Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where's My Staff?
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NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States NASCIO Staff Contact: Drew Leatherby Issues Coordinator Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? Without the flow of electronic informa- due to a pandemic scare – are you pre- tion, government comes to a standstill. pared to act? CIOs have an obligation to When a state’s data systems and commu- ensure that IT services continue in the nication networks are disrupted, the prob- event of a pandemic outbreak, and lem can be serious and the impact far- planning for such a scenario has reaching. The consequences can be much become essential. It’s not a matter of if a more than an inconvenience. Serious dis- pandemic is going to strike, it’s just a mat- ruptions to a state’s IT systems can lead to ter of when, and how far-reaching the public distrust, chaos, fear and potential problem will be. The good news is that loss of life. Traditionally, IT disruptions are there are simple steps that state CIOs planned for based on anticipated disasters can follow to prepare for such a disaster. both natural and manmade that can phys- ically damage facilities and equipment. However, we live in a time that holds Pandemic Planning 101 the potential for a pandemic outbreak in your city, state or possibly the nation. The primary focus of this brief is on how What would you do as state chief infor- to maintain critical operations during a mation officer (CIO) if one day your pandemic outbreak. Pandemics are unique staff did not come to the office because in that they affect an organization’s work- of a pandemic outbreak? force as opposed to its physical infrastruc- ture, and therefore require a radically differ- NASCIO represents state chief infor- mation officers and information Physical disasters that shut down mission ent approach for recovery efforts. Planning technology executives and man- critical applications are typically covered in response to a pandemic event should agers from state governments across under a state’s disaster recovery and busi- the United States. For more informa- include an incident management compo- tion visit ness continuity (DR/BC) plan. Under these nent involving an incident command plans, physical assets can be replaced, and response and identifying those key mem- Copyright © 2007 NASCIO All rights reserved information protected, using various back- bers and players necessary for a compre- up and business resumption practices. hensive solution to the plans that are 201 East Main Street, Suite 1405 Lexington, KY 40507 However, if one day you find your offices developed.The impact of a pandemic on Phone: (859) 514-9153 empty – your systems running unattended the state IT organization goes beyond just Fax: (859) 514-9166 Email: Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 1
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States the people, process and technology pandemic may be completely different aspects. On a larger scale, the CIO must from that for a physical disaster. Unlike understand the impact to the logistics of other DR/BC situations, in the case of a suppliers outside of the state IT organiza- pandemic, the critical staff list should tion who may also be experiencing a high include for example, those operating the rate of employee absenteeism. facility’s chiller rooms and other general maintenance functions. Finally, prepare for Experts agree that a pandemic event will making decisions in an environment of likely occur in the next ten years and uncertainty. During a crisis the CIO may undoubtedly will result in a high rate of not have all the information necessary, employee absenteeism. Most states’ IT but will be required to make immediate organizations are simply not prepared to decisions. address the infrastructure and procedural issues that will emerge as a result. Whether caused by pan-flu, plague, Communication smallpox, anthrax, West Nile Virus, TB or other epidemic, state IT leaders need to Educate state IT staff on basic pre- make sure their DR/BC plans are designed paredness for themselves and their to deal with such a contingency. families – Prepare and distribute pan- Consciousness is being raised on several demic preparation resources to every fronts, but state IT – for the most part – member of the IT staff, with information hasn’t taken the necessary steps to imple- on what individual employees and their ment and test plans and processes to families can do to avoid or minimize expo- cope with such an outbreak. sure. Work with state public health agen- cies for basic survival information, and build a packet of information tailored to The Role of the State CIO in state IT staff. Pandemic Preparedness and Response Educate state IT staff, lawmakers, appointed officials, human resources and budget officials – Craft an education In many states there is a dependency on and awareness program for state IT staff, IT to “figure it out,” if a problem is technol- lawmakers and budget officials to ensure ogy related. The state CIO is generally all parties are on the same page with expected to introduce innovation within regards to the pandemic preparedness the state enterprise and prepare for all plan and the need for such a plan. Prepare contingencies. When systems are down key talking points that outline the ration- and every aspect of state business is ale for pandemic planning. Establish met- affected, the buck may stop at the CIO’s rics for costs of not having a plan: How desk. However, there are simple steps that much will it cost the state if certain critical CIOs can follow to ensure that their IT business functions go down? Costs could infrastructure is protected under any sce- stem from ERP issues on the payment nario. One major difference in a pandemic side; citizen service issues (what it would crisis versus an unforeseen disaster is that do to the DMV for license renewals); and there is an element of nature that may impacts on eligibility verifications for provide the luxury of time. The CIO can social services. How long can the state start to respond and escalate a response, afford to be down? How much will this but identifying the critical triggers and cost the state? How long can the state be executing successfully on those must be without a core business function? in the state’s overall DR/BC plan. CIOs need to identify critical staff and business func- Communication and cross-boundary tions that their state enterprises cannot collaboration – A CIO can build a portfo- function without. The critical business lio of remote access solutions to meet functions and critical staff tiering for a business needs from ultra-secure systems 2 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff?
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States to fairly simplistic, low bandwidth con- from all applicable lines of business and strained systems. Yet that will not be use- critical service industries necessary for ful if the state’s workers aren’t properly continuity of IT operations. Keep the dia- trained to use the technology. Also, CIOs logue open with state business partners need to build critical partnerships with and periodically convene briefings for other agencies and branches of govern- them on the state’s DR/BC plans. ment. Think outside the box: CIOs can partner with anyone to share IT resources; Communicate to rank and file employ- including universities, local government, ees – Explain there is a pandemic plan lottery corporations, local companies and and the reasons behind its establishment. leased facilities with redundant capabilities. Clearly articulate employee roles during a pandemic incident and identify members Classify and cross-train workers – State of a possible crisis management team. IT organizations often struggle with get- Also, compile a list of employee office, ting other business units to classify work- home and mobile phone numbers, and ers in terms of criticality, and further other relevant contact information. breaking down their assigned roles and providing cross-training so, in the event of Establish a media crisis communica- a crisis, critical employees are equipped to tions protocol – A crisis communications change roles or function in multiple roles. protocol should be part of a state’s IT In most other events, the CIO is able to des- DR/BC plan. Designate a primary media ignate who responds. Yet, with pandemics, spokesperson with additional, single the CIO has no control over who is sick. point-of-contact communications officers as back-ups. Articulate who can speak to Intergovernmental communications whom under different conditions, as well and coordination plan – Develop a plan as who should not speak with the press. to communicate and coordinate efforts with state, local and federal government State summits – Several states have officials. Systems critical for other state, developed educational state-wide sum- local and federal programs and services mits as part of their pandemic influenza may need to be temporarily shut down preparation. Typically U.S. Department of during a pandemic event to safeguard the Health and Human Services and other fed- state’s IT enterprise. Local jurisdictions are eral, state, local, tribal, not-for-profit, and the point-of-service for many state trans- private sector officials convene to discuss actions, including benefits distribution current and future pandemic readiness and child support payments, and alternate plans. These summits are statewide oppor- channels of service delivery may need to tunities to share planning efforts among be identified and temporarily established. the various partners as states continue Make sure jurisdictional authority is their work to prepare for this threat. clearly established and articulated to Summits may include elements such as avoid internal conflicts during a crisis. Webcasts. Identify indirect factors and implica- tions – CIOs should also identify indirect Planning factors and implications related to a pan- demic disaster (e.g. loss of staff to public CIOs must have a DR/BC plan that utilities and other infrastructure). The CIO addresses the unique problem should take leadership on this, and begin associated with a pandemic event – This pressing other state entities to make sure plan should include: (1) A focus on capa- that they’re addressing these indirect bilities that are needed in any crisis situa- issues. tion; (2) Identification of functional requirements; (3) Planning based on the Pandemic preparedness coordinating different severity levels of a pandemic committees – Gather representatives event – see Centers for Disease Control Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 3
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States and Prevention (CDC) Pandemic Severity may find that mandatory service delivery Index ; (4) grams is temporarily disrupted and service Service level requirements for business level agreements are not being met. continuity; (5) Revisions and updates – Federal programmatic funding may having critical partners review the plan; require certain service performance levels and (6) Storing hard and digital copies of that cannot be met during a pandemic. In the plan in several locations for security. such a situation, the CIO may need to seek waivers from the federal government, or Ask and answer the following questions temporarily seek service freezes because – (1) What are the top business functions of IT operational concerns. Investigate the and essential services without which the process and options for seeking relief state enterprise can not operate? Tier ahead of the crisis! business functions and essential servic- es into recovery categories based on Build cross-boundary relationships with level of importance and allowable emergency and health agencies – CIOs downtime. (2) How can disruption to an should build relationships with state-wide, agency’s or department’s operations be agency and local emergency manage- reduced? ment and health department personnel. A CIO should know and communicate with Conduct contingency planning in case his or her emergency management coun- of absent personnel – This could involve terparts before a crisis. Also, consider forg- cross-training of essential personnel who ing multi-state relationships with other can be lent out to other agencies in case state CIO counterparts to prepare for of loss of service. Also, mutual aid agree- multi-state events, partnering with those ments with other public/private entities in the region. Consider developing a cross- such as state universities for “skilled volun- boundary DR/BC plan or strategy, as many teers” can be put in place. Make sure con- agencies and jurisdictions have their own tractors and volunteers have approved plans. access to facilities during a crisis. Approach enterprise backup as a Conduct testing activities – CIOs should shared service: Other agencies may have conduct periodic state-wide training exer- the capability for excess redundancy. cises and drills to test pandemic DR/BC plans. These drills should be pre-sched- Review and suggest revisions to state uled and conducted on a regular basis personnel policies that offer flexibility – and should include all aspects of on-site During a pandemic crisis, state IT employ- and remote access procedures. Conduct a ees may be asked to work under condi- gap analysis following each exercise. tions not traditionally covered under cur- rent state policy. State CIOs should meet Prepare for limited or zero access to with state personnel officials, employee your facilities – Even though personnel unions and associations to discuss flexible may be theoretically available during a cri- policies that can be temporarily imple- sis, the structural environment in which IT mented during a pandemic crisis. In this systems are located may be where a pan- manner, decisions made by the CIO con- demic exposure level is rising. If the area is cerning who stays on site, who goes quarantined and access is prohibited, home, and issues about pay, leave, and there exists a serious problem. CIOs must state liabilities can be adequately look at how they would manage the situa- addressed ahead of a potential crisis. tion as it is beginning to build. If a facility becomes contaminated or is in a quaran- Review state and federal regulatory tine zone, state health officials are proba- requirements regarding business bly not going to allow access. It may be processes and IT service levels – During possible to seal the area off and gain a pandemic crisis, state IT organizations approval for controlled access of critical 4 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff?
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States personnel. Thus, be sure to coordinate Execute emergency standby services with state health departments in advance. and hardware contracts – If necessary, Make them aware that they may not be execute pre-placed contracts for products able to access critical health files if the and services needed during the crisis. The state’s primary computing facilities are Governor may have to temporarily sus- non-operational. pend some of the state’s procurement laws and execute emergency purchasing Prepare to treat state IT facilities as dis- guidelines for agencies. Also, consider aster areas and go into full DR/BC mode identifying back-up providers for products – If access is denied to critical state data and services as some suppliers may sus- facilities and the result is a failure from the pend deliveries during a pandemic. technology side, the state CIO must be prepared to enter into full DR/BC mode. Due to a potential lack of access, a CIO Technology may be in the position to declare a full- scale disaster. Shutdown non-essential services – This will free up resources for other critical services. Identify critical business applica- The Supply Chain tions and essential services and then tier them into recovery categories based on Consider outside entities that provide level of importance and allowable down- supplies and support – There are many time. Tier III applications would be shut organizations such as fuel distributors, down first. Critical services should be clas- wholesalers and grocery stores which sified for internal customers versus exter- would all be facing a similar problem as nal customers. Also, limit use of rich media state government in a pandemic situation. and streaming media applications to con- Other potentially critical support elements serve bandwidth. to consider are contractors, vendors and sites that they provide. CIOs also need to Protect current systems – Mechanisms examine services that provide basic necessi- include uninterruptible power supply ties, such as the power grid that supplies (UPS), for example, and back-up genera- power to state IT facilities. The power grid tors with standby contracts for diesel fuel. itself is not subject to infection; however, Use priority and back-up fuel suppliers the massive number of people it requires to that also have back-up generators to oper- keep operating would be just as susceptible ate their pumps in the event of a widely to a pandemic outbreak as anyone else. spread power outage. Review state contracting instruments Remote access from other facilities – If and laws – Set up emergency standby the business processes and capabilities services and hardware contracts and have are established on the front end, the state contracts in place for products and servic- IT environment can be remotely support- es that may be needed in the event of a ed, as long as the systems do not fail. With declared pandemic emergency. Create a the likelihood of operating without back- contract template so that a contract can be up tapes, a CIO’s willingness to operate developed with just one or two hours work without those back-ups will determine time. CIOs must be sure essential IT procure- how long operations continue in that ment staff are part of the DR/BC plan and mode versus declaring an actual disaster. are aware of their roles in executing pre- Such a declaration will involve going to positioned contracts in the event of a disas- either an internal back-up source or an ter. Provide emergency contact information outsourced vendor to begin the recovery ahead of time. CIOs should also develop process. Without a process in place, a CIO “Emergency Purchasing Guidelines” for may be forced to declare a disaster even agencies and have emergency response though IT systems are intact. Virtualization legislation in place. and use of redundant data centers in Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 5
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States remote locations may minimize this risk. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be utilized to monitor power outages and Tele-working – The tactical use of tele- system availability. For emergency com- working for critical staff may resolve many munications, the state’s Web portal can be on-site accessibility problems. However, converted to an emergency management there is still a pervasive culture in state gov- portal. Exploit existing interactive video ernment where some may be leery of let- conferencing sites and services. Also, Web ting staff work from home for fear of creat- 2.0 technologies such as Weblogs, Wikis ing an environment where staff starts and RSS feeds can be utilized for emer- requesting to work from home on a regular gency communications. basis. Working with state personnel offices to educate them on the critical need for tele-working procedures to be in place may CIO Considerations – Preparing avoid future conflict and personnel issues. for the Worse Case Scenario Priority IP access for critical employees State CIOs, as much as possible, should not – The Government Emergency focus on the multi-state, geo-political Telecommunications Service (GETS), which aspects of a pandemic incident, but allows critical government officials to gain instead focus on “how does this directly priority accesses to voice line communica- affect my IT enterprise operations,” and tions, has been extended to cell phone take immediate steps to keep the state’s service allowing users to drive a priority essential IT business functions operating. connection through the PBX phone sys- CIOs should rely on federal, state and local tems. CIOs should explore a similar data emergency management and health offi- service that is sponsored by either the cials to handle the wider “big picture” National Communication System (NCS) issues of disrupted commerce, the general or another federal agency health and well-being of the populace, that would allow critical IT staff to register and control and protection of a panicked their local IP address to allow them to gain populace. priority access through the IP networks. If an isolationist self-sustainable “Shelter Alternative communications methods – in Place” strategy must be implemented, Should a pandemic develop, that doesn’t then the state CIO should consider plan- necessarily mean the Internet will fail. ning for emergency operations center However, absenteeism over a period of class control rooms, complete with self- time among the maintenance staff of contained air filtration systems, on-site Internet providers may lead to issues that fuel supplies for power generation, food cause the Internet’s infrastructure to fail. stores and internal health care and vac- This could greatly affect tele-working cines for essential employees. technologies and VPN access for critical staff and increase the need for remote With states already consolidating data access technologies that do not depend assets in hardened, centralized facilities on PBX phone systems and Internet with secondary back-up centers, taking access. Alternative communications these additional steps may not be think- methods require pre-planning. A CIO can ing too far outside the box, especially con- not afford to explore such methods for the sidering the bleak projections and impli- first time as the problem is unfolding. cations for a natural or man-made pan- Mobile communication centers also can demic incident occurring in the near be utilized in the event that traditional future. telecommunications and IP systems are down. A final important concern of CIO pandem- ic planning centers on what could be very Leverage technology and think outside real and profound implications for essen- the box – In a disaster situation a state’s tial IT and facilities maintenance staff. To 6 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff?
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States maintain critical computing operations that support the state’s first responder community, essential IT and facilities maintenance staff may require insulation both physically and emotionally from the possible horrors occurring outside the data facility doors. It may not be too far- fetched to consider providing critical IT staff psychological training to cope with isolation from families, and the worse case scenario that their loved ones and com- munities my be experiencing untold stress from loss of life and social upheaval. Use this Brief in conjunction with NASCIO’s Disaster Recovery Tool- kit NASCIO’s Disaster Recovery Working Group has developed a series of products on disaster recovery and business conti- nuity including the working group’s publi- cation, “IT Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Tool-kit: Planning for the Next Disaster,” designed to assist state CIOs and their staff in IT disaster recovery and business continuity planning; and NASCIO’s DVD on disaster recovery, “Government at Risk: Protecting Your IT Infrastructure.” These products, along with this issue brief on pandemic pre- paredness, will serve as resources for state CIOs and other state leaders to not only better position themselves to cope with an IT crisis, but also to help make the busi- ness case for disaster recovery and busi- ness continuity activities in their states. Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 7
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Appendix 1. Additional Resources State Government Resources State Pandemic Influenza Summits (ASHTO): – State Pandemic Preparedness Plans: State and Local Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Alabama Pandemic Flu Preparedness Website: Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) Pandemic Preparedness Planning Website: Arizona State Agency Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Checklist: Arizona Influenza Pandemic Response Plan (ADHS): Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Influenza Pandemic Response Plan: California Department of Health Services (CDHS) Pandemic Flu Website: California Department of Health Services (CDHS) Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan: California’s Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Efforts: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Emergency Preparedness and Response Pandemic Influenza Planning Webpage: Connecticut Department of Public Health (CDPH) Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan: Connecticut Department of Public Health (CDPH) Pandemic Influenza Summit: 8 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff?
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, Pandemic Flu Website: Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, Pandemic Influenza Plan: Florida Department of Health (DOH) Pandemic Influenza Website: Florida Department of Health (DOH), Action Plan for Pandemic Influenza Florida, March 2004: Florida CIO Council, Pandemic Information Website: Florida CIO Council, Pandemic Preparedness Committee Website: Georgia Department of Human Resources (GDHR) Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Information Website: Hawaii State Department of Health, Pandemic Flu Plans Website: Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, Pandemic Influenza Response Plan, March 2006: Illinois Department of Public Health Pandemic Influenza Website: Kansas Department of Health & Environment, Pandemic Influenza Information Website: Kansas Department of Health & Environment, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan: Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Pandemic Influenza Website: Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Public Health, Division of Epidemiology and Health Planning, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan, April 2007: Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 9
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Louisiana Office of Public Health, Statewide Draft Pandemic Influenza Plan, September 2006: Pandemic Flu Planning Website: Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Pandemic Influenza Information Website: Maryland Flu Preparedness Website: Maryland’s Department of Health & Mental Hygiene Pandemic Influenza Website: Maryland Community Health Administration Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan Website: Massachusetts Department of Public Health Pandemic Flu Information Webpage: Massachusetts Department of Public Health Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan: Massachusetts Department of Education Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and All Hazards Planning Resources Website: Michigan Department of Community Health Pandemic Influenza Website: Minnesota Department of Health Pandemic Preparedness Website: Mississippi – PandemicFlu.MS.Gov: Missouri State Senate Interim Committee on Pandemic Preparedness Website: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Influenza Summit: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Pandemic Influenza Plan, February 2006: Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness & Response Plan, May 2006: 10 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff?
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Pandemic Flu Homepage: Nebraska Health and Human Services System, Pandemic Influenza Prevention and Control Guidelines, February 2006: Nevada State Health Division, Pandemic Flu Homepage: New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services, Pandemic Planning Coordinating Committee (PPCC): New Hampshire Influenza Pandemic Public Health Preparedness & Response Plan, February 2007: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Pandemic Influenza Website: New Mexico Department of Health, Pandemic Influenza Webpage: Interim Pandemic Influenza Emergency Response, APPENDIX 2 of the Hazard Specific Appendices, New Mexico Department of Health, Emergency Operations Plan, March 2006: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Avian Flu Webpage: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan, July 2006: North Carolina Division of Public Health Resources Pandemic Flu Preparedness Website: North Carolina Pandemic Influenza Plan, January 2007: The North Carolina Center for Public Health Preparedness, Avian & Pandemic Flu Resources Webpage: North Dakota Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Plan Summary: Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 11
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Pandemic Flu Website: Oklahoma State Department of Health, Pandemic Influenza Management Plan Committee, Pandemic Influenza Management Plan, July, 2005: Oklahoma Pandemic Influenza Management Plan, Public Health Fact Sheet, October 2006: Oregon Department of Human Services Pandemic Influenza Webpage: Oregon Department of Human Services Public Health Pandemic Influenza Plan, November 2006: Pennsylvania’s Pandemic Preparedness Website: Rhode Island Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Homepage: Rhode Island Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Checklist, May 2006: South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Webpage: South Dakota Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Information Webpage: Texas Department of State Health Services Pandemic Preparedness Webpage: Texas Department of State Health Services Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan, October 2005: Texas Department of State Health Services, Avian Flu Power Point Presentation, June 2006 Pandemic influenza Website: Utah Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Response Plan, November 2005: 12 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff?
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Virginia Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Webpage: Virginia Department of Health Pandemic Influenza DVD: Washington State Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Webpage: West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Pandemic Influenza Webpage: West Virginia Public Service Commission Pandemic Influenza Webpage: Wisconsin’s Pandemic Influenza (Flu) Information Webpage (Included on this Webpage is information on Governor Doyle’s Pandemic Readiness Summit): Wyoming Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Webpage: Wyoming Department of Health Pandemic Influenza Response Plan Version 2.0, July 2006: Federal Government Resources PandemicFlu.Gov, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO), Pandemic Influenza: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources for Pandemic Flu: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Pandemic Severity Index (Modeled after the five levels of severity used for hurricanes and designed to help officials determine whether to take steps such as advising employers to promote tele-work): U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Strategy for Pandemic Flu: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Assistance for Human Influenza Pandemic, Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.17 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 13
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress, Pandemic Influenza: An Analysis of State Preparedness and Response Plans, September 2007: . The White House, National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Website: The White House, National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza: Implementation Plan, May 2006: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Pandemic Planning Website: The Government Accountability Office (GAO), Influenza Pandemic: Opportunities Exist to Address Critical Infrastructure Protection Challenges That Require Federal and Private Sector Coordination, GAO-08-36, October 2007: GAO Report Highlights: National/ International Organization, Academia and Consortium Resources National Governor’s Association (NGA) publication on state-wide pandemic planning, “Preparing for a Pandemic Influenza: A Primer for Governors and Senior State Officials.” The National Center for Critical Incident Analysis, Report, Pandemic Influenza – Nature’s Bioterrorist Threat: World Health Organization (WHO) Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR) Website: Articles and Reports Government Technology, Some IT workers may get priority on flu pandemic vaccine, October 2007, News Report Government Technology, Georgia Recipient of Pandemic Flu Preparedness Funds, September 2007, News Report “Simulation Suggests that Flu Outbreak Could Cripple the Internet” – Government Computer News (GCN), May 2006 14 Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff?
NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Influenza Pandemic Simulation, Implications for the Public and Private Sectors, a report by Booz Allen Hamilton, 2006: Pandemic Planning and Response for State IT: Where’s My Staff? 15
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