Parent Handbook October 2020 - (updated February 2021) - Mater Dei Childcare

Page created by Nathan Espinoza
Parent Handbook October 2020 - (updated February 2021) - Mater Dei Childcare
Parent Handbook
     October 2020
   (updated February 2021)
Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Our Philosophy.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Enrollment .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Teachers and Staff ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Center Hours: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Registration ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Tuition Policy................................................................................................................................................. 5
Tuition Policy during COVID-19..................................................................................................................... 6
Required Records: ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Interview Information ................................................................................................................................... 7
Involvement .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Clearances ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Parent Code of Conduct ................................................................................................................................ 8
Morning Arrival Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 9
Pick-Up Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Late Pick-Up .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Student Dress Code..................................................................................................................................... 10
Curriculum................................................................................................................................................... 10
Parent-Teacher Conferences ...................................................................................................................... 10
Early Intervention Services ......................................................................................................................... 10
Transitioning Children ................................................................................................................................. 11
Discipline Policy........................................................................................................................................... 11
Dismissal Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Toilet Training Policy ................................................................................................................................... 11
Nutrition...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Birthday Celebrations/Food Allergies ......................................................................................................... 12
Communication ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Holidays....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Inclement Weather ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Notification of Absence............................................................................................................................... 12
Health Policy ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Medication Policy........................................................................................................................................ 13
Incident Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Complaint Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 14
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

Mater Dei Childcare Center
2980 Cowpath Road
Hatfield, PA 19440

Phone: 215.799.2211
FAX: 215.799.2188

Operating hours: Monday thru Friday 6:30 am to 6:00 pm.

Administrator: Miss Diane E. McCaughan
Director: Mrs. Katherine Stansbury
Assistant to the Director: Mrs. Mary Whittam

We are delighted your family has chosen Mater Dei Childcare Center! We are committed to
creating a partnership with you to serve the needs of your family in a warm and loving
environment. It is our goal to meet your child’s spiritual, academic, social, and emotional needs.
Our teachers and staff are dedicated to the care and education of your child while encouraging
growth at every developmental milestone.

We invite each family to visit our website regularly: to familiarize
yourself with the policies, procedures, events, and activities of the Mater Dei Childcare Center.
It is our pleasure to welcome you and your family to the Mater Dei Community.

Mission Statement
Mater Dei Childcare Center is a place of Faith, Excellence, and Service for young families. In a
community filled with spirit and support, we partner with parents in nurturing the spiritual and
developmental growth of each child in a faith-filled, warm, and loving environment.

Our Philosophy
Mater Dei Catholic Childcare is a community of faith. In partnership with parents, Mater Dei
instills a strong faith formation and pride in our Catholic heritage. Guided by our mission, our
childcare program embraces a Catholic Identity, rooted in Gospel values and centered on the
Eucharist in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment.

We provide an atmosphere that empowers children to achieve their potential as children of God.
We understand the importance of allowing children to explore their surroundings, ask questions,
and problem-solve to help each individual child grow and learn in a supportive environment. We
encourage creativity and imagination by embracing learning through play and developing
positive academic, social, emotional skills that will last a lifetime.

Enrollment at Mater Dei Childcare Center is open to any child between the ages of 6 weeks to 35
months. Enrollment is granted to any student without regard to race, color, creed, religion,
national origin, gender, or disability. It is the parent/guardians responsibility to secure their
child/children’s spot by completing all required documentation as well as paying a registration
fee to the center before beginning the program. All required documentation can be found in the
center’s tour packet.

Mater Dei Childcare Center reserves the right to dismiss any person or child for any cause.

Teachers and Staff
All of our teachers and staff have been carefully interviewed and selected based on their
education, experience, and love of young children. Upon hiring, teachers are required to submit
a criminal background check, FBI clearance, child abuse clearance, and physical examination to
the center director. All clearances and health appraisals are updated throughout employment
following the requirements of The Department of Human Services. Teachers/staff are also
certified in CPR/First Aid, emergency preparedness training, and are required to have a minimum
of 12 hours of professional growth and development.

Center Hours:
Mater Dei Childcare Center is open Monday through Friday from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. Parents
will be informed of any school closing or early dismissals on the Mater Dei Childcare Center
Holiday schedule.

A non-refundable registration is collected from a person once they have decided to attend the
program. Before beginning the program, a family will secure their spot by paying a $125.00
registration fee for one child or a $185.00 fee for two or more children and the first month’s

PLEASE NOTE: If you withdraw your child for a period of four weeks or more, we require that
you pay 20% of the tuition to hold your child’s spot until you return.

Each year in October an annual fee will be charged to each family account to cover administrative
expenses. Parents that enroll their child/children after June 1 will be exempt from paying the
annual fee for that year as the registration fee will cover that cost. The cost of the annual
administration fee is:

                                         $75.00 per child

Tuition Policy
Mater Dei Childcare Center uses SMART Tuition to collect all tuition and fees associated with
each student. Parents/guardians are required to pay tuition whether they are in school or out of
school due to illness, vacation, or any other reason. Every family is required to pay for 51 weeks
of tuition. Mater Dei Childcare Center offers a free week of tuition during the week of your child’s

The PA state and the federal government have made funding available to assist qualifying parents
in meeting their child care expenses. Information about the subsidy program for eligible families
is available in the appendix of this handbook.

Tuition Policy during COVID-19
As a non-profit childcare center, we are primarily funded by tuition. To maintain our financial
responsibility and keep our doors open, we will not be able to discount tuition or provide refunds
should you need to self-quarantine. It is vital that families honor their financial agreements and
continue to pay tuition during this time. If we should need to close the center for some time, or
your child was exposed to covid at school, please contact the office to discuss the possibility of
refunds or discounts.

Required Records:
Emergency Contact Form: Each parent/guardian is required to complete an emergency contact
form for their child/children and hand it in to the office on or before the child/children’s first day.
Parents/guardians are required to complete their contact information as well as any person(s)
that may be picking their child up from Mater Dei Childcare Center. Please fill the form out in its
entirety with any special health information about your child, your health insurance provider,
and your identification number. At the bottom of the form, there is a section where you will sign
and date for obtaining emergency medical care, administration of first aid, transportation by the
facility, and walks and trips. Please see the center director if you have any questions about
completing the emergency form. This form will be updated every six months. If any information
changes before the six months please let us know so we can provide you with a new form.

Tuition Agreement Form: On or before your child/children’s start date the center director will
complete a Tuition Agreement Form with each family that will reflect your child/children’s
schedule. The agreement will state your child’s name, the monthly tuition rate, services to be
provided, and persons designated to pick up your child. Parents/guardians will be asked to sign
a new agreement form every six months. If a child’s rate changes due to a schedule change, a
child moves to a new classroom, or rates increase, the center director will provide you with a
new agreement form.

Health Assessment Form: Updated health information will be obtained from each student within
30 days of enrollment. All health forms will need to be completed and signed by a licensed
physician and include information regarding the student/students age-appropriate screenings,
any allergies the child/children may have, any medication needs, and list all records of
immunizations. Parents/guardians that choose not to have their child/children vaccinated based
on a religious belief or because their child/children have an allergy to the vaccination will need
to provide the center a letter that will be kept in the child/children’s file. Parents/guardians will
be required to update their child/children’s health assessment form for students under the age
of two every six months. Failure to update health assessment information may result in
suspension from Mater Dei Child Care Center.

IEP/IFSP: If applicable, please send in a copy for the teachers so that they can provide the best
care possible for your child.

Interview Information
 It is our goal to make the transition as smooth as possible. Before a child begins our program
we will invite every family to come to Mater Dei Childcare Center to be interviewed. The
teacher/teachers that will be working directly with your child/children will ask you a series of
questions about your family’s culture, what your child/children’s likes are, does your
child/children have any special needs as well as what your expectations are for our program. This
interview will allow us to get to know your family a little bit better and will help make the
transition process easier.

Mater Dei Childcare Center has an open-door policy and seeks a partnership between parents
and staff. Families will be invited into the center to participate in special events throughout the
year. It is imperative for all parents to obtain clearances if you intend to participate in special
events. ALL volunteers must have clearances.

In addition to these events, parents/guardians are more than welcome to visit their child/children
during the day as long as it is not disruptive to the student or class schedule. If your schedule
does not let you get away to visit the center you may call or use the HiMama app.

PA State-Mandated Clearances for Volunteers
All clearances must be submitted PRIOR to volunteer service.
Volunteers who have lived in PA continuously for 10 years or more:

    •     Pennsylvania State Police Clearance -

    •     Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance -

    •     Certificate of Completion of the Safe Environment/Protecting God’s Children Course
             o YOU MUST ATTEND A CLASS - Register online for a class at a convenient time and
               location for you at
             o If you attended a class prior to 2007, there is additional paperwork in the school
               office that refers to the technology clearance and needs to be signed.

•     Certificate of Completion of the Safe Environment/Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse
             o Training is online at
             o When you have completed the training, answer all questions, and print the

    •      Disclosure Statement – Two-page document for you to read and sign. Return signed
          statement to the school office.
All potential volunteers who have lived in PA for less than 10 years and all paid employees
need to satisfy the five criteria listed above AND need a Federal Bureau of Investigation
fingerprint clearance.
You can refer to the following website for a full explanation of what is required of all

Parent Code of Conduct
Mater Dei Childcare Center expects all parents to behave in a manner consistent with courtesy,
respect, and decency. Parents/guardians are expected to behave in a manner that fosters an
ideal environment where children can learn, grow, and develop. Parents who violate the Parent
Code of Conduct will not be permitted on the property thereafter.

    •     Smoking is not permitted on the grounds of Mater Dei Childcare Center. This includes the
          building, parking lot, and the grounds of the center.
    •     Swearing/cursing is not allowed on the grounds of Mater Dei Childcare Center. No parent
          or adult is to use inappropriate language on the property whether or not the children are
          near them. If a parent is frustrated or upset it is important to express their feelings using
          non-offensive language.
    •     Threatening of Employees, Children, or other Parents will not be tolerated. All threats
          will be reported to the appropriate authorities and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent
          of the law. Parents will not be permitted to attend our program if any threat is made.
          Parents must be responsible for their behavior at all times.
    •     Physical/Verbal Punishment of Your Child or Others’ at the center: Mater Dei Childcare
          Center does not support these actions and will not be tolerated in the childcare facility.
          While verbal reprimand may be necessary verbal abuse is never appropriate as it may
          cause embarrassment or emotional distress. Parents are always welcome to discuss
          discipline concerns they may have with their own children as well as others they may have
          witnessed but they are never to address the situations themselves in the center. Please

bring any behavior concerns to your child’s teacher so that they can address it

    Mater Dei Childcare Center has a Confidentiality Policy in place so that parents and staff are
    not to discuss any personal information with any other individual in the center regarding a
    child’s behavior, development, or progress other than that child’s parent. Please do not seek
    other parents regarding their student’s behaviors, development, or progress.

Morning Arrival Procedure
A sign-in book is located at the front entrance of our center. When you are arriving at the center
it is important that the person dropping their student/students off sign their name and time of
arrival in the sign-in book to help track attendance. Parents/guardians are asked to please walk
their child/children to their assigned classroom as children are not permitted to be left
unattended in the hallway. Once you arrive at the classroom please make sure all items that you
bring to the room are labeled with your child/children’s names. Arrival time is a great time to
share any important information with your child’s caregivers. We ask that you share information
regarding how the student’s night was, if someone different will be picking up that day, or if they
will be leaving early for an appointment. We ask that this information be given in written form
so that we can follow your instructions. For any student that may require medication for the day,
you will need to complete the medication log as well as supply the center with a note from his/her

Pick-Up Procedure
Parents/guardians are required to sign their child/children out each day in the sign-in book
located at the front entrance. If the parent/guardian would like to discuss anything about their
child/children, we ask that you schedule a phone conference or in-person conference as we
cannot take our attention away from the class during pick up time. Parents/guardians are asked
to gather all of their child/children’s belongings in their cubby/cubbies from the day and take
them home each night. Please look for any art projects your child/children may have made as
well as center newsletters, calendars, or updated forms that may need to be completed and
returned to the center.

Late Pick-Up
Mater Dei Childcare Center closes at 6:00 pm. If an emergency situation prevents a parent from
picking up their student/students by 6:00 pm the center needs to be contacted as soon as
possible. A late fee of $1.00 per minute per student will be charged if the student is not picked
up by closing and is payable directly to the staff members that stayed with your child/children.
More than three late pick-ups in one calendar year may result in dismissal from the program.

Student Dress Code
We encourage parents/guardians to dress their child/children in seasonably appropriate
comfortable clothing. Students will be going outside daily as long as the weather permits.
Jackets, hats, and gloves should be labeled with your child/children’s name(s). We encourage
every child to bring in an extra set of clothing that can be kept in his/her cubby in case of any
accidents or spills. Please do not dress your child/children in any favorite outfits as they are
working with paint, crayons, and markers. We would hate to see any favorite outfits get ruined.
Sneakers are encouraged to be worn to prevent children from slipping and injuring themselves
while playing. Flip-flops and open-toe shoes are not permitted.

Mater Dei Childcare Center follows Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards. Each classroom is set
up in learning centers where children can learn and discover new things through play. The
Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards are used when the teachers create the lesson for the day
and identify the milestones each age group should be working towards. Through centers, books,
art, songs, and activities teachers are able to make learning a positive and fun experience.
Teachers will post their lesson plans and daily activity schedules. Your daily HiMama report will
have a description of the classroom activities.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teachers will hold conferences with parents whenever it is requested by either party. In addition
to requested conferences Mater Dei Childcare Center assesses the students two times per year:
November and May. We encourage parents/guardians to attend a minimum of one conference
per year to discuss the progress of their student/students. Conferences are an opportunity to
meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their development.

Early Intervention Services
Each student learns, grows, and develops in their own unique way. Some students may
experience delays in development. Through observation and assessment, we are able to
recognize if a student is struggling in a specific area of development. In Pennsylvania, children
with delays can benefit from state-supported services through The Pennsylvania Early
Intervention program. The Pennsylvania Early Intervention program helps parents, teachers, and
specialists work together to assist your student/students in reaching developmental milestones.
Parents who have questions about their child’s development may contact the Montgomery
County Intermediate Unit for a referral packet by calling 1-800-692-7288.

Transitioning Children
Transitioning students from one classroom to another or out of Mater Dei Childcare Center can
be a stressful time. Mater Dei Childcare Center will provide an information sheet to each family
when a transition is taking place. The information sheet will provide each student with what new
milestones the children will be working towards as well as a list of what items they will need to
bring in from home. If you have questions about your child/children’s transition please feel free
to see the center director.

Discipline Policy
Our teachers/staff use positive guidance and redirection throughout the day. Children will be
reminded to be helpers in the classroom and treat others as they would like to be treated. By
teaching a child that each decision they make has a consequence, they begin to take
responsibility for their own actions. We encourage children to apologize when necessary and
show empathy towards classmates. Mater Dei Childcare Center prohibits corporal punishment
of any kind and will not tolerate anyone shaming a child or verbally abusing a child. Parents will
be made aware of any behavioral concerns/changes a student may have so that they can address
both positive and negative behavior at home.

However, Mater Dei Childcare Center reserves the right to dismiss a child for serious behavioral
issues at any time.

Dismissal Policy
Dismissal of any student is at the sole discretion of the Mater Dei Childcare Center. Mater Dei
Childcare Center will dismiss any child whose parent violates the Parent Code of Conduct. The
parent is prohibited from the Childcare Center and surrounding property. Parents/guardians will
be refunded any prorated tuition within 30 days of dismissal. Any past due balances must be
paid within 30 days of dismissal. An invoice detailing the past due balance will be provided to

Toilet Training Policy
Toilet training begins in our toddler program when students are approaching the age of two.
Mater Dei Childcare Center staff are prepared to work with parents through the potty training
process. Teachers and staff encourage children to use the potty in a positive way and understand
that each child learns to use the potty at their own pace. Teachers and staff never force children
to sit on the potty or shame them for having an accident.

Mater Dei Childcare Center is a nut-free facility (peanuts, peanut butter, pine nuts, tree nuts,
etc.) Mater Dei Childcare Center encourages healthy eating. We encourage our students to eat
a variety of foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grain products as well as drinking water
throughout the day. For more information about healthy eating, please feel free to contact your
child’s physician.

Birthday Celebrations/Food Allergies
We encourage students to celebrate their birthday with us at Mater Dei Childcare Center. Please
feel free to send a special treat in for the class to share with classmates. The treat should be
store-bought and nut-free with the ingredients clearly stated on the label.

The Mater Dei Childcare Center website will provide pertinent information for parents. A
monthly calendar of events will be emailed each month, listing special events and school
holidays. The HiMama for Parents communication app (available for Apple and Android devices)
will provide paperless childcare daily reports.

A yearly holiday schedule will be provided to every family at enrollment. Parents are required to
honor their agreements and pay their regular tuition for these scheduled holidays. This policy is
required for both full and part-time enrollment.

Inclement Weather
Mater Dei Childcare Center will remain open unless we are experiencing extremely inclement
weather in which the safety of the children, staff, and parents may be jeopardized. If inclement
weather happens during the day after you have dropped your child/children, we will call to notify
you of the school closing. If inclement weather occurs overnight, we will announce the school
closing or delay on HiMama and the KYW 1060. Our center will automatically close should the
Governor of PA declare a state of emergency. Full-time and part-time students will still be
required to pay for this day.

Notification of Absence
Parents/guardians are required to notify the center if their child/children will not be attending
the program or will have a late arrival by 9:00 am that morning so that we can staff accordingly.
Parents/guardians can call the center (215.799.2211) or send a message through HiMama. If
your child/children are staying home because of an illness please share this information with the
center director so that we are better able to track illnesses.

Health Policy
Mater Dei Childcare Center follows the guidelines of The American Academy of Pediatrics and
requires a child to refrain from school for 24-hours symptom-free under the following

    •     A temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. A child must be fever-free without
          aid for 24 hours before returning to the program. For example, if a child is sent home with
          a temp greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit at 3:00 pm on Monday the child may not
          return to the program until 4:00 pm on Tuesday at the earliest. The only exception to this
          will be a doctor’s note.
    •     Rash with a fever or behavioral changes until a professional determines that the child may
          return to the center.
    •     Diarrhea or vomiting more than once in a 24-hour period.
    •     Pink eye with discharge.
    •     Any contagious childhood illness such as Measles, Mumps, Rubella, or Chicken Pox. Your
          child cannot return to school until a health professional determines that the child may be
          in childcare as these illnesses go beyond the 24-hour symptom-free period. A doctor’s
          note will be required before any student may return to the center if they have had a
          contagious childhood illness.

Doctor’s notes may be faxed (215.799.2188) to the center or brought in and handed to the center
director when your child returns to the program. If the director is not available please leave any
doctor’s note with your child’s teacher. If any of the aforementioned symptoms occur while your
child is in our care we will call you and require you to make arrangements to have your child
picked up from the center within an hour.

Medication Policy
Mater Dei Childcare Center will administer any medication your child may need during center
hours. Prescription and non-prescription medications will only be administered if:

    •     Medications are in their original, labeled container;
    •     A doctor’s note stating the name of the medication, the dosage amount that needs to
          be given, and medication schedule is included; and
    •     The medication log has been completed by the parent/guardian of the child.
    •     Medications should be administered at home whenever possible.

    PLEASE NOTE: Any over-the-counter medications where the dosage is based on weight
    require a doctor’s note with the proper dosage indicated.

Please let the director or teacher know if a medication requires refrigeration.

Teachers/Staff will log the times that the medication was administered and note it on HiMama.

Incident Reports
Incident reports are sent home if your child incurs an injury while in our care. The incident report
will state how the injury happened and how the injury was treated. Phone calls will be made as
warranted, for example, for a head injury or biting incident.

Should a serious injury or illness occur and emergency hospital treatment is needed, we will call
911. Parents will be notified immediately and the director or teacher will accompany the child to
the hospital and stay with the child until a parent/guardian arrives at the hospital.

Complaint Procedure
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the Mater Dei Childcare Center please talk
to your child’s teacher, speak to the center director, or contact Diane McCaughan at


Montgomery County Child Care Subsidy Program Information
Communication Permissions
Photo/Video Permission
Sunscreen Permission
Handbook and Permissions Agreement

Montgomery County CCIS

    Below is information about the Montgomery County’s Child Care Subsidy Program for families
    that qualify for assistance towards tuition.


    The state and federal governments have made funding available to assist qualifying parents in
    meeting their child care expenses. The Child Care Information Service of Montgomery County
    (CCIS) is responsible for administering the subsidy program and for determining family funding
    eligibility for Montgomery County residents.

    In order to qualify for subsidized child care, you and, if applicable, your spouse or live-in
    companion must:

o   Work an average of at least 20 hours a week or work an average of at least 10 hours a week
    and attend training an average of at least 10 hours a week.
o   Have a gross annual family income that is under 200% of the Federal Poverty Income Guideline
o   Have at least one child under 13 years of age needing child care

    Contact our office at 610-278-3707 or 800-281-1116 and ask for an eligibility application packet.
    You may also download a Subsidized Child Care Application from or apply
    online at COMPASS.

    Within 30 days of the date the CCIS receives your signed and dated application you will be
    notified whether you are eligible or ineligible to receive child care subsidy If your application is
    not complete, is missing documentation, or requires further explanation, the CCIS will contact

    You must have a face-to-face meeting after you are authorized for child care funding in order to
    maintain your eligibility.

Communication Permissions

I hereby acknowledge that by providing my email address and cell phone number on the
Registration Form and Emergency Contact Form, I agree to receive daily digital reports through
HiMama, as well as important information and reminders via emails or text messages from Mater
Dei Childcare Center.

 Parents Names:

 Parent Email

 Name(s) of Child(ren):

Publicity Refusal Form

Your child’s image may be used in a photo or video posted on:

    •     Childcare Center website and/or communications
    •     Parish website and/or communication
    •     Local news media concerning events related to the center and its programs

When photos are used, names are not included. Your child’s safety and security are our number
one priority. All websites and tools have been and will continue to be thoroughly examined by

I hereby acknowledge that my signature on the Emergency Contact Form indicates consent to
use my child’s image.

If you do not consent, complete the bottom portion and return this form to the
center director.

                  I do not want my child’s photo to be used in any public forum.

    Student’s Name:

    Parent Name (please print):
    Parent Signature:                                                      Date:

Sunscreen Permission

We take the children outside every day, weather permitting. When the weather is nice, we ask
that you apply sunscreen on your child in the morning before coming to school. We are more
than willing to re-apply sunscreen in the afternoon provided you bring some in. You may leave
the lotion with your child’s teacher.

I hereby acknowledge that my signature on the Emergency Contact Form indicates consent to
re-apply sunscreen on my child.

*Please make sure sunscreen has not expired.

    Student’s Name:

    Parent Name (please print):
    Parent Signature:                                                 Date:


                                      HANDBOOK AMENDMENTS

 The administration retains the right to amend the handbook at any time. Parents / guardians
 will be notified if changes are made through the school website.
                              HANDBOOK AND AUTHORIZATION FORMS
 Dear Parents / Guardians:

 You are requested to read this handbook carefully. Having read it, you are asked to
 download this form from the school website, sign, and return it to the center office. This
 agreement will be kept on file in the Director's office. The Mater Dei Childcare Center
 Handbook is intended to enhance the communication between home and the center. Thank
 you for your commitment to Catholic education.
 Download, complete, and return to the center by the end of your child’s first week.

 Family Name (please print)

 We have read and agree to be governed by this handbook and the following authorizations:
      •   Communication
      •   Publicity Refusal Form (submit individual document ONLY if permission not granted)
      •   Sunscreen

 Parent / Guardian Signature                          Parent / Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature indicates agreement.

You can also read