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Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Our responsibility to our ccoll ollea eagues, gues, cust customer omerss and commu commun nities
Contents Contents For oreewo word rd 4 About Ro Royal Mail Mail 6 businesss stra Our busines strateg egyy 10 straategy Our CR str 12 CR governa governanc ncee 18 nsparenc Transparencyy 20 custom Our cust erss omer 22 peoplee Our peopl 28 Our commu mmun nities 38 envi Our envirronmen onmentt 46 GRI Index 56 assur Independent assuraance stat statement ement 64 This is our tenth Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report. It covers our UK operations and includes performance data for the financial year 2011-12. Given the significant improvements that we have made to our corporate responsibility strategy, the Report also contains reference to events that have taken place outside of the reporting period. Where that is the case, we make it explicit. Our last report was published in January 2012 and covered the financial year 2010-11. On 1 April 2012, Royal Mail Group and Post Office Limited became sister companies. We have sought to separate out as much Post Office Limited data as possible in this Report. However, as Post Office Limited was part of Royal Mail Group up until the end of the financial year 2011-12, financial data includes Post Office Limited. In addition, the environmental data we have disclosed includes our Post Office Limited footprint. Our UK operations, including Post Office Limited, accounted for over 90 per cent of our employee base and 84 per cent of our revenues in 2011-12. All other data excludes Post Office Limited. Royal Mail Group Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12
Foreword Foreword Foreword by Moya Greene, our CEO Sound footin footing g The BITC Index is one good way of assessing the strength of our Our direct economic impact is supported by our active community sustainability programme. I’m pleased to say that we achieved investment programme. During 2011-12, Royal Mail contributed I am am pl pleased eased tto o sa sayy that that R Rooyal Ma Mail il has made good progr progresesss in Platinum, the highest ranking, for the first time in 2012, scoring 96 £10.4 million to charities, good causes and schemes for our journey tto owarards ds sustained profitabilit profitabilityy. Our new busbusines inesss per cent; up from a Silver ranking (87 per cent) in 2010. disadvantaged groups. In addition, our colleagues raised £3 million strategy is delivering. Our Group stra Group opera operating pr ofit1 mar profit marggin for many good causes across the country. In fact, the payroll has improved improved toto 2.2 per ccent ent fr from om 0.4 per ccentent llast ast year year.. The Our new Corporate Balanced Scorecard, launched in 2011, is generosity of my colleagues has earned us a Guinness World Record. busines businesss is cash positive ffor or the fir first st time in ffour our year years. s. fundamental to our achieving sustained profitability and safeguarding Since 1989 we have donated more than £45 million to 975 charities the Universal Service. The Scorecard supports the implementation and good causes across the UK. The past eighteen months have marked an important turnaround and execution of our business and CR strategies as it is linked to for the Group. One of the key developments has been the successful managers’ remuneration right across the business. It consists of Among the highlights of the past year was the creation of a new passage through Parliament of the Postal Services Act 2011, which four quadrants which each have equal weighting: People, Customer, Charity of the Year programme. This follows a four-year association received Royal Assent in June 2011. The Act sets a framework within Performance and Financial. These four areas are integral to achieving with children’s charity Barnardo’s, during which time we raised which the Group could secure external capital. our business and CR strategies. £2.6 million. For the first time, Royal Mail has committed to matching funds raised by colleagues, penny for penny, up to £1 million a year Another development was the Pension Solution. On 1 April 2012, Just as we are improving the quality of our financial reporting, we for each of the two years of the Charity of the Year partnership. just after the year end, almost all of the pension liabilities and As the sole provider of pension assets of the Royal Mail Pension Plan were transferred to are seeking to strengthen our sustainability reporting in our annual Corporate Responsibility Report. This year, we are reporting against Our people voted for Prostate Cancer UK, from a shortlist of three, as our first charity partner under the revamped programme. As HM Government. We are grateful to the Secretary of State and his the Universal Service colleagues at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index for the first time. Under the GRI, we have achieved a B+ rating. We will now seek to build on this part of our ‘everyone’s a winner’ approach, however, we are also supporting Alzheimer’s Society and Whizz-Kidz as part of this in the UK, Royal Mail their commitment to delivering this milestone. performance in future years. programme, which runs until autumn 2014. is proud to connect Finally, on 27 March 2012, again just after the year end, we were pleased with the introduction of a new regulatory framework. Our ccontribution ontribution tto o the ccommunit ommunityy Outlook Outlook customers, companies Our new regulator, Ofcom, recognised that the prior framework was not appropriate and that there was a very real risk to the Royal Mail has a long heritage of contributing to the communities that we serve. We do this primarily through the Universal Service – We are in a stronger financial position, but much remains to be done. Our margin is improving, albeit from a very low base. Our strategies and communities. We sustainability of the Universal Service. The new regulatory approach provides us with increased commercial freedom, to better position connecting millions of customers, businesses, organisations and communities, including those in the most remote rural areas. and initiatives are geared towards delivering, in time, a more commercial margin as compared to other successful postal operators. deliver six days a week us to earn a reasonable return on the services we deliver. This new approach underpins the regulator’s primary duty and commitment to Our economic contribution to the UK is significant. In 2012, Royal Very few companies face the prospect of continued change on the to over 29 million safeguarding the Universal Service in the UK. Mail commissioned the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) to quantify our impact on the economy. The study found that scale that we do. I am very grateful for the continued help and support we have received from HM Government. I also thank our addresses. We make Our str stra ategic ap approach proach we make a major contribution. Our core business ranks as the eighth largest in the UK in terms of our economic footprint. We contribute union colleagues for their ongoing engagement and constructive challenge to ensure our success. And, most of all, I would like to The objective at the heart of our business strategy and our commerce happen. corporate responsibility strategy is the same – to ensure a sound and 0.4 per cent to the UK’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Including our wider economic impacts, that figure rises to 0.7 per cent of GDP, thank all our colleagues across the Group. I know what we are asking of them is difficult. I am grateful for their continued dedication, hard sustainable Universal Service for the benefit of everyone in the UK. amounting to an annual economic contribution of £9.4 billion. work and commitment. They continue to be the main driver of our Moya Greene To monitor the successful delivery of our business strategy, we have success as we look towards a secure and profitable future. Chief Executive Officer launched a new Strategic Framework. The Framework consists of 24 We directly support around 153,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs in blocks geared towards strengthening our commercial future and, as the UK. In addition, a further 83,000 FTE jobs are supported through Royal Mail is not just any company. It occupies a privileged position in a result, the positive contribution we make to the UK’s economy and our core business in the wider economy, taking the total jobs impact UK society. And with privilege comes responsibility – to our colleagues, society. to around 237,000 full-time posts – or 1 per cent of UK employment. customers and communities.. The study also found that for every £1 paid by Royal Mail in wages, Corporate responsibility (CR) is one of our strategic imperatives. an additional 57p is generated elsewhere in the economy. Our objective is to be independently rated as one of the most responsible companies in the UK, as measured by the preeminent We are building on our contribution as an employer by supporting Business in the Community (BITC) Corporate Responsibility Index. the Government’s campaign for vocational apprenticeships. We have In addition, many of the other Strategic Framework blocks contain several new apprentice schemes that aim to get marginalised young corporate responsibility objectives, including Customer Interaction, people into the workplace and to launch their careers. We have also People Engagement, Reputation Management etc. Moya Greene introduced, for the first time, the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award scheme for apprentices on our Engineering scheme. 1 Financial data included in this Report includes Post Office Limited. 04 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 05
About Royal Mail About Royal Mail About Royal Mail As the sole provider of the Universal Service in the UK, Royal Mail reaches everyone. Who we are GLS delivers high-quality parcel and express Transforming Royal Mail Our future Group structure services as well as value-added logistics We are in the midst of one of the largest The Postal Services Act 2011 set out As the sole provider of the Universal solutions throughout Europe. GLS is one transformation programmes in the UK, as the steps Royal Mail must take to secure Service in the UK, Royal Mail Group Royal Mail Holdings plc of the biggest ground-based parcel service we adapt a network traditionally focused external investment. We have made good reaches everyone. We deliver six days a providers in Europe today. on letters, to one which handles more and progress restoring the Group to financial week, to over 29 million addresses across the UK, at affordable and competitive more parcels. Our strategy is to create a stability, obtained significant deregulation and Royal Mail Group Ltd and Post Office Limited more customer-focused company, run secured European Commission approval for prices. became sister companies just after the on commercial lines, where we convert the transfer of almost all of the Royal Mail Royal Mail Group Ltd2 Post Office Limited reporting date, on 1 April 2012. In January increases in parcel volumes into profitable Pension Plan’s pension liabilities and pension Royal Mail is a key component of the UK’s 2012, both companies signed a major growth and manage structural decline in the assets to HM Government. economic and social infrastructure, providing commercial agreement, which provides letters business. During this transformation, services to private individuals, companies and continuity and a close working relationship we are committed to delivering to high Preparations are now under way for the communities. Our postmen and women are Royal Mail Investments Limited Royal Mail Estates Limited2 over the long term. Quality of Service standards for our sale of Royal Mail Group. Obtaining external an important part of their local communities. As a business, we make a major contribution customers across the UK. capital is a key part of the transformation to the economy, adding 0.7 per cent to the Where we want to be process as we become a more parcels- Where we are today. We are one of the Transformation means: focused business and make the investment General Logistics Systems B.V. UK’s total GDP.† UK’s most trusted brands. We connect • becoming a more customer-focused in technology to do so. The structure and the Our businesses customers and communities and make company. timing of the transaction is a matter for the commerce happen. Government. All options are being considered A new regulatory framework Building a commercial future Royal Mail has a diversified business model • changing our business to become more of and there can be no certainty about the On 27 March 2012, Ofcom introduced a new After years of regulation that kept Royal Mail – letters, parcels and data. The Group is a parcels business as online retailing keeps Why we are changing. The UK postal outcome. regulatory framework. Ofcom recognised that tariffs artificially low, we took the difficult but organised into two main businesses: UK growing. Parcels, International and Letters (UKPIL) services market has changed dramatically. the previous framework was not appropriate, necessary steps to increase our prices. The We are transforming our business to succeed • successfully managing the decline in letters. Recent milestones that price controls had failed and that there increase is helping us to earn a reasonable and General Logistics Systems (GLS). in one of the most liberalised and competitive • taking every opportunity to become a was a very real risk to the sustainability of rate of return for the work that we do. It is markets in the EU. 1. Our pension solution UKPIL processes and delivers letters and successful and profitable business. the Universal Service. also enabling us to accelerate modernisation, parcels in line with its Universal Service 2. A new regulatory framework ensure our commercial future and drive Obligation. It is also the leading provider of We are proud to deliver the Universal After the reporting date, in October 2012, We are now able to compete more effectively. growth through investment in IT and Service. But, it does require a high fixed-cost we confirmed a £75 million, four-year 3. Building a commercial future The new regulatory approach provides us development of the products and services collection and delivery services for express parcels through Parcelforce Worldwide. network. The UK postal services market has expansion programme in Royal Mail’s with increased commercial freedoms, to customers most want. However, we recognise changed dramatically in recent years. Our UK express parcels business, Parcelforce Our pension solution better position us to earn a reasonable how hard any increase is for households strategy aims to tackle the key challenges Worldwide. The expansion is expected to Our historic pension deficit was a significant rate of return on the services we deliver. and businesses at a time when economic facing Royal Mail to build a sustainable, create approximately 1,000 new UK jobs. It financial burden. After the reporting date, on However, there are still some challenges conditions are so difficult. For Christmas diversified business, secure the future of the will enable UKPIL to increase the number of 1 April 2012, following EU State Aid approval, to be addressed. We continue to work with 2012, we offered stamps to people in low- Universal Service and attract external capital. express parcels it is able to handle by around we transferred almost all of the historic Ofcom to ensure Royal Mail can compete on income households at 2011-12 prices (see 25 per cent each year, in a market estimated pension liabilities and pension assets of the a level playing field. page 25 for more information). to be worth £5.8 billion annually. Pension Plan to HM Government. This will 2 The UK Parcels, International and Letters (UKPIL) improve our future cash generation as we † According to research undertaken by the business unit is not a separate legal entity and is complete our modernisation programme. included within Royal Mail Group Ltd and Royal Centre for Economics and Business Research. Mail Estates Limited. 06 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 07
About Royal Mail About Royal Mail Our fina financial ncial per perfforma orman nce3 Full year The Grou Groupp’s ffina inanc ncial ial perf performa ormanc nce e continues to to str stre engthen. All our main To 27 March 2011 To 25 March 2012 businesses businesses ar are e pr profitabl ofitable. e. Business unit performance £m £m Key fina financial ncial highlights in the year Group external revenue 9,156 9,532 ended 25 March March 2012 Operating profit after modernisation costs 39 211 • Gr Grooup opera operatin tingg profit profit af aftter modernisa modernisationtion costs incr increased eased frfrom om ££39 39 million million ttoo £211 Free cash inflow/(outflow) (213) 234 million million.. • UKPIL re returned to to ooper peraatin tingg profit profit af aftter modernisation modernisa tion ccoosts of £2 £233 million million • Ext Externa ernall re revenues in UKPIL, our ccoore UK Outlo Outlook followin ollowing g a loss loss of £120 millmillion ion in 2011. business, busines s, incr increased eased fr from om £ £6.9 6.9 billion billion ttoo While our fina While financia nciall hea health lth has impr improved oved £7.2 billi billion. substantia substa ntiallllyy over the last 18 months, there there • The GrGrou oupp’s over overaall ooper peraatin tingg profit profit mar marggin • UKPIL UKPIL’’s domestic par parccel volu volumes were were up is still mor moree to to do. Accommoda ommodating ting incr increasing easing aftter modernisa af modernisation tion ccoosts (befo (before other 6 per ccent ent during the year year.. Traditiona aditionall letter parccel tra par traffic is one of the ke key elements elements of of oper peraating ex excceptiona eptionall it items) ems) incr increased eased from from volu olumes decl declined ined 6 per ccent. ent. our pr progogrramme. It incl includes udes becomin becomingg a 0.4 per ccent ent in the prprevious evious year ttoo 2.2 per much moremore cust customer-f omer-focused ocused compa compan ny an and d cent. The mar margin gin rremains emains low co compared mpared ttoo • UKPIL parparccels re revenue increased increased 10 per generaating pr gener profitabl ofitablee gr grow owthth acr acros osss a ra range man ma ny other major posta postall opera operator ors. s. cent ttoo £2.6 bill billion, ion, driven b byy str strong ong of new an and existing products. products. It is abouaboutt grow growthth in onl online ine reretail tailin ing. g. Re Revenues at at Royal Mail being rru un aallong ccommer ommercia ciall llines, ines, External External rre evenue a and nd vol volu umes GLS, GL S, our ccontinenta ontinentall EEu uropean pean parc parcels and investing investing in new new,, vita vitall ttechnology echnology as we • Gr Grooup externa externall rreevenue incr increased eased 4 per business, busines s, incr increased eased b byy 5 per ccent ent ttoo become bec ome a more more parcparcels-driven business. business. cent ttoo £9.5 bill billion ion af aftter two suc succcessive £1.6 £1 .6 bill billion ion.. Henc encee our need fo for ext externa ernall cap capital, ital, which year earss of decline decline.. is centr centraal ttoo our tr traansf nsforma ormationtion pr proogr graamme mme.. So too too is the succ successful compl completion etion of our modernisation modernisa tion pro progrgraamme as we become become a moree efficient aand mor nd eff effective ective or orga ganisa nisation tion in everyt ever hing we do. ything 3 Financial data includes Post Office Limited. 08 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 09
Our business strategy Our business strategy Our business strategy Case Our over overar arching ching goal is simpl simple e – tto o bec become ome the best study: Growing our parcel deliveryy an deliver and mark marketing mail busines businesss in the UK. business Royal Mail Group is more than just a UK-focused, letter delivery business. We are leveraging our capacity, reach and expertise to grow profitable revenue streams in parcel Overv Overview Being brillia brillian nt a att the bas basics ics Building a ccommer ommercial cial ffu uture Driving pr pro ofit fitabl able e gr gro owth Three Three point pl pla an delivery, among other services. Royal Mail has a clear clear tr tra ansf nsforma ormation tion We are implementing a fundamental change Alongside modernising our operations comes The third and final part of our business Theree are Ther are thr three ee main parts parts ttoo our plan. plan. The Growing our parcels business is a stra strategy in plac place. e. It is delivering results. results. in the way we work across our operations. the need to build a commercial future. strategy is to create profitable revenue first two need ttoo ha first happ ppen en at at the sasame me time key part of our strategy as we seek We arare e addr addres essing sing the strstruct uctur ural al Our modernisation programme is one of Ofcom’s new regulatory approach, announced growth in marketing mail and parcels to to achieve the third third one – drive pr profitabl ofitablee to attract external capital. decline in the tradi traditional tional le lett tter erss mark market the largest of its kind in the UK. The aim of just after the end of the financial year, is counter the decline in the traditional letters gro gr owth. by impr improving oving efficienc efficiencyy acro across our the process is to make our operations more a key step. The new regulatory approach market. Royal Mail Group currently has a Our parcels business has three opera oper ations a and nd ada adapting pting our networ network k efficient: increasing productivity, improving provides us with increased commercial £4.2 billion revenue-generating parcels (1) B Be e brillia brilliant nt a att the basics networks in the UK: Royal Mail’s to acc accommodat ommodate the ever-incr ever-increasing easing the service our customers receive and freedoms. However, there are still some business that includes UKPIL’s Royal Mail UK parcels operation, Parcelforce nu number mber of par parccels bein being g sent. reducing the cost of the Universal Service. challenges to be addressed. We will work UK network, Parcelforce Worldwide and Stay tay saf safee at at all all times. This is ou ourr Worldwide and Royal Mail Specialist Modernising means improving every aspect with the Government and Ofcom to ensure GLS. Parcels made up 48 per cent of Group top priority. priority. Services. Internationally, it has Royal Our busines businesss str stra ategy has three three parts: parts: of our operation: collections, processing, Royal Mail can operate on a level playing revenue across the year. Our UKPIL parcels Hit our q qu ualit lity tar targgets. Mail International (which uses Royal sorting and delivery. It also means reducing field. We are also focused on the significant business grew its revenue by 10 per cent, Firstly to be brilliant at the basics. tly,, to basics. Mail’s UK parcels network) and our the hours it takes to process and deliver the benefits that the new regulatory framework while GLS’s underlying revenue grew by Modernise our opera operations. We need to become more efficient and European parcels operator, General mail. has provided. 4 per cent.. customer focused. This means completing Offer the right products Offer products at at the right price price in a Logistics Systems (GLS). the automation of our core letters network, changing cha nging and and co competitive mar markket. Managing the changing mail is a key The Postal Services Act, passed in June Growing our parcels business is a key reducing the hours taken to complete These businesses handled 1.2 part of the modernisation programme. 2011, paved the way for the Post Office strategic priority for us. By 2016, online Wor orkk ttoogether usin usingg the World Clas asss Mail delivery and getting it right first time, every billion parcels over the last 12 Parcels require more space to process and and the Royal Mail Group to become sister retailing is expected to account for 12 per progr prograamme ttoo mak makee impr improvements ovements aand nd time. months. This represented a 6 per transport, and demand more customer companies in April 2012. The two companies cent of the UK’s overall retail spend. In drive up safet safetyy, cust customer omer ser servic vice, e, q qu ualit ityy and and cent increase in UKPIL domestic interaction on delivery. We are issuing our have signed a major commercial agreement, addition, UK consumers will buy products productivit productivityy. Secondly., bu building ilding a commercial future volumes and a 3 per cent increase postmen and women with handheld Postal which provides continuity and a close online from overseas providers, benefiting puts the onus on us to use the new in GLS volumes. Total parcel Digital Assistants to provide track and trace working relationship over the long term. both our parcels and international (2) B Build uild a commer commercial cial ffu uture regulatory framework to earn a reasonable revenues for the year stood at facilities as part of our service offering. As The mutual commercial success of both businesses. Royal Mail Group is well placed return for the products and services we offer. Fix our financ finances es and and at attr tract act priva private approximately £4.2 billion, with GLS at September 2012, more than 47,000 of companies is best served by Royal Mail and to benefit from these growth trends. Last year, 80 per cent of our mail revenues cap capita itall. generating £1.6 billion. these devices have been deployed during the the Post Office working closely together for Our parcels businesses are best-in-class were subject to direct revenue control. Today, modernisation programme so far. We are the benefit of customers. For our revised operators in their respective markets. Build str strong ong rreela lationships tionships with our unions unions so this figure has fallen to less than 10 per cent. Looking forward, we need to expecting operational front-line productivity Group structure, see the diagram on page 7. toget ogether her we wor workk ttoo ac achieve hieve our p pla lan n. continue to improve customer improvements of around 2 to 3 per cent We are also developing our marketing mail Thirdly, we are continuing to respond to experience and increase cost this year as we continue our modernisation business, which contributed £1.1 billion in Build on our strong strong bra brand and and reputa reputation. tion. changing customer needs, building the efficiency across all our parcel programme. revenues in 2011-12. The new business, business outside our traditional revenue businesses. Our strategy is to MarketReach, was launched in July 2012. (3) Drive pr profitabl ofitable e gr grow owth th streams to dr drive ive profitable growth. growth. W Wee ar aree maximise profitable revenue growth Utilising our own assets, and with the developing our parcels, marketing mail and Grow Grow our parc parcels busines businesses ses aand nd by utilising our multi-network support of several partners, it offers a data propositions to contribute to the future provide provide premier premier le letter ser servic vicees. parcels platform in the most full service solution for businesses, large success of a financially stable, diversified competitive markets. We are also and small, covering creative development, Grow our rreevenues b Gro byy sell selling ing new aand nd Royal Mail. continuing to focus on our presence production, distribution and customer data improve improved d mark marketing mai maill servic services es.. in the business-to-business market, management for advertising mail. Launch new servic Launch services es fo for busines businesses ses and and which is closely linked to GDP consu onsumer merss. growth. 10 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 11
Our CR strategy Our CR strategy Our CR strategy The objective at the heart of our business strategy and our corporate responsibility strategy is the same – to ensure a sound and sustainable Universal Service for the benefit of everyone in the UK. Our foundations Our Strategic Framework • Safety – to provide a safe working Our Chief Executive’s Committee reviewed and Our Corporate Balanced Scorecard The objective at the heart of our business environment for all employees by approved our revised corporate responsibility Royal Mail has a long heritage of strategy and our corporate responsibility continuing to promote a zero accident strategy in November 2011. Progress against contributing to the communities that we Safety First Class retail strategy is the same – to ensure a sound and culture. our corporate responsibility targets is reported serve. We do this primarily through the Quality of Service sustainable Universal Service for the benefit of • People engagement – to improve our to senior management on a monthly basis. Universal Service – connecting millions of customers, businesses, organisations and everyone in the UK. To monitor the successful employee engagement index year on year communities, including those in the most delivery of our business strategy, we have and drive increased employee satisfaction. Our Corporate Balanced Scorecard remote rural areas. launched a new Strategic Framework. The The new Strategic Framework helps us Framework consists of 24 blocks geared Our corporate responsibility objective monitor the successful delivery of our Engagement Net customer towards strengthening our commercial future business strategy. Our Corporate Balanced satisfaction Our economic contribution to the UK is The BITC Index is one good way of assessing significant. In 2012, Royal Mail commissioned and, as a result, the positive contribution the strength of our sustainability programme. Scorecard supports the implementation and the Centre for Economics and Business we make to the UK’s economy and society. Platinum is the highest Index ranking. Our execution of our strategy as it is linked to Research (CEBR) to quantify our impact on Each block is underpinned by a measurable aim is to maintain our Platinum ranking in managers’ remuneration. It consists of four key performance indicator (KPI). The Chief quadrants which are integral to achieving our Customer Customer the economy. The study found that our core the Index. We achieved this for the first time focus complaints business ranks as the eighth largest in the Executive’s Committee reviews progress in 2012, scoring 96 per cent; up from a Silver business and CR strategies. The quadrants, UK in terms of our economic footprint. We against all KPIs on a monthly basis. ranking (87 per cent) in 2010. which each have equal weighting, are: contribute 0.4 per cent to the UK’s total GDP. People – what our people think of our Process Operating Including our wider economic impacts, that Corporate responsibility is one of our During the reporting period, we concluded a company. sequencing costs figure rises to 0.7 per cent of GDP, amounting strategic imperatives. Our objective is major review of our corporate responsibility to an annual economic contribution of £9.4 to be independently rated as one of the and community investment strategies. The Customer – what our customers think of us billion. most responsible companies in the UK, as new strategies are aligned to our overall and how we deliver for them. measured by the preeminent Business in the business strategy: to ensure a sound and Community (BITC) Corporate Responsibility Performance – how well we are Delivery hours Free cash flow We directly support around 153,000 full-time sustainable Universal Service for the benefit of modernising our operations, including health reduction equivalent (FTE) jobs in the UK. In addition, Index. In addition, many of the other everyone in the UK. Strategic Framework blocks include corporate and safety factors. a further 83,000 FTE jobs are supported through our core business in the wider responsibility objectives. Examples of these Our revised corporate responsibility strategy Financial – the financial health of the economy, taking the total jobs impact to include: focuses on: business. around 237,000 full-time posts – or 1 per • Reputation Management – to ensure • delivering economic and social benefit to the Group revenue Group operating profit cent of UK employment. The study also found Royal Mail is seen as a customer, community communities we serve. The Chief Executive’s Committee receives that for every £1 paid by Royal Mail in wages, and colleague-orientated company. monthly updates against Scorecard criteria. an additional 57p is generated elsewhere in • managing our modernisation programme The four quadrants above (People, Customer, Performance and Financial) and their respective KPIs reflect • Deliver what we promise – to increase responsibly. This is helping to drive responsiveness, the economy. customer satisfaction and advocacy of Royal accountability and alignment for our our Corporate Balanced Scorecard for the year 2011-12. As the business changes, we may adapt our • driving colleague advocacy of the Group and KPIs in future years to reflect changing priorities. Mail. managers throughout the UK. Our direct economic impact is supported by its community role. our active community investment programme. • World Class Mail – to reduce our environmental impact, our property-related • reducing the environmental impact of our During 2011-12, Royal Mail contributed business operations. £10.4 million to charities, good causes CO2 emissions and the amount of waste we and schemes for disadvantaged groups. In send to landfill. • communicating our management of addition, our colleagues raised £3 million for • Optimise logistics – to optimise our corporate responsibilities openly and many good causes across the country. fleet and deliver fuel and energy carbon transparently. reduction initiatives. 12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 13
Our CR strategy Our CR strategy World Class Mail WCM is structured into ten technical World Class Mail audits areas, called pillars. These pillars cover all We rigorously audit the implementation World Class Mail is a key vehicle our operational activity, such as people of WCM programmes across the business. for driving our modernisation development, the environment and cost Audits can also celebrate the success of all process through the engagement deployment. Running in parallel to these ten those involved and help colleagues feel proud and involvement of all our people in pillars are ten management criteria. These of the new standards for safety, quality and continuous improvement. It is delivering include attributes such as management productivity achieved. improvements in safety, quality and commitment and organisational competence. productivity. Each of the pillars has seven steps which must be completed in order to reach World Class Key facts status. • 42 mail centres have implemented World Class Mail. These centres process over Remuneration Communicating our performance • We matched the best-in-sector scores 90 per cent of our mail, meaning a very The 10 pillars of our World Class Mail programme Remuneration is linked to the achievement Just as we are improving the quality of our for stakeholder engagement, corporate high percentage of our processing units of Corporate Balanced Scorecard objectives financial reporting, in addition we are seeking citizenship, corporate governance and fuel have high environmental and safety for all Royal Mail managers, including the to strengthen our sustainability reporting in efficiency. World Class Mail standards. senior leadership team. Senior leaders our annual Corporate Responsibility Report. • We also performed strongly in human • The World Class Mail Manufacturing with specific responsibilities for strands This year, we are reporting against the Global capital development and operational Quality Control /Customer Satisfaction Association has recognised the progress of our sustainability agenda are assessed Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index for the first eco-efficiency. and achievements of our people at eleven against their performance in those areas. time. Under the GRI, we have achieved a Autonomous Maintenance Professional Maintenance Workplace Organisation mail centres – Gatwick, Cardiff, Belfast, Focused Improvement People Development This informs their bonus and remuneration B+ rating. We will now seek to build on this Our progress Cost Development Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, Norwich, Greenford, package. If the measures contained within performance in future years. The GRI table is Environment Maintaining our Platinum ranking in BITC’s Heathrow Worldwide Distribution Centre Logistics our Corporate Balanced Scorecard are not on page 56. Safety CR Index requires us to execute our CR (HWDC), Edinburgh and North West met, the size of the potential bonus available strategy very well. We will undertake the Midlands – by giving them Bronze awards. to all managers is reduced. This system helps Benchmarking our performance following steps: ensure that Royal Mail rewards performances In 2012, after the reporting period, Royal • Improve our disclosure of independently and behaviours that will advance our key WCM: safety, quality and productivity Mail voluntarily completed a Company verified social, ethical and environmental strategies. World Class Mail is a comprehensive system Sustainability Assessment based on the performance data in our external reports for step-by-step improvement to safety, Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and communications. Transparency customer service, quality and productivity. It is methodology. The DJSI benchmarks Commitment Involvement Communication Understanding Management • Proactively address any gaps in the CR and one of our Strategic Framework blocks. Development Implementation Evaluation Standardisation Documentation We publish our Scorecard KPIs both in the companies’ sustainability performance in sustainability benchmarks where we need with Visibility Annual Report and Accounts and in our economic, social, and environmental criteria to improve performance and help drive Corporate Responsibility Report. In addition, compared with peers from around the world. change in the business. we publish our performance internally on a The assessment found that Royal Mail Group monthly basis on our Groupwide intranet. is positioned amongst the leading companies • Engage with external stakeholders, such All employees can access this information to globally in sustainability. as non-profit organisations and investors, see how managers are performing against to improve their understanding of our • As one of the top-scoring companies in our approach and performance. Case study: their targets. Our approach was shortlisted sector, Royal Mail qualified for inclusion in by the Chartered Institute of Personnel the 2013 ranking and is among the winners and Development in 2012 as an example of RobecoSAM’s sustainability distinctions. of excellence in human resources. The full We achieved a bronze medal. World Cl Class ass Mail C Cha hampions mpions Corporate Balanced Scorecard KPIs are set out on page 17. • Our overall score of 83 per cent ranks Royal Mail among the DJSI World member The WCM C Cha hampion mpion rrol olee off offer erss staff the ooppor pporttuni nitty to to scores for our Industrial Transportation take on a ma take mananageria geriall ro role aan nd become become exexper pertt in usin usingg sector. WCM. The Cha Champions mpions helhelpp us ensure ensure we put saf safet etyy at at the ccentr entree of ever everyything we do, and and find the best w waays to cut down on loslosses ses aan nd wwaast stee. We rec received eived nearly nearly 900 aapplpplica ications tions fr from om our peopl peoplee to bec become ome WCM Cha Champions, for just 60 rol mpions, for roles es early early in succces 2012. All suc essf sful ul aappl pplica icants nts rrec eceived eived a tten-week en-week regiona gionall trainin trainingg pro graamme. progr 14 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 15
Our CR strategy Our CR strategy Key performance indicators Stakeholder engagement Royal Mail is also a participating member of The four quadrants below (People, Customer, Performance and Financial) have equal weighting. Together they are integral to achieving our At Royal Mail, our relationships and business Our values the Public Sector Ethical Trade Working Group, business and CR strategies. We have disclosed progress against these quadrants throughout the Report. activities touch millions of people across which promotes the observance of human the UK. These individuals interact with us in • We work safely rights in European public procurement (see KPI Measured by Key activities in the year different ways depending on who they are and • We have a passion to deliver for our page 45 for more information). what they do. We rely on these individuals to customers People help us grow as a company and succeed in Anti-bribery and corruption • We have pride and care about what Safety Number of RIDDORsi per 1,000 people Our Zero Accidents Programme, focusing on road safety risks, and our the future. Listening and responding to their Following the introduction of the Bribery we do in the UK businesses. basic programmes on slips, trips and falls, continue to drive down the rate interests and concerns is therefore essential to Act on 1 July 2011, Royal Mail Group has of accidents across our businesses. our long-term success. • We work together and treat each strengthened its anti-corruption processes. other fairly Our anti-bribery policy adopts a strict Engagement An annual survey measuring what our In common with many businesses, we have zero tolerance policy towards bribery and people think about Royal Mail, including identified and prioritised issues of importance • We are trusted to succeed corruption. Any breach of this policy, or any leadership and strategic direction. Our inaugural Employee Opinion Survey took place in spring 2012, with a to individuals and organisations that • We act commercially procedure implementing it, will be treated Customer focus An annual survey measuring how 69 per cent response rate. influence our success, using a stakeholder- as a very serious matter and may result focused our people are on delivering for based approach. From this process we have in disciplinary action, up to and including our customers. defined our key stakeholders as Government, termination of employment and reporting to Responsible Procurement Policy Customer regulators, employees, unions, customers, the appropriate authorities. We work to ensure that we engage suppliers business partners, suppliers, and the First Class Quality of Quality of Service for First Class retail As part of one of the most comprehensive change programmes ever that act with respect for human rights. Under communities where we operate. How we Service products, including force majeureii undertaken in the UK, delivery revisions have taken place in 331 delivery our new Responsible Procurement Policy, we address individual stakeholder groups and adjustment. offices across the UK. This is about a more efficient and effective Royal Mail. require all suppliers to meet the ten principles include their viewpoints within our business of the United Nations Global Compact. These Net customer Customer satisfaction scores on a A customer satisfaction questionnaire is completed by approximately 700 processes is covered at relevant points include provisions against labour abuses, such satisfaction number of issues, including price, business customers per month, helping us to identify key areas for action. throughout this Report. as forced labour and child labour, as well as service quality and customer experience. prohibitions against corruption and bribery. Customer Number of complaints captured by our We continue to take action to focus on redelivery, misdelivery, “Something Human Rights and Code of Business With respect to human rights specifically, complaints Customer Service team.iii for You” cards and redirections, with considerable progress in redirections Standards our procurement policy makes mandatory Human Rights refers to “the basic rights and and redeliveries. Principles 1 and 2 of the Global Compact for freedoms to which all humans are entitled”. all suppliers. Businesses should: Performance After the reporting period, we launched an updated Code of Business Standards, in Principle 1: support and respect the Group revenue Group revenues. Price increases were implemented across the business, including an 8 per October 2012, which provides guidance on protection of internationally proclaimed cent increase for letters in April and May 2011. Traditional letter volumes a variety of core human rights. In addition, human rights within their sphere of declined by 6 per cent during the year, while UKPIL domestic parcel influence; and volumes increased by 6 per cent in the same period. human rights are integrated into all other relevant Groupwide policies. Principle 2: make sure that they are not Delivery hours Percentage year-on-year reduction Delivery revisions were completed in 331 delivery offices during the year, complicit in human rights abuses. reduction in the gross hours spent on delivery reducing the gross hours spent delivering mail. Our new Code of Business Standards (the activities. Code) is a comprehensive set of standards of Process sequencing Percentage of our mail sequenced into 235 new, refurbished or upgraded processing machines were behaviour that we expect from our people. It delivery order for our postmen and installed during the year. is based on our six core values. These reflect women. the principles, beliefs and aspirations that guide our behaviour and shape our culture. Financial The Code aims to help employees understand Operating costs Expenditure before modernisation We continued our modernisation programme in our front-line operations both what is expected of them and what they and other exceptional costs for our UK and completed the reorganisation of Group central functions. can expect from Royal Mail. All employees businesses. have a duty to uphold the standards set out within the Code. To help employees recognise Group operating Group operating profit before An increase in Group operating profit was generated by necessary price how the standards apply to day-to-day work profit exceptional items. rises and cost reductions. situations, the Code also includes tools and checklists to support them in doing the right Free cash flow Free cash flow excluding Royal Mail We focused on delivering the RMPP transfer, the sale of non-core thing. Pension Plan (RMPP) deficit payments activities and properties, and working capital management. and finance leases. i Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. ii This accounts for the impact of factors beyond Royal Mail’s control, such as floods or the Icelandic volcanic eruptions. iii We also provide detailed annual disclosure on customer complaints to our regulator, which is publicly available. 16 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 17
CR governance CR governance CR governance We aim toto ensur ensuree tha thatt cco orpor rpora ate rresponsibilit esponsibilityy is int integr egral al tto o the w waay we do business business. In 2011-12, we tooktook some significan significant • Matthew Lester, Chief Finance Officer, Commun ommunica icattions Action Group Group step stepss to to int integr egraate cco orpor rpora ate is responsible for all financial reportinng The Communications Action Group (CAG) responsibilit esponsibilityy into into the waway we do and core sustainability issues, including considers all issues and events that present a business. busines s. C Co orpor rporaate rresponsibilit esponsibilityy is now procurement. Matthew sits on the Royal good opportunity for the Group or that might embedded in our governanc governance e struct structur ures, es, Mail Group Board. present a reputational risk. Included within businesss str busines straategy, egy, the KPIs we emplo employ to this remit is responsibility for shaping Royal drive our busines businesss per perfforma ormanc nce e and and the Royal Mail Gr Group oup B Bo oard ard Mail Group’s corporate responsibility strategy way in which we rre eward all manager managerss The Royal Mail Group Board reviewed our and consideration of all issues related to acros acrosss Ro Royal Mail. Mail . new Group Communications strategy in corporate responsibility, including those that September 2011. Corporate responsibility are related to Royal Mail’s modernisation Executive Executive rresponsibilit esponsibilityy and community investment are integral to programme. Recent papers tabled to the • Moya Greene, our CEO, is ultimately the Group Communications strategy and both CAG include a review of our performance responsible for corporate responsibility. were covered in the September presentation in Business in the Community’s CR Index, • Mark Higson, Managing Director, to the Board. The Royal Mail Group Board and approval to participate in a Company Operations and Modernisation, is is also presented with monthly health and Sustainability Assessment based on the Dow responsible for all Environment strands of safety briefings. Additionally, the Board is Jones Sustainability Index. The CAG meets our corporate responsibility strategy. Mark regularly informed of progress against the monthly and is chaired by our CEO. sits on the Royal Mail Group Board. Strategic Framework blocks, which includes corporate responsibility. En Envi virronment Governa vernan nce Boa oarrd • Shane O’Riordain, Managing Director, The Environment Governance Board is Strategy and Communications, is Chief Executive Executive’’s Commit mmitte tee e responsible for driving our environmental responsible for shaping and implementing The Chief Executive’s Committee (CEC) strategy, defining targets and ensuring we our corporate responsibility strategy, approved our enhanced corporate deliver performance improvements. The including our community investment responsibility and community investment Board meets quarterly and is chaired by the programme. Group Communications strategies (in October 2011 and November Director of Logistics, Euan McMurdo, who provides the secretariat for the 2011 respectively). reports to Mark Higson, Managing Director, Communications Action Group. Operations and Modernisation. It consists of • John Duncan, Director of Human All major corporate responsibility and senior managers accountable for functional Resources, is responsible for all People community investment initiatives are areas that underpin, or are responsible for, strands of our corporate responsibility reviewed and approved by the CEC on a environmental performance in relation to strategy. regular basis. material environmental issues. • Mike Newnham, Chief Customer Officer, is responsible for all Customer strands of our corporate responsibility strategy. 18 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 19
Transparency Transparency Transparency We believe it is important to ensure information on our performance is comprehensible, and comprehensive, when possible. Our agenda The majority of items handled by the Centre Our security team proactively uses any Dangerous dog attacks the attack takes place on private property. are business mail. We store undeliverable, available information to safeguard the Unfortunately, dog attacks are a hazard faced This means that for postmen and women – Royal Mail is committed to being open high-value items of mail for up to four integrity of the postal service. For the first by our postmen and women every working who each have to visit hundreds of private and transparent with our stakeholders. months. The majority of items handled at the time, we are releasing data on the team’s day. During 2011-12, there were 3,186 addresses on their delivery rounds every As a public institution we are legally 57% Centre have no sale value and, if undelivered, investigation into internal and external dog attacks on Royal Mail people. These day – the legal protection against attacks by obliged to be open about our operations. are securely disposed of and recycled. crime. The number of investigations into attacks cause great distress and, in too many dogs is limited. The Langley Report calls on We also feel it is important to ensure However, if an item is not claimed, and we external crime remained fairly constant from cases, serious injuries. After the reporting Parliament to repeal current legislation and information on our performance is can find no address to which to return it, 2010-11, while there was a slight decrease period, the Group Chairman, Donald Brydon, provide a new statute which removes this comprehensible, and comprehensive, and the item has some value, we put it out in the number of new internal crime launched an independent inquiry into the loophole, enabling criminal sanctions to be when possible. to auction. All the proceeds, minus a market investigations. prevalence and consequences of dog attacks taken against owners of dogs which attack rate commission for the auction house, are in the UK. The findings of the inquiry, led by people, wherever the attack takes place. Freedom of information requests used to partially offset the considerable cost former High Court Judge Sir Gordon Langley, It also makes two key recommendations Every day, Royal Mail receives questions We answered 57 per cent of FOI involved in seeking to reunite customers with Mail security 2011 2012 related to Royal Mail, which we are now requests either in full or in part last year were published in November 2012. The about diverse aspects of our business. items of undeliverable mail. acting on. These are: report highlights that the legal sanctions While we make every effort to respond to Number of prosecutions 312 301 currently available in England and Wales • taking a more robust approach to all requests fully, this is not always possible. Mail security Returned letters Full criminal investigations 993 771 when dogs attack people on private property suspension of delivery for any addresses As a commercial operation, we must decline We are serious about the security of every into internal crime raised are largely limited. Tougher measures are where dog attacks occur; and some requests for information since answers The overwhelming majority of all mail items item of mail we collect and deliver. Our available under existing law against owners could compromise competitiveness. Nor are we handle are delivered safely to the correct Full criminal investigations 193 194 • actively pursuing legal action – or security team works round the clock to whose dogs attack people in public places. we permitted to release any information that address. A very modest proportion prove into external crime raised supporting our people in taking legal action identify any threats to the network and we But, these sanctions cannot be applied where would be in breach of the Data Protection to be undeliverable for a variety of reasons – against the owners of dangerous dogs. Act. In other cases, we do not hold the data outside our control. These reasons include have robust measures in place to deal with requested. incomplete addresses, recipients who have any breaches. moved without leaving a forwarding address, Last year, 604 requests were referred to our and the lack of return addresses. For these Royal Mail Group will prosecute anyone central Information Rights team. Of those, types of mail, we hold information on the found to be stealing or interfering with mail 236 requests were answered in full and amount of mail processed at the National in England and Wales. The Procurator Fiscal a further 111 requests were answered in Returns Centre in Belfast. deals with cases in Scotland. In Northern part. There were 170 requests where the Ireland, this is the responsibility of the Public information requested was not provided Our National Returns Centre employs Prosecution Service. During 2011-12, 301 because, for example, it would have damaged 140 people dedicated to either returning former employees of Royal Mail Group commercial interests or breached principles undeliverable items of mail to the sender or, were prosecuted in the UK. There are over of the Data Protection Act. In another if this is not possible, securely disposing of 150,000 UK employees and the number of 87 cases, the information requested was undeliverable mail. In 2011-12, the Centre prosecutions needs to be understood in this not held by us. These figures are broadly processed 21.1 million items. That should context. comparable to those from 2010-11. be set against the total of some 15 billion inland addressed items of mail we handled in 2011-12. 20 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 Royal Mail Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011-12 21
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