Parent Handbook 2020-2021 - Kansas State University

Page created by Jeff Robles
Parent Handbook
Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................ 1
The Center for Child Development ...................................................................................................... 1
CCD Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................ 1
CCD Vision Statement .......................................................................................................................... 1
Staff Creed and our Values .................................................................................................................. 1
Philosophy ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Infant and Toddler Curriculum Philosophy ......................................................................................... 3
Preschool Curriculum Philosophy ....................................................................................................... 4
Non-Discrimination Statement ............................................................................................................ 4
K-State CCD History ............................................................................................................................. 5

General Information ............................................................................................... 5
Location ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Hours of Operation .............................................................................................................................. 5
Days CCD is Closed ............................................................................................................................... 5
Emergency Closing/Inclement Weather Closing ................................................................................. 6
Communication with the CCD Regarding Attendance ........................................................................ 6
Research at the CCD ............................................................................................................................ 6
Field Placements at the CCD ............................................................................................................... 7
Baby-Sitting by CCD Staff ..................................................................................................................... 7

Parent Communication and Involvement ................................................................ 7
Involvement ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Parent Input ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Classroom Communication System...................................................................................................... 8
Daily Communication Sheets ............................................................................................................... 8
Parent/Teacher Conferences .............................................................................................................. 8
CCD Newsletter ................................................................................................................................... 9
Classroom Newsletter .......................................................................................................................... 9
Translation Opportunities ................................................................................................................... 9
Grievance Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 9

Staffing, Curriculum, and Program .......................................................................... 9
CCD Staff Members ............................................................................................................................. 9
Curriculum .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Curriculum Goals ................................................................................................................................ 11
Physical Contact ................................................................................................................................. 11
Child Assessments ............................................................................................................................. 11
Primary Caregiving in the Infant and Toddler Program .................................................................... 12
Toilet Training..................................................................................................................................... 12
Transitioning Children ....................................................................................................................... 13
Continuity of Care .............................................................................................................................. 13
Naptime/Rest Time ............................................................................................................................ 14
Outdoor Activities .............................................................................................................................. 15
Field Trips ........................................................................................................................................... 16
T-Shirt for Field Trips .......................................................................................................................... 16
Field Trip Transportation .................................................................................................................... 16
Car Seat Policy for Field Trips ............................................................................................................. 17
Celebrations ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Birthday Policy ................................................................................................................................... 17
Show and Tell/Sharing ....................................................................................................................... 18
Arrival and Departure ........................................................................................................................ 18
Authorized Pick up of Children .......................................................................................................... 18
Cell Phone Free Rooms ...................................................................................................................... 19
Shoe Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Infant Shoe Policy .............................................................................................................................. 19
Open Door Policy ............................................................................................................................... 19
Tooth Brushing Policy ........................................................................................................................ 19

Health and Safety ................................................................................................. 20
When to Keep your Child at Home .................................................................................................... 20
Illness Re-Admittance ........................................................................................................................ 20
Medication ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Medical and Immunization Requirements ........................................................................................ 21
Accidents and Injuries ....................................................................................................................... 22
Emergency Medical Care ................................................................................................................... 22
Communicable Diseases .................................................................................................................... 23
Appropriate Hand Washing ............................................................................................................... 23
Fire and Tornado Drills ...................................................................................................................... 23
Building Access and Security .............................................................................................................. 23
Visitors and Volunteers ...................................................................................................................... 24
Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect ...................................................................................................... 24

Food Program ....................................................................................................... 24
Child and Adult Care Food Program (C.A.C.F.P) ................................................................................ 24
Milk and Water Policy ....................................................................................................................... 25
Special Diet Requests ........................................................................................................................ 25
Bringing Food into the CCD for Your Child ........................................................................................ 26
The CCD is a Peanut and Tree Nut Aware Facility ............................................................................. 26
Infant Meals ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Nursing Mom’s Room ........................................................................................................................ 27
Breast Milk ......................................................................................................................................... 27
On Demand Bottle Feeding ............................................................................................................... 27
Formula .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Starting an Infant on Baby Foods ...................................................................................................... 28
Transitioning from Baby Food to Table Food/Bottles to Sippy Cups ................................................ 28

Enrollment and Enrollment Policies ...................................................................... 28
Enrollment Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 28
Confidentiality and Security of Family and Release Information ...................................................... 29
Enrollment Priority ............................................................................................................................ 29
Placement Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 29
Scheduling Options ............................................................................................................................ 30
Summer School Age Camp ................................................................................................................ 30
Program Selection ............................................................................................................................. 30
Waiting List ........................................................................................................................................ 30
What to Bring .................................................................................................................................... 30
Helping your Child Adjust .................................................................................................................. 32
Children with an ISP/IFSP .................................................................................................................. 33
Required Notice for Enrollment Termination ................................................................................... 33
Re-Admittance Policy ........................................................................................................................ 34

Fees and Financial Information ............................................................................. 34
Monthly Fees ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Fee Policies ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Subsidies ............................................................................................................................................ 36

Discipline and Behavior ........................................................................................ 36
Children with Special Needs .............................................................................................................. 37
Final Words ........................................................................................................................................ 38
                                2020 - 2021 PARENT HANDBOOK

               Introduction                                      CCD MISSION STATEMENT
                                                                 The K-State Center for Child Development
                                                                 provides a family-centered early childhood
    THE CENTER FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENT                             program in a professional and nurturing
    The Center for Child Development (CCD)                       environment that meets the developmental
    provides early childhood care and                            and educational needs of children,
    education programs for children of K-State                   incorporates the experiences and values of
    students, faculty, and staff and the                         all families and encourages children to
    Manhattan and Ft. Riley communities. The                     explore their diverse world.
    CCD is licensed by the Kansas Department
    of Health and Environment to serve 246                       CCD VISION
    children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years. The CCD                  An exemplary early childhood learning
    is proud to be one of less than 10% of                       program for children with environments
    childcare centers in the nation to reach                     designed for living as well as for learning – a
    accreditation by the National Association                    place where dreams and imaginations are
    for the Education of Young Children                          fueled, a place where children, families and
    (NAEYC). Our classrooms have a Lead and                      staff can build connections with each other,
    an Assistant Teacher who have degrees or                     the larger community and the natural
    certifications in early childhood education                  world. A place where teachers and staff
    and are CPR and First Aid certified.                         love to work; where children and families
                                                                 love to be; where children feel nurtured,
    The CCD was designed specifically for                        secure, and relaxed; where children grow
    children and early childhood educators.                      physically, emotionally, socially and
    Security features such as interior and                       intellectually; where staff are committed to
    exterior cameras, secure playgrounds and a                   nurturing and celebrating diversity and
    single entrance which requires each                          where communication and relationships are
    individual to have a unique entry code                       fostered. In our neighborhood, learners are
    ensures your child’s safety. The playgrounds                 young and old, friendships are formed,
    feature nature-based outdoor classrooms                      knowledge is shared, creativity is nurtured,
    to address the “nature deficit disorder”                     conflicts are resolved, needs are met,
    identified in our nation’s children;                         growth is celebrated, and relationships are
    connecting children to nature is an                          formed among families and between
    important part of our philosophy and                         families and staff.
    curriculum. Our meals are planned with a
    focus on healthy eating with fresh fruits and                STAFF CREED AND OUR VALUES
    vegetables served daily as well as ensuring                  I will pursue excellence, integrity and
    meals are low fat, low sugar and use whole                   professionalism in creating supportive
    foods when possible.                                         relationships with children, parents and
                                                                 fellow staff members. When I receive a

1                            K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
question or concern from a parent, I                           nature and the natural world. Within this
own it until it is resolved. The decisions I                   focus, children
make for my classroom will reflect the                            • are engaged in stimulating learning
CCD     mission         and     philosophy                             that is meaningful to their lives,
statements. I will strive to keep children                        • explore within a healthy, safe and
safe and healthy, will treat them with                                 secure environment,
respect and will help them explore,                               • are active participants in their own
understand and celebrate the world                                     learning,
around them.                                                      • explore, study, create, and care for
                                                                       the natural environment, and
I will do my best to model, to children,                          • explore within an emotionally safe
parents and other staff members, the                                   environment that builds confidence.
CCD Values of
    • Compassion,                                              The CCD’s learning environment is centered
    • Respect,                                                 on community, building and maintaining
    • Physical and Emotional Safety,                           connections, and developing lasting
    • Open-Mindedness,                                         relationships. An environment where staff
    • Responsibility, and                                      and families have positive relationships is
    • Integrity.                                               essential for the development and
                                                               socialization of children. We believe that
PHILOSOPHY                                                     strong partnerships between teachers and
As a vital department within the University,                   parents, as well as positive relations with
the Center for Child Development (CCD)                         the surrounding neighborhoods and
supports the mission of the CCD and the                        communities are the cornerstones to a solid
mission of Kansas State University.                            educational foundation for our children. We
                                                               believe that our world is diverse and it is
We understand that children thrive when                        vital for children to recognize, appreciate,
they are safe, healthy, nurtured and secure.                   and understand the diversity found within
We provide a learning environment that                         our families and our community. Parents
stimulates children’s minds and creativity,                    are encouraged to use their home language
as well as supports individualized care and                    with children to support individual and
learning for each child. We believe that                       community identity. Program staff provide
children should be engaged in meaningful                       learning opportunities in English and try to
activities and interactions that focus on                      incorporate a child's home language as
physical, emotional, social, creative and                      much as possible. Children are encouraged
intellectual development. We recognize                         to use both English and their home
children as competent, capable learners                        language when at the CCD. These activities
and their ability to be active participants in                 offer lifelong social, emotional, and
their own learning. The CCD curriculum and                     cognitive benefits.
the indoor and outdoor learning
environments focus on active learning                          Our learning environment is planned to
through exploration with a focus on the                        create and maintain
love of books/reading, appreciation of the                        • community and connections,
arts, social competence, emotional and                            • positive and lasting relationships,
physical health, and a strong connection to

2                            K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
•   partnerships between teachers and                     Therefore, one of your child’s teachers will
        parents in the task of successfully                   serve as his or her primary caregiver.
        raising children,                                     Although both teachers will develop
    •   appreciation of diversity, and                        positive, trusting relationships with your
    •   appreciation of the natural world in                  child and develop individualized plans for
        our community.                                        your child, the primary caregiver will meet
                                                              most or your child’s diapering, feeding, and
We believe children need teachers who are                     napping needs as well as other daily
knowledgeable in early childhood education                    routines. The CCD also practices continuity
best practices and are consistent over time                   of care. This means within each infant,
to develop relationships with children and                    toddler and twos “pod”, the teaching staff
families. CCD staff are committed                             will work together as a unit; all teachers will
professionals with integrity, whose focus is                  get to know the children through
providing the best early childhood                            intentional and regular efforts both indoors
experience for children. CCD administrators                   and outdoors. Because the children will be
strive to create an atmosphere in which                       familiar and comfortable with the teaching
ideas are expressed openly and heard                          teams of their community, the transition
respectfully and decisions are made based                     process will be smooth and less stressful for
on what is best for the children, families                    the children.
and staff. We provide children and staff
with a safe and educational environment                       The CCD provides trained infant and toddler
where their potential is nurtured and the                     teachers who ensure the children grow and
inherent dignity and worth of each child,                     develop at their own pace, feel proud of
parent and staff member is highly valued.                     their many accomplishments and discover
It is vital to quality early care and education               the world through exploration and play.
that                                                          These discoveries take place in both indoor
     • staff members are educated early                       and outdoor classroom environments.
          childhood professionals and are                     Teachers consider each child’s individual
          valued and supported in their                       needs and wants, and work to develop
          professional development,                           trusting relationships. Teachers observe and
     • children, staff and families are                       document children’s development in order
          valued and treated with respect, and                to plan for each child and the group.
     • decisions are based on what is best                    Through a developmental assessment
          for children, families and staff.                   system, teachers monitor each child’s
                                                              development, track their skills and plan next
INFANT AND TODDLER CURRICULUM                                 steps. Goals and objectives for children’s
PHILOSOPHY                                                    learning include all areas of development:
The infant/toddler curriculum philosophy is                   social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and
centered on the premise that infants and                      language. An equally important component
toddlers thrive on attachments to                             is strengthening the child's family and
caregivers. For years, research has shown                     cultural identity through meaningful
the importance of early attachment and the                    connections between the classroom
effects it can have later in life. Through                    community and the child's family. We ask
secure attachments children feel more                         parents to work with our teachers closely so
comfortable exploring their environment.                      consistency can be maintained between

3                           K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
school and home. Our philosophy also                         resources. The outdoor classroom is loosely
views the care setting as critical. Therefore,               structured to provide areas for hands-on
infant and toddler teachers create                           exploration and discovery, physical activity,
environments that ensure safety, offer                       the arts, gardening, and other activities that
appropriate and engaging challenges in all                   immerse children in nature.
areas of development, and promote
optimum health for children.                                 Involving families is a key component of the
                                                             preschool curriculum. Families are welcome
PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM PHILOSOPHY                              in the classrooms and celebrated as
The preschool philosophy is centered on                      partners. Parents are encouraged to
the premise that young children learn best                   collaborate with teachers on how to best
in a safe and nurturing environment.                         meet the needs of their child. It is the
Opportunities exist to help children develop                 intention of the CCD to encourage and
and learn through age and individually                       respect all family structures, traditions and
appropriate activities. The program                          cultures. Photos and objects from children’s
promotes children’s active exploration in all                home lives are encouraged and welcome in
areas of development: social/emotional,                      the classroom. Families are encouraged to
physical, cognitive, and language. Teachers                  share stories and music from their heritage.
prepare the environment and plan activities                  Through learning about each other, children
that are appropriate for the age span of the                 have the chance to celebrate cross-cultural
children in the classroom while considering                  similarities and differences and develop an
the different needs, development, and                        understanding and acceptance of the
interests of each individual child. Teachers                 diverse world in which we live.
are the facilitators of learning by engaging
children in meaningful activities and long-                  NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT
term projects. Teachers help children                        Kansas State University is committed to
explore consequences, make choices and                       nondiscrimination on the basis of race,
negotiate social conflicts. Teachers expand                  color, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual
children’s knowledge and vocabulary                          orientation, gender identity, religion, age,
through the use of thoughtful conversations                  ancestry, disability, military status, veteran
and asking open ended questions. Teachers                    status, or other non-merit reasons, in
model respect, acceptance, and empathy,                      admissions, educational programs or
support each child’s accomplishments,                        activities and employment, including
provide encouragement, and increase self-                    employment of disabled veterans and
esteem      by      providing    increasingly                veterans of the Vietnam Era, as required by
challenging activities that children can be                  applicable      laws      and      regulations.
successful at.                                               Responsibility      for    coordination      of
                                                             compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries
In addition to the indoor classroom, our                     concerning Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
philosophy sees the outdoor learning                         1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments
environment as an equally important                          of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
component of children’s learning. Teachers                   Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of
provide consistent outdoor time to                           1975, and the Americans With Disabilities
encourage children’s understanding and                       Act of 1990, has been delegated to the
respect for their world and its natural                      Director of Affirmative Action, Kansas State

4                          K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
University, 214 Anderson Hall, Manhattan,                    The CCD continually grew and added
KS 66506-0124, (Phone) 785-532-6220;                         classrooms until it filled both wings of
(TTY) 785-532-4807. Revised April 22, 2008.                  building “L” with two infant rooms, four
                                                             toddler rooms, six preschool rooms and a
K-STATE CHILDCARE HISTORY                                    licensed capacity of 160 children. The
In 1984 former K-State President Duane                       building was built in the 1950s and began to
Acker appointed a task force to study                        deteriorate.   An       appropriate   facility
childcare needs for K-State students, faculty                designed for children that also allowed for
and staff at the University. The task force,                 expansion was needed.
chaired by Dr. LaVerne Lindsey, Assistant
Provost and Director of Continuing                           The CCD became a department within the
Education, recommended a large childcare                     Division of Student Life under Vice
CCD to meet the K-State community needs.                     President Pat Bosco on July 1, 2007. The
However, funding was not available. The                      name was changed to the K-State Center for
foundation of the CCD was based on a                         Child Development (CCD). K-State sought
commitment by parents to organize                            approval from the Kansas State Board of
childcare on campus. The Childcare                           Regents for a $4 million bond to build a new
Cooperative received non-profit 501(c)(3)                    childcare CCD. The bid for the new facility
status and opened in August 1985 with a                      went out in 2009 and construction began in
full-day toddler classroom, a full-day                       June, 2009. The new facility opened at 1400
preschool classroom, and a flexible/part-                    Jardine Drive on December 1, 2010.
time      preschool     classroom.     These
classrooms were housed in the lower west
wing of “L” building in Jardine Terrace
                                                                   General Information
apartment complex (housing for married
students and students with families).                        LOCATION
Students, faculty and staff who had children                 The CCD is located at the east end of
at the CCD volunteered a few hours a day in                  Jardine Drive on the K-State campus. The
order to provide adequate staff for the                      campus address is 1400 Jardine Drive,
Cooperative. In January 1986, thanks to                      Manhattan, KS 66506.
advocacy efforts of the parental
involvement committees and the vision and                    HOURS OF OPERATION
funding from the Student Governing                           The CCD is open weekdays (Monday-Friday)
Association (SGA), the CCD was allocated                     7:30 AM – 5:30 PM. Children and parents
$86,128 to bring Building “L” up to code for                 may not be in a classroom before 7:30 or
licensing a childcare CCD. Two more toddler                  after 5:30.
units and one additional preschool unit
were added as the CCD expanded into the                      DAYS CCD IS CLOSED
upper level of the west wing. In June 1986,                  K-State and the CCD are closed on the
a program for kindergarten through third                     following State Holidays:
grade was added. At the same time, parents                       • Labor Day
voted to accept an even closer association                       • Thanksgiving Day and the Friday
with the University by becoming a division                          after
of the Department of Housing and Dining.                         • Christmas Day
                                                                 • New Year’s Day
                                                                 • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

5                          K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
•   Memorial Day                                         Any changes in the CCD’s hours of
    •   Independence Day                                     operation will be announced via the WIBW
    •   Any day declared a holiday by the                    television station and the CCD’s Facebook
        Governor                                             page.

CCD is also closed on:                                       The CCD incurs all staff salaries and other
   • Thanksgiving week (Mon-Fri)                             fixed costs even during days closed for
   • December 24 through January 1                           inclement weather or other emergencies
             In the event December 23                       and cannot refund fees for the rare days it
                 lands on a Monday, the CCD                  closes for these reasons.
                 will also be closed on
                 December 23                                 COMMUNICATION WITH THE CCD
   • One week in August (typically two                       REGARDING ATTENDANCE
        weeks before the fall semester                       You must notify the CCD before 8:15 a.m. if
        starts) for teacher in-service,                      your child is unable to attend, will be late,
        building upgrades and annual facility                or is leaving early. Please call 785-532-3700.
        maintenance                                          Do not directly notify your teacher – the
   • K-State Spring Break in March for                       front desk will relay the message to the
        facility maintenance                                 classroom.
   • Two half days for Parent Teacher
        Conferences, normally one half day                   This allows us to order an accurate number
        in October and one half day in April                 of meals and snacks for the day. We are
                                                             reimbursed for the cost of children’s meals
INCLEMENT WEATHER/EMERGENCY                                  by the Child and Adult Care Food Program
CLOSING                                                      (CACFP). If we order a meal or snack and
If inclement weather necessitates the                        your child is not present to eat the meal, we
closing of K-State, the CCD will also be                     do not get reimbursed by the CACFP.
                                                             This also enables teachers to go about their
If USD 383 closes due to inclement weather,                  daily schedule as planned without feeling
the CCD will have a late opening of 8:30am                   “we should wait another ten minutes for...”
and will implement inclement weather
procedures. These procedures include                         If your child is absent due to illness you
limited childcare due to licensing                           must describe the symptoms or illness
regulations for teacher/child ratios and                     when you call in; this helps us stay aware of
required teacher qualifications for each                     current health situations.
classroom. Children will be accepted as
qualified teachers are able to arrive at the                 RESEARCH AT THE CCD
CCD.                                                         As a department at Kansas State University,
                                                             the CCD is required to actively participate in
In the event there is an emergency affecting                 research with other departments on
only the CCD (example: no heat or no                         campus. The CCD affirms that early
water), the CCD will be closed or will                       childhood education research involving
operate at reduced hours.                                    children is important to advance our

6                          K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
knowledge base of all children and should                     about professional confidentially. Young
be conducted in an ethical manner.                            children also find it hard to understand and
                                                              relate to the differing roles of baby-sitter
The CCD management will review research                       and teacher. It then becomes hard for them
projects, which propose to use CCD staff                      to “share” the special person who comes to
and/or children to determine if projects                      their home to play and entertain. Our
meet established criteria. In addition, all                   Teacher Aides are K-State students and may
proposals must also receive approval of K-                    wish to make themselves available to you as
State’s Human Subjects Committee. You will                    babysitters. If you choose to hire a Teacher
be informed in advance of any research and                    Aide for paid services, please be aware that
your child’s name will never be used.                         we can offer neither referral nor
                                                              recommendation services. You are solely
FIELD PLACEMENTS AT THE CCD                                   responsible for screening any and all
The CCD is supportive of field experiences                    potential home care providers, and neither
for K-State students from various                             the CCD nor the University shall have any
departments. The experiences allow an                         responsibility of any kind whatsoever for
opportunity for the CCD to have additional                    the performance or actions of an individual
staff in a classroom and young, enthusiastic                  you choose to hire.
and interested adults to interact with the
children. This provides K-State students a
“hands-on” experience with children while
                                                                 Parent Communication
under the supervision of the teaching staff.                        and Involvement
CHILD DEVELOPMENT STAFF                                       We strongly encourage parent involvement.
According to the CCD Code of Ethical                          We appreciate parents
Conduct and the University Ethics Policy,                        • sharing cultural customs, hobbies,
full time unclassified staff (our teachers and                       special interest or expertise with the
administrators)      cannot       use     their                      children,
relationship with a family for private
                                                                 • accompanying children on field trips,
advantage or personal gain, nor enter into
                                                                 • reading to children in classrooms,
relationships with family members that
                                                                 • participating in outdoor classroom
might impair their effectiveness in their job.
                                                                     activities, and
                                                                 • volunteering to help us maintain our
As university employees, teachers are not
                                                                     gardens and landscaped play spaces.
permitted to accept babysitting jobs for
enrolled children. Please do not ask
                                                              We encourage parents to be active
teachers to care for your child outside the
                                                              members of our Parent Teacher
CCD. Our staff are professional educators,
                                                              Organization (PTO). The PTO meets monthly
and we request that parents treat them as
                                                              to plan CCD events including the Fall Family
such. The personal relationships that are
                                                              Soup Supper, Spring Family BBQ, Teacher
formed when teachers baby-sit for families
                                                              Appreciation Week, and other events. If you
make it difficult for teachers to remain
                                                              are interested in participating in the PTO or
objective. Real or perceived favoritism can
                                                              being a classroom representative to the
become a problem along with concerns
                                                              PTO, please let your child’s teacher or the

7                           K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
front desk know and they will provide you
contact information for the PTO President.                   Children’s feedings, diaper changes, naps,
Thank you in advance for your                                etc. are logged by the teacher’s as they
participation!                                               happen. You can set your account to
                                                             receive notifications each time an event
PARENT INPUT                                                 occurs or to only receive a summary at the
At least two members of management are                       end of each day.
in the building at all times. Members of
management are available to answer                           This is also how you will be notified if your
questions about the CCD and welcome                          child needs more diapers, wipes, extra
parent comments, concerns or suggestions.                    clothes, etc. to be stored at the CCD.
If you would like to visit with a certain
member of management, please call the                        You will also have time at drop-off and pick-
CCD to schedule a time.                                      up to have a quick word with your child’s
                                                             teacher. If you need to discuss a more
The CCD also seeks your input through an                     involved matter, we ask that you schedule a
annual on-line survey. Please help us                        time to meet one on one so your child’s
improve by giving us suggestions or                          teacher can give you their full attention.
comments. We take your comments very
seriously. This is how we improve the                        PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES
experience for our children and families.                    There are two parent/teacher conferences
                                                             per year; one is scheduled in the fall and
CLASSROOM COMMUNICATION SYSTEM                               one in the spring.
Every child at the CCD has a designated
cubby and mailbox in their classroom.                        At parent teacher conferences, teachers
Please check your child’s cubby and mailbox                  and parents review and discuss each child’s
daily. This is where you will find notes from                developmental progress and review their
your child’s teacher, newsletters, artwork,                  portfolio which contains observations,
and other mail.                                              pictures and work samples. Parents will be
                                                             given a copy of their child’s developmental
Classrooms also have a communication                         profile and together with teachers will
center      and     bulletin   board.    The                 create individual goals for their child’s
communication center is where you will                       ongoing development and learning in the
sign your child in and out daily, indicate                   classroom.
upcoming absences and where you will find
field trip notifications and other important                 You may also be asked to attend other
information such as lesson plans, daily                      meetings with your child’s teacher or
schedule, lunch menu, etc.                                   program manager as needed.

DAILY COMMUNICATION                                          Please feel free to schedule a meeting with
All classrooms use a tracking system called                  your child’s teacher at other times
KidReports. An account will be created for                   throughout the year if you have concerns or
each parent upon enrollment. This is the                     suggestions.
primary mode of communication with your
child’s teacher during the day.

8                          K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
CCD NEWSLETTER                                               child’s teacher. If you feel the matter
The CCD publishes a newsletter for parents                   cannot be resolved at that level we ask that
once a month. These contain reminders of                     you involve our Assistant Director who will
upcoming important dates, deadlines and                      involve our Director if you feel it is
events. We welcome your ideas for the                        necessary. The Assistant Director and
newsletter as well as encourage you to                       Executive Director are always ready and
write an article or submit information that                  willing to listen to any concerns or
may be useful to other parents.                              suggestions parents may have. Please see
Newsletters are e-mailed monthly to the                      the front desk to schedule an appointment
parent listserv. If you would like a paper                   for a time that is convenient for you.
copy, please ask at the front desk.
                                                             If informal meetings do not solve the issue,
CLASSROOM NEWSLETTER                                         a formal grievance procedure may be
Each classroom sends a newsletter home                       sought. This involves set guidelines,
once a month. Included in the classroom                      hearings,      written   statements     and
newsletter are changes to the classroom                      arguments, written findings and decisions
staff, topics being studied, projects going on               and recommendations by the University.
in the classroom, ideas to connect the                       Usually the resolution of concerns and
classroom       and     home,      community                 problems are worked out informally
happenings, and upcoming important dates                     between parents and the appropriate staff
or                                     events.               members. However, on occasion, a
                                                             resolution is not achieved and a formal
TRANSLATION OPPORTUNITIES                                    grievance procedure becomes necessary.
CCD staff value all forms of communication                   Please see the Director regarding how to
with families. If a family is in need of                     file a formal grievance.
translation services for any form of
communication with the CCD, please see
the Assistant Director. The CCD works with
                                                               Staffing, Curriculum and
the Department of Modern Languages and                                 Program
the International Student CCD on campus to
find translators as needed.                                  CCD STAFF MEMBERS
                                                             All classrooms have at least two adults
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE                                          present at all times. One full-time lead
The following is the CCD’s policy regarding                  teacher and one full-time assistant teacher
the approach to problems and the various                     is assigned to each classroom. All lead
steps for their resolution. As a member of                   teachers have a minimum of a Child
the CCD family, you have the right to voice                  Development Associate (CDA) credential
concerns     regarding     the    operation,                 and all assistant teachers are actively
programs, and policies of the CCD as well as                 involved in continuing their education. In
the care and education of your child.                        addition to the full time teachers, the CCD
                                                             has part-time teacher aides assisting in the
The first step to address a concern or                       classrooms as part of the adult/child ratio.
problem is an informal discussion. We                        All staff members are certified in Pediatric
request that you first start with the person                 First Aid and CPR.
most involved in the situation such as your

9                          K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
All administrators and teachers must pass                    and experiencing nature and natural
two background checks. Kansas Childcare                      surroundings       provides      rich,   and
Licensing Bureau runs a background check                     fundamental       learning     opportunities.
and fingerprints on all full-time and part-                  Activities are planned in the developmental
time employees. The University runs an                       areas of language, cognitive, fine motor and
additional background check on all full-time                 large motor physical skills, self-help and
employees. The search checks the                             social-emotional skills. Please ask your
employees’ criminal history for felony and                   child’s Lead Teacher if you have any
misdemeanor convictions and the sex                          questions about the plans. Teachers
offender registry at county and federal                      welcome parent input in planning activities
levels in every jurisdiction where a potential               for children.
CCD employee currently resides or has
resided in the last 7 years.                                 Infants, Toddlers, and Twos
                                                             Infant, Toddler and Twos classes use the
The CCD staff includes:                                      nationally recognized Creative Curriculum
   • Executive Director                                      for Infants, Toddlers & Twos in developing
   • Assistant Director of Curriculum                        their classroom activities. The five
   • Program Manager                                         components of this curriculum are 1)
   • Enrollment Specialist                                   creating a responsive environment, 2)
   • Administrative Specialist                               children’s learning, 3) caring and teaching,
   • HR Specialist                                           4) partnering with families, and 5) knowing
   • Lead Teachers                                           infants, toddlers, and two’s. These five
   • Assistant Teachers                                      components are met through the routines
   • Support Staff (Floating Subs)                           and experiences the teacher develops with
   • Teacher Aides                                           the children. These experiences are based
   • Kitchen Assistants                                      around free-play, dramatic play, stories and
   • Office Assistants                                       books, music, art, food, sensory, and
   • Custodians                                              outdoors.     Intentional     learning   and
                                                             relationship-building activities are planned
The Lead Teachers’ qualifications far exceed                 during routine times such as, hellos and
state     education     and      experience                  good-byes, diapering and toileting, eating
requirements. Assistant Teachers are                         and mealtimes, sleeping and nap time, and
supervised by the Lead Teachers and attend                   getting      dressed.      Through      daily
continuing education and ongoing training                    observations, teachers create an individual
at the CCD.                                                  curriculum for each child.

CURRICULUM                                                   Preschool and School-Age
Each Lead Teacher is responsible for                         Preschool classes use the nationally
preparing weekly lesson plans based on                       recognized Creative Curriculum as a basis
developmentally      appropriate   learning                  for planning the classroom environment
activities. These plans are posted on the                    and activities. The Creative Curriculum is
communication center board in each                           based on theory and research and examines
classroom. Activities are planned for both                   five main components: how children
the indoor and outdoor classrooms;                           develop     and    learn,   the    learning
discoveries children make when exploring                     environment, what children learn, the

10                         K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
teacher’s role, and the family’s role.                       includes cuddles and hugs, lap-sitting during
Teachers set up the environment to focus                     story time, and soothing feelings of bodies
on children in small groups and individually                 after getting hurt. These types of touches
through the use of different interest areas,                 are important for healthy social and
including Dramatic Play, Blocks, Art,                        emotional development.
Discovery, Sand and Water, Computer, and
Manipulatives. Through the Creative                          Warm physical contact is part of the daily
Curriculum, teachers observe and interact                    experience shared between children and
with the children to expand on their                         their caregivers. The professional staff
interests to promote developmental                           recognizes this nurturing helps to create
growth, cognitive learning, and a desire to                  and sustain trusting relationships, which
learn more about their world.                                enable children to feel secure and to
                                                             become autonomous. Caring touches are
CURRICULUM GOALS                                             important for a child’s mental and
The K-State Center for Child Development                     emotional health.
uses a variety of curriculum choices to
promote learning opportunities that meet                     CHILD ASSESEMENTS
the following goals:                                         The CCD classrooms use the nationally
  • Children will achieve a positive sense of                acclaimed Teaching Strategy Gold Child
    self and become confident, curious,                      Assessment system. This system consists of
    independent learners.                                    50     objectives    in    the   areas     of
  • Children will engage in productive play                  social/emotional, language, cognitive, and
    and learning experiences that promote                    physical development. Each objective has
    individual development in the following                  progressing     steps    of    development.
    domains: social/emotional, cognitive,                    Throughout the year, the teacher indicates
    physical, and language.                                  which step the child has reached for each of
  • Children will treat others with respect                  the 50 objectives. This provides teachers a
    and will develop caring human                            way to determine what children know,
    connections within their community.                      where they are developmentally and
  • Children     will    demonstrate       an                provides a direction for planning for
    understanding and appreciation of the                    individual children. The assessment
    natural environment.                                     information is used to plan activities that
  • Children      will    develop       social               help children progress through each
    competence.                                              objective, not to compare one child to
                                                             another. Observations will be entered into
PHYSICAL CONTACT                                             the Creative Curriculum web-based system
Teachers in the CCD provide children with a                  to aid in establishing patterns and
stable, secure and safe environment in                       evaluating children’s progress. The results
which they can grow and develop. We are                      are used by teachers, in cooperation with
aware of and respect a child’s sense of                      parents, to set individualized goals for each
autonomy, body and self.                                     child. Assessment information is shared
                                                             with parents during parent teacher
At the same time, we acknowledge the                         conferences.
value of appropriate touching for healthy
human development. Necessary touching

11                         K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
PRIMARY CAREGIVING IN THE INFANT AND                           •    Dry diapers for longer periods of time
TODDLER PROGRAM                                                     during the day.
Primary care is a key component of our                         •    Starts to indicate feeling of needing to
infant/toddler classrooms. In infant/toddler                        go potty before actually going potty or
rooms, the lead teacher and assistant                               immediately indicates after going to
teachers will be assigned as the primary                            the bathroom in diaper.
caregiver to specific children. It is the
assignment of a special caregiver to each                    Toileting tips that may help in preparing
child that encourages the forming of close                   your child for toilet training:
relationships.    It   also   fosters    the                   • Cooperation           and      consistency:
development of closeness and trust                                 Teachers and parents must work
between the caregiver and the child’s                              together to provide consistency in
family. The primary caregiver becomes the                          toileting vocabulary and approach.
expert regarding feedings, diapering and                           Please discuss with your child’s
nap times for each child for which they                            teacher vocabulary and toilet training
serve as primary caregiver. Primary                                approaches you are comfortable with
caregiving is not about the exclusion of                           and plan to use at home.
relationships between the child and other                      • Self-help skills should be a part of the
caregivers in the classroom. Assignments                           normal daily routine before toilet
will be made by the lead teacher and will be                       training begins. Encourage your child
revised whenever there are significant staff                       to practice self-help skills such as,
changes. A sign will be posted in each                             dressing and undressing.
classroom alerting you as to whom your                         • Children who are still in diapers can
child’s primary caregiver is. If you have                          develop self-help skills by pulling up
questions about this, please ask your child’s                      and/or pulling down their clothing.
lead teacher or the program manager.                           • Children who express an interest in
                                                                   toileting should be encouraged to
TOILET TRAINING                                                    attempt to toilet at appropriate times
The CCD has an excellent toilet training                           (after meals, after naps, etc.)
system in the twos and preschool                               • The eventual goal of toilet learning is
classrooms. Teachers and parents work                              for the child to be totally independent
together to determine when each individual                         in their toileting.
child is ready to begin toilet training. Each                  • Keep toileting fun. Punishing a child
child’s readiness and needs are taken into                         for accidents prevents toileting
consideration so that the training process is                      success.
positive for the child. Generally speaking,                    • Toilet training books and videos may
toddlers are ready to begin the toilet                             help your child.
training process between 22 months and 3
                                                               • Keep the toilet training routines as
years of age. Watch for readiness signs and
                                                                   consistent as possible at home and
communicate with teachers to let them
                                                                   between home and school.
know your child is ready. Here are a few
                                                               • Frequent bathroom breaks are
signs to look for:
                                                                   helpful, especially first thing in the
  • Shows interest in using the potty.
                                                                   morning, after meals, after naps,
  • Longer periods between going potty.                            before venturing out on errands, and
                                                                   before bed time.

12                         K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
•   You may also restrict liquids prior to                  leave us for kindergarten they will move to
     bedtime to help with nighttime                          a pre-k classroom.
     accidents, though those are common
     even after daytime toileting has been                   The ideal transition process is one which is
     mastered.                                               carefully planned to meet the needs of the
 •   Some parents have found it helpful to                   child and their family. Transition
     have their child carry a small backpack                 information will be given to parents 2 to 4
     with extra clothes, wipes, and other                    weeks before the time has come for their
     necessities when the family is out and                  child to move to the next room. Parents and
     about. This approach not only fosters                   the child’s current teacher will fill out
     independence and ownership of                           paperwork for the new teacher which will
     toileting in your child; but also                       provide them detailed information about
     provides the necessary items should                     the child. Then a parent and teacher
     an accident occur.                                      transition meeting will be scheduled. The
                                                             goal of the parent and teacher transition
While a child will not be kept from                          meeting is to gather information from and
transitioning into a preschool classroom if                  provide information to the child’s parents in
these routines are not mastered, it is                       order to ensure a smooth transition for all
important that self-help skills are already                  involved. This meeting will include
mastered and parents and teaching staff                      parent/guardian, current teacher, new
work collaboratively to introduce routines                   teacher and possibly the program manager.
prior to starting the transition to a                        After this meeting has occurred the
preschool room.                                              transition will begin.

TRANSITIONING CHILDREN                                       Typically a transition occurs over the course
A successful transition from one classroom                   of three days. On day one the child’s
to another requires planning and support                     current teacher will take the child to visit
throughout the transition process. The                       their new classroom for a short time period
transition process begins well before a child                in the morning and if needed, will stay with
must be fully transitioned into the next                     the child in their new classroom. On day
classroom.                                                   two the child will join the new classroom for
                                                             lunch and potentially stay for nap time. On
Children who are with us from birth                          day three the child will start in their new
typically transition 3-4 times before leaving                classroom. Infants typically need additional
for kindergarten. Infants transfer at one                    adjustment time and their transition will be
year of age to a toddler classroom where                     extended up to a week.
they may stay until they are two at which
time they move to a twos classroom or they                   CONTINUITY OF CARE
may stay until 2.5 years of age and move                     Consistency in caregivers (meaning the
straight to a preschool classroom. If a child                same people caring for a child for an
moves to a twos classroom they must move                     extended period of time) is very important
to a preschool class by the age of 3. Once                   and     we    practice    this    in   the
upstairs, our children typically only                        Infant/Toddler/Twos classrooms as much as
transition one time. The fall before they will               possible.

13                         K-State Center for Child Development Parent Handbook 2020-2021   updated 2/24/2021
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