Outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis associated with a swimming pool inflatable

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Epidemiol. Infect. (2003), 130, 187–192. f 2003 Cambridge University Press
          DOI : 10.1017/S0950268802008245 Printed in the United Kingdom

          Outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis associated
          with a swimming pool inflatable

          D. T A T E 1*, S. M A W E R 2 A N D A. N E WT O N 1
              Health Protection Unit, Health House, Grange Park Lane, Willerby, UK
              Hull Public Health Laboratory, Hull Royal Infirmary, Analby Road, Hull, UK

          (Accepted 9 December 2002)

          On 18 February 2002, the Communicable Disease Unit was notified by the local Public Health
          Service Laboratory of a child with a positive skin swab for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This child
          had attended the local swimming pool and played on an inflatable, subsequently presenting to
          a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner with folliculitis. A total of 35 cases was identified during the
          outbreak. This paper describes a case–control study and microbiological sampling of the cases,
          the suspected inflatable and a survey of 10 swimming pool inflatables in the local area. The odds
          ratio for developing folliculitis following use of the inflatable was 12 (95 % CI 1.05–136.80). The
          strain of P. aeruginosa found on the inflatable was identical to that obtained from skin swabs of
          cases. Nine of 10 (90 %) of the inflatables sampled were colonized by P. aeruginosa. Attention
          should be given to the problem of routine decontamination of swimming pool inflatables.
          P. aeruginosa folliculitis needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis of skin rashes in
          children, especially in Primary Care.

          INTRODUCTION                                                                        axillary lymphadenopathy [10]. Other recognized
                                                                                              symptoms include headache, sore throat, sore eyes,
          Pseudomonas aeruginosa was first described as causing
                                                                                              rhinitis, mastitis, nausea and vomiting [12]. The fol-
          folliculitis associated with the recreational use of
                                                                                              liculitis typically heals without scarring although
          water facilities in 1975 by McCausland and Cox [1]
                                                                                              it may produce areas of desquamation or hyperpig-
          who reported the skin condition following the use of a
                                                                                              mented macules, and rarely subcutaneous abscesses
          public whirlpool [2]. Since then pseudomonas follicu-
                                                                                              may form [8]. Otitis externa is also a recognized as-
          litis has been reported following use of whirlpools
                                                                                              sociation with these outbreaks, typically those in-
          [3–7], hot tubs [8], swimming pools [8, 9], saunas [9]
                                                                                              volving swimming pools [8, 10]. Cases of pneumonia
          and water slides [10]. Many of these cases have been
                                                                                              [13] and urinary tract infections [14] have been re-
          due to failure of the disinfection system [6, 8–10].
                                                                                              ported following the use of infected whirlpools. Thus
             Pseudomonas folliculitis typically presents with a
                                                                                              although recreational water facilities colonized with
          pruritic rash following the location of apocrine sweat
                                                                                              P. aeruginosa typically produce a self-limiting follicu-
          glands affecting the buttocks, hips, axillae, arms and
                                                                                              litis, other conditions may occasionally be produced
          thighs, with the palms, soles and mucous membranes
                                                                                              with more serious consequences.
          being unaffected [8]. Although the rash is described
          as self-limiting, resolving in 2–10 days [11], cases
          have been known to require hospitalization and in-                                  BACKGROUND
          travenous antibiotics due to severe dermatitis and
                                                                                              An outbreak was initially suspected when two brothers
          * Author for correspondence.                                                        presented to a Nurse Practitioner at a local General

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188         D. Tate, S. Mawer and A. Newton

                   Practitioner’s practice. They presented with a rash                                 was contacted and a list of cases obtained. Fortu-
                   of similar distribution and time of onset. The Nurse                                nately the swimming pool is located in a small town
                   Practitioner had seen several cases of skin rashes in                               served by only two General Practitioner practices,
                   children that day but had not initially considered a                                thus it was easy to obtain a list of cases from the se-
                   common link between them. Given the similarities                                    cond practice.
                   between the brothers’ rashes a more detailed exposure                                  The cases were sent a questionnaire enquiring
                   history was taken where it was identified that both                                  about symptoms, usage of the pool, activities under-
                   had attended a local swimming pool during a session                                 taken in the swimming pool and use of the inflatable.
                   in which a pool inflatable was being used and was the                                Child cases were sent the questionnaire via their
                   main attraction. Further questioning of the previous                                parent/guardian who was asked to fill in the ques-
                   cases seen, revealed that they had also attended the                                tionnaire on their child’s behalf. Cases were asked
                   inflatable session at the swimming pool.                                             to identify up to two adults and two children who
                      The swimming pool was sampled by environmental                                   were in the pool at the same time as them but had not
                   health officers and preliminary results suggested that                                developed a rash. The cases were sent the control
                   the inflatable was heavily contaminated with P. aeru-                                questionnaires with the case questionnaire and asked
                   ginosa. The species was also detected on environ-                                   to distribute these to the controls they had identified.
                   mental swabs taken from tiles at the shallow end of                                 In this way we hoped to identify the controls. The
                   the swimming pool. The log of the chlorination levels                               swimming pool holds no records of people who use
                   was examined on the initial visit and satisfactory                                  the swimming pool in a particular session ; thus,
                   levels of free chlorine had been maintained in the                                  the usual means of identifying controls used in other
                   pool (>1 ppm) [15].                                                                 outbreaks of this nature, e.g. motel records [9], were
                      The inflatable was approx. 18 m in length and was                                 not available. A reminder letter was sent 2 weeks after
                   3 months old. It is inflated in the pool and kept con-                               the initial questionnaire to all the identified cases.
                   tinually inflated during use by an air pump. It is an
                   obstacle course in design with children (>14 years of
                                                                                                       Microbiological sampling of the inflatable and
                   age are prohibited from using it) climbing on one
                                                                                                       suspected cases
                   end and traversing the various inflated obstacles to
                   reach the other end which comprises a short slide by                                General Practitioners at the practices in the town were
                   which the children enter the water and return to the                                asked to swab the rash of possible cases. Swabs from
                   start. The inflatable comprises the main attraction of                               cases were processed by standard microbiological
                   the swimming pool at the times it is in use.                                        methods. They were inoculated on to blood agar,
                                                                                                       Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED) with
                                                                                                       Andrade’s indicator, incubated at 37 xC for 40– 48 h
                   METHODS                                                                             and examined for growth of typical colonies of
                   Three investigations were undertaken following the                                  P. aeruginosa. Individual colonies were picked and
                   formation of the Outbreak Control Team. (1) A case–                                 identities confirmed by the Laboratory of Hospital
                   control study, (2) microbiological sampling of the in-                              Infection (LHI), Central Public Health Laboratory,
                   flatable and children affected, and (3) microbiological                               who performed serotyping and genetic fingerprinting
                   sampling of swimming pool inflatables in the local                                   by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE).
                   authority.                                                                             The inflatable was retested following thorough
                                                                                                       cleaning with a disinfectant containing benzalkonium
                                                                                                       chloride (domestic solution).
                   Case–control study
                   The case definition at the initial meeting was, ‘any
                                                                                                       Microbiological sampling of swimming pool
                   person with a rash resembling folliculitis who used the
                                                                                                       inflatables in the local authority
                   swimming pool in the 72 h prior to the onset of the
                   rash ’. A letter was sent to all General Practitioners in                           Due to the unique nature of this outbreak the Out-
                   the Health Authority advising them of the outbreak                                  break Control Team considered it was necessary to
                   and requesting that details of any possible cases seen                              sample inflatables in the area to determine the fre-
                   be sent to the Communicable Disease Unit for follow-                                quency of colonization with P. aeruginosa. Inflatables
                   up. The Nurse Practitioner from the original practice                               were sampled over a 2-day period in April 2002.

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P. aeruginosa folliculitis and swimming pools                           189

          A 10r10 cm square was swabbed vigorously with a                                     particular distribution of swimwear worn and did not
          sterile cotton transport swab (Sterlin UK Ltd) at the                               reflect differences in sex. Symptoms from the rash
          middle, either end of the inflatable, and the inside of                              were described as follows, itching 17 (81 %), discharge
          the inflatable via the inflation inlet. Details were                                  from the rash 10 (48 %), pain from the rash 8 (38 %),
          collected of the frequency of use, type, age, cleaning                              loss of appetite 2 (10 %). None of the cases had a
          regime and storage of the inflatable.                                                temperature, nausea or vomiting. No cases described
                                                                                              symptoms such as earache or sore throat, which have
          Microbiological methods for environmental samples                                   previously been associated with P. aeruginosa in rec-
          Water samples were examined for coliforms, Escheri-                                 reational water [12].
          chia coli and P. aeruginosa by standard methods
          [16, 17].                                                                           Microbiological sampling of the swimming pool
            The swabs from the inflatable and pool environ-                                    and inflatable
          ment were plated on to CLED and cetrimide fucidin                                   The pool water on the initial visit was negative for
          cephaloridine (CFC) agar (Oxoid Ltd). After incu-                                   P. aeruginosa and coliforms and repeated testing pro-
          bation at 37 xC for 40–48 h the plates were examined                                duced no significant results. P. aeruginosa was iso-
          for P. aeruginosa and isolates sent to LHI for typing.                              lated from five environmental swabs and all except
                                                                                              one were serotype O11 and of an identical PFGE
                                                                                              profile. These were taken from areas such as tiles on
                                                                                              the floor of the ladies changing room or tiling at the
          Case–control study                                                                  shallow end of the pool. Three swabs from the inflat-
                                                                                              able yielded heavy growths of P. aeruginosa serotype
          The two practices in the same town as the swimming
                                                                                              O11 and of the identical PFGE profile to the en-
          pool provided a list of 32 individuals meeting the case
                                                                                              vironmental isolates. Further tests of the swimming
          definition. No other cases were reported by General
                                                                                              pool following cleaning were negative for P. aerugi-
          Practitioners in the Health Authority area. Question-
                                                                                              nosa. However, the inflatable remained consistently
          naires were received from 23 (72 %) of the ‘original ’
                                                                                              colonized by a heavy growth of P. aeruginosa despite
          cases identified. One case contacted the Communi-
                                                                                              extensive cleaning and drying. The inflatable was
          cable Disease Unit directly following the media at-
                                                                                              retested 2 months after the outbreak, having been
          tention given to the outbreak and their General
                                                                                              stored in a dry cold area well away from the swim-
          Practitioner was contacted directly to confirm clinical
                                                                                              ming pool and P. aeruginosa serotype O11 was still
          details. Two cases were identified when they com-
                                                                                              present on its surface.
          pleted the control group questionnaire sent to the
          ‘original ’ cases. Due to the confidentiality promised
          on these questionnaires no contact was made with                                    Swabs from cases
          their General Practitioners. Thus in total we received                              P. aeruginosa was isolated from swabs of the rashes
          26 completed questionnaires from cases, 23 identified                                of 6/20 cases tested and all 6 were of serotype O11.
          by the two General Practices and 3 who contacted the                                PFGE profiles showed that these isolates were indis-
          Communicable Disease Unit independently.                                            tinguishable from those of the inflatable and other
             Only 4 controls were identified, 2 of whom used                                   positive environmental swabs, indicating they were
          the inflatable and 2 who did not. Two of the 26 cases                                the same strain. One case had two different P. aeru-
          had also not used the inflatable. The Odds Ratio (OR)                                ginosa O11 PFGE profiles ; the first being was ident-
          for developing folliculitis having used the inflatable                               ical to the other cases and the second was unique. It is
          was 12.0 (95 % CI 1.05–136.80, using binomial dis-                                  unclear where this strain originated.
             The questionnaire asked the cases to mark on an
                                                                                              Microbiological sampling of swimming pool
          outline of the human body areas affected by the
                                                                                              inflatables in the local authority
          rash. This part of the questionnaire was completed
          by 21 (81 %) of the cases. The chest and abdomen was                                Ten inflatables were sampled microbiologically dur-
          affected in 19 (90 %), buttocks 14 (67 %), arms 15                                   ing visits to seven local pools. The inflatables varied
          (71 %), legs 18 (86 %), hands, feet and head and neck                               in size (6–18 m), age (0–6 years) and were from six
          were spared. The patterns described did not fit any                                  different manufacturers (Table 1). They were used

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190         D. Tate, S. Mawer and A. Newton

                   Table 1. Contamination of inflatable pool devices with Pseudomonas aeruginosa

                                                                                                                                                                          of swabs
                                                    Age of                                                                                                P. aerugi-      for P.
                                   Swimming         inflatable      Manufac-        Length       Frequency           Frequency         P. aerugi-          nosa O11        aerugi-
                   Inflatable       pool             (Yr)           turer           (m)          of use              of cleaning       nosa isolated       isolated        nosa

                     1             A
P. aeruginosa folliculitis and swimming pools                           191

             The case–control study suffered from the lack of                                  that the initial cases were quickly identified and fur-
          controls and thus detailed analysis was not under-                                  ther case ascertainment occurred.
          taken. It does however provide further evidence of                                     This study does highlight the fact that adequate
          the link between the inflatable and the folliculitis,                                chlorination of swimming pool water does not totally
          although its value is of a descriptive nature. The lack                             protect against users developing bacterial skin infec-
          in this outbreak of ear or systemic symptoms reported                               tions. Guidelines for cleaning swimming pool in-
          in previous studies where P. aeruginosa was found in                                flatables need to be developed. No current guidance
          the pool water, adds further weight to the infection                                exists and manufacturers’ literature contains little in-
          being contracted from the inflatable and not the                                     formation to the owner of an inflatable as to how it
          water. P. aeruginosa was isolated from only 6 of the                                may be cleaned bacteriologically. The cleaning agent
          20 patients affected who were swabbed, which prob-                                   should not damage the inflatable nor react with other
          ably reflects difficulties in contacting patients and the                              disinfection agents used in the swimming pool. It
          delay in swabbing their rashes. The two cases who                                   should also be safe in the water to the users and be
          stated they had not used the inflatable both had                                     effective at eliminating P. aeruginosa. At present it is
          negative skin swabs. The first, a child, had a different                              unclear as to what to do with an inflatable, which is
          distribution of rash from those who had used the in-                                contaminated with P. aeruginosa especially serotype
          flatable. This case had a rash on the elbows and but-                                O11, but has not been associated with clinical illness.
          tocks with sparing of the trunk both front and back,
          a source of this infection may have been the tiles at
          the shallow-end, which were P. aeruginosa positive,
          which the child could have scraped against when                                     We wish to thank Rosie Thompson (Nurse Prac-
          pulling themselves out of the water. The other case,                                titioner) whose actions alerted us to the outbreak,
          the only adult to be affected, developed a rash on his                               Colin Wilson (East Riding of Yorkshire Council
          legs only and no explanation for this was found.                                    Leisure Services) whose efforts enabled us to sample
             The case–control study provided further evidence                                 the local swimming pool inflatables, Karen Baddeley
          that showering on exiting the swimming pool is                                      and Paul Abbott (Environmental Health Officers)
          not protective against developing folliculitis, all the                             who conducted the initial sampling, Sam Ackland for
          cases and controls showered on leaving the swim-                                    doing most of the laboratory work, Mrs M. E. Kauf-
          ming pool. This confirms findings of a previous study                                 mann (LHI) for conducting the serotyping and PFGE
          [5]. It also highlights that this is not a trivial con-                             profiling of the isolates and Dr G. Nichols (CDSC
          dition : three (10 %) children required time off school                              Colindale) for help and advice throughout the out-
          and several received unnecessary antibiotic treatment                               break and comments on this paper.
          (mainly flucloxacillin which is ineffective against
          P. aeruginosa).
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          two other inflatables were positive for serotype O11,                                  3. Washburn J, Jacobson MD, Marston E, et al. Pseudo-
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          in the original outbreak. It is therefore possible that                                  JAMA 1976 ; 235 : 2205–7.
          the particular strain that colonized the original in-                                 4. Feder HM, Grant-Kels JM, Tilton RC. Pseudomonas
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          flatable was more virulent than those found on other                                      families. Clin Pediatr 1983 ; 22 : 638– 42.
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                                                                                                   club whirlpool. Postgrad Med J 1991 ; 90 : 169–70.
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          Nurse Practitioner on seeing the original cases meant                                    with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. CDR 1995 ; 5 : 102– 4.

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