Air Pollution Issues in Australia.

Janet Roden. Medical Research Archives vol 8 issue 10.        Medical Research Archives


                           Air Pollution Issues in Australia.

Janet Roden



   This researcher examined air quality in Australia and, compared to other countries, found that
   there were considerable gaps in Australian’s actions and legislation towards air pollution.
   Firstly Australia has a Neoliberal Federal Government who are committed to continuing with
   fossil fuel development. As well as a preference for coal, gas is regarded as being a big contender
   in the Australian economy. The Federal Government is now keen to undertake CSG mining to
   extract gas which produces methane which is approximately 30 times more dangerous to the
   climate in greenhouse gas emissions than carbon dioxide.
   Further concerns have arisen in regard to lack of fuel standards which mean that car owners can
   use whatever types of petrol they wish. Diesel is also another option. Both these fuel sources are
   creating toxic, uncontrolled pollution.
   Another worrying consideration is the 40 year old Australian coal-fired power stations. The author
   was affronted at the terrible toxins being emitted from the Liddell coal-fired power station, well
   above the international standards, and there only being dated control in place, unlike the reduction
   of emissions in other countries.
   The research project the author undertook on: “Supporting the Upper Hunter valley community
   in the transition from coal power to renewable energy with the closure of the Liddell power station
   in 2022,” showed that individual and family health results were concerning as there was confusion
   about whether respondents considered their health was impacted. Interestingly focus groups
   highlighted that many people did understand that once the power station closed their health would
   definitely improve.
   NSW and Australia need policy development and action in air quality. The evidence of bad
   pollution – no fuel standards; dated controls on emissions for 40 year old coal-fired power
   stations; and probable continued greenhouse gas emissions increasing through continued coal use
   and gas mining – show that Australia is at the crossroads in regard to air quality and climate
   change. Zali Steggall, an Independent Member of Parliament, is proposing a Climate Change Bill
   by November 2020. Her supporters are arguing for a conscience vote. If enacted, the Bill would
   address the issue of climate change in a scientific and systematic way and, in so doing, tackle the
   multi-faceted problem of Australia’s poor air quality.

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Introduction                                          reaching the lungs and the blood stream and
                                                      causing respiratory, heart and stroke
Global Air Pollution                                  disease5,6. Air pollution research focuses on
                                                      measuring particulate matter resulting from
Air pollution is recognised by governments,           the burning of fossil fuels from vehicles and
institutions and communities as a major               industry. It found that in India and China
global public health risk. In fact, it can cut the    lifespans were being shortened by six years1.
average life span of a person from all around         China used to be one of the top five most
the world by almost two years, making it the          polluting countries before 2014 but now
single greatest threat to human health1.              India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Central and
Greenstone and Qing Fan2 note that                    West Africa are leading the pack. Some
particulate air pollution is even a greater risk      countries have followed the lead of the USA
to human health before Covid-19. It has               in their Clean Air Act such as India who in
caused damage to heart and lungs and has cut          2019 launched its National Clean Air
global life expectancy by two years on                Programme (NCAP)2. The WHO report
average over the last twenty years.                   states that air pollution is now the biggest
                                                      single environmental health risk and the
Particulate air pollution is anything solid or        cause of one in eight deaths worldwide 7.
liquid that is suspended in the air and includes
a mixture of contaminants from a range of             In 2005 the World Health Organization
sources. This includes smoke, fumes, soot,            developed the most current assessment of air
other combustion by products but also natural         pollution health effects, for exposure levels
particles such as dust, sea salt, pollen and          of particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5)
spores. In addition, it includes primary              based on scientific evidence 8. Since the
particles coming from exhaust stacks and tail         advent of the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI)
pipes as well as secondary particles like             people can find out how much longer they
sulphates and nitrates which form from the            would live if they were breathing air which
by-products of oxidation of atmospheric               met the WHO guidelines, compared to where
gases. It was not until the late 1980s that a         they live. The AQLI takes particulate
clear association between illnesses such as           pollution concentrations and converts them
asthma, respiratory symptoms and lower lung           into the metric of life expectancy9.
function and exposure to particulate pollution
was       recognized      in     internationally      A new global study has associated depression
epidemiologic studies . This culminated in            and suicide with poor air quality10. Although
1994 in time-series particulate air pollution         the research is not conclusive the evidence is
research allowing the analysis of differences         highly suggestive that air pollution increases
between US cities and suggesting a specific           the risk of adverse mental health events.
association with the fine particle PM 2.5 4.          Another worrying possibility is the link to
Fine particulate matter 2.5 is described as           children developing stunted lungs and also
being 30 times smaller than a hair and being          another link to children developing childhood
able to travel deeply into the respiratory tract,     obesity. A UK cohort research study

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associating commuting with cardiovascular             smoke14. Australia has now officially entered
disease, cancer and mortality has been                the new bushfire season on 1st August 2020.
presented linking census data over 25 years.
Results revealed that more physically active          Aims:
forms of travel from cycling and train use
were certainly preferable to private car usage        1. To demonstrate why Australia has a
which needs to be reduced to achieve future              need for better controls over its air
health and environmental goals11.                        pollution
                                                      2. To determine what Australia should do
In Australia there are unsafe levels of                  to move forward in this matter
particulate matter. Muswellbrook, NSW,
close to the Liddell power station has a              Australia’s Current Situation: Focus on
consistently higher level for fine particles and      Fossil Fuels
their SO2 pollution level is ten times higher
than the World Health Organisation’s                  Australia has a Neoliberal Federal Coalition
standards12. This pollution mainly comes              Government that is pushing for continued use
from coal-fired power station emissions as            of fossil fuels. Although coal is now regarded
well as fossil fuel diesel vehicle emissions. In      as a ‘stranded asset,’15 and companies and
addition, NSW, Victoria, ACT and                      investors may lose money investing in coal,
Queensland, in Australia experienced very             the Federal government is keen to continue
severe and extreme bushfires from October             the production of coal and gas. This is in
1st 2019 through to February 10, 2020. Toxic          direct contrast to industries and companies
Bushfire smoke containing particulate matter          committed to renewable energy, who can see
2.5 blanketed the east coast around Sydney            the benefits of low carbon renewable energy
and surrounds, and the South Coast of NSW             use in Australia. In regard to the Paris
on and off for 19 weeks. Air quality                  Agreement Australia promised to reduce its
monitoring data was obtained for bushfire             emissions by 26 to 28 per cent from 2005
smoke. The highest reading of 98.5 microns            levels by 2030. Instead, since 2015 our
was obtained on January 14, 2020 and                  emissions have been going up year on year 16.
quadrupled the national standard, being 14            Australia is a rich country and should be
times more than the historical average.               doing a lot in terms of climate action. If
Bushfire smoke was estimated to have                  Australia takes into account the amount of
caused:     417      excess     deaths,    1124       coal being mined to be burned in another
hospitalisations for cardiovascular problems,         country then our individual global emissions
2027 for respiratory problems, and 1305               are high at 4%, instead of the 1.3% per capita,
presentations to emergency for asthma 13. An          often cited as infinitesimal17. Right now the
international study on cardiac arrest even for        NSW Independent Planning Commission is
short -term exposure to low concentrations of         evaluating the Santos Narrabri Coal Seam
particulate matter 2.5, notes an association          Gas Project (proposed 850 wells). Nearly
with gaseous pollutants like bushfire                 23,000 submissions were made to the
                                                      Commission, including one from the New

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South Wales Nurses and Midwives’                     who were very positive. They were confident
Association. Nighty-eight percent of                 that social life would improve, and that life
submissions were against the proposed                and health would improve through better air
project.18. The Federal Government however,          quality, less traffic and the development of
is very keen for this CSG mining project to          renewable industries and jobs. On the other
go ahead. Gudasz and colleagues have alerted         hand, there was also the bigger negative
us to the rapid increase of methane with rising      group of respondents who focused strongly
temperatures. Methane produced by gas is             on the loss of jobs, and associated closure of
roughly 30 times more dangerous to the               businesses and falling house prices. This
climate than carbon dioxide 19.                      group did not talk about health or the
                                                     environment and were mistrustful and fearing
Study Example Provided to Emphasise Air              about the announced closure. The other two
Pollution Problem                                    groups (neutral and ambivalent) were not
                                                     clear in their views. Denial that this would
This researcher undertook a study to support         impact them was a possibility, as well as also
the community of the Upper Hunter Valley             having conflicting ideas and uncertainties
(UHV), NSW Australia. They were                      about agreeing with the changes.
transitioning to renewable energy with the
closure of the Liddell coal-fired power plant        Although the significant finding was that
in 2022, and some focus groups, interviews           71% of respondents agreed that such a
and a survey using a mixed methods                   transition would have an important impact on
approach was adopted 20. The 98 response             the life of the community, the health results
survey, consisting of community residents            were concerning. Interestingly confusion
(including nurses) and power workers,                seemed to occur for respondents when they
examined the health and well-being of                were asked about their health and that of their
respondents and their families; asked about          families. The majority (46%) of respondents
the assistance they would need in the                in the survey were undecided about the
transition; about whether they were interested       question: “My health will not improve when
in renewable energy; what support the                the Liddell power station closes,” whilst the
community would need; whether people were            remainder (54%) were equally divided
interested in working with renewables; and           between those disagreeing and those agreeing
basic demographic details were provided. It          that their health would not improve. One
should be noted that AGL, who owned the              survey comment suggested, for example: “as
Liddell power station, were supportive of the        far as I am aware only steam is emitted from
transition from coal to renewables and had a         the Liddell power station…” It could have
plan in place which they had shared with the         been that the questions were in the negative
community.                                           confusing some respondents but the
                                                     following open-ended question indicated that
Results showed that there were four groups           some people were aware of the negative
of respondents who perceived the changes to          effects of power station emissions
energy production. There was a small group           particularly on respiratory health. A further

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comment referred to the focus groups who             Air Quality Standards for PM 2.5 in 199726.
were surprised that many respondents were in         It wasn’t until 15th December 2015 that
the “neither agree or disagree” category and         Australia’s      Environment         Ministers
that they did not see the health benefits            established the National Clean Air
associated with the Liddell power station            Agreement27. They also have the Product
closure.                                             Emissions Standards Act 2017 and Product
                                                     Emissions Standards Rules 2017 to manage
Toxic Legacy of Pollution from Liddell               noxious emissions from outdoor powered
Coal-fired Power Station                             equipment and propulsion marine engines.
The estimated local health costs of coal, from       However although the NSW Environment
mining and power generation, in the Hunter           Protection Authority (EPA) state they are
Valley NSW are in the order of $700million           reducing air pollution and working with
per annum21. It is noted there that every time       Government, industry, communities and the
a coal-fired power station closed down and is        environment to improve air quality there are
replaced by renewable energy, the health             concerns that this is not happening.
benefits to communities within a 100 km
radius of the power plant are immediate22.           In December 2018 submissions were made
AGL’s self-reported pollution data states that       on the Coal-fired Power Stations about
for 2016-2017, the Liddell power station             whether their licences would be reviewed. A
emitted 8,855,569 tonnes of carbon dioxide23         2014 report by the ABC News, based on
and 28 different types of pollutants including:      source data from the Australian Energy
carbon monoxide 1,146 tonnes; sulphur                Market Operator, indicated that by 2030,
dioxide 33,490 tonnes; oxides of nitrogen            65% of Australia’s coal-fired power stations
18,627 tonnes; hydrochloric acid 623 tonnes;         will be over 40 years old 28. This was an
particulate matter 10.0 um 48.5 tonnes; and          opportunity for the EPA to review power
particulate matter 2.5 um 18.3 tonnes 24. The        stations and order them to provide pollution
Liddell power station is very close to               controls. Power stations in China and the US,
Muswellbrook and the Muswellbrook Shire              for example, are required to install pollution
Council’s then, acting general manager Fiona         controls such as Flue Gas Desulphurisation
Plesman commented that levels of NOx                 (FGD) which can remove up to 99% of
emissions would be a real concern for both           sulphur pollution29; Selective Catalytic
the council and the community although the           Reduction (SCR) which can remove high
residents were more worried about fine               levels of NOx pollutant 30; and activated
particle dust from the nearby coal mines             carbon injection now considered the most
spoiling the air quality25.                          robust technology of mercury control31.
                                                     Together these can reduce emissions of
Arguments for A Plan of Action:                      sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and
                                                     mercury respectively by 85% or more32. If
The United States Environmental Protection           Australia were to install the best available
Agency (EPA) established National Ambient            emission control technologies (ECTs), power

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generators could reduce NOx and SO2                  to postpone any decision on Australia’s
emissions by 85% or even more. They are              adopting Euro 6 fuel standards until July
Australia’s single largest source of fine            202736. Australia does not have a fuel
particle pollution, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and        efficiency standard like the US and NZ and
oxides of nitrogen (NOx) that contribute to          other countries. Countries like UK and
illness and premature death33. None of               France have announced plans to ban the sale
Australia’s coal-fired power stations are            of new petrol and diesel cars in 2040 37.
fitted with either Flue Gas Desulphurisation
(FGD) or Selective Catalytic Reduction               Further evidence supporting toxic air
(SCR) as these pollution controls are not            pollution comes from Ewald, 2018, a
currently required by our environmental              population researcher who undertook air
regulators34.                                        quality research around five coal-fired NSW
                                                     power stations and found that every year in
The New South Wales Nurses & Midwives’               NSW there will be 279 premature deaths, 361
Association made a submission on the review          people who develop diabetes type 2, and 233
of coal-fired power station licences, and were       underweight babies. Among other things, this
informed by the EPA that they were happy             research makes one aware of toxic air
with the way the power stations were                 pollution that is transmitted from the Central
operating and they provided a ‘no action             Coast of NSW to Sydney communities.
needed’ response. The EPA showed no                  Sydney, the largest Australian city, is within
concern about examining the amount of toxic          a 200 km radius of these ‘old’ coal-fired
gas like particulate matter 2.5 that was             power stations in NSW which means that it is
escaping from these power plants.                    not exempt from the toxic output38. This toxic
                                                     air pollution from coal-fired power stations;
The next opportunity was to make a                   diesel and petrol air pollution from cars as
submission to the National Environment               well as bad bushfire smoke pollution in major
Council Review on air quality. Our                   cities and surrounding towns of Sydney,
Association, along with many other health            Victoria, ACT and Queensland may occur
organisations and individuals, made this             again. This makes Australia a country with
submission in August 2019 in regard to               considerable problems involving air quality.
proposing to vary the National Environment
Protection (Ambient Air Quality) measure             Conclusion
standards for NO2, SO2 and O3. Our                   Although this research showed that it was
recommendations focused on lowering the              vital to improve the UHV communities’
NO2, SO2 and O3 standards and the way they           understanding about toxic emissions and
are measured to reflect international best           health, what is paramount is that NSW and
practice; enforcing them through legislation         Australia, unlike many other countries, need
and making their monitoring more                     policy development and action on air quality.
transparent35.The former Australian Minister         The evidence of bad pollution – no fuel
for the Environment, Melissa Price, decided          standards, dated controls on emissions from

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soon to be 40 year old coal-fired power               Change (National Framework for Adaptation
stations, the likelihood of recurring bushfires,      and Mitigation) Bill 202039. She, along with
and increased greenhouse gas emissions                a handful of crossbench members, are
through continued coal use and gas mining –           arguing for a conscience vote on the Bill40, to
show that Australia is at the crossroads with         allow more progressive government MPs to
air quality and climate change. In spite of all       support it. If enacted, the Bill would address
these circumstances, there is the possibility of      the issue of climate change in a scientific and
a break though in November of this year. A            systematic way and, in so doing, tackle the
newly elected, non-aligned Member of                  multi-faceted problem of Australia’s poor air
Parliament has introduced the Climate                 quality.

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