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1. Qualifications/Expertise of Firms on Team Century West Engineering Corporation (Century West) is excited for the opportunity to assist the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) with completing additional improvements at the Methow Valley State Airport (Methow). We understand the significant role that the airport serves as a base for wildland firefighting activities. Based on our understanding of the seasonal needs to support helicopters used for firefighting activities developed while completing the Airport Layout Plan (ALP), we included three helicopter parking positions on the plan. Since the ALP was completed, our engineering team completed the runway lighting, runway safety area (RSA) grading, and fencing project at Methow Valley State Airport. We have also more recently designed several helicopter facilities at other airports including a large helicopter complex at the Bend Municipal Airport in Oregon. With our knowledge and history of planning experience at Methow, experience designing helicopter facilities, excellent working relationship with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Seattle Airports District Office (ADO) staff, and proximity from our Bothell office, we are uniquely qualified to complete the design for these important helicopter facilities on the aggressive timeline required to satisfy FAA funding requirements. Following the outline identified in the request for qualifications (RFQ), we have prepared the following statement of our qualifications to deliver the 2019 Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project. 1. A. Project Team Overview The structure of the Century West team has been carefully considered to provide specific expertise on every phase of the project (see right). Century West, as the prime consultant, is CIVIL ENGINEERING GREG REINCE, PE prepared to work with the following specialty subconsultants: Project Manager ENVIRONMENTAL *SUSAN CUNNINGHAM Environmental Science Associates Inc. (ESA), HWA Geosciences *JOE ROSHAK, PE Environmental Science Associates, Inc. Principal-in-Charge Inc. (HWA), LandTek LLC (Landtek), and Plateau Archaeological ILON LOGAN, PWS *MATT ROGERS, PE Environmental Science Associates, Inc. Investigations, LLC (Plateau). The complimentary skill sets of our QA/QC Manager CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING selected subconsultants have historically resulted in thorough, KURT ADDICOTT, PE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Client Manager STEVEN GREENE, LEG thoughtful solutions to projects large and small. We are confident *BILL BRACKETT, PE HWA Geosciences Inc. in our ability to effectively communicate and share the workload Sr. Project Engineer MELANIE JOHANSEN, PE SURVEY on projects to the benefit of our clients. Our team’s experience Project Engineer/CM *BRUCE LARSEN, PLS extends beyond the services required for this project, allowing DAVID YURS, PE LandTek LLC. us to have a comprehensive knowledge of efficiencies and best Project Engineer CULTURAL RESOURCES GRADY WEISZ, PE DAVID HARDER, M.A., RPA practices. Electrical Engineer Plateau Archaeological Investigations, LLC *DAVID MILLER, AICP See below for specific information regarding each firm (prime Lead Aviation Planner *Experience at Methow and subconsultants), including services offered, firm size, SAMANTHA PETERSON, ACE Valley State Airport locations, and length of time in business. DBE Program/Grant Assistance CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING SERVICES: Project Management; Civil Design; Categorical Exclusions (CATEX); Environmental Assessments (EA); Electrical Engineering; Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E); and Construction Management and Observation. Established 1969 With continuous service to airport clients since the mid-1970s, Century West is recognized WA Employees: 51 as one of longest established aviation consulting firms in the Pacific Northwest. We have in- Total Employees: 65 house expertise for a full spectrum of aviation services including airport planning, engineering, CERTIFIED SBE design, construction management, environmental services, financial analysis, grant writing, and other specialized capabilities. Century West provides excellent resources including senior staff with extensive experience in airfield operations and first-hand experience working on projects at dozens of airports. Our proven track record of completing airport projects on-time and within budget is a result of our excellent working relationship with the FAA and our ability to advocate with confidence on behalf of our airport clients. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 1
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATES, INC. SERVICES: Wetland Delineations and Determinations; Biological Assessments; Site Evaluations; Species Surveys; Environmental Impact Statement; and Local, State, and Federal Permitting. ESA is a multi-disciplinary environmental consulting firm with 51 years of experience providing Established 1969 environmental, engineering, planning, and landscape and restoration design services for public WA Employees: 100 and private clients including airports. As a leading environmental science and planning firm, Total Employees: 517 ESA understands the challenges and regulations facing airports and their communities. With experience at over 180 airports worldwide, their scientists and technical specialists provide critical thinking and measured analysis to guide successful policy development, project planning, and solutions for airport clients. ESA also has experience providing environmental services for the runway lighting and RSA grading project at the Methow Valley State Airport. HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. SERVICES: Geotechnical Engineering; Pavement Engineering; Hydrogeology; Geoenvironmental; Construction Inspection; and Materials Testing. HWA provides a full range of geotechnical and geoscience solutions to public agencies and engineering/architecture firms for design and construction of airports, buildings, parks, Established 1978 solid waste, transportation, waterfront, water, wastewater, and storm water facilities. HWA’s WA Employees: 34 engineers, geologists, environmental scientists, construction inspectors, and laboratory Total Employees: 34 technicians have been helping to create a better, safer, more sustainably-built environment in the Pacific Northwest and abroad. In addition to engineering and science services, HWA CERTIFIED DBE/MWBE operate a state-of-the-art material testing laboratory, accredited by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) R18. LANDTEK LLC SERVICES: Engineering Design Surveys; Boundary Surveys; Control Surveys; Construction Surveying; and Platting. Established 1999 Landtek provides professional land surveying and development-related services from their WA Employees: 4 office located in Spokane, WA. The company is comprised of a small group of experienced, Total Employees: 4 well-trained professionals. Landtek specializes in working closely with engineering firms, architectural companies, and government agencies that require surveying-related support services for design of public and private development projects. LandTek provides a full range of surveying services including boundary, topographic, control, easements, ALTA/ACSM surveys, platting, and construction surveying. LandTek also completed survey work at Methow Valley State Airport for the runway lighting and RSA grading project as a subconsultant to Century West. PLATEAU ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, LLC. SERVICES: Cultural Resource Assessments. Plateau conducts archaeological and cultural resource contracting and consulting, including Established 2005 Section 106, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Executive Order 05-05, and Joint Aquatic Resources Permits Application (JARPA) surveys for WA Employees: 12 federal and state agencies, municipalities, utility companies, conservation districts, engineering Total Employees: 12 firms, and private organizations. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 2
1. B. Office Locations Office locations for each firm and number of employees at each location can be found below. The professional services offered by each firm, outlined in the previous section, are available at each firm’s respective locations. CENTURY WEST BOTHELL, WA FEDERAL WAY, WA SPOKANE, WA 19515 N Creek Parkway, Ste. 312 33308 13th Place S, Ste. 2 11707 E Montgomery Drive Bothell, WA 98011 Federal Way, WA 98003 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Employees: 4 Employees: 6 Employees: 15 PORTLAND, OR ELLENSBURG, WA BEND, OR 5331 SW Macadam Avenue, Ste. 287 421 N Pearl Street, Ste. 206 1020 SW Emkay Drive, Ste. 100 Portland, OR 97239 Ellensburg, WA 98926 Bend, OR 97702 Employees: 24 Employees: 2 Employees: 12 HWA LANDTEK PLATEAU BOTHELL, WA SPOKANE, WA PULLMAN, WA 21312 30th Drive SE, Ste. 110 619 N Madelia Street 115 NW State Street, #308 Bothell, WA 98021 Spokane, WA 99202 Pullman, WA 99163 Employees: 34 Employees: 4 Employees: 12 ESA SEATTLE, WA PORTLAND, OR 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW, Ste. 200 819 SE Morrison Street, Ste. 310 Seattle, WA 98107 Portland, OR 97214 Employees: 71 Employees: 29 Methow Valley State Airport = CENTURYY WEST = ESA = HWA = LANDTEK = PLATEAU WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 3
1. C. Experience Working with Subconsultants Century West has long-term experience working with all of the subconsultants proposed for this project. The following projects are recent as of the last three years and exemplify our ability to work as a team with each subconsultant successfully. BEND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, HELICOPTER OPERATIONS AREA; BEND, OR SUBCONSULTANT: Century West serves as the City of Bend’s airport planning and engineering consultant Environmental Science responsible for a wide variety of technical project assignments. Bend Municipal Airport has Associates, Inc. seen a dramatic increase in helicopter operations over the past 10 years, with helicopter traffic ROLE: Environmental now accounting for half of the airport’s current 140,000 annual operations. The significant Assessment increase in activity and the unique mix of aircraft had created operational challenges at the airport to maintain safety for all users. Our previous assignments included a full airport master PROJECT DATES: plan update and an EA for the airport’s new helicopter landing area. The 2012 Airport Master 2014 – 2017 Plan evaluated the issue and recommended physically separating fixed-wing and rotor air traffic by developing a dedicated helicopter operations area (HOA) with helipads, helicopter parking, hangars, fueling, and other associated developments. The 2015 FAA EA for the helicopter facilities project, which included updated air traffic analysis, noise analysis, and a 30% design was required to quantify site characteristics and impacts. ESA assisted Century West with preparation of environmental documentation for construction of the helipad. Findings concluded a potential wetland on-site caused by a leak in the adjacent property’s irrigation canal, but since the potential wetland was man-caused, ESA and Century West developed a plan to work with the Oregon Department of State Lands and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to remove jurisdictional claim over this artificially created irrigation wetland. This joint effort kept the project on track and moving forward per FAA standards. BOWERS FIELD, RUNWAY 7-25 REHABILITATION; KITTITAS COUNTY, WA SUBCONSULTANT: The recently completed AMP identified several development projects anticipated within HWA Geosciences Inc. the current five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) cycle. Runway 7-25 is the crosswind ROLE: Pavement and runway on the airfield that is not eligible for airport improvement plan (AIP) funding, and Geotechnical Engineering, has deteriorated to the point of requiring closure. The master plan concepts developed Inspection, and Materials included closing Runway 7-25, breaking the “Hotspot” pavement connection between the two Testing runways, while also reserving a future crosswind runway configuration should funding allow for redevelopment. The master plan concepts improved AIP-eligible Runway 11-29 and new PROJECT DATES: parallel taxiway and apron areas to enhance airfield capabilities and safety, while allowing for 2019 – Ongoing future development sites on Airport property. Out of the master plan, Century West has carried forward engineering and construction implementation of the Runway 7-25 pavement break and closure, as well as undertaking an EA for the other airfield improvements anticipated in the near term. We initiated the FAA form 7480 process for closing of the runway, designed the pavement break, and supported the County’s construction implementation. Century West implemented a demolition approach to retain pulverized materials on-site to use on the future runway and taxiway improvements anticipated in the EA. These measures are anticipated to provide cost savings on the future development projects. As a subconsultant to Century West, HWA is providing pavement and geotechnical engineering, inspection, and materials testing. DAVENPORT MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS; DAVENPORT, WA SUBCONSULTANT: Century West provided the project management, subconsultant coordination, and document LandTek LLC preparation required for the FAA-funded acquisition of four parcels of land adjacent to ROLE: Field Survey and Davenport Municipal Airport. The acquisition of the four parcels allows for the proposed runway Mapping shift and extension by ensuring the future Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) will be owned by the Airport. This project also included the underground relocation of several overhead utility PROJECT DATES: lines within the future RPZ. The project was performed in conformance with Advisory Circular April 2017 – Ongoing 150/5100-17 Change 6, FAA Order 5100.37B, and 49 CFR Part 24. The FAA AIP grant awarded for the land acquisition project included an AGIS survey. LandTek provided field survey as a subconsultant to Century West. Century West maintained bi-weekly coordination meetings with the FAA and the Airport where project needs WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 4
required. Agenda items for these meetings tracked the progress on tasks assigned to project team members (FAA, Airport, Century West, and subconsultants), and were documented in the meeting minutes. Routinely scheduled project meetings, regular phone conversations, and email exchanges with the FAA ensured project expectations were communicated clearly and consistently. GRANT COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY 14L-32R LINE-OF-SIGHT REHABILITATION; MOSES LAKE, WA SUBCONSULTANT: Century West performed the design of the Runway 14L-32R Line-of-Sight (LOS) Improvements Plateau Archaeological project at the Grant County International Airport (GCIA). The project will reconstruct and lower Investigations, LLC. a portion of the Runway 14L-32R profile to bring the runway into compliance with FAA LOS ROLE: Cultural Resource standards. The project area, which covers approximately 775 acres, was found to be in a region Survey at high risk for encountering cultural materials. Plateau, as a subconsultant to Century West, conducted a cultural resources survey that resulted in the discovery of two historical sites PROJECT DATES: and one prehistoric isolate. Upon further investigation, none of the items met the requirements January 2017 – Ongoing for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Plateau concluded that no historic properties would be affected by the project and recommended that all ground- disturbing activity be carried out under the guidance of an inadvertent discovery plan (IDP). As the project progresses, the IDP will be provided for use to construction crews and on-site inspectors should potential cultural-era materials be discovered. 1. D. Availability of Key Staff Century West has the staff availability and firm capacity to proceed with all aspects and phases of the project from programming to design, bidding, construction inspection, and close out. We commit to providing AVAILABILITY (HOURS/MONTH) the key staff identified on our team immediately STAFF FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING upon selection to assist you in meeting the aggressive timeline required to deliver this Joe Roshak, PE 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 project. Individual availabilities provide excess Matt Rogers, PE 80 80 80 80 40 40 40 40 40 capacity for the anticipated project at Methow. Greg Reince, PE 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Kurt Addicott, PE 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Our firm has an outstanding record when it Bill Brackett, PE, CWRE 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 comes to meeting project delivery deadlines. Melanie Johansen, PE 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 All of the projects we have under contract have David Yurs, PE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 durations of two to 18 months. This means that Grady Weisz, PE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 every month we finish some projects, we have David Miller, AICP 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 several projects ongoing, and we start other Samantha Peterson, ACE 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 new projects. We have the capacity, staff, and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATES resources to complete multiple, simultaneous Susan Cunningham 80 80 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 projects, and we do so on a regular basis. Over Ilon Logan, PWS 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 the last several years, our aviation staff has HWA GEOSCIENCES, INC. completed numerous concurrent projects a year, Bryan Hawkins, PE 120 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 and each project was completed on time to PLATEAU ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, LLC meet client schedule requirements. This record David Harder, M.A., RPA 80 80 80 - - - - - - of performance demonstrates our capacity to LANDTEK, LLC manage and produce concurrent projects. Team Bruce Larsen, PLS 160 120 40 - - - - - - capacity is show in the table on the right. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 5
1. E. Relevant Experience of Firms on Project Team The following section highlights recent projects by each firm on our team with similarities to the Methow Valley Helipad Project. CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING BEND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, HELICOPTER OPERATIONS AREA; BEND, OR PROJECT DATES: Century West serves as the City of Bend’s airport planning and engineering consultant JUL 2015 – NOV 2017 responsible for a wide variety of technical project assignments. Bend Municipal Airport has APPROX. FEE: seen a dramatic increase in helicopter operations over the past ten years, with helicopter $940,973 traffic now accounting for half of the airport’s current 140,000 annual operations. The significant increase in activity and the unique mix of aircraft created operational challenges SIMILARITIES TO METHOW at the airport to maintain safety for all users. Our previous assignments included a full airport VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: master plan update and an environmental assessment for the airport’s new helicopter • Helicopter Operations landing area. The 2012 Airport Master Plan evaluated the issue and recommended physically Area, Helipad separating fixed-wing and rotor air traffic by developing a dedicated HOA with helipads, helicopter parking, hangars, fueling, and other associated developments. The 2015 FAA EA for the helicopter facilities project, which included updated air traffic analysis, noise analysis, and a 30% design was required to quantify site characteristics and impacts. In the process, our engineers also extended the existing water, sewer, and storm facilities over 3,000-feet each to accommodate the new facility. The HOA was the first major project programmed from the master plan and included a combination of funding from three FAA grants, two ConnectOregon grants, and a share of City funding as part of a large, multi-year program. Century West was also tasked with construction inspection for the project. ODESSA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY 2-20 REHABILITATION PROJECT; ODESSA, WA PROJECT DATES: Odessa Municipal Airport had received $150,000 in FAA entitlement grant funding to complete SEP 2017 – AUG 2019 a crack and slurry seal project to extend the life of their runway. Past consultants had found APPROX. FEE: working with the FAA challenging, and Odessa was in danger of losing their funding. Century $199,311 West was able to coordinate with the FAA to release funding. The project included crack sealing and slurry sealing of the asphalt runway and regraded the runway safety area to meet SIMILARITIES TO METHOW current FAA requirements. An obstruction analysis was also completed for the project, and VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: the gravel road south of Runway 2 was realigned outside of the RSA and runway object free • Rapid Project Delivery area (ROFA). Century West completed design, bidding, and construction services to ensure the • Concept Development project was completed in accordance with grant requirements. • Alternatives Analysis GRANT COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY 14L-32R LINE-OF-SIGHT REHABILITATION; MOSES LAKE, WA PROJECT DATES: Century West performed the design of the Runway 14L-32R LOS Improvements project. JAN 2017 – ONGOING Runway 14L-32R is the primary runway at GCIA. The runway is 13,503-feet long, 200-feet APPROX. FEE: wide, and has paved shoulders at 50-feet wide. The runway supports operations for Airplane $2,530,000 Design Group (ADG) D-VI aircraft, and is routinely used for flight test operations of Boeing 777 aircraft. The objective of this project is to reconstruct and lower a portion of the Runway SIMILARITIES TO METHOW 14L-32R profile to bring the runway into compliance with FAA LOS standards. Associated VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: project improvements will also include replacing edge lighting and signage improvements; • Unique Concept shoulder improvements; and PAPI replacement. Projects efforts have included program Development definition development; project program estimating and funding acquisition coordination; FAA • Alternatives Analysis grant administration; NEPA environmental coordination; topographic survey; geotechnical • Rapid Project Delivery investigations and analysis; electrical investigations; aircraft fleet mix and Runway Design Code (RDC) determination; facility requirements and alternatives justification study; FAA Flight Procedures and Facilities coordination; runway and taxiway improvements design; project phasing concept development; and identification of permits and other project details necessary for project implementation. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 6
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SANDERSON FIELD, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT; SHELTON, WA PROJECT DATES: The Port of Shelton seeks to perform various projects as part of the Port’s CIP at Sanderson 2018 – ONGOING Field. These projects include pavement reconstruction and overlay; new lighting and sign APPROX. FEE: installation; and property acquisition. The projects will receive federal funding from the $52,000 FAA and would require various levels of ground disturbance and impacts to resources. As the airport has streaked horned lark which is a federally threatened species, the airport is SIMILARITIES TO METHOW considered a protected habitat and an EA was needed in the environmental pre-design phase. VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: As a subconsultant to Century West, ESA assisted with the NEPA EA, Endangered Species Act • Sub to Century West Section 7 compliance, and Section 401/404 permits. BOWERS FIELD, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT; KITTITAS COUNTY, WA PROJECT DATES: Various improvements are proposed at Bowers Field as part of the Kittitas County-Bowers 2018 – ONGOING Field Master Plan. Projects include improvements to existing runways, taxiways, and two APPROX. FEE: hangar taxilane development areas. The projects will receive federal funding from the FAA and $36,530 would require various levels of ground disturbance and impacts to resources. In support of these projects, ESA delineated wetlands on the site and conducted an environmental inventory SIMILARITIES TO METHOW to determine if rare, threatened, and/or endangered plant and animal species were present on VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: the site. ESA is also assisting the County with a NEPA EA, Endangered Species Act Section 7 • Sub to Century West compliance, and Section 401/404 permits. SPOKANE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, SPOTTED ROAD INTERCHANGE & REALIGNMENT; SPOKANE, WA PROJECT DATES: The Spokane International Airport is planning infrastructure improvements along the 2018 – ONGOING Airport’s primary access corridor to improve safety for its multimodal transportation APPROX. FEE: system. The project will replace a dangerous intersection with a new grade-separated $162,050 overpass interchange above and across four lanes of Airport Drive, and relocate Spotted Road outside of the Airport’s runway protection zone. ESA is conducting SIMILARITIES TO METHOW VALLEY technical studies including cultural and historic resources and water resources, HELIPAD PROJECT: coordinating preliminary design of the interchange and road realignment, and • FAA Environmental Coordination preparing a NEPA EA for the project. This work requires close coordination with the with Cayla Morgan FAA and consultation with state and federal resource agencies HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. AUBURN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY 16-34 EXTENSION; AUBURN, WA PROJECT DATES: HWA completed geotechnical investigation for pavement and stormwater detention/ 2017 infiltration facility design required for the extension of Runway 16-34. HWA’s scope of work APPROX. FEE: included collecting and reviewing readily available geotechnical and geologic information $39,000 for the project vicinity; coordinating the field activities with the project team; excavating and logging exploratory test pits; performing two Pilot Infiltration Tests (PIT); installing one SIMILARITIES TO METHOW piezometer, which included advancing one borehole; conducting four pavement cores with VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: subgrade characterization; performing laboratory testing and engineering analyses to develop • Sub to Century West geotechnical recommendations for the proposed improvements; and preparing the report. W.R. FAIRCHILD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY 8-26 REHABILITATION; PORT ANGELES, WA PROJECT DATES: HWA completed a geotechnical and pavement engineering portion of the Port of Port Angeles’ 2019 Runway 8-26 Rehabilitation Project. The scope of work included visual assessment, test pits APPROX. FEE: to acquire subsurface information for a new connector between Taxiway A and Runway 8-26, $32,000 pavement coring, review of existing aggregate base and subbase materials (depth and nature of materials), non-destructive assessment of the existing pavement and subgrade strength SIMILARITIES TO METHOW utilizing our Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) along Runway 8-26 and Taxiway A, lab testing, VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: and pavement rehabilitation and reconstruction recommendations. • Rapid Delivery • Sub to Century West WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 7
ORCAS ISLAND AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; EASTSOUND, WA PROJECT DATES: HWA provided a geotechnical and pavement investigation to provide recommendations for 2017 reconstruction and widening of an existing access road to the Helipad and reconstruction of a APPROX. FEE: taxi lane. Their investigations consisted of test pit excavations and pavement coring in order to $13,000 obtain input parameters for pavement design. HWA prepared a report presenting the results of our explorations and laboratory testing along with new pavement design and earthwork SIMILARITIES TO METHOW considerations. VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: • Proximity to Helipad LANDTEK LLC. DAVENPORT MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, PROPERTY ACQUISITION SURVEY; DAVENPORT, WA PROJECT DATES: LandTek performed the original topographic survey for the Davenport Municipal Airport 2017 - ONGOING Runway 5-23 Shift EA in 2015. They performed a boundary survey and prepared APPROX. FEE: legal descriptions for four properties to be acquired for the project. Additional work $37,290 included identifying monument corners (if they existed) or creating new suitable survey monuments for the properties and preparing a Record of Survey to be on file with the SIMILARITIES TO METHOW County for the new parcels to be acquired by the City. Landtek is currently tasked VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: with performing a supplemental survey in January 2020 to identify additional features • Sub to Century West required for final design of the project. • Unique Concept Development PLATEAU ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, LLC. GRANT COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, 14L-32R LOS REHABILITATION; MOSES LAKES, WA PROJECT DATES: Plateau completed a cultural resource survey for the Port of Moses Lake as preparations NOV 2018 – SEP 2019 were made to rehabilitate runway 14L-32R at the Grant County International Airport. The APPROX. FEE: rehabilitation addressed a LOS problem that was being experienced by pilots. The work $20,250 required removal of spoils from along the runway, and placement of spoils to other areas of the airport. The project area covers approximately 775 acres. Prefield research revealed the project SIMILARITIES TO METHOW area lies in an area at high risk of encountering cultural materials. Plateau archaeologists VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: conducted a pedestrian survey and excavated 50 subsurface probes. The pedestrian survey • Sub to Century West covered all portions of the project area, except for areas marked as hazardous due to high • Alternatives Development quantities of carcinogenic contaminants within the soil following airport-related firefighter training activities. The pedestrian survey resulted in the discovery of two historical sites and one prehistoric isolate. None of the items meet the requirements for inclusion on the NRHP; therefore, Plateau recommended that no historic properties would be affected by the project and recommended that all ground-disturbing activity be carried out under the guidance of an inadvertent discovery plan that Plateau prepared for the project. The IDP outlines procedures and provides guidance to construction crews and on-site inspectors should any precontact or historic-era cultural materials or human remains. FELTS FIELD, BULK HANGAR PROJECT; SPOKANE, WA PROJECT DATES: Plateau conducted a Preliminary Cultural Resource Review (PCRR) for the Felts Field Bulk MAY 2017 Hangar Project in Spokane, WA. This PCRR included a background review of archaeological APPROX. FEE: records at the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP), $10,780 topographic maps and aerial photos, and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) records to identify additional indicators of past land use. Additionally, a background literature review SIMILARITIES TO METHOW to help identify potential Traditional Cultural Places was conducted. The review revealed the VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: project area lies within an area of high risk for encountering cultural resources. The PCRR • Sub to Century West indicated that Hangar 7, which will be removed as part of the project, is located within the Felts Field Historic District, but is not a contributing structure due to extensive renovation and structural additions, causing the resource to have lost all integrity with regard to its feeling, setting, and physical attributes as it pertains to its initial purpose. Plateau recommended that all ground-disturbing activities be conducted under the guidance of an IDP provided by Plateau. Plateau also completed a Historic Inventory Report (HPI) for Hangar 7 which provides a physical description of the structure, photographs, as well as a historic narrative. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 8
PORT OF WHITMAN, FLIGHT LINE DRIVE REALIGNMENT & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; WHITMAN COUNTY, WA PROJECT DATES: The Port of Whitman Business Air Center prepared to reconfigure the vehicular access road, AUG 2018 Flight Line Drive, to provide separation of vehicular and aircraft traffic. The project includes an APPROX. FEE: evaluation of the grades for the airport hangars and Flight Line Drive to help design a drainage $3,980 system that will assist in keeping the area clear of water during heavy rains or spring thaws. Prefield research revealed the project area lies in an area that has a high risk for encountering SIMILARITIES TO METHOW cultural resources. Plateau archaeologists conducted a pedestrian survey and monitored VALLEY HELIPAD PROJECT: the excavation of four geotechnical boreholes at depths that ranged from 5 to15 feet. The • Alternatives Development soil core samples were examined for the presence or absence of cultural materials and potential features. The pedestrian survey covered the entire area of potential affect (APE) and geotechnical bores were distributed throughout. No precontact or historic-era cultural materials or features were observed during the pedestrian survey and geotechnical boring. Plateau recommended in the report that no historic properties would be affected by the project. 2. Qualifications of Proposed Project Manager 2. A. Relevant Experience of Project Manager Greg Reince, PE | Project Manager Greg will serve as Century West’s project PROJECT EXPERIENCE: manager (PM) and will be the main • Auburn Municipal Airport, Runway 16-34 & Apron point of contact for the Methow Valley Rehabilitation; Auburn, WA State Airport Helipad Project. Greg has • Auburn Municipal Airport, Runway Extension; Auburn, WA previous experience in both the public • Bend Municipal Airport, HOA Environmental Assessment; and private sectors. In addition to having Bend, OR experience compiling PS&Es for a variety • Bend Municipal Airport, Helicopter Operations Area; of airport and municipal projects, Greg has performed project Bend, OR management, design, and construction inspection on a range • Bremerton Airport Electrical Improvements, Bremerton, WA of projects including a helicopter parking apron at Cle Elum • Florence Airport Electrical Improvements; Florence, OR Municipal Airport and a helicopter operations area at the • Madras Municipal Airport, Runway 16-34 Improvements; Bend Municipal Airport. Greg also prepares FAA Disadvantage Madras, OR Business Enterprise (DBE) Plan/Programs including goal • Pearson Airfield Phase 3 Design; Vancouver, WA setting. Greg’s experience in the field allows him to design • Roberts Field, Ramp Reconfiguration; Redmond, OR with constructability in mind while meeting the client’s needs. CLE ELUM MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, HELICOPTER PARKING APRON; CLE ELUM, WA CLIENT: Greg served as the project manager for the Helicopter Parking Apron project at the Cle Elum City of Cle Elum Municipal Airport. This project constructed a paved parking apron to serve fire-fighting and PROJECT DATES: transient helicopter traffic and fixed-wing aircraft. Century West helped the City of Cle Elum DEC 2015 – MAY 2017 coordinate with the FAA to develop a design concept that fit the intent of the current ALP, met the operational needs of the airport, and could be designed and constructed with available funding. PM: Greg Reince, PE Greg’s responsibilities included concept development, plan and specification preparation, bidding coordination, partial inspection, contractor coordination, and project closeout. DAVENPORT MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY 5-23 SHIFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT; DAVENPORT, WA CLIENT: Greg served as the project panager for the Davenport Airport Runway 5-23 Shift EA. The Davenport Davenport Municipal Municipal Airport proposed to complete a runway shift and rehabilitation, and taxiway project that Airport included reconstructing a portion of the existing runway pavement; relocating each runway end, PROJECT DATES: increasing the runway strength, width and length; constructing holding bay aprons, partial parallel DEC 2015 – JAN 2017 taxiway and connector taxiways; and abandon existing runway pavement. This EA evaluated potential impacts of shifting the runway’s alignment to maintain the RPZ on Airport property. The PM: Greg Reince, PE project involved land acquisition to accommodate the runway shift and coordination with City and County staff. Greg worked to develop the various alternatives and proposed action. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 9
CHRISTMAS VALLEY AIRPORT, TAXIWAY & APRON CONSTRUCTION; CHRISTMAS VALLEY, OR CLIENT: Greg served as the project manager for the reconstruction of an existing aircraft parking apron Christmas Valley Park & and construction of a new 5,200-foot parallel taxiway at the Christmas Valley Airport. Increased Recreation District use of the apron by helicopters required a reconfigured layout to provide required setbacks PROJECT DATES: to accommodate a helicopter parking position. In addition, the apron pavement section was OCT 2014-FEB 2016 completely reconstructed due to its low pavement classification index (PCI) rating. A new parallel taxiway was constructed to eliminate back-taxi movements on Runway 7-25, further enhancing PM: Greg Reince, PE operational safety at the airport. Other project elements included new mandatory guidance signs, elevated edge lighting at taxiway connections to the runway, and elevated reflectors along the parallel taxiway. Greg’s responsibilities included concept development, plan and specification preparation, bidding coordination, partial inspection, contractor coordination, and project closeout. 2. B. Project Manager’s Familiarity with State/Federal Regulations All of our aviation projects involve FAA and/or state funding, and our project managers, including Greg, are thoroughly familiar with all technical requirements, including state/federal grant processes. Beyond technical knowledge, we have developed a high level of trust Contract with regulatory agencies based on years of providing consistently high quality Management products while representing the interests of our airport clients. This results Adherence in efficient planning projects and well-coordinated, sustainable success in to Budget funding airport improvement projects. By specializing in airport consulting, Project Approach Greg and our other project managers are continuously involved in project PROJECT coordination with the FAA—including with your FAA Project Manager, Mary MANAGER Meeting RESPONSIBILITIES Vargas—which provides great benefit to our clients. Greg has worked Project directly with FAA staff for many years providing an in-depth understanding Schedule of the FAA’s expectations when completing airport projects and the ability Communication to anticipate potential concerns and address them before problems can occur. Our project managers regularly participate in industry review of draft Subconsultant airport Advisory Circulars prior to publication and closely follows changes in FAA Coordination standards and requirements that could affect our clients and their projects. All of this experience makes Greg an effective liaison between our clients and state/federal agencies. 2. C. Project Management Capabilities The following project examples demonstrate Greg’s ability to manage project schedule, scope of work/scope creep, budget issues, and changes that arise throughout the life of a project. BREMERTON NATIONAL AIRPORT, AIRFIELD ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS; BREMERTON, WA Century West provided the design services for the airfield wide lighting, signage, and navigational aide improvements project. The existing high-intensity runway (HIRL) and medium intensity taxiway (MITL) lighting, various airfield signs, select NAVAIDs, and other electrical system components are experiencing increasing operational/maintenance issues and are in need of replacement and upgrading. This project consists of replacing these airfield systems, equipment, and associated infrastructure. In addition to this project, Century West has been assisting the Port with FAA coordination for development within the Airports Industrial Park. Century West is also currently providing design services for site development of a new hangar complex. The design of the project took place throughout 2018 and the project was initially bid in Spring 2019. After the job was bid, the FAA released guidance allowing the use of LED for HIRL systems, previously not allowed. The Port had a strong desire to pursue the use of LED for the HIRL system. As a result, Greg was able to develop a schedule that enabled the Port to use the existing budget FAA had allocated for the project and allowed Port to pursue the LED HIRL option. The project rebid is scheduled for February 2020, and construction is anticipated in Summer 2020 with construction administration services provided by Century West. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 10
FLORENCE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, ELECTRICAL PROJECT; FLORENCE, OR The Florence Municipal Airport had on-going maintenance issues with their existing electrical system and desired to upgrade the Airport’s electrical capabilities to match what was depicted in the ALP. The existing Medium Intensity Runway Lighting (MIRL) system and Runway 33 PAPI was constructed in the 1980s and had reached the end of their useful lives. The Runway 33 PAPI no longer met FAA siting criteria and needed relocating. The Airport desired to add a PAPI to Runway 15 and runway end identifier lights (REIL) to each runway end as a part of the project. Additionally, the Airport pavement inspection report identified the need for pavement maintenance repairs including crack sealing and a slurry seal of the entire Runway 15-33 and parallel Taxiway A. Century West, under contract with the City of Florence and using FAA AIP funds and a Critical Oregon Aviation Relief (COAR) grant from the Oregon Department of Aviation (ODA), addressed all components of pavement maintenance and lighting improvements during project design in spring 2018. The project was on an accelerated timeline to open grants due to FAA funding constraints. Greg was able to navigate the accelerated timeline, and deliver the final plans to meet FAA expectations. The project was bid in July 2018, and due to a competitive bidding market, bids came in higher than anticipated. Due to other pavement maintenance activities at the Airport, the City elected to remove pavement maintenance items from the scope of work and focus on the electrical improvements; however, there was still a funding shortfall to construct all of the electrical items. Led by Greg, Century West was able to clearly delineate the electrical items and pavement maintenance items in the scope of work for the contractors to bid on the job, making it easier to determine a prime contractor. Although bids for the project came in higher than estimated, Greg worked with the contractor on this change to develop an alternative that included directional boring in lieu of in-pavement trenching in select locations that resulted in a cost savings to the project. As a result, the City was able to fund all of the electrical improvements due to Century West’s work with the contractor and FAA. AUBURN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY 16-34 EXTENSION FINAL DESIGN; AUBURN, WA Century West assisted the City of Auburn in their efforts to extend Runway 16-34, the Airport’s sole runway. Century West’s role began during the Airport Master Plan that was completed in 2015 and identified a need for a runway extension on both runway ends. Being constrained in an urban environment, the Airport would have to use declared distances to maintain the existing runway threshold locations. Greg managed the EA for the runway extension in 2017; however, the FAA required additional documentation to support the runway extension. Through an additional planning exercise, Greg and the Century West team made a case to the FAA that justified the use of declared distances on the runway and successfully received project approval from the FAA to begin design. The design of the project took place in 2019 and bid by summer 2019. Portions of the project were separated into various bid alternates to be awarded based on available funding. The project was designed on an accelerated timeline to meet FAA funding deadlines and is scheduled for construction in 2020. 2. D. Licenses & Accreditations Century West’s project manager, Greg Reince, is a registered Professional Engineer in Oregon (2017), Washington (2018), and Idaho (2018). WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 11
3. Key Team Member Qualifications 3. A. Roles and Responsibilities of the Project Team Century West has assembled a project team with expertise in areas of aviation planning, environmental, design, and construction. Our staff has excellent knowledge of FAA and WSDOT requirements, advisory circulars, design standards, environmental guidelines, project evaluation, and funding. Joe Roshak, PE | President ROLE: Principal-in-Charge; Ensure project quality; Client check-ins Joe has been with Century West for more than 30 years and has significant experience working on aviation related projects. He has served as a design engineer, resident engineer, and project manager on numerous aviation, roadway, paving, and utility projects. Joe has a proactive management style and is highly regarded among his clients for his ability to deliver projects on time and on budget. He has an outstanding reputation for honesty and integrity which makes him an effective negotiator and problem solver when dealing with construction contracts and resolving project conflicts. Auburn Municipal Airport, Runway 16-34 Extension; Auburn, WA SEP 2018 - AUG 2019 Principal-level Invovlement; Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) for plans and specifications. Grant County International Airport, Runway 14L-32R LOS Improvements; Moses Lake, WA JAN 2017 - ONGOING Principal-level Involvement; QA/QC for plans and specifications. Bremerton National Airport, Airfield Electrical Improvements; Bremerton, WA SEP 2018 - ONGOING Principal-level involvement; Support to the project manager and internal team. Greg Reince, PE ROLE: Project Management Greg will provide overall project management for this project. In addition to having experience compiling PS&Es for a variety of airport and municipal projects, Greg has performed project management, design, and construction inspection on a range of projects including a helicopter parking apron at Cle Elum Municipal Airport and a helicopter operations area at the Bend Municipal Airport. Greg also prepares FAA DBE Plan/Programs including goal setting. Greg’s experience in the field allows him to design with constructability in mind while meeting the client’s needs. Auburn Municipal Airport, Runway 16-34 Extension, Environmental Assesment; Auburn, WA NOV 2015 - ONGOING Project Manager; Greg managed the EA for the runway extension, planning exercises, and advocated for project justification on behalf of the airport client to the FAA. Greg will oversee construction scheduled for 2020. Bremerton National Airport, Airfield Electrical Improvements; Bremerton, WA SEP 2018 - ONGOING Project Manager; Greg managed design through construction, scheduled to be constructed this year. Florence Municipal Airport, Electrical Project; Florence, OR APR 2018 - JAN 2020 Project Manager; Greg led project efforts from design through to construction, and was able to navigate the accelerated timeline and deliver the final plans to meet FAA expectations. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 12
Matt Rogers, PE ROLE: QA/QC; Staffing assignments Matt oversees Century West’s aviation planning, environmental, engineering, and technical staff. Matt has been with Century West for 26 years and has a long history working on aviation related projects from planning, environmental, through design and construction. He works closely with our aviation staff to ensure that all phases of the project are efficiently coordinated and performed. He is adept at developing project work plans that encompass the broad range of issues that airport sponsors encounter as they navigate FAA requirements and funding. Auburn Municipal Airport, Runway 16-34 Extension; Auburn, WA NOV 2015 - ONGOING QA/QC; Matt led the effort to take the Runway 16-34 Extension project identified in the Airport Master Plan through the EA and scoping for design. He worked with the airport and Century West design and planning staff to address FAA comments to keep the project on track and helped get FAA determination for funding eligibility. Davenport Airport, Runway 5-23 Shift Environmental Assessment; Davenport, WA JAN 2017 - DEC 2019 QA/QC; Matt prepared the implementation plan for the runway shift project that included an EA, property acquisition, and design. He worked with the engineering and planning staff to ensure the design met FAA design criteria and met FAA expectations. Bend Municipal Airport, Helicopter Operations Area; Bend, OR 2015 - 2017 Client Manager; Matt led the team that completed the EA, preliminary design, and funding applications for the Helicopter Operations Area project. Through this process, the Century West team was able to help the City secure over $8,000,000 in funding to complete the project. The funding also included site utilities not typically paid for by FAA for the majority of the site to meet the purpose and need identified in the EA. Kurt Addicott, PE ROLE: Client Manager Kurt is a seasoned senior aviation consultant with 26 years of airport project experience including designing and managing airport development, master planning, and survey projects throughout the FAA Northwest Mountain Region. He has conducted extensive work with general aviation airports, performing AGIS surveys, leading master plans, evaluating planning concepts, developing program recommendations, and designing and implementing improvements. Kurt’s attention to detail and thorough client management skills has helped numerous airport clients better define and implement their capital programs, leading to successful, recognized, and award winning projects. Grant County International Airport, Runway 14L-32R LOS Rehabilitation; Moses Lake, WA JAN 2017 - ONGOING Client/Project Manager; Kurt led and was responsible for managing the project from the initial programming phase, through scoping, preliminary alternatives analysis, and design. Kurt’s responsibilities further included addressing time sensitive grant deadlines to ensure funding for each project phase. Bremerton National Airport, Airfield Electrical Improvements; Bremerton, WA SEP 2018 - ONGOING Client Manager; Kurt led and was responsible for managing the project from the initial programming phase, through scoping, preliminary alternatives analysis, and design. Kurt’s responsibilities further included negotiating AIP funding for Port desired additional improvements to the project. Auburn Municipal Airport, Runway Extension Improvements; Auburn, WA SEP 2018 - AUG 2019 Client Manager; Kurt led and was responsible for managing the project from the initial programming phase, through scoping, preliminary alternatives analysis, and design. Kurt’s responsibilities further included negotiating justifications with the FAA for AIP funding eligibility. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 13
Bill Brackett, PE, CWRE ROLE: Senior Project Engineer; Historical knowledge of Methow Valley State Airport Bill is a senior aviation consultant with Century West with over 30 years of project experience. He is a licensed professional engineer in Oregon and Washington. Bill is an expert in using computer software to optimize the plan, profile, and cross-section design for runway, taxiway, roadway, site design, and utility projects. His airport experience includes design of Taxiway G at Redmond Airport, parallel taxiway and AWOS design at Prineville Airport, runway rehab for Boardman Airport, taxiway and runway rehab design for Lexington Airport, and a life-cycle cost analysis for the Port of Portland at Portland International Airport (PDX). Methow Valley State Airport, Runway Lighting Project; Winthrop, WA 2011 Senior Project Engineer; Prepared plans for a number of lighting and obstruction removal improvements. Lighting improvements included plans and specifications for runway and taxiway edge lighting, a rotating beacon, a lighted windcone, and a PAPI. Bill was responsible for the civil design and coordination of the electrical project components project subconsultants, Bend Municipal Airport, Helicopter Operations Area; Bend, OR 2015 - 2017 Project Manager; Conducted the design of the Helicopter Operations Area at Bend Municipal Airport. Madras Municipal Airport, Runway 16-34 Improvements; Madras, OR 2013 - 2015 Senior Project Manager; Bill was responsible for designing improvements to the Airport’s main runway. Improvements included full reconstruction of Runway 16-34, adjustments to intersections at taxiway intersections, pavement marking, adjustments to existing edge lights and NAVAIDs, and improvements to runway drainage. Bill oversaw the full development of project plans and specifications and assisted the City in bidding the project for construction. Melanie Johansen, PE ROLE: Project Engineer; Construction Management Melanie is an aviation consultant with 12 years of experience on airport improvement projects. She has provided design and project management for a variety of airport projects including pavement rehabilitation, lighting and NAVAID upgrades, obstruction removals, storm drainage improvements, and environmental assessments. Her responsibilities have included development of construction plans and specifications, quantity calculations and cost estimates, bid support, and construction management and on-site observation. Odessa Municipal Airport, Runway 2/20 Rehabilitation; Odessa, WA SEP 2017 - JUL 2019 Project Engineer and Construction Manager; Melanie served as the design lead and construction manager for the Odessa Runway 2/20 Rehabilitation. The project included crack sealing and slurry sealing of the asphalt runway and regraded the runway safety area to meet current FAA requirements. An obstruction analysis was also completed for the project, and the gravel road south of Runway 2 was realigned outside of the RSA and ROFA. Sanderson Field, Runway 23 Aircraft Holding & Run-Up Area; Shelton, WA MAY 2016 - OCT 2016 Construction Manager and Grant Administration; Melanie lead the construction management and grant administration for construction of the new run-up apron at Sanderson Field. In addition to paving, the construction included new signs and edge reflectors and a new drainage infiltration facility. William R. Fairchild International Airport, Apron Phases III & IV; Port Angeles, WA JAN 2016 - AUG 2017 Project Engineer; Melanie served as project and design engineer for a new general aviation apron. Design included drainage conveyance and treatment facilities, new taxiway edge lighting and signage, and new perimeter fencing. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 14
David Yurs, PE | Project Engineer ROLE: Project Engineer David is an aviation civil engineer with seven years of aviation design and construction experience. His design experience includes airport projects at Seattle-Tacoma, Moses Lakes, Shelton, Davenport, Bowers Field, Spokane International Airport, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City airports. David’s expertise and experience involve civil design including geometric layout and design of taxiways/ taxilanes and runways, grading and drainage design, pavement design, pavement markings, aircraft parking and modeling, GSE layout and modeling, jet blast analysis, and construction phasing. Sanderson Field, Runway Rehabilitation, Environmental Assessment & Design; Shelton, WA JUNE 2018 - ONGOING Project Engineer; David served as the project engineer for runway maintenance and lighting improvements at Sanderson Field. The project includes an environmental assessment, final design, and construction for a runway pavement overlay. The project also includes an upgrade to the existing airfield lighting system. Davenport Airport, Runway Pavement Extension Design; Davenport, WA JUN 2018 - SEP 2019 Project Engineer; David led the preliminary design and plans production for a runway replacement and extension project at Davenport Municipal Airport. The project included complete replacement of the main runway and associated drainage improvements. The project also included new turn-around taxiways and taxiway connectors to connect the existing apron to the new runway threshold. In addition to the paving and drainage improvements, the project also involved preliminary PAPI layout, PAPI obstacle clearance surface (OCS) survey, taxiway edge reflector and runway edge lighting layout. Grant County International Airport, Runway 14L-32R LOS Rehabilitation; Moses Lake, WA JAN 2017 - ONGOING Project Engineer; David led the final design and plans production for all civil design aspects of the line of sight rehabilitation of Runway 14L-32R at Grant County International Airport. The project includes regrading and full depth reconstruction of approximately 4,000 feet of the runway to repair a line of sight issue and meet current FAA RSA grading criteria. The project also includes removal and replacement of the existing runway edge lighting system to meet current FAA geometric tolerances. David Miller, AICP ROLE: Lead Aviation Planner; Historical Knowledge of Methow Valley State Airport David has 35 years of professional aviation consulting experience. David is Century West’s lead airport planner, providing exceptional knowledge of airport design and airspace planning standards and the operation of airports. David’s planning expertise includes land use actions, zoning and comprehensive plan updates, ordinance writing and adoption, and coordination with local government as an appointed planning commissioner, elected city council member, and consultant. As a planner specializing in the built environment, David is known for creating innovative facility designs that are efficient, realistic to construct, and consistently approved and accepted by FAA, state aviation agencies, and our airport clients. Methow Valley State Airport, Airport Master Plan & Airport Layout Plan; Winthrop, WA 2008 - 2010 Senior Aviation Planner; Responsible for data collection, facility evaluations, development alternatives, CIP, and ALP drawing set in the AMP/ALP project. Responsible for coordination and review of all leases, agreements and policies with WSDOT Aviation and Real Estate Division staff in the 2010 Through-the-Fence Access Review. Kittitas County-Bowers Field, ALP Update & Facility Needs Assessment; Ellensburg, WA 2010 Senior Aviation Planner; David served as senior planner for a facility needs assessment and ALP update to supplement the 2004 airport master plan. The primary tasks associated with this project involved evaluating previous master plan recommendations for runway and taxiway reconfigurations to reflect current needs. The project included updating the aviation activity forecasts and facility requirements analysis to reflect current conditions. Updated landside evaluations were conducted for aircraft parking, fueling, hangars, and vehicle parking. WSDOT | Methow Valley State Airport Helipad Project 15
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