2018 Early Literacy Calendar
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2018 Early Literacy Calendar A Year of Fun and Simple Early Literacy Activities! Help your child get ready to read and write by doing one fun and simple activity a day! Five Best Practices to help your child get ready to READ: TALKING—Stretch your conversation, tell SINGING– Sing a song and clap along. Singing stories, use new words, ask questions! slows down language which helps break down syllables. WRITING—Draw pictures and have your child READING—Curl up with a book or make it a describe what they drew. Write letters to bedtime routine. Role model the love of friends or close relatives. Provide a variety of reading together. writing tools. PLAYING– Play various games that stretch the imagination and develop oral skills. Pretend to be a princess, firefighter or cook!
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN and January 2018 simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Happy New Year!! Sing the ABCs in Look around the room Paper plate face: cut Read a children’s Take a walk and look different voices. Can you are in. What out face parts from old poetry book. for winter birds. you sing them in a shapes do you see? magazines and glue robot voice? How them on a paper plate about a whisper voice? to make a new face. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cut out a large paper Have quiet reading Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle How many words can Read a book about Stamp a Flower: Draw Visit the butterfly. Provide time today. Little Star.” you think of that winter. Ask a librarian stems and use your scraps of paper, other rhyme with “bed?” for a recommendation! fingers to stamp the Library! items and glue to flower petals. he decorate. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Finger paint with Practice writing the Let your child help Play with play dough. Read a new book by a Use a flashlight to Grow grass seed: yogurt. letters of your child’s prepare lunch today. favorite author. explore a dark room. Sprinkle seed on a wet name. Talk about the food. What do you see? sponge, place it in a How does it smell and sunny place and wait taste? about 4 days. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Let your child help you Draw a large letter on Use kitchen tongs to Sing “The Wheels on Have an orange themed Soft Play Dough: mix Visit the fold and cut a paper a piece of paper. Use pick up cotton balls the Bus.” meal today. together 1 part condi- snowflake. dried beans or cotton and drop them into a tioner/2 parts corn Library! balls to “trace” the container. starch. Optional: it the letter. drops of food coloring. 28 29 30 31 Make shaker eggs: put What animals live on a Make a card and give it Play with puzzles. rice or beans in an farm? Talk about the to someone special. empty plastic egg, tape animals and the it shut. Shake it and sounds they make. dance to music.
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN and February 2018 simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2. 3 Have some quiet time Put some sugar on a Visit the reading today. tray and drag your finger through it to Library! draw shapes or write letters. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Place soft items like Play with play dough. Sing a favorite song. Have your child use Say the rhyme “Jack What words rhyme Blow bubbles. Try blankets or pillows on Then sing your child’s kitchen tongs to move and Jill.” with “bug?” counting them as you the floor and jump name to the tune. objects from one bowl pop. Practice sitting from “island” to to another. still and watching the “island.” bubbles. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Make a valentine card Look in the mirror Put out items that are Have a red themed Go pretend ice-skating Sing “The Itsy Bitsy Visit the for someone special. together and make a variety of colors and lunch today! by sliding your feet Spider.” faces. Are you happy, have your child sort around while wearing Library! sad, angry, silly, etc.? them into piles. socks. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Have an indoor Read a nonfiction book Sing the ABCs. Color in a coloring Read a picture book Let your child help Bundle up and go on a “parade.” Decorate about your favorite book or draw pictures together and then wash dishes. Squeezing winter walk. What do boxes for “floats” and animal. together. retell it in your own a sponge is a great you see outside? march around to words using the workout for hand music. pictures. muscles! 25 26 27 28 In the morning, write Go on a color hunt. Clap your hands to the How many words can out your plan for the How many things can syllables in the names you think of that start day together. Cross the you find in the room of family members. with the letter “L?” items off as you go. that are red? Blue? Green?
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN and March 2018 simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Draw your child’s name Make a collage with Visit the in crayon. Trace the tissue paper. Begin by name in different tearing it into small Library! colors of the rainbow. pieces and glue them to paper. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Read a book in a Find a colorful Go on a walk outside. Use masking tape to Sing “The Itsy Bitsy Build a fort out of What words rhyme whisper, then read the magazine picture. Count the number of make straight and Spider.” Can you do sheets and furniture. with “cat?” same book with a loud Make a puzzle by trees you see. How wiggly lines. Walk, skip, the motions with your Pretend you are a bear voice. cutting it into pieces. many birds do you see? hop and jump on the feet? in a cave. lines. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Daylight Savings Draw the letters in the Take a picture walk Act out and sing “Five Write down as many Draw on a paper with St. Patrick's Day! Make a puppet out of a alphabet. Use a Q-tip through a new book by Little Monkeys Jumping words as you can that crayon. Then paint on Read a book with a paper bag. Read a story and paint to dab each “reading” the pictures. on the Bed.” rhyme with dog and the paper with water- green cover. to your puppet. letter. What is happening? tree. colors to see the effect. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Mix up your shoes and Make a cozy place to First Day of Spring! Sing the ABC song to Make a playdough Use an eye dropper or Visit the socks and have a read with pillows and a String noodles on a “Mary Had a Little maze by tracing a path straw to paint with matching contest. Can blanket. Cuddle up pipe cleaner or yarn to Lamb.” Can you do it? with your finger. Roll a water and food Library! you find the pairs? with a favorite book. make a necklace or marble through your coloring. What colors bracelet. maze. can you mix? 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Draw lines and zigzags Practice drawing or Roll out playdough Make a squishy bag: Fill a bowl with water. Read “The Very Hungry Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle” on strips of paper. writing letters in balls and snakes. 1 c of flour, 6 Tbls Use items around the Caterpillar.” What did while wiggling your Practice cutting skills by shaving cream or Smash them flat to water, and food color- house to see if they he eat? What would fingers in the air. snipping the lines with pudding. make circles and lines. ing in a zip-loc bag. will sink or float. you eat? scissors.
April 2018 Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Find a book about Help mom or dad write Use a paper lunch bag Draw a picture of what Sprinkle some sugar on Play music and move Play color “I Spy,” spring time! the shopping list. to make a puppet and you see from a window a cookie sheet and to the beat. where you find tell a story. in your house. write letters in the different colored items sugar. in the room. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Talk about feeling Use spoons and pots as Do a puzzle. Make a list of your Draw pictures of your Have a colored themed Visit the words: happy, sad, drums to play the beat family members. favorite foods. lunch today. scared, lonely, mad, while you sing. Library! embarrassed. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Read a story and talk Practice writing the Sort socks together: talk See how many colors Read a book and talk Make up a song about Talk about your favorite about the characters. letters in your name. about size, color and you can name in your about the parts of the what you did over the things to do in the pattern. kitchen. book: cover, back, etc. weekend. spring. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ask a librarian to help Pretend you are Sing one of your During bath time, name Use a pipe cleaner or Draw as many shapes Visit the you find a great book. jumping in a puddle in favorite songs to a parts of the body: waist, yarn and cheerios to as you can think of: the rain. SPLASH! favorite person! wrist, ankle, heel, etc. string a bracelet. circle, triangle, square, Library! etc. 29 30 Sing “Twinkle, Finger paint with yogurt Twinkle, Little Star.” or pudding.
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN May 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Use paper tubes to Cut or tear out pictures Think of words that How high can you Build with blocks. Can make binoculars and from a used magazine rhyme with “May.” count? Can you count you make a house or a play “I Spy.” and glue them to by 5s or 10s? castle? How many paper to make a new blocks tall is your picture. tower? 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Listen to music and Read an alphabet Play with play dough. Look at the cover of a Go for a walk. What What is your favorite clap your hands to the book. book and guess what colors do you see? part of spring? Why? Visit the beat. the book is about. After What sounds do you Library! reading, talk about hear? what happened. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cut colored paper into Talk about what you Have a yellow themed Sing “Five Little Have quiet reading When riding in the car, Write a list of fun shapes. Tape it to the did over the weekend. lunch today. Monkeys Jumping on time today. look for and count all things to do together floor and call out Have your child tell you the Bed.” the black cars you see. and then pick one to shapes/colors. Jump to in their own words. do today. the correct one! 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Draw a picture with a Do a puzzle. Listen to your favorite Look at the food boxes Pour salt on a cookie Hide some household pencil and then color it music and have a in your kitchen. Do you sheet or tray. Use a objects in a covered Visit the in with crayons or dance party. see any letters or finger to trace letters box. Reach inside and Library! markers. words you recognize? and shapes in the salt. guess what they are without looking. 27 28 29 30 31 Duck Finger puppets: Make a puddle: put an Sing “Itsy, Bitsy Let your child help you Reread a favorite book cut off fingers of a ice cube in a bowl and Spider.” Sing it quiet, write your shopping and then have your yellow rubber glove. see how long it takes loud, fast and slow. list. When at the store, child “read” it to you. Draw or glue eyes and to melt. have them cross off the beaks. items you find.
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN June 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Pick a nursery rhyme to Turn off the lights and practice this month hide an object to find until you have it with a flashlight scaven- memorized. ger hunt! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Read a favorite book Listen to an audiobook. When riding in the car, Sing “The Wheels on Use blocks to make a Do a puzzle together. Visit the and then have your Try downloading one look for and count the the Bus.” Make up a tall tower. Count how child tell you the story. from http:// number of red cars that new verse! high you stack the Library! ebooks.kdl.org. you see. blocks. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Take a bowl of water How high can you Take a walk and talk Read a book about Think of words that Thread pipe cleaners Draw outside with and a paint brush and count? Can you count about the colors of the science. rhyme with “hop.” into a colander to work sidewalk chalk. go outside and “paint!” by 5s? 10s? flowers that you see. on fine motor control. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Go on a nature walk. Talk about all the Write a thank-you note Use play dough to make Plant a seed and make Check out a book about Visit the Find 10 different leaves. letters you see while to a veteran. letters. a plant marker with a a farm animal. shopping at the grocery popsicle stick. Library! store. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Take a drive and count Tell your family a funny Practice cutting with Let your child pick the Find items in your Find a new park and Pick three books to the American Flags that story. pieces of scrap paper. music while you are house that are red. play there together. read before bedtime. you see. driving. Sing along!
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN July 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Happy 4th of July! 5 6 7 Go on a walk and look Draw pictures and Read a book and look Fill a small lid with milk. Freeze water and food Hum a favorite song and Use food coloring in small Visit the for rocks. Line them up write your name in for the first letter of coloring to make see if anyone can guess. drops. Make “fireworks” from biggest to sidewalk chalk. your child’s name. with a toothpick. popsicles you can Take turns guessing. Library! smallest. paint with. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Count to ten or Sort a jar of coins Freeze small toys in ice Use pots and pans to Make giant bubbles: 6 Make shapes with your Fill a tub with soap and twenty while you together by size or cubes. Pour warm make a beat while you cups water, 1 cup light body together. Can you water. Give some water over them out- sing “Row, Row, Row corn syrup, 2 cups Joy make a circle, triangle, favorite toys a bath in play hide and seek. color. side to free the toys! Your Boat” together. dish soap. Makes a lot! star and square? the sun. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Go on a bug hunt! Sing the ABCs. Trace Build a tower out of Pretend you are at a Give directions for Spread out your towel Visit the What kinds of insects the letters in the air pillows and knock it birthday party. Make a making a snack. What on the grass and read a can you find? with your finger, then down! cake and blow out the comes first? What book in the sun or Library! try it with your foot. candles. happens next? shade. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sing “Old MacDonald Tape paper underneath Practice using scissors Visit a park. Swing Go outside and look Pretend that you are a Clap the syllables for had a Pet Shop.” What a table and try drawing by cutting Jell-O cubes. high and low. Climb for things that are fireman putting out a the names of everyone animals would he upside down. Use clean scissors and up and down. green. fire. Can you rescue your in your family. have? eat the Jell-O. toys? 29 30 31 Let your child play Sing “Mary had a Little Look for the triangle dress up in some of Lamb.” Pretend to be a shape everywhere you your clothes and shoes. sheep and sing ‘baa’ go today. the second time!
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN August 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Tie ribbon, string and Listen to music and Take time out for some Make a masterpiece steamers to a wooden dance! quiet reading today. with sidewalk chalk. paint stirrer to create a Can you write your ribbon stick. name? 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Search for shapes and Read a wordless book. Look around your Have your child help Start a rock Make a list of your Visit the designs in the clouds. house for things that separate the “light” collection. How many favorite ice cream start with the letter R. and “dark” clothes did you find? What flavors. Library! when you do laundry. colors do you see? 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Read a story and retell it Freeze food coloring Make a collage using Go outside and count Fill spray bottles with Read a book about a Dip straws in bubble with your favorite toys. and water in ice cube letters and pictures fireflies or other bugs water and “spray favorite water animal. solution and use them trays. Watch the cubes from old magazines. you find. paint” the sidewalk. as bubble wands. melt and colors mix! Send it to a loved one. 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 Use cookie cutters to How many words can Pick wildflowers. Press Attend a library Sing the ABCs. Sing it Plan a picnic. Decide on Go on a picnic. Try make shapes in wet sand. you think of that rhyme them between contact program or search the again and try using the number of guests visiting a new park. with “cake?” paper to make a event calendar to find different kinds of and count out supplies. nature sun catcher. one to attend. voices. 26 27 28 29 30 31 Make as many words as Use a magnifying glass Bake something Create artwork with Read a story to your Make a tower and you can out of the and look around your together. Talk about tempera paint, pet or stuffed animal. knock it down! letters D O G. yard. Talk about what the ingredients you are sponges and paper! you find. using.
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN September 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Create a picture together using things you see outside. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Use a large cardboard Blow bubbles outside. Sing “I’m a Little Go on a nature walk Read a book and then Have a picnic inside or Visit the box to make a race car. Pop them with Teapot.” outside. What can you watch the movie. Talk outside. different parts of your find that is green? about what is different. Library! body. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Read under a blanket Play with a balloon by While you listen to Use playdough to During bed time, sing a Fill a bag with various Go on a letter hunt and today with a flashlight. counting how many music, use an empty create the perfect song together and talk items and have your see what letters you times you can bounce it container and spoon to pretend meal. about what you did child reach inside and can find in the world before it hits the drum out the beat. today. guess what they are around you. ground. touching. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Look at pictures of farm Staple some pieces of Dress up and pretend Make a ribbon stick Use colored tape to While dinner is being Go to the park and talk animals and talk about paper together and you are a superhero. with any stick, ribbon/ make a “road” on your made, close your eyes about locations like up, what sounds they make a book about streamer and tape. floor and play with and describe what you down, around, under, make. your favorite things! Dance around to music cars. hear and smell. in, out, etc. and have fun! 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Sing the alphabet song. When saying a rhyme Pretend you are going Read a book by looking Use yarn and tape to When reading a Visit the 30 like “Hickory, Dickory, to the zoo. What at the pictures. What is make an obstacle rhyming book, pause Read a book and pre- Dock,” say it in a high animal noises can you happening in the story? course in the hallway. and see if your child Library! tend to be a character and low voice. make? can guess the word. from the book.
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN October 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 What is the weather Reread a favorite book. Give your child some How many words can At snack time, count Sing your child’s name like outside today? cooked spaghetti. Use you think of that start the pieces of food. to a favorite tune. What is your favorite the spaghetti to form with the letter T? weather? Why? letters and shapes. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Write a list of things Draw as many shapes Have quiet reading Look for yellow cars, Have your child rip or Ask someone special Visit the you will do today. as you can! time today. buses and trucks. How tear tissue paper and about their favorite Cross them off the list many do you see? glue to paper to make kids book and then Library! throughout the day. a collage. read it together. Library! 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Collect leaves and Make a tape line or Read a folktale or Make some dotted Play with playdough. Sing the “Itsy, Bitsy Use a box to make a crumble them into shape on the floor. fairytale. letters and have your Spider.” Sing it again bed for a stuffed friend pieces. Put glue on Walk on the line and child connect the dots. quiet and then loud. or doll. Have a pretend paper and sprinkle the balance something on bedtime. leaf pieces on it. your head. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 While on a walk or at What words rhyme Buy a pumpkin with a Are you dressing up for Play "Frog" by Look at pictures of Visit the the store, look for with “dog?” tall straight stem. Give Halloween? What is squatting, hopping, your family or ones in letters in the alphabet. your child a ring to your costume? Tell and squatting again. a magazine. How do Library! practice tossing on the someone about it. the people look? stem. Happy? Sad? Mad? the 28 29 30 31 While doing laundry, Use blocks to make a Read a book about fall Happy have your child help block line or road. Can or pumpkins. you sort clothes into you drive cars across Halloween! piles or match socks. the “road?”
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN November 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Start a thankful list for Write the numbers 1- Say the humpty dumpty the month: Have your 10 on individual pieces rhyme. Make humpty child dictate or write of paper. Tape down to out of paper, cut up & down one new thing the floor to make in- use band-aids to put each day. door hopscotch. back together. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Make a tightrope on Use permanent marker How old are you? Read Go on a hunt to find Clap out the syllables for Sing “If You’re happy & Visit the the floor with tape. to write a letter on each that many books today. orange items. Count the name of every You Know It” and come Walk slowly across side of a plastic egg. how many you found. member in the family. up with new Library! while balancing a Pull apart, mix up & variations to act out beanbag on your head. have fun matching! together. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Listen to an audiobook Have a tower building Come up with 5 words Tape down 5 pieces of Practice cutting skills by Easy Bird feeder: Sing BINGO using (CD, playaway or on a contest with blocks. that rhyme with bug. different colored con- cutting playdough. String circle cereal onto these words: tablet) How many blocks high struction paper. Find pipe cleaner. Make into Farmer=mom/dad can you build? matching colored toys a circle and hang Dog=child to put on each. outside. Bingo=child's name 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Trace your hand to Read a book with a Pretend to be animals: Pick one thing from Call someone in your Happy Visit the make a turkey. Color it, yellow cover. Strut like a turkey, walk your thankful list and family and tell them draw a face and feet. like a duck, fly like a draw a picture of it. Thanksgiving!! what your favorite food Library! Make turkey sounds. bird, etc. was at Thanksgiving. 25 26 27 28 Ocean in a bottle: 29 30 Put on music and have Sink or float? Put water Write your child's name fill plastic bottle 1/3 full Sing “Row Row Row Read your entire a dance party. in a bowl. Find every- on paper. Let them of water; add several Your Boat.” thankful list to a friend day objects and make practice writing by drops food coloring; fill or family member. predictions before you tracing over the letters close to top with oil; put in the water. with a highlighter. put lid on and shake.
Help your child get ready to read and write with these FUN December 2018 and simple activities that help foster and grow pre-reading skills in your child. Questions? Ask a helpful Youth Librarian! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Have your child make a pattern using gumdrops. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fill a baggie with hair Have a red themed Ask a librarian or Play with playdough. Name some animals Make a happy face and Play with some gel and a drop of food meal today. (apples, someone special for a Try shaping it into that live on a farm. a sad face on the front buttons. Count and coloring. Trace a finger beets, strawberries, book suggestion. letters. Then sing “Old and back of a paper sort them. to write! tomatoes) MacDonald.” plate. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Draw large colored Listen to some favorite Practice cutting with Make a card and give it How many words can Write your child’s name in big block Visit the shapes on white paper. music and clap to the scrap paper or old to someone special. you think of that Tape to floor and play beat. magazines. rhyme with TREE? letters. Let him color Library! shape hopscotch. inside the letters. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Sit on the floor Use blocks to make Pick a color of the day Use a clothespin to Clap your hands to the While at the store, Make finger paints opposite each other two identical block and look for things of pick up small items and syllables of the names look for all the letters with soap flakes, water and roll a ball back and structures. that color. drop them in a cup. of people in your in your child’s name. and food coloring. forth. Count them too! family. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Use construction paper Re-read a favorite book Merry Play with puzzles. Sing a favorite song. Have quiet reading Visit the to make placemats for today. What do you Sing it fast, slow, loud, time today. your family. Write like about the book? Christmas! quietly. Library! names! 30 31 Create an indoor Make a clock out of a obstacle course. Use paper plate and count pillows and chairs so down to “midnight” on you jump and crawl. it. Happy New Year!
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