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Issue One 2022        Banker
Growth You Can
                                                              Bank On
                                2022 SOUTH CAROLINA BANKERS SCHOOL
                                                                             July 10-15, 2022
                                                               Lander University, Greenwood, SC

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Chairman......................................................................... K. Wayne Wicker, South Atlantic Bank
Chairman-Elect.............................................. Fleetwood S. Hassell, The Bank of South Carolina
                                                                                                                                     5           President’s Message
First Vice Chairman................................................................................. Boyd B. Jones, Synovus
Treasurer...................................................................... Jennifer T. Jones, CBL State Savings Bank
Immediate Past Chairman.................................................. James A. Bennett, First Citizens Bank                      7           ABA Update
Second Immediate Past Chairman................................................Samuel L. Erwin, First Horizon
President & CEO..................................... Fred L. Green III, South Carolina Bankers Association
Directors...........................................................................Thomas Bouchette, The Citizens Bank
                                                                                                                                     8           FDIC Board Takeover
                                                                                            Renee Brooks, SouthState Bank
                                                                          Richard D. Burleson, Community First Bank
                                                                                     J. Holt Chetwood, First Citizens Bank
                                                                                 Robert F. Dozier, Jr., First Reliance Bank
                                                                     Curtis T. Evatt, Oconee Federal Savings & Loan
                                                                                                                                    12           Legislative Spotlight

                                                                                           C. Justin Hawkins, Wells Fargo
                                                                                             M.J. Huggins III, United Bank                       BankPAC Sporting Clays
                                                                                    John D. Kimberly, Park National Bank
                                                                                              David P. Looper, Wells Fargo

                                                                                            Dominik Mjartan, Optus Bank
                                                                                     Marvin E. Robinson, Jr., Ameris Bank                        Women in Banking
                                                                                Samuel R. Small, Jr., First Palmetto Bank
                                                                                           H. Richard Sturm, Ameris Bank

                                                                                         C. Kyle Thomas, Blue Ridge Bank

                                                                                                                                                 Legislative Reception
Chairman...........................................................Curtis T. Evatt, Oconee Federal Savings & Loan

Immediate Past Chairman.................................................. J. Ted Nissen, First Community Bank
Directors.........................................Marion E. “Buzz” Freeman, Jr., The Conway National Bank                                        Washington Summit
                                                                   L.E. “Bo” Griffin, Home Federal Savings & Loan
                                                                          Richard N. McIntyre, First Reliance Bank

                                                                  Jamie O. Morphis III, Carolina Bank & Trust Co.

2021-22 BANK ERS SC H O O L B O A R D
                                                                                                                                                 Young Bankers Division
Chair................................................................................. Marvin E. Robinson, Jr., Ameris Bank

Chair-Elect....................................................................... Richard N. Burch, South Atlantic Bank
Immediate Past Chair.....................................................................Annette L. Scott, Countybank
Directors.............................................................. Thomas C. Anderson, Jr., First Palmetto Bank
                                                                                                                                                 Community Bankers Division
                                                                   Robert P. Hucks II, Coastal Carolina National Bank

                                                                                       Calvin C. Hurst, Southern First Bank
                                                                                         John M. Leighton, SouthState Bank
                                                                                 Joseph A. Painter, First Community Bank                         Welcome New Members
                                                                            Michelle B. Seaver, United Community Bank

                                                                                        J. Reeves Skeen, First Citizens Bank
                                                                                     Robert L. White, Bank of Travelers Rest                     Education & Professional
                                                                                                                Mze Wilkins                      Development
Course Coordinators........................................................................................James R. Clarkson
                                                                                                John C. Griggs III, Synovus
                                                                                         W. David Keller, The Citizens Bank
                                                                           Francis A. Townsend III, The Southern Bank               42           Personal Transactions
Chair................................................................................................David P. Looper, Wells Fargo
Chair-Elect.................................................................................Rufus T. Dunlap V, Countybank
First Vice Chairman...................................................................... B. Oneal Staples, Ameris Bank
                                                                                                                                    46           Banking News
Immediate Past Chair............................................................Allison B. Cranford, TD Bank, N.A.
Directors..................................................................................................Reid J. Boehm, Synovus
                                                                                  Michelle A. Coletta, South Atlantic Bank
                                                                                                                                    SC B A St a f f
                                                                         Vaughan R. Dozier, Jr., First Community Bank
                                                                                        Margi M. Fleming, The Citizens Bank         President & CEO............................. Fred L. Green III
                                                                                      Austin J. Goforth, First Palmetto Bank        Chief Operating Officer.................... Richards H. Green
                                                                                       Lauren D. Greene, First Citizens Bank        Senior Vice President....................... Carolyn L. Bradley
                                                                                                   Daniel Harshaw, Bank of York     Senior Vice President....................... E. Anne Gillespie
                                                                          Joseph H. Hyman, The Conway National Bank                 Senior Vice President & Counsel..... A. O’Neil Rashley, Jr., Esq.
                                                                                       Othniel W. Laffitte, GrandSouth Bank         Accounting Officer........................... Israel D. Reeves
                                                                                                                                    Administrative Assistant................... Bonnie E. Nelson
                                                                                Everette J. Livingston, First Citizens Bank
                                                                                      S. Alexis Matthews, The Peoples Bank          The Palmetto Banker is a publication of the South Carolina
                                                                                          Jared A. Polk, Enterprise Bank of SC      Bankers Association. The magazine exists to serve its members by
                                                                                     Charles H. Redmond, SouthState Bank            communicating news of interest, education and SCBA activities.
                                                                                               Lincoln R. Stewart, Countybank       Items from members are welcome, however the editor reserves the
                                                                    M. Brice Sprayberry III, United Community Bank                  right to refuse copy. With the exception of official announcements, the
                                                                                                                                    SCBA disclaims responsibility for opinions expressed and statements
                                                                                                                                    made in articles published in the Palmetto Banker.
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Long Game
               RESILIENCE                                                                                   Fred L. Green III, President & CEO
                                                                                                            South Carolina Bankers Association

Spring is my favorite time of the year. I enjoy the four different         those same characteristics are important in our legislative
and distinct seasons we have in South Carolina and each one has            activities. There are many sensible and logical things we would
unique characteristics, but Spring in my favorite. To me, Spring is        love to fix with the snap of a finger. Leveling the playing field
the season of renewal. Trees, barren over the cold winter sprout           with credit unions and having sensible regulation are some
new growth. Flowers, whether wild or carefully cultivated, offer           that quickly come to mind.
a beautiful array of colors and smells. Wildlife is more active.
The smallest creatures like butterflies leave their cocoons and the        A relatively new and dangerous issue we face is in the area
larger animals like deer give birth to the next generation.                of environmental, social, and governance, or ESG, initiatives.
                                                                           Bank-driven programs that take into account a community’s
Because of the warmer and longer days, we humans also take                 environment, social concerns, or how a bank governs itself can
advantage of the change of season. We spend more time outdoors             be an important part of how a bank meets the needs of the
walking, playing golf, watching our children’s sports, fishing, and        communities it serves. Recently, however, policymakers have
for me, chasing wild turkeys. For those unfamiliar with the sport,         considered, and in some cases enacted, policies that would in
spring turkey hunting is the most challenging of all big game              effect impose ESG-related requirements on banks under the guise
hunting. The season is short, a little over 30 days, and bad weather       of safety and soundness. In other cases, policymakers have tried
can always interrupt the best laid plans during the five or six            to prohibit banks from considering ESG factors. These initiatives
weekends of the season. Strategy, tactics, patience, perseverance,         are efforts to force us to bank or not bank a lawful company
skill, and luck all play a role in a successful hunt. I describe it as a   or industry. Both sides of this political spectrum represent
chess match in the woods with an opponent that “makes his living           inappropriate governmental intervention into a bank’s business
there” versus someone like me who is an infrequent visitor. The            decisions. Regulation taken on one side of the political spectrum
odds are heavily stacked in favor of the weary old Tom.                    will be countered by an opposite reaction by others.

So, you might wonder how all these Spring activities have                  Banks should be free to lend to and generally do business
anything to do with the South Carolina Bankers Association or              with any entity or activity that is legal, without government
banking in general. This edition of the Palmetto Banker is                 interference. Likewise, banks should not be compelled to do
dedicated to a renewal of sorts of our activities and interaction          business with an entity, except in the case of fair lending or
with our bankers. After another COVID related interruption this            anti-discrimination requirements. Allowing banks to make their
past winter, we have enjoyed many opportunities to meet in                 own business decisions has helped foster the deepest and most
person with our members this Spring. The volume of pictures in             resilient banking system in the world, and policymakers should
this edition of the many events speaks to the pent-up demands              not undermine that.
of getting out and catching up with old friends. All of the various
topics, programs, and events are important and beneficial, but             A successful outcome on all of these political and regulatory
maybe the biggest benefit is the intangible one of spending                challenges we face requires us to play the “long game.” If the
time on important issues with each other.                                  current environment is not conducive to a favorable outcome,
                                                                           we don’t give up. We give it our best and we persevere. As an
Segueing back to my earlier Spring turkey hunting comments,                industry, we also are very resilient. We continue to advance the
they also have parallels to our business. Just as strategy, tactics,       agenda regardless of the challenge because at some point, just like
patience, perseverance, skill, and luck are important in that sport,       in turkey hunting, it all comes together.
                                                                                          I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER          5
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           Unlocking Banking’s
                            ‘New Frontier’                                                                Rob Nichols, President and CEO
                                                                                                           American Bankers Association

In case you haven’t noticed,                Large custody banks—like the Bank of          the President’s Working Group on
cryptocurrencies are an increasingly hot    New York Mellon and Northern Trust—           Financial Markets highlighted the risks
topic of conversation in this country.      are also developing custody services          of stablecoins, recommending that
                                            for crypto.                                   they be issued by insured depository
According to a Pew Research Center                                                        institutions that are subject to
sur vey fielded in November, 86%            Bank customers know they can rely on          consolidated supervision, and that any
of Americans said they have heard           their banks to steward their finances and     providers of custodial wallets be subject
about cryptocurrencies, and 16% said        keep their financial data safe. A recent      to appropriate federal oversight as well.
they have invested in, traded or used       Morning Consult poll highlighted that
them. Cryptocurrency use is growing         banks are the most trusted among all          For our part, ABA is taking a deep dive
particularly rapidly among younger          financial services providers. Given that,     into what we can do to support banks’
Americans, with 31% of Americans            it’s no surprise that consumers want to       participation in crypto and other digital
between ages 18 and 29 telling Pew they     receive cryptocurrency services from          assets through both our advocacy and
have participated in crypto transactions.   their bank. But don’t just take my word       t h ro u g h t e c h n o l o g y p a r t n e r s h i p s .
                                            for it: a survey from NYDIG, a bitcoin        Additionally, in December, we made an
More often than not, these trades           services firm, confirmed that a whopping      investment in NYDIG, a leading provider
are happening through financial             81% of bitcoin holders would shift their      of bitcoin services for banks. This
intermediaries—and consumers are            bitcoin to a bank if it offered secure        investment will support banks’ ability to
increasingly turning to banks to hold       bitcoin storage. Undoubtedly, this “new       meet customer demand in this rapidly
these digital assets. In fact, I’ve heard   frontier” of cryptocurrency represents a      evolving market, so that as we unlock
from a growing number of bank leaders       huge opportunity for banks.                   this “new frontier” of cryptocurrencies
that their customers want to buy, hold                                                    and digital assets, consumers can
and use crypto—and they want to do it       But in order for banks to successfully        continue to place their trust in America’s
through their banks.                        navigate this new frontier, the bank          banks to meet their financial needs.
                                            regulatory architecture needs to catch
Banks have already begun making             up—quickly. More clarity is needed from       We understand that expanding into
inroads into the crypto services business   the banking agencies about how banks          cryptocurrency products and solutions
—offering a responsible pathway for         can offer these services in a safe and        won’t be for every bank, and that’s okay.
consumers to adopt these novel financial    sound manner. Without this clarity, the       We firmly stand with banks in their right
products. Take for example Vast Bank,       unlevel playing field between banks and       to decide, according to their own
a community institution based in            the rapidly growing cadre of firms            judgment and market strategy, what
Oklahoma that recently launched a           seeking to operate as banks while             products they will offer. However, even
cr ypto custody account that bank           evading the full scope of bank                with mixed opinions on the value of
customers can manage in their app           regulations, will continue.                   cryptocurrency as an asset class or as a
alongside their FDIC-insured dollar                                                       basis for a product set, ABA believes
account. Or Quontic Bank, which offers a    There have been some positive                 strongly that banks should have access
checking product that provides rewards      developments, with the OCC issuing an         to the tools, partners and regulatory
in bitcoin, offering consumers an           interpretive letter clarifying its approach   frameworks that allow them to meet
opportunity to wade into the crypto         for approving crypto-related activities for   their customers’ needs.
space without buying it themselves.         national banks. Additionally, a report by
                                                                                  I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER                       7
    An Interview with Former FDIC Board Member
                 and Mississippi Banker Joe Neely
                                                                               Article Courtesy of Mississippi Bankers Association

                                         The Federal Deposit Insurance                 banking consulting entity. Neely’s broad
                                         Corporation (FDIC) is an independent          banking experience including his time on
                                         agency created by Congress to maintain        the FDIC board gives him unique
                                         stability and public confidence in the        knowledge of this situation. MBA
                                         nation’s banking system by insuring bank      considers his perspectives as informative
                                         deposits. It has served this function since   to bankers in order to raise their awareness
                                         its creation in 1933, in a purposely          of recent developments and the current
                                         designed, balanced, non-partisan manner.      environment at the FDIC.
                                         However, in December, some members of
                                         the Board of Directors bypassed the                 FDIC Background 101
                                         normal agenda and staff vetting procedures
                                         in an unprecedented move that seems to        The FDIC is governed by a five-person
                                         be politically motivated.                     Board of Directors that includes the
                                                                                       Comptroller of the Currency and the
                                         These actions led to the FDIC Chair’s         Director of the Consumer Financial
                                         abrupt resignation and have led some to       Protection Bureau, and three independent
                                         question the remaining leadership’s           FDIC Directors all of whom are appointed
                                         objectiveness, including Mississippi’s own    by the President and then confirmed by
                                         former FDIC board member, Joe Neely. He       the Senate. Each board member must meet
                                         is a former career banker, a state            certain statutory requirements. For
                                         Commissioner of Banking and Consumer          example, one must have state bank
                                         Finance, retired Chief Executive at First     supervisory experience. The number and
                                         National Bankers Bank, and currently          composition of board seats has varied
                                         principal of Neely and Associates, LLC, a     somewhat due to changes made by
8   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
Congress over the almost 90 years of the       add a record of the vote to the FDIC’s                       He continued that he is also ver y
FDIC’s existence. Importantly, no more         official minutes.                                            c o n c e r n e d a b o u t t h e F D I C s t a ff .
than three board members can be from the                                                                    “FDIC staff was bypassed in the drafting
same political party.                          J u s t t w o w e e k s l a t e r, M c Wi l l i a m s        of the proposed bank merger document.
                                               s u b m i t t e d h e r r e s i g n a t i o n l e t t e r.   As a result, it was filled with inaccuracies,
Currently the Vice Chairman seat is vacant     McWilliams had been FDIC Chair since                         omissions, and misrepresentations that
and, as of February 4, 2022, Chairman          2018 and she was appointed for a term                        would not have been present had the
Jelena McWilliams’ resignation leaves the      extending through 2024. Her resignation                      experienced people at the FDIC been
Chairman position officially vacant. FDIC      leaves key regulatory agency leadership                      allowed to research and prepare the
Director Martin Gruenberg will likely          positions for President Biden to fill,                       document. No Director is intelligent,
function as Interim Chairman until             pending Senate confirmation. President                       astute, or seasoned enough to make
which time the White House elects to           Biden’s recent pick for Comptroller of                       informed decisions on complex and
nominate a Chairman and that nominee           the Currency, Saule Omarova, withdrew                        technical matters without assistance and
is subsequently confirmed by the Senate.       after facing bipartisan Senate opposition                    support of the capable and experienced
As of publication, the board members are       in December.                                                 staff at the FDIC,” he said.
Martin Gruenberg, Director, FDIC;
Michael Hsu, Director, Acting Comptroller                    What it Means                                  Given the mission of the FDIC, Neely
of the Currency; and most recently                         for the FDIC Now                                 believes that every banker should be
appointed, Rohit Chopra, Director, CFPB.                                                                    concerned about what is currently going
All three are considered Democrats and         “I was very impressed with Chairman                          on within the board. “Each pillar of the
were appointed by Democratic presidents,       McWilliams, having had the opportunity                       mission affects every deposit holder in
meaning there is currently no voice from       to meet with her personally and privately.                   America. The overwhelming majority of
the Republican party on the board.             Her heart was in the job, and I have                         Americans are banking at FDIC regulated
                                               no doubt that she tried every day to do                      and insured banks, and you want a
         What Happened                         the right thing, especially given her                        regulator who is not using political bias
          in December                          background,” said Joe Neely. McWilliams                      or an agenda when supervising the safety
                                               immigrated to America from Yugoslavia                        and soundness of that institution.
Newly appointed member Chopra and              in 1991, and her father lost all deposits                    You also want the deposit insurance
longtime member Gruenberg acted                in a bank failure.                                           fund protected and preserved without
unprecedentedly when they held a private,                                                                   prejudice or bias toward any depositor.
unscheduled vote to solicit public             Neely was appointed to the FDIC board of                     And, if a bank should fail, you want to
feedback on potential changes to the           directors in 1996. He was a Republican                       see that the institution is liquidated and
FDIC’s bank merger approval process. The       appointed by President Bill Clinton                          assumed in an orderly and independent
FDIC Chair controls the agenda, and            (Democrat). It was a 5-person board at the                   process without favor to any depositor,
Chopra and Gruenberg attempted to              time. However, the Office of Thrift                          claimant, or stakeholder.”
override that protocol. McWilliams did not     Supervision Director held the seat now
participate in the vote and cited the          held by the CFPB Director.                                   Neely handled one bank failure while he
maneuver as improper and out of order. In                                                                   was the Mississippi Commissioner of
an official statement, the FDIC said the       “Since its founding, the board has worked                    Banking and Consumer Finance, and it’s
action was not valid. This then led to         collegially to achieve the Corporation’s                     an experience he said he’ll never forget.
debate over whether a majority of the          mission by blending their combined                           “It was the right decision, but no one
board can force items onto the board           expertise and experience while relying                       was as nervous as I was walking into
agenda without the consent of the Chair.       heavily upon the support of FDIC staff. As                   that bank. However, because of the
“The FDIC has three responsibilities,” said    a board member, you must leave your                          long-standing protocols and procedures
Neely. “To effectively supervise state-        personal or political agendas at the door.                   in place established by the FDIC,
chartered banks, to protect and preserve       What has happened recently is a classic                      everything was handled properly and
the integrity of the deposit insurance fund,   example of what happens when partisan                        efficiently. That’s the system that needs to
and to provide for the orderly liquidation     politics enters the boardroom of what                        be preserved. You don’t want partisan
of failed institutions. For 88 years, the      should be an independent agency,” he said.                   politics interfering with that process
FDIC has successfully and efficiently          Neely said that during his own 14-month                      and skewing the balance somehow.”
accomplished this mission. And for that        confirmation process that no one once
time, the Chairman has managed the             tried to influence his vote, including any                            What Can Be Done
agenda [of Board meetings]. Chopra and         Senator or the White House. He believes
Gruenberg circumvented 88 years of             that appears to have changed now. “Certain                   “The FDIC cannot effectively operate with
process and protocol, as well as bypassed      Directors are clearly carrying out the                       political influence. Congress will have to
FDIC staff, with their attempt to publish      motives of their political supporters and                    act to help restore balance to the board.
their proposed rule for comment.”              the current administration. For example,                     But for Congress to act, they must hear
                                               Chopra initiated this pre-meditated coup                     from American citizens and the banking
Then, at a December 14 board meeting,          less than three weeks after being sworn in                   industry,” said Neely.
McWilliams rejected a bid by Chopra to         as Director of CFPB,” he said.
                                                                                                   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER                  9
Neely advocates for returning to the three-     He said it’s also worth pointing out           entire free world beats a path to the FDIC’s
member board composition that existed           that there is currently no community           door and envies the American system
prior to the passage of FIRREA in 1989 as       bank representation on the board.              of depositor protection. Why would we
a result of the savings and loan crisis. “The   No present board member has experience         allow that system to be compromised or
more agencies that are represented on the       supervising state-chartered banks,             placed in jeopardy?”
board, the more convoluted it becomes.”         which is required by statute. Neely was the
The CFPB did not even exist when the            first FDIC Director to meet this newly         He is strongly advocating for bankers to
board structure was changed from 3 seats        adopted statutory requirement, having          get involved and reach out to Congress so
to 5 a few decades ago. The CFPB has a          served as Mississippi’s Commissioner of        the FDIC system can be preserved and
seat on the board as a result of the passage    Banking and Consumer Finance. The              proper balance on the board can be
of Dodd-Frank in 2010, which eliminated         Conference of State Bank Supervisors           restored. “We don’t need to tinker with
the OTS and created the CFPB. According         (CSBS), a national group dedicated to          the FDIC. We need to make sure this
to Neely, that was the prime opportunity to     advancing state bank regulation and            system prevails and performs its primary
return to a three-member board and              supervision, addressed this in a letter to     missions for the benefit of the American
internally refocus the FDIC’s mission.          Senate leadership on January 31.               depositor and our country.”

Not only is it not balanced politically now,    According to Neely, “The FDIC is one of        Overall, Neely emphasized that the FDIC
but the FDIC board does not accurately          the sacred success story institutions in       is still the strong institution it always
represent the banking industry or the           American history. It was created from a        has been, and the deposit insurance fund
depositor base across the country. “The         horrible situation, and it has done a          is sound. This invasion of partisan politics
FDIC shouldn’t make any policy decisions        wonderful job to ensure that situation         into FDIC governance is just a “crack in
until there is a voice representing the         doesn’t happen again.”                         the veneer,” but one that needs attention
minority political party on the board.                                                         immediately to maintain the ability of the
There used to be a commitment to                Neely said that countries all over the world   FDIC to meet its mission for the benefit
representation from both parties, and that      use the FDIC as a model for insuring           of the American public.
commitment needs to be reestablished.           deposits within their institutions. While
And until this happens, it is eroding the       Neely was on the board, he worked with
board’s ability to meet its mission in a        the nation of Korea to establish the Korea
bipartisan manner,” he added.                   Deposit Insurance Corporation. “The

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                  Senator Mike Reichenbach:
       S O U T H C A R O L I N A ’ S N E W E S T S TAT E S E N AT O R
                                          By: Neil Rashley, SCBA Senior Vice President and Counsel

                                                                         In 2021 he was appointed to the board of First Reliance Bank.
                                                                         “I joined the First Reliance board because I’ve seen firsthand
                                                                         how community banks can have such a positive influence on a
                                                                         local community through the relationships they build. Just as my
                                                                         wife, my team and I worked to make our dealerships successful
                                                                         coming out of the Great Recession, community banks work hard
                                                                         daily to not only help business succeed but also help people get
                                                                         back on their feet, get into homes, and get into transportation.
                                                                         Our bank team is always asking what’s best for our shareholders,
                                                                         customers, employees and community.”

                                                                         Beyond his dealerships and bank board involvement,
                                                                         Sen. Reichenbach is extensively involved in the Florence business
                                                                         community. He was chosen as a member of the inaugural board
                                                                         of the Francis Marion University School of Business Center for
                                                                         Entrepreneurship. In 2015, he was honored to be named a
                                                                         charter member of the Florence-Darlington Technical College’s
                                                                         Entrepreneurial Forum. He also has served on the boards for the
                                                                         Florence-Darlington Technical College Foundation, and the
                                                                         Francis Marion University School of Business Advisory Board. In
Senator Mike Reichenbach (R–Florence) is South Carolina’s                2011, he was named the “Businessperson of the Year” by the
newest state senator but, more than that, he sees himself as a           Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce.
job-creating businessman, a sworn law enforcement officer, and
a dedicated community volunteer. Elected on March 29, 2022 to            Sen. Reichenbach was commissioned as a law enforcement
fill the seat of deceased, long-time senator, Hugh Leatherman,           officer 20 years ago; first with SLED, as a state constable, and
Reichenbach looks to bring to the Senate a fresh perspective of a        then with DNR as a game warden and deputy law enforcement
successful businessman.                                                  officer. In 2012, he was selected for the U.S. Army War College’s
                                                                         National Security Seminar, and in 2018, he was promoted to
Originally from Ohio, Sen. Reichenbach graduated from Bowling            Major in the South Carolina Military Department’s Joint Services
Green State University with a business degree in accounting.             Detachment. In 2019, Reichenbach was awarded the South
While earning his MBA from the University of Michigan, Mike              Carolina Military Department’s Certificate of Achievement for
met his wife, Charisse, in a Detroit church; and they have been          extraordinary leadership.
married for more than 25 years.
                                                                         He was selected to the Leadership Florence Class of 2020,
In Ohio, he worked with the Ford Motor Company but then                  Leadership South Carolina Class of 2020, Liberty Fellowship
decided to pursue his dream of owning a dealership. He and               Class of 2019 (an Aspen Global Leadership Network Fellowship)
Charisse sought out solid communities to raise their children,           and The Riley Institute’s Diversity Leadership Initiative Class of
while also running a dealership, and they discovered Florence, SC.       2018. He has completed tenures as the Chairman of the Board of
They purchased a Ford dealership there in 2008 and, even though          the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce and Vice Chairman
they began during a recession, they opened two more dealerships,         of the Coastal Carolina Hospital Board of Directors, and currently
creating many new jobs. “When my wife and I purchased our first          serves as the Vice Chairman of the McLeod Health Foundation
dealership in 2008, during the recession, we saw the struggles           Board, as well as a Member of the Board of Directors for United
many business owners face–making payroll, choosing healthcare            Way Association of South Carolina.
plans, and managing frivolous lawsuits. Business owners learn
quickly to wear multiple hats,” he stated. It was these observations     He and Charisse have two children attending the University of
that led him to run for the Senate seat so he could address the          South Carolina. The Reichenbach family resides in Florence and
many problems and needs of small businesses.                             are active members of NewSpring Church.

12     I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
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FNBB Capital Markets, LLC services are offered through an affiliate FINRA broker dealer.
FNBB Services Corp. is not a CPA firm and does not engage in the practice of public accounting..
Insurance products are not insured by any Federal government agency. Not a deposit. Not FDIC insured and not guaranteed by this bank.
hosted by the Young Bankers Division

                              Our Young Bankers Division has become more
 Thank You Sponsors           active in engaging with our grassroots efforts.
                              Thanks to everyone who supported the Young
                              Bankers Division third annual BankPAC Sporting
                              Clays Tournament Fundraiser held on Wednesday,
                              November 17, at Palmetto Shooting Complex in
                              Edgefield, South Carolina.

                              Chair of the Event, Margi Fleming, Vice President                C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S
                              Human Resources, Branch Administration &                         TO THE WINNING TEAM:
                              Marketing, The Citizens Bank had this to say,                    Ben Barnhill, Nelson Mullins Riley
                              “This year’s BankPac Sporting Clays Fundraiser                     & Scarborough, LLP
                              was a tremendous success with around 100                         Michael Boozer, Integrated Financial
                              shooters, amazing weather and friendly                             Solutions
                              competition. The event was held at the                           Duffie Powers, Gallivan, White &
                                                                                                 Boyd, P.A.
                              renowned Palmetto Shooting Complex and
                                                                                               Ben Skelley, AgSouth Farm Credit, ACA
                              raised about $22,000 for SCBA State Pac. The
                              State Pac supports state legislators who support
                              the banking industry and the pro-business
                              agenda in our State. We were also excited to
                              have four legislators attend the event this year
                              and hope to continue to increase those
                              connections over time.”

                              Anyone who shares an interest in the future of
                              the banking industry and wishes to preserve the
                              important role of banks in our economy and our
                              communities should contribute annually to one                    HIGHEST FEMALE SHOOTER
                              of our PACs.                                                     Lisa LaFrance

                                     SAVE THE DATE FOR
                                  THIS YEAR’S TOURNAMENT
                                    WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16
                                    Palmetto Shooting Complex
                                     Edgefield, South Carolina                                 HIGHEST MALE SHOOTER
                                                                                               Duffie Powers
                                                                                                 Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A.
                              If you have questions regarding the SCBA’s
                              B a n k PA C s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t R i c k G r e e n ,
                     or (803) 779-0850.

                              If you are interested in securing a sponsorship for
                              the 2022 event, contact Carolyn L. Bradley,
                     or (803) 779-0850.
14   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
Photo Recap

I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   15
hosted by the Young Bankers Division

The Palmetto Shooting Complex, Edgefield, SC

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Photo Recap

I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   17
2022                            LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM
Tuesday, February 8 – Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Hilton Columbia Center | Columbia, South Carolina

Thank You Sponsors
Photo Recap

I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   19
2022                      LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM

 Tuesday, February 8 – Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Hilton Columbia Center | Columbia, South Carolina

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I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   21

22   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
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Photo Recap

The South Carolina Small Business Development Centers has a
network of over 50 highly-trained professionals across the state to help
businesses adapt and recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.

We help clients to:
   Understand lender’s needs
   Identify financing options and facilitate lender referrals
   Prepare a business plan, financial projections and other aspects of
   loan applications
   Understand financial reports and implement solid fiscal practices like
   budgeting, bookkeeping and cash flow

We offer no-fee, confidential business consulting and affordable educational
workshops. You can trust us to refer clients who are knowledgeable and
equipped to do business with you.

    Contact us. We can help. Visit
                                                                            I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   25

26   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
Photo Recap
Young Bankers

     2 0 2 2           Y O U N G                  B A N K E R S                  D I V I S I O N

     Annual Conference
       The 2022 Young Bankers Division Annual Conference proved to be most successful with
       phenomenal attendance and participation among emerging leaders. The Annual Conference
       provided a fantastic opportunity to make new friends, establish, cultivate and maintain
       relationships and learn about the critical issues facing bankers and the banking industry
       today. On March 18–20, close to 200 bankers, associates, spouses and guests gathered at The
       Sweetgrass Inn, Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms, SC for educational presentations, business
       development and fellowship.

       One of the most important initiatives of the SCBA is to facilitate peer-to-peer interaction for our
       member banks and business-to-business interaction for our banks and associate members.
       The business sessions and relaxing atmosphere throughout the 2022 Conference created an
       opportunity for just that. Chair David Looper, Wells Fargo, was delighted to present a conference
       with a diverse and varied array of speakers able to talk on a range of important topics. Over
       the weekend attendees had access to top industry thought leaders, shared ideas with peers,
       received strategies for solving challenges and gained insight to help influence positive change
       within their organization. Featured speakers included: James C. Ballentine, Executive Vice
       President of Congressional Relations and Political Affairs, American Bankers Association;
       Blake E. Fortier, Manager — Commercial Product, nCino; Gina Ginn Greenwood, JD, CIPP/US,
       Partner, Co-Chair, Data Breach Response Practice, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP;
       LaVaughn M. Henry, PHD, CBE, Special Assistant to the Sr. Deputy Director of Supervision and
       Policy in the Division of Risk Management & Supervision of the FDIC; and André Kennebrew,
       Director of Relationships, LifeShape International.

       On Saturday morning, Connor Shaw, USC’s all time winning quarterback and Benefits Advisor with
       HUB International led an inspirational prayer breakfast. The Conference concluded with dinner
       and dancing to “Fantasy” on Saturday evening.

       Rufus T. “Wells” Dunlap V, Countybank, was elected to serve as Chair of the Young Bankers
       Division Board for the 2022-2023 SCBA year and he is excited to announce the 2023 Conference
       will be held at The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee, Greensboro, GA, March 3-5, 2023. Please
       mark these dates on your calendar and make plans to send your emerging leaders.

       Our goal is to educate and empower tomorrow’s banking and business leaders while also
       encouraging personal, professional and community development. What makes the Young Bankers
       Division and the SCBA unique is the ability for each to compete fiercely by day but to come together
       and interact socially by night with each other to share ideas, challenges and opportunities.

       A special thanks to our many sponsors — this event would not be possible without your support!

       For more information about the Young Bankers Division and/or the Annual Conference, please
       contact Carolyn L. Bradley, or (803) 779-0850.

28    I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
Thank You Sponsors

                     I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   29
2 0 2 2   Y O U N G

Annual Conference
                      B A N K E R S   D I V I S I O N

                                                        Photo Recap

30    I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
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Copyright © 2022 by S&P Global Market Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved. No content, including by framing or similar means, may be reproduced or
distributed without the prior written permission of S&P Global Market Intelligence or its affiliates. The content is provided on an “as is” basis.
Young Bankers

                       2022 State House Visit
       Several years ago, the Young Bankers Division Board of Directors recognized the need to become
       more politically active and jumped at the opportunity. Public policies at the state and national
       level have a direct impact on a bank’s ability to succeed and meet customer needs. On March 2,
       about 20 of the young bankers and bank representatives met at the State House and visited
       with Chairmen Sandifer, Cromer and Davis, as well as Senator Alexander, President of the Senate.
       When our elected officials know you and understand your business, they are far more likely to
       approach policy development in a manner that can reduce your risk. If you are an emerging
       leader interested in joining this important initiative and maximizing your voice, please contact
       Carolyn L. Bradley, or (803) 779-0850.

32    I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
Photo Recap

I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   33
                                                 Photo Recap
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Columbia, SC

 Thank You Sponsors

34   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
Custom cybersecurity solutions
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   Gain a trusted cybersecurity advisor and ensure your ISP is well-
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   Participate in uniquely designed, role-based, industry-specific
   cybersecurity EDUCATION.

                     Contact Nick Podhradsky
        605-770-3926 | |
                                        I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER   35
     M e mb e r s

       We are fortunate to have an active and engaged roster of Associate members
                        and proudly welcome these new members:

                                      Alliance Partners      BancAlliance is a network of over 300 community banks
                      4475 Willard Avenue, Suite 1100        throughout the country. BancAlliance offers efficient and easy
                             Chevy Chase, MD 20815
                                                             access to its commercial loan program, consumer loan program
                                       (301) 232-5400
                   		          and small business loan programs through membership. There is
                                                             no upfront fee to join and fees are only payable to the extent
                                Mr. Abraham Swartz (Abe)     members participate in a BancAlliance opportunity.
                    Vice President, Southeast Development
                                             106 Sneed Dr.
                                        Taylors, SC 29687
                                           (864) 436-8513

                                   Card Payment Solutions     Based in Florence, South Carolina, Card Payment Solutions
                       514 Second Loop Road, Suite A and B    provides merchant processing and e-commerce services to small
                                       Florence, SC 29505
                                                              business and enterprise clients throughout the United States,
                                           (843) 661-1003
                        making it easier and more affordable for businesses to connect
                                                              with customers and collect payments for products and services.
                               Mr. Raymond Watson (Jaye)
                      514 Second Loop Road, Suites A and B    We serve clients across a wide range of retail, online, and service
                                       Florence, SC 29505
                                                              markets, with offices located nationwide, coast to coast. Contact us
                                           (843) 661-1003
                       today to learn how we can help your business earn more profit on
                                                              every card transaction.

                                       Celero Commerce       Celero Commerce is a FinTech company that partners with
                                  100 Westwood Pl. #200      Financial Institutions to deliver payment processing services, business
                                   Brentwood, TN 37027
                                                             management software, and data intelligence to small and medium-
                                          (844) 423-5376
                             sized businesses across the US. Celero empowers business owners and
                                                             executives to focus on driving commerce and cultivating growth and
                                           Mr. John Dodd     profitability. We want to help them win. This core goal is reflected in
                                  100 Westwood Pl. #200      our name, as Celero is from Latin meaning “accelerate.” We pride
                                   Brentwood, TN 37027
                                                             ourselves on helping our customers earn more revenue, drive repeat
                                          (615) 376-7878
                           business, and increase efficiency and market share. Our headquarter
                                                             is in Nashville, and we have offices in Los Angeles, Petaluma, Dallas,
                                                             Minneapolis, Greenville, Boca Raton, and Chicago.

36   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
DC BLOX       The data center industry is changing. The explosive growth of data,
                 6 W Druid Hills NE      applications, devices, and content are stretching the capacity of IT
                  Atlanta, GA 30080      and network infrastructure. IT departments are being challenged to
                     (877) 590-1684      effectively deliver more information and services to their customers,
                                         efficiently scale their systems, and protect their business’s data, all
                     Mr. Ted Hassold     while keeping a cap on budgets. DC BLOX addresses these problems
  Sr. Director Business Development      by building Tier 3 data centers in growing underserved markets in
                      33 Global Drive    the Southeastern United States, connecting them with a high-speed
                Greenville, SC 29607     optical network, and hosting cloud services to enable area businesses
                      (864) 420-6954     to effectively serve their local customers, efficiently scale their
         infrastructure, and ensure business continuity.

                  Forum Benefits        Forum Benefits, LLC was founded in South Carolina in 1999.
      1122 S. Main Street, Suite B      We were founded as an independently owned agency specializing in
            Greenville, SC 29601        employee benefit planning and administration. In December 2016,
            (864) 233-1101 (213)        Forum joined 23 other entrepreneurial insurance and financial services
                                        companies across the US to form a brand-new-company Alera Group,
                    Mr. Brian Stritt    Inc. Our combined mission is to transform the client experience by
       1122 S. Main Street, Suite B     providing a greater depth and breadth of resources, innovative
              Greenville, SC 29601      thinking, and constant collaboration while maintaining strong local
              (864) 233-1101 (204)      relationships. Strong values have always guided our interactions with       our banking clients, their employees and each other. At Forum, we
                                        work with our clients to build a comprehensive and flexible benefits
                                        program to fit the goals of their organization.

                Luse Gorman, PC         Luse Gorman, PC is a Washington, D.C.-headquartered law firm
      5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW         specializing in the representation of financial institutions. Many of our
                        Suite 780       partners have served in senior positions with federal and state banking
           Washington, DC 20015         and securities agencies. Our experience provides the firm with a
                  (202) 274-2027
                                        unique perspective and advantage when advising and assisting clients
                                        on regulatory and transactional matters. Luse Gorman has been
       Mr. Thomas P. Hutton (Tom)       recognized as a national leader in capital offerings, mergers and
             7012 Old Cabin Lane        acquisitions and corporate restructuring transactions. Our practice
             Rockville, MD 20852        includes mergers and acquisitions, public and private equity and debt
                   (202) 801-4272       offerings, public company reporting and disclosure, shareholder
           relations, mutual restructuring transactions, executive compensation
                                        and employee benefits matters, taxation, corporate governance,
                                        FinTech, regulatory compliance and enforcement, holding company
                                        formation, de novo bank formations and charter conversions.

                            nCino       nCino (NASDAQ: NCNO) is the worldwide leader in cloud banking.
           6770 Parker Farm Drive       The nCino Bank Operating System® empowers financial institutions
                         Suite 300      with scalable technology to help them achieve revenue growth, greater
            Wilmington, NC 28405        efficiency, cost savings and regulatory compliance. In a digital-first
                   (888) 676-2466
                                        world, nCino’s single digital platform enhances the employee and
                                        client experience to enable financial institutions to more effectively
                   Mr. Blake Fortier    onboard new clients, make loans and manage the entire loan life cycle,
           332 Majestic Oaks Drive      and open deposit and other accounts across lines of business and
             Hampstead, NC 28443        channels. Transforming how financial institutions operate through
                    (413) 658-5262      innovation, reputation and speed, nCino works with more than 1,200
       financial institutions globally, whose assets range in size from $30
                                        million to more than $2 trillion.

                                                            I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER          37
     M e mb e r s

                                             Otegrity, Inc.    Challenged with Human Resources, Benefit and Retirement
                                       1377 Oakfield Drive     Administration, Payroll Processing and Administration, Compliance
                                        Brandon, FL 33511      and Risk Management? Otegrity, an administrative service
                                           (813) 324-2800      organization, manages transactional human resources administration
                                                               to allow you to put the Human back in Human Resources. With our
                                    Mr. Justin M. Workman      dedicated Human Resources Advisor, we enhance your team so you
                           Business Development Specialist     can focus on growing your business and increasing productivity and
                                            1019 Chevis St.    profitability. Additionally, our technology tools and Human Resource
                                      Columbia, SC 29205       Information System (HRIS) provides a streamlined solution for small
                                            (803) 317-0917     and large companies. From applicant tracking, hiring, electronic
                                  onboarding to payroll processing, and more, we provide you with
                                                               the tools you need to succeed. For more information, please contact
                                                               us today. We make the complex simple!

                                               Rivel, Inc.    Rivel CXLign Banking if the largest banking survey in the country
                                    57 Greens Farm Road       which utilizes hundreds of thousands of interviews annually, in
                                     Westport, CT 06880       26 states, providing banks insight into their local reputation,
                                         (203) 226-0800       performance, and opportunity. The Banking Benchmarks rely on
                                                              objective (double-blind) feedback and a syndicated approach that
                                       Ms. Melissa Randi      is more reliable and affordable than custom or internal research.
                                    57 Greens Farm Road       Banking institutions can increase their market share, create effective
                                     Westport, CT 06880       messaging, and focus on the right products to drive customer loyalty.
                                         (203) 331-5118

                                                   Stout      Stout is a global investment bank and advisory firm specializing in
                            1201 West Peachtree St NW         corporate finance, valuation, financial disputes, and investigations.
                                      Atlanta, GA 30309       We serve a range of clients, from public corporations to privately
                                         (678) 573-2693       held companies in numerous industries. Our clients and their
                                                              advisors rely on our premier expertise, deep industry knowledge,
                                         Ms. Terri Sands      and unparalleled responsiveness on complex matters.
                            Managing Director – Disputes,
                            Compliance, & Investigations
                             1201 West Peachtree St NW
                                      Atlanta, GA 30309
                                         (404) 991-9821

                                            Veroogle LLC is a registered ISO (Independent Sales Organization)
                            3833 Mayfair Street, Suite 100    providing electronic payment processing to merchants of all sizes.
                                 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577       With the corporate office located in Myrtle-Beach SC, their focus is
                                          (843) 839-4122      partnering with community banks and associations to provide
                                                              superior merchant credit card processing services. has
                                         Mr. Brian Peters     an A+ rating with the BBB, and they are members of the Electronic
                                                 President    Transaction Association. Since 2011 Veroogle professionals have
                            3833 Mayfair Street, Suite 100    been Certified Payments Professionals by the Electronic Transaction
                                 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577       Association, they offer all types of card processing and point of sale
                                          (843) 602-2031      systems, including surcharging and cash discounting. They offer a
                            lifetime discount rate lock guarantee, no long term contract with
                                                              their clients.

38   I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER
Ward and Smith, P.A.      Ward and Smith, P.A. is a full-service law firm with more than 90
                            1001 College Court       attorneys working as a team from five offices, from the coast to the
                          New Bern, NC 28562         mountains of North Carolina. Our goal is to provide exceptional
                               (252) 672-5400        service to our clients. In order to focus on and respond to specific
                                                     client needs, we have developed teams in specific industries and
                      Mr. B. T. Atkinson, Esquire    fields of law as necessary to serve our clients within various segments
                                127 Racine Drive     of the market. We invite you to explore our firm, and hope to be
                         Wilmington, NC 28403        of service.
                                  (910) 794-4845

                         Wolf & Company, P.C.       At Wolf, we leverage over 100 years of experience to address the
                               255 State Street     business challenges of today. Our innovative public accounting, risk
                            Boston, MA 02110        management, and consulting services provide unparalleled guidance
                               (617) 439-9700       to organizations of all sizes across industries, regions, and the globe.
                                                    We work with you as a trusted partner and expert, building strong
                                Mr. Richard Fay     relationships for lasting success. Our culture of innovation and
                                255 State Street    respect extends to each of our offices and employees. From impactful
                              Boston, MA 02110      development opportunities and philanthropic events, to a generous
                                (617) 428-5466      benefits package and work-life balance, our inclusive atmosphere
   			                  empowers employees to grow, exceed goals, and give back.

For more information about Associate Membership, please contact SCBA Senior Vice President Carolyn Laffitte Bradley by email

                                                                         I S S U E O N E 2 0 2 2 • PALMETTO BANKER             39
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