Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps

Page created by Jack Coleman
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
packet of fun!
     ©2020 Galileo Learning
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
table of contents

The Innovator’s Mindset		              3

Be Determined		                        4

Be Collaborative		                    12

Be Visionary		                        22

Be Courageous                         34

Be Reflective                         45

About Us                              59

©2020 Galileo Learning                 2
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
the GALILEO innovation approach
We’re on a mission to develop innovators who envision and create a better world. We do it by teaching
campers to understand and apply the Galileo Innovation Approach or the “G.I.A.,” as we sometimes like to call it.

                                   Mindset:                                                            knowledge:
            How do Galileo Innovators approach their work?                          What do Galileo Innovators need to understand?

Be Visionary                              Be Determined                           Concepts and facts
• I envision a better world               • I persevere until I achieve my goal   The big ideas, principles and facts relevant to their work
• I imagine things that don’t yet exist   • I recognize setbacks as
                                                                                  historical context
• I believe that it is my place to turn     opportunities to learn
                                                                                  The contributions of relevant movements, artists, scientists,
  ideas into reality                      • I know that innovation and
                                                                                  designers and other experts who came before them
                                           mastery require effort
Be Courageous                             Be Reflective                           skills and techniques
• I freely share my creative thoughts     • I take time to think about what is    How to use the materials, tools and technology that allow
• I stretch myself to try new things        and isn’t working in my design        them to effectively create, test and share their ideas
• I embrace challenges                    • I think about how my work impacts
                                                                                  AUDIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT
                                            other people and the world
Be Collaborative                                                                  The needs and circumstances of their users and the physical
                                          • I seek feedback to improve myself
• I value the unique perspectives of                                              context in which their work will be received
                                            and my work
• I build on the ideas of others
• I use my strengths to support the
  work of others

                                                      How do Galileo Innovators innovate?

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                                                            3

Confidential: Property of Galileo Learning, LLC
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
packet of fun!
       • Understand that setbacks are an
         opportunity to learn
       • Embrace that innovation and
         mastery take effort
       • Persevere until they reach their goal

©2020 Galileo Learning                           4
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
be determined!
  Fill in the speech bubbles with how you (or anyone in your house) is being determined this week.

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                               5
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
be determined!
If you can’t find these objects at first, try using some of these strategies:
•   Turn your paper upside down or sideways to look at it from a different angle and perspective.
•   Take a break and come back to it after a short while.
•   Color objects you’ve already found to help you look for new ones more easily.

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                              6
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
the search for innovation
                                       Your Mission:
Find and circle the words in the word bank! Once you’ve found all the words, pick three of the ideas
                    from the word bank to practice before you go to bed tonight.

    For example: Brainstorm new layouts for your bedroom, be collaborative with your family to
                  complete household chores, and set a new goal for tomorrow!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                             7
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
camp themes crossword
                                              Your Mission:
   Complete the crossword puzzle below. Each of the clues reveals a word that connects to one of
               Camp Galileo’s 2020 Summer Themes. Can you remember them all?

Down:                                           Across:
1. An individual who participates in sports     4. Move your hips in a circle to keep this spinning
2. What’s awarded to you on a podium            5. A person in charge of protecting and preserving parks
3. California’s home to “El Capitan,”           7. A programmable machine that carries out human tasks
   “Half Dome,” and “Sentinel Rock”             8. An activity that involves spending the night in the great outdoors
6. A Camp Director’s best friend                9. Wyoming’s home to more geysers and hot springs than
11. Five of these from the official                anywhere on Earth
    Olympics logo                               10. A fiery object carried through a relay to start the Olympic games
12. A group of people working                   13. Uninhabited land covered by untouched nature
    together to achieve a goal
                                                14. A spring-like toy that can go down the stairs
                                                15. A toy that packs a big surprise
©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                              8
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
seasonal word scramble
                                             Your Mission:
  Unscramble each clue word. Copy the letters in the numbered boxes to the matching numbered
               boxes at the bottom to find out what your camp mascot becomes.

                                                     6        14






                                     9       1                8

                                     3       5       11            10

                                                     4        12

              1          2   3   4       5       6        7             8   9       10   11   12   13   14

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                       9
Packet of fun! 2020 Galileo Learning - Galileo Camps
the innovator’s
                         scavenger hunt
Step 1: Be Courageous
Embrace a new challenge by going around your home to collect the items on the list
below. Remember where you find them.
   • 3 books of different sizes
   • 5 blue objects
   • 10 items smaller than your hand but bigger than your thumbnail
   • 1 item of clothing
   • 2 things that could be found in nature

Step 2: Be Visionary
Imagine something that does not yet exist. Once you’ve found everything on the list,
use your collection to create a picture on the floor.

Step 3: Be Collaborative
Ask someone else at home if they can tell what your picture is and ask for their ideas
to make it even better (you can add more objects if you want!).

Step 4: Be Reflective
How did you choose to make that picture? What object inspired you most? How did
that someone else sharing their ideas improve your picture?

Step 4: Be Determined
Time to embrace one last challenge. Set a timer for 3 minutes and put all the objects
back where they came from before the timer runs out!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                   10
write to the rubber chicken
         The Rubber Chicken has been spreading a lot of time cooped up recently.
  They have already counted all of their feathers and now they don’t know what to do next!

            Help the rubber chicken hatch some new ideas for how to pass the time.
                            Write a letter, draw a picture or do both!

        Send to:
        Rubber Chicken  |  Camp Galileo

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                       11
packet of fun!
       • Value others’ perspective and ideas
       • Build on others’ ideas
       • Use their own strengths to help others’
         work come to fruition

©2020 Galileo Learning                             12
How have you (or anyone in your house) been collaborative? Fill in the empty lines.

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                       13
Song Title:
                             Donut Shop
                             Click Link to View Online:


     I walked around the corner and I walked around the block

                         And I ran right into the donut shop

            Oh, I picked up a donut and I wiped off the grease

                   And I handed the lady my five cent piece

          Well, she looked at the nickel and she looked at me

              And she said “This money is no good, you see”

       “There’s a hole in the middle and it goes right through”

                 And I said there’s a hole in your donut, too!

                           Thanks for the donut, so long!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                            14
be collaborative: Build
        on the Ideas of Others
                                               Your Mission:
       BE COLLABORATIVE by building on the starter picture to create an underwater scene.
                 What ideas can you add to make the picture even better?

       INNOVATE ON! Get a blank paper and make a collaborative drawing with someone else. One person can
    start and the other can finish or you can pass the paper back and forth to build on each other’s ideas as you go.

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                                  15
Build on the
                         Ideas of Others
                                        Your Mission:
        Use these story starters to start your own story! If you can collaborate with someone
      at home, build ideas together or alternate writing sentences. If you have a friend you can
      collaborate with on the phone or computer, collaborate with them by taking turns typing
               sentences to each other or writing down what they say on the phone!

                                       Story Starters:

1.   It started out like any other day, I rolled out of bed and looked out the
     window. I couldn’t believe what I saw outside!

2.   There once was a silly rubber chicken with magical powers.

3.   Long ago in a far away place, there lived a wise, old man named Swerlin.

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                             16
 ator. When we build off
                          exquisite chicken
 ate something        we could
        Collaboration is a key part of being an innovator. When we build off the ideas of others, we’re often
  kills with   acreate
         able to fun something
                        drawing    we could never do alone! Let’s test your collaboration skills with a fun
  rators for this      activity!
                   drawing  game, Exquisite Chicken! You need 3 collaborators for this activity!

                                             1.   Cut along the solid line to get 3 individual strips.

                                             2.   Fold the strips on the dotted lines.

                                             3.   Each person takes turns drawing a different
                                                  section, starting at the head!

                                             4.   When finished with the head, fold it behind so
                                                  that it’s hidden, and then pass it to the person
                                                  next to you to draw the torso!

                                             5.   Repeat steps 3 & 4 to complete the legs
                                                  of the creation.

                                             6.   Marvel at your collaborative masterpiece!

nd giveAfterthem      a name!
             you finish drawing, collaborate and give them a name! What’s their favorite type of pizza?
Where do they live?       Where do they live? Work together to come up with a story!

 th a story!                     We want to see your collaborations!
                       Take a picture, and sent it to us at!

   to us  at
       ©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                              17!
©2020 Galileo Learning   18
©2020 Galileo Learning   19
          a kooky        character
               a Kooky Character
    Take turns with your partner filling out the blanks for one character. When you’re done draw
  Take turns
    your ownwith  your of
              versions  partner filling out
                          the character   youthe blanks
                                               just      for one
                                                    created. Thencharacter.
                                                                  share and When  you’re
                                                                            recognize    done,
                                                                                      each otherdraw
                                                                                                 for your
    own  versions different
    the awesome    of the character
                            ideas youyouhadjust created.
                                             about  how toThen,
                                                            drawshare and thing!
                                                                 the same  recognize each other for the
                awesome different ideas you had about how to draw the same thing!

    Character 1- Draw a…

    __________________________________ wearing a ____________________________
                         (animal)                                                (color)

    _________________________________ hanging out at __________________________.
             (piece of clothing)                                                 (place)

    Character 2- Draw a…

    __________ -headed ______________________________________________ monster
       (number)                                       (food)

    that is playing _______________________________ against a ____________________.
                             (sport)                                                  (animal)

    Character 3- Draw a…

    ______________________________________ _______________________________
                     (a dream job)                                 (action ending in -ing)

    through a forest of ________________________________________________________
                                       (texture- how something feels to touch)

                                              (object in your bedroom)

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                  20
the weekly crack up
Jokes, riddles, and more—guaranteed to make
even the most grumpy chicken bok!

                                      What Am I?
        I’m found on a farm, but I’m not a tractor. I can be roasted, but I’m not a peanut. I have
    feathers, but I’m not a pillow. I’m fowl, but I’m not disgusting. I lay eggs, but I’m not an ostrich.

                                                What am I?

                                Check back next week for the answer!

        Why did the elephant                                  How does a chicken wake
          cross the road?                                        up in the morning?
          It was the chicken’s day off!                                It uses an alarm cluck!

        What do you call a                                       How does the chicken
       mischievous chicken?                                          send mail?
               A practical yolker!                                         In a hen-velope!

What did the chicken say when                                What do you call a chicken
they bumped into their friend?                                    that tells jokes?
                 Egg-scuse me!                                             A comedy-hen!

        How does a chicken                                             Why was the
        leave the building?                                         chicken laughing?
               It uses the eggs-it!                                Because the jokes crack it up!

                   Have a joke? Submit it to!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                      21
packet of fun!
          BE VISIONARY
       • Have a “Why”—Envision a better world
       • Imagine things that don’t exist
       • Believe they can turn ideas into reality

©2020 Galileo Learning                              22
BE VISIONARY and create a robot using the shapes and details below.

    How have you (or anyone in your house) been visionary this week? Fill in the lines below.

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                          23
       Rosa Parks
                         J.K. Rowling

©2020 Galileo Learning                           24
Camp Song:
                             Hey   Song:
                              Camp Song:
                             Hey Burrito!
        This is a repeat-after-me song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words

                             Hey Burrito!
                     and campers or anyone following along will repeat right after!

        This is a repeat-after-me song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words
                                Click Link to View Online:
                                             Hey Burrito
                     and campers or anyone following  along will repeat right after!
                                             Hey Burrito
        This is a repeat-after-me song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words
                     and campers or anyone following along will repeat right after!
                                         Hey Burrito
                                          Hey, hey, hey burrito
                                           Hey, Hey
                                                       hey burrito
                                                Hey Burrito
                                         Mmm    Hey
                                                hey, Burrito
                                          Hey,yeah,    hey   burrito
                                                       burrito,   yeah
                                           Hey,  hey,  hey   burrito
                                         Mmm yeah, burrito, yeah
                                          Hey, hey, hey burrito
                                           Taco  hey,
                                                 Bell,hey    burrito
                                                        Taco      yeah
                                                        Taco Bell yeah
                                         Mmm yeah, burrito, yeah
                                       Guacamole,      burrito,
                                                 Bell,  Taco Bell yeah
                                            Taco Bell,cinnamon
                                                        Taco Belltwist
                                           Taco Bell, Taco Bell
                                       Guacamole, Bell, Taco Belltwist
                                                       sauce       twist
                                       Guacamole, cinnamon twist
                                              Medium     sauce twist
                                               Medium    sauce
                                                 Mild sauce
                                                Mild sauce
                                              Medium   sauce
                                                 Hot sauce
                                               Medium    sauce
                                                 Hot sauce
                                              Medium sauce
                                                Fire     sauce
                                                 Hot sauce
                                                 Hot sauce
                                                 Hot sauce
                                                 Hot sauce
                                                Fire  sauce
                                                 Fire sauce
      INNOVATE ON! Repeat this song as many     Fire  sauce
                                                  times  as you like, in as many styles as you like. One
                                                 Fire sauce
      of our favorites is “Robot Style” where you sing it like a robot!

      INNOVATE ON! Repeat this song as many times as you like, in as many styles as you like. One
      of our favorites is “Robot Style” where you sing it like a robot!
      INNOVATE ON! Repeat this song as many times as you like, in as many styles as you like. One
      of our Learning
©2020 Galileo favorites is “Robot Style” where you sing it like a robot!                                   25
Invention convention
                                              Your Mission:

             An invention is a device or creation that solves a problem in a new way. To create an
        invention, you first need to identify a problem to solve. An invention can solve a new problem
         or can improve on something that already exists. We challenge you to be visionary and think
                              about creative ways to solve a challenge in your life.

       STEP 1: Generate ideas for a challenge you would like to solve. An example could be “putting on
       my socks in the morning” or “reaching a book on the top shelf.”
       When you’re done, circle the one you want to design an invention for!

       STEP 2: Design a prototype of an Invention that could solve the challenge you chose.
       A Prototype is a model of something you want to create; it’s not meant to be perfect. It’s
       meant to help you get your ideas together and create a starting place from which you can
       build. Sketch 2-3 designs of your invention prototype:

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                   26
Invention Convention
       STEP 3: Create your invention prototype. Using your sketches above, decide on one design
       you want to call your invention. It can come from just one of your sketches, or you can
       combine parts of each of them to create it! Draw your final invention in the box when you’re

       Invention Title:

       How does your invention solve the challenge you chose?




       INNOVATE ON! Using craft supplies from your home (even with just paper and tape!), bring your
       prototype sketches to life! This might not be a fully functional prototype, but you can experiment with
       how you might build your invention in real life!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                           27
Visionary Awards
                                                Your Mission:

       Is there a VISIONARY person in your life that you'd like to recognize? Create an award
       for them and present it to them! You can send them a picture, show them on Zoom, or
                                give it to them in person if you're able.

       REMEMBER! Being Visionary is:

           •   Envisioning a better world

           •   Imagining things that don’t exist

           •   Believing you can turn ideas into

             Stuck on what style of award you want to design? Why not try a trophy (pictured
            here), a medal, or a certificate! You can simply draw them on a piece of paper OR
           find things around your house to build them. For example, all you need for a simple
             medal is a piece of paper cut into a circle (or a visionary shape of your choosing),
             and a piece of string! You can even include WHY you think they are so visionary.

           INNOVATE ON! Create other awards for family and friends that you think deserve some recognition!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                        28
Rubber Chicken Style
                                                   Your Mission:

        Design and create a personality and story for our mascot, the Rubber Chicken! Use the blank
        chicken canvases below and your VISIONARY ideas to create outfits for up to three chickens
          in your story. Think outside of the box and dress your chickens up in clothes (shirt, pants,
         wizard robe), accessories (hat, jewelry, magical stuff), and maybe even add a sidekick (baby
                                             chick, unicorn, dragon)!

       Generate Ideas! Use this outline to figure out what each chicken’s personality will be.

                   Chicken 1                          Chicken 2                          Chicken 3

        Chicken’s name:                    Chicken’s name:                    Chicken’s name:

        Favorite color(s):                 Favorite color(s):                 Favorite color(s):

        Three words that describe their    Three words that describe their    Three words that describe their
        personality:                       personality:                       personality:

        Favorite place to travel:          Favorite place to travel:          Favorite place to travel:

        Favorite food:                     Favorite food:                     Favorite food:

        Job or activity they love to do:   Job or activity they love to do:   Job or activity they love to do:

       Design your chickens using the chicken canvases on the next page!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                           29
©2020 Galileo Learning   30
Design your own
               Mascot Trading card
                                              Your Mission:

        Galileo’s mascot, the Rubber Chicken (RC), has special magic powers - it can make campers
         ooh and ahh, and brings joy to every space it enters. RC helps out at camp in so many ways
       and is a special part of the camp community. Use your VISIONARY powers to create a mascot
       of your very own! Generate ideas on who your mascot would be and why, and then draw it out
       in the trading card template to create your very own mascot trading card! We have an example
                                  of Pascal the RC’s trading card to help you.

                                                Generate Ideas:
           •   Is it an animal, person, character or          •   What is its name?
               a creature never seen before?                  •   How does it support your
           •   What kind of special powers does it                home/community as a mascot?

                                                                  Mascot Brainstorm:

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                31
©2020 Galileo Learning   32
the weekly crack up
Jokes, riddles, and more—guaranteed to make
even the most grumpy chicken bok!

        What Am I?                                 Last Week’s Answer: A Chicken!
    I come in a pair and you will need to tie
  and untie me. Don’t go outside without me       I’m found on a farm, but I’m not a tractor. I can
  and take me off before you go in the water.    be roasted, but I’m not a peanut. I have feathers,
            I come in a useful box.                   but I’m not a pillow. I’m fowl, but I’m not
                                                    disgusting. I lay eggs, but I’m not an ostrich.
                   What am I?
                                                                    What am I?
   Check back next week for the answer!

            What’s a pirates                                 What did one firefly
            favorite letter?                                  say to the other?
                    Arrrrrrrrrr!                                     You glow girl!

Why did the kids go to science                           What did the left eye say
  school on the mountain?                                   to the right eye?
           To get a higher education!                       Between us, something smells!

       What did one volcano                           What stays in the corner yet
        say to the other?                             can travel all over the world?
                    I lava you!                                        A stamp!

         How do you throw a                                      Can February
           party in space?                                         March?
                   You planet!                                    No, but April May!

                   Have a joke? Submit it to!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                            33
packet of fun!
      • Freely share creativity
      • Embrace challenges
      • Try new things with gusto

©2020 Galileo Learning              34
Create your own t-shirt design using the template below.

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                              35
©2020 Galileo Learning   36
©2020 Galileo Learning   37
Camp Song: Princess Pat
        Camp Song: Princess Pat
                                 Click Link to View Online:
        *Note* This is a repeat-after-me song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words
                         and campers or anyone following along will repeat right after!

        *Note* This is a repeat-after-me song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words
                         and campers or anyone following along will repeat right after!
      The princess Pat, (the princess Pat)
                                                            Now Captain Jack, (now captain Jack)
        Lived in a tree, (lived in a tree)
          princess  Pat, (she
                         (the princess   Pat)             Had a mighty fine crew, (had a mighty fine
     She        across,        sailed across)
                                                           Now Captain Jack,   (now captain Jack)
       The    in aseas,
           seven   tree, (the
                                in a tree)
                                                              a mighty fine crew,
                                                                sailed across, (he (had  a mighty
                                                                                    sailed across)fine
     She sailed
         sailed across,
                across, (she
                         (she sailed
                               sailed across)
                                                             The channel two,  (the channel two)
      The  seven seas,
                   two, (the
                         (the seven
                                                             He sailed
                                                             But        across,
                                                                 his ship        (he sailed
                                                                          sank, (but        across)
                                                                                      his ship sank)
     She sailed across,
         took with  her, (she
                         (she sailed across)
                              took with  her)
                                                            And   channel
                                                                       will two, (the channel
                                                                            too, (and          two)
                                                                                      yours will too)
      The channel two, (a
      A rig-a-bamboo,   (the  channel two)
                                                             But  hisdon't
                                                              If you ship sank,    (but
                                                                           take, (if youhisdon't
                                                                                            ship take)
     She took with her, (she took with her)
                                                            And   yours will too, (a
                                                               A rig-a-bamboo      (and  yours will too)
       A rig-a-bamboo,
       A rig-a-bamboo, (a
                        (a rig-a-bamboo)
                                                              If you don't take, (if you don't take)
      Now what is that? (now what is that?)
       A rig-a-bamboo,                                        AArig-a-bamboo,
                                                                 rig-a-bamboo (a
                                                                              (a rig-a-bamboo)
  It’s something made, (a  rig-a-bamboo)
                        (it’s something made)
                                                             Now what is that? (now what is that?)
       the what   is that?
            princess   Pat, (now
                            (by thewhat  is that?)
                                     princess   Pat)
                                                              A rig-a-bamboo,
                                                         It’s something made, (a  rig-a-bamboo)
                                                                               (it’s something made)
  It’s something
        Its red andmade,    (it’sred
                     gold, (its   something
                                     and gold)made)
   By the princess Pat, (and
                        (by the princess                  ByNow
                                                              the what   is that?
                                                                   princess   Pat, (now
                                                                                   (by thewhat  is that?)
                                                                                            princess   Pat)
       And  purple too,      purple too) Pat)
                                                         It’s something
                                                               Its red andmade,    (it’sred
                                                                            gold, (its   something
                                                                                            and gold)made)
 That’s    red it’s
                    gold, (its  red why
                            (that’s and gold)
                                         it’s called)
                                                          By the
                                                              Andprincess Pat, (and
                                                                   purple too, (by the princess
                                                                                    purple too) Pat)
      AAnd   purple too, (and
         rig-a-bamboo,            purple too)
                           (a rig-a-bamboo)
                                                         That’s    red it’s
                                                                            gold, (its  red why
                                                                                    (that’s and gold)
                                                                                                 it’s called)
 That’s why it’s called, (that’s why it’s called)
       A rig-a-bamboo, (a rig-a-bamboo)                       AAnd   purple too, (and
                                                                 rig-a-bamboo,            purple too)
                                                                                   (a rig-a-bamboo)
                                                         That’s why it’s called, (that’s why it’s called)
                                                              A rig-a-bamboo, (a rig-a-bamboo)

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                        38
The search for innovation
                                          Your Mission:

        Find and circle the words in the word bank! Once you’ve found all of the words, pick 3
                          of the ideas from the word bank to practice at home!

          Example: Try something new today, show a talent to someone in your house, and
                                 celebrate a mistake you made!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                           39
Call to Courage

                                           Here are some
         Being courageous is             courageous tasks
           one of the most              you can do around
          important parts of             the house to help
         being an innovator.              grow your inner
         Putting yourself out
         there allows you to            innovator. You can
       take the risks you need            do these with a
          to help make your             collaborator or try
         visions come to life!
                                         to complete them
                                            on your own!

                          Send pictures of you
                             completing your
                          courageous tasks to
                  to be

©2020 Galileo Learning                                        40
Call to Courage
                                            Sometimes being
                 Never liked a certain
                                          brave means showing
                food? Try it again! See
                                          those around you that
                  if you can use the
                                          you care. Tell a family
                 foods in your pantry
                                           member everything
                 to make a snack for
                                            you admire about
                  your entire family!

                  Spread joy across        Create a performance
                  your community!           to show your family
                  Create a design or            after dinner.
                                           Costumes, music, and
                  message to put in
                                           props recommended!
                  your window that
                                             Be courageous and
                  brightens up your
                                              put yourself out
                   neighbor's day!                 there!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                              41
Codes and ciphers
                                              Your Mission:
       It is time to get CRACKING on some cool codes! A code or cipher is a system of words, letters,
       figures, or other symbols that take the place of other words or letters. They can be used to help
       people pass secret messages! Most codes are solved using a key, which is a set of information
        or a rule that helps you to understand how the code works. Try solving these messages below
                                    created by our mascot, the Rubber Chicken!
                           All of the answers are on the last page of the Packet of Fun.

       INNOVATE ON! Make some of your own codes for your family and friends to try and crack!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                     42
You’re a superhero
                                          Your Mission:

          We know that being a superhero takes COURAGE. Use the space below to draw
         yourself as a superhero! Imagine what superpowers you would have and what your
       costume would look like. Maybe you have a sidekick that helps you or a special way to
                                      get around (like a plane)!

       INNOVATE ON! Draw a family member, friend, or pet as a superhero, too!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                         43
the weekly crack up
Jokes, riddles, and more—guaranteed to make
even the most grumpy chicken bok!

        What Am I?                                   Last Week’s Answer: Shoes!
  Children love to play with me but not inside,
only out. Watch out for wires and trees, for you      I come in a pair and you will need to tie
could tangle me! Look up and watch me dance.        and untie me. Don’t go outside without me
   The faster you run, the faster I will wiggle!    and take me off before you go in the water.
                                                              I come in a useful box.
                   What am I?
                                                                   What am I?
   Check back next week for the answer!

 How do you know if there’s a                         What dinosaurs jump higher
 dinosaur in the refrigerator?                              than a house?
             The door won’t close!                         All of them—houses can’t jump!

    What do dinosaurs use to                                 What do you call a
     make their hot dogs?                                      tired T-Rex?
                  Jurrasic Pork!                                    A dino-snore!

           What’s a T-Rex’s                               What do you get when
           favorite number?                            dinosaurs crash their cars?
                         Ate!                                   Tyrannosaurus wrecks!

   Which dinosaurs make the                                Why did the dinosaur
     best police officers?                                   cross the road?
                  Tricera-cops!                              It was the chicken’s day off!

                   Have a joke? Submit it to!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                            44
packet of fun!
       • Take time to reflect on what is and isn’t
         working in their design
       • Ask how their work impacts other
         people and the world
       • Seek feedback to improve

©2020 Galileo Learning                               45
Fill in the mirror to show how you (or anyone in your home) have been
                                      REFLECTIVE this week using pictures or words!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                           46
©2020 Galileo Learning   47
Camp Song: Tarzan
                 Camp Song: Tarzan
                                Click Link to View Online:
        This is a
                                  song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words and
                          campers or anyone following along will repeat right after!
       This is a repeat-after-me song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words and
                          campers or anyone following along will repeat right after!
                                              Tarzan (Tarzan)
                           Swingin’ on a rubber band (Swingin’ on a rubber band)
                          Swingin’ oninto
                                Fell   a rubber  band
                                          a frying pan(Swingin’
                                                         (Fell into on  a rubber
                                                                    a frying pan)band)
                                    Ouch! That’s   hot!(Tarzan)
                                                        (Ouch! That’s hot!)
                                Fell into
                                Now       a frying
                                      Tarzan  has apan
                                                    tan(Fell into
                                                          (Now    a frying
                                                                Tarzan  haspan)
                                                                             a tan)
                                   Ouch! That’s Jane
                                                   hot! (Ouch!
                                                         (Jane) That’s hot!)
                               Now  Tarzan
                                 Flying     has
                                        in an    a tan (Now
                                              airplane         Tarzan
                                                         (Flying in an has a tan)
                         Crashed into in an airplane
                                      a freeway  lane(Flying  in aninto
                                                        (Crashed     airplane)
                                                                        a freeway lane)
                                   Ouch! That Jane
                                                       (Ouch! That hurts!)
                                      a freeway
                                           has a lane
                                                  pain(Crashed into
                                                       (Now Jane    a freeway
                                                                  has a pain) lane)
                               Now Ouch!
                                                a tan(Ouch! That hurts!)
                                                       (Now Tarzan  has a tan)
                                Now Jane has a pain (Now
                                           Cheetah       Jane has a pain)
                               Now Tarzan
                               Rockin’      has
                                       to the   a tan (Now
                                              beat-ah       Tarzan
                                                        (Rockin’     hasbeat-ah)
                                                                 to the  a tan)
                             Got eatento
                                          an beat-ah
                                             amoeba(Rockin’  to the
                                                     (Got eaten     beat-ah)
                                                                 by an amoeba)
                                  Eeew! That’s gross(Cheetah)
                                                     (Eeew! That’s gross)
                            Noweaten by an
                                 Cheetah isamoeba
                                                     (Noweaten by anisamoeba)
                                                           Cheetah     Velveeta)
                                Now    That’s
                                    Jane  has gross
                                              a pain(Eeew! That’s
                                                     (Now Jane    gross)
                                                                has  a pain)
                               Cheetah is Velveeta
                                  Tarzan  has a tan(Now
                                                    (NowCheetah  is Velveeta)
                                                         Tarzan has  a tan)
                              Now Jane has a pain (Now Jane has a pain)
                               Now Tarzan has a tan (Now Tarzan has a tan)
©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                             48
Roll the dice to see what details you land on to create your very own landscape. How will you

                     BE REFLECTIVE as you build on your design each role? What is or isn't working?

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                         49
Fold your own dice
     Cut out the dice along the outside lines, fold so that the number dots are on the outside of
                    the cube and use glue on the tabs or tape to bold it together!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                              50
Codes and ciphers
                                             Your Mission:
           It is time to get CRACKING on some cool codes! A code or cipher is a system of words, letters,
figures, or other symbols that take the place of other words or letters. They can be used to help people pass
secret messages! Most codes are solved using a key, which is a set of information or a rule that helps you to
   understand how the code works. Try solving these messages below created by our mascot, the Rubber
                      Chicken! All of the answers are on the last page of the Packet of Fun.

       INNOVATE ON! Make some of your own codes for your family and friends to try and crack!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                     51
Codes and ciphers:

©2020 Galileo Learning                 52
Marvelous Mazes
                                           Your Mission:
      Find your way through each of these mazes from start to finish! Each one gets a little bit
     harder, so you may have to take a break to BE REFLECTIVE and redesign your path to get

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                             53
Marvelous Mazes

©2020 Galileo Learning                54
Reflection sketch zone
               Reflecting on your challenges, successes, and designs is one of the most
                 crucial parts of being an innovator. Use this space to reflect on your
             accomplishments! This can be used multiple times for multiple innovations.

                         my accomplishment                                     my

                                                                           Who helped me
               What am I proud of doing this week?                          this week?

        my most marvelous mistake                             what i learned

         It's okay to make mistakes! What was the
                   biggest mistake I made?           What lesson did I learn from my mistake?

                               my plan for the future

                                    What will I do next week?

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                          55

                                   This Morning I Feel
      Today I Am Most                                                  Today's Goal Is:
        Excited For:
                                  Happy    Sleepy Frustrated Calm

                                  Silly   Energetic   Sad   Grateful

       I am ________ because I _________ and _________.

            Thought of the Day:                             Invention Design
         If you could invent something,
       what would it be? Write down your                     Sketch Space
       ideas, and sketch them to the right!

        Today I Will Focus On Being...
       Courageous Visionary Determined
            Collaborative   Reflective
         ...and I Will Accomplish That By...

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                      56
       What Can I Do          This Afternoon I Feel               What New Thing
        Differently                                                Did I Discover
        Tomorrow?                                                  About Myself?
                            Happy     Sleepy Frustrated Calm

                             Silly   Energetic   Sad   Grateful

                    Do something today that your
                    future self will thank you for
        A Marvelous Mistake I Made
               Today Was...                        Reflection Sketch

          ...And It Helped Me Learn

                                                  What was one awesome thing
                                                   you accomplished today?
                                                        Sketch it out!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                              57
the weekly crack
       Camp Song:up
Jokes, riddles, and more—guaranteed to make

      Hey Burrito!
even the most grumpy chicken bok!

      What Am I?
         This is a repeat-after-me song! The person leading the song will sing the BOLD words
                      and campers or anyone following along  willWeek’s     Answer:
                                                                 repeat right after!   A Kite!
I come in many different colors, and I get
bigger when I’m full. I will float away if you           Children love to play with me but not inside,
                                                Hey Burrito
                                                       only  out. Watch out for wires and trees, for you
don’t tie me down, and I will make a loud
                                                 Hey Burrito
                                                       could tangle me! Look up and watch me dance.
             sound if I break.
                                                          The faster you run, the faster I will wiggle!
                                            Hey, hey, hey burrito
               What am I?                   Hey, hey, hey burrito         What am I?
Check back next week for the answer!
                                Mmm yeah, burrito, yeah
                                        Mmm yeah, burrito, yeah

         What goes up when                                 What does a cloud wear
                                         Taco Bell, Taco Bell
         rain comes down?                Taco Bell, Taco Bell under its raincoat?
                  An umbrella!                                           Thunderwear!
                                     Guacamole, cinnamon twist
                                      Guacamole, cinnamon twist

  What did the lightening bolt Mild sauce What did the tornado say to
    say to the rain cloud?     Mild sauce   the washing machine?
           Nothing... It was shocked!                                Wanna go for a spin?
                                            Medium sauce
                                            Medium sauce
          What’s a tornado’s                   Hot sauce
                                                            How do you know it’s been
           favorite game?                      Hot sauce     raining cats and dogs?
                     Twister!                                         You step in a poodle!
                                               Fire sauce
                                               Fire sauce
              When does it                                       How does the cloud
              rain money?                                          tie its shoes?
       INNOVATE ON! Repeat this song as many times as you like, in as many styles as you like. One
     When there’s change in the weather!                                 In a rain-bow!
       of our favorites is “Robot Style” where you sing it like a robot!

                   Have a joke? Submit it to!

©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                                 58
about us
        Galileo’s mission is to create a world of fearless innovators. We think kids who learn
        to explore and fail without fear are happier, more creative and more confident when
         faced with life’s challenges. Drawing from the innovation process developed by the
         Stanford, Galileo runs an evolving series of imagination-sparking summer
          camp programs for kids from Pre-K through 10th grade. We’re not only inspiring a
       new generation of innovators—we’re actively hiring and providing a platform for a new
       generation of innovation-minded educators and professionals. We are a local company
             on a global mission, and joining our team means joining a ground-breaking
                  educational movement and an inspiring nation-wide community.

                   Learn more at:
©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                           59
©2020 Galileo Learning                                                                           59
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