OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

Page created by Bruce Brooks
OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

                                “If something needs
                           inventing, that could help
                          make people’s lives easier,
                                         I’ll invent it.”
OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

                 HIS LIFE
               IN FIGURES
              Oskar and Ursula Ida Lapp
                   took the step in
                                                                                           OSKAR LAPP
                 1959                                                                               1921 – 1987
                 to found U.I. Lapp KG
                in Stuttgart-Vaihingen.
                                                      On 20th March 2021, we are celebrating a spe-                           production sites, 43 sales companies and more than
                                                      cial family anniversary – our husband, father and                       100 international representatives. Despite this size,
                                                                                                                “He was a
                                                      grandfather Oskar Lapp, the founder of our compa-                       the LAPP Group has remained a family company. Four
                The company starts up
                                                      ny, would have been 100 years old. We use this as
                                                                                                              tinkerer, had   fundamental values – being customer-oriented, inno-
                  with a bank loan of                                                                            inventive
                                                      an opportunity to remember him – as a person, in-                       vative, success-oriented and family-oriented – that

           50,000                                     ventor and entrepreneur. We would like to take you,
                                                      dear friends, customers and partners, on a journey
                                                      through our memories and his life. With this an-
                                                                                                                talent and
                                                                                                              an incredible
                                                                                                                number of
                                                                                                                              our husband, father and grandfather established from
                                                                                                                              the very beginning are still the reliable compass for
                                                                                                                              our corporate culture to this day.
              GERMAN MARKS                            niversary brochure, we are honouring his lifetime         ideas, and
                                                      work and thanking you for your many years of loyal-                     Our husband, father and grandfather is still a great
                                                                                                              always made
                                                      ty to us and our company.                                               role model to this day. For us in the family, as well
                                                                                                               something      as for so many of our employees and partners. He
                        6 YEARS                                                                               out of them.”
             later, the company employs               His inventions have revolutionised entire industries.                   lives in our values, thoughts and hearts. When he
                                                      Oskar Lapp was a visionary and a passionate entre-                      passed away in 1987, he left us far more than just
                   30 PEOPLE.                         preneur. With his clarity on what is essential and a                    a great company. His legacy also includes a special
                                                      vision for what is possible, he made our company a                      corporate culture, underpinned by humanity and
                                                      global market leader. His customers were always at                      sound principles. We are continuing his life’s work
                            By                        the centre of his actions: finding solutions to their                   with deep gratitude and we know that he would be

                                                      problems, designing the optimal solutions and in                        pleased and proud that the third generation of LAPP
                                                      doing so making them successful. He encountered                         has already assumed responsibility with a visionary
                                                      many people on the stages of his life’s journey, in-                    outlook.
                            4                         spiring them with his verve and cordiality. For him,
                                                      business meant relationships that often turned into                     To know where you need to go, you have to know
         more companies are founded and

                            3                         friendships – both at home and abroad.                                  where you come from. Our husband, father and
                                                                                                                              grandfather, the man, inventor and entrepreneur
             subsidiaries are established
                in USA, UK and Italy.                 He is one of the well-known entrepreneurs who                           Oskar Lapp, has left us a wonderful legacy. It will
                                                      have made Germany, particularly our home region                         always accompany us on our journey to the future.
                                                      of Baden-Württemberg, a strong business location.
                                                      Without him, the LAPP Group would not exist. Today,
Publisher                   Design and layout                                                                                 With best regards,
U.I. Lapp GmbH              campra GmbH               4,575 employees around the world develop, manu-
Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 25   Hauptmannsreute 23        facture and sell more than 40,000 products. With 20                     your Lapp family
70565 Stuttgart             70192 Stuttgart
Project management          W. Kohlhammer Druckerei
Joanna Amor                 GmbH + Co. KG
Ann-Kathrin Hoffmann        Augsburger Straße 722
                            70329 Stuttgart
Conception, editing
Storymaker GmbH
Derendinger Straße 50
72072 Tübingen

    2 | 100 YEARS OSKAR LAPP | MARCH 2021                                                                                                          100 YEARS OSKAR LAPP | MARCH 2021 | 3
OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

    The entrepreneurial family vision      values and principles: “customer-­     Lapp would have wanted them to:
    covers all generations: LAPP was,      oriented”, “innovative”, “success-­    “Closeness and warmth can be felt
    is and remains a family company        oriented” and “family-oriented”        by everyone in our company. If
    which acts according to the maxim:     are indispensable components of        employees stop experiencing this,
    Think global, act local.               the company culture to this day.       then one of the key pillars of our
                                           It’s characterised by respect, flat    corporate activities will be broken,”
    Oskar Lapp wasn’t just a brilliant     hierarchies, high transparency and     says Andreas Lapp. Matthias Lapp,
    inventor and entrepreneur. Oskar       openness in communication. The         the first representative of the
                                                                                                                          Background: shutterstock

    Lapp was a family man, cosmopoli-      “human component” is the highest       grandchildren’s generation, also
    tan and visionary, with a great love   value of LAPP’s corporate culture.     sticks to his grand­father’s legacy:
    for people – for friends, employees                                           “The company belongs to the
    and customers. Early on, he an-        His sons and grandchildren continue    family and the family to the
    chored and exemplified reliable        to run the company just like Oskar    ­company.”

OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

Visionary, determined and innovative – these are the qualities that made Oskar Lapp
a successful inventor and entrepreneur. His life’s work is the global LAPP Group.
The man Oskar Lapp was optimistic, lively and heartfelt. This is how he shaped
the special corporate culture whose core values still live on today.

                                  “Opportunities need to be seen and per-             Without further ado he converted the production of
                       ceived. We need to tackle them with all we’ve got.             household appliances to tools and mechanical pen-
Vita Oskar Lapp
                       This is the only way they can be used.” That was the           cils. The requirements were to change again as the
 20th March 1921       motto of Oskar Lapp. And he tackled them, took the             Second World War began: turned parts for the air-
 Oskar Lapp was        opportunities: throughout his life and his work.               craft industry and valve cones for locomotives were
 born in Benshau-                                                                     needed. How do you produce these? Oskar Lapp gath-
                       He was born on 20th March 1921, in a world that was            ered this knowledge in no time at all.
 as the youngest
 of four children      recovering from the turbulences of the First World
 of Ida and Eduard     War and offered unimaginable opportunities with the            During this time, he deepened his passion for technol-
 Lapp.                 beginning of the roaring twenties. Oskar Lapp spent            ogy. He dreamt of studying. But initially everything             “My husband was
                       a lot of time in his father’s small tool factory. He grew      proceeded quite differently. In 1944, shortly before             talented. And he
                       more and more eager to work on his own terms. Like
                       his father, Oskar had organisational talent and tech-
                                                                                      the end of the war, Oskar Lapp, who had refused to
                                                                                      join the Nazi party, was drafted for military service.
                                                                                                                                                       was gifted by God.”
                       nical intelligence, as well as huge energy and deter-          He was taken Soviet prisoner of war, where he had to             Ursula Ida Lapp
 1936                  mination. Not to mention the urge to solve problems.           do forced labour. His mental strength helped him to
 Oskar completed       He enjoyed improving and perfecting things. He                 endure it. He exercised his mind by playing chess – it
 tool lathe training
                       completed his training as a tool lathe operator with           kept his mind off the things that made him homesick.
 at the Röhm
 company in            distinction.                                                   In 1949, he returned home. He endured the incarcera-
 Zella-Mehlis with                                                                    tion relatively well and n
                                                                                                               ­ ever talked about his time in                                                                                                          The Lapp family’s sons
 excellent results.    Oskar joined his parents’ business and quickly real-           the Siberian camp. Only when his mother fed the pigs                                                                                                        Siegbert, Andreas and Volker
                       ised that the business had to change with the times.           did he say that the pig feed was a real treat for him.                                         11th May 1951                                                   grew up with the company
                                                                                                                                                                                     Ursula Ida and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Oskar celebrated
 1939                                                                                                                                                                                their wedding.
 The Weimar                                                                                                                                           Christmas 1950                                                1952
 Chamber of                 1940                                                   1944 – 1949                                                        Oskar Lapp met Ursula                            Oskar got his first                             1955
 Crafts awarded a           Oskar joined his                                       Shortly before the end of the                                      Ida Emmelmann at an                             job in the research                              Oskar Lapp left the
 prize to his jour-         parents’ company,                                      Second World War, Oskar was                                        ­operetta evening in Bens­                        and development                                GDR and became the
 neyman’s project.          Lapp & Roth, and                                       drafted into military service and        1949 – 1952                hausen, where she was                               department of     30th June 1952           ­representative for
 The prize was a            switched production                                    became a Soviet prisoner of war.         Oskar studied              performing the leading                              VEB Fahrzeug-     Oskar became a            ­Southern Germany of a
 cruise by ship to          from household ap-                                                                              ­mechanical engineering    role in “Das Walzermädel                         und Gerätewerke      proud father – his         manufacturing company.
 Norway.                    pliances to tools and                                  1949 he returned home                     at the Schmalkalden       von Wien”.                                         Simson in Suhl.    first son Siegbert         ­Ursula Ida followed with
                            mechanical pencils.                                    safe and sound.                           School of Engineering.                                                                          was born.                   their son Siegbert.

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OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

                       Oskar Lapp lost no time with his new start and ful-         opportunity came faster than he thought: during a
                       filled his dream of becoming an engineer. The young         family holiday in the West, he ended up in hospital, so
                       German Democratic Republic urgently needed tech-            he took the opportunity and stayed for good. He would
                       nicians, and he passed his studies at the engineering       never travel to Benshausen again and also refused to                                                                                                “You don’t talk
                       college in Schmalkalden in 1952 with distinction.           establish subsidiaries in East Germany for the rest
                                                                                   of his life. Around half a year later, Ursula Ida also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       about work. You get
                       Oskar didn’t wait to make a new start in his private        succeeded in fleeing through West Berlin with their                                                                                                 on with the work.”
                       life either. At Christmas 1950, the Benshausen sing-        son Siegbert at her side and pregnant with ­A ndreas.                                                                                               Oskar Lapp
                       ing club performed the operetta “Walzermädel von
                       Wien”. The female lead was Ursula Ida Emmelmann.            In the meantime, Oskar had begun to e­ nergetically
                       Her singing captivated Oskar Lapp. In turn, he scored       build up their new existence. For a few years he
                       points with Ursula Ida as a capable dancer.                 represented a manufacturing company in North
                                                                                   Rhine-Westphalia for the whole of southern Germany.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Award of the Federal
                       Shortly after his wedding in May 1951, Oskar Lapp           His approach to customers, his strong communication                                                                                         Cross of Merit on Ribbon
                       started as an engineer in the research and develop-         skills and warm personality made him a born sales-                                                                                          by Stuttgart’s Head Mayor
  Inauguration of      ment department at VEB Fahrzeug- und Gerätewerk             man. As a good observer, he recognised the custom-                                                                                          Manfred Rommel in 1981
LAPP Kabelwerke
                       Simson in Suhl. However, the political and economic         ers’ problems. His first invention was the rectangular
    GmbH in with
 Stuttgart’s Head      developments in the GDR caused him a great deal of          connector for industrial use. Additionally, he saw how
  Mayor Manfred        concern. Oskar Lapp wanted to think and live freely         time-consuming and laborious it was to manually in-
 Rommel (centre)       and decided to leave East Germany permanently. The          sert the cores and switching strands into conduits.       For Oskar Lapp, growth also meant internationali-        tion of the family brunch: with its crowning glory the           25. April 1987
                                                                                   Oskar Lapp once again asked himself, “How can this        sation. In 1976 he founded the first international       delicious homemade cake baked by Ursula Ida.                         Oskar Lapp
                                                                                   be optimised?” He worked fervently on a solution that     subsidiary in the USA. When selecting future part-                                                                       died as a result
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of a heart attack
                                                                                   would make history. In 1957, he developed ÖLFLEX®,        ners, he always relied on friendly relationships. He     Oskar Lapp also worked extensively for the common
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          at the age of
                                                                                   the first industrially manufactured, flexible and         and Ursula Ida kept an “open house”. The first sales     good, e.g. in the German-South African Society, the                      just 66.
                                                                                   oil-resistant control cable with colour coding. “Now      partners from Switzerland, Israel and Austria were       Stuttgart Monument Foundation and the Stuttgart
                                                                                   we are trying to bring this to the people,” was Oskar’s   frequent guests at their home. Oskar and Ursula Ida      Old Opera House Patrons’ Association. In 1981 he was
                                                                                   slogan. He and his wife founded their own company         Lapp soon discovered the Asian market on a trip to       honoured with the Cross of the Order of Merit of the
                                                                                   and created the market for control cables.                India in 1981. Siegbert Lapp remembers the first         Federal Republic of Germany.
                                                                                                                                             phases of internationalisation with a “very familiar                                                                               1981
                                                                                   The company was up and running. It ran so well that       atmosphere.”                                             He connected devices and systems with his inventions,                Oskar was
                                                                                   they had to find reinforcements. Oskar Lapp was con-                                                               and people with his cordiality. When Oskar Lapp sud-              honoured with
                                                                                   vinced: “Whether we achieve our goals or not will         His family was the most important thing in Oskar’s       denly died of a heart attack in 1987, he left behind a          the Cross of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Order of Merit.
                                                                                   depend on whether we manage to attract the right          life. “He was a father who always took time for us,      group of world-renowned companies with freedom for
                                                                                   employees.” And they succeeded. In 1965, 30 employ-       with dinners, weekends, picnics and trips – despite      courage, energy and innovation. And a corporate cul-
                                                                                   ees worked at LAPP already. “His extensive human          all the work,” recalls Andreas Lapp. Oskar told his      ture characterised by cordiality and openness. He also         The expansion in
                                                                                   knowledge contributed significantly to managing           sons thrilling stories about pirates and adventures.     left the message: take advantage of the opportunities,          Asia began with
                                                                                   this rapid growth,” says Ursula Ida in a review.          And Oskar Lapp loved traditions, like the introduc-      understand the customer and improve things!                      a trip to India.

                                       1957    1957                                                           1959                                                       LAPP Kabelwerke            1965
                         Oskar Lapp made       Oskar Lapp invented                                            Ursula Ida and Oskar Lapp                                  GmbH was founded.          New construction
   6th March 1956       a name for himself     ÖLFLEX®, the first              1958                           founded U.I. Lapp KG in                                    Protected by a timely      of the company                        1976
   The family was        with the invention    industrially manufac-           The first advertising         ­Stuttgart-Vaihingen. The         5th March 1962            patent application,        headquarters and              Oskar Lapp
   happy about                of the world’s   tured connection and            brochure was printed.          ground floor of the new          Ursula Ida and            the company began          relocation to            opened the com-
   another son –           first rectangular   control cable – the             In the same year, the          home was to become the           Oskar celebrated          to manufacture             Schultze-Delitzsch-­       pany’s first for-
  ­Andreas was                    connector.   basis of the compa-             family bought a house          company headquarters.            the birth of their       ­ÖLFLEX® in Stuttgart-­     Straße in Stuttgart-­   eign subsidiary in
   born.                                       ny’s success.                   in Stuttgart-Vaihingen.                                         third son Volker.         Vaihingen.                 Vaihingen with          the United States
                                                                                                                                                                                                    30 employees.                 of America.

8 | 100 YEARS OSKAR LAPP | MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                              100 YEARS OSKAR LAPP | MARCH 2021 | 9
OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

The name Oskar Lapp is inextricably linked with the invention of the ingenious ÖLFLEX® control
cable with colour-coded cores. But this is just one of many examples of his inventiveness.

           “Ring through.” Nowadays this means
just as much as “Call if you’re in the vicinity”. Until
60 years ago, electricians understood something dif-
ferent. As the cores all had the same colour, i.e. grey
or black, the installer must apply voltage to each
wire in turn and listen for a bell ringing at the other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The first adver-
end. It’s not known how often defects occurred due
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tising brochure
to mix-ups. We can only surmise that many electri-                                                                                                                                                                            in 1958 focuses
cians despaired because they had to pull each core                                                                                                                                                                            on customer
individually through a narrow tube or rigid pipe.                                                                                                                                                                             benefits
That was how it was until 1957. Back then, Oskar
Lapp still worked for a connector manufacturer and
witnessed every day how installers had to struggle                                                                                                                                         with his invention, paid off. At the time of the Ger-
                                                                                                                                                                                           man economic miracle, numerous industries were
                                                                                                                                                                                           investing in electrification and starting to automate
 “One must be flexible                                                                                                                                                                     their systems. They literally tore the practical cables

 like our cables.                                                                                                                                                                          from the young entrepreneur’s hands.

 Life demands it.”                                                                                                                                                                         With the ÖLFLEX®, Oskar Lapp made a name as an
 Ursula Ida Lapp                                                                                                                                                                           inventor with a strong intuition for the customers’
                                                                                                                                                                                           needs. This focus on customer benefits was to shape
                                                                                                                                                             With its own
                                                                                                                                                             cable plant, the              LAPP’s success story. In 1963 he developed a rect-
with pulling the cores into hoses and correctly as-                                                                                                          logistics concept             angular connector that was later marketed as EPIC®
signing the cores to connector pins and soldering                                                                                                            is also in place              – building on the world’s first rectangular connector
lugs. How much easier would it be for installers if all   THE MACHINE OF IDEAS                                                                                                             that he had developed back in 1957 for his then em-
the cores had already been incorporated and could                                                                                                                                          ployer. There were no limits to his inventiveness –
be easily identified by a colour code. It would also be   Oskar Lapp’s inventiveness is legendary – and is still a commitment    tective contact, the blue and black core into the other   more developments followed.
easier if the material was thin and flexible and could    today. His first invention was the rectangular connector, followed     two connections. The company offered ready-made
be cut from the roller to the desired length. But that    shortly afterwards by ÖLFLEX®. Without this first industrially manu-   cable harnesses with up to 130 coloured cores at an       In 1978, the 57-year old registered the SKINTOP® ca-
wasn’t the case. That’s why Oskar Lapp made the ef-       factured power and control cable, automation would be unthinkable      early stage.                                              ble glands, which was also a bestseller. Oskar Lapp
fort to invent it.                                        in industry. “With the invention of the ÖLFLEX®, my father Oskar                                                                 patented numerous inventions. For example, the plug-
                                                          Lapp laid the foundation for our globally successful company more      What’s taken for granted now was a revolution at the      in multi-pole adapter for control cabinets, a device for
The principle of the coloured cores, which was pa­        than 60 years ago,” says Andreas Lapp. His brother Siegbert adds:      time – as well as the decision to name its control ca-    earthing wires and pipes or a mechanism that blocks
tented immediately by Oskar Lapp, was brilliantly         “Who would have thought that our branded products would keep           bles under the brand name ÖLFLEX®, creating the           cable rolls from being unwound by chance. He lived
simple. Every layperson could successfully connect        the whole world moving today.”                                         first branded product in the industry. Oskar Lapp’s       up to his motto: “If something needs inventing, that
a lamp with it: the yellow/green core went to the pro-                                                                           plan to find a solution to his customers’ challenges      could help make people’s lives easier, I’ll invent it.”

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OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

REVOLUTION IN                                                                                                                                                                           The company‘s head-
                                                                                                                                                                                       quarters from 1965 in


An industrial product as a branded item?
That was ­u nusual – until Oskar Lapp came
along. In 1959 the v­ isionary ­b usinessman
and his wife Ursula Ida founded their
own company and created with ÖLFLEX®
a brand that is known worldwide today.

             A Kleenex for the nose, Scotch tape for pa-
per: only a few brands manage to become synonymous
with an entire product category. This is also true in
the world of cables: anyone who wants an ­ÖLFLEX®
always gets a robust control cable. The name is inge-                                                                                                                                                                   preconditions: they wanted to present themselves as
nious as it combines the two most important proper-                                                                                                                                                                     a family company and the name should also sound
ties of all cables in the ÖLFLEX® brand: they’re resis-                                                                                                                                                                 good. And since Oskar Lapp was still working for
tant to chemicals and oil, and are flexible and thus                                                                                                                                                                    ­a nother company, the company had to be owned by
versatile. Anyone who says ÖLFLEX® automatically                                                                                                                                                                         Ursula Ida Lapp, and her husband was officially an
refers to the LAPP product – many brand manufac-                                                                                                                                                                         employed engineer in the company. For Ursula Ida
turers, whose product has become synonymous but is                                                                                                                                                                       Lapp, this was just a formality, as the couple viewed
no longer identified with the manufacturer, can only                                                                                                                                                                     the company as their shared project. With a bank
dream of this.                                                                                                                                                                                                           loan of 50,000 marks as start-up capital, in Novem-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ber 1959 she registered the company U.I. Lapp KG
Did Oskar and Ursula Ida Lapp predict this success                                                                                                                                                                       with the Stuttgart District Court. There she didn’t let
when they were working on the brand name for the           soon be available in all colours, the ÖLFLEX® cables                                                                                                          herself be shaken even by critical enquiries. “I don’t
first industrially manufactured control cable in their     would now also shine in orange from the outside on        Countless inno-                                                                                     properly speak the Swabian language, but I can cer-
house on Vaihinger Rosentalstraße in 1959? It was          cable drums in factories and on building sites.           vations create an                                                                                   tainly work like the Swabians.”
clear to both of them that the introduction of brands                                                                immense variety
in industry was a revolution. Because that had never        Oskar Lapp pioneered the idea of offering an indus-      of products in the
                                                                                                                     sector of cables
existed before.                                             trial product as a branded article. It was a model for
                                                                                                                     and connections
                                                            success and a blueprint for other brands. Eight such                          The eight LAPP brands
But a branded product doesn’t just need a catchy            brands exist today: ÖLFLEX® was followed by the
name, it also has to meet customer needs and should         EPIC® industrial connector, first made of metal, lat-
be recognisable. But how? The technology set limits         er of plastic. This is how Oskar Lapp paved the way
at that time and Oskar Lapp wasn’t able to print a          for assemblies and system solutions, for example
different colour on the cable sheath. He therefore de-     ­ÖLFLEX® CONNECT. In 1977, the SKINTOP® cable
cided to equip the inside of the ÖLFLEX® cables with        gland followed as the next brand. It wasn’t just the
                                                                                                                                           ÖLFLEX®          UNITRONIC®     ETHERLINE®       HITRONIC®      EPIC®           SKINTOP®           SILVYN®          FLEXIMARK®
an orange marking thread on the protective conduc-          ÖLFLEX® brand that was born at the kitchen table
                                                                                                                                           Power and        Data communi- Data communi-     Optical        Industrial      Cable              Protective cable Marking
tor. When the installer cut the cable, he saw the yarn      in Rosentalstraße in 1959. That’s also where Oskar                            ­control cables   cation systems cation systems   transmission   connectors      glands             conduit systems ­systems
even under poor lighting conditions and knew that           and Ursula Ida Lapp decided that their joint company                                                           for Ethernet     systems                                           and cable
it was a real ÖLFLEX® from LAPP. As plastics would          should be called U.I. Lapp KG. The name met three                                                              technology                                                         ­carrier systems

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OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

                                                                                                                                                   also saw the disadvantages: to be able to provide a          and Indonesia since 1980. Wherever Oskar Lapp went,
                                                                                                                                                   comprehensive service to customers, they needed to           he built partnerships and found friends for life.
                                                                                                                                                   set up their own production and logistics site. In 1963
                                                                                                                                                   they opened their first factory. In doing so, the two        To keep pace with the expansion and be able to of-
                                                                                                                                                   laid the foundation for the strategy that still applies at   fer the same services on all continents, the compa-
                                                                                                                                                   LAPP today: 360° customer focus and everything from          ny opened more sales sites and production facilities.
                                                                                                                                                   a single source with manufacturer expertise.                 Today, the network comprises more than 100 foreign
                                                                                                                                                                                                                representatives, 43 of its own sales companies and
                                                                                                                                                   The product range was growing rapidly. No year               20 production sites with state-of-the-art warehouses.
                                                                                                                                                   went by without small and large innovations and              It ensures that customers in Africa or Australia can
                                                                                                                                                   variants of existing products. It wasn’t just about          order all LAPP products and get them delivered to a
                                                                                                                                                   the quantity, but always about what was in it for            building site in no time – in some cases, even within
                                                                                                                                                   the customer. They got everything from LAPP from             24 hours or just-in-time.
                                                                                                                                                   a single source, saving them time and space in the                                                                   With subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                   warehouse and reducing the complexity of ordering            Oskar Lapp would be delighted. “Our father led our      around the globe
                                                                                                                                                   and managing. And for the customers, it is guaran-           company to success with hard work, ambition and         and a “cable shop
                                                                                                                                                   teed that all components would fit together and meet         a clear vision of what’s essential. He demonstrat-      on wheels” that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        travels directly to
                                                                                                                                                   the highest quality criteria.                                ed perseverance, pioneering spirit and innovative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the customer, the
Oskar Lapp (2nd from                                                                                                                                                                                            strength – and this is still the LAPP DNA,” says        LAPP Group be-
left) with the Governor                                                                                                                            And that they can get them anywhere. The young               Siegbert Lapp, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at     comes the global
of New Jersey                                                                                                                                      company expanded abroad long before other entrepre-          Lapp Holding AG.                                        market leader
                                                                                                                                                   neurs. Oskar Lapp found his first distribution part-
                                                                                                                                                   ners in Switzerland and Israel in 1960. He founded the
                                                                                                                                                   company’s first international subsidiary in the USA in

                                                                                                                                                   1976 when most German entrepreneurs didn’t dare to
                                                                                                                                                   take the leap across the Atlantic. In 1981, Oskar and
                                                                                                                                                   Ursula Ida Lapp discovered their love for India on a
                                                                                                                                                   combined business and vacation trip. On the subconti-

                                                                                                                                                   nent, LAPP is nowadays a well-known brand, with the
                                                                                                                                                   orange logo on the rear of rickshaws in New Delhi. The
                                                                                                                                                   company has also been selling its products through a
                                                                                                                                                   distribution partner in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand

Full-blooded entrepreneur Oskar Lapp would be delighted: his company is developing in
great strides from a manufacturer to a solution provider. At LAPP, customers get everything
related to connection solutions – from cable ties to a global logistics concept.

                                        What does the customer want? Every             on. This remained the case until he died far too soon:
                             entrepreneur asks this question, some sooner and          the customer was his focus.
                             some later, some even too late. What made Oskar
                             Lapp particularly special in addition to his technical    The Lapps went to considerable efforts to achieve this.
                             understanding is his sense for what really helps his      Ursula Ida Lapp tells how, at the beginning, she cut
                             customers. The best example is ÖLFLEX®: at the end        the cables that had just been delivered by the manu-
                             of the 1950s, nobody asked for a control cable with       facturer to the ordered lengths at the railway station in
                             colour-coded cores in the PVC sheath that could be        an unheated waiting room. Packed in bags, the cables
                             cut to the desired length. But Oskar Lapp realised the    were sent off to the customers immediately on the next
One of LAPP’s                need for a product that didn’t exist yet. This entailed   train. As a thank you, she brought coffee and cake to
first price lists            a certain risk, but the young entrepreneur was spot       the station employees. The two young entrepreneurs

14 | 100 YEARS OSKAR LAPP | MARCH 2021
OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos

                            “Cables connect
                                 the present
                             and the future.”
                                  Oskar Lapp, 1921-1987
OSKAR LAPP 100 YEARS - "If something needs inventing, that could help make people's lives easier, I'll invent it." - Policabos
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