Page created by Micheal Pratt
            2020/21 Impact Report
Greetings from our Board Chair and CEO
Over the last year we encountered many challenges and were presented with many opportunities.
If we had to pick a word to define the year it would be “pivot”. When we wrote our letter for the
Annual Impact Report this time last year, we had no idea what was still to come. As a community
we adapted to a constantly changing landscape. One thing did not change though – the generosity
and kindness our community shows our hospital. For this we are grateful and humbled.
Last year ended as the world quickly mobilized to respond to the impact of COVID-19, which
rolled into our new fiscal year. The Foundation continued to focus on addressing the urgent
and emerging needs of our community’s
healthcare. Crisis is an incubator for creativity
and innovation and we took the “whatever the
hospital needs” approach.
No one knew what to expect and we needed
to be prepared. Our community continued to
generously support the Urgent Care Fund, which
was established in March 2020, to help with the
expenses of equipment, infrastructure and PPE.
Partnerships were forged with organizations
and businesses to secure accommodations for
healthcare workers, and we facilitated donations
of nourishment for weary frontline staff. More
than $236,769 in donations to the Urgent Care
Fund were received over the last year. Thank you.
The pandemic took the spotlight this year, but there were two important 10-year milestones that
deserve acknowledgement and celebration. First, NBRHC opened its doors January 29, 2011, and
secondly the MRI machine arrived at the Health Centre February 11, 2011. These milestone wouldn’t
have been possible without the generosity of our community. Thank you to businesses, groups and
individuals from across the region. You helped build our hospital and purchase our first MRI.
Through generous gifts and the efforts of our volunteers, the Foundation was able to provide the
Hospital a disbursement in the amount of $950,410 helping fund and advance care, as well as
facilitated $207,455 in generous gifts-in-kind, supporting programming and enhancing patient
experiences at NBRHC.
We thank you and recognize that so much has been accomplished over the course of this unique
and challenging year because of the commitment of our volunteers, board, committees, and the
generosity of our community.
In gratitude,

Nancy Partridge, CFP             Tammy Morison, CFRE
Chair, Board of Trustees         President & CEO
Board of Trustees

Nancy Partridge (Chair)
Vicky Paine-Mantha (Vice-Chair)
Martin Hunka (Treasurer)
Tammy Morison (President & CEO)

Anna-Marie Aquino
Tara Blake
Lee Crawford
Paul Heinrich, President & CEO, NBRHC
Margaret Roynon Hughes
Gary Jodouin, Chair, NBRHC Board
Kim Kanmacher
Dr. Scott Kerrigan, Chief of Staff, NBRHC
Heather Krajci
Michael Lowe, Director, NBRHC Board
Walter Manitowabi
Danielle Magnusson
Matt Payne
Gail Thomsen
Eric Thomson

Foundation Staff
Tammy Morison, President & CEO
Kendra Clarke, Senior Development Officer
Gregory Flasch, Development Officer
Graham Loyst, Development Officer
Annie Brousseau, Finance & Business Officer
James Loeffen, Program Assistant
Emma McQuarrie, Administrative Assistant

NOHFC Internship Program
Logan Buckton
Danielle Ramirez

Dr. Jennifer Mihill,
                                             COVID-19 Critical Care
                                             Preparedness Lead, and
                                            Dr. Ian Cowan, Assessment
                                                   Centre Lead

Adaptability and Flexibility:
Essential for the Future
It’s been an unusual year. The world has changed           Fung, Chief of Staff and featured a $25,000 matching
dramatically as a result of the pandemic and we continue   gift from Mark and Mary Hurst for the Greatest Needs
to adapt. It has taught us so much about ourselves and     Fund and state-of-the-art lab equipment.
allowed us all to reflect on our personal values.
                                                           Each year, our hospital cares for thousands of patients
We witnessed incredible generosity towards NBRHC and       in our region. The Greatest Needs Fund helps the
frontline workers throughout these extraordinary times.    community, Foundation and our hospital respond to
Thank you. A few of these kind gestures include:           unforeseen and urgently needed medical equipment
   PPE donations from local families and businesses,       purchases to care for our community – for example,
   Random acts of kindness including vehicle parades       flexibility responding
   around the Health Centre, signs on our neighbours’      to urgent health
   lawns and in windows of homes and businesses,           concerns such as the      We witnessed incredible
                                                           pandemic.                    generosity towards
   Nourishment for our dedicated and hardworking staff
   in the form of treats and lunches,                      We don’t know what         NBRHC and frontline
                                                           the short and long-      workers throughout these
                                                           term outlook is. This       extraordinary times.
   Generous monetary donations!                            year has taught us that
Our community generously responded to two appeal           priorities can change
letters raising $183,472. The Spring letter was authored   quickly. Donations to
by Dr. Ian Cowan, Assessment Centre Lead, and Dr.          the Greatest Needs Fund allow our Health Centre to
Jennifer Mihill, COVID-19 Critical Care Preparedness       meet the emergent and future healthcare needs of our
Lead, and featured a $25,000 matching gift from OCP        district.
Construction and the Cousineau Family for the Urgent
Care Fund. The Fall letter was authored by Dr. Donald
Feeling Grateful
Tim and Kelly who had recently returned to Canada       The Grateful Family Program is a meaningful way
after two years at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida,   for patients and families to express their gratitude. By
were having their second child at NBRHC. Their          making a donation to the Foundation, patients and their
daughter Maggie was born in Florida. They were a bit    families have the opportunity to say thank you for the
anxious about the birth, as it was during the second    care they or their loved one experienced at the hospital.
wave of the pandemic.                                   Generous donations help purchase urgently needed
“We were nervous about our first Canadian birth         medical equipment so that staff and volunteers can
experience,” says Kelly. “Our daughter was born         continue to provide the most advanced levels of care for
during a posting to Florida just over two years ago.    our community.
We knew things would be different – especially          Individuals honoured with your donation are recognized
during a pandemic.”                                     with a Golden Heart Award at staff meetings, on the
“We were blown away by the compassion and care          hospital blog and a special badge for their name tag to
we received when we welcomed our son into the           wear with pride.
world in November,” Tim recalls. “The care provided     This fiscal year we were honoured to present a total of
by [nurses] Jill and Jordanne was beyond our            ninety-eight Golden Heart Awards to physicians, staff
expectations. Their dedication, empathy and attention   and volunteers – many over Zoom. This made an impact
brought us a sense of calm and confidence during our    of more than $70,000 towards the medical equipment
time in the Birthing Unit.”                             needs of our community.
Kelly and Tim made a donation through the Grateful      To learn more about the Grateful Family Program or
Family Program to honour the two nurses who made        to recognize someone who made an impact on your
such a positive impact on their experience.             experience at NBRHC, please contact us at
“Thank you Jill and Jordanne for making our             705-495-8125.
experience exceptional,” the McLean Family.

        “Thank you Jill and Jordanne for making our experience exceptional.”
                                            The McLean Family

The Mitchell’s Generosity Lives On
Marylyn was an elementary schoolteacher in Hamilton
in the 1950’s and married Lloyd James “Bud” of North
Bay in 1960. Marylyn was a private person with a close-
knit circle of friends and worked at Memorial Gardens
for many years. More than anything she loved music
and singing in the St. Andrew’s United Church choir.
Marylyn was a classy lady, always dressed well, with
matching shoes and jewelry, visiting her hairdresser
every two weeks without fail. She had a strong
personality that developed her character and made her
the self-determined woman that she was. Marylyn was
83 when she passed away at NBRHC on March 2, 2017.

Marylyn chose to support the NBRHC in her Will,
leaving a legacy and reinforcing her appreciation
for the excellent local healthcare that was there for her
when she needed it over the years – when she broke
her hip, when she required knee replacements, and
eventually end of life care. Marylyn’s husband, Bud
(deceased 2007), also benefitted from a dependable          A generous donation to NBRHC through the
and efficient healthcare system. He was part of a           Mitchell’s estate has supported palliative care as
bomber crew that was shot down in the Second World          part of the Cancer Care, Close to Home Campaign,
War. His sacrifice to his country earned him the            assisting with the purchase of infusion and pain
Distinguished Flying Cross. Their lived experiences         pumps throughout the hospital. Knowing that their
over the years instilled in both Marylyn and Bud’s          donation served such a valuable purpose for end-
minds the importance of medical care and supporting         of-life care would have pleased both Marylyn and
their local hospital.                                       Bud tremendously.

Expressing our gratitude for the legacy left by these generous community members from
April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

     Emmett C. Watters
     Douglas F. Wagner
     Ernest Romain
     Vivian E. Pentland
     Doris J. Lovell
     David J. Kubisheskie
     Angela H. Pedley (Charity) Trust
     The Quadrus Charitable Giving Program
     Marylyn A. Mitchell

                  Please call or email to learn more about including your hospital in your Will.
                                  705-495-8129 | Kendra.Clarke@nbrhc.on.ca
A Year of Milestones
2021 has been a big year. It marks 10 years since the Health
Centre opened its doors. This incredible achievement was
made possible because of YOU. Together, our community
raised more than $18 million toward the new hospital.
Patients from the former North East Mental Health Centre
(NEMHC) moved on January 28, 2011, and patients from
North Bay General Hospital (Scollard and McLaren sites)
moved on January 29, 2011. It was a momentous day.
There has been so much to celebrate over the last 10 years.
Our big celebrations include:

  February 11, 2011: Arrival of MRI
  June 6, 2012:       Seeing More Clearly Campaign
                      raises more than $6.3 million
  April 1, 2014:      Six-bed Child and Adolescent
                      Mental Health Unit opens
  October 29, 2019: NBRHC’s Health Information
                    System goes live
                                                                                 photo from grand
                                                                                 opening?? or patient
  October 5, 2020:    Hummingbird Lodge opens, eight-bed                         move day
                      provincial forensic inpatient service
                      for adult women – Ontario’s first high
                      intensity treatment unit for women in
                      the forensic mental health system

Be proud! This is our community. This is our hospital. Every
day, your donations are working to help enhance healthcare,
close to home.

                                                 Your Impact
                   Thanks to community donations, medical equipment purchases made
                           between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 include:

  Cystoscopes – Operating Room
  Lymphatic Mapping Probe – Operating Room                          Priorities for 2021/2022
  Endoscopes & Stacks – Operating Room                         MRI Refurbishment
  Anaesthesia Machines – Operating Room                        MRI Anaesthesia Machine
  Artwork for Cultural Grounds – Regional Outreach
                                                               MRI Paediatric Patient Monitoring System
     Mental Health
  Cataract Trays – Ophthalmology                               Urology Equipment
  Defibrillators – Cardiac Care                                Specialized Surgical Table - Orthopaedics
  4 Bio Fire Analyzers for COVID testing – Laboratory

Thank you!                               It is an honour to recognize the following individuals, families, businesses
                                         and community groups who have donated $1,000 and greater between
                                         April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.

$100,000 +                     Martin & Theresa Hunka           Gerald & Sandra Foster          Bill & Doris-Rae Brownlee
Estate of Doris J. Lovell      Dr. Cameron & Florence Hunter    Don Gagnon & Family             BGen. Ronald and Janet Button
Estate of Marylyn Mitchell     Valentine (Allie) Jackson        Marilyn & Garth Goodhew         Meaghan Byrnes
                               Dr. Dominic Krzeczunowicz        Betty & Rick MacLeod            Harvey & Jean Carmichael
$50,000 to $99,999              & Dr. Emily Kirby               Estate of Ernest Romain         Karl & Susan Christian
Angela H. Pedley               Estate of David Kubisheski       David & Kelly Schroeder         Kendra Clarke
 (Charity) Trust               Dr. Michael & Vanessa Loreto     Algonquin Pharmasave            Joyce Cobb
Friends of NBRHC-              Estate of Vivian Pentland        Bell                            Russell & Sally Colvin
  Volunteer Association        Dr. Ravinder Singh               Hillcrest Cabinets              Richard & Robyn Cook
Redpath Canada Limited         Russell & Nancy Thompson         KuoHua Trading Company          Ewen & Donna Cornick
Rogers Radio                   Estate of Doug Wagner            Miller McAsphalt                Mike Costakos
                               Francis T. Watters               Motion Canada                   Melvin & Doreen Cox
$25,000 to $49,999             Kimberly & Todd Wilcox           Nipissing University            Lee & Carolyn Crawford
Vito & Maria Battigaglia        & Family                        Nordic Minesteel Technologies   Fernand & Hélène Crépeau
Thomson Family & Assante       Canadore College                 Northern Honda                  Greg Curry
  101 McIntyre St. W           CTV                              Pet Smart                       Claudette Daigle
Bishop Alexander               Mark’s Work Wearhouse            Piotrowski Consultants          Theresa Demers
  Carter Foundation            North Bay Hydro Services,        Powassan Lions Club             Nancy Dewar &
Northern Credit Union           North Bay Hydro Distribution    Skylink Capital                  Brad Stenning
Northern Ontario Heritage       & North Bay Hydro Social Club   The Beer Store                  Eric & Kathaleen Dudson
 Fund Corporation              North Bay Lions Club             True North Chevrolet Cadillac   Dr. Howard & Kathrine Eckler
O.C.P. Construction Supplies   Ontario Power Generation                                         Dr. Kevin Wilberforce &
Osprey Links Golf Course        Central Hydro Plant Group       $1,000 to $4,999                 Dr. Sarah Eckler
Pioneer Construction,          RBC Royal Bank /                 John & Marilyn Ablett           Gordon & Pauline Edwards
 Fisher Wavy, and               RBC Foundation                  Younus Ahmed &                  Catherine Ella
 Northern Brick                Scotiabank                        Dr. Shakeela Ahmed             Nora & Don Coutts
                               Vista Radio - Moose FM           Art & Elizabeth Appleton        Helen Evers
$10,000 to $24,999                                              Dr. Kenneth & Mary              Brian & Bernice Fawcett
Dr. Adewale Adeyinka           $5,000 to $9,999                  Jane Asselstine                William & Mary Foslett
Michel & Kim Auger             Steven & Natalie Aiken           Harold & Linda Beatty           Dr. Donald & Sharon Fung
David & Jackie Barber          Clarence & Marlene Brunet        Cindy Bethune                   Gerald & Margaret Gaiser
Dr. Blair Bowker               Pauline Burt                     C. Nancy Birtch                 Philip Geden
Emmette & Elva Busch           Christopher Burtchall            The Honourable Justice          Greg Godin
Sharon & Bob Cunningham        Dean Decaire                      Michael & Susan Bolan          Peter & Lucia Greco
Dr. Jeff & Jaiden Hodge        Frank & Eileen Dottori           Dave & Mary Lynne Bondett       Dr. Angela Guderian
Margaret Roynon Hughes         Marie Ferriss                    Paulette Breault                 & David Holloway
$1,000 to $4,999 (con’t)       Peter Merchant                    Dr. Jon & Donna Spencer        Mortgage Corp. Financial
Marc & Laura Gunter            Donald & Norma Milligan           Dr. Donald & Heather Stemp      Services
Dale & Mary Lynn Hall          Peter & Barbara Minogue           Sheldon & Bernice Stillar      Nipissing Slo-Pitch
Mike Harris Family             Donna Minor                       Richard & Shirley Strood        Association
Paul & Frances Heinrich        Wayne Belter & Vala               Bruce & Karin Sumbler          North Bay Asian Community
Karen Hill                      Monestime Belter                 Helen & Raymond Sweig          North Bay Bell Pioneers
Dr. William & Pat Hodge        Mark & Marie Montgomery           Bob & Frankie Syme             North Bay Woodwork Ltd.
 & Family                      Tammy & Summer Morison            Gail Thomsen                   Ontario Education
John Holland                   Dr. Carolyn Morland               Laura Tiernay                   Collaborative Marketplace
 & Sylvia Cotgreave             & Ian Kilgour                    Harvey & Gail Timm             Restoule & District Lions Club
Dr. Scott & Mary Houghton      Dan & Brenda Muto                 Terry & Bonnie Tweedle         Starbucks North Bay
Gord & Peggy Howe              Dale & Geraldine Neily            Shirley J. Valenti             Starlight Children’s Foundation
Bonnie Humber                  Kurt & Ruth Neubig                Henry Van Brussel              Stradwick’s Carpet One
Betty Hurley                   Mary & Francis Oyewole            Guido Verrillo                 Temagami Lions Club
Mark & Mary Hurst              Victoria Paine-Mantha &           Edgar & Vivian Weller          Terry McKerrow CAT Scan
Bob & Jean Jamieson             Raymond Mantha                   Donald & Marion Wheeler         Operating Fund
Gary & Carol Jodouin           Dr. Richard Painter               William & Pamela Wilton        Trotter Family Foundation
Dr. Yoshihiro & Jean Kamachi   Donald Parker                     Stanley & Rita Yozkowski       YourTV
Kim & Gregg Kanmacher          Randy & Nancy Partridge           AMJ Campbell Van Lines
Catherine Kelly                Matt Payne                        BayToday
Dr. Scott Kerrigan & Family    Benjamin Peacock                  Canadore College - Social
Hon. Justice Larry             Lise Laurette Perrier               Service Worker Program
 & Heather Klein               Monique Peters                    CareMongers
James & Leona Kotsilidis       Lauri Petz                        Clorox
Donna Landry                   Marguerite Pugliese               Club Lions d’Earlton
Joseph & Joanne Laplante       Erhard (Eric) & Judith Quaisser   Dr. Scholl’s
Vern & Huguette Leacy          Ed Regan                          Farquhar Chrysler
Antonino & Jane Limina         Paul Ricci                        Gold Fleet Subaru
Loukidelis Family              Brenda Riddler                    Hydro One Networks
John & Ann Loyst               Greg Riddler                      International Fur Federation
Dan MacWhirter                 Donald & Mary Rolfe               Izzie Abrams & Family
Walter & Marcia Manitowabi     Gordon & Inez Ross                JP Investments
George & Christine Martin      David & Mary Saad                 Key Logic
Walter Martin                  Donald Seguin                     Knight Piésold
Lachlan & Laurie McLachlan     Brian Smyth                       Lincluden Investment
Rob & Jennifer Mercer          Terry Snowden                       Management Limited

Honouring Memories                                                                 Remembering those honoured with memorial donations
                                                                                   from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

Ronald J. Ackroyd        Yolande M. Comstock      Noel G. Hamilton         Betty Mantha            Ida Rainer               Francis F. Tremblay
William G. Adair         Henri Corbeil            Colby Hancock            Armand Marier           Leopold J. Rainer        Debora J. Troup
Lena Alexander           Elgin J. Cotton          Gordon P. Haufe          Louis Marier            William S. Randle        Michel L. Truchon
Judith Allary            Loronzo Couroux          Heather Hawkins          Douglas Marr            Florence M. Redmond      Elaine Trudel
Constance L. Allison     Patrick Couvrette        Shirley C. Hedican       Agatha E. Martin        Florence E. Reichstein   Helen I. Turner
Maria Ammerata           Raymond Crawford         Lorne L. Heward          Aline Martin            Janice R. Reid           Jacqueline Valenti
Brent Andrews            John H. Crockford        Jordan M. Hewitt         Bruce A. Martin         Louise A. Rick           Kathy A. Valenti
Michael Anthony          Betty M. Cross           Michael J. Hewitt        Dawna Martin            Louise M. Riddler        Wayne W. Valley
Jacline Archambault      Maureen Cross            Orville Hewitt           Janet D. Martin         Randall B. Riddler       Garth W. Van Meer
Sandra Arsenault         Patricia M. Cunning      Harley A. Hinschberger   Marion Martin           T. M. Ridenour           Peter Van Rooy
Douglas H. Arthur        Shirley G. Curry         Daniel Hodgson           Walter J. Martin        Luc Rivet                Roma Vautour
Thomas L. Atchison       William E. Curry         James R. Hodgson         Anthony Martinelli      Carol Ann Robinson       Peter J. Villeneuve
Carole A. Attlebery      William L. Curry         Agnes Holmes             Candida Mascioli        Joyce N. Robinson        Margaret C. Vipond
Kim T. Auger             Claire Daigle-Raymond    John V. Holmes           Joan B. Mason           Ubald J. Robitaille      Michel L. Voyer
James Babineau           Stephen Damp             Vernon F. Holtz          Daniel R. Mathieu       Armand Rochon            Elsa M. Wain
Orma E. Bain             James F. Davis           Michael Houghton         David Mathieu           Chalmers Rogers          Marion M. Walters
Barrie Baker             Ronald D. Davis          David Hummel             Thomas A. McArthur      Georgina L. Rogers-      John A. Watters
C K Balan                Leonard A. Decaire       Donald K. Humphrey       Michael McCool             St. Jean              Laura Watters
Paula Bale               Harold F. Dell           Margaret A. Hunka        Alice McCulloch         Lucienne Rondeau         Margaret M. Watters
Lorvel C. Barrett        Charles dePencier        Elizabeth A. Hurtubise   Anne J. McDougall       Gordon T. Ross           Heinz Weiskopf
Dorothy E. Beattie       Gregory H. Desjardins    Beverley J. Jackson      Robert McGirr           Denis Roy                Stephen P. West
Jean-Paul Belanger       Homer G. Desjardins      Gordon B. Jarvis         Inez E. McIntyre        Lisette Roy              Peter J. White
Jean Belec               James A. Dixon           Joseph E. Jenkins        Robert S. McIntyre      Devin M. Ryan            Harold Whitehead
Richard A. Bertrand      Jennie S. Dolata         Colleen P. Jennett       Cecelia M. McKenzie     Elizabeth L. Sabourin    Percy Whiting
Carol Bethune            Samuel Domanico          Edgar J. Johansen        Judith L. McLaughlin    Rene Sabourin            Hayley-Faye Whyte
Dorothy M. Bethune       Jeannine Dool            Gordon L. Johnson        Carol A. McMartin       Teena Sagle              Reginald Wilder
James F. Bethune         Rita F. Dorst            Anita Joron              Cecilia L. McMartin     Peter P. Saini           Richard T. Williams
Jeremy D. Black          Mary J. Doyle            Robert Kardosh           Dianne E. McMillan      Pauline A. Sargent       Andrew K. Wilson
Ruth C. Blais            Noah Dugas               Shirly J. Kayes          Jean McMullen           Hervé T. Sarrazin        Blanche Wilson
Stefan A. Board          Elizabeth Eckensviller   Heinz K. Keller          Marjory Mercer          Roger Sarrazin           Joan Wilson
Bonnie Boivin            Katherine O. Edmunds     Olga K. Kelly            John A. Miller          Dawn Sawchuk             Felix Wong
Helen L. Boody           Peter K. Edmunds         Leona Kervin             Percy L. Miller         Georgette Scanlan        Robert C. Wood
Allan D. Borden          Walter Edwards           Cynthia J. Killian       Donald Milligan         Stefano Schiavone        Elsie Wright
Edward J. Botwright      Madeleine Eisen          Thomas H. Kilmartin      Maude M. Mills          Margy Schomberg          Muriel E. Wright
Michael W. Bray          William B. Eisen         Karl T. Kilpper          Colleen Minor           Mary C. Schubert         Andrew Yantha
Logan V. Brear           Anthony Elliott          Harvey Kilroy            Laurie D. Minor         Eileen Scott             Ivan Yearington
Joyce Breton             Gordon L. Evans          Robert G. Kouris         Keith E. Mogridge       Kevin Scully             Rita Yozkowski
Gregory R. Brewer        Douglas Fahlgren         Carol E. Kovalskie       Imre Molnar             Mark Seccareccia         Karel Zahradka
William J. Brimley       Shirley E. Fahlgren      Milada Krejci            John Monaghan           Cecile Seguin
Lucille E. Brisson       Francesco M. Falconi     Donald H. Lafontaine     Margaret Monaghan       Donat Seguin
Barbara A. Brooks        Josephine Falconi        Noretta A. Lafontaine    Paul Mooney             Russell E. Setchell
Ronald P. Brooks         Albert J. Fava           Francis N. Laframboise   Doris Moore             Jean Claude Sevigny
Jack W. Brotherston      Bernice Fawcett          Laurina Laframboise      Marion B. Morello       Dolly A. Shaw
Donald A. Brouse         Duane Ferriss            Victor J. Lagassie       Andre H. Morin          Antonio Silveri
Beverly Brown            Joseph E. Fichault       Laurine A. Lalande       Wesley A. Morin         Teresa Silveri
Doris-Rae Brownlee       Theodore M. Fielder      Michel R. Lalonde        William C. Morland      Gary W. Simkins
Wilfred N. Bryer         Roberta A. Fitzsimmons   Aurele Lamothe           Karen M. Morris         Barry L. Simon
Cliff Buchar             Sheila M. Flannery       Dennis J. Landry         Janet Morrissey         Ada L. Sloan
Anne Buckle              Charles E. Fournier      Normand Lapierre         Elizabeth A. Moseley-   Harold G. Sloan
Henri Buckner            Georges E. Fournier      Elias Laporte              Williams              Brenda M. Smith
Marilyn A. Budd          Patricia L. Frampton     Mildred Laporte          James D. Mudrick        Dorothy Smith
Kenneth Buffett          Charles L. Frenssen      Brenda Larente-Mathieu   Barbara L. Mutchmor     Walter Smith
Orville G. Buffett       Hans Frenssen            Albertine LaRue          Dennis V. Neethling     Keenan P. Smyth
Barbara Bukowski         Harold Fryer             Germaine Latulippe       Rita A. Netherton       Chris G. South
Violet Burgess           Lou Gagne                Jennifer Laverty         Leonard Newman          Gillian A. Spencer
John Burke               Viata Gagne              Gerald D. Lavigne        Rita Newman             Hardy Stackelberg
Paul R. Burns            Brenda G. Gamble         Maurice G. Lavoie        Robert W. Nicoll        Verna Staples
James H. Burrows         John E. Gamble           Vernon J. Leacy          Robert L. Norman        William C. Steele
Allan Burwell            Kelly Ann Garrett        Gerald Lebel             Valerie Novisku         John J. Stepaniak
Elizabeth Butti          Elliot O. Garvey         Joseph LeBlanc           Dolores R. O’Connor     James A. Stephenson
Janet O. Button          Delphine Gaudreault      Allen Leblond            Betty Jane Odorizzi     Donald K. Stevens
David P. Byrnes          Dustin S. Gauthier       Oldrich Lecjaks          Ivy E. Odorizzi         John R. Stevens
Sharon A. Cameron        Elizabeth Geisler        Clement J. Lecuyer       Kevin J. O’Kane         Monty Stevens
Charles G. Campbell      Francesco Gerbasi        June Lee                 Frank Orlando           Sheldon R. Stillar
Carol Carberry           Mary Gerbasi             Clarence L. Lefebvre     Angela T. Pace          Candis G. Stott
Marie L. Carlson         Joseph N. Giesler        Beryl E. Lemke           Terry Page              Elisa Stradiotto
Arthur Carr              Claude J. Giguère        Gerard Leroux            Debbie Pailleur         Dean W. Sullivan
Dennis A. Carter         Yvan O. Gingras          Russell Letts            Barbara J. Paine        William J. Sullivan
Michael Carter           Margaret V. Girardot     Jean Guy Levac           Jean-Jacques Paquette   Gertrude Sutherland
Lucia Ceconi             Marilyn E. Goodhew       Diane Levasseur          Sheila Parkin           Peter Sutherland
Cam A. Ceppetelli        Auldine Gordon           Francine Levesque        Giuseppe Pavone         Douglas Swanson
Dorothy I. Chabot        Terry Gould              Mary Levis               Beverley J. Peaver      Marilyn M. Swant
Susan Champagne          Brennan F. Goulding      David G. Lightfoot       Rex Pegg                Louis Tatti
Mary E. Chandler-Payne   Frederick R. Gowan       Keeling B. Little        Maria Pellanda          Shirley M. Tayler
Victoria F. Chatelain    Earl F. Graham           Arthur K. Livingstone    Sergio Perut            Marija Terenta
Vital J. Chatelaine      Lori Gravelle            Maurice G. Louis         Helen Petrowski         Betty D. Thompson
Andrew Chirgwin          Priscille Gravelle       Clifford Love            Neill C. Pfaff          George R. Thompson
Gerard Chivers           Peter Greco              Kenneth C. Luxton        Gratien B. Poitras      T.A. Main Thompson
John J. Church           Lorne R. Green           Donald S. MacLean        Rachelle Poitras        Tracey Thomson
Thomas H. Clare          Donald J. Grimster       Elizabeth A. MacLeod     George A. Potter        Rosemary A. Tiernay
Margaret E. Clarke       Walter Guderian          Gerald H. MacLeod        Murray N. Potts         Harvey F. Timm
Normand P. Clement       Ross A. Gutjahr          James A. Madge           Nicole Pow              Mathew B. Timpano
Stephen B. Clement       Murray E. Hague          Ethel M. Maeck           Michael A. Prevost      Sid H. Tomkins
John P. Clifford         Charlene A. Hall         Cheryl Maltby            Joan M. Prudhomme       Imre Toth
Larry C. Coleman         Harry Hall               Leslie Manary            Arnold Purdon           Francine A. Townsend
Daniel R. Comerford      June Halliday            Ida Mandaglio            Robert G. Rae           John L. Tregenza
I Will Love Her Forever
Brigadier-General (retired) Ron Button grew up on the same street in
Bellville, Ontario as a girl named Janet. Ron remembers Janet as the
prettiest girl in school who loved to dance – and she was an excellent
dancer. Ron and Janet eventually went out to the movies for the first
time while still in school.

In 1948, Ron joined the Air Force and thought he had missed his
chance with Janet, but three years later Ron learned Janet had not yet
married. He returned home
and proposed. Janet said yes.

Ron’s career in the Air Force took the couple around the world until
they made North Bay their permanent home. Janet was supportive and
independent, dedicated to her family and her community. Together
Janet and Ron had five daughters, 11 grandchildren and 14 great grand-
children. They had a wonderful life together and were married 66 years.

When Janet took her last breath at the North Bay Regional Health
Centre, the family gathered in the hospital room to say goodbye to a
dynamic woman, wife, mother and grandmother.

Their family was grateful for the excellent care Janet received from
the staff at the hospital during her final days and the kindness and
consideration extended to the family on the evening she passed. The
nurses were so compassionate and frequently checked in on them. They
supported Ron and his family as they said their goodbyes.

“Janet left us with a legacy of love and devotion. I was inspired to
do something greater in her memory. I thought about the care she
received at the hospital and connected with my friends at our hospital
Foundation to make a donation in Janet’s memory,” said Ron.

Ron learned about the Celebrating Life Memorial Wall
at NBRHC and felt it was a beautiful and meaningful
way to remember and celebrate Janet’s life.

                Memorial Giving is a meaningful way to honour a loved one
   Memorial donations may be made at funeral homes throughout our region, online, or by calling the
   Foundation (705-495-8125).
   When someone is remembered with an accumulation of gifts greater than $2,000, their name is
   added to the Celebrating Life Memorial Wall at the hospital. The wall is updated annually and
   individuals are honoured during a remembrance ceremony.
   In light of COVID-19, the 2020 reception was adapted into a video. We invite you to watch the
   video featuring the Button’s here: nbrhcfoundation.ca/memorial.

What would you do if you won $100,000?
I’m sure you’ve heard it. The buzz in our community about medical equipment needs, such as a defibrillator, infusion
Our Hospital 50/50.                                       pump and the MRI refurbishment.
Inspired by the success of 50/50 raffles in other northern   We are grateful for the support of our community and
communities, the NBRHC Foundation launched Our               making Our Hospital 50/50 a success, and we are excited
Hospital 50/50 November 1, 2020. We felt the energy and      to see the draw evolve with even more ways to win, such as
excitement of our community, especially as the prize grew    early bird and bonus draws.
to more than $100,000! Everyone is talking about it –        Purchase your tickets each month at OurHospital5050.com
volunteers, neighbours, friends, family, NBRHC staff – and   or call us 705-495-8125.
everyone wants to be our next big winner.
                                                              How are winners spending their prize money?
In the five short months Our Hospital 50/50 ran during our
last fiscal year (April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021), $540,990 It’s been fun to hear how everyone is planning to spend
was raised and $270,495 awarded in prize money amongst their winnings. Paying off debt, buying a house, children’s
five monthly winners!                                         education and future travel have been popular answers
                                                              amongst the winners and hopeful ticket purchasers. How
Funds raised through the 50/50 are supporting the urgent      would you spend your winnings?

             Kimberley Lyon                          Stephanie Ranson                          Mitchell Glass
              November 2020                            December 2020                             January 2021

             Kennedie Ward                                                                     Brendon Fisher
               February 2021                                                                     March 2020
Virtual Events (in the era of COVID-19)
Every challenge creates an opportunity, as the saying         Chrysler Charity Golf Tournament was postponed until
goes. And last year proved very challenging for               2021. The team still rallied together to offer their annual
fundraising events. Fortunately, technology has provided      Quilt Raffle. Osprey Links Charity Golf Gala presented
us the tools to convert several of our fundraising events     by OneLife Wealth Management adapted their format to
to virtual events!                                            offer tee-times, take away dinners and an online auction.
With the desire to connect and support the Health Centre      Lastly, the Festival of Trees & All Things Christmas
during 2020, Marianne Vander Dussen was inspired              auction moved online, reaching new audiences.
to offer a Virtual Paint Class and Dr. Ravinder Singh,        The 14th annual Our Hospital Walk/Run was hosted on a
General Surgeon, sharpened his kitchen knives to present      virtual platform and featured more than 210 participants
two virtual cooking classes, Cooking with Dr. Singh.          comprising 29 teams of businesses, families and friends
Marianne’s paint class raised $3,000, while Cooking with      who raised more than $84,300 walking or running the
Dr. Singh, brought in over $33,000 (including matching        Family Mile, 5k, 10k and 14k routes.
donations by Dr. Singh).
                                                              Virtual events are continuing in 2021 along with a
Several events were also reformatted to continue to           few modified in-person events, when and where possible.
engage our community. The Maple Hill SAP Run quickly          Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events!
adapted in April 2020 to offer a virtual race. Farquhar

This year has been full of hard work, passion, challenges and hope. We came together and adapted in new and innovative
ways to connect and raise funds to purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment to care for patients in our community.

We’re celebrating some of the ways our community got creative and adapted fundraising events to support our hospital
over the year.
A&W Coin Collection                    Christmas at the Hospital                   Maple Hill Sap Run
Aramark Coin Collection                Cooking with Dr. Singh (July &              Nipissing Wellness Week
Bell Let’s Talk                          December)                                   feat. Cooking with Dr. Singh
Canadore Social Service                Cultural Mindfulness Calendar Sale          North Bay Robotics Team Lego
Worker Program                           for Hummingbird Lodge                     Orange Shirt Day T-Shirt Sales for
  NICU                                 Farquhar Chrysler Quilt Raffle                Regional Aboriginal Mental
  Palliative Wishes                    Festival of Trees & All Things                Health Services
  Patient Comfort                        Christmas Online Auction                  Osprey Links Charity Golf Gala
  Nipissing Detox Substance Abuse      Gift Shop Coin Collection                     presented by OneLife
  Program                              Gold Fleet Subaru Oil Changes                 Wealth Management
  North Bay’s Got Talent               Homes for Hospital                          Virtual Paint Class with
  Trivia Night                         Home Instead Seniors Care                     Marianne Vander Dussen
Change for Kidneys                       Referral Program                          Regional Aboriginal Mental Health
Chippewa Secondary School              Last Call for Ball “Mike Lalonde              Services Spring Feast
  Supporting Youth Mental Health         Weekend Slo-Pitch Event”                  Signature Authentics Sealed Bid
                                                                                     Auction Easels
Sponsors                         We are grateful for and recognize the generosity of sponsors who supported events and/or
                                 programs with commitments of $1,000 and greater from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

Andre Purcell - Century 21      J.E.Y.’s Business Record            Ontario Power Generation -         RBC Foundation /
 Real Estate                      Storage & Mobile Shredding         Central Hydro Plant Group          RBC Royal Bank
BayToday                        Kennedy Insurance Brokers           Parker’s Your Independent          Rebuilt Resources
Bell                            Max Propane                          Grocer                            Rogers Radio
Canor Construction              MD Management Limited               Paul Davis North Bay               Sellebration Productions
CTV                             North Bay Hydro Distribution        Penney&Company                     TD Commercial Banking &
Diagnostic Sleep Clinic         OneLife Wealth Management            marketing design                   TD Waterhouse
Grant Thornton, LLP                                                 Plenary Health                     The Brick North Bay

                              For up-to-date information on fundraising events in your community
                                          follow the NBRHC Foundation on Facebook.

                                      Want to host your own fundraising event?
      The possibilities are endless: sports tournaments, casual Fridays, plant sales, coin collections or virtual paint or cooking
      classes... let your imagination be your guide.
      When you fundraise for your hospital, you are having a direct impact on the quality of healthcare, right here in North Bay.
      Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about hosting your own fundraising event.
                                                                                                              Graham Loyst
                                                                                      Development Officer, Community Giving
Endowment Funds
Bob Cunningham was President & CEO of the
North East Mental Health Centre (NEMHC) until
its amalgamation with NBRHC. He then served as
Executive Vice-President for the new health centre
until his retirement.
As a leader in mental healthcare management
for more than 30 years, Bob and his wife Sharon
established the Cunningham Endowment Fund for
Mental Health to celebrate their family and Bob’s
life work. Their fund will provide annual grants in
their name forever – a fitting legacy to the mental
health programs at NBRHC.

The Leslie Burt-Manary RN Leadership Award was
established by Leslie’s mother to celebrate Leslie’s
memory. She was a respected and dedicated registered
nurse at NBRHC. Leslie is fondly remembered by
her peers for her leadership, compassion and sense of
humour. The award was set up as an endowment fund
in 2018 to generate an annual education bursary.

The 2020 award was presented to its second honouree,
Lori-Ann Crittenden, RN, Inpatient Medicine.

Endowment funds are established through a significant donation that is invested to earn annual interest or income.
A portion of the income is reinvested to grow the fund and a portion granted to the Health Centre to provide
ongoing resources to a care area important to you.
Endowment funds can be established during your lifetime (as a one-time gift or over time) through your estate, or a
combination of the two. Please reach out to the Foundation if you are interested in learning more 705-495-8125.

How to
                                                                                               BN 88773 1123 RR0001
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