLUS LOIN DE LA NUIT, ENQUÊTE SUR UNE FEMME SINGULIÈRE Ks Visions €57 000 2018 ET SOLITAIRE by Jean-Pierre Krief 140 KM À L’OUEST DU PARADIS Les Films D’ici €49 000 2018 by Céline Rouzet DEVANT – CONTRECHAMP DE LA RÉTENTION Iskra €32 000 2018 d’Annick Redolfi UN ENFANT A SOI Cg Cinema €87 000 2018 by Amandine Gay LE TEMPS QUI VIENT Aeternam Films €33 000 2018 by Bartolomeo Pampaloni 365 JOURS SOUS LES GLACES Terra Incognita €60 000 2018 by Djamel Tahi UN VENDREDI AUX BAINS-DOUCHES Af Apaches Films €15 000 2018 by Julie Conte SEEKERS Jonas Films €22 000 2018 by Aurore Vullierme INNA DE YARD Borsalino Productions €95 000 2018 by Peter Webber PSYCHOMAGIE Satori Films €78 000 2018 by Alejandro Jodorowsky NOS PREMIERS PAS Pylaprod €20 000 2018 by Anne-Claire Dolivet PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 15
>> List of films benefitting from regional support and selected for the César and Cannes awards César 2019: 12 films • PREMIÈRE ANNÉE by Thomas Lilti supported by the Region (Grant Fund: €405 000) totalling 35 nominations 1 nomination • DE CHAQUE INSTANT • LA DOULEUR by Nicolas Philibert by Emmanuel Finkiel (Grant Fund: €90 000) (Grant Fund: €409 000) 1 nomination 8 nominations • PUPILLE by Jeanne Herry (Grant Fund: €358 500) 7 nominations Cannes 2018: 5 films selected, supported • MADEMOISELLE DE JONCQUIÈRES by Emmanuel Mouret by the Région (Grant Fund: €320 000) 6 nominations Official Selection • UN AMOUR IMPOSSIBLE by Catherine Corsini • LES ÂMES MORTES – (DEAD SOULS) (Grant Fund: €326 000) by Wang Bing 4 nominations (Post-Production: €43 000) • UN PEUPLE ET SON ROI by Pierre Schoeller Directors’ Fortnight Selection (Grant Fund: €405 000) 2 nominations • AMIN • L’EMPEREUR DE PARIS by Philippe Faucon by Jean‑François Richet (Grant Fund: €240 000) (Grant Fund: €630 000) 2 nominations • JOUEURS by Marie Monge • ASTÉRIX – LE SECRET (Grant Fund: €298 000) DE LA POTION MAGIQUE by Alexandre Astier and Louis Clichy • LA ROUTE DES SAMOUNI (Grant Fund: €620 000) by Stefano Savona 1 nomination (Post-Production: €43 000) • DILILI À PARIS • LES SILENCES by Michel Ocelot by Beatriz Seigner (Grant Fund: €448 000) (Post-Production: €45 000) 1 nomination • LE GRAND BAL by Laetitia Carton (Post-Production: €37 000) 1 nomination • L’HOMME FIDÈLE by Louis Garrel (Grant Fund: €156 000) 1 nomination 16| PRESS PACK | PA R I S R E G I O N AT T HE 72 N D CA N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
FILMING IN PARIS REGION AND FUNDING YOUR FILM: PROCEDURE I Cinema and Audiovisual Eligibility criteria, schedule and application form: Grant Fund The Region’s Cinema and Audiovisual Contact for industry professionals: Grant Fund provides selective and reimbur- sable grants to productions and is designed +33 (0)1 53 85 62 87 to encourage diversity in creations and generate wider economic impacts for the film and audiovisual sector in Paris Region. III Screenplay Writers’ Grants Eligibility criteria, schedule The purpose of Screenplay Writers’ Grants and application form: is to help an author with his/her screenplay writing project and to set up a workshop in an upper secondary school or relevant Contacts for industry professionals: facility located in Paris Region. >> Cinema: Eligibility criteria, schedule +33 (0)1 53 85 72 78 and application form: >> Audiovisual: melaine.thomann-fox@ilede- +33 (0)1 53 85 72 20 Contact for industry professionals: +33 (0)1 53 85 56 71 II Post-Production Grants The Region’s Post-Production Grants aim to help financially struggling projects that have managed to film but whose produc- tion remains unfinished. The aim of the Region’s Grants is to help get films shown in theatres. Contact for professio sector nals D epartme Cinema a nt of Cult ure, nd Audio >> Head visual Un of service it sebastien : Sébastie .colin@ile n Colin +33 (0)1 5 defrance 3 85 71 42 .fr PA R I S R E G I O N AT TH E 72 N D C A N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L | PRESS PACK | 17
IV Facility for productions notable wealth of heritage available, ensuring that Paris Region continues to in Paris Region enjoy its enviable international renown. The Paris Region Film Commission has tea- med up with Paris Region Entreprises, the Master Your Production agency in charge of making the Region With FILM PARIS REGION internationally appealing, with three goals set out: Film Paris Region is the Film Commission of >> Contribute to growth in the Image industry. the Paris Region, supporting producers >> Assist production companies wanting to with their projects in one of the world pre- develop their projects. mier cinematographic and audiovisual >> Promote the Paris Region ecosystem media destinations among international production compa- We bring our industry expertise and extensive nies under the brand “Film Paris Region, la network to provide a privileged access to: Commission du film d’Île-de-France”. >> Lucrative Financing Solutions This body helps with establishing a >> Services Production Companies consistent policy for facilitating film shoots >> Exclusive and Inspiring Locations in the Region. It identifies potential sets in >> Experienced Service Providers each département and promotes them >> Multilingual Crews and Talents among production companies and tech- >> International VFX and Post Production Companies nicians. It assists them in their location scouting work and advises on authorisa- Contact us to take advantage of our free tions needed for filming in public spaces. and confidential services! It therefore promotes the unique and 18| PRESS PACK | PA R IS R E G IO N AT T HE 72 N D CA N N E S F I L M F E STI VA L
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