Parent Information Booklet 2020 2021 - TWICKENHAM - Radnor House ...

Page created by Rebecca Guzman
Parent Information Booklet 2020 2021 - TWICKENHAM - Radnor House ...

        2020 - 2021
     Telephone 020 8891 6264
Parent Information Booklet 2020 2021 - TWICKENHAM - Radnor House ...

                                              Breakfast Club, Lunches, Riverside Bistro
TERM DATES                            5
                                              and Café                                    26
                                              Transport to Radnor House                   27
                                              Exam Arrangements                           28
RADNOR HOUSE                          7
Attendance                            8
Illness, Accidents and Signing Out            Apprenticeships
Behaviour                             9       Parent Seminars                             29

Pupil Support                        11       The School Day                              31

Anti-Bullying Code                   12       Curriculum                                  32

Uniform and Appearance               14       School Council                              33

Equipment                                     Friends of Radnor House Twickenham          34
Mobile Phones                        15

Sport                                16

Extra-Curricular Clubs               19

The House System
Lost Property, Bags and Lockers      20

Homework                             21

Homework Planners
Reporting, Assessments and Targets   22

IT Systems and Communication         23

E-Safety                             25

Parent Information Booklet 2020 2021 - TWICKENHAM - Radnor House ...
Ethos and Vision                                                                                    Term Dates 2020 – 2021

                    Ethos                         • Our pupils will achieve academic success        Autumn Term 2020
At Radnor House:                                  within a secure and happy environment,            New Pupils & Lower Sixth Induction Day: Wednesday 2nd September (afternoon)
• We celebrate every individual.                  where teachers promote the highest                Remaining Year Groups: Thursday 3rd September - Friday 11th December inclusive
• Our core values are courage, excellence,        standards of learning as critically self-         Half Term: Monday 19th October - Friday 30th October inclusive
perseverance and respect.                         reflective individuals who constantly seek to
• We provide an active learning environment       improve professional practice, and where our      Spring Term 2021
for limitless minds.                              support staff create, maintain and deliver the    Tuesday 5th January - Friday 26th March inclusive
                                                  professional structures and environments for      Half Term: Monday 15th February - Friday 19th February inclusive
                   Vision                         pupils to achieve their best.
                                                  • Our pupils will be inspired and challenged      Summer Term 2021
• Our vision is for Radnor House to be an
                                                  through wide-ranging co-curricular                Wednesday 13th April - Friday 2nd July inclusive
independent school that is fully
                                                  opportunities, and supported by outstanding       Half Term: Monday 31st May - Friday 4th June inclusive
co-educational for children from 9-18,
                                                  pastoral care to help them develop into           May Bank Holiday closure: Friday 3rd May
where every child is individually known,
                                                  fulfilled and successful young adults with high
valued and exceptionally well educated in
a genuinely caring, nurturing environment.
                                                  • Our partnership with parents will provide
                                                  the best possible opportunities for the
                                                  pupils, and the school will seek to develop its
                                                  awareness of, and contribution to, the local
                                                  and broader community.
                                                  • Radnor House will seek to be a community
                                                  of learners who contribute to the wider field
                                                  of education.

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Senior Leadership Team                                                                          Information For All Pupils at
                                                                                                Radnor House
Darryl Wideman                  Head		                  
Stephen Carrington              Senior Deputy Head      
Eliza King                      Deputy Head, Pastoral   
Henry Meller                    Director of Teaching & Learning
Peter Baker                     Director of Assessment & Data
Laura Gedge                     Director of Studies     
Huma Ali                        Business Manager        
Adam Jones                      Director of Sports      
Peter Nathan                    Director of Sixth Form  
A full staff list can be accessed on My School Portal.

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Parent Information Booklet 2020 2021 - TWICKENHAM - Radnor House ...

If your child is unable to attend school you will
need to do the following before 8:20am:
                                                        of the wider issues that persistent absence
                                                                                                          Government research also suggests that pupils
                                                                                                          with the lowest 5% of absence rates were                  Behaviour
Absence form:                                           • 95% attendance = 3 days lost in a term* /
                                                                                                          over 4 times more likely to achieve 5 good
                                                                                                          GCSEs, including English and maths, than                  (Expectations,
Please complete this form on My School Portal
to inform the school about a pupil's absence
                                                          1 week 3 days’ absence over the academic
                                                                                                          pupils with the highest 5% of absence rates.
                                                                                                          It also points out that pupils with no absence
                                                                                                                                                                    Rewards and
due to illness, or for less than a full day for
a specific appointment or a performing
                                                        • 90% attendance = 1 week 1 day lost in a
                                                          term* / 3 weeks 2 days’ absence over the
                                                                                                          from school were nearly 3 times more likely
                                                                                                          to achieve 5 A* to C GCSEs, including English
arts exam, etc. Alternatively, you can ring               academic year                                   and maths, than pupils missing 15 to 20% of
                                                                                                                                                                    At Radnor House, we recognise that every
reception on 020 8891 6264, or email                    • 80% attendance = 2 weeks 2 days lost in         school across key stage 4.
                                                                                                                                                                    pupil has the right to feel safe, to learn and, copying to your                a term* / 6 weeks 4 days’ absence over the
                                                                                                                                                                    to be treated with respect. We truly believe
child’s Form Tutor and giving the reason why              academic year.                                  It is important to note, if your child
                                                                                                                                                                    in the core values of the school and expect
your child is unable to attend school.                                                                    misses 5 or more consecutive days of
                                                                                                                                                                    all pupils to strive for courage, excellence,
This must be done prior to 8:20am.                      *figures based upon a 12-week term.               school, without explanation, the school is
                                                                                                                                                                    perseverance and respect. We expect
                                                                                                          obliged to contact the local authority.
                                                                                                                                                                    behaviour to be excellent and the classroom
Medical Appointments:                                   80% attendance through five years of school
                                                                                                                                                                    to be a safe and encouraging environment for
To notify the school of a future medical                equates to a full school year lost.               Illness, Accidents and Signing Out
                                                                                                                                                                    learning and progress. Pupils are expected to
appointment. Please complete the Notification                                                             If a child feels unwell or has an accident at
                                                                                                                                                                    have the following responsibilities:
of a Medical Appointment form on My School              Equally, punctuality is vital to maximise         school, they should tell a teacher or other
Portal - when this form is completed the Form           learning opportunities for pupils, allowing       member of staff straight away. Depending
                                                                                                                                                                    In the classroom
Tutor and reception are automatically notified.         them to have as calm and controlled a start to    on the need, they will be sent to the School
                                                                                                                                                                    Pupils at Radnor House are expected to:
                                                        the day as possible, and ensuring that arriving   Nurse who will decide upon the necessary
                                                                                                                                                                    • Arrive for lessons properly equipped and
Leave request:                                          on time becomes an ingrained behaviour for        care. If it is deemed that your child is too ill to
                                                                                                                                                                       on time
Please complete this form on My School Portal           life beyond Radnor. Again, figures paint the      remain at school, or if hospital treatment is
                                                                                                                                                                    • Line up outside classrooms quietly and in
to ask permission from the Head for whole-              picture more powerfully than words:               required, then you as their parent or guardian
                                                                                                                                                                       an orderly manner
day (or longer) events such as a family holiday,                                                          will be contacted. Under no circumstances will
                                                                                                                                                                    • Enter classrooms quietly and sit in the
a family occasion or a university open day.             • 5
                                                          ​ minutes late every day = 3 days of school     pupils be permitted to leave Radnor House or
                                                                                                                                                                       place agreed with the teacher
Please aim to give as much notice as possible             lost a year                                     go home without permission.
                                                                                                                                                                    • Follow the particular ground rules
if such leave is required.                              • 10 minutes late every day = 6.5 days of
                                                                                                                                                                       established by departments for lessons in
                                                          school lost a year                              Pupils must sign out at reception when
                                                                                                                                                                       which practical work takes place
It goes without saying that a pupil’s                   • 15 minutes late every day = 10 days of          leaving and sign back in should they return
                                                                                                                                                                    • Contribute to the creation of a good
attendance is inextricably linked with their              school lost a year                              within the day.
                                                                                                                                                                       learning atmosphere
performance in exams and therefore we ask               • 20 minutes late every day = 13 days of
                                                                                                                                                                    • Treat all other pupils and members of staff
that it is only with genuine cause that you               school lost a year
                                                                                                                                                                       with respect
request permission for your child to miss               • 30 minutes late every day = 19 days of
                                                                                                                                                                    • Record the homework set in the
school. The statistics below give an indication           school lost a year.
                                                                                                                                                                       homework planner

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Pupil Pastoral Support

• Ensure the classroom is left in a tidy state         If a child misbehaves or does not comply           At Radnor House we place a great deal of               Referral form on My School Portal. Pupils in
  at the end of every lesson                           with the school’s expectations, a misconduct       importance on the care and wellbeing of our            Years 9 –Upper Sixth may choose to keep
• Leave the classroom in an orderly manner.            may be issued. The following list outlines         pupils. In order to support our pupils, we have        their appointments confidential and parents
                                                       behaviours that may incur a misconduct:            created a pastoral support system to help              may not be notified of these appointments.
Behaviour elsewhere                                    • Poor behaviour                                   every individual on the challenging journey            This confidential practice is to provide a safe
It is a pupil’s responsibility to:                     • Incorrect wearing of uniform                     through school. Below is an outline of the             space for the child to talk. If your child is in
• Move between lessons on or off site in a             • Incomplete or missing homework                   support that is offered to our pupils.                 Years 5-8, you will be contacted about this
     safe and sensible manner                          • Chewing of gum                                                                                          unless the safeguarding team feels it is in
• Behave in a safe and responsible manner at           • Use of a mobile phone during school hours        The Form Tutor - is your first port of call            the best interests of the child not to do so.
     break and lunch times                                 - 7:45am - 5pm - inclusive of fixtures         concerning your child. They see your child             This is a free service and if you would like
• Eat and drink only in the Riverside Bistro or        • Missing resources, exercise books or             every morning and guide them through the               further information please view their page
     Café. - Sixth Form may eat in the Common              textbooks.                                     busy school week. Please contact them for all          on My School Portal or contact the Pastoral
     Room                                                                                                 concerns and questions regarding your child.           Administrator, Mrs Claire Wood, cwood@
• Wear the Radnor House uniform correctly              If your child is frequently accruing                                                            
     and with pride                                    misconducts, the relevant Subject Teacher,         The Head of Year - every year group has a
• Take responsibility for their own                    Form Tutor, Head of Department, or Head            Head of Year who supports pupils, parents              Pastoral care and pupil support are a whole-
     possessions, bags and equipment                   of Year will be in contact, depending on the       and Form Tutors. They are focused on the               school responsibility and all staff, including
• Avoid any interference with the equipment            number of misconducts received and the             academic tracking and pastoral care of your            non-teaching staff, are trained to listen
     or property of others                             nature of the reason(s) for issue.                 child. Your Head of Year has many strategies           carefully to your child and support them in a
• Look after and take pride in the                                                                        to help support your child and their progress,         way that best meets their individual needs.
     equipment, facilities and buildings of            It is expected that all pupils contribute          including a personalised pastoral support
     Radnor House                                      positively to the Radnor House community           plan, a focus card, or an aim high card,               The Safeguarding Team is:
• Remember that they are ambassadors for               and that learning is celebrated in classrooms      oversight of merits and misconducts and                Designated Safeguarding Lead - Eliza King
     Radnor House and act accordingly.                 and not interrupted. If a child fails to correct   delivery of weekly year-group assemblies.              Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead -
                                                       their behaviour or contribute in a positive                                                               Lawrence Ellard
To promote positive behaviour and a self-              manner, matters may be escalated to the            The School Counsellors - this is a                     Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead -
corrective approach to improving conduct,              Deputy Head Pastoral, Senior Deputy Head or,       confidential service and has been a source of          Shaelene Bruce
Radnor House uses a merits and misconducts             ultimately, the Head.                              support to many of our pupils. We offer 1:1            Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead -
system. Merits can be given out by any staff                                                              sessions as well as group therapy workshops            Andrew Hill
member when a pupil is upholding the core                                                                 to deal with anxiety and stress. Our                   Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Peter
values of the school. Merits accrue house                                                                 counsellors are professional psychotherapists          Nathan
points and provide the basis for healthy                                                                  who have a range of skills to help support
competition between pupils - those with the                                                               the pupils. Your child can be referred by their        Please contact the Safeguarding Team on
highest amount of merits being recognised                                                                 Head of Year or Form Tutor, or they may seek  or 07553
and rewarded at end-of-term assemblies. You                                                               the appointment independently. Parents may             648 668 if you have concerns relating to a
can find out more about your child's merits                                                               refer their child by filling in the Counselling        safeguarding matter.
from their Form Tutor or on My School Portal.

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Anti-bullying Code

Radnor House seeks to recognise and affirm              • Sexual: Obscene drawings, gestures             • Peer-on-Peer: Peer-on-peer abuse can                  • Physical complaints including headaches
the worth and dignity of each pupil and                   or noises, rude jokes about the target,          take various forms and include serious                  and nausea
member of staff, therefore bullying has no                touching, brushing up against the target,        bullying, relationship abuse, domestic                • An unwillingness to attend school
place in our school. As a school that is serious          asking questions of a sexual nature,             violence, child sexual exploitation, harmful          • Higher levels of depression/mental health
about child protection, we will also be serious           taunting over sexuality or gender,               sexual behaviour, and/or gender-based                   issues.
about preventing and tackling bullying of any             displaying rude and/or embarrassing              violence.
kind including cyber-bullying, which is often             photographs.                                                                                           Every pupil has a RESPONSIBILITY to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                 that harassment is not tolerated.
repeated over time and can threaten both the                                                             It is vitally important that lines of                   Every pupil is ENTITLED to respect from
mental health and educational progress of               • Social/Racial/Cultural/Gender/                 communication between pupils, families and              others.
our pupils while also posing a threat to their            Religious/Homophobic-based Bullying:           the school are kept open in order for bullying
emotional wellbeing.                                      Bullying based on gender, race, religion,      to be dealt with effectively and swiftly. If you        Staff guarantee to take bullying seriously and
                                                                                                                                                                 deal with each incident appropriately and
                                                          culture, sexual orientation, disability or     are concerned about bullying, please contact            discreetly.
• Verbal Bullying: Insults, name-calling                  social class. This includes sexual or racial   your child’s Head of Year.
  (including ‘snitch’ or ‘snake’), put-downs,             harassment, derogatory language, put-                                                                  Persistent offenders may be excluded, in
                                                                                                                                                                 extreme cases permanently.
  spreading malicious rumours, anonymous                  downs and name-calling based on the            Bullying can have a long-lasting impact on
  or abusive phone calls, persuading                      person’s background or orientation.            children, and as a school community it is               We are a ‘telling’ school – bullying is too
  another person to unfairly criticise or insult                                                         important that we create positive spaces for            serious not to report.
  someone, and foul language.                           • Cyber Bullying: Use of any                     pupils to feel that they can seek help. Every
                                                                                                                                                                 Any pupil or pupils who wilfully cause distress
                                                          communication technology to bully others       pupil has the RIGHT to feel secure and happy            to other pupils will be accused of bullying.
• Physical Bullying: Hitting, punching,                   through phone calls, text messages, email,     at Radnor House. Our school community will
  shoving, throwing objects, pushing,                     internet social networking sites or digital    not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks.             Parents and pupils are often worried
  removing and hiding of belongings,                      images. Offensive messages, threats or                                                                 about notifying the school about bullying
  kicking, spitting, biting, poking, tripping,            name-calling.                                  A number of physical and mental health                  behaviours. The first step is to call or send an
  threatening to assault, pulling by clothing,                                                           factors may be associated with bullying.                email. Please understand that children will
  menacing stares, obscene or threatening               • Extortion/Intimidation: Blackmailing,          Please take note of the following list and if           not be spoken to until the person making the
  gestures, surrounding a person so they                  threatening, forcing someone to hand over      you are concerned that your child is being              allegation hashad the investigation process
  cannot get away.                                        money or belongings.                           bullied, please contact your child’s Form Tutor         explained to them and is comfortable with the
                                                                                                         and Head of Year.                                       approach. Not saying or reporting anything
• Relational Bullying: Forming coalitions               • Visual: Insulting letters, graffiti, rude                                                              can make matters worse and we will always
  or gangs against someone, excluding,                    or suggestive gestures, intentionally          • Feeling embarrassed                                   approach any bullying investigation with
  persuading others to exclude, deliberately              mimicking another’s actions to mock or         • Lowered self-esteem/confidence                        subtlety and care to ensure the happiness of
  leaving someone out of a game or group                  embarrass, drawing on or vandalising           • Withdrawn behaviour                                   all parties. We take a restorative approach to
  activity, ignoring someone, making                      another person’s equipment or belongings.      • Sleep disturbance                                     ensure that all parties involved have a voice
  someone feel invisible, when the group                                                                 • Reduced ability to concentrate                        andare supported in changing their behaviour
  runs off and hides.                                                                                    • Declining work standards                              and moving forward. Please contact your
                                                                                                         • Negative impacts on relationships with                child’s Form Tutor or Head of Year if you have
                                                                                                           family and friends                                    any concerns.
                                                                                                         • Increased levels of anxiety

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Uniform and Appearance

Pupils are expected to wear the school                                                                     Make-up - no make-up is allowed until                     • Calculator
uniform with pride to and from school and                                                                  Year 9, at which point only subtle usage of               • Geometry set.
throughout the school day. Below is a list of                                                              foundation and mascara is acceptable. Your
the school uniform that can be purchased                                                                   child will be asked to remove any excessive               Please ensure that all equipment is
from Stevensons outfitters in Twickenham. If                                                               make-up. No eyeshadow, eyeliner or lipstick.              replenished during term and half-term breaks.
a pupil’s uniform is lost or damaged, it must                                                              No nail polish or fake/acrylic/shellac/gel nails.
be replaced within a week. Please email your                                                               Hair - all pupils’ hair should be neatly cut
pupil’s Form Tutor so that they are aware.                                                                 and combed; all long hair should be neatly
                                                                                                           brushed and tied back for school.                         Mobile Phones
School blazer - the official grey crested                                                                  Facial hair - pupils are expected to be
blazer to be worn at all times, including                                                                  clean-shaven for school. If there is a medical            Radnor House recognises the importance of
before and after school.                                                                                   or religious reason that means this is not                mobile phones as a means of communication
Trousers - dark grey: no jeans, chinos or                                                                  possible, please contact your child’s Form                and safety when travelling to and from
                                                         Sixth Form pupils are expected to attend in
excessively narrow legs. Trousers may be worn                                                              Tutor.                                                    school. Smartphones are not a necessary
                                                         business attire (suits).
by male and female pupils.                                                                                                                                           piece of equipment for pupils under the age
Black leather belts - to be worn with                                                                      If your child is unable to wear the full school           of 16. It is expected that pupils will carry
                                                         Any pupil not wearing appropriate uniform
trousers, the belt must have a simple buckle.                                                              uniform, you will need to contact their Form              with them a basic model that can simply
                                                         will be issued a misconduct and will risk being
This is to ensure that shirts remain tucked in.                                                            Tutor. If school shoes are damaged or lost, it is         make and receive calls and texts. If pupils do
                                                         sent home.
Official school skirt - dark grey. Skirts must                                                             the expectation that they be replaced within              have smartphones, parents are responsible
be worn at no more than 1 inch above the                                                                   the week.                                                 for ensuring that they have age-appropriate
                                                         In addition:
knees. Pupils will need to replace their skirt if                                                                                                                    content filtering configured in the phone
                                                         School jumper - must be worn in the winter
it is too short.                                                                                                                                                     settings.
                                                         months. Alternative jumpers, hoodies or
Socks - white socks with dresses and skirts.
Plain black or grey socks with trousers. Ankle
                                                         sports jumpers are not acceptable.
                                                         Winter jackets - must be worn in the winter
                                                                                                           Equipment                                                 As soon as pupils arrive at school their
socks/sockettes are not acceptable.                                                                                                                                  mobile phone must be switched off and
                                                         months over the top of the blazer. No hooded
School shoes - smart, polishable black                                                                     It is the child’s responsibility to attend lessons        placed in their locker. They may collect it at
                                                         jumpers to be worn. Jackets are not to be
leather shoes. No high tops or boots to be                                                                 fully equipped for learning. Below is a list of           the end of the school day. Phones found
                                                         worn as a substitute for blazers.
worn. No trainer-style shoes. Pupils will be                                                               the appropriate and expected equipment:                   outside lockers during the hours of 7:45am
                                                         Jewellery - a religious icon can be worn
asked to replace their shoes if not deemed                                                                                                                           and 5:00pm will be confiscated and given
                                                         around the neck or wrist but must be
appropriate.                                                                                               • 2 x HB pencils                                          to the Pastoral Office. To reclaim the phone,
                                                         concealed under the school uniform. Earrings
Tights - plain black or natural - 30 denier                                                                • Fountain pen and ink cartridges or biro                 parents must email or call the respective
                                                         may be worn, however they must be simple
minimum - must be worn in the winter term                                                                    pens                                                    Head of Year and it can be collected at the
                                                         studs or sleepers. Multiple earrings, facial
with skirts.                                                                                               • Ruler                                                   end of the school day. After-school clubs
                                                         piercings, rings, bracelets and necklaces must
Shirt/Blouse - white collared shirt that can                                                               • Eraser                                                  are deemed to be within the school day and
                                                         not be worn to school. Your child will be
be buttoned at the neck and is long enough                                                                 • Scissors                                                phones must not be used at this time.
                                                         asked to remove these immediately by their
to remain tucked in.                                                                                       • Sharpener
                                                         Form Tutor and issued a misconduct.
School tie - Official school tie must be worn                                                              • Glue stick
at an appropriate length.

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Sport and Physical Education (PE) play an               Girls’ Games and PE kit
important role in the lives of all pupils at            • Radnor House games polo shirt
Radnor House. Participation in sport builds             • Radnor House PE polo shirt
confidence, resilience and offers leadership            • Radnor House PE skort
opportunities to our pupils, as well as playing         • Radnor House tracksuit top
an important role in the development of their           • Radnor House tracksuit bottoms
physical and mental wellbeing.                          • Radnor House sports mid-layer (optional)
                                                        • Outdoor and indoor training shoes
All pupils will be timetabled for a 2-hour              • Shin pads
games afternoon, and pupils in Years 5 to 9             • Radnor House sports bag
will have an additional hour of PE. GCSE and            • Radnor House boot bag (optional)
A Level physical education is offered as an             • Gum shield for hockey
option to all pupils in Years 10 to Upper Sixth.        • Radnor House cricket whites (optional)
                                                        • White ankle socks (for PE)
Radnor House offers a wide variety of                   • Radnor House long socks (for games)
sporting opportunities through its sports               • Dark navy/black swimming costume
programme, co-curricular clubs and                      • Optional (for squad) customised match top
house system. While the school offers a                    for hockey and netball, purchased through
comprehensive range of sporting activities for             the PE department.
the pupils, the main termly activities consist
of netball, hockey and cricket for the girls            Boys’ Games and PE kit
and football, rugby and cricket for the boys.           • Radnor House games jersey and shorts
Pupils can also join the rowing programme               • Radnor House PE shirt and shorts
from Year 7 onwards. Athletics is offered to            • Radnor House tracksuit top
both boys and girls in the summer term as the           • Radnor House tracksuit bottoms
school prepares for its prestigious end-of-term         • Radnor House sports mid-layer (optional)
Inter-House Athletics (Sports Day) competition          • Football boots
at St. Mary’s University, which all parents are         • Shin pads
warmly invited to attend.                               • Outdoor and indoor training shoes
                                                        • Radnor House sports bag
                                                        • Radnor House boot bag (optional)
                                                        • Gum shield for rugby
Sports Kit                                              • Radnor House cricket whites
                                                        • White ankle socks (for PE)
Pupils are required to have the following               • Radnor House long socks (for games)
sports kit, which can be purchased from                 • Dark navy/black swimming trunks or
Stevensons.                                               jammers

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• Optional (for squad) customised match                  expected from all our teams. Pupils must give       increasing as they move up through the                 school’s co-curricular activities brochure, a
  top for football, purchased through the PE             at least 24 hours’ notice if they are not able      school. Training sessions take place both              complete timetable of events and a list of any
  department.                                            to take part in a school fixture. If less than 24   before and after school from Twickenham                additional club costs.
                                                         hours’ notice can be given, this notice must        Rowing Club and comprise both ‘dry’ ergo
All kit must be labelled and placed in a                 be communicated by a parent. All squad              technique and fitness work, as well as rowing          The school’s clubs focus on many of the key
suitable and distinctive sports bag, clearly             players are expected to attend their team           on the water in a variety of school boats.             aspects of school life and topics cover:
marked on the outside with the pupil’s name.             training sessions, or to excuse themselves in
Bags must be placed in the storage room and              the unlikely event that they are unavailable to     With the exception of Year 7 PE lessons, the           • Art, design and technology
taken home at the end of the day. Drawstring             attend. Players should ensure that they inform      cost of rowing is approximately £200 per               • Opportunities to volunteer and gain
plastic bags supplied by various sports shops            the member of staff responsible for their           term per pupil, for all pupils regardless of             awards
are not considered acceptable kit bags.                  team.                                               attendance or age group. To join the rowing            • Computing and science
                                                                                                             squad or to add a pupil’s name to the waiting          • Debating, journalism and literacy
Pupils Off Games and PE                                  Team sheets can be accessed by parents by           list, parents should sign up through the Evolve        • The performing arts
All pupils who are unable to take part in their          logging on to My School Portal or SOCSCMS.          website. Additional questions can be emailed           • Skills and games
timetabled PE or games lessons must have a               com through the school website. Sports              to our Director of Rowing, Ms Court-Smith -            • Subject stretchers
note in their school planner from their parents          fixtures can then be seen on the home                                • Sports and fitness
excusing them from the lesson. Parents can               screen and you can jump to a specific date
also email to                   or filter the information by team. To access                                                               We encourage all pupils to attend at least two
inform the sports department directly.                   the meeting and return times, plus other key                                                               clubs per week on a regular basis. Pupils must
                                                         information, you should click on the ‘view          Co-Curricular                                          sign up for their selected clubs through their

                                                                                                             Clubs Programme
Pupils who are able to remain in the lesson,             details’ button. There is also a link to the team                                                          parent’s account on the Evolve website. Due
but are unable to participate fully, must still          details (names of those in the squad) as well                                                              to number limitations for certain activities,
bring their kit, as they will be involved as non-        as location information. My School Portal                                                                  some clubs will be open on a first come, first
participants, assisting the teacher and learning         will show the most up-to-date information           Our wide range of exciting clubs and                   served basis.
valuable analysis and official/leadership skills.        regarding sports fixtures. Parents are welcome      societies takes place throughout the week,
Pupils who are unable to participate will be             to attend all our sports fixtures, both at home     and sometimes at weekends, and offers                  Whilst most clubs at the school are free
allowed to work indoors.                                 and away, but are reminded to check the             something for all age groups. Pupils have the          and are run by our highly experienced and
                                                         details on My School Portal, as changes to the      opportunity to join clubs allowing them to             enthusiastic staff, to ensure we offer an
No pupils are permitted to leave school whilst           fixtures lists are inevitable.                      focus on developing their sporting ambitions,          engaging and wide range of activities we also
off games.                                                                                                   embrace the arts, be stretched in their                employ outside agencies and organisations to
                                                         Rowing                                              favourite subjects, gain nationally prestigious        run some of our more specific activities. These
Fixtures and Practice                                    Rowing is a hugely popular and successful           awards, star in our fabulous school musicals,          clubs may incur an additional cost which
Radnor House pupils have the opportunity                 activity at Radnor House, with pupils racing        or even build a computer.                              parents can pay through the Evolve website.
to represent the school in a wide range of               throughout the year at a variety of prestigious
sporting activities. Representing the school             national and international events. Pupils           A complete list of the school’s clubs can be           Further information on the school’s clubs can
is a privilege, so the highest standards of              start rowing in their PE lessons from Year          found on the Co-Curricular Clubs page of My            be obtained from Mr. Adam Jones ajones@
behaviour, organisation and commitment are               7 onwards, with the training commitments            School Portal. Here parents can access the   

                                                    18                                                                                                         19
The House System

The aim of the house system is to promote
the school’s values, develop leadership                 Trips                                             belongings home following these sessions.
                                                                                                          Sports bags must not be left in the bag room
opportunities and nurture a sense of                                                                      for extended periods of time.
community through a series of activities,               School trips at Radnor House are an integral
assemblies and competitions beyond the                  component of our academic curriculum and          Lost property is located in the bike shed area.
school’s academic expectations.                         are an effective tool used to consolidate         If a child loses any equipment it will be placed
                                                        our pupils’ learning experience. Each faculty     in the lost property area. It is important that
All pupils and staff are placed into one of four        offers a wide variety of day-trips to support     parents label all their child's uniform and
school Houses: Parnell (red), Pope (green),             classroom learning, as well as residential        equipment.
Swift (blue) and Voltaire (yellow). These               and overseas trips to extend subject matter
houses are named after famous literary and              knowledge for GCSE and A Level. Payment for
political figures who held meetings in the              these trips needs to be settled by the deadline
Grotto at Pope’s Villa on a regular basis.              specified by the trip leaders. Deposits are       Assemblies
                                                        non-refundable and full payment must be           School section and year group assemblies occur on a weekly basis as per the list below and are
A Head of House (a member of staff) will                received prior to the trip date, failing which    a fantastic opportunity for cohorts to come together to celebrate success both in and outside of
be assisted by two House Captains who                   your child will not be authorised to attend and   the classroom. Subject and Values awards are given out regularly so that pupils are celebrated
will oversee each house. There will also be             you will be liable for any subsequent costs       by their peers and staff.
two house ambassadors appointed for each                incurred by the school.
house for each year group. Houses come                                                                    Junior School		                            Friday morning		                Drama Room
together at least once every half term. There                                                             Years 7 and 8		                            Friday morning		                Theatre
are numerous inter-House competitions
throughout the school year, with House                  Lost Property,                                    Year 9		                                   Wednesday morning		             Theatre
                                                                                                          Year 10		                                  Tuesday morning		               Theatre
points awarded. There are a wide variety of
activities and competitions from across the
                                                        Bags and Lockers                                  Year 11		                                  Monday morning		                Theatre
school, such as debating, spelling bees, music,                                                           Sixth Form		                               Monday morning 		               Sixth Form Common Room
                                                        Pupils will be allocated a locker key at the
drama, art, as well as a number of sports.
                                                        start of the academic year and are responsible
Merits also contribute to the competition. The
                                                        for this locker over the course of the year. If
highlight of the House system is our annual
Sports Day, which takes place in July at St.
                                                        a key is misplaced or a locker is damaged,        Head’s Assemblies                                       Homework
                                                        please contact reception. The cost of any
Mary’s University. The House that accumulates
                                                        replacement key will be billed on your next       The Head hosts half-termly assemblies with              Every pupil will be issued a homework
the most points over the academic year is
                                                        term’s account.                                   different school divisions, exploring relevant          timetable that will list the homework pieces
awarded the House Championship Shield.
                                                                                                          and topical content to raise awareness and              to complete each night, relevant to their year
                                                        All sports bags must be stored on the             debate.                                                 group. Homework at Radnor House is not
Further information on the House system
                                                        appropriate shelves in the sports bag room.                                                               prescriptive and there is not a set amount of
can be obtained from Miss Clark hclark@
                                                        Pupils must bring in their sports bag on the                                                              time that pupils should spend on a given task.
                                                        appropriate games and PE days and take their                                                              Homework is carefully designed and planned
                                                                                                                                                                  by teachers to fit the subject curriculum and

                                                   20                                                                                                        21
to further develop the learning taking place            the school planner. Form Tutors and parents       Pupils in all year groups set academic targets         My School Portal
within the classroom. Therefore, homework               should monitor the use of the homework            in the appropriate section of their school             My School Portal is the 'go to' website for
will be for reinforcement, for preparation or           planner and ensure that the pupil is using this   planners. These follow a termly cycle: targets         parents to find all administrative, academic
for exploration; homework is not separate               resource to support their learning and needs.     are set at the beginning of a term, progress           and pastoral information pertaining to
from work that takes place in the classroom, it         Parents and Form Tutors should sign off each      is reviewed at half term and finally at the end        their child and to the school more broadly,
is utilised by teachers to accelerate or embed          week and monitor the use of their child’s         of term when puplis will see whether they              including:
learning.                                               planner and management of homework.               have met their target or not. The reports              • Reports
                                                                                                          feed directly into this process and help inform        • School calendar
All homework will be given in class and                 If a planner is vandalised or lost, a             pupils’ and teachers’ decisions.                       • Sports fixtures and team sheets
pupils are to write their homework into                 replacement planner may be purchased.                                                                    • Timetable and teacher contact details
their planner, making a note of the due date            Please contact your child's Form Tutor. A         Parents’ evenings are an invaluable part of the        • The current and historical weekly bulletins
and the time to spend on each particular                charge of £10 will be added to your next          academic calendar. They offer the opportunity             and Head’s blog
assignment.                                             term’s account.                                   for teachers and parents to openly discuss             • Bookings for parents’ evenings and other
                                                                                                          strengths and areas for development. The                  events
All pupils are expected to spend 20 minutes                                                               schedule of parents’ evenings can be found             • Forms
a day engaging with an academic activity                                                                  on My School Portal.                                   • General information including access to
after their homework has been completed.                Reporting,                                                                                                  the Parent Handbook

                                                        Assessments and
This could include activities such as reading a
book, listening to a podcast, playing a musical                                                                                                                  It is necessary for all parents to register on
                                                                                                          IT Systems and
instrument or watching an educational
                                                        Targets                                                                                                  My School Portal and to keep a note of their

channel on YouTube.                                                                                                                                              registration email and password for future
                                                                                                                                                                 reference. Instructions will be sent to parents
MIcrosoft Teams                                         Reports are published to parents via their My                                                            on how to register.
All homework will be placed on Microsoft                School Portal account, every half term, for       Radnor House uses a variety of computer
Teams for Years 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. From Year 10          all year groups. The information contained in     systems to ensure that parents and pupils              Link to My School Portal:
upwards, MS Teams is a resource platform for            these reports varies depending on the year        have access to the information and resources 
pupils and may be used to provide homework              group and the time of year. Full details of the   that they need. Below is an overview of the
at the teacher’s discretion.                            information to be published can be found on       systems and details about usernames and                Forgot your password: If you forget
                                                        My School Portal.                                 passwords.                                             your password please select “Forgot your
School Planners                                                                                                                                                  password?” from log-in
Every pupil will be given their school planner          Pupils undergo regular assessments in             Pupils undergo regular assessments in                  page.
at the start of the academic year. This is a            all year groups, culminating in the final         all year groups, culminating in the final
fantastic organisation tool that your child will        summer exams. Please see the Examination          summer exams. Please see the Examination               Evolve
use on a daily basis. Recording of homework,            Arrangements section of this handbook for         Arrangements section of this handbook for              Evolve is used by parents to book their
communications, academic tracking and                   further details.                                  further details.                                       children on school trips and to sign up for
target setting are important elements of                                                                                                                         extra-curricular clubs. All trips and clubs

                                                   22                                                                                                       23
will be advertised through Evolve, enabling                                                                Weekly Bulletin                                         • I will not use disks, memory sticks or any
parents to book, provide consent and pay for                                                               The Weekly Bulletin is published to parents               other hardware with school equipment
trips, as well as to receive emails and SMS                                                                every Friday afternoon and is the central place           without the permission of my teacher
messages with updates on the trip or activity.                                                             to read news and important information                  • I will not download or install software on
                                                                                                           about upcoming events. Each week it contains              school technologies, nor alter computer
Link to Evolve:                                                                     an introduction from the Head, as well as                 settings
                                                                                                           a link to the Head’s blog, which focuses on             • I will only log on to the school network
Registration and password: To activate                                                                     various aspects of education relevant to our              and other systems with my own username
your account please go to http://evolve.                                                                   pupils. It also houses contributions from                 and password Please                                                               academic departments and other members of               • I will not reveal my passwords to anyone
ensure that the email you use matches the                                                                  staff. We recommend that you read it as part              and will change them regularly as required
one you previously provided to the school at                                                               of your weekly routine, to avoid missing out              by the school
registration. An email will then be sent to you                                                            on important information.                               • I will only use my school email address at
                                                       network that contains the Microsoft Suite plus
asking you to create a password..                                                                                                                                    school
                                                       other subject-specific software.
                                                                                                           E-Safety                                                • I will make sure that all electronic
Forgot your password: If you forget                                                                        E-safety is taken very seriously at Radnor                communications with pupils, teachers or
                                                       Log-in and password: New pupils will be
your password please select “Forgot your                                                                   House. It takes many forms, including content             others are responsible, polite and sensible
                                                       provided with a log-in and password on their
password?” on the                                                                   filtering on the network, the annual e-Safety           • I will not deliberately browse, save or send
                                                       first day at Radnor House. Passwords will be
log-in page.                                                                                               Week initiative, and parent information                   material that could be considered offensive
                                                       reset on the first day of the autumn term,
                                                                                                           evenings. This is all underpinned by the                  or illegal, if I accidentally find anything like
                                                       when pupils will be given the opportunity to
MS365                                                                                                      Acceptable Use of IT Policy, which parents and            this I will tell my teacher immediately
                                                       create new secure passwords.
All pupils will be provided with their MS365                                                               pupils agree to as part of the Parent Contract.         • I will not give out any personal information
log-in details on their first day at Radnor                                                                This policy is sent digitally to all parents and          such as my name, phone number or
                                                       Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
House. Please note that the password will be                                                               pupils at the start of the school year. Pupils            address
                                                       BYOD is available to all Sixth Formers and
the same as their school network password.                                                                 and guardians must confirm that they have               • I will ensure that my online activity, both in
                                                       pupils in Years 7-11 who have SENDCo
                                                                                                           read and understood the policy. A copy of the             school and outside school, will not cause
                                                       approval. They will be given access to the
When out of school, pupils can access MS365                                                                Acceptable Use of IT Policy can be found on               distress to my school, the staff, pupils or
                                                       internet and school printers from their
at, using their usual school                                                                My School Portal.                                         others
                                                       personal laptop or tablet. Years 10 and 11
log-in details.                                                                                                                                                    • I will not take or distribute images of
                                                       will have access to Microsoft Outlook, Teams,
                                                                                                           Pupils must agree to the following:                       anyone without their permission.
                                                       OneDrive, and a selection of educational apps
MS Teams is used by teachers and pupils                                                                    • I will only use electronic devices in school          • I will not attempt to bypass the internet
                                                       only. Pupils in the Sixth Form will have filtered
at Radnor House to assign homework and                                                                       for school purposes and will not use them               filtering system
                                                       access to the internet. Pupils will be required
provide additional resources such as exam                                                                    for personal or recreational use unless I             • I understand that all my use of the internet
                                                       to sign the Bring Your Own Device Agreement
papers and class PowerPoints.                                                                                have permission to do so                                and other related technologies can be
                                                       and should take their laptop and signed
                                                                                                           • I will handle all computer equipment                    monitored and logged and can be made
                                                       agreement to the school IT Technician in order
School Network                                                                                               carefully and will not touch power/network              available to my teachers
                                                       to be connected.
All pupils will be given access to the school                                                                cables, or eat and drink in the IT suites

                                                  24                                                                                                          25
• Where work is protected by copyright, I             necessary. Some books are for reference only         The Riverside Terrace Café                            If none of the transport options above are
  will not try to download copies                     and cannot be removed from the library.              Pupils are welcome to visit the Riverside             suitable and you need to drive to the school,
• If I see any damage to equipment or                                                                      Terrace Café before or after school and during        please be mindful of the safety of pedestrians
  misuse of computers or software, I will             All items must be scanned out by the Librarian       break times for a drink or snack. The café is         and other road users, particularly at busy
  report it to a teacher                              prior to being taken from the library. We can        also open to parents and visitors throughout          times of the day.
• I understand that personal computer                 easily reserve a book if it is currently out on      the day. A range of hot and cold drinks and
  equipment can only be used on school                loan and we welcome recommendations from             snacks is available. Pre-paid cards can be
  premises with the permission of the school          our pupils of books we may not currently             purchased from the Café Manager.
  and on signature of the Radnor House                stock.
  Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy.                There are also copies of leading national
• I understand that these rules are designed          newspapers and a variety of magazines for
  to keep me safe and that if they are not            pupils to browse through during their leisure        Transport to
                                                                                                           Radnor House
  followed, school sanctions will be applied,         time.
  and my parent/carer may be contacted.

                                                                                                           As part of our commitment to promoting
                  Breakfast Club,                                                                          healthy lifestyles and protecting the
Library and                                                                                                environment, pupils are encouraged to walk
                  Lunches, the                                                                             or cycle to school if possible. A secure bike
Learning Resource                                                                                          shed is available for pupils to store their
                  Riverside Bistro                                                                         bicycles during the school day.
                  and Café                                                                                 For those that live further afield, Radnor
This area is available for any member of                                                                   House is served by excellent public transport
Radnor House throughout the school day.               A varied and healthy breakfast and lunchtime         links. The R68 and 33 bus routes stop directly
Library lessons are scheduled by year group,          menu is provided for all pupils in the Riverside     outside school, and Strawberry Hill and
but pupils are welcome to come and use the            Bistro. All pupils are welcome to attend             Twickenham rail stations are both a short walk
facilities in the Learning Resource Centre and        breakfast between 7:45 and 8:15am, where a           away.
library for studying, homework and quiet              variety of cereals, fruit and hot items is served.
reading before registration and during breaks         Years 5 to 8 eat their lunch in the Bistro, or on    The school also operates a private coach
and lunchtimes. This facility is open and             the terrace, between 12:00pm and 1:00pm              service following several routes for an
supervised until 5:00pm.                              and Years 9 and above between 1:00pm and             additional charge. Please fill out the form
                                                      2:00pm. Each day a meat or fish, vegetarian          on My School Portal if you wish to book
All pupils are automatically members of               and vegan main dish is provided in addition to       a place for your child. Please contact the
our library and have a unique membership              jacket potatoes, pasta, soup and a salad bar,        Pastoral Administrator, Claire Wood, cwood@
number in our library system. They can                plus dessert and fresh fruit. Specific dietary to request more information
borrow up to three books with a two-week              requirements can also be catered for upon            if needed.
loan period, which can be extended if                 request. Fresh fruit is provided free of charge
                                                      in the Bistro during morning break.

                                                 26                                                                                                         27
Exam Arrangements                                                                                   Careers

The exam arrangements vary across the different sections of the school. Please see the
requirements in the table below.
                                                                                                    Radnor House runs a broad and balanced
                                                                                                    careers programme which offers independent               Apprenticeships
                                                                                                    careers guidance from Year 7 to Upper
                                                                                                    Sixth. As part of this programme, pupils                 As part of the Radnor House commitment
School section     Examination requirements                                                         should expect to have a clear awareness of               to offering a broad and independent careers
Junior School      Pupils will complete a formally assessed piece of work in each subject           a broad spectrum of career paths; have a                 programme, pupils will be encouraged to
(Y5-6)             once per term. Maths, English and science will set regular assessments           clear awareness of the current labour market;            consider the possibility of applying for an
                   throughout the year and an end-of-year summative exam in the summer              have access to a personalised careers test;              apprenticeship. The school has access to
                   term.                                                                            have the opportunity to meet/discuss a                   the UniFrog platform which has a wealth of
Middle School      Pupils will be formally assessed in each subject once per term and will          broad range of career paths with a range of              resources to support research and applications
(Y7-9)             undertake an end-of-year summative exam in every subject in the final half       professionals; have encounters with higher               for apprenticeships and school leavers
                   term of the year.                                                                education/apprenticeship providers; have the             programmes. Full guidance will be offered on
                                                                                                    opportunity to experience work placements;               an individual and case-by-case basis by the
GCSE               Pupils will be formally assessed in each subject at least once per term.
                                                                                                    and have the opportunity for personal careers            Careers Co-ordinators and the Director of
(Y10-11)           Pupils in Y10 will sit end-of-year summative exams in every subject in the
                                                                                                    guidance.                                                Sixth Form.
                   final half term of the year. Y11 pupils will sit mock examinations over the
                   course of two weeks in January.
                   Y11 pupils will sit their external GCSE/iGCSEs examinations in May and

Sixth Form
                   All Sixth Form pupils will sit formal assessments in November and February.      UCAS                                                     Parent Seminars
                   Pupils in Lower Sixth will also sit end-of-year summative exams in all
                                                                                                    Pupils are given advice and guidance on                  Parent seminars are a fantastic opportunity
                   chosen subjects in the final half term of the year. Pupils in Upper Sixth will
                                                                                                    university options throughout the Lower Sixth.           for parents to come together and learn about
                   sit mock examinations over the course of one week after the February half
                                                                                                    This will include 1-1 sessions with their tutors,        some of the challenges that young people
                   term and their external A Level examinations in May and June. Assessment
                                                                                                    Reflections sessions and external speakers.              face.
                   timetables may change if the external examination series changes. Any
                   modifications will be communicated in good time to pupils and parents.           The application process will begin in the
                                                                                                    summer term of the Lower Sixth. During this              This year’s programme will be published at
                                                                                                    term, pupils will register for UCAS, research            the start of term. Please also check the school
                                                                                                    possible courses and attend university open              calendar to ensure that you do not miss the
                                                                                                    days. Over the summer, pupils will complete              extensive and considered range of talks on
                                                                                                    a first draft of their personal statement. The           offer.
                                                                                                    application process will be completed during
                                                                                                    the autumn term of Upper Sixth. The Sixth
                                                                                                    Form Academic Team and the tutors will
                                                                                                    support them throughout the process. Full
                                                                                                    details and timelines can be found in the Sixth
                                                                                                    Form section of the school website.

                                               28                                                                                                       29
The School Day (timings)

     Timings of the school day vary depending on the year group. Please see the relevant table below.

     Years 5 - 8
               Timings of the school day                                 Lesson
                        8.30-8.45                                      Registration
                         8.45-9.45                                          1
                        9.45-10.15                                         2(a)
                        10.15-10.30                                       Break
                        10.30-11.00                                        2(b)
                        11.00-12.00                                         3
                       12.00-13.00                                        Lunch
                       13.00-14.00                                          4
                       14.00-15.00                                          5
                       15.00-16.00                                          6
                        16.00-17.00                                 After-school clubs

     Year 9 - Upper Sixth
               Timings of the school day                                 Lesson
                        8.30-8.45                                      Registration
                         8.45-9.45                                          1
                        9.45-10.45                                          2
                        10.45-11.00                                       Break
                        11.00-12.00                                         3
                       12.00-13.00                                          4
                       13.00-14.00                                        Lunch
                       14.00-15.00                                          5
                       15.00-16.00                                          6
                        16.00-17.00                                 After-school clubs

30                                                 31
Curriculum                                                                                              Pupil Leadership

Please see the table below for the subjects and the number of contact hours per subject studied         At Radnor House we firmly believe that pupils            Boy and represents the school at internal and
by each year group.                                                                                     will always shine when given an opportunity              external events. They are selected to reflect
                                                                                                        for leadership. Whether that is Y9 helping               the school values of courage, excellence,
                 Year Group      Y5-6       Y7-8         Y9        GCSE              A Level            the Juniors with their reading, the raising              perseverance and respect.
                               Number     Number     Number of   Number of          Number of
                                  of         of        contact     contact         contact hours        of charitable funds, the Duke of Edinburgh
                 Subject        contact    contact      hours       hours
                                 hours      hours                                                       Scheme or on the sports field. We have                   Mental Health Ambassadors: Mental
                 English          6          4            4           4                 18              worked hard to ensure that the pupils are                Health Ambassadors raise awareness and
                                                                                   (6 hours per
                                                                                      subject)          challenged, trained and supported so that                enhance understanding of mental health and
                 Maths            5          4            4           4
                                                                                 Pupils will choose     they can become inspiring leaders.                       wellbeing issues in the school community.
                                                                                   three subjects
                                                                                  from this section                                                              They undergo Mental Health First Aid
                 Science          2          3            4           7
                                                                                 of the curriculum,
                                                                                 with the exception     School Council: School Council                           (Mental Health England) and Peer Education
                                                                                    of Computer
                                                                                   Science. We do       representatives are elected by form groups               Programme (Mental Health Foundation)
                                                                                   not offer this as
                                                                                     an A Level.        at the start of the academic year and meet               training to support their delivery. Being a
                 Geography        2          2            2           12        In addition to those    with the prefect team multiple times over                Mental Health Ambassador is a fantastic way
                                                                 (3 hours per       listed we also
                                                                    subject)      offer the following   the course of each term. There is one                    for pupils to help influence and guide the way
                 History          2          2            2                          subjects at A
                                                                  Pupils will            Level:         representative from each form group who                  that we support develop every member of our
                                                                    choose      · Photography
                 Religious        1          1            1
                                                                      four      · Economics             reports back to all pupils following every               community.
                                                                   subjects     · Philosophy
                                                                   from this    · Government            meeting. School Council is a fantastic way for
                                                                    section           and Politics
                 Business                                            of the     · Psychology            the pupils to work together to make positive             Two meetings are held each half term, with
                  studies                                         curriculum.   · Further Maths
                                                                                · Latin                 changes within the school.                               key focuses being national mental health
                 Music            1          1            1
                                                                                                                                                                 awareness and wellbeing events, in-school
                 Drama            1          1            1                                             Meetings occur termly with key focuses on                promotion via assemblies and events,
                                                                                                        charities, uniform, food in the Bistro, recycling        implementation of the peer education
                 Art              2          2            2                                             led by a Green Committee, and school                     programme, and increasing wellbeing support
                                                                                                        fundraising.                                             for all members of our community.
                 Languages        2          5            4

                 PE               1          1            1                                             House Ambassadors: These are elected
                                                                                                        across all year groups and help with the
                 Computer         1          1            1
                  Science                                                                               running of House events, fundraising and
                                                                                                        House assemblies. The Ambassadors attend
                 Games            2          2            2           2                  2
                                                                                                        a leadership training day to ensure they are
                 Assembly /       1          1            1           1                  1
                  PSHE                                                                                  prepared for their responsibilities.
                 Form time &      3
                 Study                                                                  6/9             Senior Pupil Leadership Team: Pupils in the
                 Sixth Form                                                             3/6
                                                                                                        Sixth Form have the opportunity to apply for
                  only –
                                                                                                        the senior pupil leadership team. This team
                 Total           30         30            30         30                  30
                  number of                                                                             of prefects is led by the Head Girl and Head

                                                     32                                                                                                     33
Friends of Radnor House Twickenham

The Friends of Radnor House Twickenham is              Why Mental Health and Wellbeing are so
an active body of parents and a registered             important: 1 in 10 children and young people
charity working tirelessly to assist with              (5 to16-year-olds) will experience a mental
fundraising events for the school’s chosen             health problem before the age of 16. That’s
charities. All parents are members of the              two pupils on average in a class at Radnor
Friends and the school very much values the            House. 50% of all mental ill health starts by
efforts of the group in assisting it in meeting        the age of 15 and 75% by the age of 18. 1
its aims and objectives for wider community            in 4 adults will experience a mental health
involvement.                                           problem in any year (Mental Health England
Further information about the FoRH, can be
found on My School Portal.                             Even if a young person doesn’t experience
                                                       mental health problems directly, these
                                                       statistics suggest he/she is likely to know
                                                       someone who is affected.
Mental Health and
Wellbeing                                              Radnor House places pupils' wellbeing at the
                                                       centre of everything that we do and we have
                                                       a range of approaches to support pupils in
At Radnor House, we take a holistic approach           navigating the pressures of growing up in the
to mental health, supporting and promoting             ever-evolving modern world.
the wellbeing and good mental health of all
those in our community, including pupils,              Further information about Mental Health
staff and parents. We aim to create a culture          and Wellbeing support can be found in the
of awareness of mental health needs, with              Wellbeing Hub on My School Portal.
no stigma or discrimination, providing
high-quality mental health training for all.
Pupils are taught about the links between
mental, physical and emotional wellbeing,
understanding that wellbeing incorporates
many factors, including diet, physical activity
and social interaction. Teaching is through
curriculum-based lessons, reflection lessons,
relationship and sex education, assemblies,
external speakers, school counsellors and co-
curricular clubs.

                                                  34                                                   0

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