Original Article Positive effect of cognitive-behavioral intervention combined with integrated health care on patients with type 2 diabetes

Original Article Positive effect of cognitive-behavioral intervention combined with integrated health care on patients with type 2 diabetes
Am J Transl Res 2022;14(6):3946-3954
www.ajtr.org /ISSN:1943-8141/AJTR0138531

Original Article
Positive effect of cognitive-behavioral
intervention combined with integrated
health care on patients with type 2 diabetes
Wei Jin1*, Qiumin Wu2*, Zhiwei He3, Yilan Fu1
 Department of Endocrinology, Hainan General Hospital, Hainan Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University,
Haikou 570311, Hainan, China; 2Department of Outpatient, Hainan Cancer Hospital, Haikou 570311, Hainan,
China; 3Department of Radiology, Hainan Cancer Hospital, Haikou 570311, Hainan, China. *Equal contributors
and co-first authors.
Received August 24, 2021; Accepted April 30, 2022; Epub June 15, 2022; Published June 30, 2022

Abstract: Objective: This study was designed to investigate the effects of cognitive-behavioral intervention (CBI)
combined with integrated health care (IHC) on glycemic control, adverse mood, health knowledge and self-efficacy
in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: The clinical data of 115 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
were retrospectively collected and divided into two groups according to the intervention methods, with 57 patients
in group A receiving conventional care and 58 patients in group B receiving CBI combined with IHC. The blood glu-
cose, scores of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), health knowl-
edge, self-efficacy, quality of life, and nursing satisfaction were compared between the two groups before and after
intervention. Results: Compared with group A, group B had lower glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc), 2-h postprandial glu-
cose (2 hPG), and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels (P < 0.05), lower HAMD and HAMA scores (P < 0.05), higher
health knowledge and self-efficacy scores (P < 0.05), and higher quality of life after intervention (P < 0.05). Group
B exhibited a nursing satisfaction rate of 94.83%, higher than that of 70.18% in group A (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The
effects of CBI combined with IHC can effectively control blood glucose and improve dysphoria, health knowledge,
self-efficacy, and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, cognitive-behavioral intervention, integrated health care, glycemic control,
dysphoria, health knowledge, self-efficacy

Introduction                                                   betes seriously lack the knowledge and under-
                                                               standing of the disease, have low treatment
With the rapid increase in elderly population,                 compliance, and usually cannot follow medical
the number of patients with chronic diseases,                  advice on medication strictly, making it difficult
including diabetes mellitus, has been incre-                   to achieve glycemic control [7, 8]. In order to
asing significantly [1]. Type 2 diabetes, also                 achieve effective blood glucose control, it is
known as adult-onset diabetes, is a common                     necessary to strengthen health education for
type of diabetes. Its onset is closely related to              patients. In addition, diabetic patients are at
various factors such as lifestyle, race, age,                  high risk for psychological disorders due to the
environment, and genetics [2, 3]. Poor glyce-
                                                               lifelong need to take medication [9]. Studies
mic control can easily damage target organs,
                                                               have shown that 30-50% of patients with type
cause complications such as diabetic nephrop-
                                                               2 diabetes have symptoms of depression, and
athy and retinopathy, and seriously affect the
                                                               about 40% experience anxiety [10, 11]. Com-
quality of life of patients [4].
                                                               pared with ordinary diabetic patients, diabetic
Studies have shown that glycemic control is                    patients with anxiety or depressive symptoms
closely related to patients’ disease knowledge                 tend to have poor glycemic control and low
and lifestyle [5, 6]. Due to different education               self-management ability, facing a significantly
levels and ages, some patients with type 2 dia-                higher risk of complications.
Study on type 2 diabetes mellitus

Health education is a systematic, organized,        Methods
and planned social education, which can lead
people to adopt healthy lifestyles and behav-       Patients in group A were instructed to strength-
iors voluntarily [12]. Health education is tradi-   en diet and exercise, and health education was
tionally carried out by nurses, and physicians      provided, that is, nursing staff explained dis-
are not involved. In contrast, integrated health    ease knowledge to patients through pictures or
care (IHC) connects physicians, nurses and          videos, etc.; patients were told to strictly follow
patients, and implements health education           medical advices.
through their cooperation [13]. Behavioral ther-
apy is considered to be a psychological inter-      Patients in group B received CBI and IHC in
vention that corrects maladaptive cognitions        addition to the measures performed in group A.
by changing beliefs, mind, and behavior, help-
                                                    CBI was performed in three stages: (1) Stage 1
ing to eliminate undesirable behaviors and
                                                    (cognitive intervention and behavior correc-
emotions [14]. Although health education and
                                                    tion): In the first week, the treatment process
cognitive-behavioral therapy have been ap-
                                                    was explained to the patients. Patients started
plied in some clinical settings, there are rela-
                                                    to get to know medical staff and learnt about
tively few studies on their combined effects in
                                                    disease-related knowledge, including patho-
patients with type 2 diabetes [15, 16]. This
                                                    genesis, risk factors, treatment methods, etc.,
study was designed to explore the effects of
                                                    so as to reduce the strangeness and psycho-
cognitive-behavioral intervention (CBI) com-
                                                    logical pressure of patients. In the second
bined with IHC on glycemic control, adverse
                                                    week, nursing staff listened to the patients
mood, health knowledge and self-efficacy in
                                                    carefully, understood the psychological state
patients with type 2 diabetes.
                                                    of each patient, found out the specific rea-
Materials and methods                               sons for the occurrence of adverse emotions,
                                                    expressed understanding and concern for the
Clinical data                                       patients, answered every question raised by
                                                    the patients patiently and meticulously, built a
The clinical data of 115 patients with type 2       good nurse-patient relationship, and gain-
diabetes mellitus were retrospectively analy-       ed the trust of patients. In the third week,
zed and divided into two groups, with 57 pa-        patients’ bad behaviors and habits were cor-
tients in group A receiving conventional care       rected, diet exercise interventions were formu-
and 58 patients in group B receiving CBI com-       lated, and patients were instructed to quit
bined with IHC. This study was approved by the      smoking and drinking. In the fourth week,
Medical Ethics Committee of Hainan General          patients were guided to relax through medita-
Hospital, Hainan Affiliated Hospital of Hainan      tion, progressive muscle relaxation and pra-
Medical University (approval number NCT025-         nayama, which were first demonstrated by pro-
68317). (1) Inclusion criteria: signed informed     fessionals and then practiced by the patients.
consent was obtained from patients or their         (2) Stage 2 (relaxation training): During week 5
families; patients with good communication          to 7 of intervention, patients were guided to
skill; those who met the diagnostic criteria for    relax repeatedly through meditation, progres-
type 2 diabetes in the Chinese Guidelines for       sive muscle relaxation, and pranayama, and
the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2              were instructed to practice 20-30 min before
Diabetes (2017 edition); type 2 diabetes had        bedtime every day. (3) Stage 3 (summary and
been diagnosed for more than 6 months; no           analysis): At week 8 of intervention, patients
other serious organic diseases of heart, liver,     were guided to review all sessions, and their
and kidney. (2) Exclusion criteria: withdrawal      questions about each session were collected
midway; comorbid with severe mental disorder        and resolved through group discussion. For the
or somatic dysfunction; patients who were tak-      unimproved psychological conditions, patients
ing anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication       were encouraged to make psychological prepa-
with possible psychological effects; patients       rations and discuss the treatment of relapse.
with drug or alcohol dependence; patients           During the intervention, patients could commu-
with malignant tumors; and patients who were        nicate with medical staff through various meth-
unwilling to participate in the research.           ods, such as Weibo, email or phone.

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Study on type 2 diabetes mellitus

Integrated health education. (1) Establishment      prandial glucose (2 hPG), and fasting plasma
of a special education group: A special inte-       glucose (FPG) levels of the two groups were
grated medical, nursing and patient education       measured using a fully automatic biochemical
group was formed by the responsible nurse,          analyzer (Keegan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.).
attending physician, endocrinologist, head nur-
se of the ward, and director of the department.     Adverse mood [17]: Before and after interven-
The attending physician was responsible for         tion, the scores of Hamilton Depression Rating
evaluating the patient’s condition and tracking     Scale (HAMD) and Hamilton Anxiety Rating
the patient’s blood glucose and vital data. The     Scale (HAMA) were used to evaluate adverse
endocrinologist was responsible for making          mood in both groups. HAMD scores < 7, 7-17,
flexible adjustments to the patient’s blood glu-    17-24, and > 24 indicated normal, probably
cose control regimen; the head nurse of the         depressed, definitely depressed, and severely
ward was mainly responsible for coordinating        depressed, respectively. HAMA scores ≥ 29, ≥
the workflow and organizing a weekly summary        21, ≥ 14, ≥ 7, and < 7 indicated severe anxi-
meeting for the group members; the director of      ety, significant anxiety, definite anxiety, mild
department was responsible for guiding and          anxiety, and no anxiety, respectively.
regularly checking the quality of the team’s
work. The standardized training was provided        Health knowledge scores [18]: Before and af-
for the members of the group, and a unified         ter intervention, the health knowledge scores
assessment was conducted after the training.        of both groups were evaluated using the
The training included the basic knowledge of
                                                    Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire compiled
diabetes, including the pathogenesis, diet,
                                                    by Chinese Diabetes Education Project Group,
exercise, common complications, and the cor-
                                                    including complications, exercise, diet, medica-
rect use of blood glucose meters, etc. It was
also necessary to strengthen the training of        tion, blood glucose monitoring, and general
insulin pump to ensure that each medical staff      knowledge, with a score range of 0-30. The
could master the application of insulin pump.       level of diabetes knowledge was directly pro-
(2) Work flow and content: After admission of       portional to the score.
the patient, the attending physician made a
comprehensive assessment of the patient’s           Self-efficacy scores [19, 20]: Before and af-
condition, collected the baseline data, and         ter intervention, the self-efficacy of patients
formulated a targeted health education pro-         was evaluated using the General Self-Efficacy
gram on basis of the condition. A diabetes          Scale (GSES), including 10 items, with a score
health education video was produced, includ-        range of 10-40, and the self-efficacy was pro-
ing awareness of diabetes, control of blood         portional to the score.
sugar, etc. After watching the video, patients
could consult an endocrinologist if they did not    Secondary indicator
understand or had concerns or doubts. The
endocrinologist would answer patiently and          Quality of life scores [21]: Before and after
adjust the glucose lowering regimen flexibly        intervention, the quality of life of both groups
according to the actual condition of the            was evaluated using the Quality of Living Scale
patients. A group discussion was held every         (QOL-BREF), including social, environmental,
week, in which members discussed the short-         physical and psychological areas, with a score
comings and obstacles occurred during health        range of 0-26 points, and the quality of life was
education and proposed measures to achieve          directly proportional to the score.
continuous quality improvement. The daily
blood glucose levels of the patients were ana-      Nursing satisfaction: After nursing, the self-
lyzed with a chart, so that patients could          made nursing satisfaction questionnaire was
understand their results of blood glucose con-      used for both groups to investigate the satis-
trol intuitively and improve the enthusiasm         faction categorized as very satisfied, basically
towards treatment.                                  satisfied and dissatisfied. Very satisfied + basi-
                                                    cally satisfied = total satisfaction.
Outcome measurement

Primary indicators                                  Statistical methods

Blood glucose level: Before and after interven-     SPSS22.0 was used for data analysis. Mea-
tion, glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc), 2-h post-        surement data were described as mean ±

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Study on type 2 diabetes mellitus

Table 1. Comparison of baseline data [n (%)]/( x ±sd)
Data                                            Group A (n = 57)     Group B (n = 58)    t/χ2       P
Gender (cases)                        Male        38 (66.67)            41 (70.69)      0.216     0.642
                                      Female      19 (33.33)            17 (29.31)
Age (years)                                      68.59 ± 5.63         68.61 ± 5.61      0.019     0.985
Duration of disease (years)                       9.19 ± 1.18          9.21 ± 1.12      0.093     0.926
Educational level (cases)
  Primary school and below                         25 (43.86)          22 (37.93)       0.617     0.893
  Junior high school, high school                  12 (21.05)          15 (25.86)
  Secondary school, college                        10 (17.54)          12 (20.69)
  Bachelor’s degree and above                      10 (17.54)           9 (15.52)
Co-morbidities (n)
  Coronary heart disease                           13 (22.81)          14 (24.14)       0.187     0.911
  Hypertension                                     11 (19.30)          13 (22.41)
  Hyperlipidemia                                   16 (28.07)          15 (25.86)

standard deviation, independent-samples t                 those before intervention, the HAMD and HA-
test was performed for inter-group compari-               MA scores were lower in both groups after
son, and paired t test was performed for intra-           intervention (P < 0.05). Compared with group
group comparison. Count data were described               A, the HAMD and HAMA scores were lower in
as [n (%)], and χ2 test was used for inter-group          group B after intervention (P < 0.05) (Figure 2).
comparison. Rank sum test was used for
ranked data. P < 0.05 suggested the presence              Comparison of health knowledge and self-
of statistical significance.                              efficacy between the two groups

Results                                                   There was no significant difference in health
                                                          knowledge and self-efficacy scores between
Comparison of baseline data                               the two groups before intervention (P > 0.05).
                                                          Compared with those before intervention, he-
There was no significant difference in baseline           alth knowledge and self-efficacy scores were
data such as gender, age, educational level,              higher in both groups after intervention (P <
and comorbid diseases between the two                     0.05). Compared with group A, health knowl-
groups (P > 0.05) (Table 1).                              edge and self-efficacy scores were higher in
                                                          group B after intervention (P < 0.05) (Figure 3).
Comparison of glycemic control between the
two groups                                                Comparison of quality of life between the two
There was no significant difference in the
levels of HbAlc, 2 hPG, and FPG before inter-             There was no significant difference in quality of
vention between the two groups (P > 0.05).                life scores between the two groups before
Compared with those before intervention, the              intervention (P > 0.05). Compared with those
levels of HbAlc, 2 hPG, and FPG were lower in             before intervention, quality of life scores were
both groups after intervention (P < 0.05).                higher in both groups after intervention (P <
Compared with group A, the levels of HbAlc,               0.05). Compared with group A, quality of life
2 hPG, and FPG were lower in group B after                scores were higher in group B after interven-
intervention (P < 0.05) (Figure 1).                       tion (P < 0.05) (Figure 4).

Comparison of adverse mood between the two                Comparison of nursing satisfaction between
groups                                                    the two groups

There was no significant difference in HAMD               In group A, there were 21 very satisfied pa-
and HAMA scores between the two groups                    tients, 19 basically satisfied patients, and 17
before intervention (P > 0.05). Compared with             dissatisfied patients, with the total nursing

3949                                                               Am J Transl Res 2022;14(6):3946-3954
Study on type 2 diabetes mellitus

                                                              Figure 1. Comparison of glycemic
                                                              control between the two groups. A:
                                                              HbAlc; B: 2 hPG; C: FPG. *indicated
                                                              P < 0.05 compared with group A
                                                              (independent-samples t test), #indi-
                                                              cated P < 0.05 compared with be-
                                                              fore intervention (paired t test).

Figure 2. Comparison of adverse mood. A: HAMD score; B: HAMA score. *indicated P < 0.05 compared with group A
(independent-samples t test), #indicated P < 0.05 compared with before intervention (paired t test).

satisfaction rate of 70.18%, while in group B,             Discussion
there were 32 very satisfied patients, 23 basi-
cally satisfied patients, and 3 dissatisfied               Type 2 diabetes is a systemic disease that
patients, with the total nursing satisfaction              causes a variety of functional or structural
rate of 94.83%, which was higher than that in              changes in organs and tissues, reducing the
group A (P < 0.05) (Table 2).                              quality of life of patients [22]. Due to the lack

3950                                                              Am J Transl Res 2022;14(6):3946-3954
Study on type 2 diabetes mellitus

Figure 3. Comparison of health knowledge and self-efficacy. A: Health knowledge scores; B: Self-efficacy scores.
  indicated P < 0.05 compared with group A (independent-samples t test); #indicated P < 0.05 compared with before
intervention (paired t test).

Figure 4. Comparison of quality of life. A: Social scores; B: Environmental scores; C: Physiological scores; D: Psy-
chological scores. *indicated P < 0.05 compared with group A (independent-samples t test), #indicated P < 0.05
compared with before intervention (paired t test).

3951                                                                  Am J Transl Res 2022;14(6):3946-3954
Study on type 2 diabetes mellitus

Table 2. Comparison of nursing satisfaction [n (%)]
Group        Number of cases    Very satisfied      Basically satisfied    Dissatisfied    Total satisfaction
Group A           57             21 (36.84)            19 (33.33)          17 (29.82)         40 (70.18)
Group B           58             32 (55.17)            23 (39.66)            3 (5.17)         55 (94.83)
χ2                 -                  -                      -                   -              12.161
P                  -                  -                      -                   -             < 0.001

of disease knowledge and the need for lifelong              patients, correcting the bad behavior and hab-
medication, most patients are highly suscepti-              its of patients, guiding the patient through
ble to adverse emotions such as anxiety and                 meditation, progressive muscle relaxation and
depression [23]. This study performed a CBI                 pranayama, so as to achieve the purpose of
combined with IHC for patients with type 2 dia-             relieving adverse emotions. When the psycho-
betes. The results of this study showed that                logical state of patients is improved, their qual-
the measured blood glucose indices in group                 ity of life and nursing satisfaction are also
B were lower than those in group A after inter-             improved [27]. In addition, in this study, group
vention, suggesting that CBI combined with                  B had higher health knowledge and self-effica-
IHC could improve the effect of blood glucose               cy scores than group A after intervention,
control. The reason may be that long-term high              demonstrating the effectiveness of CBI com-
levels of blood glucose can cause a series of               bined with IHC in patients with type 2 diabet-
adverse mood. IHC focused on cooperation                    es, which facilitates the improvement of health
among physicians, nurses and patients, and a                knowledge and self-efficacy of patients. Ma et
targeted treatment regimen was formulated                   al. [28] also found that the implementation of
according to the condition. Nursing staff strict-           integrated health education in the elderly pa-
ly followed the physician’s instructions to pro-            tients with diabetes could significantly improve
vide treatment guidance and health education                the self-management ability of patients, and
for patients, the head nurse regularly checked              master health knowledge, which has important
the implementation of various tasks, and the                clinical significance to improve the prognosis of
director of department carried out the overall              elderly diabetes patients. This is consistent
supervision and instruction to the treatment.               with the results of this study. The underlying
Through the cooperation between physicians                  reasons may be that after combining medical
and nurses, the patient’s blood sugar level was             care with patient education, medical and nurs-
effectively controlled [24, 25].                            ing staff implemented targeted treatment and
                                                            care for patients and flexibly adjusted the glu-
Depression and anxiety are common psycho-                   cose-lowering regimen, which deepened pa-
logical problems in patients with type 2 diabe-             tients’ knowledge and understanding of glyce-
tes, which seriously affect the prognosis, redu-            mic control. Secondly, the daily blood glucose
ce the quality of life of patients, and increase            values were plotted as data graphs, which was
the incidence of diabetic complications [26].               convenient for patients to intuitively under-
The results of this study showed that patients              stand their own blood glucose and improve
in group B had lower HAMD and HAMA scores                   the enthusiasm of blood glucose control. The
and higher quality of life scores and nursing               medical and nursing staff patiently answered
satisfaction than group A after intervention,               various questions raised by patients and com-
suggesting that CBI combined with IHC in                    bined with CBI to reduce adverse emotions of
patients with type 2 diabetes could improve                 patients and improve their psychological state,
adverse mood, quality of life and nursing satis-            thus increasing the treatment confidence of
faction. Cognitive-behavioral model was imple-              patients and improving their self-efficacy [29].
mented in three stages in terms of cognitive
interventions, behavior correction and relax-               In conclusion, the CBI combined with integrat-
ation training. The specific reasons for the                ed health education in patients with type 2
occurrence of adverse mood was found out by                 diabetes can effectively control blood glucose
assessing the cognitive status and psychologi-              and improve adverse mood, health knowledge,
cal condition of patients and building a good               self-efficacy as well as quality of life scores of
nurse-patient relationship, gaining the trust of            patients.

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Study on type 2 diabetes mellitus

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Address correspondence to: Yilan Fu, Department
                                                                   Barry MJ, Forciea MA, Fitterman N, Balzer K,
of Endocrinology, Hainan General Hospital, No. 19                  Boyd C, Humphrey LL, Iorio A, Lin J, Maroto M,
Xiuhua Road, Xiuying District, Haikou 570311,                      McLean R, Mustafa R and Tufte J. Hemoglobin
Hainan, China. Tel: +86-0898-68622226; E-mail:                     A1c targets for glycemic control with pharma-
327211763@163.com                                                  cologic therapy for nonpregnant adults with
                                                                   type 2 diabetes mellitus: a guidance state-
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