Our donors - Advance Ashburton Community Foundation

Page created by Debra Martin
Our donors - Advance Ashburton Community Foundation
Due to Covid-19 we have
                                                                                                      postponed the Annual
                                                                                                     Celebration scheduled for
                                                                                                        23 September 2021,
                                                                                                        until further notice.

                                                                                              N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 02 2021

our donors

                                                                                            LEFT Alan and Bob on their family farm
                                                                                            ABOVE Bob and Alan funded the purchase of
                                                                                            a mannequin baby for our hospital

                                                                                            ‘We put it to others –
                                                                                            “Why don’t you do
                                                                                            something to see your money
                                                                                            working while you are still
                                                                                            here?” We have found it very
                                                                                            fulfilling to give in this way.’

                                                                                            stories of how it is needed today,” says
                                                                                            Bob. “We are happy to give to that, when
A FULFILLING WAY TO GIVE                                                                    you hear about and can see the real need.”
                                                                                            Bob adds, “It was put to us early that not
Brothers Bob and Alan Johnston                  scholarships for promising young medical
                                                                                            only could we leave a bequest but also do
                                                students, direct funding to current
grew up on their family farm in                                                             something in our lifetimes. And we get
                                                community needs and, eventually, through
Carew. After running a sheep                    gifts in their wills.
                                                                                            real pleasure from seeing what our money
farming business, they eventually                                                           is achieving today, so we put it to others –
                                                They have established a scholarship fund    ‘Why don’t you do something to see your
sold the farm for conversion to                 which pays income every year to medical     money working while you are still here?’
dairy around 2008, and they                     students from the district. “We started     We have found it very fulfilling to give in
went into semi-retirement.                      with one scholarship per year and now       this way”.
The brothers remain living on the farm          there are six, each paying around $3,000
                                                                                            “Our old Dad used to say, ‘If you are in
                                                a year. The great thing about it is that
and today, even in their 70’s, still help out                                               a position to help, you should’. That’s
                                                we know a lot of these families and it’s
at the busy times of the year. “We still get                                                how we’ve always felt about this. The
                                                wonderful to see how it’s helping young
called on to shift cows from time to time,”                                                 Foundation is so well organised and has
                                                people with big aspirations,” says Bob.
says Alan.                                                                                  always brought in the right people to look
                                                The recipients are very grateful, and the   after the money, it’s a great organisation
Upon the sale of their farm, Bob and
                                                brothers enjoy hearing from them as they    and we are happy to be a part of it.” +
Alan found themselves in a new financial
                                                progress through their studies.
position with some discretionary
income and, around this time, Advance           The brothers also get involved in other
Ashburton Community Foundation was              community initiatives, such as funding           Listen to Bob and Alan speak
                                                training equipment for Ashburton
in its early years.                                                                                in a podcast prepared for
                                                Hospital and other immediate needs
They really liked the concept of a              such as Kai for Kids. Bob and Alan               the Farmer’s Weekly What is
Community Foundation, where their gifts         are appreciative of guidance Advance                your Rural Legacy series.
would be invested, grown, and given back        Ashburton brings, helping them make
to their community forever.                                                                   www.advanceashburton.org.nz/
                                                informed giving decisions. “We thought
The brothers decided to give in three ways      food for kids wouldn’t be needed in                     latest-news.html
through Advance Ashburton: providing            Ashburton, but we are all hearing real

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Our donors - Advance Ashburton Community Foundation
    FUN TOO!
    A grant of $10,410 from
    Advance Ashburton has
    been given to Mountain Bike                      Ashburton Skills Park
    Ashburton Inc. (MBA) to further
    develop the Skills Park on                     enjoyable, but also safer and requiring           Queenstown, Christchurch, and Dunedin
    Dobson Street (Stage 3), and in                lower maintenance.                                to research pump track designs. He hopes
    particular the pump track.                     Foundation Chair, Mary Ross said, “It was         the work will be completed for the summer
                                                   great to be able to support a project that        of 2021.
    MBA are planning on asphalting the
    pump track, building some progressive          has developed from small beginnings to a          Mountain Bike Ashburton also manage
    drops, constructing a shelter, erecting        highly popular destination for young              the Ashburton MTB loop, and River
    more fencing, and planting more native         and old.”                                         Walkway which are free to use but they
    plants. MBA believes this will make the        James Reid, President of MBA,                     welcome membership to help fund their
    track not only more user friendly and          studied tracks in Wellington, Wanaka,             work on the tracks. +

    Four students from Otago School
    of Medicine have spent their fifth
    year of study in Ashburton.
    As part of the Rural Medical Immersion
    Programme (RMIP), funded by Advance
    Ashburton and the Mackenzie Charitable         The four medical students at work on Jimmy, the mannequin, at Ashburton Hospital
                                                   (from left): Ratvi Soni, Isobel Clarke, Hamish Liddy, and Anniliese Wheeler (Photo: The Guardian)
    Foundation, the medical students have
    spent half their clinical time in the
    hospital and half in general practice.         Student Hamish Liddy recalls ward rounds          and it’s easier to learn,” she says.
                                                   at Dunedin Hospital where medical                 While the focus of RMIP is to give the
    The young doctors are treated as full
                                                   students stood in the back row “holding           students practical experience ahead of
    members of the hospital or practice and
                                                   the folder and pulling the curtain.” “Here,       their final year in 2022, it also gives them
    are involved in many of the clinical and
                                                   we’re an extra pair of hands,” he said.           a taste of being a rural GP. Dr Lander, the
    administrative activities while under close
    supervision. They also spend time with         “At Ashburton Hospital, we join a medical         local co-ordinator, says, “Mid-Canterbury
    other community health providers and           team assessing patients, working with the         needs rural doctors.” The course is a way of
    visiting specialists.                          team, being part of the patient’s journey         understanding what’s required in rural areas.

    Their director, Dr Branko Sijnja, visited      and contributing to decisions such as             “It’s where medicine really happens – and
    recently to assess the students, describing    whether they be admitted, referred or             you become part of a community,” says
    the scheme “an apprenticeship” that makes      discharged,” says student Ratvi Soni.             Dr Sijnja.
    them more competent and confident.             Anniliese Wheeler has worked in the Rakaia        The RMIP operates under the umbrella
    “Without doubt they are streets ahead          and Methven Medical Centres alongside             of the Rural Health Academic Centre,
    managing patients and, at the end of this      GPs, assessing patients, examining them,          Ashburton, which is also funded by
    year, they will slot into medical situations   and discussing those assessments with the         Advance Ashburton and the Mackenzie
    very easily.”                                  doctor. “You get to become part of the team       Charitable Foundation. +

2    NEWSLETTER 02 | 2021
Our donors - Advance Ashburton Community Foundation
HELPING OUR                                     needs under the guidance of learning
                                                support teachers.
COMMUNITY FROM                                  President of the Ashburton Toy Library,
AN EARLY AGE –                                  Anthea Moore, said, “Because schools have
THE ASHBURTON                                   limited funding, it is sometimes difficult to
                                                provide for specific learning requirements
TOY LIBRARY                                     - which is why we want to grow our range
The Ashburton Toy Library                       of educational toys that facilitate learning
                                                through play.”
has received a grant of over
                                                The Ashburton Toy Library is a non-profit
$2000 to assist them with the
                                                organisation which was started in 1994.
purchase of more educational-                   It is run by a volunteer committee and
based toys.                                     has approximately 1000 toys available for
These toys are designed to facilitate           hire to Mid Canterbury families with pre-       Learning while having fun at the Ashburton
                                                                                                Toy Library
learning within a family environment,           school and primary school age children.
as well as at school. The new toys              Toys are hired for a two-week period,
will focus on developing early maths,           giving members the opportunity to try a         Everyone who becomes a full member or
communication, and social skills, and           wide variety of new toys, at an affordable      casual member of the Toy Library can hire
creative thinking. Ashburton Toy Library        rate. They are used by multiple families        new, quality, interesting and educational
encourages primary schools to join the toy      over many years, making this a very             toys for their children or grandchildren.
library to access toys for individual student   sustainable model of use.                       Great for everyone! +

The Youth Institute of Ashburton
backs two well-known and long-
standing programmes, CACTUS
and Kickstart Leadership,
which Advance Ashburton
has supported recently with a
$10,000 grant.
For 13 years, the CACTUS programme has
provided after-school opportunities to the
youth of Ashburton and, more recently,
Methven. In that time, over 650 young           The outcomes of the programme have              ABOVE CACTUS adventures
people have been through the programme.         been very positive for the young people         BELOW Kickstart Leadership Programme
It is open to all young people in the           and include improved behaviour and a
Ashburton District between the ages of          sense of well-being, greater involvement
10 and 14, with referrals coming primarily      in the community and increased empathy
from schools and parents.                       for others. This has a cumulative effect
The programme, which is Duke of                 in the home, school, and community
Edinburgh certified, provides the               environments.
opportunity for young people to get             The second programme covered by the
active, build confidence, make new              Advance Ashburton grant is the annual
friends, and have fun. In the process,          Kickstart Leadership course for Year 8
they develop a range of skills including        students. This 5-day programme is designed
self-discipline, goal setting, interpersonal    to equip our future leaders with the skills
skills and teamwork. Activities include         they need to succeed, including public
tramps, target shooting, archery, first         speaking, team building, and decision
aid training, visits to the fire and police     making. Course leader, Ray King, uses the
stations, as well as a visit to Base, a local   knowledge and expertise of local people
youth venue. At the end of each course,         with well-honed leadership skills to inspire
there is a weekend camp.                        the next generation. +

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Our donors - Advance Ashburton Community Foundation
Canterbury, she was a relief teacher at Mt
   our team                                    Hutt College before joining her husband
                                               Ben on their Mayfield farm.
                                               Victoria is passionate about Mid
NEW EXECUTIVE                                  Canterbury and what it has to offer. She
OFFICER                                        was delighted to be appointed as EO
                                               for the Foundation and appreciates the
We are delighted to introduce                  opportunity to give back to the district.
our new Executive Officer,                     “I am so impressed with the amazing
Victoria Johnson.                              contribution Advance Ashburton has
Living and working in the district for         made to our district since it was founded
the last 18 years has given Victoria a real    in 2003.
appreciation of community. “Community is       “The Foundation is also a low-cost operation,      Victoria is looking forward to meeting
paramount to the success of any provincial     so donations are not eroded by unnecessary         the donors, existing and new, who want
town in New Zealand,” she says.                fees and costs. As donations are invested          to make our district even better, and
After completing a Bachelor of                 and the income used for worthy causes,             learning more about the unmet needs in
Commerce majoring in management, at            the Foundation will be able to help Mid            our community.
Canterbury University, Victoria worked         Cantabrians forever. Your generosity will          If you would like to know more about
in management and financial roles in the       stay local, go further and last forever! It is a   the Foundation, please ring Victoria on
UK and Christchurch. After moving to Mid       brilliant concept,” she says.                      021 395 406 or 307 5902. +

                                                                                                  P      DUE
                                                                                     OST     TO C
                                                Please join us for our annual celebration
                                                                                                 OV          on
                                                                                               THE ID-19 W
                                                  September 23, at the Event Centre starting
                                                                                           F URTat 5.30
                                                                                                   CELEBpm.E HAVE
                                                                                                 H       R          ER N     ATIO
                                        Hear about the work of the Foundation over the past year and fromOkeynote
                                                                                                             TICE N UNT
                                          speakers including Sir Ian Taylor, founder of the internationally known
                                       animation company responsible for award-winning graphics for the America’s
                             ANNUAL      Cup, F1, cricket and much more. Named Innovator of the Year 2019 and
                           CELEBRATION  Visionary Leader of the Year 2020, he was knighted in 2021 for services to
                                                        broadcasting, business and the community.
                                                     But it hasn’t always been plain sailing. Sir Ian will talk to us about how
                                                                innovation can happen in communities like ours.

                                               Please RSVP to Victoria Johnson, Executive Officer, by 20 September 2021.
          Sir Ian Taylor                         Phone 021 395 406, 307 5902 or email info@advanceashburton.org.nz

Do you want to give back to your community? Are there charities and causes that are especially
important to you? Through Advance Ashburton you can support causes that are close to home,
and close to your heart.
Advance Ashburton is driven by local generosity and the wishes of the donors to create a better future for our district.
All donations are invested, and the income earned supports the local causes you care about, year on year.
If you are interested in looking at ways you can make a difference in Mid-Canterbury, please contact us on 03 307 5902,
021 395 406 or email info@advanceashburton.org.nz

            GIVE                               GIVE                           G I V E WHAT                          GIVE
            NOW                               LATER                            YOU CAN                            YOUR WAY
   Donate today to see the             Through your will you                Big or small, it’s about            It’s up to you whether
   impact your generosity              can leave a gift to the              economies of scale and             it’s a one-off donation,
    will create and benefit            Foundation, leaving a               through the Foundation              a regular direct credit,
    from a tax credit of up             lasting legacy to the                 every dollar makes                  part of a workplace
    to 33% of the amount                  community you                          a difference.                  giving model, a giving
     of your donation (for                   care about.                                                        circle, or a bequest in
   donations $5 or more).                                                                                              your will.

Advance Ashburton Community Foundation is a perpetual charitable trust dedicated to benefiting the Ashburton region.
P 03 307 5902 | info@advanceashburton.org.nz | advanceashburton.org.nz | Charities Commission Registration CC28482
Our donors - Advance Ashburton Community Foundation Our donors - Advance Ashburton Community Foundation
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